Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 08302024/Valenal and Unaka Attend a Rescue Attempt - Knife Clan is Lost

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It has been 450 years, 88 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 3rd month of Lirisa the Archer in the year of the Golden Panther.


This log includes messaging that was specific to different guilds. The following highlights were used:

Red indicates the messaging was received by everyone in the room.
Blue indicates the messaging was received by only Bards.
Purple indicates the messaging was received by only Warrior Mages.
Green indicates the messaging was received by only Clerics.


[Arhat's Tower, Workshop]
Very little is recognizable from the workshop's original contents. The walls are broken off at half their intended height and the area lies open to the elements. The only obvious sign of the room's prior function, odd glowing stains marking the floor, are most likely the result of past experiments gone awry. You also see a copper dart, a copper dart, a copper dart, a copper dart, a copper dart, a copper dart, a copper dart, a copper dart, a copper dart, a copper dart, a copper dart, a copper dart, an ethereal vela'tohr thicket, a vibrant white birch tree surrounded by purple blossoms, a gaping fiery fissure, a pink-eared white piglet with a bright yellow shirt stitched with a chaotic rainbow of daisies on it, a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes that is sitting, a lissome russet panther with rivulets of azure rippling through its fur that is sitting and a worn stone.
Also here: Wild Card Enthal, Asilyia, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Healer Leilanie, Warlord Thanator, Stargazer Mistanna who is being harassed by an intrigue of phantasmal kittens, Fire Witch Merilwen who has a stony visage, War Healer Misteeus whose form wavers within a roiling cloud of blue smoke, Lexxa, Roughneck Rileos, Heart Tender Kethrai, Daisybelle, Dawnsworn Briaen who is surrounded by a corona of fiery light, Veteran Apprentice Anuril who has a fiery visage, Dzive Asini Leayne, Fearless Crobin, Songbird Mendira whose figure is gracefully highlighted in a soft aurora of silvery-violet light, Forging Guru Sozinho, Valynn, Ryeka who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Fury's Touch Rejind, Sir Madigan, Elemental Aegis Tekhelet who has a stony visage, Black Dog Maintain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Knight of Meraud Tirost, Lady of Frostbite Siendra who is camouflaged in a swirling fog of frigid arctic currents, Bioexorcist Karthor, Sublime Mender Kerennya, Shavay, Reverend Gragnel, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu who is surrounded by six playful cats bounding around, Perune, Tempest Knight Saragos, Mageling Aerilia, Sister Severei, Blessed of Katamba Laureh, Lady Knight Elurora whose figure is gracefully highlighted in a soft aurora of silvery-violet light and Pilgrim Nawain who is shrouded in ghostly flames.
Obvious paths: down.

Maintain nods to Nawain.

Ezerak doffs his top hat.

Asilyia blinks.

Mendira gazes at a worn stone.

Saragos nods to Ezerak.

Druid Zyros just arrived.

Nawain paces back and forth.

Merilwen grins.

Tirost bows to Ezerak.

Asilyia curtsies.

Shavay picks up a copper dart.

Asilyia fidgets nervously.

Sozinho picks up a copper dart.

Valynn casually observes the area.

Shavay begins to carefully examine a copper dart.

Tirost smiles at Asilyia.

Rileos says to Saragos, "Oh I'm sure it will, but right now it's funny."

Rienth nods politely.

Tirost bows to Asilyia.

Tekhelet picks up a copper dart.

Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.

Sozinho waves a copper dart around.

Karthor gestures.

Asilyia smiles at Tirost.

Madigan deftly slings a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield onto his left arm in one graceful movement.

Maintain whispers something to Nawain.

Saragos says, "Ok, my party dancers. Let's do a quick practice. We're missing Dasheek, but he should be along."

Madigan draws forth a massive agonite-bladed zweihander balanced by a silver dragon-shaped hilt.

Asilyia curtsies to Tirost.

Shavay holds a copper dart in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Aerilia nods to Saragos.

Peace Keeper Vaddon just arrived.

Crobin pats Vaddon on the back.

Siendra gazes at Saragos.

Mendira nods to Saragos.

Peace Keeper Vaddon strides down.

Ezerak frowns.

Severei picks up a copper dart.

Saragos nods to Nawain.

Crobin nods to Ezerak.

Sukidesu gestures.

Saragos says, "Ok, position 1."

Aerilia kneels down.

Ezerak nods politely to Crobin.

Anuril stands up.

Tekhelet nods.

(Elurora moves to stand so she's flanking Nawain, keeping her focus centered and calm.)

(Valynn silently moves out of the crowd in the middle of the tower and takes a quiet place against the broken wall.)

Anuril observes Saragos with fascination.

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Sclerotia just arrived.

Kethrai asks Saragos, "How sure are you that... the streamers aren't going to get tangled up when the dance starts?"

Anuril quietly asks Tirost, "There's a dance?"

Leayne rests her hand on Crobin's arm with a soft smile.

Tirost turns an orichalcum dagger in the light, looking at it admiringly.

Saragos says to Kethrai, "We're doing this very carefully."

(Aerilia splits her attention between the rod she's holding and Saragos.)

Kethrai gives Saragos a slight nod.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Ears tilted forward, Crobin curls his tail around Leayne's waist loosely.

(Nawain paces around the edge of the tower, bending over to check things here or there. She fidgets and frets, muttering under her breath and writing notes on her palm.)

Anuril stands near Saragos.

Rileos twirls his dart about in a graceful looping pattern.

Anuril fidgets nervously.

Rileos twirls his dart about in a graceful looping pattern.

Gragnel nods to Nawain.

Anuril glances at a worn stone.

Gragnel gets a cup of holy water from inside his simple cassock.

[stone] This worn stone is the one-hundred thirty-ninth stone in the pattern on the floor, precisely where Navesi stood when she was taken. Absent the strange markings and glow present across the rest of the room, it has five circles marking the points of a star on its surface. The adjacent stones are slightly cracked.

Saragos says to Merilwen, "I think in Position 1 you're kneeling."

Tekhelet asks Anuril, "You didn't practice the dance?"

Merilwen nods to Saragos.

Anuril gazes at Tekhelet.

Ruea just arrived.

Misteeus ponders.

Merilwen asks Saragos, "It's time?"

Anuril mutters something into the air about a drink.

Asilyia smiles at Ruea.

Saragos says, "Merilwen and Aerilia kneeling in position 1, Dasheek and Siendra standing.,."

Kethrai says to Anuril, "I could've helped you practice..."

Tirost smiles at Ruea.

Ruea smiles at Asilyia.

(Crobin takes note as anyone passes behind him his eyes watching but giving them a gentle nod of his head before looking back towards the group)

Lexxa bows to Ruea.

Merilwen kneels down.

Ezerak just hugged Ruea.

Ruea hugs Asilyia, who wraps her arms around Ruea with a warm smile.

Kethrai playfully tilts his ears toward Anuril.

Severei kneels down.

Saragos says to Merilwen, "We're doing a quick run-through."

Asilyia just hugged Ruea.

Ruea smiles at Tirost.

Anuril gently kisses Kethrai on the cheek.

Mistanna just hugged Ruea.

Ruea hugs Ezerak, who wraps his arms around Ruea with a warm smile.

Laureh kneels down.

Merilwen nods.

Ruea hugs Mistanna, who wraps her arms around Ruea with a warm smile.

Crobin just hugged Ruea.

Saragos says, "So, position 1."

Saragos takes a sip of his cocoa.

Sukidesu kneels down.

Ruea curtsies to Lexxa.

Thanator just hugged Ruea.

Aerilia nods.

Merilwen nods.

Ruea hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Ruea with a warm smile.

Valynn nods to Crobin.

Crobin smiles at Valynn.

Tirost nods to Siendra.

Ruea smiles at Madigan.

Madigan grins at Ruea.

Saragos says, "I call out the position, you either stand or kneel as you're supposed to. Then I wave the shuttle. Then Perune raises his rod."

Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.

Ruea smiles at Saragos.

Saragos says, "So, we're in position. I wave."

Tekhelet asks, "Who wants mage buffs?"

Merilwen says, "Ok."

(Tirost stands parallel to Anuril.)

Crobin raises his hand.

Saragos says to Perune, "Raise your rod."

Crobin smiles at Tekhelet.

Anuril nods to Tirost.

Saragos says, "Now position 2."

Aerilia stands up.

Tirost nods to Anuril.

Merilwen stands up.

Severei stands up.

Rileos looks at Ruea, obviously trying not to grin.

Laureh stands up.

Ezathiel just arrived.

Ezathiel hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Ruea just nudged Rileos.

Lexxa bows to Ezathiel.

Ezathiel waves.

Lexxa hugs Ezathiel, who wraps his arms around Lexxa with a warm smile.

Tekhelet nods to Crobin.

Ezathiel just hugged Lexxa.

Madigan shakes his head at Tirost.

Saragos says to Siendra, "Position 2, you kneel."

Saragos says, "Then I wave the wand."

Saragos waves an ilmenite-tipped icesteel wand bound by a fluid smokewood grip around.

Perune holds an orichalcum rod high into the air for all to see.

Saragos nods to Perune.

Anuril fidgets nervously.

Merilwen asks, "And we weave the strands?"

Ruea smiles at Anuril.

Siendra kneels down.

Peace Keeper Vaddon just arrived, leading his group.

Anuril dusts himself off.

Wildflower Levie just arrived, leading her group.

Saragos says, "Then we go back to position 1."

Anuril caresses the firestorm damask of his vest, smoothing it down.

Siendra stands up.

Aerilia kneels down.

Anuril delicately adjusts his damask cloak, allowing it to hang elegantly from his shoulders.

Merilwen kneels down.

Shavay says, "Lightning cage, nice."

Saragos says, "Beautiful."

Nawain nods to Tekhelet.

Saragos waves an ilmenite-tipped icesteel wand bound by a fluid smokewood grip around.

Siendra says, "This will be our workout for the day, I suppose."

Mendira nods to Saragos.

Severei says, "I'm still confused."

Merilwen grins at Siendra.

Saragos points at Perune.

Siendra grins.

Merilwen nods to Siendra.

Tekhelet asks, "Anyone else want mage buffs?"

Perune holds an orichalcum rod high into the air for all to see.

Crystal Witch Kiashandra just arrived.

Kiashandra hugs Merilwen, who wraps her arms around Kiashandra with a warm smile.

Tirost whispers something to Siendra.

Mendira quietly says to Siendra, "Good leg work."

Shavay says to Severei, "If everything made sense none of us would be here right now."

Sukidesu raises his hand.

Levie fidgets nervously.

Siendra just nudged Tirost.

Merilwen stands up.

Saragos says, "Position 2."

Aerilia stands up.

Rienth asks Saragos, "Do you have all the dancers you need, or are there more positions on the floor to be filled?"

Siendra kneels down.

Tirost smiles at Siendra.

Kiashandra hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Kiashandra with a warm smile.

Saragos says, "Ok, great."

(Crobin starts to roll the dart around in his hand wondering if it would look good stuck in someone that deserves it)

Saragos says, "So that's what we do as we're weaving."

Leayne giggles at Crobin.

Vaddon glances at Crobin.

Aerilia nods to Saragos.

Ruea shows Rileos her shoulder necklace.

Elemental Researcher Nazzarus just arrived.

Breakfast Connoisseur Katriwen just arrived.

Light rain begins to fall from the sky.

Crobin smiles Vada

Siendra stands up.

Anuril nods to Saragos.

Siendra nods to Saragos.

Medic Clematis just arrived.

Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Wildflower Levie pads down.

Saragos says, "For anyone who's not a dancer, there are darts on the ground. Pick one up if you want to participate by holding it."

Madigan grins at Crobin.

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Shavay mutters to himself.

Clematis waves to Crobin.

(Nazzarus looks around casually, hands idly tapping against his swirling black electric quarterstaff.)

Crobin waves to Clematis.

Ezerak picks up a copper dart.

Nawain inhales a great swallow of air.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Ezerak moves a copper dart to his left hand.

Urbaj picks up a copper dart.

Crobin moves a copper dart to his left hand.

Zyros picks up a copper dart.

Lexxa picks up a copper dart.

Lexxa flourishes her dart about in a butterfly pattern.

Merilwen grins.

Nazzarus gets a huge piece of ivory from inside his seasilk pants.

Anino clasps Rileos's hand and rests his other hand upon Rileos's shoulder.

Kethrai asks Saragos, "And what do we do with them, just hold them?"

Gragnel turns the clerical collar about his neck for a moment.

Elurora just touched an ornate aldamdin trinket graced with a vedda dove.

Elurora slowly empties her lungs.

Clematis picks up a copper dart.

Misteeus picks up a copper dart.

Saragos says to Kethrai, "Right, just hold them."

Misteeus holds a copper dart in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Asilyia picks up a copper dart.

Nazzarus settles into a comfortable position and closes his eyes.
A painful ripping sensation erupts through your abdomen! You seem unharmed, but something terribly... wrong just happened.

Kethrai nods to Saragos.

Zyros asks, "Do we dart about at all with them?"

Zalinyar grins at Vaddon, her dimples flashing into view.

Rienth picks up a copper dart.

Mendira rubs her abdomen.

Rienth shrugs.

Aerilia frowns slightly.

Tirost glances at Nazzarus.

Mistanna shudders.

Wildflower Levie just arrived.

Nazzarus lets out a sigh of contentment.

Thinker Couri just arrived.

Perune shakes his head.

Nawain shifts her weight.

Nazzarus tilts his piece of ivory side to side, making the light play off it.

Elurora nods at Mendira, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nawain paces back and forth.

Haxen just arrived.

Mendira hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Lexxa rubs a copper dart.

Leayne grins at Nawain, her dimples flashing into view.

Tear Reaper Tambellis just arrived.

Ryeka says, "I believe I shall check that request for holy assistance out."

Lexxa taps a copper dart that she is holding.

Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kethrai says, "Seems like a complicated dance, but you know the steps best."

Ryeka strides down.

Nazzarus puts his ivory in his seasilk pants.

Couri stands near Leilanie.

Sukidesu sighs relieved.

Leayne stands near Crobin.

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

Shavay blinks.

High Lord of Justice Imroth just arrived.

Tambellis joins Madigan's group.

Sukidesu nods to an ethereal vela'tohr thicket.

Pilgrim Istercal just arrived, leading his group.

Lexxa bows to Imroth.

Haxen casually observes the area.

Leviathan Friend Lupdels just arrived.

Imroth smiles at Lexxa.

Ruea beams at Rileos!

Lupdels takes a deep breath.

Zalinyar says, "I don't recall there being a birch tree in here."

Leilanie hugs Couri, who wraps her arms around Leilanie with a warm smile.

Levie searches around for a moment.

Couri hugs Leilanie, who wraps her arms around Couri with a warm smile.

Sukidesu grins at Zalinyar, his dimples flashing into view.

Leayne hugs Zalinyar, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Siendra says, "I hope this old tower can hold us all."

Kerennya says to Zalinyar, "Empath's circle of sympathy tree."

Siendra casually observes the area.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Siendra.

Shavay says to Zalinyar, "Circle of Sympathy."

Couri beams at Leilanie!

Merilwen grins at Siendra.

Anino says to Rileos, ""4."

Jundara presses her palm against the bole of a vibrant white birch tree surrounded by purple blossoms, fingers splayed.

Ezathiel presses his palm against the bole of a vibrant white birch tree surrounded by purple blossoms, fingers splayed.

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite just arrived.

Kethrai draws forth a hardened steel dagger with a leather wrapped hilt.

Zalinyar says, "Ah."

Riverlynn just arrived.

Brisknite stretches his arms.

Merilwen says to Siendra, "It held up in that drake attack the other night."

Kethrai offers Anuril a hardened steel dagger with a leather wrapped hilt.

Clematis waves to Riverlynn.

Brisknite nods to Saragos.

Anuril shakes his head at Kethrai.

Clematis stands near Riverlynn.

Brisknite nods to Ezerak.

Riverlynn waves to Clematis.

Tambellis gestures.

A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.
Katriwen collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around her briefly.
Sclerotia collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around her briefly.
Enthal collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around him briefly.
Rienth collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around him briefly.
Misteeus collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around him briefly.
Daisybelle collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around her briefly.
Briaen collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around him briefly.
Anuril collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around him briefly.
Maintain collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around him briefly.
Perune collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around him briefly.
Severei collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around her briefly.
Laureh collapses to the ground as the world seems to stretch and pull around her briefly.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger staggers slightly as the world seems to stretch and pull around it briefly.

Saragos says, "Ok, Dasheek's not here."

Anino scans the area briefly.

Riverlynn smiles.

Madigan concentrates for several moments, a greedy expression on his face.
A fearsome mana surge is abruptly erased from existence!

Kethrai slides the blade of his steel dagger under his lotusweave garter securing the dagger in place.

Severei stands up.

Misteeus stands up.

Elurora nods to Nawain.

Perune stands up.

Laureh stands up.

Ezerak doffs his top hat at Brisknite.

Nawain tries to pull Maintain to his feet, but cannot.

Madigan grins at Brisknite.

Anuril asks Tirost, "Where did you get that?"

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Madigan shakes Brisknite's hand.

Perune asks, "Can everyone cease their casting?"

Leilanie lays her hand on Riverlynn's arm.

Anuril smirks.

Elurora hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

Perune says, "Its unhelpful with the current party planning."

Nazzarus leans on his quarterstaff.

Leayne nods.

Illiya hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Leayne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Jundara rests her hand on Istercal's arm with a soft smile.

Brisknite shakes Madigan's hand.

Lupdels nods to Perune.

Clematis smiles at Ruea.

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Merilwen hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Brisknite grins at Ruea.

Ruea smiles at Clematis.

Illiya hugs Merilwen, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Ruea winks at Brisknite.

Elurora moves into position to cover Illiya from harm.

Lupdels takes a seat.

Forest Watcher Damoone just arrived, leading his group.

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Elemental Aegis Tekhelet pads down.

Crobin gives Damoone a brotherly hug, rubbing his scalp with his knuckles.

Damoone snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.

Siendra hugs Lupdels, who wraps his arms around Siendra with a warm smile.

Illiya lays her hand on Elurora's arm.

Nazzarus tilts his Imperial coin side to side, making the light play off it.

Saragos takes a sip of his cocoa.

Madigan pivots in Damoone's direction and salutes him with his massive zweihander, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement.

Lupdels smiles at Siendra.

Damoone hugs Couri, who wraps her arms around Damoone with a warm smile.

Saragos takes a sip of his cocoa.

Brisknite stretches his arms.

Saragos takes a sip of his cocoa.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Nazzarus drops a tarnished Imperial coin.

Saragos takes a sip of his cocoa.

Elurora smiles at Illiya.

Saragos takes a sip of his cocoa.

Lexxa ponders.

Damoone hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Damoone with a warm smile.

Nazzarus gets a huge piece of ivory from inside his seasilk pants.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Saragos takes a sip of his cocoa.

Saragos takes a sip of his cocoa.

Leayne smiles at Damoone, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Saragos adds Nazzarus to his group.

Merilwen shifts her weight.

Nawain paces back and forth.

Rileos moves a copper dart to his right hand.

Damoone hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Sukidesu stretches his arms.

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Elurora quietly says to Illiya, "I should be in one piece this time."

Rileos offers Ruea a copper dart.

Briaen stands up.

Nawain whispers a prayer from her mouth into the wind, certain it will reach Enelne's ear.

Ruea accepts Rileos's dart.

Severei rubs Nawain gently, massaging her muscles.

Anuril observes Tirost with fascination.

Ruea praises Rileos.

Nazzarus nods politely to Saragos.

Clematis observes Tirost with fascination.

Damoone joins Madigan's group.

Valynn goes down.

Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Deathbeing joins Madigan's group.

Laureh whispers a prayer from her mouth into the wind, certain it will reach Enelne's ear.

Lupdels glances at a worn stone.

Saragos says, "Ok, I need an Aether fissure here."

Ruea offers Rileos a copper dart.

Rileos accepts Ruea's dart.

Rileos moves a copper dart to his left hand.

  • Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

Istercal joins Saragos's group.

Kerennya exclaims, "Unaka!"

Trajan just arrived with a gleam in his eye.

Damoone slings a copperwood battle longbow off from over his shoulder.

Saragos says, "Any other elementalists who are not in my group willing to be dancers? One of ours didn't show."

Riverlynn raises an eyebrow.

Rozalynde just arrived.

Damoone loads his battle longbow with some drake-fang arrows.

Valynn just arrived.

Rozalynde blinks.

Tambellis works her way out of an engraved steel ring shirt.

(Nawain kneels and prods at some mortar near the edge of the tower, investigating the cambrinth lumps she worked into most crevices.)

Perune rolls his hands in an elliptical pattern in front of him.
A spinning ball of vivid blue aether appears within the pattern his hands define.
The spherical ellipse of vivid blue aether flattens and expands. A fine mist covers the ellipse, which clears on a gust of wind leaving a fissure in its place.

Shavay asks, "What do you need?"

Damoone grins at Crobin.

Perune says, "There."

Shavay nods to Saragos.

Lupdels ponders.

Saragos says, "Shavay, you're it."

Saragos nods to Shavay.

Shavay joins Saragos's group.

Damoone glances at Madigan.

Thanator sheathes his icy-blue blade.

Vaddon looks at Shavay and applauds!

Anuril asks Saragos, "Do you have a dagger for me?"

Imroth exclaims, "Dancers? This is quite a party!"

Siendra shifts her weight.

Walking Armory Malkien just arrived.

Saragos says, "Yes, sec."

Damoone pivots in Malkien's direction and salutes him with his battle longbow, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement.

Crobin gives Malkien a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Nawain gets a gigantic double-headed battle axe of shimmering diacan encased in icesteel from inside her slender rugursora.

Damoone throws his head back and howls, sounding remarkably like a real wolf!

Anuril nods.

Nawain offers Malkien a gigantic double-headed battle axe of shimmering diacan encased in icesteel.

(Elurora stands as still as possible and focues on quietly gathering holy energy around herself.)

Malkien praises Damoone.

Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived.

Wild Card Elore just arrived, leading her group.

Clematis waves to Imroth.

Crobin shakes Dasheek's hand.

Malkien joins Madigan's group.

Nawain just nudged Malkien.

Siendra sniffs the air around her.

Maintain stands up.

Sclerotia stands up.

Dasheek says, "Sorry I'm late."

Dasheek stands near Illiya.

Malkien grins at Nawain.

Nawain waves a gigantic double-headed battle axe of shimmering diacan encased in icesteel at Malkien.

Malkien wraps his arms around Nawain, giving Nawain a great big bear hug!

Anino says to Elore, "Trouble."

Nawain grins.

(Aerilia glances down the stairs and smiles.)

Crobin says, "I always thought wizards were never late."

Phierre grins at Anino, his dimples flashing into view.

Malkien says, "Ugh. So much magic. Wards down."

Karthor chortles softly at some secret joke.

Crobin says, "They arrived always when they meant to."

Imroth chortles softly at some secret joke.

Nawain offers Malkien a gigantic double-headed battle axe of shimmering diacan encased in icesteel.

Dasheek grins at Crobin.

Vaddon laughs at Crobin.

Zalinyar hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Zalinyar with a warm smile.

Malkien accepts Nawain's battle axe.

Zalinyar hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Zalinyar with a warm smile.

Illiya grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Malkien adds to Nawain's praises.

Istercal puts his scimitar in his war belt.

Medir just arrived.

Crobin waves to Phierre.

Levie smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Dasheek says, "Well, not today. This wizard is late today."

Illiya asks, "Does anyone need healing?"

Crobin smiles at Vaddon.

Malkien puts his axe in his thigh sheath.

Kerennya says to Crobin, "I thought they arrive exactly when they mean to."

Siendra grins at Dasheek.

Phierre waves to Crobin.

Lupdels stands up.

Lupdels sighs.

Lupdels frowns.

Lexxa raises her hand.

(Nazzarus stands near the fissure, one hand outstretched towards it, the other splayed out towards Saragos as he begins to draw and weave Aether through his celestial beacon, across the inky black lines of sorcerous Metal summoned into the area, forming a large arching conduit in front of Saragos.)

Lexxa nods to Illiya.

Dasheek says, "That's standard wizards.."

Illiya lays her hand on Lexxa's arm.

Saragos rolls his hands in an elliptical pattern in front of him.
A spinning ball of vivid blue aether appears within the pattern his hands define.
A loud ripping sound emanates from the chaotic fissure as it grows larger.

Saragos puts his wand in his leather holster.

Mendira continues to quietly sit in place, breathing deeply.

Illiya smiles at Lexxa, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Dasheek says, "I'm something else."

Phierre just touched Levie.

Elemental Aegis Tekhelet just arrived.

Dasheek nods to Crobin.

Shavay nods.

Saragos gets an orichalcum dagger from inside a crackling eddy of seething blue light arcing from a lumium torus.

Phierre just touched Anino.

Mendira stands up.

Urbaj moves a copper dart to his left hand.

Medir walks down.

Briaen kneels down and begins to pray.

  • Valenal joins the adventure.

Leilanie nods at Couri, obviously agreeing with her views.

(Severei clasps her hands together in deep prayer, her tail wrapped around Sister Laureh as she begins her own prayers)

Clematis grins at Phierre.

Saragos offers Anuril an orichalcum dagger.

Siendra pets her russet panther.

Anuril accepts Saragos's dagger.

Harurs del Cawna Warbrolus just arrived.

Briaen stands up.

Tekhelet gets a copper dart from inside his leather bandolier.

Enthal moves over to guard Asilyia.

Anuril nods to Saragos.

(Laureh clasps her hands in deep prayer as she stands with Sister Severei)

Damoone pivots in Warbrolus's direction and salutes him with his battle longbow, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement.

Bookkeeper Parkons just arrived.

Saragos gets an orichalcum rod from inside a crackling eddy of seething blue light arcing from a lumium torus.

Asilyia smiles at Enthal.

Malkien praises Warbrolus.

Malkien praises Warbrolus.

Malkien wraps his arms around Parkons, giving Parkons a great big bear hug!

Intern Souhei just arrived.

Parkons joins Malkien's group.

Ruea leans on Rileos.

Siendra smiles at Warbrolus.

Damoone holds a flat palm above his eyes and then points at Valynn.

Saragos nods to Shavay.

Anuril examines an orichalcum dagger.

Ruea whispers something to Rileos.

Saragos offers Shavay an orichalcum rod.

Shavay accepts Saragos's rod.

Wildflower Levie pads down.

Anuril begins to carefully examine an orichalcum dagger.

Ezerak waves to Rileos.

Saragos gets an ilmenite-tipped icesteel wand bound by a fluid smokewood grip from inside his leather holster.

Warbrolus smiles at Mistanna.

Elemental Aegis Tekhelet pads down.

Valynn clasps Damoone's hand and rests her other hand upon Damoone's shoulder.

Chameleon Anino jogs down.

Illiya lays her hand on Elurora's arm.

Thanator grabs Malkien's forearm in a vise-like grip and shakes him violently, greeting him like a long-lost Barbarian sibling.

Anuril sheathes his dagger.

Anuril draws forth an orichalcum dagger.

Warbrolus hugs Mistanna, who wraps her arms around Warbrolus with a warm smile.

Warbrolus raises his hand in a quick salute.

Perune stares intently at a smokey grey leopard with hypnotic crimson eyes and flecks of ashes on her fur for a moment.

Imroth rubs his hands together.

Mistanna hugs Warbrolus, getting a smile in return.

Istercal nods to Nawain.

Anuril taps an orichalcum dagger that he is holding.

Malkien says, "Alright team, moving in five, we're going to the tavern and leaving the mages to their fate. Sorry Madigan's orders."

Warbrolus joins Malkien's group.

Saragos says, "Ok, let's make this happen."

Clematis waves to Nawain.

Valynn hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Shavay asks, "Who needs a dart?"

Thanator grins at Malkien.

Mendira nods to Saragos.

Warbrolus beams at Mistanna!

