Breaking and Entering

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The Breaking and Entering system allows individuals or groups to enter properties to steal items and gain experience. The system entered the Test server in 433 (January 2020) and was released to all 3 instances in 433 (February 2020).


  • The system takes advantage of the new BURGLE verb. It should only work in justice areas that are outdoors.
  • There is a new AVOID !CRIME setting, which prevents people from leading you into a B&E instance, even if you're in their group.
  • Thieves will want to make use of some Khri. There are three Khri that give an advantage, but which three are currently undocumented.
  • Survival skillset placement has a significant impact in multiple ways, including chance to find a piece of loot from a surface and cooldown.


  • Failure is determined by the player doing something wrong, there is no random "snake eyes" failure.
  • The fine for being caught can potentially be fairly high. (Your overall criminal history plays a part in the calculations of fines.)
  • Getting caught in Clan Justice (e.g. Knife Clan) will result in your right hand being chopped off.
  • Stay out of sight. Either dark of night, or stealth is required.
  • Don't linger. Unless you're a very fast Thief using all the Khri advantages, you don't have time to get loot out of every room.
  • Don't do it too often. There's a message when the cooldown expires. You will automatically fail and be arrested if you BURGLE while under the cooldown timer.
  • Put/send away all vanity pets and Ranger companions before you burgle. Breaking and entering will eat them.

Subscription Levels

  • Premium subscription provides a few bonuses. It reduces cooldown and increases chance of loot slightly.
  • F2P Characters don't grant extra rooms, and they don't grant lower cooldown for better survival skillset placement. They also have a very low chance of finding loot, even using Khri.

Getting In and Getting Out

  • You need some method of entry, either a lockpick, lockpick ring, or a heavy rope. This will determine the entry method experience you get.
  • A lockpick or lockpick ring will train Locksmithing on success.
  • A heavy rope will train Athletics on success.
  • The item in your right hand will take precedence. If you are wearing a lockpick ring and holding a rope, the rope will be used.
  • To exit a burglarized domicile, return to the kitchen (where you always enter) and GO WINDOW.


  • Entry method experience is granted on exit.
  • You get half experience if you are caught in the home, or exit the home with a guard in the room you started in.
  • You gain additional experience from SEARCHing or RUMMAGEing through each surface in the rooms, Thievery and Stealth (if you're hidden/invisible).
  • Note: you will receive this experience for the action; it is not dependent on finding an item to award the EXP.
  • As per GM Javac, "You do not get experience for finding nothing. You can search/rummage again on that container to try and find something."
  • Note: if you fail to find something on a surface, you can re-search/re-rummage it to try again, with an equal chance to pick something up the 2nd time. However, only 1 item may be picked up per surface, per BURGLE, so move onto another room if you find an item.
  • Survival primary behaves slightly differently. Each Survival primary increases the entry method experience. Entering with a group of 3 or more survival primes will allow you to learn both athletics and locksmithing entry method skills in the same burgle.

Cooldown Times

Standard Acct
Premium Acct
Thieves 60 min 25 min 20 min
Survival Primary 60 min 30 min 25 min
Survival Secondary 60 min 40 min 35 min
Survival Tertiary 60 min 50 min 45 min

Your entire group uses the best time, and your entire group benefits from a premium character in your group.

  • Having a Premium character in your group, regardless of their skillset placement, reduces the cooldown by five minutes.
  • As an example, if a Premium Bard (Survival Tertiary) and a Standard Thief were to burgle together in a group, both characters would have a 20 minute cooldown. (Standard Thief = 25 minutes, -5 minutes for a Premium character.)

Your cooldown only reduces with in-game time; logging out does not run down the timer.

Checking Cooldown

You can use BURGLE RECALL to determine how long you should wait. There is also a HELP option, so HELP VERB BURGLE as well as BURGLE HELP will give you this information. Additionally, you will receive the following message when the cooldown timer is up:

A tingling on the back of your neck draws attention to itself by disappearing, making you believe the heat is off from your last break in.

If you attempt to BURGLE before your cooldown timer is up, you will immediately be charged with a crime and taken into custody if you attempt to do it in a justice zone.


  • All houses contain a Kitchen and a Bedroom.
  • Each primary skillset characters, with the exception of Paladins and F2P characters, will unlock a different room.
  • For example, having a Moon Mage and a Barbarian will unlock two additional rooms, the Sanctum and the Armory.
  • Non-F2P Survival primary also behaves slightly differently, with each Survival primary in the group unlocking a random room that isn't already unlocked.
  • example needed
Room Searchable Surfaces Unlocked by Guild Notes
Kitchen counter All Always present regardless of guild
Bedroom bed All Always present regardless of guild
Armory rack Barbarian
Library bookshelf Bard, Empath, Trader
Sanctum desk Cleric, Moon Mage, Warrior Mage
Work Room table Barbarian
  • Paladins can BURGLE if they wish, but will not unlock any additional rooms.
  • Rangers, Necromancers and Thieves unlock a random room that isn't already unlocked.


Currently, the list is set up to separate by the Room an item is found in, however the loot table once the system goes live may turn out to be universal to all rooms.






Work Room


  • in testing cunning seems to decrease my fine but this needs more testing

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