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Item:Potency crystal: Difference between revisions

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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{#ask:[[Category:Shield]][[pcrystal is::true]]|?Is combat type=Type|?source is=Source|format=table|limit=15}}
{{#ask:[[Category:Shield]][[pcrystal is::true]]|?Is combat type=Type|?source is=Source|format=table|limit=15}}

[[Item category is::clothing]]
[[Item category is::clothing]]
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|format=table|limit=10|link=all|headers=show|searchlabel=... further results|class=sortable wikitable smwtable}}
|format=table|limit=10|link=all|headers=show|searchlabel=... further results|class=sortable wikitable smwtable}}

[[Item category is::container]]
[[Item category is::container]]
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|format=table|limit=10|link=all|headers=show|searchlabel=... further results|class=sortable wikitable smwtable}}
|format=table|limit=10|link=all|headers=show|searchlabel=... further results|class=sortable wikitable smwtable}}

[[Item category is::other]]
[[Item category is::other]]
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{| class="wikitable sortable" align="center"
{| class="wikitable sortable" align="center"
|{{ilink|i|tooled moneybelt with a jeweled buckle}}||[[Dunshade: Echo of Tears]]||4||holds money||starts at 30 coins - max of 90
|{{ilink|i|supple leather moneybelt with a brilliant cambrinth and niello buckle}}||[[Grey Raven Commissary]]||4||holds money||starts at 300 coins - max of 360
|{{ilink|i|miser's moneybelt bedecked with reinforced steelsilk pouches}}||[[Guildfest 412 Auction]]||4||holds money||starts at 40 coins - max of 100
|{{ilink|i|elven wool moneybelt with a polished platinum buckle}}||[[Morum Melgorehn]]||4||holds money||starts at 35 coins - max of 95
|{{ilink|i|Supple grendel-skin moneybelt}}||[[Morum Melgorehn]]||4||holds money||starts at 150 coins - max of 210
|{{ilink|i|sea-blue moneybelt of thick leather worked with a cresting wave pattern}}||[[Ruins of Ulf'Hara]]||4||holds money||starts at 20 coins - max of 80
|{{ilink|i|black leather moneybelt clasped by a jade dragon}}||[[Squat Bungalow]]||4||holds money||starts at 25 coins - max of 85
|{{ilink|i|green leather moneybelt with an ornate animite dragon buckle}}||[[Taisidon Raffles 420]]||4||holds money||starts at 30 coins - max 90
|{{ilink|i|black leather moneybelt clasped by a mammoth's head buckle}}||[[Treasure map]]||4||holds money||starts at 5 coins - max 65
|{{ilink|i|enruned bone staff}}||[[Ruins of Ulf'Hara]]||3||holds runestones||unlocks 10 bezels to hold runestones
|{{ilink|i|scintillating electrum tuner}}||[[Drathrok's Assemblage]]||3||mana tuner: elemental||unlocks other mana frequencies
|{{ilink|i|shining gold tuner}}||[[Drathrok's Assemblage]]||3||mana tuner: holy||unlocks other mana frequencies
|{{ilink|i|patinated copper tuner}}||[[Drathrok's Assemblage]]||3||mana tuner: life||unlocks other mana frequencies
|{{ilink|i|bright silver tuner}}||[[Drathrok's Assemblage]]||3||mana tuner: lunar||unlocks other mana frequencies
|{{ilink|i|brown gargoyle-hide boots adorned with leathery wings}}||[[Drathrok's Assemblage]]||2||movement modifier||unlocks additional travel messaging; reduces cooldown (4 hours)
|{{ilink|i|pair of black leather boots tooled with a spiderweb pattern}}||[[Drathrok's Assemblage]]||2||movement modifier||unlocks additional travel messaging; reduces cooldown (4 hours)
|{{ilink|i|pair of fuzzy brown mouse slippers}}||[[Drathrok's Assemblage]]||2||movement modifier||unlocks additional travel messaging; reduces cooldown (4 hours)
|{{ilink|i|pig}}||[[Pa Thorkim]]||4||pet||unlocks 5 tricks, 12 verbs, can wear 3 items, can be runbed to magically change appearance
|{{ilink|i|bandolier adorned with heavy white ironwood beadwork}}||[[Ties for Things]]||8||tie item||adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
|{{ilink|i|bandolier adorned with heavy white ironwood beadwork}}||[[Ties for Things]]||8||tie item||adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
Line 163: Line 127:
|{{ilink|i|woven harness with soft fleece padding}}||[[Ties for Things]]||9||tie item||adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
|{{ilink|i|woven harness with soft fleece padding}}||[[Ties for Things]]||9||tie item||adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
|{{ilink|i|shimmering faeweave rope}}||[[Quest for Kanton's Dagger]]||4||trains athleticism||increases duration of use each day by 4 minutes per crystal, to a maximum of 20 minutes per day
|{{ilink|i|sanowret crystal}}||[[Bacon Man's Birthday Bash 419 Auction]]||8||trains arcana||unlocks 8 additional lectures; can be pushed to change them
|{{ilink|i|weathered textbook with a tattered cover}}||[[Duskruin Labyrinth]]||4||trains first aid, scholarship, and empathy||unlocks tier 5 (all 122 anatomy charts)
|{{ilink|i|hefty steelsilk-bound encyclopedia with gold-edged vellum pages}}||[[All in Good Tome (2)]]||4||trains first aid, scholarship, and empathy||unlocks tier 5 (all 122 anatomy charts)
|{{ilink|i|delicate platinum diadem set with glittering black opals}}||[[Prison Riot: The Aftermath]]||8||universal translator||increases duration (2 hours); decreases cooldown (1 hour)

