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Category:Cleric spells: Difference between revisions

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rect 148 302 524 382 [[Revelation|Revelation (Utility)]]
rect 0 125 250 175 [[Revelation|Revelation (Utility)]]
rect 144 450 528 534 [[Centering|Centering (Augmentation)]]
rect 0 225 250 275 [[Centering|Centering (Augmentation)]]
rect 152 882 528 966 [[Glythtide's Gift|Glythtide's Gift (Augmentation)]]
rect 0 575 250 625 [[Glythtide's Gift|Glythtide's Gift (Augmentation)]]
rect 148 1106 524 1186 [[Minor Physical Protection|Minor Physical Protection (Warding)]]
rect 0 775 250 825 [[Minor Physical Protection|Minor Physical Protection (Warding)]]
rect 148 2002 528 2086 [[Bless|Bless (Utility)]]
rect 0 1325 250 1375 [[Bless|Bless (Utility)]]
rect 636 298 1016 378 [[Auspice|Auspice (Augmentation)]]
rect 300 125 550 175 [[Auspice|Auspice (Augmentation)]]
rect 640 454 1020 530 [[Soul Sickness|Soul Sickness (Debilitation)]]
rect 300 225 550 275 [[Soul Sickness|Soul Sickness (Debilitation)]]
rect 640 734 1016 814 [[Rejuvenation|Rejuvenation (Utility)]]
rect 300 425 550 475 [[Rejuvenation|Rejuvenation (Utility)]]
rect 640 1034 1016 1110 [[Protection from Evil|Protection from Evil (Warding)]]
rect 300 675 550 725 [[Protection from Evil|Protection from Evil (Warding)]]
rect 636 1182 1012 1258 [[Sanyu Lyba|Sanyu Lyba (Warding)]]
rect 300 775 550 825 [[Sanyu Lyba|Sanyu Lyba (Warding)]]
rect 632 1330 1016 1410 [[Major Physical Protection|Major Physical Protection (Augmentation)]]
rect 300 875 550 925 [[Major Physical Protection|Major Physical Protection (Augmentation)]]
rect 640 1482 1016 1558 [[Divine Radiance|Divine Radiance (Utility)]]
rect 300 975 550 1025 [[Divine Radiance|Divine Radiance (Utility)]]
rect 640 1630 1016 1714 [[Hand of Tenemlor|Hand of Tenemlor (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 300 1075 550 1125 [[Hand of Tenemlor|Hand of Tenemlor (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 640 1782 1016 1862 [[Horn of the Black Unicorn|Horn of the Black Unicorn (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 300 1175 550 1225 [[Horn of the Black Unicorn|Horn of the Black Unicorn (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 640 1930 1016 2014 [[Fists of Faenella|Fists of Faenella (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 300 1275 550 1325 [[Fists of Faenella|Fists of Faenella (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 636 2306 1012 2386 [[Uncurse|Uncurse (Utility)]]
rect 300 1475 550 1525 [[Uncurse|Uncurse (Utility)]]
rect 636 2682 1016 2762 [[Sanctify Pattern|Sanctify Pattern (Augmentation)]]
rect 300 1725 550 1775 [[Sanctify Pattern|Sanctify Pattern (Augmentation)]]
rect 1124 150 1504 234 [[Aesrela Everild|Aesrela Everild (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 600 25 850 75 [[Aesrela Everild|Aesrela Everild (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1124 302 1504 382 [[Eylhaar's Feast|Eylhaar's Feast (Utility)]]
rect 600 125 850 175 [[Eylhaar's Feast|Eylhaar's Feast (Utility)]]
rect 1124 526 1504 606 [[Chill Spirit|Chill Spirit (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 600 275 850 325 [[Chill Spirit|Chill Spirit (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1124 678 1504 754 [[Vigil|Vigil (Utility)]]
rect 600 375 850 425 [[Vigil|Vigil (Utility)]]
rect 1124 882 1504 962 [[Soul Shield|Soul Shield (Warding)]]
rect 600 475 850 525 [[Mass Rejuvenation|Mass Rejuvenation (Utility)]]
rect 1124 1030 1500 1106 [[Ghost Shroud|Ghost Shroud (Warding)]]
rect 600 575 850 625 [[Soul Shield|Soul Shield (Warding)]]
rect 1124 1182 1504 1262 [[Benediction|Benediction (Augmentation)]]
