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Necromancer: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
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====[[:Category:Necromancer_Spells|Spell Tree]]====
====[[:Category:Necromancer_Spells|Spell Tree]]====
rect 1314 1266 1648 1319 [[Category:Anabasis spellbook]]
rect 0 50 250 100 [[Quicken the Earth|Quicken the Earth (Utility)]]
rect 1314 894 1648 948 [[Category:Corruption spellbook]]
rect 0 450 250 500 [[Heighten Pain|Heighten Pain (Debilitation)]]
rect 1314 969 1648 1022 [[Category:Animation spellbook]]
rect 0 650 250 700 [[Acid Splash|Acid Splash (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1314 1043 1648 1096 [[Category:Transcendental Necromancy spellbook]]
rect 0 900 250 950 [[Obfuscation|Obfuscation (Augmentation)]]
rect 1314 1117 1648 1171 [[Category:Blood Magic spellbook]]
rect 300 0 550 50 [[Necrotic Reconstruction|Necrotic Reconstruction (Utility)]]
rect 1314 1192 1648 1245 [[Category:Synthetic Creation spellbook]]
rect 300 100 550 150 [[Call from Beyond|Call from Beyond (Utility)]]
rect 300 250 550 300 [[Ivory Mask|Ivory Mask (Augmentation)]]
rect 893 1638 1053 1732 [[Ebon Blood of the Scorpion]]
rect 661 1638 821 1732 [[Emuin's Candlelight]]
rect 300 450 550 500 [[Siphon Vitality|Siphon Vitality (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 429 1638 589 1732 [[Solace (spell)|Solace]]
rect 300 550 550 600 [[Researcher's Insight|Researcher's Insight (Augmentation)]]
rect 661 1762 821 1856 [[Rite of Forbearance]]
rect 300 650 550 700 [[Viscous Solution|Viscous Solution (Debilitation)]]
rect 906 894 1066 988 [[Chirurgia]]
rect 300 750 550 800 [[Vivisection|Vivisection (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 429 1203 589 1296 [[Viscous Solution]]
rect 300 850 550 900 [[Visions of Darkness|Visions of Darkness (Debilitation)]]
rect 429 916 589 1010 [[Consume Flesh]]
rect 300 950 550 1000 [[Petrifying Visions|Petrifying Visions (Debilitation)]]
rect 661 916 821 1010 [[Devour]]
rect 600 100 850 150 [[Reverse Putrefaction|Reverse Putrefaction (Augmentation)]]
rect 600 200 850 250 [[Kura-Silma|Kura-Silma (Augmentation)]]
rect 429 1046 589 1139 [[Siphon Vitality]]
rect 600 300 850 350 [[Butcher's Eye|Butcher's Eye (Augmentation)]]
rect 661 1046 821 1139 [[Blood Burst]]
rect 600 400 850 450 [[Blood Burst|Blood Burst (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 429 737 589 830 [[Ivory Mask]]
rect 600 500 850 550 [[Consume Flesh|Consume Flesh (Utility)]]
rect 8 972 168 1065 [[Heighten Pain]]
rect 8 1203 168 1296 [[Acid Splash]]
rect 600 650 850 700 [[Universal Solvent|Universal Solvent (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 429 1340 589 1433 [[Vivisection]]
rect 600 750 850 800 [[Alkahest Edge|Alkahest Edge (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 429 1469 589 1563 [[Researcher's Insight]]
rect 600 900 850 950 [[Eyes of the Blind|Eyes of the Blind (Utility)]]
rect 900 100 1150 150 [[Calcified Hide|Calcified Hide (Warding)]]
rect 661 1340 821 1433 [[Alkahest Edge]]
rect 900 200 1150 250 [[Worm's Mist|Worm's Mist (Warding)]]
rect 661 1203 821 1296 [[Universal Solvent]]
rect 661 737 821 830 [[Butcher's Eye]]
rect 900 300 1150 350 [[Philosopher's Preservation|Philosopher's Preservation (Augmentation)]]
rect 900 400 1150 450 [[Chirurgia|Chiurgia (Augmentation)]]
rect 661 575 821 668 [[Kura-Silma]]
rect 900 500 1150 550 [[Devour|Devour (Utility)]]
rect 906 575 1066 668 [[Worm's Mist]]
rect 906 737 1066 830 [[Philosopher's Preservation]]
rect 900 850 1150 900 [[Rite of Grace|Rite of Grace (Utility)]]
rect 906 413 1066 506 [[Calcified Hide]]
rect 900 950 1150 1000 [[Rite of Contrition|Rite of Contrition (Utility)]]
rect 1200 150 1450 200 [[Spiteful Rebirth|Spiteful Rebirth (Utility)]]
rect 1144 576 1304 669 [[Covetous Rebirth]]
rect 1200 250 1450 300 [[Covetous Rebirth|Covetous Rebirth (Utility)]]
rect 1144 413 1304 506 [[Spiteful Rebirth]]
rect 1200 900 1450 950 [[Liturgy|Liturgy (Utility)]]
rect 1152 81 1312 174 [[Liturgy]]
rect 906 144 1066 237 [[Rite of Contrition]]
rect 906 6 1066 100 [[Rite of Grace]]
rect 661 81 821 174 [[Eyes of the Blind]]
rect 429 6 589 100 [[Visions of Darkness]]
rect 429 144 589 237 [[Petrifying Visions]]
rect 6 81 166 174 [[Obfuscation]]
rect 202 413 362 506 [[Quicken the Earth]]
rect 429 284 589 377 [[Necrotic Reconstruction]]
rect 429 413 589 506 [[Call from Beyond]]
rect 661 413 821 506 [[Reverse Putrefaction]]