Shavay offers Elore a copper dart.

Lupdels tugs at the tip of his beard distractedly.

(Nazzarus continues to weave Aether, eyes a swirling black aura as his structure continues to manifest, conduits of aether tinged with slashes of blackness and otherness, his ivory celestial beacon glows with the energy coursing through it from the fissure.)

Illiya hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Zalinyar says, "I need a dart."

Anuril stretches every limb of his body from where he lies, ending with an expression of extreme contentment.

Elore accepts Shavay's dart.

Nazzarus nods to Saragos.

Parkons offers Damoone a lightweight cotton foraging apron the color of new grass.

Saragos says, "First, everyone with a dart, I'm going to position you."

Holy Guardian Unaka just arrived.

Elore foolishly cuts herself by licking a copper dart.

Lexxa bows to Unaka.

Madigan grins at Unaka.

Nawain waves to Unaka.

Unaka waves.

Merilwen waves to Unaka.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Leilanie looks at Couri, obviously trying not to grin.

Karthor waves to Unaka.

Elemental Aegis Tekhelet just arrived.

Elurora bows to Unaka.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Sukidesu nods politely to Unaka.

Phierre rests his hand on Elore's arm with a soft smile.

Leayne smiles at Madigan, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Siendra smiles at Unaka.

Tirost bows to Unaka.

Lupdels frowns.

Couri winks at Leilanie.

Clematis bows to Unaka.

Valenal just arrived.

Valynn tips her balaclava to Unaka with a courteous nod.

(Saragos gently repositions everyone holding a dart so that they form a rough circle, one centered on Stone 139.)

Medir just arrived.

Elore grins stupidly.

Rileos looks at Ruea, obviously trying not to grin.

Phierre grins at Elore, his dimples flashing into view.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Unaka.

Maintain whispers something to Nawain.

Tirost warmly says to Unaka, "It is good to see you again, Unaka."

Wildflower Levie just arrived.

Anuril squints at Valenal.

Chameleon Anino just arrived.

Ruea just nudged Rileos.

Aerilia nods to Valenal.

Unaka nods to Tirost.

Maintain bows to Unaka.

Unaka says, "And you."

Levie joins Anino's group.

Briaen nods to Saragos.

Madigan asks Unaka, "Ready for some action?"

Kerennya curtsies gracefully to Unaka.

Tirost smiles at Unaka.

Ears tilted forward, Crobin curls his tail around Leayne's waist loosely.

Lexxa stands near a worn stone.

Mendira gazes at Saragos.

Maintain touches a hand to his mouth and offers a prayer for Unaka's continued safety and good fortune.

Rileos joins Malkien's group.

(Saragos studies the circle, and repositions one person, then another, consulting his notes as he goes.)

(Nazzarus nods to Saragos, beads of sweat forming with the effort his concentration is taking as his manifestation continues to build in coherence and structure.)

Kerennya nods to Valenal.

Unaka says to Madigan, "Ready."

Phierre whispers something to Elore.

Couri gets a steel scimitar with a felwood hilt from inside her war belt.

Medir whispers something to Tirost.

Madigan praises Unaka.

Malkien wraps his arms around Rileos, giving Rileos a great big bear hug!

Phierre rubs Elore's back.

Tekhelet asks, "Should I join a group?"

Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj strolls down.

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Phierre whispers something to Elore.

Anuril moves over to guard Kethrai.

Saragos says, "Ok, everyone with a dart, don't move. You're in the right position."

Lexxa gazes at Nawain.

Malkien says, "Combat grouping on me if anyone's interested."

(Saragos cracks his knuckles)

Lexxa nods to Saragos.

Tekhelet nods to Saragos.

Saragos says, "Let's get started."

Riverlynn casually observes the area.

Maintain gives Nawain a slight nod.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.

Aerilia slowly empties her lungs.

Anuril nods to Saragos.

Kiashandra joins Saragos's group.

Tekhelet joins Saragos's group.

Rock Mage Yilva just arrived.

Valenal enters without fanfare, returning greetings with a quiet nod before taking up a station against a wall.

Yilva joins Saragos's group.

Madigan says to Unaka, "Top notch. If I may suggest without offense, pick a healer and put your shield on them if things get spicy.look."

Merilwen hugs Kiashandra, who wraps her arms around Merilwen with a warm smile.

Unaka nods.

(Anuril stands opposite Tirost, dagger at the ready.)

Saragos says, "We're going to begin with Reverend Gragnel performing a prayer to Damaris. Then we can drop the nonsense."

Unaka asks, "Which healer wants my shield?"

Saragos says, "Please be silent for his prayer."

Malkien praises Parkons.

Asilyia fidgets nervously.

Elore asks in Ilithic, "Would anyone of you like an extra boost of stealth and perception?"

Tekhelet moves a copper dart to his left hand.

Saragos nods to Gragnel.

(Valynn leans against a somewhat sturdy section of wall.)

Siendra inhales a great swallow of air.

Gragnel nods to Saragos.

Lupdels bows.

Elurora gazes at Gragnel.

Rileos nods to Elore.

Gragnel gets a wooden hairbrush from inside his bag.

Gragnel runs his wooden hairbrush through his hair.

Riverlynn nods to Elore.

Gragnel puts his hairbrush in his bag.

Zalinyar stands near Vaddon.

Prayer to Damaris

Gragnel clears his throat.

Elore wraps her arms around Rileos, giving Rileos a great big bear hug!

Gragnel matter-of-factly says, "I am Gragnel Durbin, a Preacher from Wolf Clan. Some of you may already know me and others may be seeing me for the first time."

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Gragnel.

Kiashandra nods.

Zayek just arrived, leading her group.

Karthor says to Unaka, "Well if nobody else speaks up, I won't say no."

Crobin nods to Parkons.

Leayne grabs Crobin by the shoulders and shakes him!

Karthor grins at Unaka.

Gragnel coldly says, "I serve the Lord Damaris of the Thirteen. And, as such, I have been asked by Saragos to seek His involvement in our efforts."

Merilwen hugs Yilva, who wraps her arms around Merilwen with a warm smile.

Imroth chortles softly at some secret joke.

Vaddon whispers something to Zalinyar.

Unaka nods to Karthor.

Crobin laughs at Leayne.

(Nazzarus focuses on the Aether, slowing the construction of Aether to reduce the strain through the celestial beacon as the conduit nears completion.)

Unaka moves into position to cover Karthor from harm.

Yilva hugs Merilwen, who wraps her arms around Yilva with a warm smile.

Mendira gazes at Gragnel.

Warbrolus draws forth a tyrium Imperial spear.

Gragnel says, "I find that the request valid and the cause worth seeking His touch in what we hope to accomplish."

Rileos gives Elore a slight nod.

Rileos looks at Elore, obviously trying not to grin.

Leilanie smiles at Gragnel.

Briaen gazes at Gragnel.

Gragnel loudly says, "I would like you all to join me in prayer. Your proclimation of faith to Him may lend a louder voice to our cause today."

Nazzarus tiredly says, "It's almost ready, Saragos.. I hope you are prepared."

Sukidesu nods to Gragnel.

Elurora smiles at Gragnel.

Clematis says to Elore in Ilithic, "I would please Elore."

Gragnel nods.

Rileos gets a leaf-bladed Imperial spear bound in crimson fabric along its etched bronze shaft from inside his war belt.

Rileos spins his Imperial spear and dart about in a crisscrossing flourish.

Gragnel gets a ceremonial prayer tome embedded with a trio of night diamonds from inside his simple cassock.

Saragos nods to Nazzarus.

Mendira nods to Gragnel.

Rileos leans on his spear.

Gragnel opens his prayer tome.

Gragnel turns through the pages in his prayer tome.

Gragnel flips back through his prayer tome.

Nazzarus slowly empties his lungs.

Zyros stands up.

Gragnel nods.

Gragnel recites:

   "Damaris, lord of the night.
     Damaris, patron of Dreamers."

Merilwen gazes up at the sky.

Riverlynn gazes down at the ground.

Jundara kneels down.

Dasheek gently kisses Illiya on the cheek.

(Aerilia bows her head for the prayer)

Clematis kneels down and begins to pray.

Gragnel recites:

   "The calculated blade that strikes down all foes.
     Keeping any and all offenders from stepping out of the lines."

(Perune bows his head in a moment of silence.)

Valenal whispers something to Saragos.

Jundara prays fervently.

Clematis continues praying.

Crobin nods to Malkien.

Katriwen kneels down and begins to pray.

Tirost bows his head and grows still for a moment.

Istercal kneels down.

Lupdels frowns.

Anuril frowns at Valenal.

Gragnel recites:

   "We, this group of heavy hearts,
     Now burdend by the loss of those we hold dear."

Istercal continues praying fervently.

Clematis continues praying.

Clematis continues praying fervently.

Khozh Elizzibiana shuffles down.

Gragnel recites:

   "We, these children of the Immortals.
     Who, in your grace, have been given the ability to serve you better through our actions and our words.
     We, pray for your hand in our efforts today. For you, Lord Damaris, are the one which we beseech to tip any balance to our gain.
     Cloak us under the lush fur of your avatar. Black as night and deep with secrets untold. Look upon us with favor."

Elurora slowly empties her lungs.

Leilanie kneels down.

Clematis continues praying.

Leilanie prays fervently.

Zalinyar quietly says, "Praise Damaris."

Nawain gazes at Gragnel.

Clematis continues praying.

Vaddon uses his index finger to trace an X across his chest.

Gragnel recites:

   "I am but a humble servant to your glory. It is your grace to grant us this boon we humbly ask of you.
     It is in your honor we will gather to give you praise.
     For yours is the hand which brings a deserved end to all who oppose us and our efforts here today."

Elore points at herself.

Kiashandra hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Merilwen hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Illiya hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Merilwen just hugged Elizzibiana.

Gragnel recites:

   "We, the children of you and yours. Blessed by the touch of those among your number.
     Blessed by the power of the Divine who we revere.
     We who have gathered here also give reverance to other aspects of your power."

Marwen stands near Zayek.

Clematis continues praying.

Maintain bobs a brief, respectful bow.

Shaylynne gives Merilwen a smooch.

Kiashandra just hugged Elizzibiana.

Shaylynne nods to Medir.

Merilwen grins at Shaylynne.

Merilwen hugs Medir, who wraps his arms around Merilwen with a warm smile.

Kerennya kneels down.

Valynn gazes at Gragnel.

Gragnel recites:

   "May Phelim find it in her wisdom to face the stars she has made and pull from them the knowledge of how to move forward in this uncertian time.
     May, Dergati put her vengence to use on these powers which attempt to beseige we of the faith and take from our number."

Kerennya continues praying fervently.

Medir hugs Merilwen, who wraps her arms around Medir with a warm smile.

Lupdels glances at Unaka.

Clematis continues praying fervently.

Gragnel recites:

   "All these things we pray in your name, Lord Damaris."

Unaka draws forth a notched splitting maul with an ox horn attached to the head.

Clematis prays fervently.

Gragnel recites:

   "We hope you find us favorable and our show of faith to be of quality in your dark eyes."

Ruea slowly empties her lungs.

Crobin smiles at Tambellis.

Crobin points at Tirost.

Valenal gestures.
A vague mist begins seeping slowly from his body, chilling the air.

Couri nods.

Leilanie continues praying fervently.

Elore pulls Ezathiel to her in a tight hug.

Gragnel opens his prayer tome.

Kiashandra nods to Merilwen.

The vapor surrounding Valenal coalesces into three icy blades that begin twirling about him in a graceful yet deadly dance.

Merilwen grins at Kiashandra.

Gragnel touches the prayer tome to his lips reverently.

Gragnel puts his tome in his simple cassock.

Rileos slowly empties his lungs.

Rileos kneels down and begins to pray.

Gragnel loudly says, "As we strive to walk with the light of the Immortals, we hope to find safety in their arms and protection from that which sets its forces against us."

Clematis continues praying.

Warbrolus grins at Tambellis.

Shaylynne leans on Kiashandra.

Gragnel says, "Thank you all for joining me in this prayer."

Urbaj glances at Valenal.

Gragnel gives a slight nod.

Maintain bows his head and mutters a short prayer in a hushed voice. Raising his head, he glances to the shadows with a knowing smile.

Malkien nods at Gragnel, obviously agreeing with his views.

Rileos stands up.

Kiashandra gives Shaylynne a smooch.

Clematis stands up.

Briaen nods graciously at Gragnel, giving him a polite smile.

Medir taps a generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch that he is holding.

The vapor surrounding Valenal coalesces into three icy blades that join the three deadly weapons already twirling about him.

(Siendra offers her own quiet prayer to Coshivi, kissing her fingertips and then pressing them to her heart as she prepares for what's to come.)

Katriwen stands up.

Mendira smiles at Gragnel.

Closing his eyes, Valenal grunts briefly in effort as a small electrical ethereal fissure opens in front of him. Thrusting his hand through, Valenal draws out an electric lance. As Valenal opens his eyes, the fissure closes.

Leilanie stands up.

Hunter Hanryu just arrived.

Malkien says, "A fine prayer."

Mistanna nods.

Vaddon tilts his head down.

Kethrai touches Anuril with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Istercal continues praying.

Couri curtsies to Gragnel.

Leayne nods to Kethrai.

Mistanna nods to Gragnel.

Nawain smiles at Gragnel.

Elurora smiles at Gragnel.

Valenal concentrates for a moment and an electric lance he is holding is replaced with an electric bardiche.

The vapor surrounding Valenal coalesces into an icy blade that joins the six deadly weapons already twirling about him.

Nawain adds to Gragnel's praises.

Medir joins Shaylynne's group.

Saragos nods to Gragnel.

Gragnel nods to Saragos.

Clematis hugs Elore, getting a smile in return.

Merilwen shifts her weight.

(Tirost's fingers ripple over the hilt of an orichalcum dagger as he stands across from Anuril.)

Merilwen casually observes the area.

Gragnel says to Saragos, "I feel that He is with us."

Gragnel nods.

Lupdels tugs at the tip of his beard distractedly.

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

Valenal leans on his bardiche.

Damoone joins Malkien's group.

Illiya asks, "Is there a group I could join?"

(Nazzarus focuses more on the inky black strands of Hylomorphic domain, twisting them through the Aethereal weaving to reinforce the structure, his skin radiating an unnatural sheen as sweat begins to drip in earnest down his face.)

Istercal stands up.

An Explanation/No More Subterfuge

Saragos says, "Ok. I've been talking a lot of nonsense. The time for nonsense is done. No more subterfuge, no more metaphors, and I'm happy to be quit of them. This has been infuriating. We're going to trust that Damaris will shield our activities as He can."

Elurora smiles at Illiya.

Malkien nods to Illiya.

Warbrolus beams at Brisknite!

Elurora nods to Saragos.

Lupdels frowns.

Mendira nods to Saragos.

Crobin waves to Brisknite.

Gragnel nods to Saragos.

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Aerilia nods.

Anuril nods to Saragos.

(Nawain grins broadly.)

Rileos nods to Saragos.

Brisknite waves to Crobin.

Malkien wraps his arms around Illiya, giving Illiya a great big bear hug!

Illiya joins Malkien's group.

Saragos says, "I've a few words to say, myself. Meraud. I know that you're watching. Please bless our efforts to push the boundaries of magical knowledge to solve our problems, and help us to find the bold experimenters who were kidnapped when trying to solve the Wild Magic problem. Truffenyi, your eyes have been on all of us. I am a father and a husband. Please bless our efforts to save our missing loved ones."

Merilwen nods to Saragos.

Marwen moves over to guard Zayek.

Nazzarus coughs.

Shaylynne moves over to guard Medir.

Istercal kneels down.

Saragos says to Nawain, "I believe you have a blessing as well."

Riverlynn gnaws on her lip.

Tirost nods.

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Marwen moves into position to block attacks against Zayek!

Kethrai indicates his dart with a smile.

Nawain recites:

   "O Truffenyi, merciful father of Elanthia, grant us the strength to rise to each challenge we face, the stamina to endure any trial, and the power to overcome all that seeks to bring us low. Guide us with your wisdom, as a stern yet loving father, that we may walk the path of righteousness and grace."

Tirost says, "He our prayers, Lord Meraud."

Warbrolus beams at Illiya!

Leilanie joins Couri's group.

Valenal gestures at an electric bardiche.

(Crobin looks over the crowd and then stands a bit closer to Leayne but his eyes slowly watching and taking in movements)

Clematis praises Nawain.

Shavay looks at Dasheek and shrugs.

Illiya smiles at Warbrolus, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

(Aerilia murmurs a quiet prayer under her breath. "Meraud" is audible.)

Hanryu studies the faces around him.

Kethrai mumbles a word of general praise.

Nawain recites:

   "Mighty Coshivi, Guardian of the Pack and shaper of the uncultivated, steady our hands in peace and watch our back in war. Stand beside us as we forge the unexpected path, for your enduring strength inspires our survival."

Crobin nods to Malkien.

Gragnel adjusts his panther pin into place.

Malkien hails Hanryu with a clenched fist over his heart and a respectful nod.

Siendra throws her head back and howls!

Laureh throws her head back and howls!

Nawain recites:

   "Far-seeing Mrod, He who leads the Great Pack, let your star-eyed gaze guide us as we brave the unseen path. May your soaring spirit watch over us, granting wisdom from above and clarity in all that we seek to know."

Tirost sheathes his dagger.

Severei throws her head back and howls!

Istercal checks his armor and prays that Coshivi will protect him in battle.

Sukidesu throws his head back and howls!

Elore laughs at Phierre.

Nawain recites:

   "Blessed Enelne, Goddess of Life and knowledge, we have learned much and worked tirelessly to help our people thrive in challenging situations. We offer now our profound thanks for your greatest gift - knowing how to use what we've learned to reach our goals. May we do you proud, Mother."

Istercal taps the center of his forehead as he prays, "Mrod guide."

Levie throws her head back and howls!

Phierre grins at Elore, his dimples flashing into view.

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Istercal whispers a prayer from his mouth into the wind, certain it will reach Enelne's ear.

Mendira bows her head in acknowledgement.

Merilwen smiles at Nawain.

Gragnel nods to Nawain.

Lupdels frowns.

Leayne kneels down and begins to pray.

Laureh says, "Praise Mother Enelne."

(Merilwen whispers her own quiet prayers to her gods)

Leayne prays fervently.

Dasheek joins Malkien's group.

Laureh kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers.

Siendra gazes up at the sky.

Ruea glances at Ezerak.

(Kerennya prays softly, but the only words that are audible are "Eluned, guide us with knowledge.")

Leayne continues praying.

Laureh stands up.

Malkien smiles at Dasheek.

Merilwen gazes up at the sky.

Saragos grins.

Ezerak peers quizzically at Ruea.

Briaen whispers something to Rileos.

Mistanna nods in agreement.

Damoone moves over to guard Deathbeing.

Kerennya stands up.

Ruea winks.

Saragos says, "I'm going to explain this as quickly as I can in a short time. I know I've been mysterious. Well, it's finally party time, and we're going to do this, and do it as quickly as we can."

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Malkien nods to Saragos.

Merilwen praises Saragos.

Valenal eyes the ritual elements with a professional gaze, murmuring to himself, nodding occasionally.

Saragos says, "We're focused on the tiny snarl in the Aether that is left over from when our people were teleported away. Nawain has been keeping the Aether from healing over this tiny rift, has formed a bridge using Holy magic. We believe this bridge is intact due to the messages we got back from the missing people. We hope that this holy energy will also act as a lighthouse of sorts to bring our people close to where the portal would open. None of this would be possible without her efforts."

Madigan nods to Warbrolus.

Katriwen embraces her worry stone lightly and slowly caresses it with her thumb in a gentle, circular motion. She seems to visibly relax with every deliberate, rhythmic movement.

Elore casually observes the area.

Hanryu reaches both hands toward the earth, fingers splayed wide and eyes closed in a moment of silent communion.

Nawain nods to Saragos.

A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Damoone's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Hanryu's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Elizzibiana's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Shaylynne's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Marwen's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Zayek's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Yilva's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Urbaj's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Anino's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Levie's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Medir's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Valenal's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Tekhelet's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Unaka's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Souhei's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Valynn's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Parkons's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Warbrolus's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Phierre's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Elore's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Dasheek's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Malkien's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Rozalynde's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Trajan's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Deathbeing's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Illiya's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Riverlynn's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Brisknite's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Lupdels's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Jundara's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Istercal's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Imroth's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Tambellis's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Haxen's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Couri's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Zfora's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Clematis's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Katriwen's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Nazzarus's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Kiashandra's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Zalinyar's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Vaddon's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Ezathiel's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Sofina's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Ruea's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Sclerotia's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Zyros's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Enthal's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Rienth’s body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Asilyia's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Ezerak's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Leilanie's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Thanator's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Mistanna's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Merilwen's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Misteeus's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Lexxa's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Rileos's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Kethrai's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Daisybelle's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Briaen's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Anuril's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Leayne's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Crobin's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Mendira's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Sozinho's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Rejind's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Madigan's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Maintain's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Tirost's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Siendra's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Karthor's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Kerennya's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Shavay's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Gragnel's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Sukidesu's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Perune's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Saragos's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Aerilia's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Severei's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Laureh's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Elurora's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!
The air crackles around you as an intense flash of heat ripples through the area. With no warning, Nawain's body erupts into a pyre of roaring red and orange flames!

Katriwen puts her stone in her war belt.

Rozalynde concentrates for several moments, a greedy expression on her face.
A weak mana surge is abruptly erased from existence!

A pained expression crosses Aerilia's face.

Dasheek moves over to guard Illiya.

Damoone blinks.

Merilwen says, "Good grief."

Mendira smiles at Nawain.

Malkien says, "Hmm."

Hanryu reveals himself.

Siendra growls low in the back of her throat.

Crobin grumbles.

Riverlynn wrinkles her nose.

Kiashandra mutters to herself.

Enthal stands up.

A helix of blue and white light swirls around Valenal!

The blue and white helix continues to swirl around Valenal. Wounds and minute imperfections along his body begin to fade in a brilliant supernatural display!

The blue and white light surrounding Valenal fades, leaving him healthy and refreshed.

Maintain folds his arms across his chest.

Leayne stands up.

Kethrai says, "Thicket is available for anyone who got scorched."

Ezerak sighs.

Shavay says, "That was... dramatic."

Elurora rubs her eyes.

Crobin says, "My fur."

Saragos asks, "Nawain will be leading a ritual to expand the spike of holy magic through this rift and open it up nice and big, enabling the rest of our efforts. I encourage all Holy magic users to push power her way when she begins. Nawain, could you explain a bit further?"

Nawain nods.

Phierre dusts himself off.

Elurora stands near Nawain.

Nawain says, "Today, I'll lead the holy casters in feeding more mana into the power already gathered around this tower. Please keep your streams tidy, and wrap only clockwise. When it is time, the energy will be leashed to a godling and held in readiness for when Saragos and his people are done, then used to breach any seals on the null-prison if necessary."

Saragos stretches his arms.

Malkien says, "It's alright, women like a well-signed cat."

Severei stands near Nawain.

Nazzarus coughs.

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Valenal quietly says to himself, "Carry the one..."

Laureh stands near Nawain.

Forest Sprite Lileath just arrived.

Gragnel nods to Nawain.

Elurora glances at Valenal.

Riverlynn glances at Valenal.

Merilwen nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Phierre nods to Elore.

Medir grins at Shaylynne.

Lupdels frowns.

Anuril nods to Elore.

Merilwen shifts her weight.

Anino raises an eyebrow.

Kiashandra leans forward.

(Saragos seems to move easily, as if months of stress have been shed.)

Malkien smiles at Leayne.

Brisknite mutters something into the air about math.

Medir turns a generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch in the light, looking at it admiringly.

Saragos says, "Once her ritual is complete, we will begin weaving Aether to create a tunnel that stitches this location in the Plane of Abiding together with the place that is on the other end of that rift. The Heralds, we believe, turned magic off on us last time I tried this, so the participants in this ritual will be acting as the parts of a loom for weaving Aether, for speed."

Merilwen rubs Saragos gently, massaging his muscles.

Anuril frowns at Valenal.

Leayne softly says, "Thicket is here for healing too."

Sukidesu points at an ethereal vela'tohr thicket on the ground.

Anino glances at Elore.

Saragos says, "Anuril and Tirost will be peeling the strands of Aether back from the snarl, string them from the metal darts that you hold, and maintain their integrity. These will form the warp threads of the loom."

Gragnel stands near Nawain.

Valenal joins Malkien's group.

Malkien nods to Valenal.

Clematis joins Malkien's group.

Valenal nods to Malkien.

Merilwen says to Saragos, "We are all here standing with you."

Phierre whispers something to Elore.

Saragos says, "That's why it's important that you hold the darts still, where I've positioned you all./."

Istercal stands up.

Haxen gets a tiny dart from inside his thigh quiver.

Kerennya touches Unaka with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Anuril glances up at the sky.

Anuril smirks.

Shaylynne grins at Merilwen.

(Elurora continues to focus on channeling the energy from the light around her into a swirling field, gathering it and readying it for when Nawain requires it.)

Saragos says, "Aerilia, Merliwen, Siendra, and Shavay will be holding the heddles, which will bend these warp threads so that the shuttle, which carries the weft thread and I will wield, can simply pass through them and be woven over and under. They will alternately stand and kneel to move the threads appropriately."

Merilwen shifts her weight.

(Kethrai studies the position of his feet to ensure he can stay steady there, and keeps his copper dart held aloft.)

Saragos says, "Excuse me, Merilwen."

Merilwen grins.

Phierre grins at Elore, his dimples flashing into view.

Saragos says, "Perune will be holding the beater bar, which will push the weft threads of Aether firmly together after each pass of the shuttle. Nazzarus will be spinning the weft thread of Aether from the Ethereal Fissure to supply my shuttle with thread. Mendira will be monitoring the entire structure with her Bardic senses, making small changes herself to reinforce stability or to warn us if there are problems."

Valenal nods to Anuril.

Warbrolus beams at Leayne!

Anuril fixes Valenal with a serene, lofty stare.

Mendira gives Saragos a slight nod.

Ruea smiles.

Maintain whispers something to Nawain.

Anino nods to Phierre.

Valenal gestures.
The faint roar emanating from Valenal's forearms suddenly ceases.
A muted roar begins to emanate from Valenal's arms.

Phierre grins at Anino, his dimples flashing into view.

Dzive Asini Leayne glides down.

Saragos says, "Now. Things could go wrong here. They could turn magic off on us. They could send drakes our way. Or both at the same time. If the rift is no longer intact... I don't know what's going to happen. Things could also get dicey if we cannot stabilize the portal. We are doing this faster, and without expert support, and under duress. We'll do our best."

A strange sense passes through you. Afterward, the area feels somehow more... normal than it did a moment ago.

Dzive Asini Leayne just arrived.

Nazzarus settles into a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

A painful ripping sensation erupts through your abdomen! You seem unharmed, but something terribly... wrong just happened.

Leayne joins Malkien's group.

Revenant Blade Mortifer just arrived.

Mortifer turns his shroud.

Mortifer fades from your very sight!

Saragos says, "Be ready with your remedies if magic goes out."

Belzor just arrived.

Anuril nods to Saragos.

Phierre nods to Anino.

Elurora gives Saragos a slight nod.

Anino nods at Phierre, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Anino looks at Phierre and shrugs.

Elurora grins at Belzor.

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

Phierre shakes Anino's hand.

Nazzarus gazes off into the distance.

Anino shakes Phierre's hand.

Phierre winks at Elore.

Anuril stands up.

Lexxa waves a copper dart around.

Back Alley Hack Phierre saunters down, leading his group.

Anuril dusts himself off.

Anuril pivots in Tirost's direction and salutes him with his dagger, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement.

Belzor smiles at Elurora.

Saragos says, "Madigan will be leading the charge against any physical foes and protecting the portal itself. Please defer to him on that. It's possible many of us will be incapacitated, or locked up in combat, so those who can make it through the portal, look to Ezerak. If there's any bargaining or threatening to be done, I've got some tricks in my back pocket. Hopefully it doesn't come to that. Hopefully I'll still be able to talk."

