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Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09052024/Miraena Visits the Knife Clan Spire

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Miraena Visits the Knife Clan Spire
Event Date: 09/05/2024
Event Instance: Prime
  • Messenger Miraena joins the adventure.

[Wilderness, Edge of the Primal Encasement]
An abrupt line slashes across the forest here, the tree line ending with a stark immediacy and with the ground cleared. To the north, a crater descends gently downward, encased in a veritable wall of snapping and writhing thorny vines that constantly churn the land and create an impassable barrier. Extending upward into a vague teardrop pinnacle from which erupts a golden beam of light, the lifesculpted spire occupies the same space Knife Clan previously occupied.

Casari asks, "Miraena.... Are you okay?"

Miraena reaches out to place a hand on the lifesculpted spire.

Miraena sighs.

The grey cat begins to watch the goings on carefully.

Miraena shakes her head at Casari.

Miraena quietly says, "No. I am not okay."

Casari frowns.

Miraena asks Casari, "Did you witness this happen?"

Casari says, "This one... no. The two that followed, yes."

Miraena frowns.

Miraena nods.

Miraena says, "I hope to see the other two in the next few days."

Casari says, "I... hope they're the last two."

Miraena gazes at Casari.

Miraena sighs.

Miraena says, "You sound like I did, when I first came to Crossing."

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

(Casari gazes at the spire and its golden light.)

Casari asks, "Have you seen Asildu?"

Miraena nods to Casari.

Miraena says, "Yes, we speak regularly."

Casari says, "Good... I was wondering how he was after what happened here."

Miraena says, "He told me of what happened, but I had to come see for myself. I was hoping it would re-strengthen my resolve."

Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.

Miraena says to Casari, "He is... uncertain. We both are."

Casari asks, "Uncertain? In what way?"

Miraena says, "How we continue this mission, when so many ignore what we have already said."

Miraena asks, "Do we sit back and leave everyone to this fate?"

Miraena gestures towards the lifesculpted spire.

Miraena asks, "Or do we keep trying? And being further blamed for the actions of others?"

Miraena sighs.

Casari says, "This one... this is because of people ignoring what was said, that's true."

Casari says, "The other two... they're not."

Miraena says, "The other two were, as well. People continue to demand proof from us, proof that the Heralds are serious in their message."

Miraena frowns.

Miraena says, "They poke and poke and poke, and when finally the bear reacts, they blame everyone but themselves."

Casari says, "I don't know what he told you, but we were already beyond proof. At least some of us were trying to find a solution. We were asking for help."

Miraena says to Casari, "He told me that those gathered demanded he send messages to the Heralds, and demand answers in return."

Casari sighs.

Miraena quietly says, "Perhaps I ought to go back home to my village, and finish out the end of days with those I love."

Miraena sighs.

Casari says, "I asked him to talk to them. To ask them if they would communicate with us. To return our people to us, and thereby gain MANY more supporters in the process."

Miraena gazes at Casari.

Casari says, "We mortals, and the Heralds, we can work together and save all of us. But he wouldn't... or maybe couldn't... listen. There's just so much anger, and escalating is just going to make it worse for everyone."

Miraena says, "They do not have your people, as we have said many times."

Miraena says to Casari, "Asildu is not a Herald, it is not him that 'will' or 'will not'."

Veteran Apprentice Anuril just arrived.

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Anuril nods to Miraena.

Anuril moves over to guard Miraena.

Casari says to Miraena, "I don't think anyone with half a brain thinks he's a Herald."

Miraena quietly says to Anuril, "Adventurer Anuril, hello."

Anuril says, "Evening."

Miraena nods to Casari.

Miraena says, "They make demands of us to prove we are who we are, or prove we represent who we represent. Here is proof."

Casari says to Miraena, "We've seen enough now to make it... at least very likely, if not completely clear, that they DO have our people. If they've told you otherwise, then... I don't know what to say."

Miraena says, "And now that we have proved we are who we say we are, and who we represent, we beg again that this is all the result of sorcery and adventurers continued use."

Miraena frowns at Casari.

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Miraena says, "It is interesting that you can be so certain of one thing, and no nothing about the others."

Miraena says, "Excuse me, know nothing."