Revision as of 15:37, 8 July 2020

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Necromancer Guild

Image copyright of Simutronics Corporation

Primary Skillset: Survival
Secondary Skillsets: Lore, Magic
Tertiary Skillsets: Armor, Weapon
Special Abilities: Risen
Mana Type: Necromatic
Barbarian - Bard - Cleric - Commoner - Empath - Moon Mage

Necromancer - Paladin - Ranger - Thief - Trader - Warrior Mage

Necromancer refers to a diverse group of Arcane magic users that utilize a collection of sorceries -- including blood magic, alchemy and the animation of the undead -- to further their evil and selfish goals. They are universally shunned by society and by the gods, being viewed as abominations and monsters that prey on the innocent and sell their souls into damnation for power.

Necromancers are broken into three ideological camps. Player character Necromancers begin by affiliating with the Philosophers of the Knife, which are unique in that they pursue "the Great Work": the use of necromancy to find eternal life. Often they hide themselves in crowds, like wolves among sheep, while others eschew society entirely and rule in the hinterlands. A group of radical holy men, the Hounds of Rutilor, are dedicated to the Philosophers' annihilation, and will hunt down any Necromancer they find openly practicing within their reach.

Necromancers are intended by design to be an advanced option for players who are already familiar with the game and want to try a profession that includes some novel and difficult permutations on the normal play experience.

Players reading this page may also wish to note that the majority of this information is not considered commonly known in-character to non-Necromancers.

Official Information


  • Survival Primary
  • Magic and Lore Secondary
  • Armor and Weapons Tertiary


NOTE: The majority of guildleaders and guild locations are not common knowledge. As such, they are not included in this list unless that changes.

The Triumphant Zamidren Book initiates and leads nascent Philosophers of the Knife from his hidden lair somewhere in Zoluren.

Necromancer Ideologies

Crafting Affiliation

Guilded necromancers receive two free technique slots in the Poison discipline of the Alchemy skill and one free technique slot in the Carving discipline of the Engineering skill.

See: Crafting

Guild Abilities

Arcane Magic

Necromancers use necromancy which is a subset of sorcery also referred to as "ontologic sorcery" by Philosophers. Necromancy by definition uses some Life mana in the mix along with either Elemental or Lunar. Necromancers have access to the Animation, Blood Magic, Corruption, Synthetic Creation, and Transcendental Necromancy spellbooks. Redeemed necromancers get access to an additional spellbook, Anabasis.

To do this effectively, Necromancers utilize something colloquially known as Arcane or Necromantic mana. This is not actually a distinct mana type, but a freakishly bizarre, illusory aggregate they perceive as the result of substantial and imperfect alterations to the Necromancer's nervous system done when they attempt to attune themselves to Lunar, Elemental, and Life mana all at once.

Due to the process through which they become attuned, young Necromancers appear to be attuned to Life, Lunar, or Elemental mana until they become so corrupted (i.e. possess enough Divine Outrage) that their Arcane attunement shows through. This mana type is determined randomly and is not meant to make any particular statement about the character, but does determine which fake spell preparation they can learn from Markat.

Sorcery and Sorcerous Casting

Necromantic spell patterns are designed to account for deranged movements of their "fifth frequency," but the lack of true multi-attunement perception means they can suffer like other people when casting outside their normal environment.

  • Lunar, Elemental, Life: Low risk, equivalent to any other guild's best combination.
  • Holy: Extremely risky to impossible, with additional negative effects for Forsaken Necromancers.

While AP spells are legal according to society, a Necromancer's AP spells are still considered sorcery for purposes of spells that defend against it, such as Protection from Evil.

Magical Feats

Necromancers automatically learn the Alternate Preparation feat for free upon joining and gain access to a spell prep that is appropriate for the mana type they appear to have. This prep is learned and used by speaking to Markat and toggling it on.

Necromancer Spell Slot Progression

As a magic secondary guild, Necromancers gain spell slots in the following way.