Latest revision as of 11:23, 5 November 2023

potency crystal
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 1,500 Kronars1,200 Lirums <br />1,082.4 Dokoras <br />1.5 LTBpoints <br />1.5 Tickets <br />1.5 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an item.
  • This item is magical.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Thorkim Family Farm 429/Pig Maze, Test command, Taisidon Mystery 450/End Loot, Taisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade, Taisidon Mystery 443/A'baya Esplanade, Taisidon Mystery 439/A'baya Esplanade, Su Helmas 444: Make Haste!/End loot, Su Helmas 440: Entrapped/End loot, Su Helmas 438: The Forbidden Temple/End loot, Squat Bungalow (2), Snake Pit, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/End loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/End loot, Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439/End loot, Seastar Curios, Ruins of Ulf'Hara/Supply Wagon, Return to the Keep 423/Supply Wagon, Musical Chairs of Doom, Jolly green duffel bag stitched with holly leaves, House of the Revenant Fang 437/Shadowy Safehouse, House of the Revenant Fang 429/Shadowy Safehouse, House of the Revenant Fang 423/Shadowy Safehouse, House of the Revenant Fang 423/Incidental loot, Hollow Eve Festival 450/Raffles, Hollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 447/Raffles, Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 443/Raffles, Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 439/Raffles, Hollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 439/Darkbox, Hollow Eve Festival 436/Raffles, Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 436/Darkbox, Hollow Eve Festival 428/Raffles, Hollow Eve Festival 425/Raffles, Hollow Eve Festival 421/Raffles, Harawep Shrine 425, Harawep Shrine 421, Guildfest 445/Raffles, Grave earth pile 432 prizes, Grave earth pile 428 prizes, Grave earth pile 425 prizes, Grave earth pile 421 prizes, Game of Chicken 425 prizes, Finest Box of Gems (3), Finest Box of Gems (2), Finest Box of Gems (1), Estate Holder Mini-Fest 442/Raffles... further results ... further results| ]] ... further resultsProperty "Page source is" (as page type) with input value "Estate Holder Mini-Fest 442/Raffles[[:Special:Ask/-5B-5BSource-20for::Item:Potency-20crystal-5D-5D/mainlabel=/limit=50/order=desc/sort=/offset=50/format=list/link=none" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.| ]]

You could APPLY the potency crystal to one of your items that's receptive to it. With proper training, you could RECALL more about it as well.
Note that only certain items are receptive to these devices. You can ANALYZE them to identify them.


Warning: Recalling a potency crystal changes the script so that the crystal will not fit into a crystal stacking wallet.

Locked away within the libraries of Throne City for years, Archmagus Fleintoore has had ample time to scour rare and ancient texts. If the rumors are to be trusted, at some point late in Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe in the year of the Emerald Dolphin (8th month of year 418 AL), Fleintoore uncovered obscure references to a powerful device that was used to empower and fuel magical devices without the aid of a living intermediary. Unable to find a name for the device, the Archmagus dubbed it Fleintoore's Folio.

