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The '''mining''' system is used to produce stone for [[carving discipline|stonecarving]] and metals for [[blacksmithing]], [[weaponsmithing]], and [[armorsmithing]].
The '''mining''' system is used to produce stone for [[carving discipline|stonecarving]] and metals for [[blacksmithing]], [[weaponsmithing]], and [[armorsmithing]].

Eventually, gems will be available.
Eventually, gems will also be minable.

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:left"
! Mine !! Location !! Rock Types
| [[RanikMap10|Abandoned Mine]]||[[Stone Clan]]||Primarily Metamorphic<br/>Some Igneous and Sedimentary
| [[RanikMap124|Abandoned Tunnel]]||[[Hibarnhvidar]]||Primarily Metamorphic<br/>Some Igneous and Sedimentary
| [[RanikMap42a|Breech Tunnels]]||[[Therenborough]]||Primarily Metamorphic<br/>Some Igneous and Sedimentary
| [[RanikMap91a|Cavern of Glass]]||[[Ratha]]||Primarily Metamorphic
| [[RanikMap32a|Dark Tunnels]]||[[Riverhaven]]||Sedimentary and Metamorphic
| [[RanikMap109b|Forlorn Hope]]||[[M'riss]]||
| [[RanikMap62|Frozen Heavens]]||[[Ilithi#Obsidian_Pass|Obsidian Pass]] || Sedimentary
| [[RanikMap9c|High Mountains]]||[[Sunfall Hub]]||Primarily Sedimentary
| [[RanikMap69a|Ice Caves]]||[[Shard]]||Primarily Igneous<br/>Some Sedimentary
| [[RanikMap114a|Kradhren Caverns‎]]||[[Ain Ghazal]]||Primarily Sedimentary<br/>Some Igneous and Metamorphic
| [[RanikMap98a|Sea Caves]]||[[Aesry]]||Primarily Metamorphic
| [[RanikMap150|Talas Sagamat]]||[[Fang Cove]]||Primarily Igneous<br/>Some Sedimentary and Metamorphic
| [[RanikMap13|Wicked Burrow Mine]]||[[Dirge]]||Primarily Sedimentary<br/>Some Igneous and Metamorphic

:''Also: See [[:Category:Mines]].''

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The first step to mining is to find an appropriate area and {{com|prospect}} to determine what materials can be found there.
The first step to mining is to find an appropriate area and {{com|prospect}} to determine what materials can be found there.

{{com|prospect}}ing will also allow seeing how much material is left to be mined in a given room.
The materials that can be found are entirely dependent on the geology of the area:
* Sedementary
: Minerals: Breccia, dolomite, limestone, sandstone, serpentine, soapstone.
: Metals: Coal, copper, iron, nickle, oravir, tin, zinc.

See [[Crafting Materials]] for more details.

The likelyhood of them being found depend on whether they are considered common, uncommon, rare, or very rare materials.

From most to least, the remaining amount is
From most to least, the remaining amount is
# enormous quantity remains to be found
# substantial quantity remains to be found.
# substantial quantity remains to be found.
# good quantity remains to be found.
# good quantity remains to be found.
# decent quantity remains to be found.
# decent quantity remains to be found.
# small quantity remains to be found.
# small quantity remains to be found.
# scattering of mineable resources.
# scattering of resources remains to be found.

{{tt|prospect danger}} will allow an attempt to make a dangerous situation safer in any single room.

{{tt|prospect careful}} will allow an attempt to locate more material.

The materials that can be found are entirely dependent on the geology of the area. The likelihood of finding a particular material depends on whether it is considered common, uncommon, rare, or very rare, and skill does not play a part.

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! rowspan="2" | Formation Type !! colspan="9" | Common Metal !! colspan="7" | Rare Metal !! colspan="5" | Very Rare Metal !! colspan="2" | Quest-Only
| [[Copper|Copper]] || [[Covellite|Covellite]] || [[Iron|Iron]] || [[Lead|Lead]] || [[Nickel|Nickel]] || [[Oravir|Oravir]] || [[Silver|Silver]] || [[Tin|Tin]] || [[Zinc|Zinc]] || [[Darkstone_(metal)|Darkstone]] || [[Electrum|Electrum]] || [[Yellow_gold|Gold]] || [[Lumium|Lumium]] || [[Muracite|Muracite]] || [[Niniam|Niniam]] || [[Platinum_(metal)|Platinum]] || [[Animite|Animite]] || [[Damite|Damite]] || [[Glaes|Glaes]] || [[Haralun|Haralun]] || [[Kertig|Kertig]] || [[Quelium|Quelium]] || [[Audrualm|Audrualm]]
| align="left" | Alluvial|| x || || || || x || x || x || || x || || || x || x || || || || || || || || || x || x
| align="left" | Igneous || x || x || x || x || x || || x || x || || || x || x || x || x || x || x || || x || x || x || || ||
| align="left" | Metamorphic || x || x || x || || x || x || x || x || x || x || || || x || x || || x || || x || || x || x || ||
| align="left" | Sedimentary || x || || x || || x || x || x || x || x || || || x || || || x || x || x || x || || x || x || ||
*note: Alluvial found on [[Taisidon]]

