Valynn/Logs/20240829 Zoluren Defense Council Meeting

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Zoluren Defense Council Meeting

Arrival and Greetings

The event took place in the largest room of the Town Hall, a space typically used for public meetings and lectures. The setting was notable for its dark oak-paneled walls, polished floors, and padded benches arranged around a small stage and podium. This particular meeting had drawn a large crowd, with various figures from different walks of life in attendance. These included scholars, warriors, healers, and adventurers from across Elanthia, all gathered to discuss the defense of Zoluren in the face of looming threats.

As attendees arrived, there was an air of camaraderie as old friends and allies greeted one another. Hugs and smiles were exchanged, and light-hearted banter filled the room. Notable figures such as Tirost, Illiya, Allye, Phierre, and others made their presence known. The atmosphere was warm, with many expressing their gratitude for being able to come together in such uncertain times.

The Meeting Begins

Tirost, who seemed to be one of the central figures organizing the meeting, opened the proceedings by welcoming everyone and setting the tone for the discussion. He emphasized the importance of the gathering, stating that dangers loomed all around, and those who wished to resist annihilation might soon be called upon to defend Zoluren. The purpose of the meeting was to share survival strategies and ensure that everyone was prepared for combat and possible invasions.

Survival in Combat

The first topic discussed was survival in combat situations. Tirost suggested that everyone should have a quick method to transition from a relaxed state to battle-ready, emphasizing the importance of having armor, a shield, and a parry stick equipped, as well as being in a default fighting stance. He shared his preference for a stance that relied heavily on evasion and his shield.

Calabra added to the conversation by stressing the importance of having a healer, an escape route, or a reliable partner to drag you to safety if necessary. Rileos chimed in, advising that recognizing when you're in over your head and retreating before becoming another body in triage was crucial.

Valynn contributed by emphasizing the importance of knowing the locations of primary and secondary triage areas, as well as being familiar with the layout of the Temple. This was met with agreement, as others in the room nodded in approval.

Triage Locations and Communication

The conversation then shifted to the topic of triage locations during invasions. Tirost asked for opinions on calling out triage locations on the gweth (a form of telepathic communication in DragonRealms). Harsh suggested it was acceptable if the locations were bannered, while Avrenka proposed using codewords if the invaders were intelligent.

The discussion took a slight detour when Phierre questioned Tirost's role in leading the Zoluren Defense Council despite being a member of the Northern Watch, which is based in Therengia. This led to a brief exchange about provincial loyalties, but Tirost clarified that his goal was to help everyone survive, regardless of provincial boundaries.

Sharing Effective Strategies

Tirost steered the conversation back to practical matters, recommending early and frequent retreats when facing overwhelming danger. Others, like Aerilia and Calabra, shared their own survival tactics, including the importance of fleeing when necessary and carrying herbs for healing when triage was not accessible.

Avrenka mentioned that as a Moon Mage, snap-casting teleportation spells to ripplegate locations had saved his life numerous times. Tekhelet suggested that sharing which spells were most effective against specific enemies could also be crucial. This led to a discussion about the recent drake invasion, where avoiding lightning spells had proven to be a lifesaver.

Community and Inclusivity

As the conversation continued, Allye stood up to speak, introducing herself to those who might not know her. She expressed her pride in the community's willingness to come together to protect Zoluren and shared her hope that their efforts would lead to a greater emphasis on defense in the future. Her speech was met with applause and cheers, as many agreed with her sentiments.

Valynn also took the opportunity to speak, expressing her commitment to protecting Zoluren despite being a citizen of Therengia. She emphasized the importance of setting aside provincial differences and working together for the greater good.

The Role of the Immortals vs. the Heralds

The discussion took a more philosophical turn when Avrenka brought up the conflict between the Immortals and the Heralds, urging everyone to choose a side in this divine war. His passionate speech highlighted the importance of not being lukewarm in this struggle and reaffirmed his allegiance to the Immortals. This topic stirred some in the audience, with some agreeing and others, like Elurora, speculating that there might be a third unknown force at play.

Briaen then delivered a stirring speech about the importance of standing firm in their faith and not letting fear or doubt sway them. He spoke of the looming battle and the need to remain united and steadfast in their devotion to the Immortals. His words were powerful, and many in the room felt inspired by his resolve.

Preparation for the Unknown

The meeting continued with practical discussions about preparing for the unknown. Tirost invited Nawain to take the floor, and she introduced the herbal remedies that had been painstakingly prepared for the community. These remedies were meticulously labeled to ensure quick identification during combat, and Nawain provided instructions on how to use them effectively.

Nawain’s work was met with widespread appreciation, as everyone understood the importance of being well-prepared for whatever might come. The distribution of remedies was organized, with different people assigned to distribute specific types.

The Meeting Concludes

As the meeting drew to a close, Tirost thanked everyone for their participation and contributions. There was a sense of unity and determination among the attendees, despite the underlying tension and uncertainty about the future. People began to leave, but not before making plans to continue their preparations and stay in touch for future updates.

Unaka, one of the key figures, offered blessings to those who wanted them as she stepped outside, while others stayed behind to discuss further plans or simply catch up with old friends. The event ended on a note of solidarity, with everyone agreeing that no matter what came next, they would face it together.


[Town Hall, Public Meeting Room]
The largest room in the Town Hall, this is used for public meetings.  Both official meetings and ones held at the behest of townsfolk will be had here.  Sometimes visiting scholars will lecture for the edification of the populace as well.  Dark oak panelled walls and polished floor are surprisingly clean and in good repair.  Padded benches for the public's use are arrayed about a small stage and podium.
You also see a giant withered spider trailing prismatic flames, a spotted leopard that is sleeping, a folding satinwood chair with a Musparan silk cushioned seat, a sand-hued lynx with a tufted black-tipped tail that is sleeping, a horned phantom thrall and some heavy double doors.
Also here: Back Alley Hack Phierre, Thinker Couri, Stellar Statistician Urbaj, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Druid Zyros who has a stony visage, Mageling Aerilia, War Healer Misteeus whose form wavers within a roiling cloud of blue smoke, White Gladiolus Allye who is haloed by ethereal lotus and gladiolus blooms dancing in a gentle breeze, Forest Sprite Lileath who is accompanied by a pair of faintly glowing will-o-wisps, Life Weaver Ysilda, Mathematician Avrenka, Reriyn, Fearless Crobin, Knight of Meraud Tirost who has a stony visage, Spectral Warrior Harsh who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Zoluren's Ally Karthor, Dawnsworn Briaen who is surrounded by a corona of fiery light, Roughneck Rileos, Daisybelle, Frostfang Wraith Calabra who is sitting, Desert Dancer Zersha who is sitting, Elemental Aegis Tekhelet who is sheathed in an aura of crackling electricity, Pilgrim Nawain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Breakfast Connoisseur Katriwen, Blessed of Katamba Laureh, Esmicah, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu who is surrounded by six playful cats bounding around, Merchant Marine Teavira, Sublime Mender Kerennya, Tialia and Tamryasa.
Obvious exits: none.

Phierre waves to Crobin.

Tekhelet's ears flip forward for a moment.
Phierre hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Tirost smiles at you.

Phierre smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Teavira's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Illiya hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at you.

Lileath begins to carefully examine some plovik unguent.

Aerilia sits down on the padded benches.

>grin tiro
You grin at Tirost.

>hug ill
You hug Illiya who gives you a smile in return.  A faint scent of strawberries clings to her skin.

Calabra pats the pocket gopher on the head, the rodent wiggling its whiskers contentedly in return.

>grin crob
You grin at Crobin.

Lady Knight Elurora came through some heavy double doors.

Crobin hugs you, and you give him a smile in return.

>smil harsh
You smile at Harsh.

Harsh smiles with satisfaction as he continues to masterfully buff and shape his ebony block.

Crobin hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Illiya hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

>hug crob
You hug Crobin who wraps his arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of falling rain clings to his fur.

Harsh smiles at you.

Illiya beams at Elurora!

Elurora hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Tirost recites:
    "Welcome, and thank you for coming."

Elurora hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Harsh tips his blob to you with a courteous nod.

Elurora bows to you.

Allye hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

>smil elu
You smile at Elurora.

Elurora snaps to attention and hails Rileos with a crisp hand salute.

High Lord of Justice Imroth came through some heavy double doors.

>bow elu
You bow to Elurora.

Phierre whispers something to Illiya.

Elurora grins at you.

Imroth raises his hand in a quick salute.

Illiya hugs Imroth, getting a smile in return.

>grin rile
You grin at Rileos.

Tirost says, "Dangers lie all around us, and those who would resist annihilation may soon be called to defend the people of Zoluren."

Crobin pats Imroth on the back.

Rileos flashes a quick grin at you.

Esotericist Eyst came through some heavy double doors.

Tirost says, "Our goal for this meeting is to share the means by which we can survive and function effectively in combat."

>stand rile
You stand near Rileos.

Phierre raises an eyebrow.

Elurora beams at Illiya!

Tirost says, "To that end, we'll discuss three topics: how to survive in combat, how to help during an invasion, and any words you wish to share that can inspire us to take action in dangerous and uncertain times."

>hug zer
You hug Zersha who gives you a smile in return.  A faint scent of moonflowers clings to her skin.

Zersha hugs you, and you give her a smile in return.

Tekhelet nods to Tirost.

Tirost says, "I welcome each of you to speak on any topic that may come before us, and ask that each person be allowed to share their complete thoughts."

>grin all
You grin at Allye.

Tirost recites:
    "We will begin with sharing anything that helps one survive in combat situations.."

Allye beams at you!  What a warm feeling!

Allye hugs you, and you give her a smile in return.

>hug ally
You hug Allye who gives you a smile in return.  A faint scent of sea spray clings to her fur.

Knight Errant Trajan came through some heavy double doors.

Tirost says, "You can whisper to me, or raise your hand, or just speak your ideas."

Tirost says, "To get us started, I recommend having a fast method of making sure you have armor, a shield and a parry stick equipped and you're in a default fighting stance."

Tirost says, "For me, my default stance relies on evasion and my shield."

Tekhelet smiles at Tirost.

Tirost says, "Train yourself to go from however you train or socialize, to battle ready as fast as possible."

Calabra says, "Make sure you have a healer, an escape route, or a great partner to help drag you in case of danger."

Esmicah's tail sways freely.  Looks like he really enjoys being in moonskin.

Tirost nods to Calabra.

Tirost says to Calabra, "For me, it's Dokt's. If I'm in trouble and can't find help, I run there as fast as I can."

Rileos raises his hand.

Tirost nods to Rileos.

Reriyn went through some heavy double doors.

Rileos says, "Speakin of bein in trouble, recognize when you're in over your head and cut before you're another body in triage."

>raise hand
You raise your hand.

Tirost nods in agreement.

Aerilia nods.

Tirost gestures at you.

>nod agre
You nod in agreement.

Imroth casually observes the area.

>'Know where primary triage is, where secondary triage is and your way around the Temple.
You say, "Know where primary triage is, where secondary triage is and your way around the Temple."

Phierre raises his hand.

Rileos nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Druid Zyros went through some heavy double doors.

Tirost asks, "I see you, Phierre, but may we pause here for a moment?"

Phierre says, "I have a different question."

Tirost says, "I am curious how people feel about calling out triage locations on gweth."

Harsh quietly says, "If they are bannered that should be ok."

Harsh shrugs.

Tirost nods to Harsh.

Harsh smiles.

Calabra ponders.

>nod hars
You nod to Harsh.

Avrenka says, "I think if the invaders are not smart, probably ok ... if they're intelligent, probably need to use codewords."

Allye nods in agreement.

Tirost nods to Avrenka.

Calabra says, "They haven't broken through the crossing walls in a long time."

Calabra smiles.

Phierre asks, "Why is a member of the Northern watch.. running the *zoluren* defense council?"

Tirost glances at Allye.

Tirost smiles.

>gaze down
You gaze down at the floor.

Allye smiles at Tirost.

Sukidesu studies the area intently.

Tirost says to Phierre, "I am a citizen of Zoluren."

Tekhelet asks Phierre, "He's qualified is he not?"

Tekhelet glances at Phierre.

Imroth ponders.

Phierre asks Tirost, "Is the baron aware of that?"

Tirost says to Phierre, "Though I also serve with the Watch. My only goal here is to help us to survive and achieve our goals."

Phierre says, "I though it was a part of your charter to be a member of therengia."

Tirost shakes his head at Phierre.

Allye says, "As discordant as we often are, this does seem like the kind of time when we should set those differences aside and work toward the common purpose of protecting our province and its people."

Phierre says, "Interesting."

Elurora nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Briaen says to Phierre, "With all the disrespecet I can muster, I do not see how your inquiry helps save lives."

Calabra says, "I agree."

Harsh nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Phierre smiles at Briaen, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Karthor chuckles.

>praise all
You praise Allye.

Phierre says to Briaen, "I'd have to care about your opinion to care about your disrepect, which I don't."

Tirost says, "All ideas are welcome, but I hope to keep them focused on those things that help survival at the moment."

Calabra says, "As a member of the Emerald Knights, I stand witness."

Phierre says, "I'm simply wishing to get clarity as to what is happening here."

With amazing speed, Briaen strikes Phierre in the throat with the edge of his flattened palm.  Phierre clutches his throat, wheezing pathetically.

