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Used in the Alchemy profession to create different items, this item is often paired with a mixing stick. A Cauldron may also be used similarly. See the Crafting tools page for more details.


 QualityQuality #SpeedSpeed #DurabilityDurability #Rarity
Aged clay bowl painted with faded vipersmasterfully-crafted12not very effective5rather reinforced11common
Alabaster bowl with ivy carved in relief around the rimmasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Blue ceramic bowlwell-crafted7very ineffective4appreciably susceptible7common
Bowl formed of overlapping spider webs carved from opaque quartzitemasterfully-crafted12not very effective5highly protected13festival
Bronze-edged purpleheart bowlmasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Carved maple bowlmasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Carved oaken bowl with openwork of galloping horseswell-crafted7very ineffective4appreciably susceptible7common
Ceramic mixing bowl with glazingmasterfully-crafted12not very effective5rather reinforced11common
Crockery potwell-crafted7very ineffective4appreciably susceptible7raffle
Crudely carved wooden bowlwell-crafted7very ineffective4appreciably susceptible7
Dark crystal bowl edged with silver filigreewell-crafted7very ineffective4appreciably susceptible7common
Dark felstone bowl painted with crude figuresmasterfully-crafted12not very effective5highly protected13festival
Darkstone mixing bowl bearing firestained images limned in sanguineous huesmasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Deep bowl carved out of blue suiritemasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Deep hammered brass bowl with crimped enamel edgescommon
Dull steel bowl with wire handlesmasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Felstone bowl covered with blood-like stainsmasterfully-crafted12not very effective5highly protected13festival
Food bowlwell-crafted7very ineffective4appreciably susceptible7common
Gold-edged bloodwood bowlmasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Granite bowl painted with a haggard troll face on the sidemasterfully-crafted12not very effective5a bit safeguarded10festival
Green muracite bowl with gold inlaymasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Green wooden bowl with carved handlesmasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Green-dyed steel bowl with wire handlesmasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Green-stained walnut bowl with carved handlesmasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
Icesteel bowl engraved with wavy linesmasterfully-crafted12rather effective7marginally vulnerable8festival
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