Mendira gazes at Saragos.

Anino nods to Levie.

Madigan quietly says, "Malkien is leading the combat group. I will direct as necessary. Let's go get our people."

Merilwen nods to Saragos.

Madigan nods in agreement.

Shavay says, "It's not a good morris dance until a brawl breaks out."

Belzor nods politely to Saragos.

Urbaj joins Malkien's group.

Holy Guardian Unaka strides down.

Merilwen nods to Madigan.

Couri smiles at Leilanie.

Rileos slowly empties his lungs.

Aerilia gestures.

Saragos says, "I'm sure you've all got questions. We don't have time for them! We're on the clock, everyone, and we've got to make every moment count."

Leilanie smiles at Couri.

Warbrolus tries to eat a tyrium Imperial spear.

Ruea glances at Rileos.

Saragos laughs!

Gragnel gets a cup of holy water from inside his simple cassock.

Maintain gives Nawain a slight nod.

Brisknite grins at Saragos.

Lupdels frowns.

Gragnel sprinkles some holy water on Saragos.

Merilwen grins at Saragos.

Gragnel sprinkles some holy water on Nawain.

Katriwen grins at Shavay.

Aerilia nods to Saragos.

Warbrolus beams at Illiya!

Merilwen says, "Chop chop."

Gragnel puts his water in his simple cassock.

Holy Guardian Unaka just arrived.

Saragos says, "Once we get moving on this, we're not going to talk so much. Those holding the darts, remember, stand your ground until the portal is complete. Holy users, push your power to Nawain's ritual."

Riverlynn casually observes the area.

(Siendra looks around at everyone, her hand clenched tightly over the orichalcum rod. She straightens and takes in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.)

Nazzarus painfully says, "That fissure needs to grow."

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Tekhelet nods to Saragos.

Belzor squints.

Merilwen slowly empties her lungs.

Lexxa nods to Saragos.

Valenal appears to be whispering to those in his company.

Saragos says to Nawain, "Ok, let's do this."

Merilwen shivers.

Saragos nods to Nazzarus.

Nazzarus gazes at his ivory.

Nawain says, "Holy casters, join me please."

Lupdels slowly empties his lungs.

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Ruea nods to Rileos.

Severei joins Nawain's group.

Merilwen gazes at Nawain.

Elurora joins Nawain's group.

Gragnel joins Nawain's group.

Saragos says to Nazzarus, "Work on that while Nawain does her ritual."

Istercal joins Nawain's group.

Maintain joins Nawain's group.

Laureh joins Nawain's group.

Vaddon joins Nawain's group.

Riverlynn gets an acicular thrusting blade with a chaotic silversteel guard from inside her duffel bag.

Madigan grunts at Valenal.

Malkien praises Hanryu.

Zalinyar joins Nawain's group.

Brisknite joins Nawain's group.

Trajan joins Nawain's group.

Merilwen nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Brisknite nods to Nawain.

Nawain enfolds Tekhelet in a warm embrace.

Gragnel runs his fingers along his panther pin and mutters to himself.

Valenal appears to be whispering to those in his company.

Tekhelet gently kisses Nawain on the forehead.

Imroth joins Malkien's group.

Nazzarus rolls his hands in an elliptical pattern in front of him.
A spinning ball of vivid blue aether appears within the pattern his hands define.
A loud ripping sound emanates from the chaotic fissure as it grows larger.

Illiya grins at Valenal, her dimples flashing into view.

Madigan nods to Valenal.

Madigan nods to Valynn.

Elurora nods to Nawain.

Gragnel nods to Nawain.

Clematis grins at Valenal.

Maintain nods to Nawain.

Nawain nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ruea gives Rileos a wry grin.

Nawain inhales a great swallow of air.

Istercal nods to Nawain.

Aerilia shifts her weight.

Merilwen smiles at Aerilia.

Let the Weaving Begin

Nawain says, "Clerics and Paladins, we're sculpting the holy streams of this place to wrap around the tower, clockwise. You can use the cambrinth embedded into the mortar to anchor streams - it's all holy charged already. Please begin."

Aerilia smiles at Merilwen.

Warbrolus chuckles at Crobin.

Damoone grins at Crobin.

Shaylynne nods to Illiya.

Valenal appears to be whispering to those in his company.

Nawain inhales a great swallow of air.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Merilwen shifts her weight.

Zayek goes down.

Madigan grins at Rileos.

(Elurora holds her hand out to Nawain, allowing the energy she'd been gathering around herself to flow into the streams the other woman is working with.)

Clematis gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

(Tirost spins the dagger in his hand while muttering a prayer to Meraud under his breath.)

(Nawain inhales and exhales, harnessing a tremendous amount of mana and directing it clockwise around the tower, following familiar paths from cambrinth to cambrinth)

Merilwen casually observes the area.

Zalinyar rolls her hands in an elliptical pattern in front of her.
A spinning ball of vivid blue aether appears within the pattern her hands define.
A loud ripping sound emanates from the chaotic fissure as it grows larger.

(Siendra steadies herself as Nawain begins. Frost crackles around her as she attunes herself to the magic streams flowing throughout the area. Lifting one hand delicately she seems to pluck an invisible strand from the air, drawing it downwards towards the rod in her other hand. With a careful twist of her wrist she begins wrapping the translucent thread of magic around the rod, her brow creased with concentration.)

Belzor whispers something to Elurora.

(Severei focuses her energy to help Nawain's ritual)

Damoone grins at Imroth.

Crobin nods to Imroth.

A low thrum echoes across the area.

Kerennya nods.

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Medir furrows his brow.

Gragnel kneels down and begins to pray.

Crobin flicks one ear back as though listening for something.

Ezerak casually observes the area.

Mendira slowly empties her lungs.

Ezathiel pleasantly says, "I heard that."

Couri inhales a great swallow of air.

Aerilia furrows her brow.

(Laureh focuses her mana toward Nawain)

Saragos nods to Nawain.

Medir quietly says, "Thrums in the deep."

Anuril holds an orichalcum dagger high into the air for all to see.

Valenal wrings his hands.

Crobin nods to Ezathiel.

Ruea adjusts her whisperlayne gown into place.

Shavay says, "Deaf people heard that."

Madigan grins at Dasheek.

Shavay chuckles.

Gragnel continues praying.

(Nawain paces around the top of the tower, checking in with the clerics and paladins, examining the holy strands and nodding to herself.)

Kerennya chuckles at Shavay.

Lupdels frowns.

Rileos looks at Madigan, obviously trying not to grin.

Belzor whispers something to Elurora.

Kethrai says, "Yeah, it's a feel more than hear..."

Rileos shudders.

Medir slowly empties his lungs.

(Merilwen prepares herself mentally, wisps of smoke swirls about her getting caught up in the aether energy building)

Anuril stares blankly into the distance.

Nawain casually observes the area.

Riverlynn tilts her thrusting blade side to side, making the light play off it.

(Elurora holds her other hand out the lights hovering around her, continuing to gather energy from them and from the golden mana flowing through the area while letting it funnel in a neat thread to Nawain.)

Belzor nods politely to Ezerak.

(Crobin rises up onto the balls of his feet bouncing up and down lightly warming up his egs)

Valenal's knuckles tighten on his bardiche, and his eyes roam the room as though tracking something unseen.

Ruea gazes up at the sky.

(Nawain threads her fingers through the holy streams encircling her and beckons to an unseen being. Standing on tip-toes, she leashes the golden energy to nothing at all.)

(Vaddon eyes squint in concentration as veins rise on his forehead, his efforts adding to the effort at hand.)

Lupdels frowns.

Ruea nods to Rileos.

Mortifer gives Valenal a studious look, as if committing him to memory.

Crobin nods to Clematis.

A strange whisper echoes across the area.

(Clerics) You hear the Immortals grumbling at your hubris, begrudgingly encouraging you to continue.

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

(Siendra continues to pluck and wind the Aether around the orichalcum rod, biting the tip of her tongue as she focuses closely on her task. She wills the Aether to wind tightly onto her makeshift spool, careful not to tangle the magic.)

Rileos casually observes the area.

Merilwen gazes off into the distance.

Hanryu searches around for a moment.

Medir gazes off into the distance.

Gragnel prays fervently.

Haxen blinks.

(Severei holds hands with Sister Laureh as they both focus their mana toward Nawain)

Blue tendrils of aether creep through an enormous chaotic fissure.

Couri stands near Leilanie.

Medir rubs his head.

Valynn squints at Valenal.

Illiya shivers.

Ruea winks at Rileos.

Crobin says, "Stop whispering and start talking."

Valynn raises an eyebrow.

(Istercal focuses the center of his eye ring and watches as a stream of magicial energy flows to meet the others)

Nawain solemnly says to Saragos, "We are ready."

Zayek just arrived.

Ezathiel shifts his weight.

Zayek joins Marwen's group.

Leilanie shifts her weight.

(Maintain has intently woven a large thread of Holy mana, coiling it like a sailor would ship's line. He does not merely shove it all towards Nawain, instead controlling both ends of the coil with a rhythm born of familiarity. A youth spent against the capstan bar.)

Merilwen gazes at Saragos.

Gragnel loudly exclaims, "Damaris, guide us!"

Gragnel continues praying.

Marwen moves into position to block attacks against Zayek!

Tirost moves over to guard Aerilia.

Saragos says, "Good job, everyone."

Clematis grins at Malkien.

Aerilia smiles at Tirost.

(Kethrai mutters a prayer to Hodierna quietly beneath his breath.)

A loud thrum echoes across the area as lines of softly glowing energy begin to coalesce around those present.

Laureh exclaims, "Our faith is strong!"

Malkien observes Saragos with fascination.

Merilwen shivers.

Gragnel nods to Laureh.

Valynn cups her hand to her ear.

Medir clenches his scotch tightly until his knuckles go white.

Rileos clenches his Imperial spear tightly until his knuckles go white.

Valenal blinks.

Vaddon roughly brushes sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.

Crobin squints.

Dasheek nods to Illiya.

Briaen grips the Berengaria dawnblade hanging from his sword belt and surveys the area with a hint of malice in his eyes.

Clematis nods to Warbrolus.

Mendira gazes at Saragos.

(Laureh Laureh closes her eyes as she focuses her mana)

Valynn nods to Damoone.

(Istercal offers a prayer to Alamhif to help forge this bridge as he did the brigde that crosses death itself.)

Lupdels kneels down and begins to pray.

Gragnel continues praying.

Katriwen shivers.

(Crobin moves and stands a bit infront of Leayne shoulder to shoulder with Madigan as things start to happen)

Rileos gestures.

Daisybelle stands up.

Kerennya nods to Daisybelle.

Istercal kneels down and touches his lips with the tips of his fingers.

(Elurora's fingers twitch slightly as if mimicking the work in her head of gathering and twining the light from the sphere floating around her with the mana before gently letting it flow to Nawain.)

An uncomfortable whisper echoes across the area.

(Clerics) You feel the Immortals wince, and sense a measure of their... awe. They are impressed, you are sure of it.

(Merilwen opens and closes her right hand, building energy for the plight ahead)

Levie nods.

Rozalynde winces.

Kethrai twitches an ear nervously.

Shavay says to Crobin, "Stop moving - your dart needs to stay in place."

Gragnel continues praying.

Mistanna furrows her brow.

(Siendra rests her free hand on her panther's head, bracing herself as much as she draws energy from him. With a grateful scratch behind his ears she adds more threads to her rod, strengthened by her familiar's presence in this.)

Lupdels frowns.

Valynn sighs quiet.

Lupdels stands up.

Gragnel continues praying fervently.

Leilanie takes a deep breath.

(Nazzarus is nearly invisible through the haze of Aether that surrounds him, geometric patterns and sigils form a pattern that leads to a central nexus point, from which he extends his hand clutching the enchanted ivory and begins channeling the mana flow from the fissure, through the patterns, and towards Saragos.)

Severei exclaims, "We feel You with Us!"

A haze of energized aether swirls above, pulled down and spun into a fine cord.

(Anuril focuses intently on the stone, searching out the snarl in the aether.)

Mendira gazes up at the sky.

Couri ducks her head.

Saragos says, "I feel your touch. Thank you for responding."

Brisknite slowly empties his lungs.

Valynn gazes up at the sky.

Saragos says, "Ok. Aether Loom people. Let's get ready."

Merilwen slowly empties her lungs.

(Istercal appears to be selecting strings of mana and braiding them into the ones already formed.)

Merilwen nods to Saragos.

Shavay says, "Let's do this."

(Elurora squeezes her eyes closed to keep her focus on her work, shutting out as much of the movement around her as she can.)

Valenal inhales a great swallow of air.

(Tekhelet holds steady)

(Aerilia holds her orichalcum rod in front of her, ready to receive strands of aether.)

The Clerics present smirk haughtily, their eyes shining with confidence. You hear laughter, growing closer and closer.

(Clerics) You are sure it is just a little further, and you will accomplish greatness. You hear Their concern, Their fear, and Their confidence, much the way a parent watches a child take their first steps.

Shavay narrows his eyes.

Lupdels frowns.

Ezerak acts puzzled.

Gragnel smirks.

Medir furrows his brow.

Madigan grunts at Tambellis.

Clematis takes a deep breath.

Crobin smiles at Warbrolus.

(Siendra gazes up at the visible cord above, focusing on it and drawing more to her. She offers her rod up, ready to weave.)

Couri inhales a great swallow of air.

Nazzarus coughs.

Riverlynn raises an eyebrow.

Illiya grins at Warbrolus, her dimples flashing into view.

(Zalinyar keeps her focus on the fissure, ready to feed it more at a moments notice)

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Leayne smiles at Warbrolus, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Saragos says, "Tirost, Anuril, you start by prying the Aether threads apart from the snarl, and string them on the darts."

Istercal stands up.

Anuril nods to Saragos.

Anuril nods to Tirost.

Thanator visibly churns with an inner rage!

Clematis laughs!

Dasheek grins at Crobin.

(Kethrai keeps his copper dart held aloft and mostly still despite trembling arms.)

Imroth grins at Crobin.

Thanator draws forth a T'Kashi mirror gavel.

Gragnel gazes up at the sky.

Gragnel continues praying fervently.

Saragos slips out of a dashing black double-breasted greatcoat with a high collar.

Clematis gets a luminous tyrium telek inlaid with blackened moonsilver from inside her kirmiko pocket.

Zalinyar adds to Kethrai's praises.

Saragos puts his greatcoat in his leather rucksack.

(Tirost lifts an orichalcum dagger, carefully prying the strands of Aether from the snarl onto Tekhelet's dart.)

(Crobin raises his dart up as Kethrai has done)

Severei kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers.

(Anuril waves his orichalcum dagger carefully through the air, prising the threads of aether apart and distributing them evently among the darts nearest him.)

(Saragos rolls up his sleeves of his shirt.)

Laureh kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers.

Shavay pulls his hat down low over his eyes and peers out from under the brim.

(Nawain's fingers remain buried in the golden mana, holding the energy as still as she can as she stares with rapt attention at where she expects to direct it, gritting her teeth against the mana coursing through and around her.)

(Merilwen steadies herself awaiting the direction, quietly murmuring incantations)

Illiya grins at Warbrolus, her dimples flashing into view.

Crobin nods to Warbrolus.

(Nazzarus pales visibly, his body wracked with pain as the Hylomorphic contamination continues to pulse counterpoint through and around him.)

Damoone unloads his battle longbow.

The haze of energized aether continues to spin into a long fiber, stretching between the Warrior Mages present.

(Bards) You feel the subtle pull of the fiber, your manipulations guiding it into the beginnings of a simple tapestry.

(Warrior Mages) You feel the subtle pull of the fiber, your manipulations guiding it into the beginnings of a simple tapestry.

(Vaddon's eyes narrow, focus singular on what is in front of him.)

Lupdels shakes his head.

Saragos says, "Nice, nice."

Gragnel loudly exclaims, "Damaris, look upon us with favor!"

Gragnel prays fervently.

Merilwen gasps!

(Briaen remains uncomfortably still, seeming to ignore his surroundings, his focus intently upon the dart in his hands.)

Dasheek gently kisses Illiya on the cheek.

Aerilia nods.

Hanryu searches around for a moment.

Belzor quietly says to himself, "Aether..."

Tekhelet says, "I feel a pull from the aether."

Zyros asks, "A tapestry?"

Lupdels frowns.

Mendira slowly empties her lungs.

With a loud *snap*, you suddenly see that which was hidden.

Kethrai blinks at Damoone.

Medir blinks.

Valynn gazes at Damoone.

Anino searches around for a moment.

Rileos blinks.

Sukidesu gasps!

Merilwen blinks.

Illiya blinks.

Clematis gasps!

Istercal gasps!

Jundara gasps!

Damoone loads his battle longbow with some drake-fang arrows.

Aerilia tilts her head to one side.

Briaen points at a hunched Godling.

Mendira gazes at a hunched Godling.

No matter the angle from which you view the Godling, it remains hunched with its back to you. It moves erratically, with sudden unsettling twitches, leaving behind a streaming trail of afterimages. Loosely wreathed in a hazy silvery light, the Godling can be heard softly muttering to itself.

Valynn stands near Damoone.

(Siendra shivers as her heart stutters at the sensation, but narrows her eyes and pulls on the Aether to keep it taut.)

(Anuril interweaves his threads of aether with those that Tirost is manipulating.)

Aerilia glances at a hunched Godling.

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

Gragnel reaches toward a hunched Godling, but stops before he touches it.

Merilwen gazes at a hunched Godling.

Valynn moves over to guard Damoone.

[Aetheric Weave]
Finger-like blue strands of aether curl around the edges of a large chaotic fissure. A growing tapestry of woven strands of softly glowing blue energy, oddly pushed about by unseen winds. Periodically, flashes of silvery light flicker along the weave, pushing the threads apart and around. The tapestry is growing as the experiment proceeds.

Saragos holds a growing aetheric weave in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Lupdels casually observes the area.

Tekhelet searches around for a moment.

Lupdels frowns.

Ezerak blinks.

Medir gazes at a hunched Godling.

Damoone grins at Valenal.

Lupdels searches around for a moment.

Elurora glances at a hunched Godling.

Ezathiel furrows his brow.

Mendira furrows her brow.

Merilwen glances at Siendra.

Brisknite examines a hunched Godling.

Damoone grins at Valynn.

Belzor gazes at a hunched Godling.

Illiya examines a hunched Godling.

Riverlynn observes a hunched Godling with fascination.

Merilwen glances at Tirost.

Zyros says, "A child, meddling in things it ought not."

Valynn grins at Damoone.

Nazzarus coughs.

Ruea reaches toward a hunched Godling, but stops before she touches it.

Rileos slowly empties his lungs.

Sclerotia examines a growing aetheric weave.

Zyros gazes thoughtfully at a hunched Godling.

Unaka's breath is caught in her throat as she observes the Godling.

Briaen holds a hunched Godling in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Aerilia quietly says, "Just a tad unnerving..."

Lupdels frowns.

(Istercal's brow drips with sweat from the concentration on the aether strings.)

Perune says, "Focus on your work and not the being."

Gragnel continues praying.

Shaylynne examines a hunched Godling.

Saragos says, "Yes. We're going to do this. Ok, Loom participants, get ready. Anuril, Tirost, keep maintaining those warp threads. If they slip before we're ready, it's bad news."

Damoone nods to Valenal.

Mendira gives Perune a slight nod.

Merilwen gazes at her rod.

Gragnel continues praying.

Illiya examines a growing aetheric weave.

Siendra gnaws on her lip.

Anuril gives Saragos a slight nod.

Lupdels says, "It's all bad news ..."

Lupdels frowns.

Valynn stops guarding Damoone.

Couri reaches toward a hunched Godling, but stops before she touches it.

Merilwen smiles at Tirost.

Nazzarus's skin turns a pasty shade.

Brisknite frowns at a hunched Godling.

The haze of energized aether crackles with silvery sparks, as it continues to twist into a fine cord.

(Bards) As the tapestry grows, the fiber becomes trickier and trickier to weave.

(Warrior Mages) As the tapestry grows, the fiber becomes trickier and trickier to weave.

(Clerics) The Godling steps away, and you hear its voice echoing, "Without you, none of this is possible."

(Aerilia returns to attention to her rod.)

(Tirost, moving slowly around the circumference of the circle across from Anuril, uses an orichalcum dagger to carefully move another Aether strand into place.)

Marwen observes a hunched Godling with fascination.

Damoone moves over to guard Valynn.

(Elurora takes a deep breath trying to keep her focus on gathering the golden light and energy around her to funnel toward Nawain.)

Thanator clenches his haledroth rapier tightly until his knuckles go white.

Brisknite reaches toward a hunched Godling, but stops before he touches it.

Saragos says to Mendira, "Be making slight adjustments, monitoring for stability."

Mendira nods to Saragos.

Couri examines a hunched Godling.

Katriwen examines a hunched Godling.

Valynn nods to Damoone.

Saragos asks, "Nazz, you have that Aether rope ready?"

Nazzarus nods to Saragos.

(Mendira steps lightly to a spot beside a pair of the assembled mages. With her palms extended and gaze distant, she focuses intently on monitoring the harmonics of the Aether weave upon the loom.)

Shaylynne holds a growing aetheric weave in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.

(Nawain trembles, fists wrapped tight around the reigns of her Godling, face pale as she stays focused on the goal, unaware that everyone else can see the Godling she's been communing with for months.)

(Kethrai braces his wrist with his other hand to keep his dart still.)

Medir holds a growing aetheric weave in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

(Saragos strings his wand on the thick strand of Aether that Nazzarus has passed to him, and prepares to thread the shuttle through the Aether loom.)

Saragos says, "Ok, position 1."

Aerilia kneels down.

Merilwen kneels down.

Vaddon cracks his knuckles.

Shavay dances about with his rod.

Mortifer kneels down.

(Istercal sees a strand of aether start to slip and pulls it back into position.)

Nazzarus clears his throat.

(Maintain simply continues, the repetitive motion deeply engraved muscle memory in play. His attention is fixed on Nawain, although his gaze occasionally moves towards the godling.)

Malkien moves about with magnified violence!

Lupdels frowns.

(Zalinyar studies the fissure and decided to reinforce it)

Shavay coughs.

Sukidesu kneels down.

Lupdels glares at Nawain.

(Anuril frowns at a tricky tangle in the weave of aether and makes eye contact with Tirost, directing his attention to it with a nod.)

The haze of energized aether is stirred by unseen winds, delicate wisps trailing off into nothingness.

(Bards)A sharp brassy note reverberates across the fiber, causing it to jangle oddly.

(Warrior Mages) A silvery light winds its way through the fiber, causing it to kink oddly.

(Clerics) The Godling begins to laugh, and while you cannot recall what you said, you are sure it was funny.

(Siendra gives a quiet growl as she stands tall, focused and ready.)

Crobin nods to Dasheek.

Haxen grins.

(Saragos swings his wand in a circle, threading the attached thread of Aether through the circle of dart-holders.)

Saragos waves an ilmenite-tipped icesteel wand bound by a fluid smokewood grip around.

Valenal gestures.
A halo of fire flickers into being and hovers around his neck and mouth briefly.

Madigan examines a hunched Godling.

Nazzarus settles into a comfortable position and closes his eyes.
A painful ripping sensation erupts through your abdomen! You seem unharmed, but something terribly... wrong just happened. [Elemental Domain]

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Anino examines a hunched Godling.

Clematis examines a hunched Godling.

(Merilwen moves her hand to help guide the strands flowing around her into the correct direction, concentrating all her energy towards the goal)

Malkien nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

(Aerilia holds her rod carefully aloft, her darkened eyes peering out from beneath her cloak of aether as she watches the strands being woven.)

Saragos says to Perune, "Push them tight now."

A pained expression crosses Kerennya's face.

Valynn gazes up at the sky.

Gragnel prays fervently.

Valenal holds a hunched Godling in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Vaddon appears to completely block out the world about him.

Mortifer glances at Unaka.

Warbrolus holds a hunched Godling in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

(Perune takes his position in the center and raises the rod, pushing the threads together tightly.)

Mortifer stands up.

Anuril quietly says, "Nazzarus, you damn idiot."

Dasheek holds a hunched Godling in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

(Elurora puts a gentle hand on Nawain's shoulder, both to steady her and keep her careful thread of mana and light flowing toward her.)

Shavay kneels down.

Saragos exclaims, "Ok, Position 2!"

Malkien reaches toward a hunched Godling, but stops before he touches it.

Aerilia stands up.

(Merilwen holds tight to the rod, keeping it as steady as possible)

Severei tries to stand and fails.

Ruea raises an eyebrow in Anuril's direction.

Merilwen stands up.

(Mendira, noticing a sharp brassy tone from the loom, tugs lightly at a few of the strands of Aether to draw them into a looser, flatter tone.)

Sukidesu stands up.

Malkien examines a hunched Godling.

Saragos waves an ilmenite-tipped icesteel wand bound by a fluid smokewood grip around.

Laureh stands up.

Gragnel continues praying.

Siendra kneels down.

Madigan assesses his combat situation.

Nawain whispers something to Elurora.

(Crobin eyes move over the godling his eyes taking in all it can about the figure)

Gragnel prays fervently.

Leilanie nods at Couri, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nazzarus painfully says to Anuril, "It's the only way this will work."

Malkien just tried to pull a hunched Godling.

Warbrolus reaches toward a hunched Godling, but stops before he touches it.

Leilanie stands near Couri.

(Saragos streams more Aether through the loom.)

Severei stands up.

(Aerilia holds her rod above her head, bending the strands of aether upwards.)

Saragos says, "Back to position 1."

Shavay stands up.

Aerilia kneels down.

Merilwen kneels down.

Severei kneels down.

(Siendra carefully kneels, keeping her right straight to avoid any tangles.)

The air smells of solvent and ozone, and you feel yourself pulled oddly.

Siendra stands up.

Nawain blinks at Elurora.

Anuril settles into a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

Suddenly the area feels somehow more... stable, in some vaguely felt way. [Elemental Domain]

Sukidesu kneels down.

Nawain glances at a hunched Godling.

Kethrai wrinkles his nose.

Laureh kneels down.

Couri shakes her head.

Lupdels frowns.

(Mendira inhales slightly and draws her hand forward to gently tuck some slipping strands back into their place in the weave, reinforcing its stability.)

(Saragos swings again pulling more Aether through the loom.)

Elurora gives Nawain a slight nod.

Anuril stands up.

Anuril glares at Nazzarus.

(Elurora nods her head toward the Godling, but otherwise remains in place.)

The haze of energized aether is crisscrossed by several bolts of silvery lightning, the cord snapping about wildly a moment before it is brought back under control.

(Bards) Several bolts of silvery lightning seem to energize the aetheric haze, causing the cord to convulse! It takes a moment, but you are able to wrest it back under control and continue weaving.

(Warrior Mages) Several bolts of silvery lightning seem to energize the aetheric haze, causing the cord to convulse! It takes a moment, but you are able to wrest it back under control and continue weaving.

(Clerics) A momentary slip in your concentration results in a discharge of energy across the area. No matter, you are sure it will not happen again. The Godling giggles, and says "There are no accidents, only opportunities." Weird.

Saragos asks, "Nazz, spin that thread a little faster?"

Valenal softly says, "Very few have seen something like this."

(Perune raises his rod once again, following Saragos' act, pushing the threads together.)

Gragnel continues praying fervently.

Malkien ponders.

Nawain winces.

Crobin says, "You all are doing great."

Shavay kneels down.

Crobin says, "Keep it up."

(Merilwen moves with the aether strands, keeping them intact, holding tight to the rod above her head)

Couri ducks her head.

Saragos asks Mendira, "How we looking? Keep on those threads, ok?"

Tekhelet makes a grunting noise.

Brisknite asks, "To valenal what is that?"

Ezerak fidgets nervously.