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! rowspan="2" | Formation Type !! colspan="20" | Common Stone
| [[Alabaster|Alabaster]] || [[Andesite|Andesite]] || [[Basalt|Basalt]] || [[Breccia|Breccia]] || [[Dolomite|Dolomite]] || [[Gabbro|Gabbro]] || [[Granite|Granite]] || [[Jade|Jade]] || [[Limestone|Limestone]] || [[Marble|Marble]] || [[Obsidian|Obsidian]] || [[Onyx|Onyx]] || [[Pumice|Pumice]] || [[Quartzite|Quartzite]] || [[Sandstone|Sandstone]] || [[Schist|Schist]] || [[Serpentine|Serpentine]] || [[Soapstone|Soapstone]] || [[Travertine|Travertine]]
| align="left" | Alluvial || || || || x || x || || || || || || || || || x || x || || || ||
| align="left" | Igneous || || x || x || || || x || x || || || || x || || x || || || || || ||
| align="left" | Metamorphic || x || || || || || || || x || || x || || x || || x || || x || || || x
| align="left" | Sedimentary || || || || x || x || || || || x || || || || || || x || || x || x ||
See [[Crafting Materials]] for more details.
*note: Alluvial found on [[Taisidon]]

Once the desired area is selected, holding either a pickaxe or shovel in the right hand, simply proceed to {{com|mine}}.
Once the desired area is selected, holding either a pickaxe or shovel in either hand (other hand must be empty), simply proceed to {{com|mine}}.

When first mining, only raw stone is produced, until a vein of metal is hit.

===Metal Sizes===
When first mining, only raw stone is produced, until a vein of either metal or gems is hit.
{|class="wikitable sortable"

===Stone sizes===
{|border="1" class="wikitable sortable"
! Size||Volume*
|Small Rock||3
|Large Rock||4
====Rare Materials====
====Rare Materials====
There is always a small chance of rare materials being found in the course of normal mining. They will not be visible to {{tt|prospect}}, and are only found by chance. This is more likely to occur the closer the area is to being tapped out.
There is always a small chance of rare materials being found in the course of mining out a vein of common metals. They will not be visible via {{tt|prospect}}, and are only found by chance. This is more likely to occur the closer the area is to being tapped out.

Very rarely, an area may have a full blown vein of rare materials, which can be seen via {{tt|prospect}}.
Very rarely, an area may have a full blown vein of rare materials, which can be seen via {{tt|prospect}}.

This random rare mineral drop chance only exists for paid accounts. Several sources have confirmed that F2P accounts may find and mine rare veins, however.

===Material Storage===
===Material Storage===
Once a material is found that is worth keeping, either pick it up by hand, or {{com|push}} it to the side to have a nearby attendant store it for a small fee.
Once a material is found that is worth keeping, either pick it up by hand, or {{com|push}} it to the side to have a nearby attendant store it for a small fee. If attendants are not available in the mining location, deed packets purchasable from either crafting society allows deeding of materials by {{com|push}}ing the material with the packet. Note that deed packets will require ten minutes to pass before the material becomes available for use within any crafting society.

Attendants charge 10% of the material's appraised value, while deeds from a packet cost a flat 1 silver lirum per deed. For more valuable materials, it's cheaper to use a packet even if attendants are available.

The more activity in a given area, the greater the chance of a mishap. The type of dangers is partically dependent upon the stone type of the area.
The more activity in a given area, the greater the chance of a mishap. The type of dangers is practically dependent upon the stone type of the area.

The dangers have a variety of results, such as either direct damage, outright death, or just destruction of all minable materials in the area.
The dangers have a variety of results, such as either direct damage, outright death, or just destruction of all mineable materials in the area.

