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<br><br>The First Land Herald is a publication dedicated to the current events of [[Zoluren]]; "Zohlu Ren" is Gamgweth for First Land. When possible, the Herald may also report on other events throughout [[Kermoria]]. Disclaimer: All articles are written by players and submitted to a GM before being published in game. Articles are written In Character and represent the PC author's interpretation of events.<br>
<br><br>[[Publication pretty name is::The First Land Herald]][[Publication name is::FLH| ]] is a publication dedicated to the current events of [[Zoluren]]; "Zohlu Ren" is Gamgweth for First Land. When possible, the Herald may also report on other events throughout [[Kermoria]].&thinsp;<ref>'''Disclaimer''': All articles are written by players and submitted to a [[GM]] before being published in game. Articles are written In Character and represent the PC author's interpretation of events.</ref>

'''Editor in Chief:''' [[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
'''Reporter:''' [[Shaylynne|Shaylynne Kendialahle]]<br>
'''Editor in Chief:''' [[Navesi]]<br>
'''Occasional Reporter:''' [[Saragos|Saragos Daerthon]]<br>
'''Reporters:''' [[Shaylynne]], [[Illiya]]<br>
'''Assistant Reporter:''' [[Ruea]]<br>
'''Archivists:''' [[Diapsid]], [[Whiteburn]]<br>
'''Occasional or Guest Reporters:''' [[Miskton]], [[Mazrian]], [[Saragos]], [[Tirost]]<br>
'''Former Reporters:''' [[Leyhan]], [[Shannera]], [[Marcul]], [[Oscearo]], [[Klines]], [[Simera]], [[Tyrrum]], [[Izimi]] <br>

==Publication In Game==
==Publication In Game==
The Herald now offers newsletters exclusively IN GAME FIRST for at least one week -- possibly longer. Articles will not be available on elanthipedia until this waiting period is over. Thus if you want to be sure to read the news and get it as it happens, head to one of the imp locations in game.
The Herald now offers newsletters exclusively IN GAME FIRST for at least a day or two, possibly longer depending on when our staff can get the articles posted on the wiki. Thus if you want to be sure to read the news and get it as it happens, head to one of the imp locations in game.

*For updates when an article is published in game, follow [ @Dragonrealms] on Twitter.
*For updates when an article is published in game, follow [ @Dragonrealms] on Twitter.
*For updates when an article is archived here on elanthipedia, follow [ @FirstLandHerald].
*For updates when an article is archived here on elanthipedia, or other news about the Herald, follow [ @FirstLandHerald].

The Herald is proud to be partnered with the imps of Elanthia! Copies of the latest edition can be obtained from news stands manned by imps. Visit and {{com|GET}} {{tt|NEWS}} for 50 coppers. Currently located at most docks, and a few other places.
The Herald is proud to be partnered with the imps of Elanthia! Copies of the latest edition can be obtained from news stands manned by imps. Visit and {{com|GET}} {{tt|NEWS}} for 50 coppers. Currently located at most docks, and a few other places.

In Genie, the following #goto commands work if you're on a map with a news stand:
In [[Genie]], the following <code>#goto</code> commands work if you're on a map with a news stand:
*<nowiki>#</nowiki>goto newspaper
*<code>#goto newspaper</code>
*<nowiki>#</nowiki>goto news stand
*<code>#goto news stand</code>
*<nowiki>#</nowiki>goto First Land Herald
*<code>#goto First Land Herald</code>
*<nowiki>#</nowiki>goto Herald
*<code>#goto Herald</code>

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|Outer Hibarnhvidar, Market Road||outside The Singing Raven||116||13||
|Outer Hibarnhvidar, Market Road||outside The Singing Raven||116||13||
|''Aesry Surlaenis'a (TBD)''||by the Crystal Wave||99|| ||
|Aesry Surlaenis'a, Staho Pivo'hrr'schu'Mus||by the Crystal Wave||99||93||

* Outside the Muspar'i Trader Guildhall is a [[tall S'Kra Mur]] that does also sell newssheets, however as of August 2020, it was selling the (quite old) ''The Therengia Herald''.
* Note: There are other NPCs present in the game who sell newssheets, but only imps will sell the newsletter that has the Herald. Other newssheets are very much out of date.