Urbaj rolls his eyes.

Phierre nods to Tirost.

Harsh sighs.

Tekhelet says, "There is a ferry that allows one to cross the water from one province to another."

Tirost says, "I would like to add to Rileos's point. I highly recommend retreating early and often."

Spectral Warrior Harsh went through some heavy double doors.

Lady of Frostbite Siendra came through some heavy double doors.

Sukidesu waves to Siendra.

Elurora just hugged Siendra.

Esmicah's ears flip forward for a moment.

Tirost says, "Make standing and retreating a reflex, that can be done anytime you sense danger."

Laureh's ears flip forward for a moment.

Siendra hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Siendra's ears flip forward for a moment.

You feel the Earth Meld spell dissipate completely.

Nawain's ears flip forward for a moment.

Siendra hugs Nawain, who wraps her arms around Siendra with a warm smile.

Tirost asks, "Any other practices that help with survival?"

Nawain just hugged Siendra.

Aerilia says, "Casting all else aside and fleeing when I couldn't escape from a foe has saved my life a number of times."

Sukidesu just hugged Siendra.

Siendra's tail sways freely.  Looks like she really enjoys being in moonskin.

Siendra hugs Sukidesu, who wraps his arms around Siendra with a warm smile.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

>grin aer
You grin at Aerilia.

Allye nods in agreement.

Calabra says, "Bringing herbs with you, for healing when no triage is in sight."

Nawain frowns, shaking her head with an expression of exasperation before resting her face in the palm of her hand.

Tekhelet nods to Nawain.

Tirost smiles at Calabra.

Avrenka says, "Snap casting teleport to a ripplegate location is how I get out of every situation as a moon mage ..."

Katriwen nods to Calabra.

Tekhelet says to Nawain, "Good info, I agree."

Nawain giggles at Tekhelet.

Nawain gently kisses Tekhelet on the cheek.

Phierre manages to gain control of his vocal cords.

Tirost says to Avrenka, "Sounds nice."

Tirost grins at Avrenka.

Avrenka shrugs.

Illiya ponders.

You grin.

Avrenka says, "I think every guild probably has some panic spell they can ."

Tirost says, "Nawain and many others have helped to craft some excellent remedies."

Nawain sneezes.

Nawain sighs.

Tirost smiles at Nawain.

Siendra rubs Nawain gently.

Calabra glowers.

Tirost says, "She also has a method for using them that might be useful, so if you're new to herbs, I recommend speaking with her."

Nawain nods.

Illiya raises her hand.

Tirost nods to Illiya.

Illiya asks, "I think the name 'Zoluren Defense Council' confused me as well. Does this meeting have anything to do with Zoluren, or is it just general defense tips?"

Phierre says to Illiya, "Thank you."

Phierre clucks his tongue and shakes his head.

Tirost says to Illiya, "The reason for this meeting in this place at this time is because of the rescue attempt."

Illiya asks Tirost, "Can you elaborate a bit?"

Wild Card Elore came through some heavy double doors.

Imroth says, "It would be a good idea if Zoluren in general could come to an agreement on a path forward to resolve Wild Magic."

Phierre smiles at Elore, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Elurora chuckles at Imroth.

Allye nods to Imroth.

Calabra nods to Imroth.

Tirost asks Illiya, "Has Saragos spoken to you about his plans?"

Siendra says to Imroth, "That's a...sweet thought."

Elore smiles.

Siendra grins at Imroth.

Phierre peers quizzically at Elore.

Illiya says to Tirost, "Not directly, no."

Elore stands near Phierre.

Phierre just took the hand of Elore and gently kissed the back of it.

Zersha waves to Elore.

Elore waves to Zersha.

Tirost says to Illiya, "He feels strongly that secrecy is necessary, but my hope was to help and prepare Zoluren specifically for anything that may happen during the event he plans to lead."

Lord Knight Hebion came through some heavy double doors.

Elurora snaps to attention and hails Hebion with a crisp hand salute.

Zersha rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

With a graceful movement of her hands, Zersha lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Hebion.

Hebion snaps to attention and hails Elurora with a crisp hand salute.

Hebion bows to Zersha.

Elore blinks.

Calabra winks at Katriwen.

Tirost asks, "Are there any other thoughts anyone may have on things that help one survive?"

Katriwen laughs at Calabra.

>nod hebion gracious
You nod graciously at Hebion, giving him a polite smile.

Katriwen says, "Well I always like to mention the kirm cheese from Feta's in Arthe Dale, it stops bleeding, if you didn't know."

Allye beams at Katriwen!

Elurora blinks at Katriwen.

Aerilia tilts her head to one side.

Katriwen shrugs.

Avrenka says to Katriwen, "Really."

Calabra gasps!

Tekhelet raises his hand.

Allye says, "It's true, we tested it. It slows bleeding more and more with each bite."

Karthor raises an eyebrow.

Katriwen nods to Avrenka.

Tirost smiles at Katriwen.

Karthor says, "That's some fancy cheese."

Avrenka asks, " on earth does that work?"

>grin katri
You grin at Katriwen.

Tirost says to Katriwen, "That I did not know."

>scrib katri
You look at Katriwen and jot down some notes.

Calabra says, "Might even be better than whale cheese."

Calabra winks at Allye.

Tirost grins at Karthor.

Sukidesu says, "Must be some kind of herb in the cheese."

Illiya says, "Really?! Well now I want some cheese."

Avrenka says to Katriwen, "Also how did you even discover that."

Allye quietly says to Calabra, "A low bar."

Calabra chortles softly at some secret joke.

Katriwen says, "Not sure how it works, but I heard about it from someone else and Allye tested it to make sure."

Illiya begins chortling at Allye.

Tekhelet says, "I think sharing what spells are effective against the enemy. Letting others know that perhaps a fire spell is better than a woter spell for example can help."

Tirost nods to Tekhelet.

Rileos suddenly blinks and wakes up from his daydream.

Tirost says, "In the recent drake invasion, Anuril told us not to use lightning spells, and that helped me a lot."

Phierre looks at Elore and shrugs.

Elore joins Phierre's group.

Trajan asks, "How fattening must that cheese be, that it saturates your blood so well it makes it too thick to come out of a wound?"

Avrenka's shadow briefly flaps its wings.  Wait, wings?  However, when next you look there is no sign of wings.

Tekhelet says, "Communication is important in combat."

Trajan blinks.

Calabra says, "I feel like only the Gods may know."

Nawain nods at Tekhelet, obviously agreeing with his views.

Calabra smirks at Trajan.

Phierre gazes off into the distance.

Illiya nods to Allye.

Siendra slyly asks, "And how about water spells?"

Trajan nods to Calabra.

Tirost grins at Siendra.

Allye rummages about her person, looking for something.

Tekhelet glances at Siendra.

Siendra hums to herself.

Allye gets a wax-covered kirm cheese from inside a rugged puce backpack.

Allye offers Katriwen a wax-covered kirm cheese.

Katriwen accepts Allye's kirm cheese.

Tirost says to Siendra, "They worked really well, I hate to admit."

Nawain says, "If your spouse is short, tie a flag on a very tall pole so you can find them in a true melee."

Calabra chuckles.

Katriwen laughs at Allye.

Nawain jabs an elbow into Tekhelet's ribs.  The honeymoon must be over.

Karthor says, "There's always "speak up if ya need healin'", I s'pose. That an' remainin' in a group is helpful to any healers that may be in the fray with ya."

Nawain grins at Tekhelet.

Siendra preens.  Someone's pleased with herself!

Katriwen puts her cheese in her book bag.

Calabra asks, "Allye how much cheese do you have?"

Sukidesu laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Calabra looks thoughtfully at Allye.

Tirost smiles at Siendra.

Rileos grasps his chin roughly and jerks it to the side.  You hear a loud pop and see him visibly relax.

Elore nods to Karthor.

Tekhelet says to Siendra, "Water spells are such a wash."

Tirost nods to Karthor.

Katriwen exclaims to Allye, "Thanks!"

Siendra sticks her tongue out at Tekhelet.

Allye quietly says to Calabra, "Infinite cheese."

Allye nods to Katriwen.

A pained expression crosses Calabra's face.

Elurora quietly says, "I never felt the need to keep cheese in my pocket before, now I'm debating it."

Elore laughs at Allye.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Allye.

Illiya says to Allye, "I would like some cheese too then."

Tirost says, "Let's move on to those other things that help during invasions."

Karthor grins at Elurora.

Illiya nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Tirost recites:
    "We will next welcome discussions on the best way to help during invasions."

Sukidesu says to Elurora, "Cheese is good to hoard in your pockets."

Sukidesu nods.

Rileos glances at Elurora.

Elurora grins at Sukidesu.

Siendra says to Elurora, "You need to ask yourself, though...if you *trust* pocket cheese."

Elurora says to Siendra, "More than I trust some people."

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Siendra.

Siendra laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Calabra says, "I will always trust Allye's cheese."

Tirost says, "Casting benefical spells on those around you is something I value a lot."

Siendra says, "Good point."

Illiya quietly says to Elurora, "Good one."

Elurora winks at Illiya.

Allye nods to Tirost.

Elurora flashes a wide grin at Illiya.

Phierre whispers something to Elore.

Katriwen nods to Tirost.

Calabra taps an electrum kathla of eight incongruous medals depicting adventures of yore that he is wearing.

Phierre nods to Elore.

Calabra says, "Having a lovely kathla for barriers."

Avrenka asks, "Which beneficial spells are the best or most important?"

Calabra examines his kathla.

Tirost says, "Those that boost or protect are a really big help."

Medir came through some heavy double doors.

Illiya waves to Medir.

Tirost says, "The ones that can be cast on others differ with each guild though."

Medir smiles.

Kaith Partani Souv came through some heavy double doors.

Lileath appears calmer than she did a moment ago.

Allye says, "Sometimes it depends on what gaps you may have in your own defenses, too."

Nawain giggles at Laureh.

Tekhelet says to Tirost, "Calling out where the high level foes are."

Laureh grins at Nawain.

Nawain nods at Laureh, obviously agreeing with her views.

Phierre says, "Well, this has been very informative. I hope you all have a lovely evening... oh and Briaen. Do watch your back."

Nawain waves to Medir.

Back Alley Hack Phierre's group went through some heavy double doors.

Elurora glances at some heavy double doors.

Medir waves to Nawain.

>rais eyeb
You arch your eyebrow.

Tirost says to Tekhelet, "Well said."

Briaen gazes at his fingernails.

Allye glances at Briaen.

>shak head valy
You cluck your tongue and shake your head.

Trajan acts puzzled.

Tirost says to Tekhelet, "It helps other fighters join up."

Calabra gives Medir a studious look, as if committing him to memory.

Kaith Partani Souv went through some heavy double doors.

>nod medi court
You tip your balaclava to Medir with a courteous nod.

Tirost says, "Draging the fallen to triage is also very helpful."

Avrenka asks, "Should we establish a code word for triage for tomorrow?"

Tirost nods to you.

With a flourish, Tekhelet produces a commemorative tursa coin with rippled edges hidden in his palm and begin to roll it across his knuckles from the index to the little finger and back again.

Avrenka asks, "Or a pre-established location?"

Tirost says to Avrenka, "I have strong opinions on that..."

Medir leans on Allye.

Teavira serenely says, "If you have a caravan, you can use it for dragging bodies, though granted I haven't done that in ages..."

Teavira ponders.

Allye beams at Medir!

Calabra examines his goggles.

>'Speaking of triage, it's been a long time since being in a large invasion here. Has triage changed much?
You ask, "Speaking of triage, it's been a long time since being in a large invasion here. Has triage changed much?"

Allye leans over and scratches Medir's back.

Medir grins.

Elurora looks at Briaen, obviously trying not to grin.

Siendra hugs Medir, who wraps his arms around Siendra with a warm smile.

Medir just hugged Siendra.

Hebion begins chortling at Briaen.

Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus came through some heavy double doors.

Illiya snaps to attention and hails Warbrolus with a crisp hand salute.

Crobin gives Warbrolus a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Khozh Elizzibiana came through some heavy double doors.

Tirost says to you, "My short answer is no, but some feel we should be more subtle with triage."

Imroth's ears flip forward for a moment.

>'And what about raising in the cleric guild? Is that still done?
You ask, "And what about raising in the cleric guild? Is that still done?"

Elurora gives Briaen a slight nod.

Tirost laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Katriwen asks, "Some of us have never seen an invasion, are there predetermined places?"

Rileos says, "I'm all for cloak and dagger funsies, but we all know the empath guild is going to be triage because it -always is-."

Medir chuckles at Rileos.

Briaen nods to Rileos.

Calabra says, "Oh Katriwen they are so much fun."

Sukidesu says, "People generally drag bodies to the empath guild these days, the cleric not used so much for that anymore."

Tirost says to Katriwen, "It is through the doors of the Empath Guild in the courytyard, generally."

Illiya says, "It's the place that makes the most sense."

Avrenka says, "I know the temple used to be a backup triage locatoin."

Katriwen grins at Calabra.

Allye says, "It's true. When we don't have an organized effort, Empaths and Clerics do know to gather there when needed."

Katriwen quietly says to Calabra, "You would think so."

Tirost asks Illiya, "Was that what you were thinking?"

Avrenka says, "But the empath guild is typically attacked in intelligent invasions as well."

