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Return to the Keep 423/Supply Wagon

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Supply Wagon
Event Return to the Keep 423
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Armor shops, Barbarian shops, Clothing shops, Cambrinth shops, Container shops, Jewelry shops, Magic shops, Moon Mage shops, Paladin shops, Toy shops, Warrior Mage shops, Weapon shops
Restrictions Quest
This store only accepts Ulf'Hara credit

note: this store accepts the ULF'HARA CREDIT currency and can be accessed directly from a distortion outside the Ulf'Hara Keep ruins in the Middens east of Crossing.

[Supply Wagon, Cache]
Stacked neatly around the walls are sets of treasures sorted into tidy piles. Each mound is placed under a sign hanging from the ceiling identifying its contents. Further baskets, coffers, and crates litter the ground, identically labeled with precise care. You also see a destroyed drum with a couple of things on it, a soldier statue with a charming tapestry carpetbag patterned with sprawling cabbage roses on it, a rusted anvil with several things on it, a rolled-out mat with a couple of things on it, an overturned tub with a couple of things on it, a long buffet with several things on it, a copper-banded table with several things on it, a wooden shelf with several things on it, a leather-sided trunk with several things on it, a painted door, a painted sign, Lord Zukir, a steel counter with several things on it, a makeshift display with several things on it, a tall wire frame covered in mirrored displays with several things on it, a REALLY BIG NOTICE ABOUT MIRRORS THAT YOU SHOULD READ and a walnut sidetable with several things on it.
Obvious exits: none.

A painted sign reads:

"ATTENTION: Squires in service to Lord Zukir Dyth and his men have made notes of every mission completed by every individual presenting a summons.  Each mission has been credited 1 credit which may be redeem for the bearer's choice of items in the Supply Wagon.

Credits do NOT need to be redeemed at the completion of a tour.  You may return to your home and answer another summons in the future to spend your credits then.  Some items will require saving and may need multiple summons to earn enough.

Different items are valued differently.  The Traders who were hired to sort the items may have their own reasons that you disagree with.  Such concerns can be raised, but Lord Dyth stands by the decisions of those more familiar with such matters.

Please spend your credits wisely.  There are no refunds or exchanges offered.  On behalf of the Zoluren royal family, we thank you for your service and hope you will return."<br/>
[Your account has earned (amount) credits.  These may be spent by any character on this account.  When one character spends the credits, they are removed from the pool.  Credits cannot be transferred to other characters or accounts.]

A notice reads:

"The look of the mirror will give you an idea of what it can change about your appearance. Please also LOOK on the various surfaces holding the mirrors to find items to READ about the specific mirrors on that surface.  No refunds will be given if you decide you dislike the option the mirror gives you!"

150+ Credits

On the small drydock
Item Price Done
waterstained voucher stamped with a galleon in full sail - a private ship 2,000   !!
This surface added on 7/26/2017 and is not limited.
On the lumpy boulder
Item Price Done
ominously glowing icesteel blade capped by a Teiro's Hate ruby 1,000   
This surface added on 7/26/2017 and was limited to three blades.
On the glass chapel
Item Price Done
Baron's wedding voucher 300   !!
This surface added on 7/26/2017 and was limited to three vouchers.
On the felt lawn
Item Price Done
home makeover voucher 200   !!
This surface added on 7/26/2017 and was limited to three vouchers.
On an embroidered bedroll
Item Price Done
blue-black crystal medallion strung upon a spectral white faesilk cord - Spectral reaper 150   !!

20-60 Credits

On a overturned tub
Item Price Done
classic black umbrella with an elaborately carved green parrot's head handle - flies you to a location and back, reset-able 60   !!
baroque ivory wand inlaid with vengeance rubies - Blood Burst 60   !!
On a rusted anvil
Item Price Done
small round pouch embroidered with a glossy blue-black orb - Contains a glossy blue-black orb (450-stone carapace mail hauberk) 50   No
small round pouch embroidered with a bone-white orb - Contains a bone-white orb (232-stone carapace segmented bone hauberk) 50   !!
frigid icesteel wand with a miniature scythe-shaped tip - Frost Scythe 50   !!
lucid crystalline ampoule - minor sorcerous backlash absorber 50   
lifesculpted Ilithian cedar wand twisted around an Elamiri sapphire - Ice Patch 50   !!
On a rolled-out mat
Item Price Done
scroll folio embossed with an image of Ulf'hara keep - 50 max of each/40 types scroll stacker 40   !!
wand of eventide moonstone etched with a kaleidoscope of butterflies - Shear 40   !!
gath mysanda - Refills your full magical attunement instantly. added on 7/23/2017. 40   DG

