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Item:Miniature kobold hand
miniature kobold hand | |
Look: | The hand seems to be an exact representation of a kobold's severed limb. Every detail is exact, down to the clumps of hairs on each knuckle. Though made out of durable iron metal, the claw seems very close to lifelike. |
Weight: | 5 stones |
Metal: | Unknown |
Appraised Cost: | Unknown |
Properties: | This is an item.
Dimensions: | ? length x ? width x ? height |
Sources: | Source is Guildfest 412/Auction |
Please read the Secrets and Spoiler Policy before editing this page. |
Usable once per day.
- STUDY: You believe that the hand is a necromantic device of some sort, that can be TURNed to activate its magic.
- You think that you can also TAP, WAVE, POKE, LICK, RUB, and TOUCH the hand.
- TURN: You slowly turn a miniature kobold hand in your hand, murmuring a soft ritual as you do so. Profane thoughts and eerie whispers fill your head as some dark power far too immense to comprehend seems awakened by your meddling, and turns its attention toward you briefly.
- You think that whatever you drew the attention of is benevolent, at least toward you.
- Suddenly, a severed limb crawls into view, trailing fresh blood behind it! The claw stands itself upright on the bleeding stump, grasping about and lurching as if feeling for living flesh.
- TAP: You tap lightly on your kobold hand, and it seems to flex iself into a fist very briefly, then relaxes again. Although it could be your imagination.
- WAVE: You wave your kobold hand back and forth lightly, admiring the detailed metalwork involved in its design.
- POKE: You poke the ends of the kobold hand's fingertips, and find that the claws are quite sharp.
- LICK: You lick the claw and discover that your tongue tingles as it touches the claw, but otherwise it's rather reminiscent of moss and rotting fish with a hint of iron.
- RUB: You lightly rub the back of your kobold hand, and its fingers seem to curl up just slightly.
- TOUCH: You lightly touch your kobold hand, and it curls itself up into a tiny fist.
You attempt to remember something about a miniature kobold hand, but your senses are suddenly overwhelmed. Pain. Separation. Falling. Flashes of light, color and sound flicker through you, nearly incoherent in their jumbled presentation as the sensations of loss abruptly come to a stop and your point of view seems to jerk forward, upward, away...
You see a Prydaen man kneeling before the twitching, bloodied corpse of a kobold. He moves erratically, yet with a mad grace that seems to indicate practice and intention on a deeper, perhaps instinctual level. As the man completes his ritual, your perspective violently shifts once more, and you find yourself twitching and grasping as your no-eyes look upon he who has given you new life, new purpose.
Your vision suddenly returns again, and you are left gasping for recently denied breath.
an animated kobold hand
- An animated kobold hand snaps suddenly, sending droplets of congealing blood in all directions. Its muscles convulse violently, as if with purpose, and it grabs a [target] around the ankle and drags it to the ground!
- An animated kobold hand splashes around in a puddle of its own blood. With sudden determination, it grabs a [target] around the ankle and drags it to the ground!
- TAP: You tap on one of the hand's knuckles, and it jerks away from your touch!
- WAVE: You wave to an animated kobold hand, and it slowly waves back at you.
- POKE: You lightly poke an animated kobold hand in the center of its palm, and it balls up into a fist.
- LICK: I don't think that's such a good idea.
- RUB: You lightly rub the back of an animated kobold hand and it rubs up against you like a macabre housecat.
- TOUCH: You bend down and attempt to touch an animated kobold hand, but it wriggles out of your reach.