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Elurora nods to Miskton. |
Elurora nods to Miskton. |
Scout Siveril just arrived. |
Scout [[Siveril]] just arrived. |
Siveril nods politely. |
Siveril nods politely. |
Latest revision as of 01:18, 10 April 2022
An Antlered Analysis
It has been 441 years, 192 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 5th month of Uthmor the Giant in the year of the Silver Unicorn.
It is currently summer and it is early evening.
You're positive it's 9 roisaen before the Anlas of Revelfae.
You are Xelten Tyrsin, Archmagus of Elamiri, an Elf.
You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.
[Ranger Guild, Longhouse]
Wide plank benches lining the walls are covered with layers of soft pelts and thick woolen blankets, making them an inviting respite after a long hunt. The warm, spicy smell of hot mulled ale wafts from a hanging kettle and chases away the musty odor of damp thatch. The staccato night-song of crickets filters in from the forest. You also see a donation shelf with several things on it and a firewood bin with a small sign on it.
Also here: Tracker Henil, Court Mage Miskton, Rath'a Aggahh'ur Asherasa, Yraggahh, Sefiya, Elamiri Lord Ezerak, Elamiri Lady Ayrell, Intern Jorvak, Ambassador Elizzibiana, Voidwalker Zynell who is sitting, Leshya Vesa Ikevindy who is sitting, Acolyte Khhsath, Lord of Elamiri Gridaksma and Lady Knight Elurora.
Obvious exits: west.
You say, "Well, we do have some notable absences among those who requested me to arrange this endeavor, but nevertheless, we shall begin. Thank you to those who have joined us this evening, and welcome to Boar Clan."
Miskton nods politely.
Elurora grins at you.
You say, "We will be discussing the antlered entity, the various sightings of it, what its purpose might be, and related creatures. Afterward, we will search the area of the most recent sighting, west of Hibarnhvidar, to see if we might entice another."
Ikevindy smiles.
You ask, "Was anyone here present at the first of these events, in the Forest of Night, during a discussion about the curse upon the spirits of nature there?"
Miskton nods to you.
Elurora raises her hand.
You say, "As I was not, I would ask for a first hand account."
Yraggahh shakes his head.
Miskton says, "Well, it was difficult to get a very good sighting of much, but..."
Miskton says, "The figure would appear at a distance, though close enough to be spotted, and appeared to be trying to lead us somewhere, but possibly getting frustrated that we weren't fully understanding him."
Forest Sprite Lileath just arrived.
You give a slight nod.
Elurora quietly says, "It also seemed to want us to be quiet. It put its finger to it lips, I think."
Miskton says, "It also seems that he may have been marking some sounds like bird calls, but no actual speaking."
Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.
Miskton says, "Not when directly in view, though."
You ask, "A finger to his lips, as in the vision?"
You cock your head at Elurora.
Miskton says, "There were some similarities, though no actually being grabbed and pulled into the brush."
You nod to Miskton.
Ikevindy ponders.
Elurora slowly says, "I think so, yeah. I'm not sure we found whatever it was it was trying to lead us to though."
Elurora nods to Miskton.
Scout Siveril just arrived.
Siveril nods politely.
You say, "Incidentally, you are all welcome to some warm ale, if you like."
You gesture at a hanging kettle.
You ask, "Miskton, not to put you on the spot, but would you be able to recount the vision in question?"
Miskton gets a worn leather astronomer's journal from inside his scholar's valise.
Miskton releases the clasp on his astronomer's journal and opens it.
Miskton says, "Just a moment..."
Khhsath says, "It wanted to speak. That bodes well for us."
You smile slightly.
Miskton says, "I wandered through thick pine and cedar, low growing groves of juniper and holly. Birds chirruped and flitted between the canopy above. As I wandered, I got the strange impression that I was being watched, a foreboding malevolent danger following me."
Miskton says, "Suddenly, I realized the birds had fallen silent, and I glanced around in concern."
Miskton says, "Strong calloused hands covered my mouth and pulled me into a copse of holly, the spined leaves tearing at my clothes and skin. I found myself staring into the eyes of a man wearing a crown of antlers, draped in leaves and vines, mud covering his face. He held a single finger to his lips and pointed up. I slowly raised my eyes, and the vision faded."
You nod.
You say, "Thank you."
Ikevindy gazes upward.
Miskton says, "A much closer view than anyone has gotten in the flesh, I think."
Zynell nods.
You ask, "Following the sighting in the Forest of Night, a similar figure was seen east of Riverhaven, at the Ranger Guild there. I am told it lurked near but did not approach. Was anyone there for that event?"