(Istercal steadies himself against the pulling sensation and refocuses on the aether weave)

Siendra growls low in the back of her throat.

Saragos says, "Position 2."

Mendira gives Saragos a slight nod.

Aerilia stands up.

Merilwen stands up.

Zalinyar says, "Don't lose control of it."

Severei stands up.

Siendra kneels down.

Istercal kneels down and touches his lips with the tips of his fingers.

Dasheek nods to Illiya.

Sukidesu stands up.

Riverlynn mutters something into the air about doing something.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Nawain.

Istercal stands up.

Vaddon breathes rapidly, his nostrils flaring.

Saragos waves an ilmenite-tipped icesteel wand bound by a fluid smokewood grip around.

Shavay holds a growing aetheric weave in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Mendira quietly says to Saragos, "So far, so good."

Shaylynne leans on Illiya.

Laureh stands up.

(Saragos strings more Aether through the Loom./)

(Valynn watches intently as the weave begins to take shape.)

Vaddon squints.

Gragnel exclaims, "Damaris, revel the secrets that have been kept from us!"

Gragnel continues praying fervently.

(Anuril is distracted momentarily from the weaving, but returns his attention to co-operating with Tirost.)

(Kerennya's arms tremble slightly as she focuses on keeping her dart steady)

Shavay says, "By Idon, it's actually working..."

(Nazzarus coughs, his palor turning more pale as he spends more and more Aether thread towards Saragos through his Hylomorphic patterns and celestial beacon.)

Crobin says, "You got this Anuril and Tirost...you got this."

Shaylynne whispers something to Illiya.

(Laureh concentrates harder to focus the mana streams)

Couri raises an eyebrow.

Shaylynne holds her hand like it's broken.

(Merilwen seems to glow as her aura begins to vibrate with the energy swirling around)

(Aerilia peers closely at the stands of aether being woven, adjusting the position of her rod as necessary.)

(Perune raises his rod higher, pushing the mass of threads as tightly together as he can.)

Saragos exclaims, "Position 1!"

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Shaylynne.

Shavay stands up.

Aerilia kneels down.

Siendra stands up.

Merilwen kneels down.

(Severei holds her hands out to her sides as she focuses her mana)

Riverlynn searches around for a moment.

Severei kneels down.

(Tirost continues to move around the circumference of the circle across from Anuril, using an orichalcum dagger with great care to position another Aether strand from the snarl to one of the waiting darts.)

Nazzarus quietly says, "This has to work.."

Sukidesu kneels down.

Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

The haze of energized aether begins to compress, snapping back and forth as if buffeted by strong winds!

(Bards) Something is not right -- the aetheric haze seems to take on a new tone, and you feel yourself losing control of the cord!

(Warrior Mages) Something is not right -- the aetheric haze seems to take on a new property, and you feel yourself losing control of the cord!

(Clerics) The Godling suddenly turns around and looks at you, its eyes burning with cruel intensity, and it smiles.

Medir frowns.

Several things happen at once.

The aetheric haze erupts with no-color, crackling and snarling along the entirety of the cordage, burning the tapestry!

The Godling begins to grow, the size of a house, the size of a tree, the size of a mountain, and you find yourself staring upward at the gargantuan creation. It stands, and begins to laugh at the sky.

The weave evaporates into motes of aetheric energy, and the Godling simply vanishes.

Tekhelet says, "Oh no."

Couri exclaims, "Gads!"

Malkien says, "Well, we did something."

(Nawain throws another thick rope of holy mana around the godling's wingtails, shuddering as the powerful being grows.)

Aerilia blinks.

Anuril blinks.

Elurora blinks.

A moment passes in silence, and suddenly, an explosion.

Damoone says, "Ummm."

Medir blinks.

(Siendra holds the rod quickly in both hands, eyes wide.)

Haxen gasps!

Ruea flinches.

You hear someone laugh.

Merilwen blinks.

Madigan makes a grunting noise.

Shavay winces.

Karthor raises an eyebrow.

Briaen winces.

Gragnel prays fervently.

Mendira frowns.

Merilwen gulps.

Misteeus ponders.

Hanryu searches around for a moment.

Rileos ducks his head.

Valynn blinks.

Tirost frowns.

Medir says, "That's never good."

Kiashandra gasps!

(Crobin leans forward agains the explosion bracing himself)

Anuril says, "Where..."

Dasheek says, "There is a sorcerous anomaly."

Imroth says, "Was that.."

Unaka braces herself.

Warbrolus asks, "That's totally normal, right?"

(Merilwen holds tight to her rod)

Elurora blinks.

Dasheek gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Zyros points at a jittering sorcerous anomaly.

[Arhat's Tower, Workshop]
Very little is recognizable from the workshop's original contents. The walls are broken off at half their intended height and the area lies open to the elements. The only obvious sign of the room's prior function, odd glowing stains marking the floor, are most likely the result of past experiments gone awry. You also see a jittering sorcerous anomaly, a russet lynx that is sitting, a majestic white snowy owl with a hooked black beak that is sleeping, a floating vessel of flaring crimson light, a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes that is sitting, a scruffy bear that is sitting, a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes that is sitting, an enormous chaotic fissure, a tarnished Imperial coin, a sleek golden panther with enigmatic violet eyes that is sitting, a smokey grey leopard with hypnotic crimson eyes and flecks of ashes on her fur that is sitting, a spotted cream and gold owl, an ethereal vela'tohr thicket, a vibrant white birch tree surrounded by purple blossoms, a lissome russet panther with rivulets of azure rippling through its fur that is sitting and a worn stone.

Tekhelet says, "There's an anomaly."

Illiya points at a jittering sorcerous anomaly.

Ezathiel pleasantly asks, "What?"

Saragos flinches.

Souhei gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Valynn gazes up at the sky.

Sozinho reaches toward a jittering sorcerous anomaly, but stops before he touches it.

Perune says, "They interfered."

Mendira gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Sofina gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Medir turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Shavay gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Elurora gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Illiya says, "A jittering sorcerous anomaly."

Dasheek turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Vaddon gets a triple-fullered haralun broadsword bearing a nacre hilt from inside his kirmiko pocket.

Tirost sheathes his dagger.

Illiya gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Malkien gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Valenal gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Shaylynne turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Nazzarus gazes at a jittering sorcerous anomaly.

Aerilia turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Rileos gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Mendira frowns.

Unaka gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Rozalynde gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Zyros gets too close to the anomaly and, in a spray of blood and gore, is violently rearranged by the inchoate law and distorted space!

* Zyros is slain before your eyes!

Nazzarus lets out a sigh of contentment.

Malkien says, "The anomaly is shrinking."

Urbaj gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Lexxa searches around for a moment.

Hanryu turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Anino gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Anuril gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Gragnel reaches toward a jittering sorcerous anomaly, but stops before he touches it.

Shaylynne gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Sukidesu gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Imroth gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Madigan gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Sozinho gets too close to the anomaly and, in a spray of blood and gore, is violently rearranged by the inchoate law and distorted space!

* Sozinho is slain before your eyes!

Siendra gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Hanryu gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Damoone blinks.

Haxen gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Aerilia winces.

Nawain gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Ruea gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Couri exclaims, "To Leil I tole ye!"

Mistanna blinks.

Merilwen gazes at a jittering sorcerous anomaly.

Malkien gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Aerilia exclaims, "Stay back from it!"

Valynn gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Ruea gets too close to the anomaly and, in a spray of blood and gore, is violently rearranged by the inchoate law and distorted space!

* Ruea is slain before your eyes!

Ezerak gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Saragos gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Mendira exclaims, "Don't go near it!"

Crobin says, "What is goiong on here."

Gragnel stands up.

Kerennya gazes at the anomaly a moment.

You hear the sound of someone cackling!

You hear the sound of someone cackling!

Imroth gets too close to the anomaly and, in a spray of blood and gore, is violently rearranged by the inchoate law and distorted space!

* Imroth is slain before your eyes!

Nazzarus stands up.

Riverlynn gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Medir glances at Zyros.

Briaen gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Tekhelet says, "Careful."

Misteeus ponders.

Mistanna gasps at Ruea!

Crobin says, "SHow yourself."

The jittering sphere seems to twist and contort as it hovers in space. Snarled bands of light ripple over its form, though you have a hard time getting a detailed view. You think you might be able to study it more carefully.

Nazzarus gazes at a jittering sorcerous anomaly.

You hear the ghostly voice of Imroth say, "Oh."

Merilwen gasps!

Nazzarus turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Illiya says, "Oh jeez."

Malkien says, "Well, I guess we shouldn't touch it."

Medir looks at Imroth and sighs.

Anuril asks, "It's shrinking?"

The ghostly laughter of Ruea echoes through the room, sending a shiver down your spine.

Saragos says, "Don't go in."

Shaylynne turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Trajan gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Lupdels frowns.

You hear the ghostly voice of Imroth say, "Don't do that."

Dasheek says, "So, don't touch it."

Nazzarus turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Perune gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Medir shakes his head.

Saragos says, "This is like the first Aether experiment we did."

Rileos turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Zalinyar gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Shavay says, "Um... yeah, don't get close to that thing."

Deathbeing comes out of hiding.

Saragos turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Nazzarus turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Siendra gazes at a jittering sorcerous anomaly.

(Tekhelet drags Ruea from the anomaly)

Dasheek says, "Can't harness mana into it."

Rozalynde gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Nazzarus gets too close to the anomaly and, in a spray of blood and gore, is violently rearranged by the inchoate law and distorted space!

* Nazzarus is slain before your eyes!

Deathbeing lays his hand on Imroth's arm.

Belzor gazes at a jittering sorcerous anomaly.

Mortifer turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Severei winces.

Illiya says, "Umm."

Souhei turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Aerilia turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Perune turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Leilanie covers her eyes with her hand.

Anuril frowns at a jittering sorcerous anomaly.

Sclerotia gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Shavay gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Mortifer gets too close to the anomaly and, in a spray of blood and gore, is violently rearranged by the inchoate law and distorted space!

* Mortifer is slain before your eyes!

Misteeus touches Sozinho with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Sclerotia turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Madigan quietly says, "Gads."

Druid Zyros just arrived.

Illiya asks, "What are you guys doing to it?"

Gragnel kneels down and begins to pray.

Mortifer's corpse begins to shake violently, sprouting new mass to replace its lost organs. The convulsions reach a fevered pitch and then abruptly stop when Mortifer's eyes snap open! He drags himself upright, wracked with pain and gasping for air, but clearly alive.

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes.

(Lexxa prays she's not next.)

Lupdels gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Gragnel continues praying fervently.

Saragos exclaims, "Meraud, I beg of you, give me the inspiration to fix this!"

Unaka turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Deathbeing exudes life and vitality, rutilant sparks dancing around him.

Rozalynde winces.

(Siendra edges away from the anomaly.)

You hear the ghostly voice of Ruea ask, "Well stop touching it, fools. How many corpses do we need?"

You hear the ghostly voice of Nazzarus exclaim, "Saragos, focus on the anomaly!"

Shavay exclaims, "Stop trying to touch it!"

Rejind lays his hand on Sozinho's arm.

(Merilwen continues to hold her rod as steady as possible in the chaos)

Saragos exclaims to Nawain, "Get your godling to help!"

Hunter Hanryu pads down.

Saragos turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Clematis kneels down and begins to pray.

Medir says, "That explosion..."

You hear the ghostly voice of Nazzarus exclaim, "Focus it now!"

Lupdels turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Rileos turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

(Elurora gently pulls the strand of power she's been weaving and tries to send it toward the anomaly, hoping that might pry it open.)

[Study Anomaly] A jittering sphere that twists and contorts with violent instability, the sorcerous anomaly hovers a few feet above the ground. Roughly six spans across, the sphere radiates alternating heat and cold, evaporating with flashes of bizarre light and snapping contortions. No matter from which angle you view the sphere you odd visual artifacts that make little sense, as the object steadily seems to be unwinding. Light bends strangely around its immediate periphery, skewed refractions and interactions that you cannot make sense of, reactions and processes playing out according to no laws or physics you understand.

You have the vague impression that it is shrinking, albeit very slowly.

Nawain nods.

Sofina turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Tirost turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Karthor acts puzzled.

Clematis continues praying.

Elurora turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Kerennya turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Lexxa exclaims, "I am still holding my dart!"

Zalinyar turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Crobin says, "Can you all absorb it or anything."

Ezerak turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Dasheek turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Gragnel continues praying.

Tambellis turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Souhei gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Siendra turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Malkien turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Riverlynn glances at Clematis.

Anuril frowns at a jittering sorcerous anomaly.

Merilwen turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Riverlynn casually observes the area.

A swirling vortex of shadows draws itself from the ground and coalesces into a black Moongate, which yawns open like a hungry maw.

Valenal pulls out a tattered notepad and charcoal stick, frantically sketching notes and drawings. Then he tucks his materials away.

Warbrolus peers through the Moongate.

Kerennya peers through the Moongate.

Briaen peers through the Moongate.

Damoone peers through the Moongate.

You notice Abost peering through the other side of the Moongate.

Saragos peers through the Moongate.

Rileos peers through the Moongate.

Unaka peers through the Moongate.

Crobin peers through the Moongate.

Madigan says, "Banner is DOWN if you want to do raising down there or triage."

Deathbeing peers through the Moongate.

Shaylynne turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Zalinyar turns to the anomaly and closes her eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Tekhelet gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Tambellis peers through the Moongate.

Clematis stands up.

Lupdels turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Siendra peers through the Moongate.

Belzor turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Malkien peers through the Moongate.

[Focus Anomaly]

You close your eyes, and the faint ringing of the anomaly surges warmly, a resonant cacophony winding along a range of scales, settling into a shifting single note. The note pulses, a complex series of triplets and alternating intervals, and you are able to tease out the origin from the echoes around the area, the reverberation emphasizing various structures in the area, enclosing you in a wall of sound. A vague pattern begins to emerge from the note, a rhythmic periodicity as the anomaly slowly expands and contracts, reminiscent of a slowly beating heart as the edges of the sound shift and strain against the competing reality of this plane's acoustics.

An echoing tunnel bored in reality, the anomaly reverberates with competing overtones, a woodwind stridently competing with a plucked lyre. The dissonance echoes all around the anomaly, imperceptibly softening over time as it winds along jangling arpeggios, sounding more of isolated performers tuning their instruments.

Concentrating on the source of these otherworldly sounds, you begin to develop a headache, hearing the anomalies breathy exhale as it vibrates between harmonic eighths, a curious minor scale, then decaying. The flow continues to shift, never falling back to previous patterns.

A sibilant hissing begins to build in the distance, drowning out the sounds, and the anomaly pulses gently, rattling chaotically.

[Warrior Mage]
You close your eyes, and the anomaly pulses brightly against your magical senses, illuminating the area in an opalescent glow. Playing against contours of your form, the energies of the anomaly unmask the dendritic lattice underlying your body, suffused with Elemental energies, your every vein and sinew coursing brightly against a comparably murky outline of the room. A vague pattern begins to emerge from the anomaly, a rhythmic periodicity reminiscent of a slowly beating heart as the edges of the anomaly shift and strain against the competing reality of this plane. A smoothly bored hole in reality, the anomaly appears to be a knotted mass of raw aether and empty space that mixes, snarls, and reacts with the accumulated aetheric energies. Blinding flashes twinkle in the mixture, and while the structure appears to be slowly detangling, it is quite a mess. The knots within knots seem to exert an outward pressure as they pull at the edges, the admixture difficult to follow as it slowly runs its course.

Probing deeper, you begin to develop a headache as the twisted snarls of unresolved mana mix and pull at one another. With each blend, each knot undone, the conglomerate mass seems to slowly resolve, though it is quite a mess to behold. The edges ringing the anomaly continue to press inward, and the structure seems to be gradually closing in on itself.

You close your eyes, and the anomaly floats emptily against your magical senses, a smoothly drilled hole against the background of radiant silver Holy mana, wrung in encroaching fire. No matter which angle you view it from, the anomaly appears as a perfect circle of Your grace, a hymn sung in a caught voice with slurred words. While there is praise and glory to be had, it also feels strangely unfulfilling. As soon as you can make sense of any pattern, odd flashes of doubt and unintelligible devotion flicker around the anomaly, slowly unraveling the odd collection.

What potential, what wasted possibility. You could stand before your flock and accept their invocations, but the thought seems to twist away as soon as it forms in your mind. This once made sense, but something is missing, a critical concept. The sphere struggles to reassert itself, twisting erratically, and you sense it shrinking.

Peering deeper into the circle, you begin to develop a headache at the twisted half truths and empty platitudes, the mana mixing and reacting in ways you cannot understand, further undermining the orison in your name. With each shift of the silver light, the conglomerate mess seems to detangle, though it is quite a mess to behold. You take a step back, and remember what this odd thing even is, and the circle seems to slowly evaporate.

You close your eyes, and the anomaly floats emptily against your magical senses, a smoothly drilled hole against the background of radiant golden Holy mana, rung with broken glass. No matter which angle you view it from, the anomaly appears as a perfect circle of emptiness, a reinforced and stable violation. Thin filaments of light crackle off the internal edges of the circle as it contracts and expands like a heartbeat, each beat hammering against the boundaries. A vague pattern begins to emerge against the backdrop of light, forming and shifting as nested geometries move with precise intention as they appear to radially reinforce the gap, mending its own cracks and gradually repulsing the anomaly.

There is no honor here. Order has been violated, and you are filled with a profound sense of apprehension as the glorious golden light continues to struggle to reassert itself and drive back the anomaly. The circle pulses, shrinking and expanding against the Divine, inchoate law and halting decree snapping and popping at the edges as the rules beyond wrestle with this plane. While you can sense the circle slowly constricting, and the nascent patterns dissolving almost instantly, this is not right. Your shield arm twitches, and you are filled with a selfless desire to throw yourself into the anomaly, though you recognize the futility of such an action.

Peering deeper into the circle, you begin to develop a headache as the twisted snarls of unresolved mana mix and react. With each shift of the golden light, the conglomerate mess seems to detangle, though it is quite a mess to behold. The cracks ringing the anomaly continue to slowly heal, and the circle seems to be gradually closing in upon itself.

Closing your eyes, you probe the sorcerous anomaly with your magical senses, but are unable to learn anything further.

You close your eyes, and the anomaly floats emptily against your magical senses, a swirled knot of oozing Arcane mana tangled around an empty sphere. The thick ropes convulse in peristaltic waves, writhing as they twist themselves into an increasingly convoluted skein, trailing evaporating filaments that billow in unseen winds. The knot swells grotesquely, nodules and horned protrusions calcifying, crackling as they grow and slough off, cascading to the ground and shattering into nothingness. The anomaly pulses like a heartbeat, pressing against the choking ropes of Arcane energies clinging to it, which seem to be drawing from it, forcing... something... back into the emptiness.

A perfectly spherical gap in your magical senses, the anomaly appears to be attracting the coils of mana. As you focus on the edges of the anomaly, you watch as the Arcane mana looping around the structure periodically snaps and withdraws, as if burned, though you cannot tell what is causing this reaction. The lines periodically constrict tightly only to be repelled.

A long slit appears in the no-space at the sphere's border, and a large eye opens, revealing a distorted pupil. It scans the area, and gazes upon you for a long moment before closing and vanishing.

[Moon Mage]
Closing your eyes, you probe the sorcerous anomaly with your magical senses, but are unable to learn anything further.

Closing your eyes, you probe the sorcerous anomaly with your magical senses, but are unable to learn anything further.

Closing your eyes, you probe the sorcerous anomaly with your magical senses, but are unable to learn anything further.

Nawain yells, "Sihmiarui! Find them, Sihmiauri! Open the rift!"

Dasheek says, "Still looks the same.."

Lupdels frowns.

Aerilia stands up.

Rejind grabs Sozinho's body and drags it down with him.

Anuril gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Merilwen stands up.

Malkien turns to the anomaly and closes his eyes in concentration for a long moment.

Fury's Touch Rejind just arrived.

(Nawain brings all her will to bear against her Godling.)

Ezerak gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Lupdels gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Thanator visibly churns with an inner rage!

Mendira gazes at Nawain.

Lupdels gazes at the anomaly a moment.

A black Moongate collapses in on itself.

The body of Nazzarus suddenly slides down.

Medir observes Nawain with fascination.

Kethrai gazes at a jittering sorcerous anomaly.

You hear a voice say, "Uh..."

Fury's Touch Rejind goes down.

Kethrai gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Perune says to Saragos, "But worse. Its just a tangled mess of our failed work."

You hear a voice say, "IT has an eye inside of it."

Nawain growls low in the back of her throat.

Rileos gazes at the anomaly a moment.

The body of Imroth suddenly slides down.

Couri sighs.

Forging Guru Sozinho just arrived.

Souhei gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Perune asks, "Ah, is the godling watching us, or something more?"

Gragnel continues praying.

Holy Guardian Unaka strides down.

Malkien whirls about in a bold, flashy manner!

Lupdels frowns.

Valynn gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Merilwen gazes at Saragos.

Ezerak gazes at the anomaly a moment.

The body of Ruea suddenly slides down.

Shaylynne gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Gragnel prays fervently.

Zalinyar gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Valenal gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Anuril glances at Saragos.

Elurora gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light. Everything goes silent.

Rienth gazes at the anomaly a moment.

Shavay says, "It grew to immensity, laughed, and disappeared."

Mendira gazes off into the distance.

A hooded figure in darkest midnight black stands before you holding a tall staff that crackles with energies. You cannot see his face, though you hear a growl as a huge black wolf steps forward and cocks its head at you. He nods and says, "This was not the answer you sought, but it was the action needed to begin bringing them home."

The man nods, and points up with a grin. Suddenly, the man and wolf vanish.

Holy Guardian Unaka just arrived.

Couri asks, "Is it the Arbitor?"

(Crobin looks at his dart and then at the eye a smile coming to his face)

Unaka moves into position to cover Karthor from harm.

Merilwen gasps!

Merilwen shivers.

Saragos says, "That was Meraud."

Aerilia blinks.

Mendira quietly says, "Oh..."

Nawain gives a slight nod.

Medir raises an eyebrow.

Merilwen nods to Saragos.

Dasheek gazes up at the sky.

Siendra gazes up at the sky.

Saragos kneels down.

Perune says, "Goodbye, Kleinzack."

Kerennya glances up at the sky.

Maintain drops to one knee, bowing his head in deference.

Rozalynde glances up at the sky.

Aerilia says, "Meraud.."

Merilwen kneels down before Saragos.

Ezathiel pleasantly asks, "Can we cheer now?"

Anuril glances up at the sky.

Shavay says, "Couldn't be. He didn't ask for lavender."

Ruea just arrived.

The anomaly shudders as if caught in a strong wind, and glows a blinding no-color! It vanishes without a trace, a booming echo reverberating in it's wake!

Ezerak ponders.

Katriwen quietly says, "Was that..."

Karthor scratches his head and looks around with a confused expression.

Anuril glances up at the sky.

You hear someone sigh.

Lupdels frowns.

Briaen pants.

Tirost glances at Saragos.

Tekhelet just left.

A pained expression crosses Unaka's face.

Siendra winces.

A voice roars "You were warned! You will now feel our wrath!" and you are momentarily overwhelmed with a foreign feeling of rage. You cannot recall what the voice sounded like, though it echoes all around you.

Malkien says, "Well, Meraud said good job I guess."

Anuril frowns.

Leilanie shivers with fear.

A pained expression crosses Sukidesu's face.

Elurora furrows her brow.

Mendira frowns.

Belzor quietly says, "Meraud."

A voice roars "For eons we have maintained these lands, our perfect balance! Your filth and audacity knows no limit!" and you are momentarily struck with a foreign feeling of revulsion. You cannot recall what the voice sounded like, though it echoes all around you.

Katriwen nods to Belzor.

Merilwen stands up.

The sky splits, and several writhing meteors fall from the sky, tearing to the west!

Marwen gets a tyrium throwing hammer from inside his hip pouch.

Valenal quietly says, "Gotchya."

Medir raises an eyebrow.

Asilyia blinks.

Mendira glances at Valenal.

Malkien assesses his combat situation.

Riverlynn glances at Valenal.

Merilwen casually observes the area.

Perune offers Saragos an orichalcum rod.

Couri exclaims, "Nae!"

Ezerak blinks.

Aerilia scowls.

Unaka quietly says, "Banner is below."

Saragos accepts Perune's rod.

Saragos puts his rod in his leather rucksack.

Tirost frowns.

Karthor narrows his eyes.

Shavay says, "Oh great, assaulted by arrogance. Just what we needed."

Perune says, "Take this, I need to prepare."

Kethrai gazes off to the west.

As the meteors tear across the sky, they leave billowing lines of ash and they curve downward, impacting to the west of the Crossing!

Unaka clenches her splitting maul tightly until her knuckles go white.

Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

Tambellis joylessly says, "Heh, sounds just like my father."

Ruea nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Elemental Researcher Nazzarus just arrived.

Briaen yells, "We stand unity against your rage. Do your worst, we are a plague fromw which you will never heal."

Saragos yells, "If you'd give our people back, this wouldn't be happening!"

Fury's Touch Rejind just arrived.

Anuril gazes off to the west.

A deafening explosion to the west washes over you!

Tekhelet joins Saragos's group.

Aerilia blinks.

Shavay asks, "And they missed?"

Maintain stands up.

Saragos stands up.

Elurora blinks.

Aerilia asks, "What are they doing?"

Madigan bows to Dasheek.

Perune says, "Go defend the streets, folks."

Elurora gazes off to the west.

Medir gazes off to the west.

(Aerilia gazes off to the west.)

Sublime Mender Kerennya glides down.

Nawain shudders.

Perune says, "And get these people up."

Severei winces.

Tirost joins Malkien's group.

Rejind says, "If any of the Clerics are not otherwise occupied, Imroth is ready to come up to the down."

Kethrai asks, "Where did that hit...?"

Malkien praises Tirost.

Nazzarus asks, "Someone drug me off, did it work?"

Shavay asks, "West of the Crossing - that abandoned house, where Liraxes said was unstable?"

Tirost nods to Malkien.

Urbaj nods to Shavay.

Mendira frowns.

Merilwen casually observes the area.

Aerilia says, "Maybe."

Malkien narrows his eyes, focused within his fury.

High Lord of Justice Imroth just arrived.

Aerilia frowns in thought.

Gragnel continues praying.

Rileos puts his dart in his leather satchel.

Rozalynde hops down.

Medir says to Shavay, "It's worth checkin', perhaps."

Ruea rubs her head.

Medir furrows his brow.

Healer Leilanie walks down.

Saragos says, "West of Crossing. Let's go look."

Lupdels frowns.

Shavay says, "That's my thought."

Saragos joins Malkien's group.

Nawain shivers.

Belzor nods to Medir.

Medir nods.

Zyros drops a copper dart.

Anuril nods to Saragos.

Imroth joins Malkien's group.

Gragnel stands up.

Severei stands up.

Shavay asks Saragos, "Want this rod back?"

Aerilia joins Malkien's group.

Mendira joins Malkien's group.

Malkien says, "Moving in 10 everyone."

Siendra joins Malkien's group.

Kethrai joins Malkien's group.

Gragnel joins Malkien's group.

Valynn joins Malkien's group.

Fury's Touch Rejind goes down.

Unaka joins Malkien's group.

Nazzarus joins Malkien's group.

Sukidesu stands up.

Medir joins Malkien's group.

Souhei joins Malkien's group.

Merilwen joins Malkien's group.

Sukidesu joins Malkien's group.

Briaen joins Malkien's group.

Anuril joins Malkien's group.

Lexxa joins Malkien's group.

Couri joins Malkien's group.

Haxen joins Malkien's group.

Tekhelet drops a copper dart.

Severei joins Malkien's group.

Karthor joins Malkien's group.

Warbrolus nods.

Lupdels joins Malkien's group.

Lexxa offers Ruea a copper dart.

Shaylynne joins Malkien's group.

Lileath joins Malkien's group.