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* Your ''<tool>'' punctures a thin veneer of stone and releases a plume of corrosive gas. You manage to avoid getting any of it in your lungs, but the underlying material appears unsalvageable.
* Your ''<tool>'' punctures a thin veneer of stone and releases a plume of corrosive gas. You manage to avoid getting any of it in your lungs, but the underlying material appears unsalvageable.
:: Empties room of all remaining materials
* Sweet smelling air fills your nostrils following the swing of your ''<tool>''. As you reflect on the pleasant nature of the smell, blackness consumes your vision and your mind goes blank.
* Sweet smelling air fills your nostrils following the swing of your ''<tool>''. As you reflect on the pleasant nature of the smell, blackness consumes your vision and your mind goes blank.
:: Unconsciousness for a period of time.
* Fetid warmth washes over you after your ''<tool>'' releases gas trapped beneath some stone. The stench seems to pervade your senses, leaving you with a lingering nausea.
* Fetid warmth washes over you after your ''<tool>'' releases gas trapped beneath some stone. The stench seems to pervade your senses, leaving you with a lingering nausea.
:: Penalizes the ?quality?/?quantity? of materials mined for a period of time.
* A sharp hiss follows the blow from your ''<tool>''. Your nostrils detect nothing, but moments later you feel your muscles seize up in response. Vertigo sweeps over you and then passes, leaving you somewhat out of sorts.
* A sharp hiss follows the blow from your ''<tool>''. Your nostrils detect nothing, but moments later you feel your muscles seize up in response. Vertigo sweeps over you and then passes, leaving you somewhat out of sorts.
:: Does nerve damage.
* Your ''<tool>'' crashes into stone and punches through with surprisingly little resistance. Stumbling forward, you inhale a lungful of caustic fumes, burning and searing your throat in the process. The gas seems to shoot through your veins, instantly wracking your entire body with pain. Every muscle in your chest clenches at once and you collapse to the ground!
:: Can kill you.

Line 62: Line 178:
: Studying the geology, you are certain that continued mining will be rather dangerous because the ground rumblings signal a pending explosion.
: Studying the geology, you are certain that continued mining will be rather dangerous because the ground rumblings signal a pending explosion.

* The stone erupts under your blow! Large rock fragments slam into your ''<tool>'', leaving it gouged and bent.
:: Damages the mining tool.
* You swing your ''<tool>'' towards a promising bit of stone and are rewarded with a detonation of rocky fragments! Shards of earth rip into you, leaving bloody gashes and quickly deepening bruises, while the force of the impact knocks you clear off your feet.
* You swing your ''<tool>'' towards a promising bit of stone and are rewarded with a detonation of rocky fragments! Shards of earth rip into you, leaving bloody gashes and quickly deepening bruises, while the force of the impact knocks you clear off your feet.
:: Causes injuries.
* Your ''<tool>'' collides with nearby stone, setting off a blast that launches debris flying in all directions. A large, oblong fragment slams into your forehead and you feel yourself toppling backwards as the world goes black!
* Your ''<tool>'' collides with nearby stone, setting off a blast that launches debris flying in all directions. A large, oblong fragment slams into your forehead and you feel yourself toppling backwards as the world goes black!
:: Knocks you unconscious plus a head injury.
* The world seems to move in slow motion as your ''<tool>'' slices towards a section of rock. Little things catch your eye -- a slight instability in the rubble, a bulging section of stone that could be under pressure. Something is not quite right. You try to halt the swing, but it is too late. Your ''<tool>'' strikes the earth just so, puncturing a pressurized section of material that detonates with incredible force. A tidal wave of shattered earth slams into you, hurling you into the air!
* The world seems to move in slow motion as your ''<tool>'' slices towards a section of rock. Little things catch your eye -- a slight instability in the rubble, a bulging section of stone that could be under pressure. Something is not quite right. You try to halt the swing, but it is too late. Your ''<tool>'' strikes the earth just so, puncturing a pressurized section of material that detonates with incredible force. A tidal wave of shattered earth slams into you, hurling you into the air!
:: Causes injuries.
* Your ''<tool>'' strikes the rocky surface and it detonates abruptly outward! Flying shards of stone miraculously miss striking anyone, but the remaining material appears to be damaged beyond usefulness.
* Your ''<tool>'' strikes the rocky surface and it detonates abruptly outward! Flying shards of stone miraculously miss striking anyone, but the remaining material appears to be damaged beyond usefulness.
:: Empties room of all remaining materials.