==Latest Issues==
{{#ask:[[Publication name is::FLH]]
| border="1" class="sortable"
|?Publication article headline is=Headline
|?game date is=Date
|?Publication article author is=Author(s)
|?Article number is=Article number
|sort=game date is
|format=table|link=all|headers=show|mainlabel=Article Page|searchlabel=... further results|class=sortable wikitable smwtable|sep=<br>}}

* Headquarters for the publication can be found in Crossing, through an ''arch'' one room east from Taelbert's Inn. Picked in the courtyard is a {{sloot|i|yellow rose}}.

Commodore Khoheke Moglin and the once-Necromancer, now Purified Scholar, Zauldin, held a meeting today at the Village Tavern in Acenamacra. Their aim was to bring to our attention the recent surge in piracy on our seas, and to recruit the aid of the good adventurers of Kermoria in a fight against the Lich Jeihrem, may his soul burn forever in the Spiral. It seems that House Moglin wishes to strike directly at the corrupted creature who inhabits an island in their seas, and they are suspicious of the coincidentally high number of pirate attacks, which prevent them from taking effective action.

The commodore began by speaking of recent activity on the Reshal Sea. "The seas have been turbulent of late. Pirates have been attacking our ships more frequently. Normally, they are only in it for themselves, but lately, they seem to be acting in a more coordinated fashion. It makes us wonder. The increased incidents of piracy have not made it easy for us to prosecute our war against the Lich." Zauldin mentioned a previous attempt to assault Basalt Isle, the secret stronghold of the Foul One, which was met with "extreme resistance."

"We are essentially fighting a naval war on two fronts, dividing our forces," said Khoheke. When asked what sort of flag the pirate ships were flying, he responded, "I've seen an increase in a number of ships with black sails and no flags." As to their tactics, he said, "Primarily, they try to approach on their own ships and board our own. Sometimes, they have employed elemental magic… [and they] are flesh and blood, not undead." Zauldin added, "The pirates have not offered terms of extortion yet, which leads us to believe there are none."

Even as we spoke, I heard from Dantia that black-sailed ships had anchored near the South Docks of the Crossing, and, shortly after, that they were seen at the Crossing Empath guild. So it seems that these pirates are both active and not entirely content to harass House Moglin and the open seas.

Zauldin went on, "For the time being this engagement has been very taxing. Khoheke is proud, but House Moglin has suffered under this conflict, losing many ships and more bodies in this conflict." He went on to describe some research he has been undergoing in order to help aid the effort. "With the Temple, I have aided in the creation of a holy weapon that I believe will serve in our war against Jeihrem." He says that in his tests, it has worked "mostly." It does not require training to use, but is only usable by those who are proficient in using Holy mana.

Zauldin emphasized that his creation is unlike the Philosopher's Knot, which was an extremely complex machine designed by the late Necromancer Osven. He described it as a fire, and when Miskton brought up the name "sanyu aes" (divine fire, in Gamgweth), he replied, "That has a nice ring to it, and is accurate."

Overall, Zauldin was cautiously optimistic. He said, "I'm not convinced this weapon will destroy Jeihrem. I don't want to mislead. But where steel and magic have failed, perhaps this will slow his spread into the seas."

Saragos rightly pointed out that Sivroch will also need attention. The loathsome anti-priestess and lieutenant of the Lich is known to have three arms and five eyes, and a recent vision predicted a five-eyed being taking part in a naval attack. Zauldin replied, "She has factored into all our preparations. I genuinely hope we are over preparing, but I doubt it."

Ultimately, Zauldin was the one to make a plea for aid. "Khoheke likely wouldn't want me saying this, but House Moglin has borne the brunt of this conflict for some time, and their resources are stretched thin. I will say, confidently, their resolve is strong, their will unbroken, and their talents unmatched, but, they need our help."

The request so far is simple: recruit others to this cause, and report any unusual activities on the seas to Commodore Khoheke. They will be requesting aid again soon, and they hope to have our assistance in a variety of missions, including naval, exploratory, sorties, and the like. Let the great adventurers of the provinces rise to this cause.

A few who had already begun planning spoke up and offered to direct those interested in signing up. Speak with Saragos, Zharen, Dantia, or Sir Kenamer if you wish to get involved.

