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Favors of the Immortals are awarded to adventurers as a blessing for showing devotion through offerings and sacrifice. They are mostly used to avoid some of the consequences of death and allow a player to be resurrected by a cleric or DEPART.

To gain a Favor you must first obtain a Favor Orb bearing the name of one of the Immortals. Once you have obtained an orb, you're told that you must find a suitable sacrifice to fill the orb. All orbs (save Rakash) use the same sacrifice: your unabsorbed experience pool. The more favors or circles you have, the more experience is needed to fill them. In fact, one circle is the same as having one extra favor.


  • The Favor command will tell you how many favors you have obtained, and which Immortal your last favor was with.
  • A player must have at least one favor to be resurrected by a cleric. Having more favors makes this process easier/quicker.
One favor is not the recommendation, it's the absolute mechanical minimum to be resurrected. The recommendation is a minimum of 15 favors.
  • A favor is consumed whenever an adventurer DEPARTs, or when a cleric is resurrected using Murrula's Flames.
  • Having sufficient favor allows a player to DEPART COINS, DEPART ITEMS, or DEPART FULL.
  • Being sacrificed by a cleric will instantly drain all favors from a player and prevent them from being resurrected.
  • Having a sufficient number of favors will also unlock specific Religion titles.

Favor orb sources

Only carry up to two favor orbs at the same time to fill. You'll need to fill and turn in a least one orb before you can get a third to successfully fill. In the event you pick up more (greater than 2) favor orbs, any successive orbs will waste the experience you feed into them.

Gaining Favors at General Altars

There are three general altars in the realms devoted to neutral aspects of the Thirteen that grant favor orbs. They can be found in:


Travel to the Circle of Stones at the stone grotto near the Siergelde Ruins on RanikMap3.

  • DIR FAVOR will give you step by step directions to get to the stone grotto.

You will arrive here:

[Siergelde, Stone Grotto]
Some of the building stones from the ruins that surround you have been fashioned into a shallow grotto at the very top of this hill. Within the grotto, four rounded stones of descending size are set one upon the other in the manner of a crude altar. At the foot of this altar, you find fruits and flowers in various stages of decay, the remnants of offerings to whatever power pervades this quietly sacred site. You also see a tiny bubbling pool under some mintberry bushes.
Obvious paths: east, west.

To get a favor orb:

  1. KNEEL
  2. PRAY (three times)
  3. SAY the name of one of the Thirteen Immortals' neutral aspects
  4. STAND

Upon getting the orb, an arch or trees will open up for you to proceed. In order to exit the favor area, you must solve a series of puzzles (the puzzles through the trees are generally the more difficult of the two).

  • GO ARCH: For a series of relatively easier puzzle tasks.
  • GO TREES: For relatively more difficult puzzle tasks.

The puzzles vary, and typically require you to perform some task before you can leave the room. For example, you might need to open the window for a smothering plant, light candles, clean the altar, or slide levers up or down to unlock a door. After you have solved enough puzzles, you will return to the altar. The number of puzzles you must solve increases with the number of Favors you already posses.
To leave the puzzle area prematurely (and fail the puzzle) you can DROP MY ORB to destroy your orb and be teleported to the entrance of the favor area.
For spoilers to solve the puzzles, go here.

Once you've successfully exited the favor area, go to the Main Temple in Crossing.

  • DIR TEMPLE will give you step by step instructions to the resurrection altar in the Main Temple located Southwest of the bank in Crossing documented on RanikMap1.

You will return your filled favor orb (see below) to the altar in this room upon the Temple grounds documented on RanikMap2:

[Resurrection Creche, Li Stil rae Kwego ia Kweld]
Fragrant smoke drifts from censers to carry periodic ripples of sound from the rooms beyond, bringing the silvery chime of bells and rhythmic cadence of chant to rise and fall in the air like the heartbeat of the Temple itself. An ivory rug cloaks the floor, surrounding an altar of translucent obsidian swirled with fiery highlights. Stained-glass gaethzen orbs circle the altar with a misty nimbus of violet light shading to crimson and then to amber and gold -- the colors of dawn and of life renewed. You also see an iron-bound oak door set in the far wall.
Obvious paths: clockwise, widdershins.

Once you've filled your favor orb:



  • At the Alcove of the Font in the Blackthorn Grove mausoleum east of Riverhaven

Travel to the Alcove of the Font in the Blackthorn Grove mausoleum east of Riverhaven and documented on RanikMap31.

  • DIR FAVOR will give you step by step directions to get to the Alcove of the Font.

You will arrive here:

[Mausoleum, Alcove of the Font]
Quartz steps lead from the floor of the mausoleum to the alcove in which sits this grand marble font. The font once housed a perpetual flame, but is now dormant. A large piece of glass has been meticulously fitted to it as a cover. To either side stand identical marble altars.
Obvious exits: down.