Miraena says, "You are certain the Heralds have these five people, and yet uncertain what is needed to fix the imbalance in the world."

Miraena shrugs.

Anuril gets a lelori pipe adorned with tiny heggarangi frogs from inside his silk backpack.

Anuril puts his tobacco in his lelori pipe.

Anuril touches some Mountain Pass Blend tobacco with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.

Anuril puffs away on his lelori pipe.

Anuril moves a lelori pipe adorned with tiny heggarangi frogs to his left hand.

Casari gazes up at the sky.

Miraena says, "I think Asildu is ready to give up."

Miraena cringes.

Miraena hitches up the waistband of her workman's pants.

Casari says, "We know what we see, and for the rest we have faith. And I had faith that you were right, after seeing what some of the others were doing. And I abandoned the use of foreign magic. And even in spite of these... spires, I'm still willing to work toward that same goal in that same way. But the Heralds... what they're doing isn't working."

Casari says, "They may know what needs to be done, but their strategy is... it's all wrong."

Miraena asks, "How do you know?"

Anuril puffs away on his lelori pipe.

Miraena says, "Prove it to me."

(Casari gestures emphatically at the spire.)

Miraena folds her arms across her chest.

Casari says, "Because it's killing people and making MORE sorcerers."

Anuril dryly says, "Well, eventually all the sorcerors will be dead."

Miraena says, "These spires are the result of adventurers continuing to do what they have been told needs to stop."

Miraena says, "These are the same types of disasters that have befallen the villages I have spoken about before."

Casari asks, "These?"

Miraena says, "They grow in intensity and frequency with every passing day now it seems."

Anuril ponders.

Casari says, "This wasn't a disaster. This was a reaction."

Miraena says, "Countless indescrible events affecting people and villages, everywhere."

Urbaj exclaims, "These spires aren't "fate." It's not some deterministic cause and effect. The Heralds are CHOOSING to destroy these completely innocent villages!"

Miraena says to Urbaj, "They chosen to make a show of force so that you would finally listen."

Urbaj says, "And allowing the sorcerors to live."

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Urbaj says, "I've listened. It has not had the intended effect."

Miraena says, "It is all a reaction to sorcery, it's use, it's overuse, and the hurbis of adventurers to continue."

Anuril puffs away on his lelori pipe.

Casari says, "It's only going to fuel the growing sentiment of rising up against the Heralds and their apparent tyranny. More will take up sorcery, and more will gather to offend Them. More and more until it's beyond saving."

Miraena asks, "These effects, I have been told that you felt strange things when casting magic for years now. Do you think stopping sorcery for a day, for two days, for a week, will be enough?"

Miraena sadly says to Casari, "Then we all are truly doomed."

Miraena sighs.

Casari frowns at Miraena.

Urbaj says, "I know that the only relief I've felt from those strange things have been when we cast sorcery the most."

Casari asks, "I still hope that we don't have to be doomed. That's why I had hoped Asildu could express to the Heralds that a change of strategy is needed, one that works WITH the mortals. If he can't... I don't know, can you?"

Miraena asks Urbaj, "You felt relief while casting sorcery? Or after the push stopped?"

Miraena raises an eyebrow in Urbaj's direction.

Urbaj asks Miraena, "What's the push?"

Miraena says, "I was there for that party of sorcery."

Anuril frowns.

Miraena says, "I did not sense a relief until the Heralds stepped in and forced the end."

Chuno finishes playing a masterful concerto on his copper zills.

Urbaj says, "Not just that "party." Just friendly casting and teaching around town."

Urbaj says, "Where the Heralds were silent."

Miraena asks, "And you have felt a sense of relief, or a rightening with the balance of things, while casting sorcery?"

Urbaj says, "Yes."

Miraena says, "Then you would be the first I have heard such from."

Miraena says, "And, I would put before you what I have been asked.... prove it."

Anuril takes a long drag off of his lelori pipe.

Anuril exhales some tobacco smoke. A refreshing blend of peppermint and redwood permeates the area.

Urbaj says, "I've seen enough proof. I've felt it. The method of energy imbalances has been broadly explained. I've measured the results."

Miraena looks at Urbaj and shrugs.