Working with the renowned enchanter Xathvier, Fleintoore sought to recreate the fabled device. After many failed experiments (and ruined enchanting chambers!), Xathvier suggested splitting the effects of the enchantment -- one to revitalize and maintain a device's power, and a separate one to expand the device's capacity.

This, indeed, proved to be a path to success. What you have before you is one half of Fleintoore's Folio, the fabled device lost to time. Xathvier has dubbed this portion the "potency crystal" for its penchant to unlock greater abilities within a suitable device.

Compatible Items


Deep ebony exoskeletal axeMedium Edged
Light Thrown
Item:Thick armband formed by joined segments of blackened carapace
Ruins of Ulf'Hara/Supply Wagon
Return to the Keep 423/Supply Wagon
Deep ebony exoskeletal bludgeonLight BluntItem:Thin anklet made of black interwoven fibers
Drathrok's Duskruin 419/Drathrok's Assemblage
Deep ebony exoskeletal broadswordHeavy EdgedItem:Ruby-inlaid ebony skull hung from a heavy iron chain
Deep ebony exoskeletal claymoreTwohanded EdgedItem:Polished deep ebony ring carved to resemble a curled millipede
Deep ebony exoskeletal halberdPolearmsItem:Thin e'erdream ring bereft of decoration
Owirvald Riverhaven Auction 427
Item:Crudely-hewn band of dark bog oak
Deep ebony exoskeletal hammerMedium BluntDrathrok's Duskruin 419/Drathrok's Assemblage
Item:Delicate silver pendant encasing a black widow spider
Deep ebony exoskeletal katarLight EdgedSquat Bungalow
Squat Bungalow (1)
Item:Deep ebony scarab amulet inset with emerald eyes
Deep ebony exoskeletal longswordHeavy Edged
Deep ebony exoskeletal mattockTwohanded BluntItem:Thin black armband made from interlocking ebony spiders
Drathrok's Duskruin 419/Drathrok's Assemblage
Deep ebony exoskeletal scimitarMedium EdgedSquat Bungalow
Flame-bladed bastard sword riven by a channel of truegoldHeavy Edged
Twohanded Edged
Droughtman's Challenge 450/End loot
Icesteel awl pike lambent with constellations of starshinePolearmsDroughtman's Challenge 450/End loot
Icy-blue blade set with a glacier emerald in its crossguardLight Edged
Medium Edged
Heavy Edged
Squat Bungalow (2)
Squat Bungalow (1)
Extreme Shop
Corik's Secret: Treasures of the Tomb/End loot
Whisper-thin asharsh'dai dagger set with an inscribed maelstoneLight EdgedSu Helmas 440: Entrapped/Raffle
Item:Canvas bag pinned with a diacan panther




Brown gargoyle-hide boots adorned with leathery wingsDrathrok's Duskruin 419/Drathrok's Assemblage
Flowing blindfold of purple Imperial weaveSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Raffle
Item:Sindon sack pinned with a purple gold blindfold
Jadeleaf cloth carpenter's toolbelt pyrographed with conifersDroughtman's Challenge 450/Incidental loot
Pair of black leather boots tooled with a spiderweb patternDrathrok's Duskruin 419/Drathrok's Assemblage
Pair of fuzzy brown mouse slippersDrathrok's Duskruin 419/Drathrok's Assemblage
Silvery watersilk moneybelt with a filigree gold buckle
Snakeskin-patterned moneybelt with alternating purple gold and niniam scalesSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Incidental loot
Soft scarlet calfskin moneybelt with a carved onyx buckleItem:Scarlet canvas backpack with thick black leather straps
Droughtman's Maze
Supple crocodile skin moneybelt studded with razor-sharp teeth
Tall bitterweave top hat with various faces swirling across its surfaceDrathrok's Duskruin 448/Incidental loot
... further results