Familiars for Warrior Mages

On a long buffet
Item Price Done
grey talisman pouch embroidered with the image of a grizzled black panther - Appearance: a grizzled black panther with razor-sharp fangs 40   No
beige-white talisman pouch embroidered with the image of a scarred lynx - Appearance: a viciously scarred beige-white lynx with black-tipped ears 40   No
talisman pouch embroidered with the image of a white-faced owl in mid-flight - Appearance: a white-faced owl with piercing red eyes 40   No
black and white talisman pouch embroidered with a grinning panda bear - Appearance: a bright eyed panda bear with soft downy fur 40   No
pure white talisman pouch embroidered with the image of a running snow leopard - Appearance: a muscular white snow leopard with piercing blue eyes 40   No
polished leather talisman pouch embroidered with a snarling grizzly bear - Appearance: a gigantic brown grizzly bear with massive sharp claws 40   No
On a destroyed drum
Item Price Done
blue leather wallet with a crystal painted on the front - 50x potency crystal stacker + 7 potency crystals 30   !!
purple leather wallet with a stone painted on the front - 50x infuser stone stacker + 7 infuser stones 30   !!
On a soldier statue
Item Price Done
charming tapestry carpetbag patterned with sprawling cabbage roses - 18 x 13 x 8 (1500 stones) + alchemy ties 20   !!

15 Credits

On a wide stand
Item Price Done
dark climbing rope woven with strangely glowing threads - trains athletics (unlimited uses) 15   !!
small iridescent cube - 75-charge crystal sanctuary, tower style 15   !!
fierce chakrel bear 15   !!
rampant chakrel dragon 15   !!
happy chakrel otter 15   !!
sleek chakrel shark 15   !!
silver-limned chakrel gladiolus 15   !!
smoky soulstone gladiolus 15   !!
smoky soulstone keep 15   !!
smoky soulstone knight 15   !!
smoky soulstone wolf 15   !!
smoky soulstone gavel 15   !!
The chakrel and soulstones are all generally worn.
This surface added on 7/23/2017.