Urbaj laughs!

Casari gestures.

Urbaj says, "Demolished villages, proof that there's another way, and just a shrug."

Miraena says, "Again, I ask if you made those measurements during mass sorcerous casting, or if you made them after mass sorcerous casting was ceased."

Miraena says to Urbaj, "I have been in Crossing for weeks now, telling you all about devastated villages."

Miraena says, "So many of you did not care a whit until one struck close."

Miraena says, "So do not imply to me that I do not care about what is happening here."

Casari frowns.

Miraena says, "I stood before rooms of countless people who did not listen, and still I say the same message."

Miraena says, "It is easy for you, as an adventurer, to go about your life and speak platitudes."

Anuril sighs.

Miraena says, "But you tell me of feeling relief after mass sorcerous casting has been stopped, even if by force, as if that is proof."

Cateress Allye just arrived.

Miraena says, "So many adventurers have changed nothing and yet demand that they have changed everything."

Anuril nods to Allye.

Miraena says, "So yes, I shrug at your hubris."

Allye nods to Anuril.

Allye says to Anuril, "Thank you."

Urbaj says, "The feeling of relief happened during the casting. But I don't think you'll truly listen to anyone but the Heralds. I don't think you're having this discussion in good faith."

Anuril smiles.

Urbaj says, "So I'll be on my way."

Miraena says to Urbaj, "Then you concede that I do hear from the Heralds, and you purposefully ignore the warnings you have been given."

Anuril puts his tobacco in his lelori pipe.

Anuril touches some Mountain Pass Blend tobacco with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.

Urbaj says, "That is correct."

Anuril puffs away on his lelori pipe.

Miraena says, "You deserve your fate, but I will not stop trying to save others while you speak from a high horse."

Miraena says, "At home, we say you sell your ears of corn while the heat threatens to pop it."

Miraena clucks her tongue and shakes her head.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj strolls south.

Casari sighs.

Miraena purposefully turns to face the north, eyeing upwards along the lifesculpted spire.

Allye says, "Miraena, there is something that confuses me."

Allye ponders.

Allye says, "Well, a lot that confuses me, truth be told. But one thing I would be curious to hear your thoughts on."

Miraena chuckles, a rueful tone to it.

Miraena quietly says, "You and me, both."

Miraena nods to Allye.

Allye nods.

Allye says, "Did the Heralds do this to these three clans? What we saw... the meteors and these spires, it doesn't seem like the wild vortexes and uncontrolled outbursts of magic that plagued villages before now."

Miraena says, "I did not witness it, but from what Asildu told me, yes. They did so in reaction to the continued insistence that Asildu prove who he was, and the message he was giving."

Allye furrows her brow.

Casari says, "That's... just not what was happening."

Mageling Aerilia just arrived.

Miraena says, "He said they were demanding that he pass messages on to the Heralds, which we do not know that we can do. We have said so many times."

Anuril puffs away on his lelori pipe.

Anuril nods to Aerilia.

Aerilia frowns slightly.

Aerilia's feet are soaked.

Miraena says, "I apologize to Casari, who has already heard me say this, but it is as if a bear. If you poke it and poke it and poke it to see if it is alive, do not be surprised when the bear finally bites back to give you the proof."

Allye frowns.

Allye says, "These people did not deserve... whatever this is."

Casari says, "It seemed like Asildu was overcome with the Heralds' rage and could not handle it, which... is understandable. And I'm not happy about what I had to do to try and stop him."

Miraena says to Allye, "You are right, they did not deserve what adventurers have caused to happen."

Anuril asks, "Had to do?"

Anuril squints at Casari.

Aerilia glances at Miraena.

Casari says to Miraena, "All I can do is repeat my plea. There are many of us listening, but the Heralds aren't listening, and they're taking the wrong course if their aim is to get more of us to cooperate. I had hoped Asildu could echo the sentiment to them, but he could not. If you can... please try. I know you don't think you can, but maybe, just maybe, the connection works in two ways."

Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Miraena says to Casari, "The Heralds do not need to listen to us. They have told us what we need to do."

Anuril nods to Miraena.

Casari says, "Then, like you said... we're doomed."