Amber-hued glass bottle capped with an autumn jasper stopperEstate Holder gifts
Black leather moneybelt clasped by a jade dragonSquat Bungalow (1)
Cinnamon-hued jar composed of iridescent glassThe Parfumerie
Delicate perfume bottle with a peach-shaped stopperThe Parfumerie
Elven wool moneybelt with a polished platinum buckleMorum Melgorehn/End loot
Faceted glass vial tinted a mossy green hueThe Parfumerie
Fiery red perfume bottle covered in gold filigreeThe Parfumerie
Green leather moneybelt with an ornate animite dragon buckleTaisidon Safari 420/Raffles
Heavily embroidered sash with gemstone fractalsHollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizes
Hollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizes
Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Hollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes
Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes
Lustrous brilliantine tobacco pouchTaisidon Mystery 450/End Loot
Taisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade
... further results


Applewood wand topped with an autumn jasper pumpkinSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/Incidental loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/Incidental loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439/Incidental loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 436/Incidental loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 432/Incidental loot
Armor strap forged from ring mailTies for Things (7)
Armory strap salvaged from a worn harnessTies for Things (7)
Astrologer's straps spangled with tiny gemsTies for Things
Ties for Things (7)
Ties for Things (6)
Black leather textbook embossed with a white skull and crossbonesDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 438/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 435/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 448/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Incidental loot
Black oak beam mottled by weatheringSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/Incidental loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/Incidental loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439/Incidental loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 436/Incidental loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 432/Incidental loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 428/Incidental loot
Blighted ironrot grooming kit etched with a forest of skeletal treesTaisidon Mystery 450/End Loot
Aesthene's Close 449/End Loot

Droughtman's Challenge 450/End loot
Blood-red smokewhorl battle chronicleDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Drathrok's Assemblage
Drathrok's Duskruin 438/Drathrok's Assemblage
Drathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblage
Bright silver tunerSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/End loot
Su Helmas 440: Entrapped/End loot
Su Helmas 438: The Forbidden Temple/End loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblage
Drathrok's Duskruin 442/Drathrok's Assemblage
Drathrok's Duskruin 438/Drathrok's Assemblage
Drathrok's Duskruin 435/Drathrok's Assemblage
Drathrok's Duskruin 430/Drathrok's Assemblage
Drathrok's Duskruin 426/Drathrok's Assemblage
Drathrok's Duskruin 422/Drathrok's Assemblage
Drathrok's Duskruin 421/Drathrok's Assemblage
Drathrok's Duskruin 419/Drathrok's Assemblage

Drathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot
Burnished green gold compact set with a Saendalen emerald palm treeTaisidon Mystery 443/A'baya Esplanade
Taisidon Mystery 439/A'baya Esplanade
Taisidon Mystery 450/End Loot
Taisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade
Taisidon Mystery 435/A'baya Esplanade
Droughtman's Challenge 450/End loot
... further results

Old Table (to flush away)

Item Source Max
bandolier adorned with heavy white ironwood beadwork Ties for Things 8 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
bourde alchemist's belt badly stained with black dye Ties for Things 5 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
bourde seamstress' belt embroidered with elegant flowers Ties for Things 5 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
braided toolstrap with steelsilk ties Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
burnished toolstrap with bronze plating and leather ties Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
deep blue harness studded with star diopsides Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
engineer's belt of garnet-colored bourde Ties for Things 5 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
hide bandolier stamped with a red scorpion Ties for Things 8 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
iron-plated harness emblazoned with a lion Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
leather bandolier painted with a striking copperhead viper Ties for Things 8 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
leather chest harness beaded with cocobolo Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
outfitter's belt crafted from olive green bourde Ties for Things 5 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
pair of black tactical thigh straps reinforced with thick leather Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
pair of reinforced straps on a platinum studded belt Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
pair of rugged straps accented with bone beading Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
rich thigh straps wrapped in golden silk Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
rugged bandolier accented with bone beading Ties for Things 8 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
rugged forger's belt wrapped with fraying grey bourde Ties for Things 5 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
silver studded divinator's belt of deep blue bourde Ties for Things 5 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
steel-plated bandolier painted with a sunset Ties for Things 8 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
studded toolstrap with black jasper beading Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
sturdy straps stained to a shadowy black Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
tailor's belt of mocha brown bourde Ties for Things 5 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
thick toolstrap with soft fleece padding Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
white bourde carpenter's belt Ties for Things 5 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
wide leather toolstrap with braided cord ties Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
willowy blackened leather toolstrap with onyx skull-shaped beads Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding
woven harness with soft fleece padding Ties for Things 9 tie item adds up to 10 ties; allows hiding