Miskton says, "I only showed up after the fact."
Ikevindy takes a sip of his Kiss.
You say, "The Rangers there reported that it gave a distinct feeling of... old. From a time before cities. Something predatory, perhaps."
Ayrell says to you, "That sounds familiar."
You cock your head at Ayrell.
Ayrell says to you, "I just mean, when we saw the figure last, we sensed the predatory nature as well."
You nod in agreement.
You say, "Indeed."
Tattooed Teddybear Gigondas just arrived.
You say, "Again, the antlers were clear on the figure at that time."
You say, "Next, we returned to the Forest of Night at a later time, and fortunately, I was present for this occurrence."
Ikevindy smiles.
You say, "At the Silverclaw Hub, the silhouette of an antlered figure was noted again, seemingly interested in the Rangers present. Curious, but not apparently interested in drawing attention, as it had been in the previous Forest of Night sighting."
You say, "Another Ranger reported that it gave him a nod of recognition before departing. A kinship, perhaps."
Khhsath asks, "What place is a Hub?"
Henil says, "Pyrdean gathering place."
You nod.
Henil says, "Prydaen even."
You say, "A collection of Prydaen, or a settlement thereof."
Khhsath asks, "Many buildings?"
Henil says to you, "Thank you."
You say, "Reasonably natural, but settled, which is perhaps a reason for the figure not approaching further, as I believe you imply."
Khhsath gives a slight nod.
Elurora shifts her weight.
Elurora raises her hand.
You cock your head at Elurora.
Zynell says, "Tried so very hard though."
Zynell looks at you and sighs.
Elurora slowly says, "I was told of a sighting of between the Ranger guild one and the Silverclaw hub one. That took place here in Boar Clan. I didn't see it myself though."
You ask, "I am not familiar with this one. Do you have any more information?"
Lileath exhales involuntarily and shifts her stance, as if now under a heavy burden.
Elurora says, "Just that it was seen, at a distance. I could check when I get home if I made any notes but I'm not sure I did."
Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
You give a slight nod.
You ask, "Had anyone else heard of this?"
Ikevindy shakes his head.
Zynell nods.
Elizzibiana shakes her head.
Gridaksma says, "I've heard about it, but do not have anything further to add."
Zynell says, "Seemed similar to the occurance at the ranger guild though."
Henil shakes his head.
You nod.
You say, "The next sighting is less confirmed than it is speculative. This figure had been heard previously to mimic the sound of an owl, and we heard such sounds from a distant figure darting south in the Lost Grounds during an expedition to Corik's Wall with the Paladin Guild members who were seeking Sir Beren."
Elurora gives you a slight nod.
You say, "Certainly someone was in that swamp who had an interest in helping those gathered, but nothing further was seen of the figure, nor were antlers encountered."
Elurora quietly says, "I think there were also lights, which doesn't quite fit with other sightings. And...maybe wolves."
Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.
Zynell says, "Birds circling too."
You say, "Howling sounds could be indicative, however. This is featured in the final sighting."
You say, "Lastly, during a recent scouting mission to search for information on the Dragon Priests and their movements and strongholds, we heard an unfamiliar and disturbing howl from west of Hibarnhvidar."
You say, "We chose to investigate and tracked the howling along the Great Salt Road, through the Dabrushin Pass, and beyond the mine to the mountain summit."
You say, "Along the way, I noticed a suspicious lack of other wildlife."
Ayrell nods.
Ezerak nods in agreement.
You say, "At the summit, we saw a silhouette of a figure hunched on four legs, with stark white eyes, staring at us. Staring through us, perhaps. Antlers adorned its head."
You say, "It melted away into nothingness and appeared again, I believe, as a bird, which flew away to the north and out of sight. However..."
You say, "Whether by fate or by intent, it is favorable that I, of any Ranger, was the one to see this shift, for my life's study is in the magical arts, and I detected something quite distinct: the use of advanced nature magic. Shapeshifting magic, but beyond that which we are taught in the Ranger Guild."
Siveril blinks.
You ask, "So then, I believe that brings us to the end of listing the sightings to date. Now as to what it is, and what it means. Does anyone have any comments?"
Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.
Elurora raises her hand.
You nod to Elurora.
Elurora slowly says, "Two. I think. The first being that a lot of sightings do seem to be near cursed lands. The other, which is probably less useful is that I was told once that dragons could shapeshift. Not that I think it's a dragon, just that it seems possible something else could learn."
Elurora shifts her weight.
Yraggahh nods to Elurora.
You smile slightly.
Khhsath's eyes darken with thought, and his tail grows very still.