Warbrolus gives Crobin a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Illiya says to Tirost, "The Empath guild? For sure."

Elurora slowly says, "They've been using the downstairs area for triage since it's warded against violence."

Avrenka's shadow stretches slowly towards Tirost, the mouth distorting into a maw full of fangs, and bites his foot before returning to its natural .

Warbrolus lifts his face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Nawain lifts her face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Elurora says, "I forget what the area is called, blue or white or something."

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Siendra smiles at Warbrolus.

Tirost says to Avrenka, "Yes, but that doesn't bother me."

Esmicah lifts his face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Nawain wags her tail enthusiastically.

Rileos looks at Elurora and shrugs.

Warbrolus smiles at Siendra.

Tirost says, "The more important thing is to call out the attack."

Calabra unties a heavy tomiek spider with an array of razor-sharp legs from the straps of his studded toolstrap.

Laureh lifts her face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Illiya says, "Healerie."

Karthor says to Elurora, "Healin' in the Healerie? Now yer in danger o' makin' too much sense."

Elurora quietly says to Rileos, "I'm pretty sure it was a color."

Calabra carefully examines a heavy tomiek spider with a befuddled look on his face.

Rileos says to Elurora, "See, this is why you can't have pocket cheese, you're gonna forget about it and it'll turn."

Elurora chuckles at Karthor.

Tirost chuckles at Karthor.

Elurora says to Rileos, "I don't think you can stop me from having pocket cheese."

Elurora looks at Rileos, obviously trying not to grin.

Rileos says to Elurora, "Why would I want to?  This is gonna be hilarious for me."

Elurora laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Tirost says, "I think we should leave it to the Empaths and Clerics to decide the place for Triage in Zoluren."

Calabra nods to Tirost.

>l cala
You see Emerald Knight Calabra Forest-Seord, Secret Agent of the Order of the Apostles, an Elf.
His features are hidden behind a smoky glass half mask covered in pale webbing, with an articulated obsidian spider resting just above his left eye.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a smoky brown pocket gopher, a smoky glass half mask covered in pale webbing, a lucid blue glass moon, a timeless mistglass trinket bearing a grimwood blood wolf, a rugged dragonar satchel studded with aldamdin wolves, some black leather wraparound goggles with button-sized malachite lenses, a demonscale scabbard with an aldamdin-lined strap, a telothian-backed shadowbark bow fitted with a shadowy wraithheart arrow plate, a segmented baldric of ashen alerce plates etched with climbing vines, a forest-green punka pack trimmed with wildlace and a clasp of absinthe emerald, a nondescript jacket with a shadowy eagle imprinted on the sleeve, a somber grey tabard emblazoned with Meraud's tenacious black wolf, a dark bourde shirt with dendritic shading and forest's heart garnet buttons, a dark amber hunter's coat interwoven with abyssal demonscale tassels, a thick armband formed by joined segments of blackened carapace, a spidersilk scrip, a rugged leather archer's armguard lined with emerald jadeleaf cloth, a lifesculpted lirisan wristcuff of overlapping leaves, some articulated clockwork hand claws with patinated haralun blades, an emerald encrusted white gold ring bearing the crest of the Ranger Guild, a heavy iron aegis ring covered with shesegri etchings, a compact forester's pouch embroidered with "100!" in black thread, an exotic green gem pouch of interwoven rafflesia vines, some dark punka pants with sturdy fastenings of blackened bone, some blackened hunter's greaves woven with abyssal demonscale and riftstones, a demonscale quiver lined in firestorm samite, a sanguine-hued gutting knife with a punka-wrapped handle and a pair of dark hunting boots with sturdy kertig grommets and rawhide laces.

Calabra nods to Katriwen.

Tekhelet says to Rileos, "I think you mean age, not turn."

Elurora says to Rileos, "Just wait until you need to borrow some."

Elurora nods to Rileos.

Elurora flashes a wide grin at Rileos.

Calabra stares fixedly at his hunting boots, studying them intently.

Calabra begins to carefully examine some articulated clockwork hand claws with patinated haralun blades.

Sukidesu clears his throat.

Tirost says, "Another useful way to help in invasion is to gweth for help."

Illiya quietly asks Allye, "Front line catering basket with pocket cheese?"

Tirost says, "If you see a body or could use help with an enemy, please call out the location."

Allye says to Illiya, "It's a good idea."

Allye grins at Illiya.

Nawain's left ear begins to twitch in what appears to be a nervous reaction.

Tekhelet ducks his head.

Allye grins at Souv.

Souv winks at Allye.

Nawain leans back against Tekhelet with a loving smile.

Tirost says, "TLet us move on to the final topic."

Tirost recites:
    "I would like to invite anyone who wishes to share any reasons or inspiring words for taking action amid dangerous or uncertain times."

>l tekhe
You see Elemental Aegis Tekhelet Augtaire, Fruna del Enelne of Siksraja, a Rakash Warrior Mage.
Tekhelet has a wolfish face with deeply furrowed lines between the eyebrows, slightly pointed ears, silver-haloed enchanting forfra eyes and a greying muzzle, a katamba-black and sable coat with Katamba-black masking, a long floofy tail and a well-defined build.
He is tall for a Rakash.
He appears to be young.
His left palm has a tattoo of a stylized butterfly sketched in thick inky black lines.

He is wearing a fitted leather rantija with a deeply cowled hood, a somber Katamba-black dergatine odaj secured by a pin of wrought tursa, a jagged aldamdin armband contorted around a perfectly round black disc, a dusky asini oath band embedded with shards of uncut kazene, a wide josta of knotted relna leather, a roughened oak tailband marked with deeply burned symbols and a pair of rugged nauda.

Allye raises her hand.

Tirost nods to Allye.

Allye flashes a quick grin.

Allye says, "Hello, everyone. My name is Allye, for anyone I haven't met before."

Tekhelet grasps his chin roughly and jerks it to the side.  You hear a loud pop and see him visibly relax.

Elurora casually observes the area.

Elurora glances at Allye.

Calabra lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Teavira casually observes the area.

>smil ally
You smile at Allye.

Allye says, "Despite the somber nature of our reason for being here, I'm gladdened to see so many people interested in the protection of Zoluren."

Illiya whistles at Allye.

Tekhelet leans against some padded benches.

>l teav
You see Merchant Marine Teavira Oshu'kiel-Sikeil, Guard of the Desert of Zoluren, a Prydaen Trader.
Teavira has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears, bright cat-slitted crystal blue eyes and a small nose.  Her golden mane is long and wavy, and is worn pulled back in a bun.  She has calico fur with a white belly, a long bushy tail and a lissome figure.
She appears to be young.
Her forearm has a tattoo of a teeny blackwork mouse clutching a multifaceted gem twice its size in its paws.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a young desert rat, a canvas miner's backpack, a multi-strapped carryall, a pair of high-heeled golden rosecloth boots lined with cashmere, a polished oval shield etched with a raven pecking at a pile of gems, an electroweave tail case framed within a spherical lattice of diamondwood, a pair of chain gloves painted with the crest of Ilithi, a fuzzy gem pouch embroidered with an orange-striped tabby cat, a dolphin-shaped traveler's pack with azure straps, a purple gold wedding torque with carved strawberry finials, a frosted seaglass cowbell inlaid with silver sea-calves along the rim, a fluttery saffron dergatine skirt with a glittery gauze overlay, some tel'athi elbow spikes bound with strips of Velakan linen, a glaes wrist blade etched with a triple-tined claw, a slender steel skinning knife with a sunstar jasper pommel, a heavily faceted blood ruby rose, a tiny jadeleaf cloth garden blooming with delicate rosecloth blossoms, a pure white tail pouch, a white canvas feedbag, a cambrinth tailband inlaid with metallic phofe flowers, a rugged blacksmith's toolbelt secured by a hexagonal icesteel buckle, a silver earring set with a small red garnet, an octagonal ecosphere dangling from a twisted orichalcum chain, an engraved blue gold locket with a box-link chain, a prismatic cloak composed of brightly-hued silken flowers, a ruby-encrusted tear-shaped pin, some iridescent periwinkle filaments strung with bloodgem stars, a gold tasseled turpeer inlaid with a pattern of diamond lightning bolts, an elegant mra'sin marbled in shades of blue and gold, a sleeveless cream silk tunic gathered at the waist with golden ribbons before falling in gentle folds to the floor, a white silk surcoat with the crest of the Traders' Guild on the front, a book of master weaponsmithing instructions, a glittery royal-blue parry stick with faceted druzy quartz ends, a silver signet ring centered with an ornate crest and water opal accents, a prismatic gold claw ornamented by a moon pearl firecat, a braided blue gold signet ring with a lapis lazuli stone, a pure white sheath, a flame-orange sanowret crystal set in an enameled firecat, a metallic lockpick ring, a star-streaked midnight black sack fastened with an obsidian murder crow and a blue gold anklet bearing a shariza charm and semi-precious gemstones.

Teavira quietly asks, "Is there anyone who doesn't?"

Calabra begins to carefully examine some vardite gloves interspersed with links of fracturing goldfyre.

Siendra smiles at Allye.

Court Advisor Aaiyaah came through some heavy double doors.

Illiya nods at Teavira, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora quietly says to Teavira, "That's what I was wondering."

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Aaiyaah.

Warbrolus beams at Allye!

Teavira grins at Illiya.

Tirost smiles at Aaiyaah.

Allye says, "Truffenyi's Chosen, Unaka, was in many ways correct to come to Crossing when seeking the center of civilization. I concede I am quite biased, but so much weight of history falls upon the shoulders of this province and her people."

Aaiyaah sweeps a gold-inlaid tyrium great helm accented with royal blue off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Illiya at the same time.

Teavira nods to Elurora.

Crobin gives Aaiyaah a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Aaiyaah shakes Tirost's hand.

Aaiyaah hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Aaiyaah with a warm smile.

Katriwen gazes at Allye.

Aaiyaah whispers something to Tirost.

Aaiyaah grins at Tirost.

Calabra gazes at Allye.

>smil aaiy
You smile at Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah winks at you.

Allye says, "It is my hope that these efforts today will lead to a greater emphasis on the defense of Zoluren in the future, as history continues to be written."

>gaze ally
You gaze at Allye.

Allye says, "As a much younger woman, aboard the Acacia Flower in the employ of the Zoluren Navy, I was awed at the might of our populace. Though we are a diverse bunch who often disagree, when we come together to serve a common purpose, there isn't much that can stop us."

>touch aaiy
You rest your hand on Aaiyaah's arm with a soft smile.

Medir nods.

You smile.

Medir says, "Well said."

Briaen nods in agreement.

Allye says, "I dearly wish to see that kind of unity and organized effort among our adventurers again now and into the whatever may lay ahead of us in coming times. As a member of the White Gladiolus Society, I pledge to do whatever I can to help that happen."

Zersha smiles at Allye, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Calabra looks at Allye and applauds!

Siendra looks at Allye and applauds!

Illiya looks at Allye and applauds!

>rais hand
You raise your hand.

Souv says, "That's my youngling."

Allye says, "I pray for our people's safety now amidst these new trials and uncertainties. I pray we can all make it through, together."

Nawain smiles at Allye.

Elurora looks at Allye and applauds!

Allye's ears perk up happily.

Imroth lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

>praise ally
You praise Allye.

Medir applauds.

Tirost whispers something to Aaiyaah.

Nawain nods to Allye.

Teavira lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Briaen applauds.

Elizzibiana leans back.

Aaiyaah praises Allye.

Sukidesu looks at Allye and applauds!

Kerennya smiles at Allye.

Aerilia smiles.

>beam ally
You beam at Allye!

Tirost says to Allye, "That was well said, Allye. Thank you."

Allye nods.

Tirost asks, "Is there anyone else who wish to share their thoughts on what motivates them in these uncertain times?"

Avrenka coughs.

Briaen studies the faces around him.

Imroth says, "I have been fairly long winded about the topic. I enjoy hearing others though."

Calabra says, "Protecting my friends and family."

Tirost smiles at Imroth.

Tirost asks Avrenka, "Did you wish to speak, Avrenka?"

Siendra says, "My pack."

Avrenka says, "I do, but it may not be well received."

Nawain smiles at Siendra.

Tirost gazes at Siendra.

Elurora nods at Siendra, obviously agreeing with her views.

Siendra lifts her face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Sukidesu nods at Siendra, obviously agreeing with her views.

>gaze avr
You gaze at Avrenka.

Illiya gazes at Siendra.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Avrenka.

>motion avr
You motion to Avrenka.

Elurora just touched a grey leather armband adorned with onyx carvings.

Sukidesu throws his head back and howls!

Avrenka says to Tirost, "I'll speak only with your permission."

Sukidesu grins, revealing his dimples.

Tekhelet lifts his face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Tirost says to Avrenka, "Let us listen to Siendra, if she has more to say, if not, I would appreciate your thoughts."

Avrenka nods to Tirost.

>gaze siend
You gaze at Siendra.

Tekhelet says to Siendra, "Speech."

>l sien
You see Lady of Frostbite Siendra Vauns'Arotru, Frost Fang of Siksraja, a Rakash.
Siendra has a classic lupine face with a swirl of glittered snowflakes painted on each cheek, a single snow violet tinged with purple that rests behind one of her ears and luminous zila eyes, a brindled and silver coat, a long floofy tail and a slender figure.
A stoic snow hawk carved from a white sapphire with piercing blue eyes floats lazily around her head, glowing with a lustrous sheen against her fur.
She has a tattoo of a water elemental staring with iridescent eyes on her hand.