To get a favor orb:

  1. KNEEL
  2. PRAY (three times)
  3. SAY the name of one of the Thirteen Immortals' neutral aspects
  4. STAND

Upon getting the orb, a wooden door and granite arch open up for you to proceed. In order to exit the favor area, you must solve a series of puzzles (the Siergelde labyrinth through the wooden door is generally the more difficult of the two).

  • GO ARCH: For a series of relatively easier puzzle tasks.
  • GO DOOR : For relatively more difficult Siergelde labyrinth puzzle.

The puzzles vary, and typically require you to perform some task before you can leave the room. For example, you might need to open the window for a smothering plant, light candles, clean the altar or slide levers up or down to unlock a door. After you have solved enough puzzles, you will return to the altar in the Alcove of the Font. The number of puzzles you must solve increases with the number of Favors you already posses.
To leave the puzzle area prematurely (and fail the puzzle) you can DROP MY ORB to destroy your orb and be teleported to the entrance of the favor area.
For spoilers to solve the puzzles, go here.

Once you've successfully exited the favor area, go to the Temple Garden resurrection altar in Riverhaven's Temple.

  • DIR TEMPLE will give you step by step instructions to the resurrection altar in Riverhaven documented on RanikMap30.

You will return your filled favor orb (see below) to the altar in this room upon the Temple grounds:

[Temple Gazebo, Candle Alcove]
Light plays in subtle and shifting hues off the pale ash floors of this tiny alcove. Candles line the walls, stored neatly away in hundreds of tiny niches. A high window in the north-most wall lets in a scrap of sunlight that touches gently on the scrubbed alabaster altar sitting in the center of the room.
Obvious exits: out.

Once you've filled your favor orb:



  • At the World Dragon shrine in the Temple West of Shard.

Travel to the World Dragon shrine located in the temple West of Shard. Directions below start from outside the West gate of Shard on RanikMap70 in this room:

[Shard, West Bridge]
The walls of Shard gleam with an inner light rivaling the sun for magnificence, the carefully cut crystal reflecting and refracting light in amazing patterns. Wyvern Mountain rises up in the west, a huge shadow against the daytime sky.
Obvious paths: west.

To get to the World Dragon shrine:

  1. WEST (4 times)
  2. SEARCH (until you find a narrow path)
  3. GO PATH
  4. WEST (5 times)
  5. LIE
  6. GO OPEN (You'll crawl through a tunnel. This will take some time)
  7. STAND
  8. GO WHITE ARCH (6 times)
  9. DOWN
  10. GO DAIS

To get a favor orb:

  1. KNEEL
  2. PRAY (three times)
  3. SAY the name of one of the Thirteen Immortals' neutral aspects
  4. STAND

Upon getting the orb, an arch and flickering veil of smoke will open up for you to proceed. In order to exit the favor area, you must solve a series of puzzles (the puzzles through the veil are generally the more difficult of the two).

  • GO ARCH: For a series of relatively easier puzzle tasks.
  • GO VEIL: For relatively more difficult puzzle tasks.

The puzzles vary, and typically require you to perform some task before you can leave the room. For example, you might need to open the window for a smothering plant, light candles, clean the altar, or slide levers up or down to unlock a door. After you have solved enough puzzles, you will return to the altar. The number of puzzles you must solve increases with the number of Favors you already posses.
To leave the puzzle area prematurely (and fail the puzzle) you can DROP MY ORB to destroy your orb and be teleported to the entrance of the favor area.
For spoilers to solve the puzzles, go here.

Once you've successfully exited the favor area, return to the West gate of Shard.

  1. DOWN
  2. UP
  3. GO BLACK ARCH (6 times)
  4. LIE
  5. GO OPEN (You'll crawl through a tunnel. This will take some time)
  6. STAND
  8. EAST (4 times)
  9. GO ROAD
  10. EAST (4 times)

Make your way to the Temple of Light in Shard, one block east of the Great Tower (located in the center of the city) on RanikMap67.
From inside the Temple of Light:

  1. NORTH

You will return your filled favor orb (see below) to the altar in this room inside the Temple of Light (Lich room 11381) documented on RanikMap67d:

[Temple of Light, Alcove of Eylhaar]
Dark grey walls enclose a somber chamber dominated by an ebony dais in the center of the room. Censers in the four corners fill the air with the aroma of sandalwood. Worshippers repeat hushed prayers of peace for departed friends and relatives as others sit in silence, remembering the dead. Ebony pews with kneeler boards are set before the altar. You also see a pearl arch. Obvious exits: none.

Once you've filled your favor orb:


Gaining Favors from Immortal-Specific Altars

There are a lot of altars strewn about the Realms that are dedicated to specific Immortals and several of them may be used to get an orb from that specific Immortal. Altars for the Thirteen and their light and dark aspects can be found in the Eyes of the Thirteen in the Crossing Temple.