Gigondas smiles curiously.
You say, "Rest assured that you are not alone in the draconic connection. There are several reasons to think it may be related. The shapeshifting magic, the natural connection, the antlers which may well be the same extremities alluded to in accounts of horned dragons."
Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Elurora flashes a quick grin at you.
Gridaksma ponders.
You say, "Further, we of the Guild have recently begun to study draconic magic directly. The Guild has seen fit to provide us with two such patterns, in fact."
Elurora tilts her head, clearly curious about something.
Yraggahh's tail cautiously lifts into a kind of "U" shape.
Gigondas nods.
You say, "If this is unfamiliar, then I will be happy to demonstrate."
Elurora slowly says, "I don't know much about Ranger magic. I barely understand my own some of the time."
Elurora grins sheepishly.
Gigondas chuckles at Elurora.
Ezerak chuckles.
Yraggahh says something in S'Kra.
You say, "There is, however, an issue with the dragon relation, as it applies to the antlered creature."
Khhsath nods in agreement.
Asherasa nods to Yraggahh.
Asherasa says, "He says he wishes to see the magic."
You say, "If you would believe the accounts of the fictional author who taught the public much of what it believes about dragons, then it is said that Life Dragons are weakened by proximity to civilization, so far outside their domains."
Elurora furrows her brow.
You ask, "So what, then, would bring one so close to our cities?"
Inhaling deeply, you adopt a cyclical rhythm in your breaths to reflect the ebb and flow of the natural world and steel yourself to prepare the Embed the Cycle spell.
Elurora quietly asks, "Wasn't he found to be a...umm, a bit untruthful?"
Elurora fidgets nervously.
You smile.
You say, "Indeed he was."
You gesture.
You draw upon the essence of the natural cycle, embedding a sliver of its power into your frail body. Your flesh warps painlessly and transforms into a multi-colored coat of scales that slowly shifts in hue and pattern.
Elurora gazes thoughtfully at you.
You say, "The less brutal manifestation of draconic magic that I mentioned. This coat of scales."
Inhaling deeply, you adopt a cyclical rhythm in your breaths to reflect the ebb and flow of the natural world and steel yourself to prepare the River in the Sky spell.
Elurora slowly asks, "Do they hurt?"
You say, "Not in the slightest, as opposed to this next one, which requres a bit more resilience."
You gesture.
Your senses wrench terribly for a moment, the world seizing and tilting. Yet after the second passes, you feel far more... more. The shapeshifting magic filling you with a sense of fluidity.
Elurora blinks.
You crack your knuckles.
Khhsath's tail cautiously lifts into a kind of "U" shape.
Yraggahh nods to Miskton.
Elurora slowly says, "Huh."
Elurora squints at you.
Yraggahh observes you with fascination.
You ask, "Does anyone have any other words about the dragon connection, before we consider other thoughts?"
Siveril ponders.
You ask, "Very well. If, for the sake of argument, we rule out a dragon as the culprit, then what else might this entity, or entities, be? A spirit of nature, one of Faenella's creations? A man with far more magical expertise than myself? The lost Grandmaster Roopardua?"
You smirk.
Ikevindy giggles.
Sefiya chortles softly at some secret joke.
Elurora quietly asks, "Could it be a fae of some sort?"
You say, "Indeed, several have put forth that possibility. I certainly would not dismiss it."
You ask, "In my experience, however, spirits of Nature tend to reside... quite locally. And rarely are they so visible, unless corrupted as in the Forest of Night. What, then, would drive this one, or its kind, to appear so boldly and so widespread?"
Zynell says, "With its association with the forest and rangers, it could be a servent of Sithsia."
Elurora cocks her head at Zynell.
Zynell asks, "The magess in the story?"
Zynell angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Elurora.
Elurora quietly asks, "The one who created the Forest of Night?"
Zynell nods.
Elurora gives a slight nod.
Khhsath says, "A spirit of nature. It seems a good way to speak of it, if these sightings are the same being."
Elurora smiles at Zynell.
Ezerak says, "That's possible, I suppose. But her creatures tend to be...twisted."
Ayrell nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.
Zynell shrugs.
You say, "Thus far, reports of this being have not included anything... unnatural. Far from it, they are extremely natural. I cannot rule out involvement by Sithsia, of course."
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Gridaksma asks, "How sure are we that they are using magic of nature?"
You say, "The connection was undeniable to my senses. I did not merely witness it, rather I experienced it."
Khhsath says to you, "The smaller spirits have their small places. This creature has power. You saw the other creatures give way to it. An entire forest may be its place. Perhaps all forests."
Gridaksma nods to you.