Fair winds and following seas,

Navesi Daerthon<BR>
True Bard, Zoluren's Herald<BR>
Editor in Chief of the First Land Herald


Diplomat Kolanem recently paid a visit to the Stone Rotunda within the unstable ripplegate, where Arbiter Ceryaen stood with the Merelew faction leaders in need of -- and willing to accept -- our help. Although Kolanem assured us that King Galpelus of Andreshlew was happy and most factions were drunk with success, appreciative of our aid, he came with a dire warning: The Gillborn were not pleased. Mainlander involvement in Merelew affairs had only increased their ire.

Kolanem informed us that an Inverted Crucible engineer, a machinist, had gone missing, her home burgled. He feared this incident was part of a Gillborn plot to be carried out soon, and the faction was likely to blame others, jeopardizing the amicable relations developed between our races.

Kolanem was right, and the Gillborn attacked Crossing shortly after that conversation. They planted bombs around the Crossing, while undersea minions distracted us with an invasion. I cleared out the Empath Guild of these creatures with Dantia and moved out onto the streets to help, where I fell in combat. While I was recovering, I was notified by friends that most bombs had been discovered and disarmed.

Kolanem arrived at the Empath’s Guild courtyard, followed by a pair of burly Merelew who carried in a large buffet table. The men placed the table on the ground, bowed and made their exit. Indifferent to the barrage of questions from those who did not trust him, such as Lasika, Kolanem said, "Please, be eating, enjoy food! We are fortunate to have succeeded."

A soft *snap* was heard from the buffet table, accompanied by the rapid whirr of gears and springs. Kolanem gasped, recoiled from the sound, and began to shout! Kolanem exclaimed, "Yait kal asaran... Run, now!" For a moment, people didn’t seem to hear him or the ominous noise that emanated from the table. A series of accelerated *clicks* built to a dull whine, and terminated in the loud *ping* as a striker broke a glass vial. Kolanem shouted, "FLEE!"

It was too late. A bolus of electricity erupted from underneath the buffet table, the volcanic glass shattered into a cloud of molten shrapnel. Lightning wildly arced in all directions, struck several people, and raked along the ground and surroundings. A deafening roar of thunderclaps reverberated over the area. Many who had not fled the area perished, and Kolanem hurried off to report back to the King.

A few days later, the Crossing was recovered from the brutal attacks and the festivities on Andreshlew ended on a high note. The Trickling Sun faction performed a ritual to cleanse the ocean, and the island of Andreshlew sank back to the depths from which it came. From the zemmunhu, the flying leviathan, the sight was breathtaking.

We watched in wonder. In the distance, dozens of rings pulsated with blue-green luminescence and surged outward from the coast. The rings extended for miles, faded, and pulsed again as the island started to shake. Around it, five points of sickly purple light began to glow. When each consecutive pulse of the luminescence passed through the purple points, it became brighter and brighter, until faint, almost ghostly impressions of the waters were visible.

The island rumbled as a flock of sea birds exploded upward and scattered in a cloud of confused calls. The five points flared with brilliance, an ephemeral purple overlay highlighting a fang, chelicerae, eye, plating, and spinneret. More pulses from the island bathed the spider pieces, and a thin, tenuous, wavering line formed, connecting them together.

An almost overwhelming sensation of connectivity surged over me for the support and efforts towards the Trickling Sun. I felt a fleeting spark flicker within me, becoming keenly aware of all the living creatures around me, and I felt the whispered emotions of my fellow adventurers.

The ancient and almost alien mind of the flying zemmunhu sang, and it mixed with the confusion and jubilation of the flock of birds that soared over the ocean. Deeper, much deeper, I felt the predatory calculations of hungry sea creatures and those that hide from inescapable teeth and claws. The five pieces of corruption-infused tomiek could be sensed as a vibrant purple wrongness.

The ring pulsed and reached a crescendo, and the purple glow of the spider pieces jittered, pulled away from their physical tomiek forms. The hexagon wavered and flexed, then burst outward and expanded wildly. As the outlines left the tomiek, they dispersed, buffeted by the rings. Moments later the outlines and rings were gone, the ocean dimmed and quieted, but the island shook harder than ever.

The leviathan rumbled, hooted, and clicked, and Andreshlew began to sink! Massive waves hammered the beaches and spread further and further inland, flooding the city! As the waters covered the streets, coral gardens and puckered anemones erupted with color, and extended hungry tentacles in search of food. Crystal globules flared with light as they descended, and the mirrored panes of the palace shone with light as the last towers sank beneath the waters.