10 Credits (Feature Mirrors)

On a narrow tray (on a wire frame)
Item Price Done
blocky mirror featuring a S'kra with a zig-zagged tail - a zig-zagged tail with iridescent scales 10   !!
spotted mirror featuring a person with an outlandishly long tail - an outlandishly long tail 10   !!
striped mirror featuring a person with a timidly tucked tail - a timidly tucked tail 10   !!
pinstriped mirror featuring a person with a flopping smooshed tail - a flopping smooshed tail 10   !!
cracked mirror featuring a Prydaen with a frazzled static-charged tail - a frazzled static-charged tail 10   !!
squiggle-covered mirror featuring a person with a lackadaisical tail - a lackadaisical tail 10   !!
polished mirror featuring a person with a glitter-dusted spiraling tail - a glitter-dusted spiraling tail 10   !!
dotted mirror featuring a person with an oddly twisted and slightly forked tail - an oddly twisted and slightly forked tail 10   !!
buffed mirror featuring a Rakash with a tightly braided tail with a poofy feathered tip - a tightly braided tail with a poofy feathered tip 10   !!
smeared mirror featuring a person with a partially severed tail - a partially severed tail 10   !!
speckled mirror featuring a person with a curly little tail - a curly little tail 10   !!
drizzled mirror featuring a person with a seriously kinked tail - a seriously kinked tail 10   No
splotched mirror featuring a person with a severely scorched tail - a severely scorched tail 10   No
A tail-mirror flag reads:
"These mirrors will change your tail. They will not work if you do not have a tail. Please note that if a mirror depicts a particular race, it will only work for members of that race. Please also make sure you read the notice in this room for more important mirror information!"
On a triangular platter (on a wire frame)
Item Price Done
avaes mirror featuring a blank face with an upturned snobbish nose - upturned snobbish nose/snout 10   
felstone mirror featuring a blank face with a haughtily aristocratic nose - haughtily aristocratic nose/snout 10   !!
gneiss mirror featuring a blank face with a crusty nose - crusty nose/snout 10   !!
granite mirror featuring a blank face with a peeling sunburned nose - peeling sunburned nose/snout 10   !!
howlite mirror featuring a blank face with a flawless and beyond perfect nose - flawless and beyond perfect nose/snout 10   !!
heartstone mirror featuring a blank face with a snootily upturned nose - snootily upturned nose/snout 10   !!
soapstone mirror featuring a blank face with a rakishly crooked nose - rakishly crooked nose/snout 10   !!
obsidian mirror featuring a blank face with a prominently tapered nose - prominently tapered nose/snout 10   !!
anloral mirror featuring a blank face with a disjointed and flattened nose - disjointed and flattened nose/snout 10   
alabaster mirror featuring a blank face with a disdainfully scrunched nose - disdainfully scrunched nose/snout 10   
A nose-mirror card reads:
"These mirrors will change your nose / snout. Please also make sure you read the sign in this room for more important mirror information!"
On a series of blank-faced heads (on a wire frame)
Item Price Done
grey mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by blue-tinted brittle grey hair - blue-tinted brittle grey hair 10   No
yellow mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by luminous blonde hair - luminous blonde hair 10   No
turquoise mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by black-laced turquoise hair - black-laced turquoise hair 10   No
shady mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by eerie black hair - eerie black hair 10   No
violet mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by gloaming violet hair - gloaming violet hair 10   No
silver-hued mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by brilliant silver hair - brilliant silver hair 10   No
carmine mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by shimmering carmine hair - shimmering carmine hair 10   No
pink mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by glitter-dusted pink hair - glitter-dusted pink hair 10   No
green mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by phosphorescent green hair - phosphorescent green hair 10   No
black mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by frazzled and blackened hair - frazzled and blackened hair 10   No
A hair-mirror note reads:
"These mirrors will change your hair color. They will only work for Humans, Elves, Rakash, Gnomes, Halflings, Dwarves, Elotheans, and Kaldar Please also make sure you read the notice in this room for more important mirror information!"
On an expanse of tanned leather (on a wire frame)
Item Price Done
fur-framed mirror featuring a Prydaen face with ashy and singed fur - ashy and singed fur 10   No
gargantuan mirror featuring a Gor'Tog face with shimmering emerald-dusted skin - shimmering emerald-dusted skin 10   No
lynx-shaped mirror featuring a Prydaen face with spotted hoarfrost white fur - inky splotches befouling hoarfrost white fur 10   No
serpent-scaled mirror featuring a S'Kra Mur with dazzling amaranth and gold scales - dazzling amaranth and gold scales 10   No
dragon-etched mirror featuring a S'Kra Mur face with silver-traced ebon scales - silver-traced ebon scales 10   No
giant mirror featuring a Gor'Tog with blinding lime green skin - blinding lime green skin 10   No
goblin-skin mirror featuring a Human face with a labyrinth of visible veins - a labyrinth of blue veins beneath translucent skin 10   No
eel-skin mirror featuring a Human with pasty white skin - pasty white skin 10   No
cougar-pelt mirror featuring a blank face with warm caramel-hued skin - warm caramel-hued skin/scales/fur 10   
bear-etched mirror featuring a blank face with spectral blue skin - spectral blue skin/scales/fur 10   No
A skin-mirror placard reads:
"These mirrors will change your skin, scales, or fur. Please note that mirrors with a specific race on them can only be used by that race, except for the ones with Humans on them. Mirrors with Humans on them can be used by anyone EXCEPT S'Kra Mur, Gor'Togs, or Prydaens. Please also make sure you read the notice in this room for more important mirror information!"
On an oddly lopsided globe (on a wire frame)
Item Price Done
amethyst mirror featuring a blank face with differently sized eyes - differently sized (current color) eyes 10   No
agate mirror featuring a blank face with listless and lackadaisical eyes - listless and lackadaisical (current color) eyes 10   No
cloudy crystal mirror featuring a blank face with unflinching and hardened eyes - unflinching and hardened (current color) eyes 10   No
