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The First Land Herald/449-10-29

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Article Number: 91
Dateline: 449-10-29

Mere weeks ago, the sea was calm - almost too calm - as I arrived at Acenamacra Pier. I stood alone on the dock with no sound nearby except for the crashing waves along the beach. In the visible distance I could see others heading to the entrance of the local tavern.

I made my way up the sandy path towards the grand house at the social center of the settlement. Once inside, I was greeted by the familiar faces of Lady of the Mountain Ayrell and Mountain Lord Ezerak, already accompanied by Aislynn, Karthor, Eyst, Lady of the Watch Dantia, Zyros, Belzor, Aerhys, Sofina, Zersha and Zalinyar. Malorna, Navesi, Casari, Gwenddolyn, Tirost, Ezathiel, Haxen, Miskton, Illiya, Valynn, and Allye arrived not long afterwards.

Everyone gathered quite comfortably within the quaint yet sparse and dim establishment. Conversations struck up about the recent happenings with regards to wild magic. Is it to do with the Immortals? The Heralds? Liraxes?

Ayrell informed the crowd that while a letter was sent requesting an audience with Khoheke, no acknowledgement had been returned. We all hoped the Commodore would accept the invitation to join, and we waited patiently to see if Khoheke would make his arrival known. In the meantime, Ayrell provided a short explanation of the Bulwark for those who weren't aware of it and her reasons for seeking out the Commodore.

Dantia expanded on the Bulwark's description, relaying that "Commodore Khoheke had previously told us that the Bulwark 'is nothing more and nothing less than a reinforcement of cosmic order, the bars on the cell that keeps entropy and hostile extraplanar entities away from our plane.'." Navesi added that essentially, as she understood it, "the Bulwark is what keeps the rules of our Plane of Abiding stable. Other Planes like to... encroach on ours, for lack of a better term. When they do, their rules start to affect ours, and that is when we see areas of strangeness."

All chatter abruptly came to a halt when we caught a glimpse of the three-masted ship anchored in the harbor, silhouetted against the evening sky. From outside, the echo of a voice that is magically projected from out in the harbor was heard -- stern and commanding. "This is the Commander Khoheke Moglin of the Reshalian fleet. We have dispatched a party of our naval soldiers to entreat and parlay with you to address all subjects that you need to discuss in short order. Prepare your Inn to be boarded in the name of Ratha."

Our eyes fell on the open door while a dozen sailors in tattered and barely-matching uniforms made their way into the tavern. Each sailor made a show of exaggerated guard poses, but lacked any decorum or discipline- a sharp contrast to the marines present at the time of the Basalt assault. These men which heralded Khoheke's arrival were midshipmen and boatswain at best. Khearkrash was first to inquire, "Why aren't these the regular House Moglin Marines?".

To further the feeling that something was amiss, a single figure entered behind the sailors -- a short S'Kra Mur in an oversized admiral's coat, a large tricorn hat nearly covering the head. A single hooked hand was raised, the metal residing within the lapel of the coat. Thick-soled soldier's boots clanked steadily across the floor, dragging slightly, as if they were ill-fitting, and a thick tail swept behind the Commodore. "Tell me, you accomplished individuals with very nice things, of the things you wish to ask of Khoheke Moglin this day."

Unfooled and undeterred, people immediately began addressing the curiously costumed "Khoheke" as the Pirate Srinoja. Outside, the galleon slowly rose into the sky, dispersing water in its wake. The Aloof Gannet took flight, leaving gryphons hovering behind it -- each with a pirate atop! Srinoja slipped silently into the shadows.

Under the peaceful dome of the Sanctuary spell, Ayrell seized on this brief moment for an attempt to negotiate. A voice from the shadows spoke, "Well. Guess y'er chicken. Hidin' with magic an' stuff. Guess we'll just raid the rest of the town." Without interest in any parlays, Srinoja set her pirates upon the small village. A quick peek outside revealed she commanded a significant number of net men, deckhands, sailors, lieutenants, mercenaries, mariners, ruffians, cutthroats, thugs, footpads, longbowmen, crossbowmen, riggers, mariners, bosuns, and of course, pirates.