The leviathan shook gently and emitted a long, mournful call. Kolanem smiled and nodded before he informed us that the dive of a zemmunhu would not be safe for us, or even the Merelew. Many of us left for safety, heeding his warning, but not everyone made it off in time. Bodies poured through ripplegates as they collapsed and some washed up near the Marina dock in Crossing. I do not know what it was like to be on the island as it sank, but Kaedan described diving with the zemmunhu as a race to the depths that caused the air to erupt from his body even as he was crushed by the abyss.

In the aftermath of these extraordinary events, I hope that everyone who visited the Merelew island enjoyed their time on Andreshlew, and that we are all now safe from the Gillborn. I also pray that the ritual performed by the Trickling Sun holds, and our allies on Andreshlew enjoy peaceful and healthy waters once more.


[[Shaylynne]] Kendiahle<BR>
Reporter of the First Land Herald

=== 436-03-31 - A FISHY ATTACK ON THE CROSSING ===

I recently sat with my wife and a friend on the Crystal Shores of Ilithi, and they filled me in on the latest happenings.  A pair of Merelew diplomats had visited the Crossing to discuss the plight of Andreshlew, where the ecology has suffered since the massive arachnid explosion.  Our friend also told us about sightings of aggressive lobsters and undead Merelew.

Not long after this conversation, I heard from the Crossing that the city was being invaded by similar creatures.  I went to help and came upon a battle at Magen Road right outside of the Empath’s Guild doors.  A dead deeplight fish lay on the ground, and a crowd was still fighting with a nacre-plated Torbisan decapod.

I barely had time to notice that the leopard-spotted decapod was attacking Allye.  The ground shook with each massive step as an ambulatory coral reef with labyrinthine grooves plodded into the area, seawater pooled around its "feet."

Unable to get out of the way fast enough, I was crushed by the mountainous coral reef as it passed!  Stunned, prone, and gravely wounded, the rest was absolute chaos from my point of view.  I opened my eyes, tried to stand and fight with everything I had.  Looking around, I saw more deeplight fish had appeared, and a rockclaw lobster covered in barnacles approached me quickly as others attacked it.

Briefly able to make out a few familiar faces, I saw Rifkinn, Uritel, Mikhal, Hanryu, Maintain, Rinzal, Ezerak, Gabellia, and Trikant all had weapons drawn.  Allye lay on the ground near me, stunned.   Something struck me in the eye and I was dazed again.  Shards of coral were breaking off from the reef in an assault that felt like shrapnel.  The deadly reef loomed over us, kicked up dangerous debris, and swung at us with roughly-formed, boulder-sized limestone fists.

I could sense someone was trying to heal me, but I kept taking so many critical hits there was no chance of a full recovery for me.  I stood up for a moment and reached for my polearm, convinced we would win, even if I would die trying.  

From what I can recall of the event, the deeplight fish had luminous needle-like teeth and were resistant to flames, a decomposing Merelew threw morjalbreth bone harpoons, the coral reef was protected by a limestone exoskeleton that was susceptible to electricity, and most of all I remember being in a world of pain.

After what felt like an eternity, knowing I would not make it out alive if I did not get help soon, I saw another familiar face.  Medir followed me as I limped west down the road, towards the Herbalist.  Both of us were badly injured, so I rested while he fought one last deeplight fish.  A few others had arrived down the way east: Morkim, Dytt, Kiks, Sozinho, and Vibrato.  Finally, we heard the all clear.  A strong breeze cleared the air of the scent of brine, and the circling gulls descended to feast on the ocean's remains.  A loud call came from the walls, "The city is secure!  The invaders have been repelled!"

That was by far the toughest invasion I have gotten myself caught up in, and I hope my account will help others prepare for any future attacks.  The Merelew delegates did warn us that this could happen.  If anyone has more information, please contact me or Navesi of the First Land Herald.


[[Shaylynne]] Kendialahle<br>
Reporter of the First Land Herald


Greetings, readers. My name is Miskton Ramahk, Court Mage of Ilithi, a member of the guild of Moon Mages, and by inclination a researcher of those visions of the future experienced by members of our guild. This article is intended to share those experiences with the public at large, to help keep people informed of what the future may hold. I do also host regular meetings in Shard on the subject where people can share their thoughts on the meaning of visions.