Miraena says, "If we want the world to survive, adventurers need to stop using sorcery."

Miraena ponders.

Aerilia says, "This was no effect of wild magic."

Miraena says, "It is like... a net you have not maintained for years and years."

Miraena says, "The strands grow frayed, and rip apart, leaving holes that your fish slip through."

Miraena says, "You can choose to be mad at the strings that had not been maintained for years, saying it was their fault there are holes."

Miraena says, "Or you can mend the net."

Miraena says, "More and more fish slip through, more every day."

Miraena says, "It is a choice, every day."

(Allye gazes northward at the spire, her eyes sorrowful and worried.)

Anuril puffs away on his lelori pipe.

Miraena says, "Asildu is not certain that it is worth it to keep trying to say the same things over and over."

Miraena sighs.

Miraena says, "I was hoping my trip here would reinvigorate my resolve, but I find that very hard."

Aerilia says to Miraena, "You came here claiming to speak for those without a voice. The nameless villages of the world, full of the unseen people."

Miraena nods to Aerilia.

Aerilia asks, "How can you stomach that the Heralds have now destroyed three clans full of those very people?"

Miraena says, "Yes, for the commoners, like those who lived in this clan."

Miraena gazes at Aerilia.

Miraena says to Aerilia, "More people will die if sorcery is not ceased."

Miraena says, "If this is what it takes in the Heralds estimation to finally make so many listen... then I stand behind that. People MUST listen."

Miraena says, "They would not listen when it was villages in the distance."

Aerilia asks, "So their lives were taken for what reason, exactly? To scare us into submission?"

Miraena gazes off to the west.

Aerilia shakes her head.

Casari says, "But it's not. This is what it takes to drive people to IGNORE their command. It's... just how people work."

Allye nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Miraena chuckles.

Miraena says, "That is how ADVENTURERS work."

Anuril dryly says, "Those people are fools."

Casari says, "At least the crazy sort of people who become adventurers in the first place. Yes."

Allye says, "And you are trying to convince adventurers, I am afraid."

Casari says, "And it's adventurers who need convincing, isn't it? So... see? This is all wrong."

Miraena says, "The common people listen to the wind when it threatens rain, and they cover their newly sprouted crops. They do not shake their fist at the sky and blame the clouds."

Anuril smiles at Miraena.

Anuril quietly says, "Hubris is one of the side effects of sorcery."

Allye says, "Those in Knife Clan do not anything now, it seems. I'm finding it difficult to blame the adventurers for that."

Miraena nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Miraena quietly says to Anuril, "It seems so."

Aerilia says, "Well, these common people were never given a chance to listen. They were killed by forces beyond their kin as punishment for others' supposed sins."

Allye nods to Aerilia.

Miraena says to Aerilia, "The same as all commoners who cannot stop using sorcery because they do not cast magic in the first place."

Aerilia shakes her head.

Miraena says, "Adventurers cast sorcerous magic, adventurers caused this problem over many long years. Adventurers have the chance to stop the ending of the world."

Anuril puffs away on his lelori pipe.

Miraena asks, "And you hold parties where you wontonly cast sorcerous magic as much as possible, and you finally stop.... and feel relief.... and you ignore it?"

Anuril asks Miraena, "Is there something proactive we could do, to repair the damage?"

Allye says, "This show of force was not a natural consequence of sorcerous magic, though. The Heralds could have chosen another way."

Miraena clucks her tongue and shakes her head.

Aerilia says, "Your masters are all at once powerful and incompetent. They have qualms with adventurers but strike out at the common man, the people who you claim to represent."

Miraena gazes at Aerilia.

Miraena says to Allye, "Yes, it was a show by the Heralds, to try to finally make people listen."

Miraena says, "It was easy to brush off their warnings when adventurers were not seeing impact."

Aerilia asks, "Would you so easily say the same thing if they had stuck your home from the face of the world?"

Allye says, "I am surprised to find you feel the way you do, Miraena. Perhaps that was my misunderstanding of your mission and the purpose behind it. Even as someone who still hopes to stop the sorcerous casting that is happening, I'm not sure what to think."

Miraena says to Aerilia, "And, they are not MY masters. They are worlds more powerful than anyone here, or anything that has ever been here. If you want to call them masters, then they are OURS."