She is wearing a dark silver crown engraved with swirling snowflakes, a pale opal ear cuff decorated with a tiny diamond snowflake, a glacial blue winterweave sochi lined with snowy white frost opal icesilk, a dark watersilk bag wrapped in winterweave with a sculpted snowcatcher lotus, a scintillating uzil odaj clasped with a Katamba spinel, a delicate silver bracelet dangling a sculpted water droplet, a pure white velvet case clasped with a platinum snowflake, a pair of cerulean raw silk vikses bearing elaborately embroidered cuffs and a pair of hiro bear pelt nauda held by sinew ties.

Tirost grins at Tekhelet.

Rileos scratches distractedly at his beard.

Nawain laughs!

Katriwen leans on Calabra.

Siendra exclaims to Tirost, "Oh, goodness no, I was just answering your question!"

Katriwen smiles at Calabra.

Nawain pats Siendra on the back.

Siendra grumbles at Tekhelet.

Tirost nods.

>grin sie
You grin at Siendra.

Tekhelet smiles.

Elurora pats Siendra on the back.

Siendra appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Allye grins at Siendra.

Tirost says to Siendra, "Your pack is a great source of strength."

Calabra gives Katriwen a gentle poke in the ribs.

Illiya grins at Siendra, her dimples flashing into view.

Tirost says to Avrenka, "Please, share your thoughts."

>turn shro
You pull down your shroud's hood, revealing your features.
Warbrolus nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Illiya gazes at Avrenka.

Siendra nods in agreement.

Warbrolus's tail swishes through the air.

Avrenka nods.

Avrenka exclaims, "People of Elanthia!"

Elurora gazes at Avrenka.

Avrenka says, "As much as we preach unity and desire peace amongst all beings, it has become clear to me that lines have been drawn between the Heralds and the Immortals. As much as I wish for all to live in harmony, visions of late show there is a war being waged."

Siendra gazes at Avrenka.

Avrenka says, "I believe we must choose for ourselves this day whom we will serve: whether the Immortals our ancestors served, or the Heralds from the times of ancient primal Elanthia."

Zersha tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Katriwen gasps!

Avrenka says, "Let us not deceive ourselves thinking we can choose both sides, or that all entites desire to live in harmony. Make no mistake, war is already being waged, and it is between divine beings."

Calabra puts his morgawr in his war belt.

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Nawain observes Avrenka with fascination.

Avrenka says, "So be not lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. If serving the Immortals seems undesirable to you, then choose the Heralds. But as for me, I will serve the Immortals."

Sukidesu nods to Avrenka.

Elizzibiana yawns expansively.

Avrenka bows.

Aaiyaah praises Avrenka.

Nawain nods at Avrenka, obviously agreeing with his views.

Briaen nods at Avrenka, obviously agreeing with his views.

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Nawain adds to Avrenka's praises.

Nawain whispers a prayer from her mouth into the wind, certain it will reach Enelne's ear.

Briaen says to Avrenka, "Well spoken."

Teavira lets out a hearty cheer for Avrenka!

Illiya looks at Avrenka and applauds!

Elurora rubs her nose.

Allye looks at Avrenka and applauds!

Imroth says, "The Immortals have brought me back from the dead many times. I cannot say the same thing about the Heralds."

Tirost says to Avrenka, "Thank you for speaking."

Aaiyaah nods at Imroth, obviously agreeing with his views.

Elurora quietly says, "I still think it's a third unknown thing."

Elurora shrugs.

Karthor stands near Elurora.

Karthor nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya beams at Siendra!

Elurora smiles at Karthor.

Medir nods to Elurora.

Illiya says, "It could be demons."

>grin elu
You grin at Elurora.

Hebion ponders.

Allye quietly says, "It does often seem to be demons."

Imroth nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Avrenka says, "It would be nice if it was."

Calabra puts his umbrella in his dragonar satchel.

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Allye.

Avrenka says, "Relatively speaking, that is."

Elurora chuckles at Avrenka.

Avrenka clears his throat.

Tirost asks you, "Did you wish to say a few words, Valynn?"

Siendra says, "I lean towards demon, personally."

Allye grins at Avrenka.

Teavira nods to Avrenka.

>nod tiro
You nod to Tirost.

>'Aye, thank you.
You say, "Aye, thank you."

Briaen gazes at you.

Elurora cocks her head at you.

Tekhelet says to Siendra, "Either way, probably bad for us."

Allye gazes at you.

>'My name is Valynn, if you do not know me. I am a citizen of Therengia and I'm happy to be here with you all.
You say, "My name is Valynn, if you do not know me. I am a citizen of Therengia and I'm happy to be here with you all."

Siendra nods at Tekhelet, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aaiyaah expounds patiently and clearly to you on some nuances of Brigandine that had heretofore escaped you.

Teavira serenely says, "The probability is like 99%."

Elurora smiles at you.

Teavira nods.

Siendra smiles at you.

Aaiyaah smiles at you.

Warbrolus beams at you!  What a warm feeling!

Zersha grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.

Illiya looks at you, praising you and supporting you with her approval.

Imroth smiles at you.

Calabra smiles at you.

Katriwen gazes at you.

>'I have many friends in Zoluren and I would ask to put aside any provincial differences and know that I will do my level best to protech this city and province.
You say, "I have many friends in Zoluren and I would ask to put aside any provincial differences and know that I will do my level best to protech this city and province."

>cough valy
You clear your throat.

Nawain smiles at you.

Aaiyaah nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Calabra stretches his arms.

>'Protect you all.
You say, "Protect you all."

Elurora nods to you.

Imroth nods to you.

>'If the fight comes here, I am also a citizen of Zoluren.
You say, "If the fight comes here, I am also a citizen of Zoluren."

Imroth says, "Gods know we could use all the help we can get."

You nod.

> smi
You smile.

Imroth adds his praise upon you, continuing to support you with his approval.

Tirost says to you, "Well said, and thank you."

Teavira serenely says, "This threat affects all provinces..."

>nod pol
You nod politely.

>nod teav agre
You nod at Teavira, in complete agreement with her views.

Elurora quietly says to you, "This is bigger than political borders."

Briaen stands near Tirost.

>nod elu agre
You nod at Elurora, in complete agreement with her views.

Illiya looks at you and applauds!

Tirost whispers something to Briaen.

Allye looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

>smil ill
You smile at Illiya.

You blush slightly, the tips of your ears flushing with warmth.

Elurora looks at you and applauds!

Teavira grins at Avrenka.

Tirost looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Avrenka grins at Teavira.

Zersha looks at you and applauds!

Tirost nods to Briaen.

>grin aaiy
You grin at Aaiyaah.

Briaen nods to Tirost.

Nawain continues to build you with her praise.

>gaze bria
You gaze at Briaen.

Karthor nods to Aaiyaah.

Teavira winks.

Tirost gazes at Briaen.

Aaiyaah sweeps a gold-inlaid tyrium great helm accented with royal blue off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Karthor at the same time.

Karthor pats Aaiyaah on the back.

Briaen thoughtfully says, "Brothers and sisters of the Light, these are dangerous times."

Avrenka winks at Teavira.

Teavira bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.

Nawain's ear suddenly begins to quiver madly.
Momentarily distracted, she reaches up and gives it a thorough scratching.

Nawain gazes at Briaen.

Briaen says, "We stand at the precipice of a great and terrible storm. Uncertainty howls about us. Shadows of doubt creep closer with every passing day. There is a battle coming.  One that cannot be avoided or delayed. The time for restraint, for idle speculation, and for waiting has passed."

Allye gazes at Briaen.

Medir furrows his brow.

Calabra smiles at Briaen.

Briaen says, "As with every hour of trial, our faith must shine brightest, for the dawn is no stranger to the night."

>join aai
You join Aaiyaah's group.

Briaen grins.

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Briaen says, "And the light is most glorious when it pierces through the darkest clouds."

Tirost nods to Briaen.

Siendra gazes at Briaen.

Briaen says, "There are those who seek to divide us, to shake our resolve, to lead us astray with false promises and sweet lies. The events we have recently witnessed are troubling."

Nawain nods at Briaen, obviously agreeing with his views.

Briaen says, "We know of our beloved lost. Five members of our faith, taken from us by unseen hands."

Elurora frowns.

Allye trills softly to herself.

Briaen says, "We know of emissaries who claim to speak for the Heralds.  Emissaries who by their own admission have turned away from the Divine. Who dare to suggest that the sacred gifts of magic evolve no more."

Tekhelet nods to Briaen.

Sukidesu nods.

Briaen says, "These voices sow discord and fear among us, but we must not let them sway our hearts."

Briaen gazes at Elurora.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Briaen says, "We must be ready."

Calabra nods.

Briaen gazes at Nawain.

Briaen says, "We must not falter."

Nawain nods to Briaen.

Elurora peers quizzically at Briaen.

Tirost nods in agreement.

Briaen gazes at Rileos.

Briaen says, "We must not hesitate."

Briaen powerfully says, "And we must -not- second-guess our purpose."

Swelling with pride, Nawain's ears seem to stretch, giving her a more imposing look.

Briaen says, "We must stand firm, united in our devotion to the Thirteen and in our commitment to the path set before us."

Allye gazes at Briaen.

Elizzibiana yawns expansively.

Zersha smiles at Hebion, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Briaen says, "The time is upon us to rise as one, to gird ourselves with the armor of our convictions, and to wield the weapons of truth, righteousness, and unwavering faith. Remember: faith is our shield, our light in the darkness, and our guide. No matter what may come, no matter what trials we may face, we must remain terrifyingly steadfast. For it is through our unwavering belief, both in our sacred Immortals and one another that we will overcome the threats that would consume us."

* Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

Sukidesu nods to Briaen.

Calabra nods to Briaen.

Briaen says, "Prepare yourselves.  Faithful ones.  Let our hearts be as one, our resolve unshaken, and our faith unbreakable."

Aerilia smiles.

Raising his Idon's Wench whiskey to Briaen, Rileos gives him a toast.

Allye smiles at Briaen.

Calabra smirks at Elizzibiana.

Briaen says, "Now is the time to rise, to stand firm in the face of fear, to welcome the challenge of what may come.  The light of Berengaria guide our hearts.  Know, feel, and believe that the dawn will come.  It is up to us to ensure that the shadows are driven back, that the faith remains strong."

Laureh nods at Briaen, obviously agreeing with his views.

Holy Guardian Unaka came through some heavy double doors.

Briaen says, "And when this all has passed, may the world remember: we did not cower in the face of uncertainty. We stood, we fought, and we prevailed.  When the dust settles, when this terror is but a memory, the light of the Thirteen will still shine."

Elurora smiles at Briaen.

Aaiyaah smiles at Unaka.

Elurora snaps to attention and hails Unaka with a crisp hand salute.

Unaka waves.

Aerilia glances at Unaka.

Illiya beams at Unaka!

Nawain waves to Unaka.

>glan una
You glance at Unaka, a female Gor'Tog.

Avrenka gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Aerilia waves to Unaka.

Illiya says, "Talk about timing."

Imroth smiles at Unaka.

Kerennya waves to Unaka.

Illiya chuckles.

Briaen gazes at Unaka.

Karthor waves to Unaka.

Nawain smiles at Briaen.

Tirost praises Briaen.

Briaen says, "Because in faith and with Their blessings   together, -we- will have made it so. say /reverently In the name of Berengaria, may the dawn blaze unyielding."

Elizzibiana snorts, loudly.

Unaka asks, "Timing?"

Teavira waves to Unaka.

Calabra smiles at Unaka.

Calabra waves to Unaka.

Illiya says to Unaka, "Briaen was just talking about the light of the Thirteen still shining."

Allye grins at Unaka.

Imroth lets out a hearty cheer for Briaen!

Unaka nods to Illiya.

Unaka flashes a wide grin.

Briaen nods to Tirost.

Avrenka lets out a hearty cheer for Briaen!

Rileos says to Briaen, "S'why I keep ya around right there."

Rileos pats Briaen on the back.

>praise bri
You praise Briaen.

Allye looks at Briaen and applauds!

Tirost looks at Briaen and applauds!

Elurora looks at Briaen and applauds!

Unaka says, "That's right, it is."

Briaen shakes Rileos's hand.

Tirost nods to Tekhelet.

Calabra looks over Briaen very closely.

Sukidesu lets out a hearty cheer for Briaen!

Kerennya smiles at Briaen.

Laureh looks at Briaen and applauds!

Tirost bows to Unaka.

Calabra looks at Briaen and applauds!

Tirost says to Unaka, "Welcome, Unaka. You honor us."

Unaka nods to Tirost.

Medir ponders.

Eyst looks at Briaen and applauds!

Unaka says, "Sorry I'm late. I came to learn about how to defend."

Tirost smiles at Unaka.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Unaka.

Calabra smirks.

Tekhelet says, "I'd like to remind everyone that magic may drop when we least expect it. So be ready with a plan B when it comes time to fight."

Briaen says to Unaka, "I believe the plan is stand behind you."

Rileos says to Unaka, "Point the shield at the other guy, it works itself out from there."

Rileos looks at Unaka, obviously trying not to grin.