opal mirror featuring a blank face with tapered lashes fringing drowsy-lidded eyes - tapered lashes fringing drowsy-lidded (current color) eyes 10   No
beryl mirror featuring a blank face with completely lashless eyes - completely lashless (current color) eyes 10   No
coral mirror featuring a blank face with exotically tilted eyes - exotically tilted (current color) eyes 10   No
moonstone mirror featuring a blank face with hopelessly wide eyes - long eyelashes that fringe hopelessly wide (current color) eyes 10   No
emerald mirror featuring a blank face with come-hither eyes - lusciously long lashes framing come-hither (current color) eyes 10   !!
diamond mirror featuring a blank face with exhausted eyes - dark baggy rings encircling exhausted (current color) eyes 10   No
topaz mirror featuring a blank face with droopy eyelids and red-rimmed eyes - droopy eyelids that hang heavily over red-rimmed (current color) eyes 10   No
pearl mirror featuring a blank face with a pair of unfocused and crossed eyes - unfocused and crossed (current color) eyes 10   No
ruby mirror featuring a blank face with blue curled lashes and awestruck - bright blue curled lashes fringing awestruck (current color) eyes 10   No
sapphire mirror featuring a blank face with thoughtful-looking eyes - a smattering of wrinkles emphasizing thoughtful (current color) eyes 10   No
garnet mirror featuring a blank face with squinty-looking eyes - squinty-looking (current color) eyes 10   No
alexandrite mirror featuring a blank face with smolderingly intense eyes - smolderingly intense (current color) eyes 10   No
An eye-mirror plaque reads:
"These mirrors will change your eye characteristics, but not their color! For example, if your eyes are blue, you might use one to have smolderingly intense blue eyes. Please also make sure you read the notice in this room for more important mirror information!"
On an inverted bowl (on a wire frame)
Item Price Done
forfra mirror featuring a Rakash face with crepuscular forfra eyes - crepuscular forfra eyes 10   No
zala mirror featuring a Rakash face with tempestuous zala eyes - tempestuous zala eyes 10   No
zila mirror featuring a Rakash face with lurid zila eyes - lurid zila eyes 10   No
relna mirror featuring a Rakash face with brooding relna eyes - brooding relna eyes 10   No
vruna mirror featuring a Rakash face with mesmerizing vruna eyes - mesmerizing vruna eyes 10   No
valta mirror featuring a Rakash face with incandescent valta eyes - incandescent valta eyes 10   No
A Rakash-mirror poster reads:
"These mirrors will change the color of your eyes, but they are ONLY for members of the Rakash race and will not work for anyone else. Please also make sure you read the notice in this room for more important mirror information!"
On a multifaced dummy (on a wire frame)
Item Price Done
dark mirror featuring a dimpled face with a guileless mouth - a soft, guileless mouth 10   No
hard mirror featuring a dimpled face with ample lips - plump and ample lips 10   No
light mirror featuring a dimpled face with a scowling hare-lipped mouth - a permanently scowling hare-lipped mouth 10   No
thin mirror featuring a dimpled face with a smugly smirked mouth - a smug-looking permanently smirked mouth 10   No
thick mirror featuring a fanged face with dazzling pearly fangs and dimples - dazzling pearly fangs 10   No
flat mirror featuring jaggedly pointed teeth behind snarled lips - jaggedly pointed teeth behind snarled lips 10   No
plump mirror featuring a dimpled face with eye-catching pearlescent teeth - eye-catching pearlescent teeth 10   No
dimpled mirror featuring a dimpled face with dry and chapped lips - dry, chapped lips 10   No
bowed mirror featuring crooked yellow teeth framed by an aged mouth - crooked yellow teeth framed by an aged mouth 10   No
crooked mirror featuring a dimpled face with lusciously full heart-shaped lips - lusciously full heart-shaped lips 10   No
A dimple-mirror banner reads:
"These mirrors will give you dimples! They will also change things about your mouth, but the dimples come along with that. The mirror depicting fangs will ONLY work for tailed races. S'Kra Mur and Prydaens can NOT use mirrors depicting specific lip types. Please also make sure you read the notice in this room for more important mirror information!"
On a wire form (on a wire frame)
Item Price Done
oval mirror featuring a boring height - a boring and rather unremarkable height 10   No
round mirror featuring an itty bitty height - an itty bitty height 10   No
abstract mirror featuring a spritely figure - a spritely height 10   No
rhombus-shaped mirror featuring an odd figure - an oddly disjointed figure 10   No
oblong mirror featuring a mountainous height - a mountainous height 10   No
square mirror featuring a big-boned figure - fatty rolls piled upon a big-boned figure 10   No
triangular mirror featuring a disproportionate figure - a glaringly disproportionate figure 10   No
heart shaped mirror featuring a malnourished figure - an emaciated and malnourished figure 10   No
bent mirror featuring curvy bottom heavy figure - a curvy, bottom-heavy figure 10   No
twisted mirror featuring a sleek sylphlike figure - sleek, sylphlike figure 10   No
folded mirror featuring a well fed pleasantly plump figure - a well-fed, pleasantly plump figure 10   No
A height-mirror pennant reads:
"These mirrors will change your height or figure. Please also make sure you read the notice in this room for more important mirror information!"
On a multicolored eyeball (on a wire frame)
Item Price Done
copper mirror featuring a blank face with milk chocolate eyes - milk chocolate eyes 10   No
gold mirror featuring a blank face with lackluster silver eyes - lackluster silver eyes 10   No
steel mirror featuring a blank face with glowing red eyes - glowing red eyes 10   No
steel mirror featuring a blank face with incandescent gold eyes - incandescent gold eyes 10   No
bronze mirror featuring a blank face with whiskey-tinged eyes - whiskey-tinged eyes 10   No
glaes mirror featuring a blank face with prismatic cerulean eyes - prismatic cerulean eyes 10   No
kertig mirror featuring a blank face with starry amethyst eyes - starry amethyst eyes 10   No
platinum mirror featuring a blank face with champagne-hued eyes - champagne-hued eyes 10   No
brass mirror featuring a blank face with lurid saffron eyes - lurid saffron eyes 10   No
tin mirror featuring a blank face with cloud-grey eyes - cloud-grey eyes 10   No
An eye color-mirror scroll reads:
"These mirrors will change your eye color. Please also make sure you read the notice in this room for more important mirror information!"