Misteeus joins Malkien's group.

Shavay puts his rod in his red backpack.

Kiashandra joins Malkien's group.

Elizzibiana joins Malkien's group.

Malkien says, "Moving in 5."

Crobin says, "Oh I hope something is there to stab."

Ruea accepts Lexxa's dart.

Shavay joins Malkien's group.

Belzor asks, "Moving where?"

Sozinho joins Malkien's group.

Elurora joins Malkien's group.

Shavay puts his hat in his red backpack.

Ruea joins Malkien's group.

Anino joins Malkien's group.

Malkien says, "Out the west gate."

Merilwen grins at Crobin.

Tekhelet takes his rightful place beside Nawain.

Levie joins Malkien's group.

Nawain joins Malkien's group.

Lileath glances at Malkien.

Sozinho gets a tyrium cutlass from inside his marblesilk baldric.

Anuril sheathes his dagger.

Medir slowly empties his lungs.

Ruea nods to Rileos.

Medir moves a generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch to his left hand.

Laureh joins Malkien's group.

Vaddon joins Malkien's group.

Trajan joins Malkien's group.

Ezathiel strolls down.

Tekhelet joins Malkien's group.

Madigan says, "The Liraxes spot West of Crossing."

Jundara joins Malkien's group.

Malkien says, "Moving in 3."

Saragos nods to Madigan.

Healer Leilanie just arrived.

Malkien says, "2."

Malkien says, "1."

Tirost says to Saragos, "You earned the encouragement of our gods, and the emnity of our enemies. You took the right step."

Walking Armory Malkien swaggers down, leading his group.

Healer Leilanie walks down.

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite goes down.

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite just arrived.

Hunter Hanryu pads down.

Brisknite asks, "West gate?"

Druid Zyros goes down.

Peace Keeper Vaddon just arrived.

Belzor nods to Brisknite.

Mistanna asks, "I guess so?"

Vaddon clasps Zalinyar's hand tenderly and draws her into his arms.

Belzor says, "Out the west gate and move south."

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite goes down.

Stargazer Mistanna wanders down.

Belzor says, "There is a small area there with wasps."

Black Dog Maintain treads down.

Riverlynn ponders.

Riverlynn moseys down.

A refreshing calm washes over the land, and you feel a sense of pervasive balance. Everything feels more significantly more stable.

Rozalynde just arrived.

Peace Keeper Vaddon strides down, leading his group.

Breakfast Connoisseur Katriwen wanders down.

Rozalynde furrows her brow.

Ezerak acts puzzled.

Fury's Touch Rejind just arrived.

Rozalynde hops down.

Marwen joins Zayek's group.

Zayek goes down, leading her group.

Perune says, "I suggest finding out what the Geralds are destroying."

Belzor asks Ezerak, "Are you okay?"

Ezerak says, "We'll, we certainly did...something."

Belzor gazes at Ezerak.

Ezerak nods to Belzor.

Perune goes down.

Rejind nods to Ezerak.

Pilgrim Istercal strolls down.

Ezerak says to Belzor, "Not what I had hoped."

Ezerak says, "I suppose we should find out what is happening outside of the city."

Rienth asks Ezerak, "Should we have gone with them?"

Fury's Touch Rejind goes down.

Belzor says to Ezerak, "I am sorry, I am not in the best of shape this day."

Belzor says to Ezerak, "I need to head south and rest."

Ezerak nods to Belzor.

Ezerak says to Belzor, "Get some rest, then."

Ezerak waves to Belzor.

Belzor nods to Ezerak.

Belzor waves to Ezerak.

Belzor goes down.


The Fate of Knife Clan

[Mycthengelde, Flatlands]
Well-worn paths lead through a grove of trees to a gate in The Crossing's western wall. Now and again you hear birds calling to one another in the branches, or the bustling of a merchant's cart as it makes its way past. A handful of adventurers nod at you in greeting as they make their way into town. An aromatic mix of wildflowers mingles with wyndwood, oak and juniper trees as the grove stretches north and south, while to the west, you can see grassy flatlands through a small clearing. You also see a pool of crystal clear water, the western gate, a narrow trail, a town wall, a path that heads westward toward the grasslands and a wooden sign printed in large block letters.

You see smoke rising from the direction of Knife Clan!

Ezerak blinks.

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite just arrived.

Brisknite joins Ezerak's group.


You follow Ezerak northwest.
[Wilderness, Sparse Forest]
The trees and undergrowth are so thick that little can be seen beyond the faint path. Ivy has grown at least part way up most of the trees, and sometimes between them, forming living veils.

You follow Ezerak north.
[Wilderness, Edge of the Primal Encasement]
An abrupt line slashes across the forest here, the tree line ending with a stark immediacy and with the ground cleared. To the north, a crater descends gently downward, encased in a veritable wall of snapping and writhing thorny vines that constantly churn the land and create an impassable barrier. Extending upward into a vague teardrop pinnacle from which erupts a golden beam of light, the lifesculpted spire occupies the same space Knife Clan previously occupied.

Black Dog Maintain just arrived.

Brisknite grins.

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite goes south.

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived.

Healer Leilanie just arrived.

Ezerak says, "Well, that's new."

Green Mountain Grakraw just arrived.

Brother Harsh just arrived.

[General] Your mind hears Ezerak thinking, "KNife Clan"

[General] Your mind hears Whynd thinking, "sounds like knife clan, wolf clan?"

Rozalynde just arrived.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril just arrived.

Harsh scans the area briefly.

Anuril steps towards Kethrai to join him, but Kethrai steps away.

Anuril moves over to guard Kethrai.

Collain folds his arms across his chest.

[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "We're heading toward Knife."

Anuril takes his rightful place beside Kethrai.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Anuril makes a grunting noise.

Rozalynde hops south.

Collain says, "Okay, who's responsible for this? Dokt is going to run out of herb money."

(Kethrai gazes up at the spire.)

Rozalynde just arrived.

Riverlynn just arrived.

Leilanie shifts her weight.

Harsh quietly says, "The mana shouldnt shatter here now, unless it vanishes completely."

Harsh smiles.

Heart Tender Kethrai glides northwest, leading his group.

Brother Harsh hobbles south.

Green Mountain Grakraw just arrived.

Brother Harsh just arrived.

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived, leading his group.

Heart Tender Kethrai glides northeast, leading his group.

Ezerak nods at Riverlynn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Mendaleev just arrived.

[General] Your mind hears Anuril thinking, "There is no more knife clan."

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived, leading his group.

[General] Your mind hears Adaline thinking, "Im sorry say that again?"

Black Dog Maintain just arrived.

Riverlynn smirks at Ezerak.

[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "Knife Clan is gone..."

Sublime Mender Kerennya glides northeast.

Green Mountain Grakraw just arrived.

[General] Your mind hears Medir thinking, "What..."

[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "But... what about the Togball League?"

[General] Your mind hears Nilme thinking, "gone?"

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Anuril nods to Ezerak.

Green Mountain Grakraw trudges northeast.

[General] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "Huldah's shrine is gone?"

Venturist Ciarelle just arrived.

Ruea just arrived.

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "I knew that Dokt fellow was up to no good"

Touch of Grey Collain roves south.

[General] Your mind hears Kethrai thinking, "Where Knife Clan was, there is a lifesculpted spire now... Like what we've seen in visions..."

Ezerak asks, "Anyone walk all the way around it yet?"

Merilwen nods to Siendra.

Brother Harsh just arrived.

Touch of Grey Collain just arrived.

Rozalynde hops northwest.

Kethrai says, "We can't go all the way around it."

Ezerak nods.

Leilanie says, "I can't sense anyone near."

Kethrai says, "Impassable a little past here."

Walking Armory Malkien just arrived, leading his group.

Lupdels says, "Huh."

[General] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "did Liraxes build that?"

Clematis just arrived.

Collain joins Malkien's group.

Shavay says, "Crater..."

Natarian says, "Well, isn't that interesting."

Malkien says, "Hmm."

A pained expression crosses Mendira's face.

Medir blinks.

Aerilia gazes off into the distance.

Illiya blinks.

Green Mountain Grakraw just arrived.

Rejind says, "Well."

Malkien moves about with magnified violence!

Madigan says, "That is....interesting."

[General] Your mind hears Kethrai thinking, "No. The Heralds did."

Medir gazes at his scotch.

Malkien says, "Knife Clan appears to be having some issues."

Jundara gasps!

Souhei's feet are soaked.

Clematis joins Malkien's group.

Leilanie joins Malkien's group.

Peace Keeper Vaddon just arrived, leading his group.

Medir moves a generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch to his right hand.

Collain says, "So, I just want to be clear. This wasn't my fault."

Levie joins Malkien's group.

A cloud of winged creatures blot out the stars! You hear them screeching as they plummet to the ground!

Drakes Attack

Malkien says, "Ready."

Kiashandra exclaims, "Oh!"

Sublime Mender Kerennya just arrived.

Madigan says, "Here we go."

Mendira moves into a position to dodge.

Ezerak blinks.

Rileos says, "Oh boy oh boy."

Medir says, "Brace."

Malkien says, "Looks like a fight."

Kethrai exclaims, "Be ready!"

Rileos gets a leaf-bladed Imperial spear bound in crimson fabric along its etched bronze shaft from inside his war belt.

Couri ducks her head.

Merilwen gazes up at the sky.

Ruea says, "Oh not again..."

Aerilia says, "Not again.."

Siendra says, "Oh...I feel that."

Zyros asks, "Incoming?"

Leviathan Friend Lupdels saunters northwest.

Rozalynde just arrived.

Unaka exclaims, "Get ready!"

Haxen says, "Here we go."

Madigan says, "Incoming I would think."

Zfora just arrived.

Ezerak says to Enthal, "You should probably get Asilyia home."

Crobin says, "BRING IT ON."

Dasheek nods in agreement.

Perune just arrived.

Dasheek gently kisses Illiya on the cheek.

Leviathan Friend Lupdels just arrived.

A column of deep grey ash suddenly explodes skyward with an ominous rumble, darkening the immediate area!

Madigan says, "I am going to drop a banner South of here for triage."

Medir winces.

Unaka yells, "We are Truffenyi's people and WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED!"

Sir Madigan goes south.

Saragos snarls.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Zyros.

Sozinho whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a light hit (1/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

With the dull roar of unnatural thunder, a pyroclastic ash cloud begins to release a moaning shower of blistering balls of fire!

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

Merilwen begins to focus intently on an immaculate drake.

Ruea puts her dart in her hunting pack.

The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Sozinho.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

Fury's Touch Rejind goes south.

With a heaving flex of imposingly chiseled muscles, Malkien leaps out toward an immaculate drake, sailing over his head and behind him as he slams down with his feet.
Malkien's foot lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right arm.
Malkien's foot lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's left leg.

Sozinho whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. A braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle is deflected by an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.

The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Mistanna.

Medir guzzles down some of his scotch and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

Leviathan Friend Lupdels just arrived.

Rileos's spear lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's chest.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Briaen begins to focus intently on an immaculate drake.

Zyros begins to advance on an immaculate drake.

Lexxa's hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's head, lightly stunning him.
The throwing hammer lands at Lexxa's feet.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Sozinho whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a light hit (1/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly back.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Vaddon.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Kiashandra.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Riverlynn.

Vaddon gets an oak-hafted legionary's pilum carved with the image of a shrike from inside his kirmiko pocket.

Mendira nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's left leg.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides. The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.

Enthal grabs Asilyia's arm and drags her south with him.

Malkien takes a step back and angles his spear behind him.

Malkien swiftly launches an assault with wide swipes of his spear!

Malkien's savage spear lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing!

With a heaving flex of imposingly chiseled muscles, Thanator leaps out toward an immaculate drake, sailing over her head and behind her as he slams down with his feet.
Thanator's foot lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right hand.
Thanator's foot lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right leg.

Sozinho whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a light hit (1/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg.

Dasheek gets a polished silversteel throwing axe sculpted with the lines of an anguished visage from inside his encompassing shadows.

Collain leaps forward, kicking in a somersault that carries him high into the air. With a stentorian war cry that rings out over the area, he descends on the immaculate drake!
Collain's foot lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right arm.
Collain's foot lands a solid hit (4/23) that singes the right hamstring.

The pristine drake crashes down from above, arresting her descent with a powerful flap of her wings which she quickly furls to her sides.
The immaculate drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.

Ruea draws forth a smokewood-hafted haralun axe inlaid with icesteel leaves.

Elurora says, "These again."

Urbaj raises his arm, flicks his arm, and makes a WHUH-PSH sound.

Intern Souhei goes south.

[General] Your mind hears Phierre thinking, "so if I am understanding this correctly, in a bid to rescue 5 people, you all have murdered an entire village?"

The pristine drake rears up, her throat expanding dramatically as she unfurls her wings! Thrusting her snout at Perune and beating the air violently, the pristine drake blasts him with impossibly powreful blasts of air!

Perune squares against the powerful currents, leaning into his diamondwood shield!

Elurora sighs.

Sozinho whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a light hit (1/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Urbaj raises his arm, flicks his arm, and makes a WHUH-PSH sound.

Malkien puts his spear in his thigh sheath.

Anuril's javelin lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's chest.
The electric javelin lands at Anuril's feet.

Malkien whirls about in a bold, flashy manner!

Damoone's arrow lands a heavy strike (7/23) to the drake's left arm.

The drake-fang arrow lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake! Damoone's arrow lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that rends the left knee with a deep smoldering wound.

The drake-fang arrow lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Medir guzzles down some of his scotch and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Crobin.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around him.

Merilwen gestures at an immaculate drake.
A huge ball of flame flies at an immaculate drake!
The fireball glances off an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The fireball whooshes past him, singeing the skin of his scaly abdomen.

In the blink of an eye, Valynn disappears into her surroundings.

Lexxa's hammer lands a good strike (3/23) that bruises the right hamstring.
The throwing hammer lands at Lexxa's feet.

Malkien lowers his shoulders and draws back his arm. Malkien dashes quickly at an immaculate drake, attacking him with a palm strike!

Malkien's palm lands a strong hit (6/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest!

The pristine drake begins to advance on Vaddon.

The immaculate drake spots something nearby, and with a short hop, she pounces! Carefully opening her clawed paws, the immaculate drake studies her catch, momentarily surprised to discover nothing was captured. The immaculate drake glances around as if embarrassed.

Sozinho whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. A braided smokewhorl whip with fire whirl rubies set into a long tapered handle is deflected by an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.

Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a heavy strike (7/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Rileos's spear lands a strong hit (6/23) that lightly bruises the drake's side with an attack which fails to pierce the skin.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Anuril's javelin lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left arm.
The electric javelin lands at Anuril's feet.

Mendira whips her leather whip at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake deftly sidesteps Mendira's leather whip.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Anuril.

Dasheek's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left leg.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Thanator steps back, then quickly steps forward spinning like a dervish, his rapier lashing out at everything within reach!
Thanator's haledroth rapier lands a light hit (1/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg!
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!

Thanator's mirror gavel lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg!

Zalinyar gestures at an immaculate drake.
A tiny ball of flame flies at an immaculate drake!
The fireball glances off an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The fireball whooshes past her, singeing the skin of her scaly back.

Lexxa's hammer lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's right hand.
The throwing hammer lands at Lexxa's feet.

Mendira whips her leather whip at an immaculate drake. A sinuous heartname leather whip capped with a lilac moonsilver knot is deflected by an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.

A soothing melody swims mellowly through the air, evoking intensifying sensations of torpor.
An immaculate drake slumps wearily.
A pristine drake slumps wearily.
An immaculate drake slumps wearily.
An immaculate drake slumps wearily.
A pristine drake slumps wearily.

Warbrolus's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that pokes the Imperial spear into the drake's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Dasheek's axe flares midnight-blue, erupting with various sharpened short fragments and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left leg.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Harsh strikes his heel against the ground.
Fiery black magma bubbles up from the dirt underfoot!
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
A faint sizzling sound fills the air as the stream of black magma grazes an immaculate drake's scaly back.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's muscular left leg, producing a minor burn.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen, producing a minor burn.
A pristine drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly abdomen, producing a minor burn.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at an immaculate drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a light hit (1/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at an immaculate drake. The viridian whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

Lexxa's hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left hand.
The throwing hammer lands at Lexxa's feet.

Haxen assesses his combat situation. Crobin says, "I am going to show you the path to death."

An immaculate drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!

Anuril's javelin lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The electric javelin lands at Anuril's feet.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Lileath.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Leilanie.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Perune.

Trajan begins to advance on an immaculate drake.

Dasheek's axe flares midnight-blue, lacerating with a diverse selection of lethal short blades and lands a solid hit (4/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Harsh begins to focus intently on an immaculate drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around an immaculate drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around a pristine drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around an immaculate drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around a pristine drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around an immaculate drake.
A cage of shadowy tendrils coalesces around an immaculate drake.

Crobin closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.

Balls of blazing fire continue to descend from a pyroclastic ash cloud, each hurtling down with explosive force!

The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
The swirling confines of malevolent darkness wane from about an immaculate drake.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
The swirling confines of malevolent darkness wane from about an immaculate drake.
The immaculate drake is severely stunned!

Rileos puts his spear in his war belt.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that painfully mashes the right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Dasheek's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's chest.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest.

Intense waves of heat rise from the lava as it splits.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly back, producing a minor burn.
A pristine drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's scaly abdomen, producing a minor burn.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen, producing a minor burn.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's muscular right leg, producing a minor burn.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The ethereal lava barely splashes a pristine drake's muscular left leg, producing a minor burn.
An immaculate drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The stream of liquid black fire washes over an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen, badly charring it.
The trickles of black magma cool, forming ashy cinders which quickly disperse.

An immaculate drake roars and his skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between his triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!

Anuril's javelin lands a light hit (1/23) that cuts deeply across the pectoral muscles.
The electric javelin lands at Anuril's feet.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Ruea's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that scratches the right bicep (But another battle scar for the drake's collection!).
That would have stuck if there was anything left to stick to!
The haralun axe lands at Ruea's feet.

Mendira whips her leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a light hit (1/23) to a pristine drake's muscular right leg.

Rileos gets a deadly meteor hammer featuring sparkling unicorn weights of polished uthamar from inside his war belt.

Lexxa's hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left hand.
The throwing hammer lands at Lexxa's feet.

Sister Severei goes south.

Nawain whips her viridian whip at a pristine drake. The viridian whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's muscular right leg.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that drives the serrated parazonium deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.

Nazzarus gestures at a pristine drake.
Surrounded by a nimbus of swirling black light, a small ball of flame flies at a pristine drake!
The fireball glances off a pristine drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The fireball whooshes past a pristine drake, slightly singeing her face.

Anuril's javelin lands a good strike (3/23) that collapses the ribcage and bursts the diaphragm in a messy splattering of bloody pink froth.
The electric javelin lands at Anuril's feet.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Dasheek's axe flashes midnight-blue, lacerating with many acutely-angled blade fragments and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left arm.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Merilwen gestures at an immaculate drake.
A huge ball of flame flies at an immaculate drake!
The fireball glances off an immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm.
The fireball passes within a few inches of his muscular right leg, slightly singeing the scales.

Tekhelet moves over to guard Nawain.

Warbrolus begins to focus intently around himself.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a pristine drake. The smokewhorl whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.

Imroth's spear suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a massive strike (11/23) that punctures deeply into the right bicep, severing a small artery.
The Imperial spear lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

Dasheek's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.
The throwing axe lands at Dasheek's feet.

Shavay grows flushed as he segues to the new verse of his song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about him.
The elemental maelstrom crashes over a pristine drake, but she is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a light hit (1/23) to a pristine drake's scaly back!
The admixture of flames and frost lands a hard hit (5/23) to an immaculate drake's dragonlike snout!

The elemental maelstrom crashes over a pristine drake, but he is unharmed.
The admixture of flames and frost lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen!

Rileos whips his meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.

Kethrai holds out his arms, then brings them down evenly.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Lexxa's hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left leg.
The throwing hammer lands at Lexxa's feet.


[Wilderness, Edge of the Primal Encasement]
The forest is neatly cleared, though patches of shattered stone marr the lip and curve of the crater. From here, a slightly different vantage of the maelstrom is afforded, and several gaps in the writhing vines reveal an encasement of malleable stone, which grows and crumbles as the living barrier continues its constant movement. The pinnacle of the encasement terminates in a vaguely teardrop shape, and a beam of golden light shines upward. Chunks of vine-encased stone are flung from the encasement, though they sink into the ground wherever they land, leaving little more than some gravel.

Lupdels frowns.

Leviathan Friend Lupdels saunters southeast.

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Banner is up just south of the fighting. Triage can form up there if they wish."

[General] Your mind hears Nilme thinking, "Were they rescued?"

[General] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "the meteor could be unrelated"

Nymyr frowns.

[General] Your mind hears Adaline thinking, "what fighting?"

Leech Farmer Nymyr goes southeast.

A shower of blazing fire continues to fall from the sky to the southeast!

Rozalynde hops southeast.

[General] Your mind hears Rejind thinking, "We are heavily engaged where Knife Clan used to be, masses of drakes."

(Time passes)

You go southeast.
[Wilderness, Edge of the Primal Encasement]
An abrupt line slashes across the forest here, the tree line ending with a stark immediacy and with the ground cleared. To the north, a crater descends gently downward, encased in a veritable wall of snapping and writhing thorny vines that constantly churn the land and create an impassable barrier. Extending upward into a vague teardrop pinnacle from which erupts a golden beam of light, the lifesculpted spire occupies the same space Knife Clan previously occupied. You also see a dark ignimbrite ballista with volcanic glass mechanisms, a boar-tusk arrow, a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes that is sitting, a copper dart, a smokey grey leopard with hypnotic crimson eyes and flecks of ashes on her fur that is sitting, a pyroclastic ash cloud, a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes that is sitting, a sleek golden panther with enigmatic violet eyes that is sitting, a floating vessel of flaring crimson light and a spotted cream and gold owl.

Ruea puts her axe in her hunting pack.

Ezerak hangs his glaes pasabas from his belt. It rattles against the throwing axe hanging from his belt, and he adjusts them.

Warbrolus exclaims to Illiya, "Thank you!"

Kethrai touches Renni with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Shavay says, "Heh. Cool ballista."

Elurora moves into position to cover Illiya from harm.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Warbrolus.

Knight Templar Marwen goes south.

Rileos asks Ruea, "How you doin over there, darlin?"

Warbrolus says, "Vessel is full again."

Haxen just arrived.

Rozalynde just arrived.

Knight Templar Marwen just arrived.

Meeximhus counts some boar-tusk arrows.

Illiya lays her hand on Elurora's arm.

Riverlynn puts her hammer in her duffel bag.

Elurora smiles at Illiya.

Medir just arrived.

Ruea says to Rileos, "Should have worn pants."

Medir grabs Zyros's body and drags it south with him.

Dasheek asks, "How are your buffs looking?"

Anuril leans on his javelin.

Rileos looks at Ruea, obviously trying not to grin.

Ruea rolls her eyes.

Riverlynn moseys northwest.

Malkien nods to Saragos.

Shavay sheathes his smokewhorl whip.

Malkien says, "Well, that was a worthy attempt, at least Meraud answered."

Illiya says, "Something tells me it's not over yet."

Rileos nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

(Nawain keeps gazing north with a horrified expression.)

You hear a voice say, "At least Meraud answered? A Clan was destroyed."

Brisknite frowns.

Madigan asks, "What do we think...this is?"

Merilwen nods to Malkien.

Kethrai says, "Renni is ready for life."

Rileos says to Illiya, "Oh this is extremely not over, they killed Dokt."

Briaen just touched Nawain.

High Lord of Justice Imroth trudges northeast.

Medir just arrived.

Anuril grunts at Rileos.

High Lord of Justice Imroth just arrived.

High Lord of Justice Imroth trudges northwest.

Rozalynde quietly says, "...I'll admit I was wrong about the lightning drakes."

Medir mumbles something under his breath.

Brisknite says, "Can anyone explain the Godling and these Drakes to me? I'm ... at a loss."

Nawain gazes at Briaen.

Ruea asks Madigan, "Bad? The prison? Proof that Elves have better construction plans?"

Sozinho asks, "They got Dokt?"

Unaka frowns.

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "What in the world is going on over there?"

Nawain whispers something to Briaen.

You hear a voice say, "The entire Clan was destroyed."

High Lord of Justice Imroth just arrived.

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

Reverend Gragnel just arrived.

Malkien says, "A magic ritual, the gods and Meraud answered, now Knife Clan's gone."

Heart Tender Kethrai glides south, leading his group.

Madigan asks, "So...this thing is just encased?"

Ruea says, "Lifesculpting is an Elven art, it takes centuries to learn. It's an entire life's work to perfect."

Peace Keeper Vaddon just arrived.

[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "Good question. We'll let you know whenever we figure it out."

Illiya says, "Maybe he managed to escape."

Stargazer Mistanna just arrived.

Ruea nods.

Gragnel joins Malkien's group.

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Shavay says, "Maybe not destroyed, precisely..."

Madigan nods in agreement.

(Ruea gestures to the spire.)

Malkien says, "I mean it's not exactly gone..."

Druid Zyros just arrived.

Dasheek laughs!

Ruea says, "This would take a dozen Elves a lifetime."

Madigan asks, "Does not appear to be destroyed...just preserved maybe?"

Rileos says to Shavay, "You say that but there's a bigass crater."

Malkien says, "It's inside that messy mass of primal vines."

Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.

Shavay says, "You don't lifesculpt something in an instant."

Medir nods to Rileos.

Ezerak nods to Ruea.

Madigan says, "Curious who did this and why."

Shavay asks, "And what's that beam of light?"

Rileos puts his axe in his war belt.

Malkien asks, "The Heralds?"

Elurora says, "You might if you're a Herald."

Elurora grins at Shavay.

Dasheek nods to Illiya.

Shavay says, "Something might be saved... if we could get a closer look."

Saragos says to Brisknite, "The drakes were sent by the Heralds. Nawain's godling was what was trying to keep the channel open to our missing people."

Tirost nods to Malkien.

Malkien says, "Someone is working towards a primal Elanthia."

Ruea dryly says to Ezerak, "Maybe it's a sign from Ayrell. She does love lifesculpting."

Valenal dryly says, "Only a Herald would throw a tantrum and encase an entire town in a lifesculpted vine."

Malkien says, "And there's some primal vines before us."

Imroth says, "So that's probably not great."

Valenal says, "No one else could be so gaudy."

Rileos chuckles.

(Nawain grimaces as a tear drips down one cheek.)

Medir says to Malkien, "That's interestin'."

Medir ponders.

Nawain gives Briaen a slight nod.

Merilwen asks, "Those pillars in Aesry, they were created by the Heralds as well, no?"

Ezerak says to Ruea, "If only it were. I believe this to be the work of the Heralds."

Nawain shakes her head at Tekhelet.

Ezerak sighs.

Illiya says to Valenal, "I thought you admired them."

Deathbeing assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.

Madigan says to Malkien, "You may very well have your finger on the whole thing Malkien."

Leviathan Friend Lupdels just arrived.

Hunter Hanryu just arrived.

Knight Errant Trajan just arrived.

Medir nods to Madigan.

Merilwen grins at Malkien.

Deathbeing laughs at Malkien.

Saragos says to Valenal, "At least that statement from you makes sense."

Lupdels frowns.

Tirost says to Madigan, "It's looking more and more that way."

Elurora asks, "Should we look around?"

Unaka shakes her head.

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Knight Errant Trajan goes south.

Malkien says, "An interesting development. Nice attempt Saragos..."

Karthor frowns.

Mendaleev says, "Knife Clan is gone."

Saragos frowns at Malkien.

Saragos puts his hammer in his leather rucksack.

Ruea gazes up at the sky.

Tirost asks Unaka, "Do we have something wrong, Unaka?"

Imroth asks Illiya, "I think you are thinking of Asildu?"