Unaka says, "I mean. I know how to defend. Just never defended a place this big before."

Karthor chuckles.

Calabra says, "I feel like a great paladin such as yourself already knows much about defending."

Medir nods to Tekhelet.

Nawain grins at Unaka.

Nawain chuckles.

Siendra nods to Tekhelet.

Eyst says to Briaen, "Very stirring. Part of me wants to run right over to the Paladin's guild and demand a sword, a shield, and some spurs to go fight the good fight with."

Allye nods to Tekhelet.

Aerilia nods.

Allye grins at Eyst.

Avrenka nods to Eyst.

Tirost says to Tekhelet, "Well said, my friend. Your wife's efforts will make that much easier."

Briaen says to Eyst, "They would no doubt be lucky to have you and your scholarly ways."

Unaka asks, "So where do you all want me for the fighting?"

Teavira's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Eyst chuckles.

>l eyst
You see Esotericist Eyst Pinunorin, Alchemist, a Gnome.
Eyst has an oval face with bushy eyebrows, cold milky blue eyes and a hooked nose.  He has thinning dark brown hair, with blue-veined skin and a thin build.
He is very tall for a Gnome.
He appears to be an adult.
He has a thick bushy mustache that droops heavily on his upper lip and some light stubble.
His left palm has a tattoo of an unfurled symbol of creation.
He has some faint scars along the skin.

He is wearing a charcoal grey felt tricorn hat with a garnet-red cockade, a dusky rose damask ascot fastened with a silver pin, a fine white linen shirt with a ruffled collar, a dark red vest, a garnet-red seasilk frock coat with charcoal grey silk lapels and frontings, a tomiek-bladed surgical knife and a pair of black wool pants with turned up cuffs.

Eyst says, "Quite so, quite so."

Tirost says to Unaka, "We are treating the spirit at this moment - the will to fight and strive after our goals. If there is anything you wish to say, you are most welcome."

Tekhelet beams!

Nawain says, "Anyone who would like some remedies for the surprise party, please hang out until the conversation is over. We've got lots to distribute."

Unaka seriously says, "Oh, yeah. That's important too."

Tirost nods to Nawain.

Illiya nods to Nawain.

Elurora smiles at Nawain.

Unaka says to Nawain, "I'll take some."

Nawain nods.

>praise nawain
You praise Nawain.

Rileos nods to Nawain.

Siendra's tail sways freely.  Looks like she really enjoys being in moonskin.

Tirost says to Briaen, "You spoke with great force and conviction, my friend. Thank you."

Laureh wags her tail enthusiastically.

Unaka says, "About the will to fight, well. Maybe that's the most important thing."

Briaen nods graciously at Tirost, giving him a polite smile.

Tirost nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Tirost says, "I also have a few words of inspiration I wish to share."

Unaka says, "We all want to live, sure, but I think what we really feel is that we've got the right to. This is our home. Truffenyi put us here, and I intend to defend us."

Nawain smiles at Tirost.

Elurora smiles at Unaka.

(Crobin moves back leaning against the wall watching the group)

Allye nods to Unaka.

Illiya gazes happily at Unaka.

Teavira nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rozalynde came through some heavy double doors.

Calabra nods to Unaka.

Katriwen gazes at Unaka.

Unaka takes a moment to gaze steadily around the room, a quiet determination on her features.

Siendra gazes at Unaka.

Aerilia smiles at Unaka.

Unaka proudly says, "We are Truffenyi's people. We are here, and we WILL fight for it."

Nawain nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Tirost nods to Unaka.

>rub aaiyaa
You rub Aaiyaah gently, trying to massage any sore muscles.

Aerilia nods in agreement.

Allye nods in agreement.

Unaka says, "We may not know exactly who our enemy is yet, but we will be ready."

Elurora gazes at Unaka.

Illiya nods to Unaka.

Calabra asks, "Do we have any clues as to their location?"

Unaka says, "And you will have my shield, and the ox's blessing. We will teach them that it is not so easy to strike at us."

Aaiyaah says to Unaka, "Whatever it takes."

Unaka strongly says, "Whatever it takes."

Avrenka lets out a hearty cheer for Unaka!

Katriwen looks at Unaka and applauds!

Elurora looks at Unaka and applauds!

Teavira lets out a hearty cheer for Unaka!

Tirost lets out a hearty cheer for Unaka!

Allye looks at Unaka and applauds!

Illiya looks at Unaka and applauds!

Sukidesu looks at Unaka and applauds!

Unaka exclaims, "For Elanthia's people. For Truffenyi's people!"

Crobin nods.

Nawain looks at Unaka and applauds!

Lileath smiles at Unaka.

Medir smiles.

>smil una
You smile at Unaka.

Kerennya looks at Unaka and applauds!

Calabra looks at Unaka and applauds!

Aaiyaah praises Unaka.

Crobin pops his knuckles and breathes deep, trying to look calm.

Laureh lifts her face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Esmicah lifts his face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Siendra lifts her face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Nawain lifts her face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Calabra puts his phoenix in a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Tekhelet lifts his face to the sky and howls.  The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.

Tirost gazes fondly at Siendra.

Raising his Idon's Wench whiskey to Unaka, Rileos gives her a toast.

Calabra throws his head back and howls, sounding remarkably like a real wolf!

Nawain grins at Calabra.

Nawain praises Calabra.

Forging Guru Sozinho came through some heavy double doors.

Calabra smiles.

Tekhelet blinks at Calabra.

Sozinho asks, "What did I miss?"

Swelling with pride, Siendra's ears seem to stretch, giving her a more imposing look.

Avrenka chortles softly at some secret joke.

Unaka says, "But you all gotta point me in the right direction. Give me something to swing at. Tell me how you all work together when you're fighting, that kinda thing."

Nawain smiles at Siendra.

Aaiyaah nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Crobin chuckles.

Spectral Warrior Harsh's group came through some heavy double doors.

Harsh nods to Nulak.

Avrenka says, "Madigan's a good guy to follow in the heat of battle, there's usually a group following him around."

Illiya just hugged Harsh.

Nulak sneezes.

Crobin says, "It will be something to see Unaka this I can promise you."

Harsh hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Harsh smiles at Illiya.

Sukidesu says, "Shield up, weapon out, guard someone weaker."

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Unaka says to Avrenka, "I'm kinda the type who likes to lead too."

Nulak asks, "Madigan eh?"

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Avrenka.

Nulak says, "I heard of it before."

Allye says, "We do tend to form small groups when fighting. A paladin, a healer, many to deal damage."

Tirost praises Unaka.

Unaka nods.

Medir nods.

Rileos says to Unaka, "Grab up some folks and find the thick of it, then.  So long as you're pushin em out, you're doin it right."

>l nulak
You see Son of Stone Nulak Thangeboh, Holy Warrior of Forfedhdar, a Dwarven Paladin.
Nulak has a square face with laugh lines, some fashionable sunglasses with elongated cat-eye frames enhancing his  brown eyes and a bulbous nose.  His brown hair is very long and peppered, and is worn tied back in a thin braided tail.  He has tanned skin and a burly build.
He is average height for a Dwarf.
He appears to be mature.
He has a thick mustache and a full beard that is split into thirds and woven into three thick braids that hang down to his waist.  Wound around each beard plait is a wide kertig ring graced with a fractured spear of night black zephyr's heart.
His forearm has a tattoo of a raven formed from broad plaited lines with wide-stretched wings.

He is holding a fat tanned peccary in his right hand.
He is wearing a Dwarven greathelm mounted with thunder ram horns, a witch ball, a utilitarian stony grey robe belted with a steelsilk sash, a Dwarven iron bracer studded with kertig spikes, a smokewood wedding band with a sparkling lightning amethyst embedded within Elven silver inlay, a stoneware mead jug painted with infinitesimal portraits of a drunken dwarf, a heavy woolen greatkilt bearing a silver-shot blue-on-grey tartan pattern and a pair of steel-toed stomping boots.

Nawain gently kisses Tekhelet on the cheek.

Crobin says, "But lets be fair."

Nulak sniffs at Rileos.

Allye nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Unaka says, "If you all think it'd be better for me to follow Madigan, I'll think about it, though."

Crobin says, "If you see a group running around fighting, and you wish to join."

Avrenka says to Unaka, "By all means, I think if you call for people to follow you, they'd gladly join you in battle."

Harsh laughs at Nulak.

Crobin says, "Jump in and start swinging."

Tempest Knight Saragos came through some heavy double doors.

Nulak bites Harsh!

Nulak just punched Crobin in the knees!

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Nulak says, "Oh."

Illiya says, "I would follow Unaka."

Saragos nods to Nawain.

Elurora nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora says, "As would I."

Allye says, "As would I."

Imroth nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Harsh sighs.

Nulak says, "Sorry I thought we was fightin."

Kerennya smiles at Saragos.

Crobin says, "I may not be a Paladin or one with the heavy of armor, but I will lead a group into battle as well."

Unaka exclaims, "Good!"

Unaka asks, "These drakes, were they weak to anything?"

Crobin says, "Stabbings."

Harsh ponders.

Nulak says, "Yeah to axes."

Crobin nods to Unaka.

Nulak says, "And hamers."

Imroth says, "A spear to the chest."

Nulak nods at Imroth, obviously agreeing with his views.

Harsh quietly says, "The seemed to be weak spirited."

Harsh looks at Unaka and shrugs.

Unaka says, "My favorite."

Tirost says to Unaka, "All but lightning."

Unaka nods to Harsh.

Harsh smiles.

Aaiyaah leans on Harsh.

Imroth nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Harsh just hugged Aaiyaah.

Nulak says, "Oh and bitin off the neck."

Aaiyaah just hugged Harsh.

Aaiyaah grins at Harsh.

Sukidesu says, "I was too busy dying when stray lightning hit me."

Avrenka says, "Maybe we should gear up lightning resist armor, their chain lightning attacks really hurt."

Tirost shakes Saragos's hand.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Saragos.

>l sukid
You see Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu Gozaimasu, Merchant Empath of Elanthia, a Kaldaran Empath.
Sukidesu has an androgynous face with elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears, some polished silver spectacles with flower-shaped lenses framing his tilted almond-shaped violet eyes, a classical nose and dimples.  His deep blue-streaked red hair is very long and straight, and is worn coiled in an upswept twist.  He has fair skin accented by some glittery platinum stars and a brawny build.
He is unusually tall for a Kaldar.
A delightful kindle of winged kittens sculpted from glossy loveglass float lazily around his neck, glowing with a lustrous sheen against his skin.
He appears to be middle-aged.
His forearm has a tattoo of a dark silhouette of a cat sitting on a crescent moon, its tail curling around the pointed tip.
He has faint scuffing to the right leg, faint scuffing to the back.

He is wearing a blood wolf pelt apron bearing a long ruddy tail, a twisted cambrinth torque depicting two Prydaen faces, a cambrinth ring etched with the crest of the Empaths' Guild, a seated cambrinth cat with tiger's eye inlay, a stalking cambrinth kitten with tabby markings, a dolphin-shaped traveler's pack with blue-green straps, a boxy snowy white canvas tote with hide handles, a pure white thigh bag, a slender onyx-hide tailor's toolbelt plentifully bestrewn with jaspe ties, a glittered icesilk satchel with a trio of ice sapphire tabby cats, a high-collared black leather longcoat with tailored sleeves, a sapphire-blue icesilk arca with leather straps, a pink sapphire icesilk gem pouch embellished with a glittery kitten, a silver flute case labeled "Kaldar Kitty", a damaska boar-hide chest harness, a small spun glitter gem pouch with scalloped edges, a multi-strapped carryall, an anloral tabby cat pin, some agonite plate gauntlets lined with firesilk padding, a shield or bearing six cats sanguine passant, a dark agonite great helm patterned with stylized flames, an icesteel tasset outlined in eerily glowing blackened moonsilver, some icesteel vambraces outlined in eerily glowing blackened moonsilver, a darkened gravecloth vest trimmed in eclipsed iolite icesilk, some darkened gravecloth pants trimmed in eclipsed iolite icesilk, some dark steel hand claws with razor-thin blades, a cuboid ecosphere dangling from a braided damite chain, a ruby cat with sapphire eyes, a silver signet ring centered with an ornate crest and water opal accents, a copper signet ring, an ornate darkstone ring, a white-gold rose-shaped ring inset with a tiny tarnished dira, a golden ring set with a small blue diamond, a diamondique lockpick ring, a furry red wolf-eared hat adorned with sapphires and rubies, a tawny velvet bodysuit with a tufted tail, a soft purple and cream cake roll wrapped in amethyst icesilk, a rippling eddy of ice-blue light swirling in an icesteel kitten bowl, a shimmering sanowret crystal caught within a cage of golden arches, a pair of ruazin wool pantaloons fastened with a narrow leather belt, an ivory rosebud circlet wound with boughs of flowering almond, a pair of black cambrinth hairsticks topped with ruby drums, a crystalline kyanite gwethdesuan, a tinted monocle, a pair of gold-rimmed reading glasses attached to a slender gold chain, a blued-steel herb-shaped earcuff, some bronze filigree earrings threaded with blue diamond beads, a feathered windsteel nose-ring embellished with a mistwood cat, a bleached bone amulet carved into a stylized black pard, a glassy ebon gedirdavu amulet, a full length black velvet riding cloak with silver clasps, a heavily faceted blood ruby rose, a small enameled button depicting a golden rat standing on a pedestal, a bronze cat-shaped badge carved with "Check Meowt!", a silver ribbon, a polished cambrinth cloak pin inlaid with a snowy alabaster unicorn, an opal butterfly charm set upon a pewter backing, a miniature golden dragon with sparkling crystal eyes, an onyx toe ring inlaid with a band of ivory, a pair of platinum-hued silk wings accented with bloodgem and onyx roses, a cracked sandstone orb embedded with amethysts, a red-scaled wyvern with firestained indurium and blood ruby eyes, a silver biomechanical harvester spider, a peridot icesilk kimono stitched with the depiction of a sapphire dragon, a shiny icesteel armband inlaid with snowflake-shaped cloud turquoises, a silver suitor's token nestled on a bed of cobalt silk, a book of master artificing instructions, some black leather elbow wraps affixed with broken fork tines, a diminutive flower charm crudely carved from white birch, an icesteel wrist knife set into a slim hilt, a glittery claret kitten formed from fine silky sand that is stuck to the wrist, a glittery lemon-yellow parry stick with faceted picture jasper ends, some polished thin-edged zills with silvered esoteric filigree, an embossed sword belt with a steel tanto and a steel tachi hanging from it, a slender piece of cassava root cradled in strands of brushed silver, some steelsilk footwraps and some purple leather ankle bands decorated with pumpkin-shaped bells.