You nod at Khhsath, in complete agreement with his views.
Gridaksma says, "At least we can rule out Jomay if that is the case."
You chuckle to yourself.
You say, "I can only hope."
Elizzibiana chuckles.
You say, "I have made a request to the Guildleaders for their insight on this entity, but it has been met with reluctance thus far. There is nothing in particular to draw from that, however. It could be that it is a Guild secret just as well as it could be that it is the guild membership's own obligation to learn for themselves, as is our way."
Miskton marks a page and closes his astronomer's journal, securing the clasp.
Miskton puts his journal in his scholar's valise.
You ask, "Does anyone else have any speculation or insight that they would like to share?"
Elizzibiana shakes her head.
Lileath asks, "Could the guildleaders be as much in the dark as we are, as opposed to withholding information?"
You nod to Lileath.
Ikevindy slowly says, "Maybe just a question of clarification."
You cock your head at Ikevindy.
You say to Lileath, "I did not mean to imply that I had accounted for all possible reasons that there has been no response. Anything is possible, indeed."
Ikevindy quietly asks, "Miskton's vision suggested a man with a crown of antlers, but the sightings were of a creature, mayhaps four-legged, with antlers?"
Lileath nods to you.
You nod.
Ikevindy nods.
You say, "After the first sighting, it seems the additional sightings have been more of a beast than of a man."
Ikevindy nods to you.
Ikevindy quietly says, "Thank you."
Ayrell asks you, "Though, when we saw it last, it was distinctly hunched on four limbs. Could it be possible it is capable of standing on two and appearing as a man?"
You say, "However, I look altogether different without my magics than I do when wearing them all, so who is to say which is the real image? Additionally, lunar visions do have a tendency to imply rather than show, so the reason could be to inform that it is an intelligent creature, even if it looks like a beast."
You nod to Ayrell.
Elurora shifts her weight.
Elurora slowly asks, "But if it can shapeshift, it could look like anything it wanted?"
Ikevindy quietly says, "Certainly."
Ayrell nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.
You say, "I cannot say the limits of its shapeshifting. It could very well be so well versed as to appear as anything it pleases, yes."
Zynell gives Ikevindy a gentle smooch on the cheek.
Zynell stands up.
Voidwalker Zynell patters west.
Yraggahh nods to Asherasa.
Asherasa nods politely.
Ezerak says to Ayrell, "It can turn into a bird, I'd be surprised if it could not look like a man."
Rath'a Aggahh'ur Asherasa goes west.
Ayrell nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.
Elurora nods to Ezerak.
Lileath casually observes the area.
You smile slightly.
Ayrell says to Ezerak, "Was mostly an observation on my part."
Ezerak nods.
Ezerak smiles at Ayrell, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
You say, "If there is nothing else to add to this portion, then I will proceed to the practical investigation. If anyone wishes to join me in the search of the area where the creature was last seen, please join me now."
Elurora joins your group.
Miskton joins your group.
Ayrell joins your group.
Ikevindy joins your group.
Yraggahh joins your group.
Lileath joins your group.
Sefiya joins your group.
Ezerak joins your group.
Khhsath joins your group.
Siveril joins your group.
Ikevindy rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
Ikevindy dusts himself off.
You say, "Beware that it is... something of a trek to the mountain where it was seen."
Lileath glances at you.
You say, "And I do not move slowly."
You dust yourself off.
Elurora glances at Gridaksma.
You say, "Well, I suppose I will restrain myself for the sake of the non-Rangers with us."
Ikevindy stretches his arms.
It has been 441 years, 193 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 5th month of Uthmor the Giant in the year of the Silver Unicorn.
It is currently summer and it is night.
You're positive it's 10 roisaen after the Anlas of Anduwen.
You say, "Anyone who will not be accompanying, thank you for joining us this evening."
Gridaksma says, "I have some things I should attend to."
Elurora gives Gridaksma a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.
Gridaksma bows his head, acknowledging Elurora.
You nod.
You ask, "As to the rest of us, shall we?"
Khhsath gives a slight nod.
Ikevindy gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Gigondas says, "Cheers. Thanks for the update."
Lord of Elamiri Gridaksma goes west.
Tattooed Teddybear Gigondas goes west.
You go west, leading your group.
[Ranger Guild, Longhouse]
A large branded hide stretches across the facing wall, illuminated by the hazy amber light of oil-filled clay lamps suspended from above. Oak posts run down the length of the longhouse in two rows and support roof beams hung with colorful felt pennants. A dark patch of night peeks through an open smoke hole in the roof high above a stone-rimmed firepit.
