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Guildfest 412/Auction: Difference between revisions

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(UPSELLING! (also the recall on it does make it sound better quality))
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{{AuctLoot|i|compact golden spyglass with cut crystal lenses|Gandoft|43,923|60,833|notes=[[Arnile]]'s Spyglass ([[Trader]]) - ?}}
{{AuctLoot|i|compact golden spyglass with cut crystal lenses|Gandoft|43,923|60,833|notes=[[Arnile]]'s Spyglass ([[Trader]]) - ?}}
{{AuctLoot|s|simple vardite aegis|Joshuan|77,000|106,645|notes=Aegis of [[Syal]] ([[Paladin]]) - recharges [[holy weapon]]}}
{{AuctLoot|s|simple vardite aegis|Joshuan|77,000|106,645|notes=Aegis of [[Syal]] ([[Paladin]]) - recharges [[holy weapon]]}}
{{AuctLoot|i|burnished silver flute highlighted by a rich patina|Nienn|46,851|64,889|notes=[[Siryn]]'s Flute ([[Bard]]) - elemental [[foci|focus]] & regular instrument}}
{{AuctLoot|i|burnished silver flute highlighted by a rich patina|Nienn|46,851|64,889|notes=[[Siryn]]'s Flute ([[Bard]]) - elemental [[foci|focus]] & high end instrument}}

Revision as of 12:38, 28 June 2014


  • Items sold at auction automatically have their appraisal value set to 1/2 of the sale value.


Auctioneer Cesiro


Item Buyer Platinum
vardite barbells forged to resemble massive doughnuts Ederick 42,000 58,170 about 80 volumes of vardite
anlora-avtoma warrior statuette Archipelago 35,369 48,986 repairs weapons
khor'vela-hafted war hammer carved with a sky giant's face Buluc 3,333 4,616 medium blunt weapon (strong against giants)
dragonwood jewelry box adorned with green glaes Pormithius 13,200 18,282 contains a draconic glaes engagement ring cradling a spherical Nature's Canopy emerald (Trader jewelry)
gleaming scale hauberk crafted to resemble dragon hide Dunrook 5,555 7,694 brigandine armor
tiny translucent red caterpillar Rmel 22,403 31,028 verby toy
elegant smokewood humidor with a Fortune's Star diamond closure Brazz 10,000 13,850 contains cigars and a lacquered smokewood key tipped in kertig, an elegant long-stemmed smokewood pipe banded in kertig, and a small kertig cylinder topped with a stylized erupting volcano (lighter?)
blackened inkhorne bone armband hung with a constellation of tiny stars Alagash 22,550 31,232 Luckstone enchantment for Moon Mages
Dwarven miner's boots Kitarro 1,002 1,388 fluff for Dwarves
damite and oravir shrike charm Damart 25,000 34,625 Whisper charm
miser's moneybelt bedecked with reinforced steelsilk pouches Tranon 1,500 2,078 holds up to 40 coins
void-black talon blade Rajara 21,619 29,943 light edged weapon
ugly stick Resero 30,300 41,966 hit people to make them ugly
satchel embroidered with images of rampant black unicorns engaged in battle Shaidval 12,717 17,613 contains a simple chain suspending a gloriously dark black unicorn spinel and a heavy leather-bound grimoire centered with a unicorn spinel upon the cover
gath mysanda Good 10,000 13,850 stores energy to restore attunement
Halfling's steel-shod kneecapper Gabin 1,970 2,728 Halfling weapon
tiny translucent blue caterpillar Camillo 31,000 42,935 verby toy
bone white witchclaw-handled broom affixed with a mass of thorny twigs Erlo 56,454 78,188 flying mount
broken knitting needle Naniaki 8,419 11,661 Guardian Spirit alteration for Empaths
gleaming silversteel hauberk of curious design Squanto 15,000 20,775 chain armor (80 volumes of silversteel)
massive steel kite shield polished to a mirror finish Ianhanse 5,600 7,756 large shield
slender icesteel khuj with a long mistwood haft Remu 19,000 26,315
tiny translucent purple caterpillar Fvfour 31,204 43,218 verby toy
blackened steel staff studded with pure white thealstone orbs Penethol 23,485 32,527 quarter staff and light source