Crobin ponders.

Siendra smiles at Saragos.

Sukidesu says, "Popped my eyeball right out."

Crobin pats Saragos on the back.

Unaka nods to Avrenka.

Nawain blinks at Sukidesu.

Kerennya asks, "Shouldn't we consider that it might not be drakes we fight again?"

Medir nods to Kerennya.

Unaka says, "A man making a plan with armor. I like it."

Medir says, "Quite."

Elurora nods to Kerennya.

Illiya nods at Kerennya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Karthor nods to Kerennya.

Sukidesu says to Nawain, "I know, I do that every day, I don't know how it killed me."

Nawain grins at Sukidesu.

>pat suki
You pat Sukidesu on the back.

Illiya says, "We don't know what we will fight next time."

Harsh quietly says, "Just gotta kill it all till its dead."

Harsh shrugs.

Unaka says to Kerennya, "Where I'm from, if you see one kinda enemy, you're likely to see that same one again. But good to be prepared for the unexpected too."

Medir nods to Harsh.

Aaiyaah says, "Whatever we face, we face it and overcome it...together."

Nulak says, "Smach the drakes."

Kerennya nods to Unaka.

Avrenka asks, "Anyone know if there any spell wards that are good against  lightning?"

Sukidesu nods to Unaka.

Tirost nods to Aaiyaah.

Nawain nods to Aaiyaah.

Nulak says, "Uh."

Unaka says, "Lightning armor though. I like that. And remedies, good idea."

Saragos's feet are soaked.

Harsh cringes.

Nulak says, "Teleport to Shard."

Nulak says, "I think."

Ausric came through some heavy double doors.

Nulak says, "Is the best spell against lightnings."

Rozalynde quietly says, "If I was attacking the crossing and used lightning drakes, I would specifically not send lightning drakes the second time, in the hopes that the defenders all were wearing their lightning pants."

Avrenka says, "Damite seems very effective against lightning."

Medir chuckles at Rozalynde.

Sukidesu nods to Rozalynde.

Tirost says to Unaka, "You're words are a spring of hope, Unaka. Thank you for sharing them with us."

Allye grins at Rozalynde.

Sukidesu says, "That is a point."

Nulak begins to carefully examine some heavy damite half plate.

Harsh quietly says, "Pfanston made me lightning saver armor for scavenger giants. It did not help at all."

Illiya says, "Lightning pants sounds dangerous."

Harsh nods.

Calabra says, "Punka does not help against lightning."

Unaka says to Rozalynde, "Yeah, but not everybody has a lot of different kinds of things at their command."

Nulak says, "Oh yeah damite is good against lightninggs."

Unaka smiles at Tirost.

Nulak thumps some heavy damite half plate with the back of his hand.

Rozalynde ponders.

Nawain nods to Tirost.

Crobin chuckles at Illiya.

Crobin says, "Oh..I am a kid at heart."

Crobin shakes his head.

Illiya sticks her tongue out at Crobin.

Unaka asks Crobin, "Who isn't?"

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Crobin.

Avrenka says, "Lumium and darkstone seem to be decent against lightning as well."

Tekhelet says, "Stay inside, lightning has a harder time inside."

Crobin winks at Illiya.

Tirost recites:
    "I would now like to turn the council over to Nawain, who has worked tirelessly with her team to provide us with life saving remedies."
Tekhelet says, "Possibly don't stand in a puddle."

Tirost gestures at Nawain.

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Nawain!

Nawain beams!

Sukidesu says to Tekhelet, "So what you're saying is we need to build more roofs."

Unaka lets out a hearty cheer for Nawain!

Briaen nods to Nawain.

Siendra beams at Nawain!

Aaiyaah exclaims, "Amazing remedies at that!"

Harsh quietly says, "She is pretty spectacular."

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Nawain!

Crobin says, "More so do not stand in a puddle of your own making."

Rozalynde asks, "Weren't we first acosted by some sort of large undead when the wild magic started?"

Nawain says, "Tonight, I am honored to offer herbal remedies to whomever is interested in partaking in Saragos's party. Enelne's blessings upon you all! This has been a incredible effort from many people, and I'd like to begin by thanking them all:."

>prais naw
You praise Nawain.

Tekhelet lets out a hearty cheer for Nawain!

Nawain says, "Please join me in thanking Allye, Bloodgeon, Elore, Esmicah, Illiahanna, Kafabian, Katriwen, Kerennya, Laureh, Leilanie, Lileath, Lilustra, Parkons, Rejind, Shaoimhe, Sukidesu, Tailia, Teavira, Terezhon, Valynn, and Ysindre."

Karthor says to Rozalynde, "Aye, plague wraiths the reports said."

Medir whispers something to Rozalynde.

Elurora applauds.

Tekhelet applauds.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Harsh mumbles a word of general praise.

Zersha applauds.

Eyst applauds.

Harsh applauds.

Medir looks at Nawain and applauds!

Siendra applauds.

Aaiyaah applauds.

Crobin applauds.

Medir applauds.

Aerilia applauds.

Unaka lets out a startlingly loud, whooping cheer.

Harsh quietly says, "Thank you all."

Esmicah applauds.

Kerennya says, "And Tamryasa."

Teavira applauds.

Tirost praises Allye.

Sukidesu applauds.

Nawain says, "Without them, this would not have been possible."

Karthor applauds.

Illiya grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Laureh applauds.

Tekhelet says, "That's a massive effort."

Laureh gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Medir nods in agreement.

Harsh nods in agreement.

Aaiyaah says, "Nawain, truly outstanding work. Thank you so much."

Saragos says, "They've really put forth a lot of work."

Nawain says, "For most of you, we have 40 pre-sorted kits. Each kit is an apron that contains 25 each of all 26 standard remedies. If you do not have your own herb stacker, we recommend asking Daisybelle or myself for an apron. We also have loose remedies for those who have their own stacker already, and need more product."

Illiya praises Nawain.

>' }nawain It was your idea. Praise goes to you as well.

You say to Nawain, "It was your idea. Praise goes to you as well."

Daisybelle bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.

Harsh raises his hand.

Elurora nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Harsh quietly says, "Do they come with instructions."

Harsh blushes a bright red color.

Nawain says, "If you are in the Northern Watch or Grey Dragons, you have already recieved your remedies. Please speak with Parkons or Waydren."

Nawain nods to Harsh.

Nawain grins.

Harsh quietly says, "Elsewise i just rub it all in."

>grin hars
You grin at Harsh.

Daisybelle gets a chestnut gardening apron embroidered with crocus blossoms from inside her pink backpack.

Illiya says, "Oh, have we."

Nawain exclaims, "If you need hulnik unguent, junliar tonic, or dioica poultices, please speak with Kerennya!"

Kerennya waves.

Nawain nods to Illiya.

Tirost smiles at Kerennya.

Nawain exclaims, "If you need aloe unguent, lujeakave tonic, or nuloe elixir, please speak with Tamryasa!"

Avrenka says, "That's an incredible amount of medicine."

Tamryasa waves.

Nawain exclaims, "If you need georin unguent, riolur tonic, or blocil poultices, please speak with Allye!"

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Tamryasa!

Allye waves.

Allye flashes a quick grin.

Elurora blinks.

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

Allye grins at Harsh.

Nawain exclaims, "If you need plovik unguent, ithor tonic, or cebi poultices, please speak with Lileath!"

Ausric nods politely to Elurora.

Elurora bows to Ausric.

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Lileath!

Medir whispers something to Nawain.

Nawain grins at Medir.

Medir nods to Allye.

Nawain exclaims, "If you need jadice unguent, yelith tonic, or ojhenik elixir, please speak with Tialia!"

Lileath smiles at Harsh.

>l ausri
You see Ausric, a Human.
Ausric has crystal green eyes.  His golden brown hair is short and thick, and is worn untamed.  He has tanned skin.
He appears to be ancient.
He has a thick bushy mustache that droops heavily on his upper lip and a long shaggy beard.

He is wearing a barrel helm, an ornate platinum brooch set with an orichalcum icosahedron, a deep emerald silk haversack adorned with an onyx crescent, an embossed greatsword sheath, an otterskin duffel bag, a linked-steel pack depicting a roaring bronze lion, a light lumium plate cuirass crafted from tempered plates, a twisted cambrinth armband, some chain vambraces, a tower shield, a burnished platinum bracer adorned with a soulstone, some insulated heavy titanese gloves with a reinforced design, an emerald ring, a tight bundle, a black gem pouch, a black spidersilk lootsack clasped with a platinum dragon, some faded pants, some scale greaves, a worn leather thigh pouch with a dragon embossed on the flap and some jet black wolfskin boots.

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Tialia!

Medir nods to Rozalynde.

Nawain exclaims, "If you need nilos unguent, muljin tonic, or hulij elixir, please speak with Katriwen!"

Katriwen waves.

Harsh quietly says, "Wow you guys..."

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Katriwen!

Illiya nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nawain exclaims, "If you need sufil unguent, aevaes tonic, or genich poultices, please speak with Esmicah!"

Tialia waves.

Esmicah waves.

Calabra says, "Would love all of them."

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Esmicah!

Daisybelle offers Calabra a chestnut gardening apron embroidered with crocus blossoms.

Unaka nods to Calabra.

Hebion bows to Zersha.

Calabra accepts Daisybelle's gardening apron.

>l katriwen
You see Breakfast Connoisseur Katriwen Thornhollow, Antiquary, a Halfling Bard.
Katriwen has a round face, wide-set hazel eyes and a freckled nose.  Her russet hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by an exquisite pewter haircomb twined in moon orchid blossoms.  She has weathered skin and a plump figure.
She is short for a Halfling.
She has a tattoo of a slender dark eel wrapped around an ivory skull set with gleaming pearl eyes on her arm.

She is holding a rugged purple backpack in her right hand.
She is wearing a pair of opal earrings, a delicate obsidian necklace shaped like a wren with wings outstretched to wrap around the neck, some green velvet ribbons, a crested blue jay with a silvery-blue beak, a sylvan green faesilk book bag flaunting a nyad clasp with blue diamond tresses, a simple muslin shirt with gathered sleeves, an intricate silversteel armlet edged with a damilyo pearl raven, a delicate copper bracelet of interlocking striped seaperch, a pair of supple ebon-hued leather pants with side laces and a pair of knee-high black leather boots.

Nawain exclaims, "If you need nemoih unguent, eghmok tonic, or qun poultices, please speak with Laureh!"

Daisybelle nods to Medir.

Calabra bows to Daisybelle.

Laureh waves.

Daisybelle gets a canvas botanical apron block-printed with a pattern of herbs from inside her pink backpack.

Calabra says, "Thank you."

Daisybelle bobs a quick curtsy to Calabra.

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Laureh!

Zersha curtsies gracefully.

Daisybelle offers Medir a canvas botanical apron block-printed with a pattern of herbs.

Desert Dancer Zersha went through some heavy double doors.

Unaka says, "Yeah, I need 'em all."

Medir accepts Daisybelle's botanical apron.

Nawain exclaims, "If you need hisan elixir or belradi elixir, talk to me!"

Daisybelle gets a supple foraging apron crafted from pristine white doeskin from inside her pink backpack.

Daisybelle offers Unaka a supple foraging apron crafted from pristine white doeskin.

Medir beams at Daisybelle!

Unaka accepts Daisybelle's foraging apron.

Harsh quietly says to Nulak, "This is pretty amazing really, so much effort."

Unaka nods to Daisybelle.

Calabra puts his apron in a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Unaka puts on a supple foraging apron crafted from pristine white doeskin.

Elizzibiana leans back.

Nawain says, "Since having the right tool means nothing without proper training, I've marked each vial with a series of dots, slashes and symbols to help you figure out quickly what location that remedy is for, without needing to read the label."

Daisybelle bobs a quick curtsy to Unaka.

Aaiyaah continues to instruct you in a lucid and serious manner on the fine art of Perception.

Medir nods to Daisybelle.

Medir puts on a canvas botanical apron block-printed with a pattern of herbs.