Also here: Lady Knight Elurora, Acolyte Khhsath, Leshya Vesa Ikevindy, Elamiri Lady Ayrell, Elamiri Lord Ezerak, Yraggahh, Court Mage Miskton, Forest Sprite Lileath, Scout Siveril and Sefiya.
Obvious exits: east, west, out.
(Traveling interlude to the Great Salt Road, west of Hibarnhvidar)
You say, "It is on this road that we heard the howling."
You say, "By this point, there was no longer any wildlife to be seen nor heard."
You say, "The howling grew louder, more distinct."
[Great Salt Road]
The vegetation is sparse in some areas of the jagged landscape, but flourishes in others. A young pine tree has cleaved a large boulder in two, the halves forever separated by the sturdy trunk now standing between them.
Also here: Scout Siveril, Acolyte Khhsath, Elamiri Lord Ezerak, Sefiya, Forest Sprite Lileath, Yraggahh, Leshya Vesa Ikevindy, Elamiri Lady Ayrell, Court Mage Miskton and Lady Knight Elurora.
Obvious paths: north, southeast.
A howl echoes from the treeline, distant and indeterminate in origin. As it echoes over the Vela'tohr Valley, you can hear the rustle of birds taking to the sky.
Ezerak blinks.
Ikevindy throws his head back and howls!
Ayrell appears to be listening intently for something.
Miskton appears to be listening intently for something.
Siveril's jaw drops.
Siveril appears to be listening intently for something.
You say, "Something like that."
Khhsath asks you, "Such as that howl?"
Ayrell nods to Khhsath.
Yraggahh says, "Quite far."
Siveril throws his head back and howls!
You listen intently to the sounds around you.
Ikevindy nods at Yraggahh, obviously agreeing with his views.
Lileath searches around for a moment.
Ikevindy gazes up at the sky.
Khhsath says, "It knows we seek it."
Lileath scans the area briefly.
You ask, "Perhaps. Shall we continue toward the summit that we might get a better view of the area?"
Ayrell nods to you.
Miskton nods in agreement.
Siveril nods.
[Great Salt Road, Summit]
The path peaks in this spot, descending toward the Stelik Bridge in the southeast, and trickling to a narrow trail to the west. Patches of rough grass grow among the rocks, and the trees are mostly undisturbed by the winds that rush through the pass below. To one side, a stone block embedded into the ground holds a tall iron hook. Attached to the hook is a solid iron ring from which a gold band dangles.
Also here: Scout Siveril, Acolyte Khhsath, Elamiri Lord Ezerak, Sefiya, Forest Sprite Lileath, Yraggahh, Leshya Vesa Ikevindy, Elamiri Lady Ayrell, Court Mage Miskton and Lady Knight Elurora.
Obvious paths: southeast, west.
Ayrell casually observes the area.
You say, "And this is where we saw it, just over...."
Ikevindy gazes up at the sky.
Ikevindy glances up at the sky.
You point north.
You search around for a moment. You don't find anything of interest here.
Miskton gazes off to the north.
Khhsath gazes off to the north.
You have the distint feeling that you are being watched -- studied. A cold chill settles along the base of your spine, as someone -- something -- predatory watches from the near distance.
Elurora raises an eyebrow.
You shift your weight.
Ikevindy gives a sludge-black fustian cloak with a white rabbit painted on the back a hug!
Yraggahh's tail cautiously lifts into a kind of "U" shape.
You calmly ask, "Do you all feel this?"
Khhsath gives a slight nod.
Miskton nods.
Elurora nods to you.
Ayrell quietly says to you, "That certainly feels the way I recall."
Khhsath quietly says, "It is close."
Ikevindy nods to you.
Inhaling deeply, you adopt a cyclical rhythm in your breaths to reflect the ebb and flow of the natural world and steel yourself to prepare the Embed the Cycle spell.
Ezerak nods at Ayrell, obviously agreeing with her views.
The wind shifts slightly, cooling the night air.
Siveril ponders.
Siveril asks, "Uh, hello?"
Siveril searches around for a moment.
You say, "I will attempt to... explain."
You gesture.
You draw upon the essence of the natural cycle, embedding a sliver of its power into your frail body. Your flesh warps painlessly and transforms into a multi-colored coat of scales that slowly shifts in hue and pattern.
You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.
Sefiya ponders.
Yraggahh searches around for a moment.
Ezerak moves over to guard Ayrell.
Ayrell smiles at Ezerak.
Ikevindy squints at an iron hook.
Lileath assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something. You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
You listen intently to the sounds around you.
Elurora searches around for a moment.