Guild Artifacts

Item Buyer Platinum
clouded glass mirror fragment Khalikryst 80,000 110,800 Tezirah's Mirror (Moon Mage) - ?
simple tortoiseshell comb Merrila 22,000 30,470 Nissa's Comb (Empaths) - summons unique guardian spirit
well-oiled weapon harness Malign 50,930 70,538 Warrior's Harness (Barbarians) - repairs weapons
massive kertig broadsword hilted in sigilated cambrinth Malzard 44,658 61,851 Sword Of Arhat (Warrior Mages) - fire sword
ornate anloral reliquary Pharstar 25,000 34,625 Meraud's Reliquary (Cleric) - scroll memory enhancer
verdant oak leaf dangling from a raw leather cord Calde 60,000 83,100 Wild's Heart (Ranger) - ?
thin grey cloak (2) Dyamond 63,939 88,555 Cloak Of Damaris (Thief) - anti-locate cloak
compact golden spyglass with cut crystal lenses Gandoft 43,923 60,833 Arnile's Spyglass (Trader) - ?
simple vardite aegis Joshuan 77,000 106,645 Aegis of Syal (Paladin) - recharges holy weapon
burnished silver flute highlighted by a rich patina Nienn 46,851 64,889 Siryn's Flute (Bard) - elemental focus & high end instrument

Something Unusual

Item Buyer Platinum
monstrous spiked double axe of dark metals exuding a miasmic sanguine aura Unknown 3,740 - 2HE + possessed
fine animite vial with colorful salt-filled glass chambers Unknown 16,219 - 10 charge. Rechargeable
miniature kobold hand Unknown 5,000 6,250 summons minion
thin grey cloak (1) Unknown 13,000 - hides trans magic


Total Spent 962,982 1,333,729
Minimum Price 1,002 1,388
Maximum Price 80,000 110,800
Mean Price 28,323 39,227
Median Price 23,018 31,880
Standard Deviation 21,705 30,061


Item Buyer Platinum
vardite barbells forged to resemble massive doughnuts Unknown - about 80 volumes of vardite
anlora-avtoma warrior statuette Unknown - repairs weapons
khor'vela-hafted war hammer carved with a sky giant's face Unknown - medium blunt weapon (strong against giants)
dragonwood jewelry box adorned with green glaes Unknown - contains a draconic glaes engagement ring cradling a spherical Nature's Canopy emerald (Trader jewelry)
gleaming scale hauberk crafted to resemble dragon hide Unknown - brigandine armor
tiny translucent red caterpillar Unknown - verby toy
elegant smokewood humidor with a Fortune's Star diamond closure Unknown - contains cigars and a lacquered smokewood key tipped in kertig, an elegant long-stemmed smokewood pipe banded in kertig, and a small kertig cylinder topped with a stylized erupting volcano (lighter?)
blackened inkhorne bone armband hung with a constellation of tiny stars Unknown - Luckstone enchantment for Moon Mages
Dwarven miner's boots Unknown - fluff for Dwarves
damite and oravir shrike charm Unknown - Whisper charm
miser's moneybelt bedecked with reinforced steelsilk pouches Unknown - holds up to 40 coins
void-black talon blade Unknown - light edged weapon
ugly stick Unknown - hit people to make them ugly
satchel embroidered with images of rampant black unicorns engaged in battle Unknown - contains a simple chain suspending a gloriously dark black unicorn spinel and a heavy leather-bound grimoire centered with a unicorn spinel upon the cover
gath mysanda Unknown - stores energy to restore attunement
Halfling's steel-shod kneecapper Unknown - Halfling weapon
tiny translucent blue caterpillar Unknown - verby toy
bone white witchclaw-handled broom affixed with a mass of thorny twigs Unknown - flying mount
broken knitting needle Unknown - Guardian Spirit alteration for Empaths
gleaming silversteel hauberk of curious design Unknown - chain armor (80 volumes of silversteel)
massive steel kite shield polished to a mirror finish Unknown - large shield
slender icesteel khuj with a long mistwood haft Unknown -
tiny translucent purple caterpillar Unknown - verby toy
blackened steel staff studded with pure white thealstone orbs Unknown - quarter staff and light source

Guild Artifacts

Item Buyer Platinum
clouded glass mirror fragment Unknown - Tezirah's Mirror (Moon Mage)
simple tortoiseshell comb Unknown - Nissa's Comb (Empaths)
well-oiled weapon harness Unknown - Warrior's Harness (Barbarians)
massive kertig broadsword hilted in sigilated cambrinth Unknown - Sword Of Arhat (Warrior Mages)
ornate anloral reliquary Unknown - Meraud's Reliquary (Cleric)
verdant oak leaf dangling from a raw leather cord Unknown - Wild's Heart (Ranger)
thin grey cloak (2) Unknown - Cloak Of Damaris (Thief)
compact golden spyglass with cut crystal lenses Unknown - Arnile's Spyglass (Trader)
simple vardite aegis Unknown - Aegis of Syal (Paladin)
burnished silver flute highlighted by a rich patina Unknown - Siryn's Flute (Bard)

Something Unusual

Item Buyer Platinum
monstrous spiked double axe of dark metals exuding a miasmic sanguine aura Tharqtus 10 12.5 2HE + possessed
fine animite vial with colorful salt-filled glass chambers - - 0 10 charge. Rechargeable
miniature kobold hand Divult 10 12.5 summons minion
thin grey cloak (1) Uzmam 300 375 hides trans magic


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