I will begin by putting down my impressions of what I experienced, as best I can. There may be some cases where the experience is difficult to put into words, but I will do as best I can.

I will put down those visions which are most recently being experienced by seers, but there may also be some cases in which notes about an older, related vision may be relevant to include as well. I have also in some cases included my own sketches of what I have seen, but I should stress that these should not be considered entirely accurate depictions of any people or objects which are the subjects of the visions.

To start, I will include a vision that seems quite relevant to the recent excitement involving the appearance of the Merelew diplomats:

My lungs filled with salt water and my eyes adjusted to inky darkness. Gradually, I found I was able to make out pinpricks of dancing blues and greens, and I realized I was surrounded by schools of glowing animals, each rippling with pulsating bands of luminescence. Mesmerized, I reached forward to cup a small octopus undulating by, when something bumped my shoulder and swam away in a flurry of turbulence, only evident by a gap in the surrounding points of light. As I peered into the waters, I became aware of a softly glowing purple gleam far beneath me, rising closer and closer. Suddenly, the schooling luminescence surrounding me blinked off, leaving me floating in utter darkness, and the purple illumination grew in intensity, and the vision faded.

[Accompanying the description is a sketch of a small octopus moving through the water.]

According to Speaker Kolanem of the Merelew, the parts of Kurmin's metallic spider which have been scattered about the sea give off a purple light, and they are inimical to life in the area. This vision would seem to be a demonstration of the effect those chunks of metal are having on the sea floor.

My next vision is part of a long series of visions which have been occurring for some time and are probably too lengthy to recount all of them in this format. To summarize, they show an Elothean Empath and an Alfar warrior defending something in a mountain steppe area against soldiers on multiple occasions. Eventually, however, the soldiers were able to overwhelm the Empath with a flurry of crossbow bolts, killing her and severely injuring the Alfar warrior. They did not kill it, however, and subsequent visions have shown the Alfar warrior appearing to track down the soldiers responsible, or perhaps those who are part of the same organization, and taking revenge. One such vision:

I found myself on a long rowboat, a dozen soldiers intently peering into the gloom, the riverbank and forest barely visible from the light of flickering torches. The soldiers breathed heavily, clearly terrified. Suddenly, the water exploded into a column of spray and with a startled scream, two of the soldiers disappeared into the murky river. The rest of the soldiers alternated between firing crossbow bolts into the water and shouting at the oarsmen to row faster, and in the confusion, another column of water exploded and two more soldiers disappeared. Chaos ensued, and a strange black blade wielded by a pale arm slashed from out of the water, hamstringing and gutting the remaining soldiers. Some supplies caught on fire, and the boat began to burn.

Rising from the waters, a gaunt Alfar warrior slowly strode into the forest, snapping the blade to dry it and touching a faded blue strip of cloth tied to its bicep. The vision faded.

[Accompanying the description is a sketch of an Alfar warrior with scarred wrists and broken wings, a strip of cloth tied to its bicep.]

This next vision seems very likely to depict a Trader interacting with those beings known as the Negotiants:

A man dressed in fine silk robes and expensive jewelry sat cross-legged in an elegantly decorated room before a mahogany writing table. Arranging a beautiful gold and platinum pen and ebony inkwell, the man carefully spread two large sheets of crisp, clean paper and glanced out at the open window, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply of the starlight. Pursing his lips, the man reached into his robes and produced a clear tessera. With the sound of shattering glass, the tessera unfurled, involuted ribbons and nested octagons dancing in expanding and contracting spirals. Taking a deep breath, the man quickly placed the tessera atop his head, his eyes going wide, the pupils contracting to pinpricks, and he went perfectly still.

With unnatural grace, the man reached for the pen, and dipped it into the inkwell, gently tapping the rim to shake excess fluid, and began to write. The vision faded.

While the general idea of what the vision is about does not seem too difficult to determine, the actual meaning of it is less clear. It seems like the Trader is actually being possessed by something after putting on the tessera, but to my understanding this is not a normal interaction between Traders and the Negotiants. If they simply wanted to get something down in writing, they are already capable of communicating with beings on our plane to do so, so there would seem to either be some other motivation involved, or some other being.