Miskton gazes skyward and traces the planetary alignments in the air.
You decipher the telltale signs of the Clear Vision spell.
Lileath gestures.
Something approaches from the distance, bearing a large rack of antlers. It approaches on four limbs, before shifting to two, walking toward you, sniffing at the air around each of you.
Miskton gestures. Miskton's cambrinth armband emits a loud *snap*.
Elurora furrows her brow.
Ikevindy brings both fists to his chest.
Yraggahh takes a seat.
Siveril gasps!
Ayrell gazes at the figure.
Yraggahh nods politely.
You smile slightly and stand still, confident. You acknowledge the antlered figure but make no move toward it.
As it approaches, the figure becomes more diminutive. What appears to be a skull affixed to its face fades to an ornamental headdress, leaving a single Kather shaman standing before you, peering at each of you in turn. Anmuva sniffs at the air curiously.
Elurora blinks at Anmuva.
You see Blight Druid Anmuva, Grove Tender of the Vela'tohr Valley, a Kather Watcher.
Anmuva's face is obscured by the hollowed-out skull of a stag, with blank, cold eyes peering out from within its sockets. A rack of enormous antlers, marked by a full seventy-two tines, stretches nearly eight hands behind from the bleached mask. Two channels are carved beneath the eyes, painted a deep crimson. Tufts of fur extend downward from a square maw with visibly pronounced canines, honed to wicked points from hunting large prey. His silver mane is long and thick, with tufts of ghostly white fur providing distinction in markings. Teeth of small animals are tied by leather into braided fur. He has rust-colored fur with a brown belly and white marbling, a long, thick tail and a thin build, wreathed in a robe of skins accented with shards of bone.
Anmuva has a tall, wry build and is above average height for a Kather.
He appears to be a child.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a robe of hides stitched together with leather straps bearing fragments of animal bone and teeth, a long bearskin cloak with ragged gashes in perpendicular patterns that reveal wide holes in the garment and a fang-tipped flint earring.
Miskton gazes at Anmuva.
You gaze at Anmuva.
Elurora quietly says, "Oh. Hello."
Ikevindy blinks.
Ayrell curtsies gracefully to Anmuva.
Anmuva quietly says, "You must be those who read the ripples in the stream, and the rivers in the sky. Strange."
Khhsath bows his head, acknowledging Anmuva.
You say to Anmuva, "And it must have been you who was watching us. Good evening, brother of the wilds."
Anmuva continues sniffing the air, curiously.
Anmuva says to Ikevindy, "I smell many places lingering on you, like a perfume. You have been to the home of the Archer, who thinks that the wilds can be tamed with breweries and logging."
Anmuva says to you, "You smell like the bustle of streets. Groves of oaks. Cobblestones. Lacquer and pitch."
You give a slight nod.
Anmuva says to Siveril, "You smell of forges and streets. And the other smelled of waterfalls and wyverns. But beneath it, he too, still had the air of the city."
Elurora tilts her head, clearly curious about something.
Ikevindy gulps.
Sefiya gazes at Anmuva.
Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.
Anmuva says, "Surprising to me that the dragons have given their gift, but -- the Dragons will what they will. Some of you smell like you learned to traverse the wild in a private treehouse. I am bewildered, but intrigued."
Siveril ponders.
Siveril asks Anmuva, "The other?"
Anmuva says, "I will watch, and see what you each know of the wilds. In time, perhaps I will tell you why the Dragons share their wisdom, and how they change the stream."
Anmuva says, "But -- for now, I will continue to watch."
You say, "We will welcome your wisdom, when we deserve it."
Yraggahh glances at Khhsath.
Anmuva turns, walking toward the distance, his features twisting to merge with his mask. In a moment, he returns to all fours, before twisting into the shape of a bird -- flying into the distance in a northeast direction, before disappearing.
Khhsath frowns.
Miskton gazes off to the northeast.
Ayrell gazes off to the northeast.
Lileath ponders.
Yraggahh stands up.
Yraggahh says, "It spoke much of Dragons."
You fold your arms across your chest.
Ikevindy smiles.
Ayrell nods at Yraggahh, obviously agreeing with his views.
You say, "I have not seen a Kather in... many years."
Elurora asks, "What IS a Kather?"
Yraggahh nods to Elurora.
Siveril says to Yraggahh, "The Kather worship dragons."
Khhsath says to Yraggahh something in S'Kra.
Ikevindy nods.
Ikevindy rummages about his person, looking for something.
Yraggahh says something in S'Kra.
Miskton nods.
Ikevindy gets a woven kor'athi blanket from inside his catapult basket.