During the fray, Srinoja kept tapping on a small iron sphere banded by black runes. With great strain showing on her face, a wide bubble of dim light radiated outward from Srinoja in an ever-growing circumference. It seemed to be somehow helping her combat stance and hindering ours, and her powerful demeanor when using the device was unnerving.

We went outside and fought for some time, protecting the small village of Acenamacra from Srinoja's attempt to pillage it. In the chaos, I was amused when I saw a one-eyed net wielder turn on her with a sneer and cast out his net to entrap his own Captain. As we relentlessly defeated and outnumbered her lackeys, the pirate and what remained of her crew finally retreated to their ship and took flight.

When the dust settled and due to the apparent threat of intercepted letters and Srinoja's affinity for attacking harbors, Ayrell decided to write Khoheke once again. However, this time she requested to meet on the fourth tier of Ratha at the Wayfarer's tavern, on Khoheke's home turf and higher ground.

Khoheke was unsurprised to hear of Srinoja's impersonation, and said he would request additional patrols in place from the Zsikiels. Deciding this was truly the Commodore this time around, the investigating group sat down for drinks and determined to listen to any advice he had to offer. Khoheke turned down the libations himself, stating he preferred preparedness and keeping his wits about him.

He sat near the fireplace and thanked everyone for their assistance with Basalt Isle. He then asked what we already knew. Ayrell elaborated the happenings we have experienced on the mainland, with Dantia adding some information about what the Paladins have felt, regarding the Bulwark specifically. Khoheke responded that he felt the same strangeness, as if the Bulwark was unable to maintain the same level of integrity.

Khoheke continued, "Only speculation. I do not pretend to be nearly as learned as those who assisted from the Temple. I cannot take credit for the weapon we deployed that revealed the Bulwark -- only that I was a conduit. From my own observations, I would begin with the reminder that the Bulwark serves to maintain planar integrity, with its health directly related to the purity of our soul. But -- that is my own understanding from discussing the subject with those who are far more experienced in planar matters."

Notably, he observed the Bulwark seemed to suffer as Jeihrem drew more horrible things into the space around the Island. The more horrible sorcerous energy he drew through, the bigger the cracks seemed. But, again, he reinforced this was beyond his own expertise, and was firmly giving anecdotal conjecture. He confirmed the cracks did appear to close up again, for a time, with the great expense of the soul through the Sanyu Aes device. He added that while this feels similar to the cracks inflicted on the Island, though also entirely different in some ways -- and feels less directly tied to a specific thing.

Khoheke went on to say that, "The Island felt like -- in a metaphor -- like a very large but specific crack in a plate of glass. Here, it feels much more like the glass has small cracks across its entire surface." Dantia replied that this was "a helpful, if not reassuring, metaphor." The Commodore once again repeated his advice that he would defer to those far more educated on planar manners as he was, admittedly, not particularly educated in the ways of sorcery. He suggested perhaps the answer is to limit extraplanar influence and see if the cracks repair, crediting Uryutis as being "much more learned on matters of planes than I am. While he may be unfamiliar with the Bulwark, he sounds to be much more of an expert on planar integrity.".

Khoheke advised, "Navigating bureaucracy and interacting with scholars is not my own specialty, either, so I would be lost to find another suitable guide. Perhaps Tallis knows one. Certainly the Temple is seeking answers.". In short, although he did not have firm resolutions on wild magic beyond his experience with the Bulwark, he did suggest stopping sorcery may be worth the effort and encouraged communication with those who have a deeper and more personal understanding of it.

At the end of the meeting, when asked about Liraxes, Khoheke admitted he hadn't heard the name but was able to inform us of increased pirate activity on the islands, including new ones not seen or heard of before.

Of course, much has changed since these events transpired, with the disappearance of five leaders behind our inquiries and research. It is my greatest hope that others familiar with the inner workings of the planes and Grove Scholar will come forward to resume the investigation, especially with our friends and colleagues' return now being at stake.


Shaylynne Kendialahle
Reporter for the First Land Herald

Real Date: Unknown Date

Aloof Gannet



Leth Deriel






Wild Magic