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* A disconcerting rumble follows the swing of your ''<tool>'', but fortunately only a handful of stones shower down. One of them clips you lightly as you try to take cover.
* A disconcerting rumble follows the swing of your ''<tool>'', but fortunately only a handful of stones shower down. One of them clips you lightly as you try to take cover.
:: Causes minor injuries.
* Ominous rumbling reverberates somewhere in the distance after you strike the earth with your ''<tool>''. A hail of debris follows, pelting you with boulders and razor-sharp stone fragments!
* Ominous rumbling reverberates somewhere in the distance after you strike the earth with your ''<tool>''. A hail of debris follows, pelting you with boulders and razor-sharp stone fragments!
:: Causes injuries.
* You strike a glancing blow against exposed rock with your ''<tool>''. A disproportionately large shudder resonates throughout the area, followed immediately by a huge sheaf of stone and gravel that cleaves away from the wall and rolls right over you! You seem to be pinned in place.
* You strike a glancing blow against exposed rock with your ''<tool>''. A disproportionately large shudder resonates throughout the area, followed immediately by a huge sheaf of stone and gravel that cleaves away from the wall and rolls right over you! You seem to be pinned in place.
:: Causes you to have to wait as you dig your way free.
* Careless of any structural hazard you might be inducing, you swing your ''<tool>'' at the nearest stone surface. Cracks ripple outward from your blow and the entire rock facing fractures! Spills of rock slide down from above, burying the work area completely. It'll take awhile to dig through that!
* Careless of any structural hazard you might be inducing, you swing your ''<tool>'' at the nearest stone surface. Cracks ripple outward from your blow and the entire rock facing fractures! Spills of rock slide down from above, burying the work area completely. It'll take awhile to dig through that!
:: Causes you to have to dig to reach metal again.
* Sparks fly as your ''<tool>'' punches through an outer layer of stone. Unfortunately, the underlying material can no longer support its own weight and collapses in a spray of gravel and useless pieces of rock. This area may not be suitable to mine for some time.
* Sparks fly as your ''<tool>'' punches through an outer layer of stone. Unfortunately, the underlying material can no longer support its own weight and collapses in a spray of gravel and useless pieces of rock. This area may not be suitable to mine for some time.
:: Empties room of all remaining materials.
*The ring of your ''<tool>'' against stone seems unnaturally loud. An disconcerting silence follows, but only for a moment. The entire wall of rock fractures at your blow and comes crashing down atop you! You feel miraculously unhurt, but realize you are entirely unable to move!
:: Unless someone else digs you out, you will die.

* '''What determines what type of rock or metal is found?'''
: The materials that can be mined are entirely determined by the type of rock in the area. For example, [[kertig]] will only be found in metamorphic or sedimentary rock.

* '''How do I find rare materials?'''
: The material found is entirely random, within the restraints of the rock type. Neither skill nor any actions that can be taken will affect the rate of finding rare materials. However, when a room resets, it is slightly more likely to produce the same materials that were found previously in the area.

* '''Why can't I see what rock or metal can be mined in an area?'''
: What can be detected via {{com|prospect}} is determined by a combined score of Outdoorsmanship, Perception, and Appraisal skills (average of all 3 around 250). Wisdom plays a big part as well per Kodius (on forums, lore>suggestions-mining>mining requirements) it counts as about 3x what the 3 skills do. Workability of the metal affects how hard it will be to see as well.
*[[Crafting Materials]]

Revision as of 21:21, 18 September 2022

The mining system is used to produce stone for stonecarving and metals for blacksmithing, weaponsmithing, and armorsmithing.

Eventually, gems will also be minable.


Mine Location Rock Types
Abandoned Mine Stone Clan Primarily Metamorphic
Some Igneous and Sedimentary
Abandoned Tunnel Hibarnhvidar Primarily Metamorphic
Some Igneous and Sedimentary
Breech Tunnels Therenborough Primarily Metamorphic
Some Igneous and Sedimentary
Cavern of Glass Ratha Primarily Metamorphic
Dark Tunnels Riverhaven Sedimentary and Metamorphic
Forlorn Hope M'riss
Frozen Heavens Obsidian Pass Sedimentary
High Mountains Sunfall Hub Primarily Sedimentary
Ice Caves Shard Primarily Igneous
Some Sedimentary
Kradhren Caverns‎ Ain Ghazal Primarily Sedimentary
Some Igneous and Metamorphic
Sea Caves Aesry Primarily Metamorphic
Talas Sagamat Fang Cove Primarily Igneous
Some Sedimentary and Metamorphic
Wicked Burrow Mine Dirge Primarily Sedimentary
Some Igneous and Metamorphic
Also: See Category:Mines.


