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Guildfest 445
A biennial Guildfest that is free to attend located south from the Theren gate. Additional information on the festival and events can be found by checking FESTIVAL in-game.
Instance | Opens | Closes |
Prime | Friday, June 16, 2023 | Sunday, June 25, 2023 |
Platinum | Friday, June 16, 2023 | Sunday, July 2, 2023 |
Fallen | Friday, June 16, 2023 | Sunday, June 25, 2023 |
Special Events
Instance | Date | Time |
Prime | Saturday, June 24, 2023 | 9PM EST |
Platinum | Sunday, June 25, 2023 | 9PM EST |
Fallen | Sunday, June 25, 2023 | 4PM EST |
Glaes Spatula Cooking Competition 445
Instance | Date | Time |
Prime | Sunday, June 25, 2023 | 1PM EST |
Platinum | Saturday, July 1, 2023 | 1PM EST |
Location and Map
Therenborough Fairegrounds: entry is a field that is found S, SE, SW from the outside of the Theren gate.
The following free, guild-themed candies can be found at the following locations:
Room | Bag | Item |
C | dingy pouch set atop an irregular stone pyramid | glowering candy Warrior Mage |
E | hemp sack tied to the end of a barbed spear | dancing candy Barbarian |
F | silk pouch tied to the end of a broken telescope | robed candy Moon Mage |
G | silvery pouch atop a narrow ivory pedestal | armored candy Paladin |
H | ale-stained bag hanging from a wooden rack | smiling candy Bard |
I | brown canvas feedbag slung across a broken caravan wheel | winking candy Trader |
K | sturdy burlap backpack slung across the shoulder of a makeshift dummy | nondescript candy Commoner |
L | frayed bag hanging from the branch of a potted sapling | crouching candy Ranger |
O | grey pouch swirled with light and dark hues resting on a simple altar | praying candy Cleric |
P | pale gauze bag resting on a miniature white cabinet | bandaged candy Empath |
Room | Entrance | Shop Name | Inventory | Restrictions | Shop Done |
Items Done |
B | linked wagons | Bank of Therenborough, Festival Branch | bank services tied to the Therenborough account | Yes | ||
B | wooden wagon | Jisi's Raffles | occasional raffle events | Yes | ||
C | sooty tarp-covered shop | Pyromaniacs' Corner | naphtha holders; fire-themed weapons, shields, clothing | Rotating | yes | Yes |
C | massive canvas pavilion capped with fluttering pennants | Imperial Pavilion | merchant consultations/alterations | N/A | No | |
D | series of sandalwood caravans | auction hall | ?? | Yes | ||
D | large canvas tent | Sebastien's Fine Print | ledgers, ledger cases, contract cases | Traders | yes | No |
D | sturdy grey canvas tent | As the Caravan Turns | caravan items | yes | Yes | |
E | umber tent draped with mammoth hides | Sound the Hunt | warhorns | Barbarians/Bards | ?? | No |
E | large cake-shaped tent with pink canvas awnings | Hunka's Delights | cupcakes | yes | Yes | |
F | ticket gate with a sign on it | Faeries' Wheel | ride (game); 100 lirum | N/A | Yes | |
F | octagonal building | The Essential Sects Shop | divination tools | Yes | No | |
G | brick shop with a large caravan painted on a wooden sign | Primp My Ride | caravan exteriors | Traders** | ?? | Yes |
G | brightly painted wagon | Tisk's Wagon | gnome-sized armor; weapons, containers, cambrinth, instruments, fluff, game | Gnomes | ?? | Yes |
H | vivid silvery tent | The Bardic Journey | Bard-themed weapons, armor, cambrinth, clothing | Bards*/Traders* | yes | No |
H | massive oak caravan with a green-and-white striped awning | Natural Magic | cassava root items, foraging aprons, gourds (belt-worn containers), flower charms, life-attuned cambrinth | Empaths/Traders | yes | Yes |
H | tattered tent | The Web of Fate | sanowret crystals, sigilbooks | yes | Yes | |
I | blue velvet tent trimmed in strands of pearls | Marine Marvels | pearls and ocean-themed jewelry | yes | Yes | |
I | huge wagon | Gemfire Mountains Leathercrafters | sheaths | yes | Yes | |
I | massive azure tent capped with fluttering gold pennants | Inner Vision | guild-themed bindis (forehead gems) | Necromancers*/Thieves* | ?? | No |