rect 600 675 850 725 [[Ghost Shroud|Ghost Shroud (Warding)]]
rect 1124 1334 1504 1414 [[Halo|Halo (Debilitation, Warding)]]
rect 600 775 850 825 [[Benediction|Benediction (Augmentation)]]
rect 1120 1478 1508 1566 [[Shield of Light|Shield of Light (Augmentation, Utility)]]
rect 600 875 850 925 [[Halo|Halo (Debilitation, Warding)]]
rect 1124 1634 1504 1714 [[Harm Evil|Harm Evil (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 600 975 850 1025 [[Shield of Light|Shield of Light (Augmentation, Utility)]]
rect 1120 1778 1504 1866 [[Phelim's Sanction|Phelim's Sanction (Debilitation)]]
rect 600 1075 850 1125 [[Harm Evil|Harm Evil (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1120 1934 1500 2006 [[Fire of Ushnish|Fire of Ushnish (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 600 1175 850 1225 [[Phelim's Sanction|Phelim's Sanction (Debilitation)]]
rect 1128 2086 1504 2162 [[Malediction|Malediction (Debilitation)]]
rect 600 1275 850 1325 [[Fire of Ushnish|Fire of Ushnish (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1128 2230 1504 2314 [[Curse of Zachriedek|Curse of Zachriedek (Debilitation)]]
rect 600 1375 850 1425 [[Malediction|Malediction (Debilitation)]]
rect 1128 2382 1500 2458 [[Hydra Hex|Hydra Hex (Debilitation)]]
rect 600 1475 850 1525 [[Curse of Zachriedek|Curse of Zachriedek (Debilitation)]]
rect 1124 2530 1508 2610 [[Huldah's Pall|Huldah's Pall (Debiliation)]]
rect 600 1625 850 1675[[Huldah's Pall|Huldah's Pall (Debiliation)]]
rect 1128 2686 1500 2766 [[Persistence of Mana|Persistence of Mana (Augmentation)]]
rect 600 1725 850 1775 [[Persistence of Mana|Persistence of Mana (Augmentation)]]
rect 1128 2826 1504 2914 [[Osrel Meraud|Osrel Meraud (Utility)]]
rect 600 1825 850 1875 [[Osrel Meraud|Osrel Meraud (Utility)]]
rect 1608 150 1988 226 [[Heavenly Fires|Heavenly Fires (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 900 25 1150 75 [[Heavenly Fires|Heavenly Fires (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1616 302 1988 378 [[Bitter Feast|Bitter Feast (Utility)]]
rect 900 125 1150 175 [[Bitter Feast|Bitter Feast (Utility)]]
rect 1612 450 1988 530 [[Soul Attrition|Soul Attrition (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 900 225 1150 275 [[Soul Attrition|Soul Attrition (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1612 678 1992 754 [[Soul Bonding|Soul Bonding (Debilitation)]]
rect 900 375 1150 425 [[Soul Bonding|Soul Bonding (Debilitation)]]
rect 1608 1102 1992 1190 [[Ring of Blessings|Ring of Blessings (Utility)]]
rect 900 1025 1150 1075 [[Harm Horde|Harm Horde (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1608 1630 1992 1714 [[Harm Horde|Harm Horde (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 900 1125 1150 1175 [[Time of the Red Spiral|Time of the Red Spiral (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1608 2382 1992 2466 [[Idon's Theft|Idon's Theft (Debilitation, Utility)]]
rect 900 1425 1150 1475 [[Hydra Hex|Hydra Hex (Debilitation)]]
rect 1608 2530 1996 2618 [[Meraud's Cry|Meraud's Cry (Debilitation)]]
rect 900 1525 1150 1575 [[Idon's Theft|Idon's Theft (Debilitation, Utility)]]
rect 1608 2682 1992 2762 [[Spite of Dergati|Spite of Dergati (Debilitation, Warding)]]
rect 900 1625 1150 1675 [[Meraud's Cry|Meraud's Cry (Debilitation)]]
rect 900 1725 1150 1775 [[Spite of Dergati|Spite of Dergati (Debilitation, Warding)]]
rect 2064 674 2444 758 [[Resurrection|Resurrection (Utility)]]
rect 2060 834 2436 910 [[Murrula's Flames|Murrula's Flames (Utility)]]
rect 1200 375 1450 425 [[Resurrection|Resurrection (Utility)]]
rect 1500 375 1750 425 [[Murrula's Flames|Murrula's Flames (Utility)]]