  • Shovels: These tools remove less material than pickaxes per swing, but are less likely to waste materials.
  • Pickaxes: Faster to dig out an area than shovels, they also are more wasteful.



The first step to mining is to find an appropriate area and PROSPECT to determine what materials can be found there.

PROSPECTing will also allow seeing how much material is left to be mined in a given room.

From most to least, the remaining amount is

  1. enormous quantity remains to be found
  2. substantial quantity remains to be found.
  3. good quantity remains to be found.
  4. decent quantity remains to be found.
  5. small quantity remains to be found.
  6. scattering of resources remains to be found.

PROSPECT DANGER will allow an attempt to make a dangerous situation safer in any single room.

PROSPECT CAREFUL will allow an attempt to locate more material.

The materials that can be found are entirely dependent on the geology of the area. The likelihood of finding a particular material depends on whether it is considered common, uncommon, rare, or very rare, and skill does not play a part.


Formation Type Common Metal Rare Metal Very Rare Metal Quest-Only
Copper Covellite Iron Lead Nickel Oravir Silver Tin Zinc Darkstone Electrum Gold Lumium Muracite Niniam Platinum Animite Damite Glaes Haralun Kertig Quelium Audrualm
Alluvial x x x x x x x x x
Igneous x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Metamorphic x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Sedimentary x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Formation Type Common Stone
Alabaster Andesite Basalt Breccia Dolomite Gabbro Granite Jade Limestone Marble Obsidian Onyx Pumice Quartzite Sandstone Schist Serpentine Soapstone Travertine
Alluvial x x x x
Igneous x x x x x x
Metamorphic x x x x x x x
Sedimentary x x x x x x

See Crafting Materials for more details.


Once the desired area is selected, holding either a pickaxe or shovel in either hand (other hand must be empty), simply proceed to MINE.

When first mining, only raw stone is produced, until a vein of metal is hit.

Metal Sizes

Size Volume
tiny 1
small 2
medium 3
large 4
huge 5
massive 10
enormous 20
gargantuan 75

Stone sizes

Size Volume*
Pebble 1
Stone 2
Small Rock 3
Large Rock 4
Boulder 5

Rare Materials

There is always a small chance of rare materials being found in the course of mining out a vein of common metals. They will not be visible via PROSPECT, and are only found by chance. This is more likely to occur the closer the area is to being tapped out.

Very rarely, an area may have a full blown vein of rare materials, which can be seen via PROSPECT.

This random rare mineral drop chance only exists for paid accounts. Several sources have confirmed that F2P accounts may find and mine rare veins, however.

Material Storage

Once a material is found that is worth keeping, either pick it up by hand, or PUSH it to the side to have a nearby attendant store it for a small fee. If attendants are not available in the mining location, deed packets purchasable from either crafting society allows deeding of materials by PUSHing the material with the packet. Note that deed packets will require ten minutes to pass before the material becomes available for use within any crafting society.

Attendants charge 10% of the material's appraised value, while deeds from a packet cost a flat 1 silver lirum per deed. For more valuable materials, it's cheaper to use a packet even if attendants are available.


The more activity in a given area, the greater the chance of a mishap. The type of dangers is practically dependent upon the stone type of the area.

The dangers have a variety of results, such as either direct damage, outright death, or just destruction of all mineable materials in the area.


Warning signs:

A bitter smell seeps into the air.
Studying the geology, you are certain that continued mining will be somewhat dangerous because the hiss of foul smelling gas could choke and stifle you.
  • Your <tool> punctures a thin veneer of stone and releases a plume of corrosive gas. You manage to avoid getting any of it in your lungs, but the underlying material appears unsalvageable.
Empties room of all remaining materials
  • Sweet smelling air fills your nostrils following the swing of your <tool>. As you reflect on the pleasant nature of the smell, blackness consumes your vision and your mind goes blank.
Unconsciousness for a period of time.
  • Fetid warmth washes over you after your <tool> releases gas trapped beneath some stone. The stench seems to pervade your senses, leaving you with a lingering nausea.
Penalizes the ?quality?/?quantity? of materials mined for a period of time.
  • A sharp hiss follows the blow from your <tool>. Your nostrils detect nothing, but moments later you feel your muscles seize up in response. Vertigo sweeps over you and then passes, leaving you somewhat out of sorts.
Does nerve damage.
  • Your <tool> crashes into stone and punches through with surprisingly little resistance. Stumbling forward, you inhale a lungful of caustic fumes, burning and searing your throat in the process. The gas seems to shoot through your veins, instantly wracking your entire body with pain. Every muscle in your chest clenches at once and you collapse to the ground!
Can kill you.