Miraena says to Allye, "I cannot mourne the loss of a few more fish, when there are millions that still hang in the balance."

Aerilia shakes her head at Miraena.

Allye nods to Miraena.

Miraena says, "If this is what it takes to make people listen, then for the sake of the world, it must happen."

Allye says, "I can see that you feel that way, yes."

(Allye frowns and returns her gaze northward.)

Anuril takes a long drag off of his lelori pipe.

Miraena says to Aerilia, "The effects of sorcerous casting already affected my village. Whether bit by the hen or the wolf that lords above it, the wound is the same."

Casari says, "Hubris or not, adventurers do appear to have the power to strike at the Heralds through using sorcery, and that's exactly what's going to continue, in accelerating frequency and severity, by greater numbers of casters, if the Heralds do not alter their approach. If they are unable to see that, they need to be told, somehow. And if they are unable to be convinced, then... it is THEIR hubris that will doom us."

Miraena raises an eyebrow in Casari's direction.

Miraena asks Casari, "Strike at them... how? Has this been successful?"

Anuril laughs!

Anuril says, "You can't blackmail the Heralds."

Casari says, "Apparently, if they have to throw spires at Elanthia."

Miraena gazes at Casari.

Miraena says, "Even if our world turns to ash, the Heralds will continue to live on. They do not depend on our survival."

Aerilia says, "I have felt the world's balance tilt back in the right direction BECAUSE of sorcery. The very acts of sorcery that the Heralds destroyed this clan for."

Miraena says, "They are not striking out because we threaten them. They are striking out because people doubt their power and their message."

Miraena asks Aerilia, "WHILE doing sorcery? Or after it?"

Aerilia says, "What more, I have seen Meraud appear before my very eyes and tell me that such sorcery was necessary."

Miraena ponders.

Aerilia says to Miraena, "After. Always shortly after."

Miraena asks, "Then why has Meraud not intervened?"

Miraena nods to Aerilia.

Miraena says to Aerilia, "AFTER sorcery has stopped."

Aerilia gazes up at the sky.

Miraena says, "As if.... ceasing sorcery is what restores balance, and provides relief."

Aerilia says, "That makes no sense. A sudden burst of sorcery followed by normalcy isn't stopping sorcery."

Miraena gazes at Aerilia.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Miraena says, "We will have to agree to disagree on that."

Aerilia says, "And Meraud HAS intervened. Months ago Wild Magic was worse - but following a vigil to Him, its harshest effects lessened."

Aerilia says, "He is working to help us even now."

Druid Waydren just arrived.

Waydren nods to Anuril.

Miraena says to Aerilia, "So he has stepped in when the risks were much lower, and chooses not to now? That perhaps sounds even worse."

Miraena shakes her head.

Miraena quietly says, "I find some of Asildu's statements more and more right, the more I speak with adventurers."

Aerilia sighs.

Waydren takes a seat.

Waydren kneels.

Allye gazes at Miraena.

Waydren takes a seat.

Anuril nods to Waydren.

Allye asks, "If it weren't for Asildu calling upon them for proof, would the Heralds have struck the other two villages?"

Miraena says to Allye, "I cannot say for certain or not, as I do not communicate with them."

Allye quietly says, "Perhaps it would be better not to speak to adventurers if that is the outcome."

Casari nods to Waydren.

Anuril frowns.

Anuril is gnawing on his pipe.

Miraena says, "You must remember, that the Heralds are to us as... the farmer to spiders. The farmer's crop benefits from the spiders, bu the farmer does not answer to the spiders."

Miraena frowns.

Miraena shudders.

Miraena quietly says, "Although I have never liked spiders."

Casari smiles slightly.

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Waydren nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Anuril smiles at Waydren.

Miraena says, "The time grows late into the evening."

Anuril puts his tobacco in his lelori pipe.

Anuril touches some Culebras tobacco with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.

Miraena says, "And if I am to make it back to Crossing safely, I should begin my walk."

Miraena hitches up the waistband of her workman's pants.

Waydren asks Miraena, "Do you need escort?"

Casari says, "I'm not asking them to answer to us. I want them to recognize how to work with us."

