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House Theren
This article refers to the Noble Human family that has produced several Emperors of the Seven - Pointed Star, and Barons of Therengia. Not to be confused with the province of Therengia, or its capital city of Therenborough.
A black tower upon a royal blue field, with a golden, seven-pointed star suspended in the sky.
Notable Members
Ibec Theren
Imperial Governor who expanded the city of Riverhaven in 776 BL.
Jordham Theren
Emperor of the Seven - Pointed Star, 735 BL - 728 BL.
Solagard Theren
Emperor of the Seven - Pointed Star, 309 BL - 302 BL.
Jelstad Theren
- Baron of Therengia, 230 BL - 203 BL
After the division of the former Imperial lands into five sovereign states in 230 BL, Governor Jelstad Theren becomes the first Baron of Therengia.
Bamiec Theren
- Baron of Therengia, 203 BL - 186 BL
Executed by the newly - formed Dragon's Empire shortly after the fall of Therenborough to the Dragon Priests.
Kerehald Theren I
- Baron of Therengia, 186 BL - 103 BL
Jeladric Theren I
- Baron of Therengia, 103 BL - 65 BL
Varahad Theren
- Baron of Therengia, 65 BL - ?
Assumed Barony upon the death of Jeladric I. Father of Falstad.
Falstad Theren I
- Born 27 BL - died 45 AV
In 3 BL, Baron Falstad of Therengia and King Baulsir of Kwarlog lead a united army against the Dragon Priests in the north.
Paumar Theren
- Baron of Therengia, 45 AV - 57 AV
Started a disastrous war with the dwarves of Kwarlog. Commited suicide by hanging. Has been disowned by every subsequent Baron.
Artosh Theren
- Baron of Therengia, 57 AV - 87 AV
Falstad Theren II
- Born 57 AV, reigned 87 AV - 121 AV
Succeeded Baron Artosh in 87 AV.
Larausal Theren
- Baron of Therengia, 121 AV - 157 AV
Falstad Theren III
- Baron of Therengia, 157 AV - 184 AV
Jeladric Theren II
- Baron of Therengia, 184 AV - 205 AV
Ibec Theren IV
- Baron of Therengia, 205 AV - 216 AV
Kerehald Theren II
- Baron of Therengia, 216 AV - 251 AV
Jeladric Theren III
- Baron of Therengia, 251 AV - 275 AV
Kaudric Theren
- Baron of Therengia, 275 AV - 297 AV
Solimar Theren
- Baron of Therengia, 297 AV - 318 AV
Jeladric Theren IV
- Baron of Therengia, 318 AV - 375 AV
Gyfford Theren
- Baron of Therengia, 375 AV -
Bastard son of Jeladric Theren IV. Current Baron of Therengia.