You hear the ghostly voice of Renni ask, "Any Clerics around?"

Unaka gazes at the spire, breathing heavily, her brow drawn.

Tekhelet frets.

Madigan says to Tirost, "Yes. I sure is looking like we got a vision of what is intended...not what was in the past."

Valenal says to Illiya, "I fear them, as any sane being might."

Illiya says to Imroth, "Oh, right, right. Long day."

Illiya chuckles.

Unaka quietly asks, "Something wrong? Something wrong?"

Malkien grabs Renni's body and drags it south with him.

Imroth nods to Illiya.

Saragos says, "I tried. It didn't work. We'll have to try something else."

Walking Armory Malkien just arrived.

Fearless Crobin just arrived, leading his group.

Illiya says to Valenal, "Pardon me."

Ruea says, "Well. A couple hundred people may be dead, but at least we know they heard us."

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Elurora glances at Unaka.

Saragos says to Madigan, "I think you're right."

Ruea says, "I need a drink."

Tirost nods to Madigan.

Unaka angrily exclaims, "Look what they've done! People lived there!"

Shavay asks, "Maybe the void prison is... up there?"

Crobin asks, "How are we doing?"

[General] Your mind hears Kethrai thinking, "More people lived in Knife Clan than just Dokt... Surely, hundreds of villagers died at the minimum."

(Shavay points at the light over the pinnacle.)

Madigan says to Saragos, "Malkien was the first to say it outloud."

Merilwen nods to Unaka.

Saragos nods to Madigan.

Tirost nods to Unaka.

Imroth says, "Well you made a giant godling and trapped knife clan."

Mistanna frowns.

Imroth says, "So that's solid."

Misteeus joins Malkien's group.

Rileos nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Malkien says, "Dreadplain down."

Pipenzo just arrived.

Medir says, "I think... it's almost impossible t'process."

Lupdels frowns.

Lupdels sighs.

Leviathan Friend Lupdels saunters south.

Unaka clenches her splitting maul tightly until her knuckles go white.

Rileos says to Ruea, "Likewise."

Medir says, "I was jus' here a day ago."

Dasheek gazes up at the sky.

Saragos delivers a sharp blow to the ignimbrite ballista.

A dark ignimbrite ballista with volcanic glass mechanisms loses its cohesion and crumples into a pile of debris.

The descent of fist-sized flames from the sky changes into the pattering of small, candle-sized droplets as the ash cloud slowly ceases its deluge.

(Nawain wraps her arms around her middle and looks ill, gazing at the spire in the distance.)

Medir frowns.

Illiya gazes at Unaka.

Merilwen frowns.

Collain asks Imroth, "Can we still blame Ratha for this?"

A pyroclastic ash cloud thins out and dissipates completely.

Imroth exclaims to Saragos, "Your party was way more crazy than mine!"

[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "If they're dead. This isn't your standard impact crater."

Malkien says, "The fight seems to be over. I'm going to poke at these vines a bit, anyone's free to join."

Dasheek says, "Where are they, by the way? Asildu and Miraena.."

Madigan asks Crobin, "Mind taking a look around and scouting it out a bit?"

Malkien says, "Lead on Madigan now."

Crobin says, "You got it sir."

Briaen nods to Malkien.

Green Mountain Grakraw just arrived.

Unaka brusquely asks, "Who was that voice who spoke to us? Was it the Heralds?"

Crobin says, "Leayne Stay with Malkien please."

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived, leading his group.

Illiya joins Madigan's group.

Mendaleev goes northwest.

Madigan chuckles.

Malkien moves over to guard Leayne.

Hanryu says to Madigan, "I did a quick run to the brook, no drakes."

Karthor says, "I need to be off fer now, be careful folks. Not sure quite what to make o' this."

You notice a spotted cream and gold owl appear overhead, circling.

Ruea saunters northwest.

Shaylynne leans on Medir.

Saragos says to Imroth, "It was. I cannot believe they've done this."

Madigan nods to Hanryu.

Brisknite joins Malkien's group.

Madigan says, "Thank you sir."

[General] Your mind hears Eyst thinking, "Did something occur at the Knife Clan?"

Crobin says, "Malkien I am leaving Leayne in your care."

Unaka asks, "Is this the work of the Heralds?"

Medir leans on Shaylynne.

Ruea just arrived.

Karthor raises his dart in a quick salute.

Thinker Couri just arrived, leading her group.

Briaen says to Unaka, "Yes."

Fearless Crobin saunters northeast.

Ruea saunters northeast.

Saragos nods to Unaka.

Illiya joins Malkien's group.

Valenal nods to Unaka.

Thanator joins Malkien's group.

Anuril looks at Unaka and shrugs.

Rileos says to Saragos, "But you heard Meraud, this is the path home."

Mountain Lord Ezerak swaggers northeast.

Unaka growls ferociously!

Aerilia joins Malkien's group.

Ruea just arrived.

Tirost glances at Briaen.

Kethrai gazes up at the sky.

Karthor just left.

Thanator moves over to guard Leayne.

Malkien says, "Heading back to Crossing in a moment."

Shavay says, "Excuse me a mment."

Ruea says, "There's nothing else."

Shavay goes northeast.

Yodion goes northwest.

Sukidesu joins Malkien's group.

Green Mountain Grakraw trudges south.

[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "There is more than a crater at knife clan currently. But we don't know what's inside it. The people of knife clan may have survived."

Zyros joins Malkien's group.

Ruea says, "Just this."

Lileath comes out of hiding.

Rileos nods to Ruea.

Severei joins Malkien's group.

Madigan says to Unaka, "We just do not know."

Malkien nods to Ruea.

Valenal focuses briefly before the electric bardiche is ripped violently asunder.

Urbaj joins Malkien's group.

Brisknite frowns at Valenal.

Laureh joins Malkien's group.

Medir nods to Madigan.

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Lileath joins Malkien's group.

Nawain gazes off into the distance.

You hear a voice say, "I could not recognize the voice."

Tirost nods to Madigan.

Mountain Lord Ezerak swaggers northwest.

Medir says, "It is impossible t'say."

Tirost says to Unaka, "We're trying to work that out."

Unaka joins Malkien's group.

Cultivator Shaylynne wanders northeast.

With a waver like a mirage, Valynn fades into view.

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Wizard Varagoth just arrived.

[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "But we don't know"

Marwen moves into position to block attacks against Zayek!

Sozinho joins Malkien's group.

Medir walks northeast.

Saragos says to Rileos, "If I hadn't seen Meraud's will before at Imroth's experiment, and now, I'd be feeling broken. Instead I simply feel... spent."

Zayek winks at Marwen.

Illiya asks, "What now?"

Malkien says, "Moving south in 5."

Rileos asks Malkien, "We going to a bar in Crossing?"

Riverlynn just arrived.

Green Mountain Grakraw just arrived.

Dasheek joins Malkien's group.

Madigan says, "Alright folks, no need to stay grouped up unless they hit again."

Maintain joins Malkien's group.

Malkien grins at Rileos.

Songbird Mendira just arrived.

Kethrai says, "This is definitely the Heralds. This spire looks just like what we saw in our vision."

Madigan says, "Spread out and look around."

Arcane Researcher Whynd goes northwest.

Mendira takes her rightful place beside Briaen.

Madigan says, "Let's see if we can get some clues."

Saragos nods to Kethrai.

Shavay just arrived.

Couri joins Malkien's group.

Misteeus joins Malkien's group.

Aerilia nods to Kethrai.

Madigan calmly says, "Examine everything."

[General] Your mind hears Olana thinking, "Meteor struck knife clan. Some kind of structure now, no knife clan, drakes also there"

Rileos nods to Madigan.

Nawain whispers a prayer from her mouth into the wind, certain it will reach Enelne's ear.

Saragos gets a dashing black double-breasted greatcoat with a high collar from inside his leather rucksack.

Unaka asks Saragos, "Meraud spoke to you? What did he say?"

Ruea nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Malkien says, "Moving in 3."

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Saragos slips into a dashing black double-breasted greatcoat with a high collar.

Malkien stops guarding Leayne.

Walking Armory Malkien swaggers south, leading his group.

Fury's Touch Rejind just arrived.

Sir Madigan goes south.

Medir just arrived.

Merilwen says to Saragos, "We won't give up, we will get them back."

Mistanna casually observes the area.

Merilwen pats Saragos on the back.

Fearless Crobin just arrived.

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite just arrived.

Saragos nods to Merilwen.

Briaen stands near Saragos.

Mendira nods at Merilwen, obviously agreeing with her views.

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite goes northwest.

Crobin scans the area briefly.

Valenal quietly says, "I will leave you."

Tirost asks Anuril, "Do you believe this attack and the voice we heard was from a Herald?"

Valenal gazes at Saragos.

Anuril looks at Tirost and shrugs.

Lady Knight Elurora just arrived.

Lexxa says, "Still needs help."

Venturist Ciarelle just arrived.

Roughneck Rileos just arrived.

Valenal says to Saragos, "You may have failed at the rescue, but I admire your audaciousness."

Briaen lays his hand on Saragos's arm.

[General] Your mind hears Rejind thinking, "Drakes are handled for the moment."

Sir Madigan just arrived.

Maelshyve's Bane Brisknite just arrived.

Reverend Gragnel just arrived.

Merilwen smiles at Valenal.

Madigan stretches his arms.

Damoone joins Madigan's group.

Brisknite frowns.

Sir Madigan goes northwest, leading his group.

You hear the ghostly voice of Desolo say, "Not kind, not kind at all..."

Anuril pointedly ignores Valenal.

Reverend Renni just arrived.

Valenal says, "If the guild doesn't disappear you, you must write a book about how you did it."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "It was a good attempt. And...well, if that was who I think it was, he said it was a step towards getting them back."

Shavay just arrived.

Sister Severei just arrived.

Rileos nods to Ezerak.

Lady Knight Elurora just arrived.

Elurora scans the area briefly.

Tirost asks Ruea, "Glad you're back on your feet. ...Did you try go touch the anamoly at Arhat's Tower?"

Shavay says, "Thank you, to whichever Empath kept helping me with all the chain lightning. I couldn't see a thing."

Shavay grins.

As Harsh chants a dispirited requiem for Dreadlaiph to Aldauth, his hands begin to glow faintly silver. He reluctantly extends a glowing hand towards the body.
Dark crimson bands of light flow about the body of Dreadlaiph, pulsating with a heartbeat rhythm. Silvery-grey tendrils twine around the red bands, seeping into the corpse. As the last tendril vanishes from view, the bands explode with a brilliant flash and Dreadlaiph blinks dazedly, wobbling on his feet.

Briaen firmly says to Saragos, "The dawn is coming, my friend. I swear it to you. Keep hold of that truth."

Rileos says, "Probably should go back and check that rift out."

Ruea says to Tirost, "I succeeded in touching it, thank you."

Leilanie hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.

Ruea winks at Tirost.

Saragos says to Valenal, "I'm afraid you haven't seen anything yet for audacity. I've been working on this for four months. This was me being careful."

Tirost smiles at Ruea.

Collain asks Saragos, "Don't suppose all we'll find in there are some elves who claim they're 'very different from other elves' because of course not?"

Merilwen grins at Saragos.

Sir Madigan just arrived, leading his group.

Ruea glances at Saragos.

Shavay chuckles.

Ruea gazes up at the sky.

Rileos says to Ezerak, "How come you didn't touch it? That'd certainly have been an interestin way to go."

Rileos looks at Ezerak, obviously trying not to grin.

Zynell hugs Leilanie, getting a smile in return.

Cultivator Shaylynne just arrived.

Fearless Crobin just arrived.

Medir just arrived.

Lushk rests her hand on Desolo's arm with a soft smile.

Tirost whispers something to Saragos.

Merilwen asks Shaylynne, "Anything?"

Shavay asks, "Okay, so this isn't the total slip into madness yet, eh?"

Shaylynne shakes her head.

Merilwen frowns.

Tirost asks Crobin, "Anything?"

Shavay pats Saragos on the back.

Mendira gazes at Shaylynne.

Mistanna says to Shavay, "Or way past."

Crobin says, "Nothing I have seen."

Brisknite frowns.

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Valenal says to Saragos, "I look forward to it. Just...remember that victory has no taste if you're too dead to savor it. There are a lot of ways for these things to go wrong."

Ciarelle asks Saragos, "So was this your fault or what?"

Crobin says, "I can't seem to see a way through at this time."

Medir says, "I think... the destruction of an entire town on th'outskirts of Crossing is madness already."

Shavay says to Mistanna, "Eh, I'll keep the betting open."

Shaylynne says, "Same."

Sir Madigan just arrived.

Ezerak says to Rileos, "Someone else did before I did, and I learned from their mistake."

Tirost says to Valenal, "You can say that again."

Shavay casually observes the area.

Ruea rolls her eyes.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Eyst says, "How remarkable."

Shavay asks, "You consider this... the outskirts?"

Madigan says, "Can hear grinding stone and creaking vines to the NE."

Valenal says to Saragos, "I wish you luck, in any case."

Medir nods to Shavay.

Crobin nods to Madigan.

Zynell nods to Crobin.

Crobin says, "But I saw no path through."

Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes northeast.

Tirost joins Madigan's group.

Madigan nods to Crobin.

Zynell grins at Crobin.

Ezerak nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Valenal goes northwest.

Rileos pats Ezerak on the back.

Ezerak says, "It seems to be moving still."

Eyst asks, "So, which one of you is responsible for this?"

Mistanna waves.

Kethrai says, "It's the sound of the spire itself, it's constantly reshaping and reforming..."

Saragos says, "First, at Imroth's attempt, Meraud said, "There is chaos coming, and it is necessary, and will break those that would do us harm. You only have to listen." Tonight, he said, "This was not the answer you sought, but it was the action needed to begin bringing them home."

Mistanna salutes before turning and wandering off to find some rest.

Crobin praises Zynell.

Brisknite peers quizzically at Ezerak.

* Valenal returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Saragos says, "We at least have His backing."

Soul Surgeon Zynell patters south.

Kethrai says, "It would be impossible to cut through, it would grow back as fast as you could destroy it."

Gragnel nods to Saragos.

Medir leans on Shaylynne.

Mendira says to Saragos, "That is very encouraging, indeed."

Madigan says, "I received the second part of that vision as well."

Brisknite joins Saragos's group.

Saragos says, "Unaka asked me what he said, but I don't see where she went."

Rileos says to Saragos, "All I need to hear. Never had a god speak to me before."

Gragnel says to Saragos, "The wolf heard your words. I saw him as well."

Zalinyar shakes her head.

Shavay asks, "The answer we need, not the answer we deserve?"

Madigan asks, "Did Ezerak get the same thing?"

Ezerak nods to Madigan.

Briaen says to Rileos, "You get used to it."

Saragos says to Shavay, "Might be."

Mendira smiles at Rileos.

Lexxa just arrived.

Rileos looks at Briaen, obviously trying not to grin.

Madigan nods to Ezerak.

Elurora says, "I saw it too."

Rozalynde says, "Unaka seemed devistated by the potential loss of life here."

Shavay says, "Eh, I'm not sure it was really Meraud. He didn't ask for lavender."

Madigan mumbles a word of general praise.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Elurora nods at Rozalynde, obviously agreeing with her views.

Saragos asks Madigan, "Before Imroth's experiment, you mean?"

You hear a voice say, "I wouldnt say anyone was to special, he spoke to me too."

Shavay hums an innocent tune.

Elurora says, "We don't know what happened to those people."

Shaylynne gives Shavay a playful poke in the ribs.

Elurora gazes off to the north.

Madigan says, "I meant after, but yes before as well."

Kiashandra chuckles at Shavay.

Ezerak nods to Madigan.

Collain says, "Alright, someone give me a mental shout when we're punching things again."

Rileos says to Elurora, "The crater certainly doesn't seem like a friendly hello."

Ezerak says to Madigan, "I believe so."

Medir nods to Rileos.

Ruea says, "If anyone isn't devestated by what's happened here, there's something wrong with them."

Merilwen grins at Shaylynne.

Madigan says, "That is the breadcrumb from this...in my humble opinion."

Madigan says, "The other stuff is noise."

Rileos nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zalinyar says, "I can't find a way in."

Ciarelle says, "For all I know he may have spoken to me too, everything was a bit loud and confusing."

Elurora says to Rileos, "No, but I can hope maybe they're just...trapped in there."

Medir nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived, leading her group.

Dasheek says, "It is encased.. Or something."

Rozalynde says, "If that was the first step to take to recover those lost... and the result was all of knife clan..."

Momus babbles something incoherent at Ruea.

Rozalynde quietly asks, "I don't know how many more steps we can take?"

Anuril pats Saragos on the back.

Crobin ponders.

Saragos says to Madigan, "As far as I know, I was the only one who saw that vision before Imroth's. If Ezerak saw it, he hasn't mentioned it to me. I believe everyone saw Kleinzack watching during Imroth's attempt, and then, of course, everyone saw Meraud tonight."

Kiashandra says, "It's devastating, but all hope is not lost."

Crobin asks, "Can a moon mage get a rift or anythign that direction?"

Rileos says to Elurora, "I kinda hope they ain't because that thing is doin somethin and I like Dokt. I don't know anybody else in Knife Clan personally."

Dasheek says, "It is the first step to solving the wild magic issue, which is a planar existential crisis."

Madigan asks, "Ezerak, did you see it as well?"

Whynd weirdly asks, "One step forward, two steps back?"

Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.

Madigan says, "The first part."

Dasheek says, "We can take as many steps as necessary."

Rileos waves dismissively.

Kethrai quietly says, "This is so much larger than just the people who were taken. Can't you see? There's a war being waged. This was a battlefield of it."

[General] Your mind hears Kerennya thinking, "Can we get a raising cleric to Knife Clan Triage please?"

Merilwen joins Shaylynne's group.

Tirost says to Saragos, "Your plan was not in vain. We don't know all the steps to take, but if Meraud is assuring you that the first step has been taken, we must pursue the next step."

Shaylynne nods to Kethrai.

Medir joins Shaylynne's group.

Zalinyar asks, "Do we know for absolute certain it's meraud?"

Kiashandra joins Shaylynne's group.

Woten just arrived.

Elurora says to Rileos, "I hate to think of all those people...dead though."

Mendira nods to Tirost.

Lexxa says, "Yes."

Ruea nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Merilwen says to Saragos, "Let me know if you need help, any time."

Ciarelle says to Zalinyar, "That is an excellent question."

Ezerak says to Madigan, "I saw a man and a wolf when I reached the Tower that day, yes."

Crobin nods to Elurora.

Lexxa nods to Zalinyar.

Riverlynn moseys south.

Medir whispers something to Zalinyar.

Illiya says, "I guess this is one of those it gets worse before it gets better situations."

Ruea says to Kethrai, "I think you're exactly right."

Rileos says to Elurora, "I don't like it either but sometimes it's better to go fast."

Madigan says to Saragos, "And, that plan was not in vain. Keep at it. Frankly, one of these plans will work."

Madigan pats Saragos on the back.

Mendira says to Elurora, "Let us pray they are safe within."

Mendira furrows her brow.

Medir shrugs.

Saragos nods to Madigan.

Haxen goes south.

Valynn just arrived.

Elurora gives a slight nod.

Dasheek says, "If it gets better.. If we do nothing, we cease to exist entirely, so.. We gotta try."

Haxen just arrived.

Elurora sighs heavily.

Merilwen nods to Medir.

Valynn goes south.

Kiashandra nods.

Merilwen nods to Shaylynne.

Crobin joins Madigan's group.

Medir nods to Shaylynne.

Trajan casually observes the area.

Saragos says to Zalinyar, "I've been in the presence of the Immortals before, and it matched that experience. I think something like that would be hard to fake."

Crobin asks, "Where is Malkien's group?"

Rileos says to Elurora, "So...whatever all this is I hope they ain't sufferin while we're out here unable to do anythin, so hopefully they went quick."

Zalinyar nods to Saragos.

Madigan asks Rileos, "Ever see a godling before?"

Brother Harsh hobbles south.

Rileos says to Madigan, "First time."

Madigan says, "Gave me the willies."

Whynd weirdly says, "Crobin i think they may have went back to Crossing."

Fury's Touch Rejind just arrived.

Saragos says to Madigan, "Thanks. I'm not giving up. But now we have to start all over."

Elurora says to Rileos, "Or they're safe inside...maybe."

Rileos nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Briaen nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Elurora squints.

Knight of Meraud Tirost drifts south.

Ruea quietly asks, "How many people are going to die for this? Are we any better than the Heralds if we can justify so much destruction and death...?"

Saragos draws his black greatcoat away from his hips.

Ruea rubs her head.

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

Cultivator Shaylynne wanders south, leading her group.

Saragos glances at Ruea.

Zalinyar says, "That was my second question, what exactly is a godling."

Ciarelle says, "To be honest, Dokt always struck me as likely up to no good. But nothing worth this destruction."

Ruea gazes at Saragos.

Brisknite says, "Some crazy stuff tonight, but the godling made my brain stop working."

Rileos says to Ruea, "We didn't kill Knife Clan, so yes."

Zalinyar asks, "And at this point, should we attempt to find and awaken the guardians?"

Shavay asks Saragos, "It makes a good story, at least?"

Rozalynde says, "We don't know that any of the people of knife clan died... but, it doesn't look good."

Rejind says to Ruea, "All of us are going to die if we stop trying, depending on who you choose to believe."

Madigan nods to Brisknite.

Ruea smiles.

Shavay glances at Saragos.

Kethrai asks Rileos, "Didn't we?"

Ruea says, "Well then I bow to wiser men and revoke my concerns."

Saragos says to Ruea, "Never mistake where the fault goes when someone hurts you. When someone says, "Look what you made me do to you," that should tell you what you need to know."

Madigan quietly says, "I still think the breadcrumb is the Hooded Messenger and the dog.look."

Trajan nods to Saragos.

Saragos nods to Madigan.

Ruea says to Saragos, "I'm well acquainted with pain, but thank you for the lesson."

Gragnel says, "Huldah is not likely to take the destruction of his shrine very lightly."

Brisknite nods to Madigan.

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Shavay quietly says to Ruea, "But to be honest, I'm pretty sure Saragos would pry every favor from your soul with his fingers, if it'd bring Navesi back."

Ciarelle ruefully says, "Guardians, Heralds, all these machines and devices, first the Knot, then the Bulwark, now whatever this is, and whatever Liraxes is up to."

Zalinyar pats Ruea on the back.

Saragos nods to Gragnel.

Saragos sighs.

Ruea smiles.

Whynd weirdly says, "Gragnel, perhaps its not destroyed, maybe its encased in there."

Ruea says to Shavay, "So would I."

Rileos says to Kethrai, "We didn't drop this on them, so no, we didn't."

Brisknite asks, "What do we know about Godlings?"

Ruea looks at Shavay and shrugs.

Madigan says, "Curious if this is Liraxes work as well."

Brisknite says, "I don't know anything about them."

Shavay asks, "They're playful little scamps?"

Gragnel says to Whynd, "Let us hope. I would hate to anger Him."

Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes northwest, leading her group.

Severei asks, "If I may?"

Ciarelle says, "All seems a bit more trouble than its worth, to be honest."

Ezerak says to Madigan, "Almost certainly the Heralds. They spoke before the meteors fell."

Woten glances up at the sky.

Kethrai says to Saragos, "But when you climb atop the tallest tree you can find in a thunderstorm, you can't blame the lightning for striking you. You're treating them like people. They may be closer to laws of nature."

Haxen just arrived.

Ruea says to Shavay, "I'm not any better than anyone else here. Just having a moment of guilt."

Pilgrim Istercal just arrived.

Tirost gazes at Ezerak.

Maintain nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Istercal says, "I can tell you about godlings a bit...."

Rileos gives Ruea a slight nod.

Anuril observes Istercal with fascination.

Zalinyar gazes at Istercal.

Severei says, "They are... an aspect onod ister."

Rileos says to Ruea, "Sounds like it's drink time then."

Madigan says to Ezerak, "That is what most folks are saying my friend. Which, seems to make sense."

Trajan says, "Liraxes, I believe, is an immune response from the Plane of Probability. I asked it who it served and it just said, 'Balance'."

Severei coughs.

Madigan nods to Trajan.

Ruea nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Severei says, "I mumbled a bit."

Briaen says to Mendira, "We should find rest, this experience is overwhelming me."

Shavay says, "Well, I suppose we'll just have to do better next time. Maybe try knitting instead of weaving."

Elurora hugs Mendira, getting a smile in return.

Mendira nods to Briaen.

Mendira hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Elurora bows to Brisknite.

Tirost says, "Looks like Unaka is headed to the Half Pint."

Gragnel nods to Whynd.

Elurora bows to Briaen.

Briaen nods graciously at Elurora, giving her a polite smile.

Saragos says to Kethrai, "Hey. You're right. They might be like laws of nature. And they live on this Plane. Laws of nature are things we know how to bend..."

Shavay asks, "I suppose you could use these as giant needles?"

Mendira says to Briaen, "Let us head home for now."

Rileos says, "Seems as good a bar as any."

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived, leading her group.

Shavay analyzes every minute detail of the rod while smiling to himself.

Ruea says to Saragos, "It was a good attempt. Any time we learn, it's a success."

Istercal says, "They are form of antinomic sorcery... a cleric pours there heart and soul searching too far into the cosmos and they are formed or born from it."

Rileos nods to Tirost.

Brisknite leans on Saragos.

Brisknite pats Saragos on the back.

Saragos nods to Ruea.

War Healer Misteeus just arrived.

Harsh quietly says, "My magic seemed to rejuvinate those drakes. It took me a moment to notice."

Briaen nods to Mendira.

You notice as a black dog pads into the area.

Harsh sighs.

Kethrai gazes silently at Saragos.

Damoone pats Harsh on the back.

Anuril frowns at Istercal.

Shavay says, "FOU specifically did, yeah."

Dasheek asks, "That's interesting... Holy revitalized them?"

Rileos says, "Gonna head to the Half Pint if anybody wants a drink after this...nonsense."

Harsh nods to Shavay.

Illiya asks, "Any thoughts on the beam of golden light shining upward to the northwest?"

Zalinyar says, "I don't think I'll be joining the group talks tonight. I need to ponder all that has happened."

Brisknite says, "It was a fantastic attempt, I don't even understand it, I just show up."

Harsh nods to Dasheek.

Brisknite grins at Saragos.

Briaen says to Rileos, "Get him drunk." He points at Saragos. "Soon."

Shavay says, "It may have been the fire in it."

Madigan nods to Rileos.

Harsh quietly says, "FoU did for sure."

Saragos says to Dasheek, "I think lightning did."

Ruea joins Rileos's group.

Shavay puts his rod in his red backpack.

Damoone joins Rileos's group.

Madigan says to Rileos, "Darn good idea. I'll meet you there."

Madigan joins Rileos's group.

Saragos nods to Briaen.

Eyst joins Rileos's group.

Madigan says, "Or, just ride along."

Dasheek says, "Lightning revitalized the immaculate ones.."

Madigan smiles.

Briaen nods graciously at Saragos, giving him a polite smile.

Illiya says, "FOU is fire and lightning damage."

Tirost joins Rileos's group.

Ruea says, "Yes, let's join Rileos and get a drink."

Rileos says to Saragos, "You're comin and drinkin, doctor's orders."

Ruea waves her hand distractedly.

[General] Your mind hears Natarian thinking, "Have we confirmed that Dokt is safe?"

Lexxa strides south.

Brisknite nods to Saragos.

Dasheek says, "Fire revitalized the pristine ones, I believe."

Brisknite joins Rileos's group.

Shavay says, "Ah."

Ezerak joins Rileos's group.

Istercal says, "I had formed a godling once, but turned away. My lack of devotion to it was met with a violent demise to my body."

Whynd gives Gragnel a slight nod.

Dawnsworn Briaen goes northeast, leading his group.

Gragnel joins Rileos's group.

Zayek joins Rileos's group.

[General] Your mind hears Unaka thinking, "I am calling on those who know about the Heralds and what happened today. I need to ask questions. I am at the Half Pint."

