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< Nilme
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Nilme believes that where we came from, events we experience, everyday rituals of making tea, and people we meet all contribute to who you become. A life rich with experience creates something rather extraordinary. This is her story, and the history that drives her toward one day, becoming just that.

The Early Years


On the 15th day of the 5th month of Uthmor the Giant, in 333 AV, Nilme, a Celestial Elf, was born to two Ilithic Bards. They traveled as a family throughout the Realms, making music when it was safe to do so, and hiding when necessary. Here is her tale, written as an autobiographical song: "Nilme's Tale".

Orphaned at an early age when evil chose a mortal sin,

a fair young child with blue-black hair, her tale, in sorrow, doth begin.

Her parents (strong, Ilithic souls) did travel far and wide, they say.

to sing the 'Rage', the 'Drums', 'Resolve'. Their instruments, they'd gladly play.

They wandered into forest deep, where Cheldennat made his abode,

and to their ignorance- he crept and sent them down the Starry Road.

Upon their walk, they left this child in forest glen to mourn and keen,

when the selfish Cheldennat, smiled, and toward the child approached unseen.

With one strong arm, he swept the child, fleeing quickly from the glen.

To home he went, and kept her there, a slave, to cook, and clean his den.

Her days were spent in cold, dark room with naught but pallet, pot and chair;

But merry ever was her soul, in spite of Cheldennat's cold stare.

In secret, this young maiden sang- her mother's gift, a high, clear voice;

Her Father's gift, a merry heart. She, through each struggle, did rejoice.

While Cheldennat did hunt and fight, she mended rags and cooked his meal.

In humour mild, she'd tend the fire and grew the herbs, his wounds to heal.

O'er many andu, her sweet voice, a beaming light to darkness showed,

and finally the day arrived- Cheldennat walked the Starry Road.

She stayed for days in cottage old but Cheldennat came not to feed.

She finally went to garden gate- hunger and thirst an aching need.

As she ventured through the brush, she saw the world, amazed, through eyes

which recognized, at last, the truth masked by Cheldennat's bold lies.

She wandered 'round, ('twas grace alone, that kept her far from danger's way).

To the Crossing she finally came, and heard a street-side minstrel play.

Her spirit rose. Her heart grew light. Cheldennat's prison now her past.

She asked him whereupon he'd learned, and found the Bard Guildhalls at last.

She saw the ones who came and went through magic portal, smiling wide.

She spoke with Silvyrfrost to join and then at once ventured inside.

And so her life began anew, good friends she meets and songs she sings.

She embraces with heart, the Bardic life, and smiles at all that each day brings.

During this time, Elanthia, and the Bard Guild were experiencing great change.

When Life Really Began

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Nilme joined the Bard Guild in 372 AV, spending her time learning and training in the Crossing Guild, eventually moving to Riverhaven to continue her education. In 373 AV, she met and was adopted by Bardess, Achrennight Nightengale ibnFilanti, and Ranger, Izzit Myadow. Shortly thereafter Nilme moved to her beloved Langenfirth and became a Therengian Citizen. She became very active in the community, making many friends. She and a number of Bards spent a lot of time in the backroom of Jarrod's Bowyers Shop. So many Bards and so frequently that we dubbed it "The Langenfirth Bard Guild". Additionally, she joined the Order of the Crystal Wolf, which has since been disbanded.

Then the war came.

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As Elanthia was thrown into the Outcast War (see also Outcast War/Timeline), between 375-379 AV, Nilme rose alongside many others and served as best she could as a member of the Northern Watch.

Following the liberation of Shard, the Realms turned its eyes on the future, and the arts flourished. Nilme began performing regularly, and in 381 AV joined the newly formed Theren Theatre Players, which came to be following the debut of Baron Gyfford's Therenborough Theatre.

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In 384 AV, the Ru'atin Peri'el opened its doors for the first time since the genocide wrought by the hands of the Dragon Priests. However, the hard-won peace was shattered 4 short years later, in 388 AV, when the Dragon Priests re-emerged and led attacks against Ilithi, Zoluren, and Therengia.

In 389 AV, the Dragon Priest Empire brought its evil to Aesry Surlaenis'a, vowing to silence Peri'el with an attack on her Sisterhood, the Ru'atin Peri'el. The new empress Hhrsaraa, the self-proclaimed daughter of Dzree, was revealed.

Nilme was among a large contingency of Bards and others who went to the island to listen to the Ru'atin Peri'el sing. Those assembled were ambushed by the Dragon Priests. Blood flowed on the Grassy Hill, at the House of Ru'atin Peri'el, and across the island before Hhrsaraa and the Priests with her were killed. This event still haunts her.


During the course of many years, Nilme attended events, including the well-celebrated wedding of Prince Vorclaf of Zoluren to Princess Arilana of Andreshlew, during the Feast of Eluned, 382 AV, and trained, along with spending time with valued friends.

In the 4th month, Shorka the Cobra, in the year of the Emerald Dolphin, 383 AV, Nilme was bonded to Dreisin Magther and adopted his children, Tucktayuctuc, Mieya, and Eyota. Sadly, they only had a short time together before Dreisin disappeared from the Realms, making her a young widow, and leaving his children without the loving Father they adored. Nilme continued composing and performing.

Self-imposed Exile

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Many years passed. During 395, her heart weighed heavily, and with great regret, she left the Realms.

For far too long.

Coming Home

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In 431 AV, Nilme's self-imposed exile ended, and with great joy, she returned to the Realms (late 2019). She moved to Crossing to get re-acclimated and in 433 AV, changed her citizenship to Zoluren. She bought a house on Swithen's Court in Crossing.

Nilme survived the horrors of the Gorbesh Invasion and claims of Time Warps The First Land Herald 434-03-30, and was present at the attempt to contact the Timekeeper Veralos The First Land Herald 434-10-38.

She joined the Tavern Troupe in 435 AV and the next year she rented a cottage in Aesry, so she would have a place of respite and comfort as she composes.

Recent History

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In 437 AV, she moved once again to Langenfirth and re-established her Therengian Citizenship. 437 AV was particularly significant, as she was present at the Bard Guild Meeting where Dragon Priests attacked and subsequent meetings where retaliative actions were discussed and planned.

438 AV brought a large number of changes into Nilme's life.

She added to her family by adopting Baylix, and later, Lasaia.

Meanwhile, disillusioned with Baron Gyfford and his court, she no longer felt welcome or comfortable in Theren and made the difficult decision to denounce her citizenship in Therengia and move out of the province.

Around this time, Daerlynn Soulmyste gathered a group of people (including Nilme) for discussions, and founded The Arthe Repertory Team (TART), a performing arts group, where Nilme currently serves as Council Chair and Performer.

Not long after, Nilme was surprised and honored with an invitation to become a council member in the Tavern Troupe. She accepted and a vote in her favor was taken.

Current Events

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Nilme is currently in a very happy relationship with Useff Budna, who shares her Guild, and her love of music. They have a home in Fayrin's Rest, and are citizens of Ilithi.

They spend time composing and performing duets at various events and can frequently be found hunting, traveling, exploring, training, loitering in the Crossing Bard Guild, and simply enjoying each other's company.

As of this writing, it has been 441 years, 392 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 10th month of Nissa the Maiden in the year of the Silver Unicorn, and more adventures await!

Find out more!


  • Discord: Nilme Iondu'il#2122