9 Credits

Weapons and armor are Tier 6 and contain rare materials or additional verbs.

On a copper-banded table
Item Price Done
elaborately engraved back-sword with a brass knuckle guard - 40-stone HE 9   
twisted ironwood staff topped with a piece of cambrinth carved into the shape of a destroyed castle - 50-stone quarter staff, holds 35 mana 9   
blue quartz ring with a platinum band - creates soul shield 9   
deep blue brass-capped rod - 50-stone quarter staff 9   
elaborately engraved windsteel cinquedea with long brass guards - 40-stone HE 9   
watered steel sigilated ring ensconced with pure white spiritwood - water-attuned sigilated ring 9   !!
windsteel battle axe with an ebony handle - 45-stone HE 9   
wool cloak - weather cloak 9   !!
crystal wand - changes color of some items ?   !!
small red salamander meticulously crafted from red gold - lighter 9   !!
onyx-eyed viper charm - atmo 9   !!
delicate platinum armband hung with a constellation of tiny stars - shows constellations 9   !!
tinker's tine - unlocks boxes 9   !!
smoky glass pin shaped like a miniature goat - goat pin 9   !!
garnet-eyed enamelled mermaid grasping a tiny brass conch shell - lighter 9   !!
small book bound in crimson fabric titled "In Freedom's Name" - creates lockpicks every 6 hours 9   !!
steel scythe with a pure white spiritwood handle - 50-stone halberd 9   
horned helm covered with red enamelled plates - head/neck brigandine 9   !!
coral-pink glass ring - eye color changer 9   !!
enruned bone staff - holds 4 runestones 9   
On a steel counter
Item Price Done
spiked windsteel garz with an ironwood handle - 30-stone LB 9   
mail robe with a painted symbol on the chest - 260-stone torso/legs chain 9   !!
battle-worn heavy plate armor chased in deep obsidian - 600-stone torso/arms/legs plate armor 9   !!
cerulean blue heavy plate armor trimmed with golden dragons - 600-stone torso/arms/legs plate 9   !!
black coarse leathers with silver stitching - 220-stone torso/arms/legs light armor 9   !!
blackened steel heavy plate armor - 600-stone torso/arms/legs plate 9   !!
rugged leathers with gold stitching - 220-stone torso/arms/legs light armor 9   !!
thick leathers with a painted symbol on the chest - 220-stone torso/arms/legs light armor 9   !!
black chain shirt worked with silver links on the chest - 250-stone torso/arms chain 9   !!
blackened chain hauberk - 400-stone torso/arms/legs chain 9   !!
black damask insulated shirt with silver stitching - 102-stone torso/arms light armor 9   !!
long cerulean padded silk robe with gold stitching - 96-stone torso/legs light armor 9   !!!!
thick quilted canvas hauberk with black silk stitching - 132-stone torso/arms/legs light armor 9   !!
jasper-eyed kashaka serpent charm - atmo 9   
citrine-eyed piruati serpent charm - atmo 9   
moonstone-eyed grass eel charm - atmo 9   
battle-worn skirmisher's bow with an etched iron grip - well/very well/extremely well long bow 9   !!
stout battle shortbow hewn from pure white spiritwood - well/extremely well/very well short bow 9   
thick armband formed by joined segments of blackened carapace - ME/LT weapon deep ebony exoskeletal axe (T4, upgradeable to T6) 9   
wide warrior's bracer trimmed with thick white fur - head and body jewelry hider 9   !!
shadowy gold token - alters Shadow Servant 9   !!
shadowy blue token - alters Shadow Servant 9   !!
shadowy token - alters Shadow Servant 9   !!
shadowy red token - alters Shadow Servant 9   !!
simple bronze chalice rippled with a rich patina around the broad rim - creates 18 parts holy water, 100 charges 9   !!