Unlike the General Altars, the task to get a favor requires the sacrifice of a physical object; what object is acceptable is dependent on which Immortal that altar is dedicated to. For example, the Hodierna altar on the third tier of Ratha will take any of the proper offerings for Hodierna: healing herbs, unicorn beads, parchment unicorn primers, or Immortal Hodierna Cards.

You must put the sacrifice on the altar and PRAY. After about a minute the sacrifice will be replaced with a favor orb.

To use an aspect specific altar dedicated to a neutral or dark aspect, it usually must first be cleaned with holy water. Anyone with holy water may clean an altar. Necromancers are not encouraged to clean altars. A list of altars can be found here.

Immortal-specific altars only accept their own Immortal's orbs. Resurrection altars will accept favors from any Immortal.

Gaining Prydaen Favors

Prydaen can now obtain the favor of Eu-Demrris-Tenemlor. Information can be obtained under Prydaen Favors.

Unlike favor orbs, it is possible to carry as many symbols as you wish. The symbols only drain specific experience pools and do not need to be returned to an altar; they automatically convert to favors when full.

Gaining Rakash Favors

Rakash can obtain favors in the Awksa Dzilvawta Ala outside of Siksraja. No experience sacrifice is required, though favors are capped at a maximum of six.

How to Fill Favor Orbs

When it comes to filling the orb there are two methods available to you, you can either RUB the orb to take a small amount of experience from your active pools or you can HUG the orb to give up all experience that has not been drained. You may rub a favor orb inside of a container, but must hold the orb to hug it.

Filled Levels

  1. glows faintly and wavers slightly
  2. glows faintly
  3. glows a pale (color), wavering slightly
  4. glows a steady pale (color)
  5. glows strong (color), wavering slightly
  6. glows a strong and steady (color)
  7. (no response when overfilled)

Orb Colors

Orb Colors vary by guild. There have been some cases of people claiming their orb does not match the prescribed color.

Favors have different descriptors the more experience you put into them, starting off with no color, then becoming pale, steady and finally strong before being properly prepared for sacrifice. If an orb is overfilled, such as by filling them and dying before redeeming them, looking at them will produce no reaction at all.

Color Guild(s)
black Ranger
blue Paladin
brown Bard
green Empath
gold Moon Mage
orange Warrior Mage
red Barbarian
violet Thief
white Commoner, Necromancer, Trader
yellow Cleric

The Orb Myth

There is a prevalent myth about experience leaking from a favor. This most likely originated in the confusion with cambrinth orbs that leak mana.

Favors will never ever lose experience that has been placed inside it. The perception of "leakage" comes from when multiple orbs are filled simultaneously. The orb size is based solely on the number of favors and circles you have at the time of rubbing it.

If you have two orbs both at maximum experience and place one on an altar, the second orb will expand and need more experience since you now have more favors.

The same is true with departing. If you have an orb that is partially filled (based on the look) and die and depart, losing one or more favors, it can potentially be full when next rubbed.

Favor Orb Storage

Favor orbs cannot be safely stored 'off your person.' Although they can be placed on the ground, on objects (like tables), or in containers (like vaults) without immediate destruction, if left in any such place 'off your person' for too long favor orbs will shatter, leaving behind some shattered glass. When off your person a favor orb will emit a glow and then pulse light. When it begins to rapidly pulse light that is the final warning before it shatters. Keeping favor orbs on your person is the best way to keep them safe.[1]

When stowed in a container on your person, a favor orb will message the room once a short time later. If that container is open the room will see a faint glow from that container, but if that container is closed the room will hear a low whine from the container instead.

Favors and the General Populace

Most people in Elanthia in fact do not have favors at all. This is one of the many reasons that the great masses of the lands tend to be both terrified of, and in awe of, Adventurers. It's also one of the reasons why wars and disasters and diseases are actually a big deal lore-wise -- most folks do not come back. They live one time, they die one time. This isn't because these people are just too lazy or stupid to try and gain favors.[2]

Most of the masses of Elanthia:

  • Live too far away to 'safely' take the treks to places that give favor orbs. They aren't trained in combat or survival and may never survive the journey.
  • Don't seem to be able to fill the favor orbs if they manage to gain one. Does this mean the Immortals don't care about that type of memory? Maybe. Does this mean that the Immortals don't care to bring back the average person? Absolutely. Does anyone ICly know for sure why this happens this way? No, but being religion, people have their stories and theories and beliefs, certainly.
  • Still pray and give their own types of offerings to the Immortals anyway, for a variety of reasons all related to trying to convince the Immortals to care about and do nice things for them, up to and including bringing them back if they die. It's just not a reliable transaction the way that favor orbs are for Adventurers. Sometimes a member of the greater masses has their prayers answered in a way that is undeniably the work of an Immortal, but a lot of times, it's not so easy to say if they were answered or not.


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