Khhsath makes a grunting noise.
Khhsath says, "Then it is a man after all."
You say, "When I was very, very young, some gnomes hired me to... well, it does not matter. This is quite the discovery."
Miskton says, "They live off to the northwest of Forfedhdar, from what I recall reading."
Yraggahh says to Siveril, "That is troubling."
Ikevindy nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Khhsath's eyes darken with thought, and his tail grows very still.
You say, "I suppose that confirms the draconic connection, in any case."
You smile.
Miskton nods.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Ayrell nods in agreement.
Ayrell says, "Very intriguing."
Ezerak nods at Ayrell, obviously agreeing with her views.
Siveril nods in agreement.
Ayrell nibbles her lip thoughtfully.
You ask, "Not that I am an expert on his kind, but did he seem young to anyone?"
Ayrell nods to you.
Elurora gives you a slight nod.
Lileath asks, "He appeared to be a child... but as a shapeshifer?"
Miskton says, "Hard to say for sure, but it seemed like it."
Ayrell says to you, "Yes. Quite."
Siveril says, "I've only read about them, I am not sure."
You nod to Lileath.
Ikevindy puts his blanket in his catapult basket.
You say, "Young being relative, of course. I do not know how long his kind live."
Khhsath says, "Small. Hard to tell beneath fur."
Ikevindy quietly says, "And the enormous rack of antlers."
Khhsath flicks the tip of his tail toward the ground sharply.
Miskton asks, "And it would seem he's judging us. Or more particularly the rangers, I suppose. Seeing if you're worth the gifts of the dragons?"
You nod in agreement.
Siveril says, "So it seems."
Khhsath nods.
Lileath says, "And mask... the eyes behind did not seem innocent."
Sefiya says, "He seemed displeased by the scent of cities on us."
Siveril nods at Sefiya, obviously agreeing with her views.
You say, "Rangers, after all, are not beings of pure Nature. We are the go between, the Balance. It may be unfamiliar to him, but we are what we are, and that includes cities."
Siveril asks, "What do you suppose will happen if he finds us lacking?"
You say, "Based on interactions thus far, I assume he would simply stop being seen."
Yraggahh nods.
You say, "If there is something to be learned, however, then that would be a most unfortunate consequence."
Siveril nods.
Sefiya nods in agreement.
Miskton nods.
Khhsath makes a grunting noise.
A gentle summer breeze warms the air.
Elurora slowly says, "I know Clerics do rituals to clean themselves. Maybe there's someting the Rangers could do to make them smelling."
Elurora shifts her weight.
Yraggahh's tail undulates in an agitated fashion.
Khhsath says, "Balance. To impress him I would tip your scales away from the cities."
Ezerak chuckles.
Ikevindy paces back and forth, smiling slightly to himself.
You say to Elurora, "There is, in fact. A pact with other spirits of nature."
Ezerak asks, "Perhaps they should stop bathing?"
Elurora flashes a quick grin at you.
Elurora giggles at Ezerak.
Elurora says, "Or bathe in streams."
Elurora nods to Ezerak.
Elurora appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Ikevindy chuckles at Ezerak.
Elurora quietly says to you, "Maybe that? It might help."
Sefiya says to Elurora, "So it can watch? That's...."
Sefiya shudders.
Sefiya chortles softly at some secret joke.
Siveril chuckles at Sefiya.
Elurora says, "Bodies are just bodies."
Elurora shrugs.
You say, "I have the distinct impression that we will not learn anything else here, for now. I should hope it will not be offensive if we take this time to return to our constructed land rather than remain idle out here in the summer breeze."
Ayrell nods to you.
Ezerak nods.
Yraggahh says, "I have a question about these Kather."
You cock your head at Yraggahh.
Yraggahh asks, "How is there worship any different from the Priests?"
Miskton says, "The Dragon Priests worship the World Dragon. The Kather worship other dragons, as far as I understand it."
Siveril says to Yraggahh, "They revere the dragons, not the World Dragon specifically."
Siveril nods at Miskton, obviously agreeing with his views.
Miskton says, "Something about Sun Dragons."
Yraggahh says, "The Priests are ruled by a Dragon, and for all intents, grovel at its feet."
Elurora quietly says, "Is there a book on them? The Kather."
Khhsath asks, "Do they revere Dragons above all others?"
Yraggahh says, "It does not sound much different."
Sefiya says, "And the Kather never slaughtered cities, to my knowledge."
Yraggahh nods to Sefiya.
Yraggahh says, "True enough."
Yraggahh says, "Or maybe they are simply not that dedicated to it yet."