Tirost praises Nawain.

Elurora cocks her head at Nawain.

Medir praises Daisybelle.

Calabra says, "Really cool, nicely done Nawain."

Nulak says, "Oops."

Daisybelle blushes a bright red color.

Daisybelle grins, revealing her dimples.

Nulak says, "Wasn't even listenin."

Nawain seriously says, "There is never enough time to be rummaging your remedies in the middle of battle, so knowing your remedies ahead of time might well save your life."

Tirost says to Nawain, "Your system is excellent."

Illiya nods in agreement.

Allye nods at Nawain, obviously agreeing with her views.

Calabra gets a chestnut gardening apron embroidered with crocus blossoms from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Daisybelle gets a dark green gardener's apron studded with bronze rivets from inside her pink backpack.

Nawain nods to Medir.

Tirost asks Nawain, "And they can be applied to others?"

Nawain says, "With very little practice, a simple touch tells me that this is muljin tonic. The dots indicate this remedy is for the body. The square around the dots tells me this is specially for the abdomen. The rings around the rim here tell me that this is an internal wound remedy."

Medir nods to Nawain.

Esotericist Eyst went through some heavy double doors.

Aerilia tilts her head to one side.

Harsh quietly says to Tirost, "Oh i know this one, yes they can, all of them. I do it all the time. Even on living people standing with me at the body."

Nawain says, "In general, the symbols atop the lid tell you what location the remedy is for. The rings and bumps around the edge will tell you if it is internal or external, and for fresh or scars."

Illiya exclaims to Nawain, "This is amazing!"

Tirost nods to Harsh.

Nawain says, "One dot on the lid will always mean skin or nerves."

Nawain says, "Two dots will mean this remedy is for head issues. Two dots with a circle around them is eyes, and two dots with a slash underneath them is neck."

Calabra roughly analyzes the nuloe elixir.

Nawain says, "Three dots indicate a body remedy. Three dots with a circle is for the chest. Three dots with a slash below them is for the back. 
Three dots with a square around them is for the abdomen."

Avrenka asks, "Did you say there were 25 of each 24 remedy, so 600 remedies in total in each apron?"

Hebion snaps to attention and hails Elurora with a crisp hand salute.

Nawain says, "Four dots are limb remedies."

Elurora snaps to attention and hails Hebion with a crisp hand salute.

Lord Knight Hebion went through some heavy double doors.

Nawain says, "One ring around the lid is an external remedy. One ring with bumps at the cardinal points is external scars."

Siendra jots down some notes.

Karthor raises his hand in a quick salute.

Nawain says, "Avren 25 doses of 26 remedies."

Elurora grins at Siendra.

Siendra gazes at Nawain.

Zoluren's Ally Karthor went through some heavy double doors.

Nawain says, "Two rings around the lid is an internal remedy. Two rings with bumps at the cardinal points is internal scars."

Siendra quietly says to Elurora, "These will be important."

(Siendra taps her notes.)

Nawain exclaims, "I will be offering a more advanced class on traditional Rakash combat healing in a bit, if anyone is interested in learning more!"

Notoriously Innocent Senthic came through some heavy double doors.

Allye quietly exclaims to Avrenka, "More math!"

Tirost smiles at Siendra.

Elurora nods at Siendra, obviously agreeing with her views.

Avrenka gives Allye a wry grin.

Nawain spreads out the edges of her tutu with both hands and does a little dance step.

Harsh quietly says to Nawain, "This is truely impressive Nawain."

Strawberry Nurse Illiya went through some heavy double doors.

Warbrolus nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aaiyaah nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Harsh nods emphatically.

> grin
You grin.

Avrenka says, "It boggles the mind how long this must've taken all of you."

Senthic stands near Elurora.

Siendra says to Nawain, "Oh, just...don't give them *that* tea before battle."

Aaiyaah grins at Siendra.

Calabra says, "Yes a true lifesaver in the field and off."

Nawain grins at Siendra.

Sukidesu says, "Very long."

Siendra hugs Senthic, who wraps his arms around Siendra with a warm smile.

Lileath grins.

Unaka appears to be squinting at the contents of her apron. Her lips move slightly.

Nawain nods at Sukidesu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Senthic hugs Siendra, who wraps her arms around Senthic with a warm smile.

>grin suk
You grin at Sukidesu.

Calabra says, "I will saver every one of them to save others."

Kerennya says to Avrenka, "20 days for the making, and a few more for organizing."

Nulak shrieks!

Allye grins at Kerennya.

Nulak stomps loudly against the ground in a slow rhythmic fashion.

Harsh quietly says, "All of you. Thank you so much for the effort this must have been."

Nulak punches himself right in the gut!

Kerennya winks at Allye.

Tirost says to Nawain, "Your remedies are battle tested, and they work extremely well. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into them."

Calabra lets out a hearty cheer for Nawain!

Daisybelle asks, "Would anyone else like a full apron?"

Trajan nods to Daisybelle.

Aerilia nods to Daisybelle.

Daisybelle offers Trajan a dark green gardener's apron studded with bronze rivets.

Trajan accepts Daisybelle's gardener's apron.

Daisybelle offers Aerilia a canvas botanical apron block-printed with a pattern of herbs.

Sozinho asks, "When is this battle we're talking about?"

Trajan bows to Daisybelle.

Aerilia accepts Daisybelle's botanical apron.

Aerilia bows to Daisybelle.

Daisybelle bobs a quick curtsy to Trajan.

Daisybelle bobs a quick curtsy to Aerilia.

Avrenka says, "Pardon for asking, but do the aprons stack the remedies, or do they store the remedies one by one."

Daisybelle gets a sturdy leather foraging apron from inside her pink backpack.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya came through some heavy double doors.

Daisybelle nods to Saragos.

Daisybelle offers Saragos a sturdy leather foraging apron.

Trajan says to Daisybelle, "'Thank you."

Elurora quietly says to Daisybelle, "I would like one please."

Nawain exclaims to Avrenka, "They stack!"

Saragos accepts Daisybelle's foraging apron.

Saragos tips his hat to Daisybelle with a courteous nod.

Avrenka nods.

Daisybelle says, "My pleasure."

Tirost says to Sozinho, "Honestly, we don't know. We preparing for one that may take place after an event in the very near future."

Sukidesu says, "I should have kept an apron since I'll probably be healing..."

Harsh quietly says, "Can we do a swappsies? you can whatever is in mine? Only scraps at this point i tend to apply it all until it works."

Sozinho nods to Tirost.

Daisybelle offers Elurora a dark green gardener's apron studded with bronze rivets.

Elurora accepts Daisybelle's gardener's apron.

Elurora smiles at Daisybelle.

Medir leans back.

Harsh gives his apron a good shake and manages to splash its contents all over himself.

Kerennya says, "It should be mentioned that with these remedies it is normal for there to be some toxicity in the body after you take them. This is normal and your body will clear that naturally given a bit of time."

Elurora says, "Thank you."

Daisybelle bobs a quick curtsy to Elurora.

Elurora bows to Daisybelle.

Senthic grins at Siendra.

Daisybelle offers Illiya a canvas botanical apron block-printed with a pattern of herbs.

Avrenka begins chortling at Harsh.

Tirost says to Nawain, "For the record, I want more when you have time. You have my order."

Nulak says, "Stack empaths not remedies."

Nulak thumps a Dwarven greathelm mounted with thunder ram horns with the back of his hand.

Tirost smiles at Nawain.

Sukidesu laughs at Nulak.

Sukidesu says, "That won't help if magic is gone."

Sukidesu grins at Nulak, his dimples flashing into view.

Elurora furrows her brow.

Harsh puts on a foraging apron crafted from supple oiled leather.

Avrenka ponders.

Avrenka says, "Good point."

Nawain says to Nulak, "Where there's no magic, empaths just die. Cause you can't make an empath keep their hands to themselves when you're bleeding."

Nawain ducks her head.

Aerilia asks Nawain, "Do you suppose there's room in the apron for the newly discovered medicinal cheese?"

Sukidesu nods at Nawain, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora asks Nawain, "Sorry if I missed it, but the apron is supposed to have 25 doses of each?"

Sukidesu says, "It's true."

Nawain nods to Elurora.

Calabra chuckles.

Katriwen giggles at Aerilia.

Nulak says, "Well just bring empaths to where we got magic."

Nulak says, "Seems easy."

Nulak adjusts his Dwarven greathelm.

Elurora says to Nawain, "I think there might be an issue with this one, or I'm doing something wrong."

Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Elurora offers Nawain a dark green gardener's apron studded with bronze rivets.

Calabra says, "Bloody cheese stoppers."

Harsh quietly says to Nulak, "Like in here, right now. Imagine that everywhere always, or disrupted, or worst."

Harsh crosses his arms and points in opposite directions.

Nawain accepts Elurora's gardener's apron.

Ausric smiles at Elurora.

Nulak sniffs the air around him.

Unaka loudly says to Tirost, "Eh? Sorry, I didn't catch that."

Ausric smiles at Nawain.

Calabra says, "Just thinking of that coming out of Allye's pockets."

Nulak says, "This is because we let necros be people."

Elurora smiles at Ausric.

Calabra ponders.

Nulak points down.

Allye cackles!

Harsh gazes upward.

Nawain offers Elurora a dark green gardener's apron studded with bronze rivets.

Tirost asks Unaka, "Do you know the Bless spell?"

Elurora accepts Nawain's gardener's apron.

Nulak says, "Let necros be people then you get no magic."

Nulak says, "That's how it works."

Illiya accepts Daisybelle's botanical apron.

Illiya curtsies to Daisybelle.

Unaka says, "Truffenyi lets me bless people."

Daisybelle bobs a quick curtsy to Illiya.

Crobin stretches his arms.

Harsh smiles unal

Harsh babbles incoherently.

Calabra says, "I have a blessed scabbard."

Harsh smiles at Unaka.

Unaka smiles at Harsh.

Crobin says, "Okay all, I must return to the fields."

Tirost asks Unaka, "Will you bless my sword?"

Calabra waves to Crobin.

Crobin says, "I look forward to fighting with you all when the time comes."

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Calabra says, "Thank you for the class Crobin."

Crobin waves to Calabra.

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Crobin says, "Welcome."

Calabra says, "Safe travels."

Aaiyaah asks Unaka, "Have you had any additional visions since the recital by chance?"

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Allye hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Sukidesu asks, "How many aprons do we have left?"

Illiya puts her apron in her haversack.

Crobin hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Unaka says, "Yeah, but there's no magic allowed here."

Crobin just hugged Aaiyaah.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Aaiyaah hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Aaiyaah with a warm smile.

Crobin gives Warbrolus a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Unaka says to Aaiyaah, "No, nothing new."

Daisybelle says, "Many."

Daisybelle grins at Sukidesu, her dimples flashing into view.

Crobin just hugged Nawain.

Avrenka says, "If there's plenty of aprons left, I'll take one."

Aaiyaah nods to Unaka.

Sukidesu grins at Daisybelle, his dimples flashing into view.

Fearless Crobin went through some heavy double doors.

Daisybelle gets a sanguine leather foraging apron trimmed with inky black suede from inside her pink backpack.

Tirost says to Unaka, "Ah, true."

Rozalynde studies the faces around her.

Katriwen says, "If anyone wants individual remedies to fill your own pouch  or apron with, let us know that too. Plenty left."

Unaka says to Tirost, "When it's over, I can do blesses outside."

Allye nods at Katriwen, obviously agreeing with her views.

Ausric quietly asks Elurora, "I'm sorry to ask this, but is there a leader in this group?"

Calabra points at Allye.

Rileos says, "Gonna get gone myself.  If this turns into a proper tussle, we'll have to go drink and play craps after.  S'only proper way to wrap up."

Elurora says to Ausric, "I'd have to ask which group."

Daisybelle offers Sukidesu a sanguine leather foraging apron trimmed with inky black suede.

Ausric says, "Ah."

Ausric nods.

Sukidesu accepts Daisybelle's foraging apron.

Rileos raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Medir chuckles.

Roughneck Rileos went through some heavy double doors.

Daisybelle gets a canary-yellow gardening apron embroidered with iris blossoms from inside her pink backpack.

Daisybelle offers Sukidesu a canary-yellow gardening apron embroidered with iris blossoms.

Sukidesu accepts Daisybelle's gardening apron.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Calabra.

Unaka says, "That guy knows how to do it."

Sukidesu says, "Be right back."

Rozalynde sighs.

Allye giggles at Unaka.

Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu went through some heavy double doors.

Ausric quietly says to Elurora, "I suppose I should just observe a bit longer to figure it out."

Avrenka says to Daisybelle, "I'd like one too please."

Daisybelle nods to Avrenka.

>l ally
You see White Gladiolus Allye Karayilma, Vice-Speaker of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Prydaen.
Allye has a set of mischievously twitching whiskers accenting a square face, pointed ears and some night-black kohl flawlessly applied to accentuate her bright cat-slitted turquoise eyes.  Her raven mane is hip-length and glossy with long layers, and is worn in a tousled mass of locks that tumbles over her shoulders.  She has tawny fur with sepia stripes, a black-tipped tail and a limberly agile figure.
She is petite for a Prydaen.
Her shoulder has a tattoo of a trio of absinthe green luna moths captured mid-flight, soaring in front of a timeworn garden gate overgrown with deep green vines abloom with luminous white moonflowers.