J | gaudily clothed barker | Ring Toss Game | game | N/A | Yes | |
K | deep crimson yurt | Gersvinda's Natural Studies | anatomy charts and compendiums | Empaths/Traders | yes | Yes |
L | rough wooden wagon covered in hides | The Great Outdoors | engineering tools, outfitting tools, containers, Ranger-themed clothing, jewelry, and toys, fishing poles | Rangers/Traders | ?? | No |
L | polished leather tent with russet silk pennants | Nahja's Knickknacks | jewelry, armor masks | Rangers*/Traders* | yes | No |
L | trio of wrecked caravans clustered in a tight triangle | Illwind & Sons Lucky Disaster Salvage Company | floaters, flower-themed jewelry | Traders | yes | No |
M | gaudily clothed barker | Three Frog Monte | game | N/A | Yes | |
N | reinforced ironwood wagon with a heavy steel roof | The Crystal Pilgrim | weapons, pilgrim's badges, prayer bead chains | Clerics/Paladins/Traders | ?? | No |
N | well-oiled hide tent | The Wandering Woodsman | Ranger-themed weapons, armor, clothing, jewelry, containers; trail maps | ?? | No | |
N | large golden rotunda strung with decorative siegery figures | Besieged | Siegery Competition, Siegery sets, labeled Siegery competition gear | ?? | No | |
O | ramshackle booth set away from the main path | Sister Seendra's Salvation Station | weapons | yes | Yes | |
O | mahogany-colored tapestry tent | Altared Visions | prayer bead chains, jewelry, bead carving | yes | No | |
O | orange tent with purple stripes | Bunglefoot's Tent | cambrinth, clothing, furniture, leather armor, jewelry. | Halfling*/Gnome* | ?? | Yes |
P | beige canvas tent | Empath Emporium | Empath-related fluff; shields, leather armor | yes | Yes | |
P | tattered purple tent | The Mind's Eye | G'nar Pethian clothing, scarabs | G'nar Pethian Moon Mages |
?? | No |
Q | driftwood wagon | Perpetual Blossoms of Mer'Kresh | floral-themed items | yes | Yes | |
Q | simple tent | Ties for Things | toolstraps; crafting belts; Kaldaran alteration fodder | ?? | Yes | |
R | airy white pavilion | The Foraging Emporium | herb containers that stack herbs by type | yes | Yes | |
R | colorful wagon strewn with ribbons and large bows | Auntie Phanie's Phancies | containers, clothing, jewelry | yes | Yes | |
R | long caravan pulled by black and white bears | Flowering Furniture | flower-themed housing items | yes | Yes | |
S | small brown tent | Stamped! | Barbarian face stamps | Barbarians/Traders | ?? | No |
S | large paint-splattered hide tent | Osgeth's | Barbarian war paint, weapon/armor dyes, crafting dye tubs, dyes, face paint | Barbarians*/Traders* | ?? | No |
S | glowing portal surrounded with aethereal wisps | Mystical Machinations | spellbooks | ?? | No | |
T | simple oak caravan | Beppo's | insulting badges | yes | Yes | |
T | carved stone hut on heavy oak wheels | Fancybeards | beard jewelry | yes | Yes | |
T | feathery white tent | Skyward Bound | wings | yes | No | |
T | rustic log wagon | Slice and Dice | belt-worn skinning knives | yes | Yes | |
U | colorful canvas tent | Delightful Decor | season-themed housing items | yes | No | |
U | large semicircular caravan | Hide and Seek | item-hiding clothing and jewelry | Thieves*/Traders* | yes | No |
U | gilded platinum tent | All the Gilded Loot | small autoloot containers | yes | Yes | |
V | azure painted wagon with a silk green banner | Inner Illuminations | soulstone accessories (including racial items), Paladin-themed rings | Paladins | ?? | No |
V | large green pavilion shaped like a dragon | The Book Wyrm | toys, containers, scroll cases, writing-items | ?? | No | |
V | white wagon covered with painted symbols | The Mighty Mage | Warrior Mage and Moon Mage themed clothing, jewelry, and containers | Traders / Moon Mages/Warrior Mages? | yes | Yes |
W | run-down wagon | Just In Case | talisman cases, containers | yes | No | |
W | web-covered black canvas tent | Arcayne Attyre | wizard-themed clothing, toys, armor and weapons | yes | No | |
X | black tent lavishly trimmed with colorful silk scarves | Abu Hassan Ali ibn Bekar's Fineries | guild-themed clothing/jewelry | yes | Yes | |