Saragos joins Rileos's group.

Ruea asks Kethrai, "Are you staying here?"

Dawnsworn Briaen just arrived, leading his group.

Zalinyar nods to Vaddon.

Dawnsworn Briaen goes south, leading his group.

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

[General] Your mind hears Sozinho thinking, "It certainly doesn't look that way"

Saragos says, "I'm... I'm ready for it. I haven't touched a drink since they disappeared. I don't have to be so focused on that attempt anymore."

Marwen joins Rileos's group.

Rienth joins Rileos's group.

Shavay says, "I couldn't see if my Phoenix's Pyre was hitting any of them, but I think I saw Natarian pushing them around a bit."

Rileos nods to Saragos.

Crobin joins Rileos's group.

[General] Your mind hears Haxen thinking, "that looked very unsafe"

Harsh quietly says, "Once i realized i left the area to deal with dead."

Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.

Zalinyar looks at Vaddon and shrugs.

Harsh quietly says, "Sorry it took me so long to realize."

Dasheek nods to Harsh.

Harsh blushes a bright red color.

Saragos says, "We could head for the Half Pint. Unaka is there, and I never got to answer her question."

Rileos says, "Alright, movin in 10 to the Half Pint, if you get left just meet us there."

Venturist Ciarelle goes south.

Zayek says to Marwen, "You can buy me a drink."

Dasheek says to Harsh, "Quick thinking.."

Rileos nods to Saragos.

Elurora joins Rileos's group.

Vaddon joins Rileos's group.

Severei joins Rileos's group.

Zalinyar joins Rileos's group.

Dasheek shakes Harsh's hand.

Tirost quietly asks Anuril, "What do you make of all this?"

Brisknite says, "Lets go."

Maintain joins Rileos's group.

Dasheek says to Harsh, "Good work today."

Khozh Elizzibiana shuffles northwest.

Rileos says, "And we're movin."

Istercal joins Rileos's group.

You follow Rileos south.

Debrief at the Half Pint

[Half Pint, Main Saloon]
Skalliweg Barrelthumper, proud proprietor of The Half Pint, perches alertly on a high stool behind the sleek, polished bar, shouting at serving wenches, cooks and customers alike. Patrons dine, drink, dispute and dream on, in spite of the constant hum, draped over comfortable rush-seated chairs or hunched over well-worn tables. Faces flicker and eyes glimmer in the dim light of the wrought-iron chandelier and candle stubs sputtering in crocks on the tables. You also see a chubby bear, a lazy mutt, a menuboard, a high doorway and a dimly lit arch.

Maintain offers Unaka a Granny's #3 whiskey.

Madigan says to Rileos, "Good leading."

Brisknite leans on Unaka.

Rileos says, "Behold. Bar."

Unaka declines Maintain's offer.

Zayek came through a high doorway.

Fury's Touch Rejind came through a high doorway.

Zayek pants.

Madigan taps a comfortable rush-seated chair.

Zayek joins Rileos's group.

Unaka seriously says, "No drinking today."

Madigan sits down on the rush-seated chair.

Crobin says, "I am going to see Leayne make sure she is alright."

Ruea smiles at Madigan.

Lexxa came through a high doorway.

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Rileos says to Madigan, "I hope that was serious cause I was tryin to do it right."

Crobin says, "We may return."

Rileos looks at Madigan, obviously trying not to grin.

Maintain nods to Unaka.

Fearless Crobin went through a high doorway.

Unaka says, "Thank you for coming."

Zayek says, "Yes drinking today."

Madigan nods to Rileos.

Maintain puts his whiskey in his encompassing shadows.

Zayek squints at Unaka.

Damoone gets a mug of golden ale from inside his canvas backpack.

Madigan says to Rileos, "Top notch move. Getting a large group from point a to point b is no easy task."

Marwen asks, "What would you like?"

Damoone takes a sip of his ale.

Saragos says to Rejind, "Maybe. I'll do a debrief. But I've got a bad sign that this attempt is fatally flawed."

Aerilia smiles at Tirost.

Eyst says, "I'd love to hear the story of how that crater came to be."

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Brisknite asks Unaka, "You ever seen anything like that before?"

Sister Severei came through a high doorway.

Unaka asks, "I need to know from you, all of you. What do you think that was? Who has done this to the Clan?"

Madigan quietly asks, "Anyone care for a class while we talk?"

Unaka shakes her head at Brisknite.

Rileos says, "Well, I'm gonna leave y'all here cause I need money to buy stuff and we don't need to ALL go to the bank."

Saragos says to Unaka, "You asked me about what Meraud said before, but I didn't get the chance to answer."

Roughneck Rileos went through a high doorway.

An impeccable aide arrives, giving Urbaj a quick nod.

Urbaj's aide produces a towel and proceeds to vigorously dry him quickly before putting the towel away again.

Zayek says to Marwen, "The rum punch."

Istercal just left.

Damoone gets a bottle of Rakash golden ale from inside his canvas backpack.

Urbaj's impeccable aide gives him a curt nod before walking off.

Roughneck Rileos came through a high doorway.

Unaka nods to Saragos.

Damoone takes a sip of his ale.

Sukidesu leans against a sleek polished bar.

Skalliweg grins happily and puts a cup of taffelberry rum punch on the bar.

Aerilia says, "The Heralds, or the dragons that used to be heralds. I can't imagine anyone else could erect that spire."

Strawberry Nurse Illiya came through a high doorway.

Damoone takes a sip of his ale.

Rileos leans against a sleek polished bar.

Skalliweg grins happily and puts a cup of taffelberry rum punch on the bar.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Marwen gets a cup of taffelberry rum punch from atop a sleek polished bar.

Rileos gets a long black cigarillo printed with crimson lips from inside a velvet-lined gold cigarillo case.

Marwen offers Zayek a cup of taffelberry rum punch.

Rileos offers Ruea a long black cigarillo printed with crimson lips.

Zayek accepts Marwen's taffelberry rum punch.

Ruea accepts Rileos's black cigarillo.

Shavay came through a high doorway.

Unaka asks Aerilia, "Are you sure? Why do you think it was them?"

Damoone takes a sip of his ale.

Maintain says to Unaka, "It seemed pretty clear it was the Heralds. Or a Herald. Like your vision of Truffenyi, when he stood before the dragon that threatened the mortal existence."

Brisknite grins at Rileos.

Zayek sweeps an enveloping swordsman's cowl banded with light grey accents off her head and in front of her in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Marwen at the same time.

Skalliweg grins happily and puts a glass of honeyed orange water on the bar.

Ruea says, "Could one of you amazing Warrior Mages dry everyone off? We're ruining the floors."

Gragnel says to Saragos, "I have duties to see to at the Temple. Contact me again if you need further help with anything."

Brisknite grins.

Ruea gets a small silver dragon from inside her feyweave purse.

Unaka nods to Maintain.

Rileos glances at Brisknite.

Saragos says to Unaka, "Before Imroth's Sorcerous attempt, Meraud appeared to me and bade me observe, saying, "There is chaos coming, and it is necessary, and will break those that would do us harm. You only have to listen." Tonight, He said, "This was not the answer you sought, but it was the action needed to begin bringing them home."

Marwen puts his water in his velvet pack.

Ruea points her silver dragon at a long black cigarillo and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigarillo quickly catch fire.

Ruea puts her dragon in her hunting pack.

Shavay's feet are dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around him.

Reverend Gragnel went through a dimly lit arch.

Saragos nods.

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Tirost gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around Ruea.

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning black cigarillo.

Ruea exhales contentedly, and you notice her cheeks flush madly as if she was just caught eavesdropping on a very private conversation. The alluring scent of fresh red rose emanates from the cigarillo as fragile tendrils fill the air with a wild, persistent aroma.

Marwen gets a glass of honeyed orange water from atop a sleek polished bar.

Unaka nods to Saragos.

Rileos looks at Brisknite, obviously trying not to grin.

Brisknite begins pouting.

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Raising his honeyed orange water to Zayek, Marwen gives her a toast.

Ruea smiles at Tirost.

Rileos gets a long cream-colored cigarillo printed with golden wings from inside a velvet-lined gold cigarillo case.

Rileos offers Brisknite a long cream-colored cigarillo printed with golden wings.

Tirost gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around Illiya.

Unaka says, "Hm. That is good, at least."

Brisknite accepts Rileos's cream-colored cigarillo.

Brisknite shakes Rileos's hand.

Shavay says to Ruea, "Bard."

Elurora gets a glass of cold ewe milk from atop a sleek polished bar.

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Marwen takes a sip of his water.

Tirost gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around Rileos.

Brisknite sheathes his Imperial spear.

Ruea says to Shavay, "Only when necessary."

Tirost gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around Maintain.

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning black cigarillo.

Skalliweg grins happily and puts a cup of taffelberry rum punch on the bar.

Rileos gets a cup of taffelberry rum punch from atop a sleek polished bar.

Ruea casually flicks some ashes off the end of her black cigarillo.

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Unaka asks, "Does everyone agree it was the Heralds?"

Rileos gets a long navy blue cigarillo printed with grey clouds from inside a velvet-lined gold cigarillo case.

Urbaj nods to Unaka.

Rileos gets an indurium and orichalcum phoenix from inside his tobacco pouch.

Rileos points his orichalcum phoenix at a long navy blue cigarillo and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigarillo quickly catch fire.

Rileos puts his phoenix in his tobacco pouch.

Aerilia says to Unaka, "The voice we heard at the tower said they had maintained this world for eons, and they were angry at our filith and audacity. Plus, the spire matches the description of what the rangers and empaths saw of the past, when the Heralds and dragons maintained this world."

Venturist Ciarelle came through a high doorway.

Rileos gets a cup of taffelberry rum punch from atop a sleek polished bar.

Ciarelle bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.

Shavay chuckles.

Rejind says, "They asre the most likely culprits, aye."

Rileos rolls his eyes.

Rileos offers Brisknite a burning navy blue cigarillo.

Brisknite accepts Rileos's navy blue cigarillo.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Unaka nods to Aerilia.

Ruea asks Unaka, "That seems to be the prevailing opinion, did you think differently?"

Brisknite offers Rileos a long cream-colored cigarillo.

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Rileos accepts Brisknite's cream-colored cigarillo.

Rileos puts his punch in his hunting pack.

Brisknite moves a burning navy blue cigarillo to his right hand.

Rileos gets an indurium and orichalcum phoenix from inside his tobacco pouch.

Rileos points his orichalcum phoenix at a long cream-colored cigarillo and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigarillo quickly catch fire.

Rileos puts his phoenix in his tobacco pouch.

Zayek says, "Could just be our own hubris."

Rileos gets a cup of taffelberry rum punch from inside his hunting pack.

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning black cigarillo.

Zayek shrugs.

Unaka says, "I know about Truffenyi, not the Heralds."

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Urbaj says, "Valenal, who is very familiar with the Heralds, said this seemed like something they would do."

Couri says, "Nae sure it be the Heralds."

Unaka says, "This was not the Immortals, though."

Couri nods to Unaka.

Shavay says, "It was some being with a buttload of arroganze. So if not a a god itself, then yeah, probably a Herald."

Unaka nods to Urbaj.

Tirost nods to Urbaj.

Ezerak says, "It also seemed very much like the voice we had heard before."

Ezerak frowns.

Elurora slowly says, "Could be that other thing, whatever it is."

Elurora shrugs.

Rileos casually flicks some ashes off the end of his cream-colored cigarillo.

Unaka asks, "Other thing?"

Ruea says, "Or a little godling playing with big brother's toys, I suppose."

Ruea casually flicks some ashes off the end of her black cigarillo.

Illiya gazes at Elurora.

Saragos gets a cup of fire rain tequila from inside his black greatcoat.

Aerilia takes a sip of her cordial.

Saragos gazes at his tequila.

Knight Errant Trajan came through a high doorway.

Ruea glances at Saragos.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Elurora says to Unaka, "I think there is something else involved in all this mess. Something at least as powerful as the Immortals or Heralds."

You hear a voice ask, "What happened to that godling after he grew so massive, it just disappeared?"

Elurora shrugs.

Saragos takes a sip of his tequila.

Maintain says, "No, it was not the godling. This unlearned monk feels confident of that truth."

Unaka asks Elurora, "Oh? Who?"

Tirost nods to Maintain.

Elurora says to Unaka, "I haven't got a clue."

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Unaka.

Rileos chuckles.

Damoone takes a sip of his ale.

Saragos takes a sip of his tequila.

Brisknite asks Unaka, "Can you explain what a godling is?"

Ruea asks Ezerak, "What do you think?"

Rejind asks, "Did everyone else feel that the world had settled a bit more back into balance, though? After the meteors fell?"

Aerilia nods to Rejind.

Elurora gives Rejind a slight nod.

Rejind nods.

Trajan nods to Rejind.

Madigan says, "I did not. Thanks for pointing that out Rejind."

Aerilia says, "Things felt much better afterwards.."

Aerilia frowns.

Saragos gets a frosted icesteel glass filled with a splash of mock whiskey quartz liquid from inside his black greatcoat.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Brisknite's navy blue cigarillo.

Ezerak says to Ruea, "I think, that if it is not the Heralds, it is certainly whoever imprisoned our loved ones."

Saragos waves the icesteel glass through a puzzling series of gestures (showoff!). A generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch appears in his left hand!

Leviathan Friend Lupdels came through a high doorway.

Unaka says to Brisknite, "I don't know much about 'em. I know that the Immortals don't like them."

Lupdels frowns.

Saragos puts his glass in his black greatcoat.

Brisknite frowns.

Zayek asks, "If that's better, do we want balance?"

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Saragos takes a sip of his scotch.

Maintain says, "Despite this lowly one's understanding of the Font of Creation, it did feel like magic was more stable after the...meteor."

Aerilia says, "I don't know what to make of that. Whether.. it was what we did at the tower, or because of the spire."

Brisknite says, "Godlings and immaculate drakes."

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Lazy curls of smoke drift off of Ruea's black cigarillo.

Shavay went through a dimly lit arch.

Brisknite's navy blue cigarillo glows faintly as it burns down.

Aerilia takes a sip of her cordial.

Rejind says, "It was said at the beginning of all this that restoring balance is the way to get our friends and loved ones back."

Tirost asks Unaka, "The Immortals do not like the Heralds?"

Rileos takes a long drag off of a burning cream-colored cigarillo.

Brisknite asks, "Why drakes again?"

Elurora says, "I believe the Godling was Nawain's, she's been working with it for a while, I think."

Unaka says, "They don't like godlings."

Lupdels continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose himself in the very rhythms he produces.

Elurora shifts her weight.

Brisknite takes a long drag off of a burning navy blue cigarillo.

Ezerak says to Ruea, "The voice, the anger."

Shavay came through a dimly lit arch.

Shavay went through a high doorway.

Lupdels gets a tankard of Skalliweg's brew from atop a sleek polished bar.

Tirost nods to Unaka.

Ezerak says, "The drakes."

Lupdels takes a sip of his brew.

Ezerak nods to Brisknite.

Illiya nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Unaka says, "So it sounds like most of you think it was the Heralds who attacked us. Some of you think maybe it was someone unknown."

Ruea nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Rejind says to Aerilia, "I believe what we did at the tower caused the reaction that became the spire and meteors."

Elurora nods to Unaka.

Unaka asks, "My next question. What are we going to do now?"

Zayek says, "Drink."

The air shimmers for a moment as Qij's spell ends and he becomes visible once more.

Lazy curls of smoke drift off of Rileos's cream-colored cigarillo.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Qij dusts himself off.

Zayek nods to Unaka.

Illiya says, "Um.. that part is harder."

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Illiya chuckles.

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Qij stands near Madigan.

Brisknite slowly empties his lungs.

Lupdels frowns.

Ruea asks, "What if, instead of... a fabric.. we made a net next time?"

Lupdels glares at Unaka.

Brisknite puffs on his navy blue cigarillo.

Lupdels glares at Saragos.

Fearless Crobin's group came through a high doorway.

Severei asks, "Did the paladins feel anything from the Immortals during the ritual?"

Ruea waves her hand distractedly.

Maintain says to Brisknite, "Immaculate drakes have threatened the lives of sailors along the eastern shore of Kermoria for as long as Rayners can recall. Which is back to Lanival's day."

Qij snaps to attention and hails Crobin with a crisp hand salute.

Rileos says to Unaka, "Step one is drink, step two is make a plan, step three is everything gets fixed by the plan."

Rileos nods to Unaka.

Tirost says to Unaka, "We have a few options."

Ruea says, "Nevermind, I'm sure that's silly."

Couri says, "I think we need ta join instead of standin on each side of the magic."

Unaka says, "Not me. A good 'Tog knows when it's time to stop partying and start getting to work."

Aerilia says to Rejind, "I feel like the Heralds destroyed the clan in retaliation. To intimidate us. To make us hurt."

Leayne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Elurora says, "I felt something from that rift thing."

Saragos says to Tirost, "Meraud certainly seemed to regard Imroth's attempt as something that would "break those who would do us harm." These couple of visions are about as strong a stance as I can recall the Immortals taking in something that wasn't Necromancy."

Saragos takes a sip of his scotch.

Leayne hugs Zalinyar, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Zayek says, "Glad im not good or a 'Tog."

Zalinyar says, "The fissure I was casting felt chaotic, like there was a melding of elements."

Zayek winks at Unaka.

Ezerak asks Ruea, "I...am not sure there can be a next time?"

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Rileos takes a sip of his punch.

Legendary Moon Mage Mahwel came through a high doorway.

Ezerak asks Saragos, "The snarl, is it still there?"

Rejind says to Aerilia, "Not the best target if so, honestly."

Rejind ponders.

Leayne hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Severei says, "What I heard was The Immortals grumbling at our hubris, begrudgingly encouraging us to continue."

Tirost says to Saragos, "I would like to hear a full account of your vision sometime, if you will share it."

Saragos takes a sip of his scotch.

Saragos nods to Tirost.

Leayne curtsies to Madigan.

Rileos leans against a sleek polished bar.

Unaka says to Zayek, "Way too tiny and furry too."

Crobin gets a ceramic jug of partially congealed blood-ale from inside his multi-strapped carryall.

Rejind asks, "Unless Knife Clan was a warning shot. If they -really- wanted to make us feel it, why not Crossing, or Haven? Shard?"

Saragos says to Tirost, "I'm writing it up for the Herald, too."

[General] Your mind hears Tramin thinking, "Dokt is safe, I am here with him now"

Grinning, Crobin pulls a swig from a ceramic jug of partially congealed blood-ale.

Tirost says to Saragos, "I was not present, but a young and brilliant Warrior Mage seems to take it very seriously."

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Crobin puts his blood-ale in his multi-strapped carryall.

Eyst says to Unaka, "I suppose there might be two thoughts. One would be how to rescue whatever might be left of the knife clan. The other would just be to ensure it doesn't happen again."

Leayne giggles at Crobin.

Ruea says to Ezerak, "Maybe not with this magic. I was thinking though, that anomoly that knocked me back to the Starry Road seemed like a crack in the door."

Aerilia frowns in thought.

Ruea shrugs.

Saragos takes a sip of his scotch.

Unaka nods to Eyst.

Rileos nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Ruea says, "It felt peculiar when I touched it."

Roselyne came through a high doorway.

[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "And where, exactly, is 'here'?"

Zayek gets a cup of taffelberry rum punch from atop a sleek polished bar.

Rileos says, "Yeah, that weird anomaly has to be the next step."

Elurora nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aerilia says to Rejind, "Maybe the spires.. something about the location might be important. I think the rangers and empaths saw a spire nearby there in their vision."

Rileos nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Leayne gets some orange delight tea from inside her rose colored haversack.

Rejind ponders.

Eyst ponders.

Severei says, "I felt the Immortals wince, and sensed a measure of their awe, they are impressed by us."

Leilanie gives Roselyne some coins.

Saragos takes a sip of his scotch.

Leayne takes a drink of some orange delight tea.

Fury's Touch Rejind went through a high doorway.

Elurora says, "When I focused on the anomoly, it felt...wrong."

Tirost says to Unaka, "One option would be to systematically cast sorcery in the locations provided by Liraxes."

[General] Your mind hears Tramin thinking, "Knife Clan Triage"

Crobin stands near Leayne.

You hear a voice say, "That anomaly was made of arcane magic."

Maintain says to Madigan, "This penitent one apologizes for not being able to describe what he saw in the moment to the Paladin. It was...a lot. And he was focused on ensuring Revered Sister Nawain could survive the godling's draw on the mana."

Unaka nods to Tirost.

Leayne leans back against Crobin with a loving smile.

Saragos takes a seat.

[General] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "what about Huldah's shrine?"

Brisknite points at Tirost.

Rileos says to Saragos, "You down that and one more and then you're allowed to theorize."

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Rileos nods to Saragos.

Brisknite taps his nose.

Ciarelle shakes her head.

Ruea says, "But I'll leave those matters to smarter folks and start working on the dress code for the next event."

Leilanie gives Roselyne some coins.

Aerilia nods to Tirost.

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning black cigarillo.

Saragos takes a sip of his scotch.

Roselyne went through a high doorway.

Madigan asks Maintain, "Of course my friend. If you could write it up in a report so I can study it at some point?"

Venturist Ciarelle went through a high doorway.

Brisknite says, "I like that one Tirost."

Saragos takes a sip of his scotch.

[General] Your mind hears Tramin thinking, "Shrine looks intact"

Maintain tips his hat to Madigan with a courteous nod.

Ezerak nods to Ruea.

Brisknite puffs on his navy blue cigarillo.

[General] Your mind hears Kerennya thinking, "You'd better go outside and try to leave, Tramin. You may have difficulties."

[General] Your mind hears Rejind thinking, "Can you..get back to Crossing, Tramin? How did you get into Knife Clan?"

Ruea mutters something into the air about complete lack of wine or champagne.

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Saragos takes a sip of his scotch.

Rileos sighs.

Rileos puts his punch in his hunting pack.

Leayne gets some swirling blue coffee from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Maintain says to Madigan, "This poor scribe will put quill to parchment and dispatch it to the Watch."

Rileos gets a crystal glass of refined Elven frostwynne from inside his hunting pack.

Rileos offers Ruea a crystal glass of refined Elven frostwynne.

Leayne takes a drink of some swirling blue coffee.

Tirost says, "Based on what we've experienced so far, that seems to align with Meraud's will, and planar balance, so far as we can experience it."

Ruea accepts Rileos's Elven frostwynne.

Rileos gets a cup of taffelberry rum punch from inside his hunting pack.

Rileos takes a sip of his punch.

Ruea praises Rileos.

Illiya gestures.

Unaka fixes Tirost with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Ezerak says to Ruea, "It certainly seemed to do something. But I worry the...snarl left behind from the Void Prison incident was wiped away."

Ruea says to Rileos, "It was this or the grapefruit vodka in my purse."

Saragos takes a sip of his scotch.

Unaka says, "Hmmm. So you think, cast the sorcery."

Brisknite asks Unaka, "Immaculate Drakes in any of your visions or mean anything to you?"

Sukidesu rubs his head.

[General] Your mind hears Tramin thinking, "I was in the forest when the meteors fell and got caught over there"

Rileos says to Ruea, "You already ended up on the ground once tonight...today...when are we? Twice seemed rude."

Unaka says to Brisknite, "Just the dragon fighting the ox."

Madigan says to Unaka, "The Watch will continue to support Liraxes' efforts until that turns into a bad idea."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Saragos gets a frosted icesteel glass filled with a splash of mock whiskey quartz liquid from inside his black greatcoat.

Unaka nods to Madigan.

Ruea says to Ezerak, "They plugged up one hole, and may have left open another. I don't think this prison was made as well as they hoped, the longer it lasts the more chinks we're going to find in the construction."

Saragos rotates the icesteel glass through a complicated series of gestures. A heavy crystal glass of Genial Gentleman bourbon appears in his left hand!

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning black cigarillo.

Aerilia takes a sip of her cordial.

Fury's Touch Rejind came through a high doorway.

Saragos puts his glass in his black greatcoat.

A distinguished worker arrives, giving Urbaj a quick nod.

Tirost says to Unaka, "I am inclined to follow Meraud, and it is hard to doubt the guidance he has provided."

Leayne takes a drink of some swirling blue coffee.

[General] Your mind hears Kerennya thinking, "Can you get back to Crossing, Tramin?"

[General] Your mind hears Tramin thinking, "My brother is still there as well"

Saragos takes a sip of his bourbon.

Ezerak quietly says to Ruea, "I can only hope."

Unaka says, "I agree."

Aerilia nods in agreement.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj went through a high doorway.

Brisknite takes a long drag off of a burning navy blue cigarillo.

A distinguished worker glances around, appearing somewhat impatient.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj came through a high doorway.

Urbaj speaks quietly with the distinguished worker for a moment. Nodding her head, the worker turns and moves quickly away.

Leayne takes a drink of some swirling blue coffee.

Saragos takes a sip of his bourbon.

Zalinyar says, "I think it may take warrior mages combining our elemental magic with holy magic, or... other... kinds. (clears her throat)."

Tirost says to Unaka, "But another option would be to cease sorcery in the attempt to gain the favor of Miraena and Asildu, if we believe the Heralds are our allies."

Illiya dimples at Unaka.

Brisknite slowly empties his lungs.

Sukidesu sighs.

Saragos takes a sip of his bourbon.

A distinguished worker enters the area and approaches Urbaj.

A distinguished worker speaks briefly with Urbaj.

A distinguished worker glances around for a moment before walking off.

Aerilia frowns.

Tirost says, "Frankly, I can't believe that at this moment."

Brisknite nods.

Unaka asks, "Is there anyone here who believes the Heralds are our allies?"

Rileos nods to Tirost.

Saragos takes a sip of his bourbon.

Illiya says, "Waydren probably does."

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Illiya says, "But he's not here."

Brisknite asks, "I mean haven't they helped in the past when bad stuff was happening?"

Tirost says, "Maybe Kethrai and Anuril, but I'm not certain."

Ruea says, "I don't know what I believe, honestly. Any time something seems to be forcing me to assume one thing I tend to think it's a diversion or trap."

Rileos guzzles down some of his punch and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Saragos takes a sip of his bourbon.

Unaka nods.

Madigan says, "Unaka, I believe there are good people that geniunely believe that not casting sorcery would help attain balance. I am not sure that aligns them directly with the Heralds."

Tirost nods to Ruea.

Leayne begins to listen to Tirost teach the Targeted Magic skill.

Ruea says, "It's like we're being pushed so hard to believe it's the Heralds, no one has had the space to explore anything else."

Ruea waves her hand distractedly.

Ruea says, "But, idle thoughts."

Ruea takes a sip of her frostwynne.

Couri says, "I been sayin that."

Couri nods to Ruea.

Ezerak nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rileos takes a long drag off of a burning cream-colored cigarillo.

Unaka says, "Well, I'm for the Immortals. And I'm for action."

Crobin says, "QIJ."

Crobin just hugged Qij.

Brisknite says, "The only stories I think I've really heard of Heralds of the past, was when they stopped insanely powerful magic from being used in wars."

Ezerak says to Ruea, "Right from the beginning at that."

Ruea smiles at Couri.

Tirost nods to Unaka.

Illiya asks Ruea, "That kinda makes you think it's not the heralds doesn't it?"

Aerilia nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Madigan says, "And...I am not ruling out the possiblity they could be correct. We can't rule that out right now."

Elurora grins at Illiya.

Unaka says, "You all decide what to do, and my shield will be there."

Elurora raises her hand.

Leayne grins at Qij, her dimples flashing into view.

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

[General] Your mind hears Tramin thinking, "Looks like I can get back to Crossing"

Qij jumps back from Leayne!

Ruea says to Illiya, "It makes me... hesitant to commit to one line of thought."

Leayne giggles at Qij.

Tirost quietly says to Unaka, "I see why Sir Madigan likes you."

Qij hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Qij with a warm smile.

Ruea's black cigarillo goes out and crumbles away.