Warning signs:

The ground rumbles ominously.
Studying the geology, you are certain that continued mining will be rather dangerous because the ground rumblings signal a pending explosion.
  • The stone erupts under your blow! Large rock fragments slam into your <tool>, leaving it gouged and bent.
Damages the mining tool.
  • You swing your <tool> towards a promising bit of stone and are rewarded with a detonation of rocky fragments! Shards of earth rip into you, leaving bloody gashes and quickly deepening bruises, while the force of the impact knocks you clear off your feet.
Causes injuries.
  • Your <tool> collides with nearby stone, setting off a blast that launches debris flying in all directions. A large, oblong fragment slams into your forehead and you feel yourself toppling backwards as the world goes black!
Knocks you unconscious plus a head injury.
  • The world seems to move in slow motion as your <tool> slices towards a section of rock. Little things catch your eye -- a slight instability in the rubble, a bulging section of stone that could be under pressure. Something is not quite right. You try to halt the swing, but it is too late. Your <tool> strikes the earth just so, puncturing a pressurized section of material that detonates with incredible force. A tidal wave of shattered earth slams into you, hurling you into the air!
Causes injuries.
  • Your <tool> strikes the rocky surface and it detonates abruptly outward! Flying shards of stone miraculously miss striking anyone, but the remaining material appears to be damaged beyond usefulness.
Empties room of all remaining materials.


Warning signs:

The floor shudders briefly, causing pebbles and bits of stone to cascade to the ground.
Studying the geology, you are certain that continued mining will be slightly dangerous because the unsound stone walls are likely to result in collapse.
  • A disconcerting rumble follows the swing of your <tool>, but fortunately only a handful of stones shower down. One of them clips you lightly as you try to take cover.
Causes minor injuries.
  • Ominous rumbling reverberates somewhere in the distance after you strike the earth with your <tool>. A hail of debris follows, pelting you with boulders and razor-sharp stone fragments!
Causes injuries.
  • You strike a glancing blow against exposed rock with your <tool>. A disproportionately large shudder resonates throughout the area, followed immediately by a huge sheaf of stone and gravel that cleaves away from the wall and rolls right over you! You seem to be pinned in place.
Causes you to have to wait as you dig your way free.
  • Careless of any structural hazard you might be inducing, you swing your <tool> at the nearest stone surface. Cracks ripple outward from your blow and the entire rock facing fractures! Spills of rock slide down from above, burying the work area completely. It'll take awhile to dig through that!
Causes you to have to dig to reach metal again.
  • Sparks fly as your <tool> punches through an outer layer of stone. Unfortunately, the underlying material can no longer support its own weight and collapses in a spray of gravel and useless pieces of rock. This area may not be suitable to mine for some time.
Empties room of all remaining materials.
  • The ring of your <tool> against stone seems unnaturally loud. An disconcerting silence follows, but only for a moment. The entire wall of rock fractures at your blow and comes crashing down atop you! You feel miraculously unhurt, but realize you are entirely unable to move!
Unless someone else digs you out, you will die.


  • What determines what type of rock or metal is found?
The materials that can be mined are entirely determined by the type of rock in the area. For example, kertig will only be found in metamorphic or sedimentary rock.
  • How do I find rare materials?
The material found is entirely random, within the restraints of the rock type. Neither skill nor any actions that can be taken will affect the rate of finding rare materials. However, when a room resets, it is slightly more likely to produce the same materials that were found previously in the area.
  • Why can't I see what rock or metal can be mined in an area?
What can be detected via PROSPECT is determined by a combined score of Outdoorsmanship, Perception, and Appraisal skills (average of all 3 around 250). Wisdom plays a big part as well per Kodius (on forums, lore>suggestions-mining>mining requirements) it counts as about 3x what the 3 skills do. Workability of the metal affects how hard it will be to see as well.

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