Circle Range Secondary
1-20 Every Circle
21-100 Every 2 Circles
101-150 Every 3 Circles
151-200 None

Spell Tree

Category:Anabasis spellbookCategory:Corruption spellbookCategory:Animation spellbookCategory:Transcendental Necromancy spellbookCategory:Blood Magic spellbookCategory:Synthetic Creation spellbookEbon Blood of the ScorpionEmuin's CandlelightSolaceRite of ForbearanceChirurgiaViscous SolutionConsume FleshDevourSiphon VitalityBlood BurstIvory MaskHeighten PainAcid SplashVivisectionResearcher's InsightAlkahest EdgeUniversal SolventButcher's EyeKura-SilmaWorm's MistPhilosopher's PreservationCalcified HideCovetous RebirthSpiteful RebirthLiturgyRite of ContritionRite of GraceEyes of the BlindVisions of DarknessPetrifying VisionsObfuscationQuicken the EarthNecrotic ReconstructionCall from BeyondReverse PutrefactionNecromancer Spells v2.png
About this image


Thanatology represents a corrupted form of an Empathic Transference link and is the means by which a Necromancer may perform a number of rituals and types of magic, including healing themselves and creating undead. Necromancers presently have a number of Thanatological rituals available to them:

  • Entry: Allows quick entrance to the guild if performed within a nearby area.
  • Preserve: Temporarily prevents a corpse from decaying.
  • Harvest: Creates a piece of fetish material from a preserved corpse.
  • Fetish: Taught at 3rd or 4th level.
  • Cut: Ritualistically draws blood without leaving a wound, allowing certain spells or abilities to be used.
  • Dissect: Dissects the corpse of something recently alive or undead to discern something about its anatomy or composition.
  • Consume: Prepares a corpse to be used as fodder for Consume Flesh or Devour.
  • Arise: Prepares a corpse to be raised as one of the undead.

States of Being

These represent deliberate and knowing changes in the path of a necromancer:

  1. Unsullied
  2. Forsaken
  3. Redeemed
  4. Lichdom
  5. Transcendence


Two kinds of Outrage exist: Divine Outrage and Social Outrage. These meters are not linked to each other.

  1. Divine Outrage is a measure of how corrupted the Necromancer is and how much ire the Immortals currently feel toward them. Certain actions, such as creating undead and using Transcendental Necromancy spells, build Divine Outrage and will render the Necromancer more and more corrupt which may have deleterious effects if not managed. As you circle, there is a rising "floor" which your Divine Outrage may not drop lower than, meaning you will eventually be rendered too corrupt to gain favors, be healed by Empaths, have beneficial Holy spells used on you, and more. Forsaken Necromancers risk Divine Outrage for hanging around holy spots.
  2. Social Outrage is a measure of how uneasy the local towns folk and authorities are. Certain actions taken inside justice areas, such as attempting to interact with an NPC with a Transcendental Necromancy spell up, will give you Social Outrage and temporarily prevent you from using town services including banks, vaults, or shopkeepers.
  • Related to Social Outrage, Forsaken Necromancers have a tolerance meter for town called Suspicion that slowly builds up in normal situations. While in a justice area, this meter builds towards an accusation. While outside of a justice area, this meter drains away. Unsullied and (eventually) Redeemed Necromancers are exempt from this.

Both Divine and Social Outrage may drain for up to 2.5 hours per day in Prime and Platinum, and 8 hours per day in The Fallen.

Necromancers and Consent Policy

There is no longer any conceptual difference between a Necromancer and any other guild as far as policy goes. There is no more additional grey area or burden of proof for harassment. Necromancers do not get a blank check for mayhem, and you may not harass or kill a PC without consent simply because they are a Necromancer.

With regards to Risen, they are fair game to attack by anyone regardless of the PvP status of the Necromancer. This grants the Necromancer consent for that conflict, which ends if either party dies.


A Risen is an undead creature created by a Necromancer to do their bidding and is the primary ability of the guild. Temporary Risen for use in combat may be created with the Call from Beyond spell, while permanent Risen are slated to have other non-combat applications.

Circle Requirements

Skillset Skill 1-10 11-30 31-70 71-100 101-150 151-200
survival Thanatology 3 4 4 5 6 15
survival 1st Survival 4 4 5 5 6 15
survival 2nd Survival 4 4 5 5 6 15
survival 3rd Survival 3 4 4 5 5 13
survival 4th Survival 3 4 4 5 5 13
survival 5th Survival 3 4 4 5 5 13
survival 6th Survival 3 3 4 4 5 13
survival 7th Survival 2 3 3 4 4 10
magic Targeted Magic 2 2 3 4 5 13
magic 1st Magic 3 4 4 5 6 15
magic 2nd Magic 3 3 4 5 6 15
magic 3rd Magic 2 3 3 4 5 13
magic 4th Magic 2 3 3 4 5 13
magic 5th Magic 0 0 3 4 5 13
lore 1st Lore 2 2 3 3 3 8
lore 2nd Lore 2 2 2 3 3 8
weapons Small Edged 1 2 2 2 2 5
armor 1st Armor 1 2 2 2 3 8

Thanatology is a hard requirement (does not count toward Nth survival requirements).
Targeted Magic is a soft requirement (can be used toward Nth magic requirements).

Necromancer Guild Lore

Necromancer Official Lore Posts

Necromancer Guild Visions

Necromancer Historical Timeline

Death and the Soul

A treatise on Extraplanar Life

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