Yraggahh chortles softly at some secret joke.
Miskton says, "There is a book with some information about them, yes."
You say, "It is unclear to what extent Ael'tharaxus truly guides the actions of those who would call themselves Dragon Priests, and in any case, he was very clearly, to my eyes, a being of the elements, rather than of nature."
Elurora quietly says to Miskton, "Do you remember where? I'd like to read it."
Elurora smiles at Miskton.
Miskton says, "I think it might be available in the Bard guild in Riverhaven, I'm not sure where else."
Yraggahh asks you, "Would such a distinction matter to these Kather who worship them?"
You smile slightly.
Elurora quietly says to Miskton, "I'll check, thank you."
You say, "As I said, I am certainly no expert on the Kather."
Yraggahh nods.
Miskton says, "But there's something about sun dragons and the moon dragon in a legend recorded in that book, the latter of which hatched from a moon. And they don't like that one. So there's that."
You gaze at Miskton.
Yraggahh nods to Miskton.
You ask, "Miskton, do you happen to have a puddle of light back in Ilithi?"
The tip of Yraggahh's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
Miskton says, "Not at the moment, but I can fix that."
Miskton gazes skyward and traces the planetary alignments in the air.
You decipher the telltale signs of the Focus Moonbeam spell.
Miskton gestures. A beam of clear silvery-blue light descends from the heavens.
Miskton gazes skyward and traces the planetary alignments in the air.
You decipher the telltale signs of the Teleport spell.
You say, "I do not know the destination of everyone here, but I assume they would mostly prefer not to run across Forfedhdar again."
Miskton says, "I'll have a moongate open momentarily."
Elurora quietly says, "I'd be walking back to Ilithi, I'm happy to wait for Miskton to make it faster."
You smile.
Elurora grins at Miskton.
Miskton gestures. Miskton's cambrinth armband emits a loud *snap*. A blinding flash of does light explodes into existence! As it fades, you notice that Miskton is gone.
Khhsath says to Yraggahh something in S'Kra.
Yraggahh nods to Khhsath.
Khhsath asks something in S'Kra.
Yraggahh says, "Yes, if they are opening the way."
A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.
Lileath peers through the Moongate.
Khhsath nods.
As you cross the Moongate's threshold you are drawn through to the other side...
[Moon Mage Guild, Aviary]
Rare and exotic plants and trees stretch up from the soft loam of the aviary, nesting-places for tropical birds imported to the guild from many lands. They soar from tree to tree and wheel through the air beneath the crystal skylights above, their bodies hued in every color of the rainbow. You also see a blue Moongate, a storm-grey cat with gold-flecked crystal blue eyes that is sleeping and a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes that is sleeping.
Also here: Court Mage Miskton.
Obvious exits: north, east, south, west.
Siveril, Khhsath, Ezerak, Sefiya, Lileath, Yraggahh, Ikevindy, Ayrell and Elurora followed.
Elurora smiles at Miskton.
Elurora gives Miskton a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.
Ikevindy bows to Miskton.
Miskton puts his tome in his scholar's valise.
Elurora says to Miskton, "Thank you, Sir."
Miskton nods politely.
You nod in agreement.
A blue Moongate collapses in on itself.
Yraggahh joins Khhsath's group.
You say, "Thank you."
Miskton says, "No trouble at all."
Yraggahh says, "Rath'a saar."
Miskton says, "You're welcome."
Elurora quietly says, "I think I'll see if I can find that book."
Elurora flashes a quick grin.
Miskton glances up at the sky.
After a few moments he lowers his gaze.
Ayrell says to Miskton, "Your mention of the Moon Dragon... I do vaguely recall something of that from when I was researching the World Dragon."
Ikevindy smiles at Elurora.
Elurora says to you, "Thank you as well, this was interesting."
You say, "I will be retiring to consider what we have learned and do some more research, now that there is direction. Thank you all for joining me."
Elurora gives a slight curtsy, barely worth the effort.
Khhsath says to you, "It was not what I expected, but a success. Well done."
Yraggahh nods to you.
You nod in agreement.
Lady Knight Elurora goes south.
Miskton says, "Hopefully being willing to make actual contact is a good sign for future interactions."
Khhsath nods to you.
Ayrell nods in agreement.
Acolyte Khhsath goes south, leading his group.
Ezerak nods in agreement.
Siveril nods.
Siveril says, "Perhaps so."
You say, "A pleasant evening, everyone."
You nod politely.
Siveril says to you, "Thank you for hosting."
You say, "Certainly."
Ayrell nods politely to you.
Ikevindy sincerely exclaims, "Yes, thank you!"