Revision as of 17:12, 28 July 2016

Spell tree

Revelation (Utility)Centering (Augmentation)Glythtide's Gift (Augmentation)Minor Physical Protection (Warding)Bless (Utility)Auspice (Augmentation)Soul Sickness (Debilitation)Rejuvenation (Utility)Protection from Evil (Warding)Sanyu Lyba (Warding)Major Physical Protection (Augmentation)Divine Radiance (Utility)Hand of Tenemlor (Targeted Magic)Horn of the Black Unicorn (Targeted Magic)Fists of Faenella (Targeted Magic)Uncurse (Utility)Sanctify Pattern (Augmentation)Aesrela Everild (Targeted Magic)Eylhaar's Feast (Utility)Chill Spirit (Targeted Magic)Vigil (Utility)Mass Rejuvenation (Utility)Soul Shield (Warding)Ghost Shroud (Warding)Benediction (Augmentation)Halo (Debilitation, Warding)Shield of Light (Augmentation, Utility)Harm Evil (Targeted Magic)Phelim's Sanction (Debilitation)Fire of Ushnish (Targeted Magic)Malediction (Debilitation)Curse of Zachriedek (Debilitation)Huldah's Pall (Debiliation)Persistence of Mana (Augmentation)Osrel Meraud (Utility)Heavenly Fires (Targeted Magic)Bitter Feast (Utility)Soul Attrition (Targeted Magic)Soul Bonding (Debilitation)Harm Horde (Targeted Magic)Time of the Red Spiral (Targeted Magic)Hydra Hex (Debilitation)Idon's Theft (Debilitation, Utility)Meraud's Cry (Debilitation)Spite of Dergati (Debilitation, Warding)Resurrection (Utility)Murrula's Flames (Utility)Cleric Spells.png
About this image

Summary of spell information

Bolded spells are signature spells.