She is wearing a graceful circlet of orchids and desert thistle, a soft blue iris, a Zoluren white gladiolus, a small ox charm with polished ivory horns, an elaborate off-the-shoulder gown of thistle-hued satin layered with beaded lace, a hooded robe of fragile lace dyed a pale thistle, a delicate spiraling crystal ring and a pair of soft slippers swathed in lace.

Tirost recites:
    "Thank you all for coming and sharing your thoughts."

Daisybelle offers Avrenka a canvas botanical apron block-printed with a pattern of herbs.

Ausric quietly says to Elurora, "Thank you."

Avrenka accepts Daisybelle's botanical apron.

Medir asks Ausric, "Is there somethin' you wanted to ask, more generally?"

Unaka asks Tirost, "Is there a triage spot around here?"

Aaiyaah says, "Great to see everyone. Thank you for hosting Tirost."

Elurora quietly says to Ausric, "Allye is usually good for knowing what's going on."

Allye says, "Thank you for pulling this together, Tirost."

Elurora hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Elurora hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Elurora just hugged Siendra.

Tirost bows.

Allye hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Siendra hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Elurora bows to Unaka.

> nod elu agre
You nod at Elurora, in complete agreement with her views.

Urbaj praises Tirost.

Elurora bows.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj went through some heavy double doors.

Lady Knight Elurora went through some heavy double doors.

Tirost shakes Aaiyaah's hand.

Allye nods to Tirost.

Ausric quietly says to Medir, "Just trying to understand who is in charge, I suppose."

Senthic leans on Siendra.

Aaiyaah shakes Tirost's hand.

>l roza
You see Rozalynde Abnormal, a Human.
Rozalynde has a triangular face, almond-shaped jade eyes and a classical nose.  Her lavender-streaked deep blue hair is shoulder length and wavy, and is worn shaved on one side.  She has rosy skin and a slender figure.
She is short for a Human.

She is wearing a linked cambrinth ankle bracelet hung with a jeweled black-enamel musical note, a tight bundle, a polished sana'ati tree comb with dangling malachite leaves, a lumium ring lorica, a light steel plate mask, some light lumium plate gauntlets, a lumium target shield, a coarse onyx-hide helm sealed with protective wax, some lumium scale greaves, some coarse onyx-hide vambraces sealed with protective wax, a slim parry stick fit with oilcloth straps, a pair of copper zills, a thigh-length golden firesilk sarong knotted at one side, a snug Elothean lace bandeau wrapped around the chest, a multicolored spider earring with the crest of the Bards' Guild etched into its abdomen, a carved magenta pick, an aqua medium case, a studded toolstrap with black jasper beading, a gwethdesuan, a heavy silk backpack, a rectangular doeskin tool case embossed with the image of an orlog, a fine wool thigh bag, a fuzzy gem pouch, a minstrel's hooded cloak of whiskey-brown steelsilk clasped by an ashwood cigar, a small steel skinning knife with a leather-wrapped hilt and a sleek sword belt with a bastard sword and a throwing spike hanging from it.

Aaiyaah winks at you.

Medir nods to Ausric.

Rozalynde gazes at Unaka.

>grin aai
You grin at Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah gently kisses you on the cheek.

Tirost says to Medir, "Sir, I am in your debt many times over."

>kiss aai
You kiss Aaiyaah.

Allye says, "No one's ever really in charge in Crossing."

Unaka smiles at Rozalynde.

Aaiyaah throws back his shoulders, snapping to attention and with a sharp click of his heels, renders Unaka a crisp salute.

Spectral Warrior Harsh's group went through some heavy double doors.

Aaiyaah says to Unaka, "Until next time."

Illiya says, "Allye kinda is."

You leave the group.

Illiya sticks her tongue out at Allye.

Kerennya says to Unaka, "Empath's Guild downstairs in the Healerie.  Secondary location in the Crossing Temple first floor."

Aaiyaah smiles at Unaka.

>wave aai
You wave to Aaiyaah.

Medir says to Tirost, "Hardly. Thank you for coordinatin' this evenin'."

Unaka nods to Aaiyaah.

Allye laughs at Illiya.

Aaiyaah waves to you.

Unaka nods to Kerennya.

Tirost smiles at Medir.

Tirost bows to Medir.

Unaka says, "Okay. Got it."

Avrenka says to Tirost, "Thank you for allowing us all to speak."

Ausric nods to Allye.

Rozalynde says to Unaka, "A thing you said earlier has given me a thought. We don't seem to be fighting one thing, so we don't know what could be sent against us aye. But..."

Allye grins at Ausric.

Medir nods to Ausric.

Calabra says, "Thank you for the wonderful lessons and remedies."

Tirost says to Avrenka, "Thank you for sharing your voice."

Medir says, "As Allye said."

Ausric quietly says to Allye, "New to this area, so trying to figure out the battle plan."

Medir chuckles.

Aerilia stands up.

Unaka fixes Rozalynde with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Tirost glances at Aerilia.

>' }tiros Thank you for letting me speak.
You say to Tirost, "Thank you for letting me speak."

Tirost says to you, "Thank you for speaking."

Rozalynde says to Unaka, "If we are fighting against a united force of some kind, their main attack so far seems to be sewing dissent. And that means, you miss Unaka, being the most trustworthy I've met. Means I trust you the least..."

>turn shr
You pull your shroud's hood up to conceal your features.

Unaka scratches her head.

Rozalynde looks at Unaka and sighs.

Daisybelle blinks.

Imroth peers quizzically at Rozalynde.

Daisybelle nods to Nawain.

Calabra says, "My ranger senses appear to be dulling, i must make haste to the nearest battle for sharpening."

>tilt curious
You tilt your head with a curious expression.

Unaka asks, "I'm the most trustworthy, so I'm the least trustworthy?"

Daisybelle gets a rainbow gardening apron embroidered with belladonna blossoms from inside her pink backpack.

Medir says to Ausric, "In older times there was more official organization, but these days y'will find folks take the lead in various ways in the moment."

Calabra stands up.

Katriwen hugs Calabra, who wraps his arms around Katriwen with a warm smile.

Calabra picks up a folding satinwood chair with a Musparan silk cushioned seat.

Medir ponders.

Rozalynde says to Unaka, "I like you, which means you're the most dangerous."

Aerilia chuckles.

Unaka chuckles.

Ausric nods politely to Medir.

Tirost chuckles.

Katriwen says to Calabra, "Safe travels, thanks for coming into the city."

Calabra hugs Katriwen, getting a smile in return.

Unaka says, "I'm dangerous all right. To the ones who fight against Truffenyi's people."

Calabra bows to Allye.

Siendra says to Tirost, "Thank you, Tirost, as always, for your efforts to bring people together.  For planning.  For being prepared."

Avrenka grins at Unaka.

Tirost says to Unaka, "Many of us trust you, and your words were inspiring. I am grateful you have come."

Allye curtsies gracefully to Calabra.

Calabra bows to Unaka.

Unaka nods to Tirost.

Tirost looks at Siendra and blushes.

Calabra waves to Tirost.

Imroth says, "Alright, well that was a meeting! Take care everyone. I will see you again I am sure."

Tirost waves to Calabra.

Avrenka nods to Imroth.

Imroth says to Tirost, "Thank you for hosting."

Calabra says, "Have a wonderful and safe night everyone."

Unaka says, "I guess I don't expect you all to trust me right away. I get it."

Siendra says to Unaka, "It is nice to finally meet you.  I have heard so much.  I look forward to watching you lead."

Calabra waves to Imroth.

Calabra bows to Illiya.

Tirost bows to Imroth.

>grin imr
You grin at Imroth.

Unaka says to Rozalynde, "I think some people felt better after they saw the visions from Truffenyi."

Trajan bows to Unaka.

Unaka nods to Siendra.

Abra Calabra went through some heavy double doors.

Elizzibiana snorts, loudly.

High Lord of Justice Imroth went through some heavy double doors.

Trajan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Knight Errant Trajan went through some heavy double doors.

Khozh Elizzibiana went through some heavy double doors.

Tirost says to Siendra, "Thank you for joining us, Siendra."

Illiya says, "I think many of us have followed the Immortals and feel we can trust someone who also does."

Ausric quietly asks, "I take it the meeting is over?"

Siendra smiles at Tirost.

Spectral Warrior Harsh came through some heavy double doors.

Aerilia nods to Illiya.

Unaka nods to Illiya.

Senthic looks at Ausric and shrugs.

Rozalynde says, "I'm not well versed in visions or even magic. I don't know how easy something like that would be to fake."

Ausric looks at Senthic and shrugs.

Senthic snickers.

Harsh quietly asks, "Can i have an apron please?"

Ausric says to Senthic, "No idea here."

Harsh raises his hand.

Daisybelle offers Harsh a rainbow gardening apron embroidered with belladonna blossoms.

Ausric shakes his head.

Harsh accepts Daisybelle's gardening apron.

Siendra teasingly says to Tirost, "And just because I cannot stay silent, it is not the Thirteen.  It is the Nineteen."

Senthic says to Ausric, "Same."

Warbrolus smiles at Tirost.

Harsh quietly says, "Thank you so much."

Harsh applauds.

Daisybelle bobs a quick curtsy to Harsh.

Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus went through some heavy double doors.

Tirost raises his hand in a quick salute.

Daisybelle gets an ebon gardening apron embroidered with fleece orchid blossoms from inside her pink backpack.

Harsh quietly says, "Stay livin everyone."

Harsh offers a prayer to Eluned for safe journeys.

Ausric says to Senthic, "I guess I should just go and figure things out elsewhere."

Allye waves to Harsh.

Ausric smiles.

Senthic grins at Ausric.

Medir asks Ausric, "Did y'get an answer to your question about the battle plan?"

Unaka says, "Okay. Anyone who wants a blessing, I'll be outside the hall."

Tirost says to Siendra, "A discussion for Raven's Court over drinks..."

Ausric shakes his head at Medir.

Senthic exclaims to Ausric, "Lemme know if you figure it out!"

Illiya says, "Thank you for hosting Tirost."

Tirost nods to Unaka.

Medir gives a slight nod.

Ausric quietly says to Medir, "Not at all."

Avrenka waves to Tirost.

Illiya hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Tirost smiles at Illiya.

Allye asks Ausric, "Would you like to chat about things after this at the bar at Taelbert's?"

Tekhelet says to Tirost, "Smooth."

Illiya just hugged Nawain.

Briaen nods to Unaka.

Tirost waves to Avrenka.

Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu came through some heavy double doors.

Ysilda curtsies.

Nawain hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Tirost smiles at Tekhelet.

Siendra says to Tirost, "Deal."

Allye says to Ausric, "I'm afraid we may be a bit confused about what you're asking."

Allye grins.

Siendra hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Siendra with a warm smile.

Unaka says, "Hope we don't have to fight, but if we do, let's send 'em to the Spiral together."

Siendra hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Allye hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Allye hugs Siendra, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Medir joins Allye's group.

Siendra hugs Tekhelet, getting a smile in return.

Illiya nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

>go door
[Town Hall, Short Hallway]
This short hallway leads from the second floor landing to the public Meeting Hall.  Cream-colored walls are hung with portraits of various famous citizens and a series of engravings, copies actually, of the famed Elothean artist Hoa Kiu-Sawa's series called "7 River Views".You also see a walnut display case with a brass plaque on it and some heavy double doors.
Obvious exits: east, west.
Holy Guardian Unaka came through some heavy double doors.

You go east.
[Town Hall, Second Floor Landing]
A large but scraggly palm tree in a pot sits at the top of the stairs in an effort to liven the dull civic atmosphere.  This floor contains the Mayor's Office and meeting rooms.You also see the Council Chamber doors, a flight of stairs, a short hall and the Mayor's Office.
Holy Guardian Unaka just arrived.
Holy Guardian Unaka climbed down a flight of stairs.

>cl stair
[Town Hall, Lobby]
Surrounded by the nerve centers of the administrative arm of the local government, the lobby is an area open to the second floor with skylights in the roof overhead.  Various offices open off the main floor, and a flight of stairs leads upward.  An attempt at a cheerful paint scheme has become worn and faded with time until it is now a dusty grey and anemic beige, dull and unremarkable.You also see a narrow door, a notice for potential home buyers, the Town Collection Office and a Citizenship Registration Office.
Obvious exits: out.

You go out.
[The Crossing, Lunat Shade Road]
A modest two-story building with a slate roof and large windows dominates this section of town.  This is the Town Hall, the place to pay fines and taxes, obtain permits and licenses, and attend the occasional town meeting.  On the other side of this tree-lined street is the Plaza.  Looking east from here you can barely make out the ramparts of the Eastern Wall over the low roofs of the houses and shops.You also see a gilded walkway.
Also here: Holy Guardian Unaka.
Obvious paths: east, west.

Unaka nods to you.

>nod una pol
You nod politely to Unaka.

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

Avrenka waves to Unaka.

Unaka says, "Oh, forgot something."

Holy Guardian Unaka entered the Town Hall.

>grin av
You grin at Avrenka.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

>'Safe travels.
You say, "Safe travels."

Avrenka says, "Stars guide you."

You wave.

Avrenka waves.

Illiya just hugged Avrenka.

Illiya beams!

You hoot, sounding remarkably like a real owl.

Illiya grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.