Aerilia folds her arms across her chest.

Waydren says to Casari, "I have thoughts on that matter."

Miraena glances at Anuril.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Waydren.

Anuril observes Miraena with fascination.

Miraena quietly asks Anuril, "Is this one trustworthy?"

Miraena glances at Waydren.

Waydren raises an eyebrow in Miraena's direction.

Anuril says, "Him? Oh yes."

Miraena nods.

Miraena smiles at Waydren.

Miraena says to Waydren, "That would be very kind, thank you."

Casari says to Miraena, "I'm... glad you're still safe. And I very much hope it stays that way. And that we can all get through this. Everyone."

Waydren asks Miraena, "Where to, exactly?"

Miraena nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Miraena steps towards Waydren to join him, but Waydren steps away.

Allye nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Waydren says to Casari, "I will be back momentarily."

Miraena says to Waydren, "I am staying at the Gaethrends."

Waydren stands up.

Miraena joins Waydren's group.

Miraena curtsies.

Anuril bows.

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

Allye nods to Miraena.

Miraena nods to Allye.

Waydren asks Miraena, "Where to within the Crossing?"

Casari raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Miraena.

Miraena asks Waydren, "Do you know the inn, Gaethrend's?"

Waydren nods to Miraena.

Miraena nods to Casari.

Waydren says, "We go."

Miraena smiles.

Druid Waydren goes south, leading his group.

Anuril stops guarding.

Allye sighs deeply, looking very depressed.

Anuril puffs away on his lelori pipe.

Aerilia shakes her head.

Anuril asks, "This energy from the Void thing is completely cracked, you realize?"

Allye asks Anuril, "What do you mean?"

Casari nods to Anuril.

Anuril says, "The theory that sorcery brings in helpful energy from the Void."

Allye says, "Oh."

* Miraena returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Allye nods in agreement.

Druid Waydren just arrived.

Waydren nods to Casari.

Allye asks, "Does anything helpful come from there?"

Anuril smirks at Allye.

Waydren says to Casari, "Thank you for waiting."

Anuril says to Allye, "Not in my experience, no."

Casari nods to Waydren.

Allye nods in agreement.

Casari says to Anuril, "It seems more and more like ANYthing coming from the outside is harmful, even if it seems to help."

Waydren takes a seat.

Aerilia chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Anuril says, "Well, there's outside and there's Outside. The local planar group... I have always felt that they work in tandem."

Katamba slowly rises above the horizon.

Waydren raises an eyebrow.

Casari says, "I'm... unsure. I'm not a planar expert. That's not how my magic works."

Waydren smiles at Casari.

Anuril nods.

Waydren asks Casari, "Have you heard of what we intend in a few days hence?"

Casari shakes her head at Waydren.

Casari says to Waydren, "I haven't."

Waydren asks Casari, "Were you present at either of the past two Beseech Rituals?"

Casari says, "The one by the tower."

Waydren says to Casari, "Ah, the first. Where Elanthia revealed to us her true past."

Waydren nods to Casari.

Allye nods to Waydren.

Waydren says to Casari, "We Beseeched her again, this time linked with Asildu."

Casari gives a slight nod.

Casari asks, "I heard that one showed... well, these?"

Waydren says to Casari, "There Elanthia revealed what was, and what could have been."

(Casari gestures at the spire.)

Waydren nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Waydren says, "Indeed."

Allye quietly says, "The spires were much more beautiful then."

Aerilia frowns in thought.

Waydren says to Casari, "The first vision revealed wounds caused by misuse of magic."

Waydren says to Casari, "Holes pricked in the barrier between Inside and Outside."

Waydren says to Casari, "We next meet in an attempt to mend one of those wounds."

Casari says, "That sounds like a good idea. Count me in, if there's something I can do."

Anuril puffs away on his lelori pipe.

Allye nods in agreement.

Waydren says to Casari, "Indeed there is. Are you familiar with Lupdels?>."

Anuril asks Casari, "But, you attacked Asildu?"

Casari asks, "Lupdels, um... yes, that name's familiar. Another Bard. What did he look like again...?"

Casari says to Anuril, "Unfortunately."