Illiya nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Qij quietly says to Leayne, "It's Qij."

Tirost smiles at Unaka.

Unaka nods to Tirost.

Ruea begins pouting.

Ruea says, "All gone."

Ruea takes a sip of her frostwynne.

Leayne softly says, "No."

Rileos groans.

Sukidesu says, "I don't know much about the Heralds, but it seems weird that they only send drakes to kill us..."

Sukidesu ponders.

Mahwel says to Zalinyar, "I would advice think caultiously before combine elemental and holy magic."

Rileos gets a long navy blue cigarillo printed with grey clouds from inside a velvet-lined gold cigarillo case.

Rileos offers Ruea a long navy blue cigarillo printed with grey clouds.

Ruea accepts Rileos's navy blue cigarillo.

Qij bows to Brisknite.

Ruea beams at Rileos!

Brisknite bows to Qij.

Ruea puts her frostwynne in her hunting pack.

Ruea gets a small silver dragon from inside her hunting pack.

Leayne just tickled Qij.

Ruea points her silver dragon at a long navy blue cigarillo and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigarillo quickly catch fire.

Qij quietly says to Brisknite, "Good to see you pal."

Ruea puts her dragon in her hunting pack.

Brisknite nods to Sukidesu.

Ruea gets a crystal glass of refined Elven frostwynne from inside her hunting pack.

[General] Your mind hears Tramin thinking, "Keirran, stand still"

Vaddon shifts his weight.

Brisknite says, "I agree, I think thats weird also."

Maintain ponders.

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning navy blue cigarillo.

Rileos says to Ruea, "You're so lucky you're cute."

Rileos shakes his head.

Brisknite says to Qij, "You too bud."

Sukidesu nods to Brisknite.

[General] Your mind hears Keirran thinking, "Ok brother"

Rileos takes a long drag off of a burning cream-colored cigarillo.

Aerilia says, "In Meraud wants sorcery, I'm in favor of giving it to him. Another big group taken to one of Liraxes' locations, or split between both of them.."

Zalinyar asks Mahwel, "What has a cautious approach gotten us this far? when you go into battle, are you cautious, or bloodthirsty?"

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Ruea says to Rileos, "I don't think I've ever been called cute in my life before."

Unaka nods to Aerilia.

Brisknite puffs on his navy blue cigarillo.

Urbaj nods to Aerilia.

Ruea blinks twice and begins coughing.

Chameleon Anino went through a dimly lit arch.

Ruea says to Rileos, "But I did once have a man try to kill his wife so we could run away together."

Tirost says to Aerilia, "I agree. That seems to be the best path forward."

Madigan asks, "What does that dome do for anyone?"

Saragos says, "The thing about the wounds of Sorcery is that we know they don't heal fast. The Voidspell was cast 5000 years ago, and the rift it caused STILL hasn't repaired itself in the Zaulfung, That area remains one of the biggest snarls we've seen with Othersight. Even if Sorcery caused the problems, I think we have to fix them ourselves. We don't have 5000+ years to wait for them to get better."

Rileos laughs!

Illiya asks, "What dome?"

Madigan asks, "We are asking who...but maybe why is the correct question?"

Saragos says to Ruea, "Well, maybe you do. I bet you'll outlive all of us."

Madigan says, "The encasement."

Saragos takes a sip of his bourbon.

Rileos says to Ruea, "That's...certainly a thing and I don't know how to respond to that."

Rileos chuckles.

Rileos gets a cup of taffelberry rum punch from inside his hunting pack.

Brisknite says, "It's just weird that stories of the past show the Heralds stopping specific spellwork being done, our sorcery isn't that."

Rileos takes a sip of his punch.

Ezerak chuckles.

Leayne gets a sungrown cigar from inside a narrow flamethorn cigarillo case clasped with a rencate dragon.

Leayne gets a diminutive tin magma viper from inside her rose colored haversack.

Leayne points her tin viper at a sungrown cigar and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigar quickly catch fire.

Leayne puts her viper in her rose colored haversack.

Leayne takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Sukidesu nods to Brisknite.

Crobin asks, "What if Liraxes could help us build something to get ot Knife Clan?"

Unaka says, "So. Thanks for your answers. I'll let you all figure it out from here. Call on me when you have a plan."

Sukidesu asks, "Their methods don't suggest the Heralds...but if not them, then what?"

Mahwel says to Zalinyar, "My caution is that combine those two types of magic resulted in Blackfire and then the counter spell to that."

Tirost bows to Unaka.

Elurora bows to Unaka.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Brisknite bows to Unaka.

Madigan stands up.

Madigan pivots in Unaka's direction and salutes her with his pavise shield, bringing the shield downwards in a precise, fluid movement.

Rileos nods to Unaka.

Zalinyar blinks at Severei.

Mahwel shudders.

Tirost says to Unaka, "Thank you for joining us."

Sukidesu nods to Unaka.

Raising his taffelberry rum punch to Unaka, Rileos gives her a toast.

Unaka nods.

Couri curtsies to Unaka.

Madigan sits down on the rush-seated chair.

Ruea says to Saragos, "Only if I learn to watch my mouth and behave. I'm not immortal, just long-lived."

Leilanie smiles.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Unaka.

Unaka says, "Truffenyi bless you all."

Rileos says to Unaka, "Always good to see ya, darlin."

Unaka nods.

Zalinyar says to Mahwel, "Exactlyy."

Crobin chuckles at Ruea.

Maintain bows to Unaka.

Holy Guardian Unaka went through a high doorway.

Rileos says, "I like her."

Rileos nods.

Illiya nods in agreement.

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Aerilia nods in agreement.

Madigan nods to Rileos.

* Unaka returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

War Healer Misteeus came through a high doorway.

Madigan says, "Bloody wants to get to it she does."

Maintain says, "The Paladin is a likable person, for certain."

Ruea asks, "Could someone make sure the husbands have all eaten as they start pickling their livers?"

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Saragos asks Brisknite, "It's very weird. All signs point to the Heralds being up against us, but there's still the big question on where they've been. Did they takea thousand year vacation?"

Madigan firmly says, "I do to."

Aerilia says, "I'm glad she was with us."

Brisknite frowns.

Aerilia takes a sip of her cordial.

Madigan nods to Aerilia.

Madigan asks, "So...why bloody knife clan?"

Saragos gets a frosted icesteel glass filled with a splash of mock whiskey quartz liquid from inside his black greatcoat.

Tirost says to Saragos, "I believe Aerilia may have the best path forward: let us be very mindful of how we use sorcery in the locations Liraxes indicates."

Saragos rotates the icesteel glass through an intricate series of gestures. A lime-accented lowball glass of Formal Fellow gin and tonic on the rocks appears in his left hand!

Crobin says, "I think next couple of days I will be going back out towards Knife Clan...going to go over every inch out there and see what I can find."

Brisknite's navy blue cigarillo goes out and crumbles away.

Saragos puts his glass in his black greatcoat.

Brisknite nods to Saragos.

Saragos takes a sip of his gin and tonic.

Madigan nods to Crobin.

Ruea says, "And are we doing polite social drinking or are we drinking the pain away? Because Rileos and I both have bottles of vodka and whisky that will make you smell colors."

Zayek says, "More like charred knife clan."

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Ruea takes a sip of her frostwynne.

Brisknite says, "I understand all signs point to the Heralds, it just seems like such small potatoes to me for them to care."

Tirost grins at Ruea.

Saragos nods to Tirost.

Brisknite says, "Maybe I'm missing something critical."

Rileos looks at Ruea, obviously trying not to grin.

Madigan says, "Rileos is always drinking some pain away m'lady."

Madigan smiles at Ruea.

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Tirost offers Aerilia a snifter of Milene's brandy.

Sukidesu nods to Brisknite.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Aerilia accepts Tirost's Milene's brandy.

Aerilia smiles at Tirost.

Rileos exclaims to Madigan, "I took a break! Everyone saw!"

Tirost flips open the lid on his silversteel tankard.

Zalinyar says, "Or were they the blanket covering the window."

Ruea says to Elurora, "Not you. I'm not emotionally ready to see you chasing pink elephants."

Saragos says to Tirost, "Also, Liraxes might be advising us to do Sorcery... but he might tell us to do the opposite. Heal planar breaches."

Aerilia says, "Thanks."

Rileos takes a sip of his punch.

Sukidesu says, "Nothing is adding up."

Ruea winks at Madigan.

Elurora begins chortling at Ruea.

Crobin shakes his head as if clearing it.

Maintain says, "This weary monk must ask the benefactor's forgiveness, but he has many letters to write and is concerned about running out of ink."

Madigan stands up.

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Leayne chews on Crobin's shoulder and follows it up with a kiss on his cheek.

Madigan bows to Maintain.

Saragos says, "Waydren has an idea, and it might be that idea could appease the Heralds AND work towards Liraxes' ends."

Maintain bows.

Elurora says to Ruea, "No one is ready for that, Lady Ruea. Last time I drank Rileos took his shirt off, I'm not ready for that either."

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Madigan sits down on the rush-seated chair.

Maintain touches a hand to his mouth and offers a prayer for the continued safety and good fortune of the people surrounding him.

Saragos says, "USe Aether, knit up the holes."

Saragos takes a sip of his gin and tonic.

Black Dog Maintain went through a high doorway.

Tirost says to Saragos, "So far, I've only heard him ask for sorcery, and it has had an noticeable effect."

Rileos rolls his eyes.

Zalinyar says, "Rip it down."

Ruea says to Elurora, "Rileos will get completely naked for a baked potato darling."

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Crobin asks, "Tirost...what do you think of getting together and heading out there...maybe casting some spells at the areas?"

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning navy blue cigarillo.

Couri nods.

Madigan says, "He finds a spot, wants sorcery on that spot."

Elurora says to Ruea, "Thankfully, I'm fresh out of those."

Elurora grins at Ruea.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Tirost says to Crobin, "I like that idea a lot."

Ruea winks at Elurora.

Illiya gets a long pink cigarillo printed with arrow-impaled red hearts from inside a narrow flamethorn cigarillo case clasped with a rencate dragon.

Illiya gets a small golden crocodile from inside her encompassing shadows.

Illiya points her golden crocodile at a long pink cigarillo and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigarillo quickly catch fire.

Illiya puts her crocodile in her encompassing shadows.

Rileos says to Elurora, "You can't phrase it like that, folks are gonna think I was untoward to ya. Which, ya know, I was, but they shouldn't know that."

Leayne takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Saragos says to Tirost, "So far. Things he said at the beginning made me think he'd want a little bit of both. Should ask him."

Saragos takes a sip of his gin and tonic.

Illiya takes a long drag off of a burning pink cigarillo.

Elurora asks Rileos, "You were?"

Tirost nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Crobin says, "Bring Leayne just in case the magic casts back."

Elurora squints at Rileos.

Crobin chuckles.

Saragos wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Leayne laughs!

Rileos says to Elurora, "Oh, don't worry about it, then."

Saragos takes a sip of his gin and tonic.

Tirost stands near Saragos.

Rileos pats Elurora on the back.

Aerilia takes a sip of her cordial.

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Ezerak says, "I think it must be the Heralds. The drakes, when we felt their anger after the...sorcery thing at the tower, and now again, with that voice."

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Zalinyar says, "I need to get on a horse and run pointy sticks through peoples shields."

Ruea says, "I just almost suggested we bring Dantia, so I've had a long night."

(Tirost places a hand on Saragos's shoulder.)

Ruea rubs her head.

Saragos takes a sip of his gin and tonic.

[General] Your mind hears Caade thinking, "Can't shift into there, so you can continue wiggling."

Madigan grins at Ruea.

Brisknite frowns.

Leayne sniffles.

Saragos gets a frosted icesteel glass filled with a splash of mock whiskey quartz liquid from inside his black greatcoat.

Saragos glances at Tirost.

Madigan says, "It has been a long time since I rolled into a fight without Dantia."

Saragos swirls the icesteel glass through a simple series of gestures (showoff!). A sturdy glass of Firulf's White Lightning moonshine with a strong sour-mash aroma appears in his left hand!

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Leayne takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Leayne pats Madigan on the back.

Illiya takes a long drag off of a burning pink cigarillo.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Ruea's navy blue cigarillo.

Illiya blows out some smoke that changes into the image of a man wearing a cloak.

Ruea asks, "Can I just say that I've been taken down once or twice but getting blasted by that anomoly was by far the most jarring death I've ever experienced?"

Saragos puts his glass in his black greatcoat.

Zalinyar rests her hand on Madigan's arm with a soft smile.

Ruea frowns.

Zalinyar says to Madigan, "You will again."

[General] Your mind hears Keirran thinking, "Bukor's Leatherworks is still here"

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Lexxa nods to Ruea.

Tirost says to Saragos, "You did well - accomplished more than any of us so far. I believe Navesi is watching, and we know Meraud is. You've done well."

Damoone puts his ale in his canvas backpack.

Saragos takes a sip of his moonshine.

Lexxa says, "I thought I was next."

Ruea says to Saragos, "Do not mix that with tequila or you'll die."

Forest Watcher Damoone went through a high doorway.

Ezerak says to Ruea, "Would you mind describing it? Morbid question, I know."

Rileos says to Ruea, "That looked brutal, yeah. Hope it was really quick on your end."

Eyst asks Ruea, "What manner of anomoly was this?"

Aerilia takes a sip of her cordial.

Leayne takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Madigan asks, "Ezerak...I am curious sir. Imroth made the Heralds mad....and you tried to kill him for that. Why?"

Tirost raises his tankard, drinking deeply from the Dwarven ale inside.

Aerilia moves a snifter of Milene's brandy to her right hand.

Saragos says to Ruea, "The magic glass decides what I drink tonight. I'm just a passenger on this wagon."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Zayek takes a sip of her punch.

Raising his taffelberry rum punch to Saragos, Rileos gives him a toast.

Ruea says, "It was like having something reach into me and rip my essence out of my body."

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Illiya's pink cigarillo as it burns.

Tirost gazes at Ruea.

Rileos says to Saragos, "I need to make friends with magic glass immediately."

Rileos takes a sip of his punch.

Tirost grins at Rileos.

Zayek joins Marwen's group.

Ruea says to Saragos, "... Alright then."

Madigan gazes at Ezerak.

Rileos says to Saragos, "This punch is too sweet and I need some proper whiskey in my life."

Saragos says to Tirost, "Thanks. That helps, but there's still a hole right in the middle oif me, and it isn't getting better."

Ezerak says to Madigan, "It was the risk to the snarl that tonight's plan depended on."

Leayne takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Rileos takes a sip of his punch.

Zalinyar asks, "And we have to get Navesi back, who would write the papers?"

Saragos takes a sip of his moonshine.

Tirost nods to Saragos.

Elurora asks Rileos, "I thought you stopped drinking?"

Ruea says, "I don't recommend it. It was beyond pain and into abstraction."

Brisknite says, "All over my head for sure."

Vaddon nods to Zalinyar.

Rileos says to Elurora, "I stopped stopping."

Zayek asks Marwen, "Drinking, check. so dancing time?"

Knight Templar Marwen's group went through a high doorway.

Zalinyar says, "And Mazrian, He needs to teach the young mages. because I teach them bad things."

Tirost says to Saragos, "You've walked with me since my first steps as a Warrior Mage. I am with you till the end."

Thinker Couri went through a high doorway.

Vaddon sighs.

Crobin says, "Where Tirost goes I go."

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Brisknite says to Saragos, "You always have my shield bud."

Rileos looks at Elurora and shrugs.

Saragos says, "I'll be honest. It makes me angry sometimes. Or feel betrayed. Or something. That people seem to be able to just go on with their lives, and keep working on things. And I'm just empty without her. Can't cope. Can't act normal."

Brisknite grunts at Saragos.

Saragos takes a sip of his moonshine.

Saragos says to Brisknite, "Thanks."

Zalinyar just hugged Saragos.

Fury's Touch Rejind went through a high doorway.

Brisknite grins at Madigan.

Tirost says to Saragos, "That is because you are a good man."

Saragos says to Tirost, "And you too."

Aerilia frowns slightly.

Ruea says to Saragos, "You know, after we get your wife back you should consider starting a cult."

Saragos takes a sip of his moonshine.

Madigan smiles at Saragos.

Crobin says, "Called love Saragos."

Madigan pats Saragos on the back.

Ruea says to Saragos, "You've already got quite a following."

Elurora says to Rileos, "Try not to be whatever that word was toward anyone who doesn't want it then."

Madigan says, "They are up there fighting."

Ruea takes a sip of her frostwynne.

Ezerak says to Madigan, "I felt he put Ayrell and the rest at an unacceptable risk. And I warned him."

Saragos snorts at Ruea.

Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.

Crobin says, "You may not have her at your side, but I see you moving mountains to get her back."

Healer Leilanie went through a high doorway.

Crobin smiles at Saragos.

Crobin says, "I would do the same for Leayne if she was missing."

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Vaddon glances at Zalinyar.

Rileos says to Elurora, "Oh, for sure. It's no fun otherwise."

Leayne snuggles up to Crobin and cradles him in her arms.

Vaddon smiles.

Zalinyar offers Vaddon a glass goblet of darkefire rum with silver varked flames.

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Vaddon accepts Zalinyar's darkefire rum.

Vaddon beams in loving admiration at Zalinyar!

Zalinyar gets a glass goblet of darkefire rum with silver varked flames from inside her firesilk backpack.

Vaddon takes a sip of his rum.

Saragos asks Ezerak, "Who put them at risk?"

Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.

Trajan salutes before turning and wandering off to find some rest.

Ezerak says to Saragos, "Imroth."

Saragos takes a sip of his moonshine.

Crobin says, "And you have many people at your back pushing you forward to do what you can when you can to get her back."

Crobin nods to Saragos.

Leayne blew smoke in Crobin's face. Harsh!

Leayne giggles.

Crobin chuckles at Leayne.

Zalinyar asks, "Question, we do know our friends and family are still living, correct?"

Ezerak says to Saragos, "Madigan asked about the fight after his sorcery thing."

Elurora says, "I need to clean drake guts off and Dog is probably hungry, try to make sure anyone too drunk gets home safe."

Elurora raises her hand in a quick salute.

Madigan says to Ezerak, "You need to do what you need to do, but I do not think stopping people from trying is helpful until we know that correct path."

Zalinyar asks, "Because of that stone in the tower?"

Elurora hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Ruea smiles at Elurora.

Aerilia takes a sip of her brandy.

Elurora bows to Ruea.

Lady Knight Elurora went through a high doorway.

Madigan says, "Also, his effort felt as if it restored some balance."

Rileos nods.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "Yeah. But what's done is done. Used to think holding grudges was effortless. Don't have enough left for grudges anymore. There's only keeping your eyes on the path, moving your feet, one step at a time."

Ruea curtsies.

Zalinyar blinks at Severei.

Saragos takes a sip of his moonshine.

Saragos wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Ruea inhales a great swallow of air.

Ruea slowly empties her lungs.

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning navy blue cigarillo.

Brisknite asks, "Well it kind of looked helpful right?"

Severei glances at Zalinyar.

Severei cocks her head.

Saragos gets a frosted icesteel glass filled with a splash of mock whiskey quartz liquid from inside his black greatcoat.

Brisknite says, "The immortals seem to have approved."

Zalinyar says to Severei, "Why do you keep looking at me like that, I'm married, and it's creepy."

Zalinyar stands near Vaddon.

Saragos mutters to himself.

Ezerak says to Madigan, "I did not try to stop his effort. But I did warn him of consequences."

Leayne gets a cup of taffelberry rum punch from atop a sleek polished bar.

Saragos shakes his icesteel glass!

Leayne takes a sip of her punch.

Saragos quietly asks, "How did this thing work again?"

Saragos shakes his icesteel glass!

Severei laughs!

Ruea chuckles at Saragos.

Ruea says, "You put it in your mouth and swallow darling."

Rileos says to Saragos, "Already is."

Severei says, "I forgot I had resurrection up."

Rileos nods to Saragos.

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning navy blue cigarillo.

Severei's eyes turn from pale blue back to their normal color.

Saragos rotates the icesteel glass through a simple series of gestures. A scintilating shot of opalescent green and icy-blue louched absinthe appears in his left hand!

Woten squints at Ruea.

Madigan says to Ezerak, "Fair. Sometimes I do the same thing."

Woten shakes his head.

Saragos puts his glass in his black greatcoat.

Ruea asks Woten, "The whisky? In the glass?"

Zalinyar grins at Severei, her dimples flashing into view.

Crobin asks, "Sometimes Mad?"

Ruea raises an eyebrow in Woten's direction.

Severei grins at Zalinyar.

Crobin angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Madigan.

Saragos says, "Absinthe this time! That'll be an adventure."

Brisknite grins at Saragos.

Woten says, "Mmhmm."

Saragos takes a sip of his absinthe.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Crobin says, "You came into Liraxes first meeting like a whirlwind of hate sir."

Ruea sighs.

Madigan says, "Ohh, I did indeed."

Tirost says to Madigan, "Sir, if you have no objection, I would like to offer an inviation to Liraxes to see if he can't offer us insight into how we can walk the path Saragos has started us upon."

Leayne gasps at Crobin!

Saragos takes a sip of his absinthe.

Madigan stands up.

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Madigan says, "Please do Tirost."

Ezerak says, "It's a moot point now anyway. The snarl survived long enough to do..whatever we just did."

Saragos gets a frosted icesteel glass filled with a splash of mock whiskey quartz liquid from inside his black greatcoat.

Tirost nods to Madigan.

Crobin smiles at Leayne.

Leayne takes a sip of her punch.

Madigan says, "It seems the most direct path to our answer."

Saragos shows Rileos his icesteel glass.

Ruea says, "Can we please have someone assigned to carry Saragos home? One of you faithful followers? He's too heavy, I'll be crushed to death by his weapons and the chip on his shoulder."

Ruea takes a sip of her frostwynne.

Ezerak says, "And that still was not a complete success."

Saragos takes a sip of his absinthe.

Rileos says to Ezerak, "Yeah, but I'd be lyin if I said I wasn't curious what that walkin abacus has to say about the anomaly."

Brisknite asks, "The snarl?"

Tirost smiles at Ruea.

Rileos says to Saragos, "Stop it, I'm already jealous."

Zalinyar says, "We destroyed knife clan... is that our fault? or was it simply ripping a meteor out of nothingness that did that."

Rileos looks at Saragos, obviously trying not to grin.

Leayne takes a sip of her punch.

Saragos says, "Snarl's done. Done deal. That plan won't work."

Saragos shakes his head.

Aerilia shakes her head.

Zalinyar asks, "My theory is that meteor is the umm what did you guys call it, space jail?"

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Vaddon takes a sip of his rum.

Leayne peers quizzically at Zalinyar.

Rileos says to Zalinyar, "WE didn't destroy Knife Clan. The folks who dropped that thing on them destroyed Knife Clan. There's a whole lotta nowhere it could've come down and they picked there."

Tirost quietly asks Ezerak, "Asilyia's safe?"

Zalinyar says, "So if we can bust them out of that spire thingy, if they are in there."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "I feared as much. It seemed like a long shot anyway. Though it was nice to have some sort of hope. A path forward."

Madigan says, "This effort was about as successful as Imroths. Both obtained a bit of balance and caused drakes to attack. I personally think both are progress."

Ezerak nods to Tirost.

Tirost nods.

Zalinyar says, "The metor was the place they were being held."

Ezerak says to Tirost, "Her husband took her home when the drakes approached."

You hear a voice ask, "Would Knife Clan still be there if it wasnt for the actions that just took place?"

Saragos says, "The anomaly - big ball. It's like the first Aether experiment. You try to sew a portal in the fabric, if there's nothing to sew it to, you just make a mess. I figured that would happen. Other possibility was we'd be vented into the Planar Void, but we're here, so."

Crobin says, "I am starting to feel like I dislike these Heralds more and more."

Saragos takes a sip of his absinthe.

Tirost nods to Ezerak.

Brisknite nods.

Brisknite nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Fury's Touch Rejind came through a high doorway.

Brisknite says, "Seems like that to me too."

Saragos says, "We got that anomaly, means the snarl's gone, or gone enough that we canb't try that again."

Saragos slowly empties his lungs.

Madigan says, "We also have an encasement to breach."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Tirost says to Saragos, "We have the anomaly."

Zalinyar says, "Balista."

Zalinyar nods to Madigan.

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Saragos says, "Anomaly went away, too. Faded, just like the first. Least some things are going the way you'd expect."

Zalinyar says, "Tremors, to shake the earth it is sitting upon."

Saragos nods.

Woten offers Saragos a bottle of naphtha.

Saragos accepts Woten's bottle of naphtha.

Saragos takes a swig of a bottle of naphtha and quickly spits it out again. What a ninny!

Madigan says, "Now, breaching that bloody thing is something I can get my teeth into."

Woten says to Saragos, "If it gets real bad just set something on fire."

Ruea chuckles at Madigan.

Eyst says to Zalinyar, "I have to wonder whether brute force is the answer to such a thing."

Ruea takes a sip of her frostwynne.

Illiya says, "Well, I'll leave it to you smart people to figure out the answer. I'll be there for the fight."

Saragos glances at a bottle of naphtha.

Illiya waves.

Illiya says, "Evening all."

Madigan grins at Illiya.

Madigan bows to Illiya.

Tirost smiles at Illiya.

Illiya hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Saragos says to Woten, "Something's wrong with the drink you just gave me."

Saragos takes a swig of a bottle of naphtha and quickly spits it out again. What a ninny!

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya went through a dimly lit arch.

Rileos says to Madigan, "We could get some dwarves to dig a tunnel under it. I'm sure the Hib boys are terrible bored out there with nothin to do."

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Woten shrugs.

Woten says, "Seems like the drinker is the one having the problem."

Woten says, "The bottle is fine."

Stellar Statistician Urbaj went through a high doorway.

Zalinyar says to Eyst, "If you want to march around it praying to whatever immortal that it should fall, please attempt to do so."

Saragos says, "Might be."

Woten nods.

Madigan says to Rileos, "It is a fixed object that is keeping us from something. I want to see what is behind it."

Rileos nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Zalinyar says, "I'll be tring to figure out how to tunnel under."

Zalinyar gets a glaes-edged shovel with an azurelle grip from inside her firesilk backpack.

Saragos says, "This point, though, Aether Loom's a bust. All our options get crazier and crazier."

Madigan says, "And...it is tangible, which means it can be broken."

Zalinyar taps a glaes-edged shovel with an azurelle grip that she is holding.

Zalinyar nods.

Tirost flips the lid on his silversteel tankard closed.

Tirost puts his tankard in his sling bag.

Aerilia frowns in thought.

Vaddon takes a sip of his rum.

Woten says, "At times like these it's important to remember that we smashed our way into a greater demon and killed her."

Tirost says, "I must head south."

Aerilia asks, "What caused the loom to fail, exactly? The Heralds intervening?"

Saragos says, "Got a couple in mind. We could reverse engineer what they did to kidnap them in the first place. But that's REAL Sorcerous. Dangerous. Probably make lots of explosions."

Woten says, "Keeps things in perspective."

Aerilia nods to Tirost.

Saragos says, "Got another idea for an inverted Moongate, but need a Moon Mage crazy enough to try that."

Tirost says to Saragos, "Take care, my friend. Meraud is with you."

Saragos nods to Tirost.

Tirost snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.

Saragos puts his glass in his leather rucksack.

Eyst says to Zalinyar, "I wouldn't rely only on prayers but, I suspect the nature of the place would require some manner of magical aid."

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Tirost with a crisp hand salute.

Brisknite nods to Tirost.

Tirost smiles at Aerilia.

Saragos puts his naphtha in his leather rucksack.

Madigan says, "Time for the barracks for me as well."

Aerilia smiles at Tirost.

Tirost nods to Brisknite.

Saragos says, "Think I'm gonna pass out."

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Brisknite pats Saragos on the back.

Sir Madigan went through a high doorway.

(Conversation drifted. Log Ended.)