Name Effect Type Skill Target Contest Prep
Duration Slots Mana
Aesrela Everild (AE) Impact damage, Fire damage, Pulsing single-target attack. battle targeted, pulse damage {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 Instant 3 {{{18}}}
Aspects of the All-God (ALL) +Augmentation skill, +Debilitation skill, +Sorcery skill, +Targeted Magic skill, +Utility skill, +Warding skill, -Primary Magic skill, -Augmentation skill, -Debilitation skill, -Targeted Magic skill, -Utility skill, -Warding skill, Rapid alignment change. Nonstandard alignments. ritual augmentation, utility {{{19}}} 50-600 10-600 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Auspice +Charisma (stat), +Spirit health, +Spirit health regeneration standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 {{{18}}}
Benediction +Agility (stat), +Reflex (stat), +Strength (stat), Varying bonus amount. standard augmentation {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 10-40 3 {{{18}}}
Bitter Feast (BF) Replaces Eylhaar's Feast's addiction drawback with a short stun. metamagic utility {{{19}}} 1 {{{18}}}
Bless +damage to undead/cursed. Ability to hit incorporeal. standard utility {{{19}}} 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 {{{18}}}
Centering Balance heal standard augmentation {{{19}}} 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 {{{18}}}
Chill Spirit (CHS) Slice damage, Cold damage, Spirit damage, Spirit heal, Single-strike spirit siphon. battle targeted {{{19}}} 7-50 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Curse of Zachriedek (COZ) This curse weakens and destablizes the target creature's armor and weapons. battle debilitation {{{19}}} spirit \ fortitude 5-33 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Divine Radiance (DR) -Balance, Knock-down. Holy damage amplification. Light source. standard, battle targeted, utility {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 10-40 3 {{{18}}}
Eylhaar's Feast (EF) Spirit damage, Vitality heal, Attunement heal, Fatigue heal, Converts spirit health to attunement, vitality, or fatigue. battle utility {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Fire of Ushnish (FOU) Fire damage, Electrical damage, AoE with a second, half-power attack. battle targeted, pulse damage, area of effect {{{19}}} 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Fists of Faenella (FF) Impact damage, Fire damage, Single target multi-strike. battle targeted, multistrike {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Ghost Shroud (GHS) Reduces damage from incoming ranged physical attacks, while reducing the accuracy of targeted attacks. It also hides your features, and changes your appearance in the room. cyclic warding {{{19}}} 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 2 {{{18}}}
Glythtide's Gift (GG) +Wisdom (stat), Creates a drink. standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 {{{18}}}
Halo Impact damage, Electrical damage, Damages undead. Pole/Melee range knockback/stun. battle debilitation, warding {{{19}}} magic \ reflexes 30-100 250-1,000 1-10 3 {{{18}}}
Hand of Tenemlor (HOT) Impact damage, Fire damage, Single-strike attack and offensive dispel. battle targeted {{{19}}} 7-50 80-800 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Harm Evil (HE) Fire damage, Electrical damage, Undead/Demonic/Cursed-only single-strike attack that bypasses shield and armor. battle targeted, shield ignoring, armor ignoring {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Harm Horde (HH) Fire damage, Electrical damage, Undead-only AoE attack that bypasses shield and armor. battle targeted, pulse damage, area of effect, shield ignoring, armor ignoring {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 Instant 3 {{{18}}}
Heavenly Fires (HF) Allows AE's bolts to redirect to new target after first is dead. metamagic targeted {{{19}}} 1 {{{18}}}
Horn of the Black Unicorn (HORN) Puncture damage, Cold damage, Single-strike attack. battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Huldah's Pall (HULP) Prevents spellcasting. battle debilitation {{{19}}} mind \ willpower 1-33 10-600 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Hydra Hex (HYH) AoE cyclic version of Malediction or Curse of Zachriedek. cyclic debilitation, area of effect {{{19}}} 6-31 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 {{{18}}}
Idon's Theft (IT) Steal a spell from target allowing you to cast it. battle debilitation, utility {{{19}}} mind \ willpower 20-66 250-1,000 2-10 3 {{{18}}}
Major Physical Protection (MAPP) +Defending skill, +Evasion skill standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 3 {{{18}}}
Malediction -Defensive Factor, -Offensive Factor battle debilitation {{{19}}} spirit \ fortitude 5-33 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Mass Rejuvenation (MRE) Creates cloud that gradually restores memories to dead bodies in the area. standard utility, area of effect {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 2-10 1 {{{18}}}
Meraud's Cry (MC) Spirit damage, drains caster's spirit only, AoE offensive dispel. battle debilitation {{{19}}} spirit \ willpower 10-66 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Minor Physical Protection (MPP) Percentage damage reduction. standard warding {{{19}}} 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 {{{18}}}
Murrula's Flames (MF) Self-resurrection provided it's cast before death. ritual utility {{{19}}} 300-800 250-1,000 30-90 2 {{{18}}}
Osrel Meraud (OM) Creates an orb to store cleric buff spells. standard utility {{{19}}} 30-200 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 {{{18}}}
Persistence of Mana (POM) +Attunement skill, +Attunement pool regeneration ritual augmentation {{{19}}} 150-700 80-800 30-90 2 {{{18}}}
Phelim's Sanction (PS) Cursed/Undead-only AoE stun. battle debilitation, area of effect {{{19}}} magic \ willpower 10-66 80-800 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Protection from Evil (PFE) Flat damage reduction and potency barrier against undead. standard warding {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 {{{18}}}
Rejuvenation (REJUV) Restores the lost experience due to death. standard utility {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Resurrection (REZZ) Brings a dead player back to life. cyclic utility {{{19}}} 5-50 80-800 Indefinite 1 {{{18}}}
Revelation (REV) +Perception skill, Pulses to do a magical search that reveals names and allows you to POINT if you find their source. cyclic augmentation, utility {{{19}}} 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 3 {{{18}}}
Sanctify Pattern (SAP) +Augmentation skill, +Debilitation skill, +Utility skill, +Warding skill, Only one at a time standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 {{{18}}}
Sanyu Lyba (SL) Reactive and non-protective anti-magic defense. battle warding {{{19}}} spirit \ willpower 30-100 250-1,000 2-10 2 {{{18}}}
Shield of Light (SOL) +Shield Usage skill, Conjures a shield battle augmentation, utility {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 10-40 3 {{{18}}}
Soul Attrition (SA) Slice damage, Cold damage, Spirit damage, Shield-ignoring single target. cyclic targeted, shield ignoring {{{19}}} 6-31 80-800 Indefinite 2 {{{18}}}
Soul Bonding (SB) Prevents advancing, retreating, and leaving the room. Prepares corpses for Resurrection. battle debilitation {{{19}}} spirit \ fortitude 1-33 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Soul Shield (SOS) Barrier vs Spirit attacks. Absorbs spirit damage. standard warding {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 {{{18}}}
Soul Sickness (SICK) Immobilizes and forces kneeling. battle debilitation {{{19}}} spirit \ willpower 1-33 10-600 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Spite of Dergati (SPIT) Prevents all spell casting in the area. battle debilitation, warding, area of effect {{{19}}} mind \ willpower 20-66 250-1,000 0- 4 {{{18}}}
Time of the Red Spiral (TOTRS) This is a Heavy TM metaspell that periodically empowers your Harm Evil or Harm Horde spell. metamagic targeted, heavy offensive {{{19}}} 2 {{{18}}}
Uncurse Dispels offensive spell, curse, or Death's Sting on target. battle utility {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Vigil Spirit damage, Spirit heal, Equalizes the spirit health of two linked players. standard utility {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 Indefinite 1 {{{18}}}

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