X | elegant shop with a carved painted door and green awning | Sheer Beauty | makeup | yes | No | |
X | crimson-trimmed cedar wagon | Crimson Crane Couriers | calling cards | yes | Yes | |
Y | purple wagon painted with wispy clouds | Weather Beaters | Color-changing clothing, weather themed clothing and containers | yes | Yes | |
Y | smoke-scented grey tent | The Kindled Spirit | Pipes and tobacco | yes | Yes | |
Z | crowned alpaca-felt yurt painted with pizazzy tridecagons | Akaterina's Cassocks | clerical robes | yes | No | |
Z | straw-thatch hut flanked by pots of celosia | Vocational Grace | Cleric-related items | Traders / Clerics | ?? | No |
Z | colorful caravan festooned with flower garlands | All Tressed Up | hair and beard accessories | yes | Yes | |
Z | tall canvas tent | Somka's Skin Stylings | tattoos | yes | Yes | |
1 | sturdy silverwood shack | Getting Back to Basics | cambrinth, knives, containers, shimmer-items | ?? | Yes | |
1 | modest canvas tent topped with a flowing pennant displaying a compass rose | Merit Badges | pilgrim badges, soulstone items | yes | Yes | |
2 | bright red tent | Gerkin's Apple Show | game (apple bobbing) | yes | Yes | |
2 | pair of adobe huts | Risty Business | ristes and half-handled ristes | yes | Yes | |
3 | green and white striped tent | Guildly Floors For Thought | guild-themed flooring | yes | Yes | |
4 | wide tent | Two Doors Guild Fest | guild-themed doors | yes | Yes | |
4 | glass-paneled greenhouse with jasmine vines climbing along its walls | Juicy Loot | jewelry with fruit-themed gems | yes | Yes | |
5 | wooden wagon | Affair of the Art Annex | guild-themed wall hangings | yes | Yes | |
6 | large canvas tent | Loot N Flee | Guild themed loot pouches, 20 items | yes | No | |
hidden | hidden | Darker Shade of Night | clothing, containers | Thieves | yes | No |
hidden | hidden | Discreet Deceptions | containers, home decorations | Thieves | yes | Yes |
hidden | hidden | Frieden's Fabulous Frivolities | cambrinth | Thieves | yes | No |
hidden | hidden | King Fade's Back Alley Bazaar | weapons | Thieves | Yes | Yes |
hidden | hidden | Pirate Hideaway | weapons, containers, clothing, jugglies, dirt stackers | Thieves | yes | Yes |
hidden | hidden | A Dirty Shack | Tattoos | Necromancers*** | No | Yes |
hidden | hidden | In Plain Sight | Necromancers**** | yes | No | |
hidden | hidden | The Knife's Edge | knives, containers, clothing | Necromancers**** | yes | No |
hidden | hidden | Repurposed Shipments | item hiders | Necromancers**** | yes | No |
hidden | hidden | Visage of Obfuscation | enchanted jewelry | Necromancers**** | yes | No |
Some shops are circle based for some guilds listed.
*Some rooms in the shop are open to everyone.
**Anyone can enter, but only these people may buy.
***Anyone can enter or buy, if they can find the area, but items may have in-game consequences associated with this guild.
****Shop was moved after the event began.
Instructions for Editing Shop Tables
Please do not check these columns unless you have personally verified the information.
"Shop Done" means:
- All of the inventory and prices are listed
- Inventory and prices are for the current version (some shops have more than one version with different inventory or prices)
- Store At A Glance has been completely filled out (including the item types)
- All items have at least a basic link.
- Rotating: This shop has rotating stock that may be missing.
- Limited: This shop has limited stock that may have sold out before archiving.
- Please check shop inventory before confirming if inventory is accurate/complete
- Bolded shops have new and/or updated inventory.
- More shops may be added. Add to list when needed.
"Items Done" means:
- Every item in the shop has been blue-linked and completed fully. This is now handled automatically by the template.
Use the following code for the shop list:
- {{fest|room|entrance|shop name (true name)|shop name (display)|inventory|restrictions|done?}}