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Meraud's Cry

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Incomplete Article
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  • Infobox entry on justice, Infobox entry on corrupt
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Meraud's Cry
Abbreviation: MC
Prerequisites: Circle 70, Huldah's Pall
Signature: Yes
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Holy Magic
Spell Type: battle / debilitation
Difficulty: intermediate
Prep (min/max): 10 / 66
Skill Range (min/max): 80 / 800
Valid Spell Target: Area, NONGROUP
Duration (min/max): Instant
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: If your will is strong, this spell will strip away the magic of all those around you, both man and beast. Be careful, young man, that you do not attempt to affect too many with this spell. Meraud demands a high price for His aid: the health of your soul.
Effect: Spirit damage, drains caster's spirit only, AoE offensive dispel.
Example Messaging: You throw your head back and yield to the deconstructive spiritual vibrations building up.

Ululating clamorously, shockwaves of shimmering lavender shot with turquoise buffet the area with you at their center!
A lavender wave washes over a goblin shaman.

Contest Type: spirit / willpower
Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.
  • Works in an area of effect around you.
  • You sacrifice spirit energy per removed spell.
  • The number of engaged targets doesn't seem to affect the difficulty of removal, the contests remain the same.
  • You cannot dispel cyclics with this spell.