Push command

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Interact with select items in the environment and to display custom messaging for many verby items. Additionally, role-playing command for twitching and trying to push other players.
PUSH <self>

You see: You twitch.
Others see: <Player> twitches.

PUSH <Player>
You see: You push at <Player>, to no avail.
Target sees: <Player> pushes at you, to no avail.

PUSH <item>
Custom messaging for many verby items and for select items in the environment.

PUSH <Player>
You see: You push at <Player>, to no avail.
Target sees: <Player> pushes at you, to no avail.

PUSH <item>
Custom messaging for many verby items and for select items in the environment.

PUSH <self> (in water)
You see: You try to push yourself around, but just end up getting wet.
Target sees: Nothing.

PUSH <Player> (in water)
Possibility #1 - You see:You tackle <Player>, trying to shove her underwater, but she manages to stay afloat.
Possibility #1 - Target sees: <Player> tackles you and tries to drag you down under the water, but you manage to stay afloat.
Possibility #2 - You see: You tackle <Player>and shove her down under the water. She quickly emerges, coughing up water.
Possibility #2 - Target sees: <Player> tackles you and drags you down under the water. You quickly emerge, coughing water.

See Also: Commands to use in the water