Waydren says to Casari, "A Rakash. Greyish-brown coat. Green eyes. An orator of some renown."

Casari nods to Waydren.

Waydren says to Casari, "He plans to use Bardic knowledge to assist Anuril in locating the wound."

Waydren says to Casari, "Your assistance in this matter would be most welcome, if there is time to study between here and there."

Casari says to Waydren, "I can certainly try to assist."

Anuril asks Casari, "And what if he were present at our attempt to heal this wound?"

Casari asks Anuril, "I hope he would help, too?"

Anuril smirks.

Anuril nods.

Waydren says to Anuril, "People will abide by the Dragon's Peace while present, or they will be forcibly removed."

Anuril nods to Waydren.

Casari says, "It's not like I want Anuril dead. I didn't want to attack him. But he was... crazy. And calling meteors! I had to do something."

Casari says, "Asildu, I mean. Not Anuril. Obviously."

Waydren grins.

Anuril nods to Casari.

Waydren nods to Casari.

Casari says, "I mean, I don't want Anuril dead either. But I didn't have to kill him."

Anuril laughs!

Allye laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Anuril puts his pipe in his leather haversack.

Aerilia shakes her head.

Mageling Aerilia strides south.

The white dog pads off.

Waydren says to Casari, "Seek our Lupdels. Ask what he has planned. I have left the Bardic rites to him."

Waydren smiles.

Casari nods to Waydren.

Waydren says to Allye, "Kethrai is leading the Empaths in this effort, if you would be inclined to assist as well."

Allye nods to Waydren.

Allye says, "Of course."

Waydren says to Casari, "Thank you for lingering. We would be honored by your presence."

Casari says to Waydren, "Thank you, too. I hope it works, and we find another path to fixing... everything."

Waydren nods to Casari.

Waydren says, "To a mended Elanthia."

Casari nods in agreement.

Anuril nods.

Waydren says, "Please hear me now."

Waydren says, "If any accosts you, my bow and staff are yours."

Waydren says, "We who walk this trail are few."

Allye smiles.

Waydren says, "And my vengeance is swiftly rendered on those who hunt my trailmates."

Anuril nods.

(Casari glances at everyone present.)

Waydren says, "You need not fear while thoughts can reach me."

Waydren opens his kirmiko pocket.

Waydren gets some Void's sting arrows from inside his scorpion-shaped quiver.

Waydren puts his arrows in his kirmiko pocket.

Waydren closes his kirmiko pocket.

Waydren raises an eyebrow in Casari's direction.

Waydren asks, "You have thoughts?"

Casari says, "If you were talking to me, that was a really great sentiment. I'm used to having to set everyone on fire when they accost me."

Anuril laughs!

Waydren smiles.

Allye grins at Casari.

Waydren says to Casari, "I speak to all three of you present."

Waydren smiles.

Casari smiles.

Waydren says, "There are others, but we are few."

Waydren says, "The Heralds have not made our job any easier."

Anuril makes a grunting noise.

Allye says, "Indeed they have not."

Casari says, "Darn straight. They're idiots."

Allye's ears droop for a moment.

Waydren says to Casari, "Or alien in their thoughts."

Waydren says, "I believe that they understand action, and not words."

Casari says, "Well, right, idiots in the frame of mortal thinking."

Waydren says, "The only actions they have seen are repeated provocations."

Waydren says, "We seek to Mend this, literally and figuratively."

Allye says, "Mending what it damaged must be the best course for all involved."

Casari says, "I hope they understand."

Allye nods to Waydren.

Waydren says, "To take up the mantle of Guardian, that they might understand our partnership."

Allye says, "Or at the least, be appeased enough to stop decimating our villages."

Allye furrows her brow.

Casari glances up at the sky.

Waydren says, "I must return to my duties. Call upon me as you have need."

Casari nods in agreement.

Waydren says, "I hope to see you each at the Mending."

Anuril raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Casari says, "Good evening, everyone."

Anuril nods.

Casari waves.

Allye nods.

Allye says, "Safe paths."

Waydren nods.

Anuril pets his grey cat.

In the blink of an eye, Waydren disappears into his surroundings.

Firehawk Casari goes south.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril goes south.

Cateress Allye goes south.