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The Bulwark is a cosmic phenomenon which is currently not well understood, but appears to have some relation to Paladins and their sanctified soul.
Description from Khoheke
Information about the Bulwark first came from Commodore Khoheke, in reference to the weapon called "Sanyu Aes", used in the assault on Basalt Isle.
"About the Sanyu Aes itself, he said, "The weapon marshaled the sanctified souls of the Paladins who assisted in order to strengthen the Bulwark. [The Bulwark] is nothing more and nothing less than a reinforcement of cosmic order, the bars on the cell that keeps entropy and hostile extraplanar entities away from our plane. I was not [the weapon's] designer, so I am perhaps not the best person to speak on its mechanism. But what I understand -- and experienced -- is that, using the souls of the righteous Paladins as a sort of focal lens, it brought the Bulwark down to seal the void of entropy centered on that Isle."" [1]
"[The] Bulwark serves to maintain planar integrity, with its health directly related to the purity of our soul." [1]
For a description of the Sanyu Aes in action, see the log here.
Moon Mage Visions
There are a number of Moon Mage visions which have featured figures wearing golden plate, who are theorized to represent the Bulwark in some fashion.