6 Credits

Weapons and armor are Tier 6.

On a wooden shelf
Item Price Done
steel hara with an ebony handle 6   
steel-banded gavel with an ironwood handle 6   
steel kaskara with an ebony hilt 6   
triple-headed iron chain flail with a heavy mahogany haft 6   
gilt scepter with silver inlaid handle 6   
curved tower shield painted with a rayed sun on a deep crimson background 6   !!
lamellar hauberk with large steel plates fastened horizontally around the torso 6   !!
steel pugio with an ivory hilt 6   
ash pilum with a steel tip 6   
polished steel gladius with a lapis lazuli hilt 6   
watered steel spatha set with a frost opal pommel 6   
sea-blue moneybelt of thick leather worked with a cresting wave pattern 6   
cerulean silk sack 6   !!
supple leather telescope case - contains a telescope 6   !!
fine rosewood case - contains a small portable scale 6   !!
skull helm formed from segmented bone plates 6   !!
wide steel-framed aquarium 6   
iron-hafted mace with a brass snarling boar's head 6   
short sword with a hammered bronze handguard 6   !!!!
copperwood maul with a head shaped like a snarling bear 6   !!
belaying pin carved from a block of mahogany 6   
elaborately engraved war sword with a brass knuckle guard 6   
scarlet silk sack 6   !!
satinwood lute case with a braided leather strap 6   !!
animite skillet engraved with the image of a cow - creates sirloin steaks 6   !!

3 Credits

Weapons and armor are Tier 5.

On a granite slab
Item Price Done
gilt-edged parchment - title of 'Keep Protector' 3   !!
silvery parchment - title of 'Temporal Traveler' 3   !!
dark parchment - title of 'Preserver of the Past' 3   !!
pale parchment - title of 'Warrior of Peace' 3   !!
singed parchment - title of 'Ruins Runner' 3   !!
silvery crystal-studded band - Eye color changing ring. When worn, can cycle through sullenly glowing: silvery, starlight, pearly, solid silver, argentate, pallid, iridescent, and ghostly pale eye colors 3   !!
golden crystal-studded ring - Eye color changing ring. When worn, can cycle through sullenly glowing: golden, citrine, tawny, wheaten, aurulent, aureate, ochroid, and honeyed eye colors 3   !!
Dwarven miner's boots secured by kertig and Gemfire ruby buckles 3   !!
small hexagonal box etched with strange symbols - generally worn dirt container 3   !!
This surface added on 7/23/2017.
On a leather-sided trunk
Item Price Done
infuser stone 3   
potency crystal 3   
golden silk sack 3   !!
white jade comb carved with sinuous dragons - alters wearer's hair 3   !!
black silk sack 3   !!
folded-steel short sword with a polished ebony hilt 3   
steel schiavona with a gilded brass hilt 3   
steel warring axe with a teak handle 3   
spiked steel mace with a mahogany handle 3   !!
supple black leather satchel embossed in silver with a raven clutching a wheat sheaf 3   !!
crimson crystal-inset ring - eye color changer 3   !!
plain white cloth doll - toy that changes appearance 3   
elm-shafted spear - 50-stone pike/HT 3   
folding camp stool with a canvas seat - portable seat 3   !!
iron two-handed sword with an ox-skull grip - 60-stone 2HE 3   DG
black velvet sack trimmed with silver satin piping 3   !!
tall glass terrarium with carved mahogany sides - decor 3   !!
wide glass terrarium with carved ebony sides - decor 3   !!
long steel-framed aquarium - decor 3   !!
reinforced longsword decorated with an inlaid wrecked castle - 35-stone HE 3   
ironwood quarterstaff with platinum bands - 50-stone quarter staff 3   
small plate armor engraved with a bold thunder ram upon the chestpiece - torso/arms/legs plate 3   !!
ebony nightstick with platinum bands - 35-stone short staff 3   
darkened leather hip pouch branded with a rolled scroll - random scroll grab bag 3   
On a makeshift display
Item Price Done
thick quilted canvas mask with black silk stitching 3   !!
thick quilted canvas gloves with black silk stitching 3   !!
thick quilted canvas aventail with black silk stitching 3   !!
thick quilted canvas cap with black silk stitching 3   !!
cerulean padded silk hood with gold stitching 3   !!
cerulean padded silk mask with gold stitching 3   !!!!
cerulean padded silk vambraces with gold stitching 3   !!
cerulean padded silk gloves with gold stitching 3   !!
black damask insulated mask with silver stitching 3   !!
black damask insulated hood with silver stitching 3   !!
black damask insulated pants with silver stitching 3   !!
black damask insulated gloves with silver stitching 3   !!
blackened chain gloves 3   !!
blackened chain balaclava 3   !!
black chain mask with silver edging 3   !!
black chain helm with silver link accents 3   !!
black chain gloves with silver links 3   !!
black chain greaves with silver links 3   !!
thick leather mask with black painting 3   !!
thick leather helm with black embellishment 3   !!
thick leather gloves with black decorations 3   !!
rugged leather helm with gold stitching 3   !!
rugged leather mask with gold stitching 3   !!
rugged leather gloves with gold stitching 3   !!
blackened steel great helm crested with trailing silver horsehair 3   !!
blackened steel heavy plate gauntlets 3   !!
black coarse leather mask with silver stitching 3   !!
black coarse leather helm with silver stitching 3   !!
black coarse leather gloves with silver stitching 3   !!
cerulean blue heavy plate gauntlets 3   
cerulean blue great helm 3   !!
battle-worn heavy plate gauntlets 3   !!
battle-worn great helm chased with a spread-wing raven 3   !!
mail mask with black painting 3   !!
mail gloves with black decorations 3   !!
thick leather helm with black embellishment 3   !!

1 Credit (Incidentals)

On a walnut sidetable
Item Price Done
plain black shoebox 1   !!
plain white boot-box 1   !!
Heggarangi Boar anatomy chart 1   !!
Prereni anatomy chart 1   
Elpalzi anatomy chart 1   !!
small colorful bag 1   !!
rolled parchment 1   DG
chased silver knotwork torque terminated with lapis lazuli spheres 1   !!
delicate gold necklace displaying a magnificent Gemfire ruby 1   !!
pair of glistening flame opal chandelier earrings 1   !!
golden warrior's shield embossed with massive dragon's head design 1   !!
heavy plate greaves stamped with a stylized ivy pattern 1   
gleaming platinum cuirass trimmed with channel-set garnets 1   
elegant black gossamer gown with a floral beaded bodice 1   !!
pale grey Elven wool cloak secured with an opal brooch 1   !!
sapphire blue satin gown with a lace chiffon overskirt 1   !!
elegant ivory cameo pendant 1   !!
little black book embossed with a tiny rose in the corner 1   !!
steel boarding axe with a driftwood handle 1   
rot-brown glass ring 1   !!
crimson glass ring 1   !!
platinum ring shaped like a coiled snake holding a cambrinth orb in its mouth 1   !!
water-filled crystal sphere 1   !!
These items can also be found as incidental loot during the Return to the Keep event.