The next vision, I must admit, is rather unclear. If any readers do have any inspiration about what it might be depicting, I am most interested in hearing your thoughts.

I saw a man ascending a wide flight of stone stairs, pausing periodically to catch his breath. With a grunt of frustration, the man pushed onward, occasionally taking two or even three steps at a time. Minutes passed, and he began to slow, taking a seat and hanging his head between his knees to pant. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and a single drop rolled down his nose, falling to the dry stone. As the droplet hit the steps, a low rumble vibrated the stairwell, and the stairs lengthened, the riser shrinking. The man turned and smiled, and began to once again climb the now easier steps, and the vision faded.

And finally, we have a vision which seems to be a follow up to a vision that was seen a little while back. Here is the recent one:

I saw a low walled city perched over a river delta. Two runners sprinted forward, a man and a woman, racing ahead. Naked save for flowing wraps, their dirt-caked feet kicked up a billowing cloud of dust. A shout went up from the city, and massive wooden gates cranked shut, a thick timbered jam dropping into position. The runners did not slow down.

When the runners were about three hundred yards from the gate, someone atop the walls shouted "Fire!" and a volley of arrows rose into the sky. The two runners increased their speed, leaping side to side to evade the falling shafts. As they approached the gate, both turned slightly and grunted, their shoulders slamming into the barricade, which exploded in a shower of wood splinters. The runners continued through the city, leaping over carts and around surprised children, and arrived at the water's edge, where they continued to sprint across the surface, disappearing around the curve of the bay. The vision faded.

It has been some time since the earlier vision was last brought up, so I will include that here as well, for reference.

I saw a vast open vista, salt flats stretching to the horizon, reflecting the sun in a vast expanse of white glare beneath a cloudless, pale blue sky. Everything was still and silent, when suddenly a man and a woman sprinted by, nearly nude save simple flowing wraps. Both were barefoot, their calloused feet pounding into the salty ground leaving cracked footprints, a cloud of dust billowing in their wake. Neither passed the other, and sweat poured from their flowing hair and long limbs. They heaved, their breaths in rhythm, and their hearts beat steadily, furiously. Muscles strained, tendons creaked, and still they pounded forward, eyes wide and faces grim. The man began to falter and pulled a vial from his belt, and without missing stride, drank it in full. He grimaced, clenching his teeth as blood began to stream from his nose, but he surged forward and matched the woman's pace. They continued to run, and the sun burned overhead. The vision faded.

This one is difficult to say. The more recent vision would seem to perhaps indicate the runners are not literally people, but represent some implacable force that will not be stopped. One that is not overtly hostile, however, because while they did smash through the city gate, they did not make any attempt to actually harm people once through, even going slightly out of their way to avoid running down children. But still, they are unable to be stopped by obstacles, even the water. The previous vision, however, particularly the part in which the male runner drank down a vial of some substance when he started to flag, would indicate that they actually are flesh and blood beings of some sort.

If anyone has any thoughts on these visions, or has any aspect of them jump out as particularly noticeable, I am quite interested in hearing what you have to say. Please feel free to seek me out or send correspondence, and we will in the near future be having a discussion in Shard to go over these visions.

[[Miskton]] Ramahk<br>
Visionist, Court Mage of Ilithi


As I reported in the last issue, the Merelew island of Andreshlew is unwell, made "unhappy" by pieces of spider-shrapnel after the giant mechanical spider exploded in the ocean. Delegate Kolanem arrived recently in the Crossing to speak on behalf of King Galpelus, accompanied by the diplomat Cotovatre.

Included is a sketch of two Merelew holding themselves with stately poise, one appearing male and the other female. Although rendered in the typical black and white of the newsletter, their ichthyic features are striking; each bears delicate scales, a snub nose, gently webbed fingers, and pointed ears partially hiding a set of gills on the neck. The male's head is bald but features a spiraling tattoo of thick black lines, while the woman has a single strip of hair down the center of her scalp, worn to the left.

Kolanem told us that King Galpelus had been speaking of bringing the island to the surface of the ocean, a fact he found curious because Cotovatre's recent visit to our seers told her of a vision of just that. Once the king learned of this vision, he decided to act upon his desire, and the island will indeed rise. Kolanem admitted that there was some disagreement over the king's choice. Some would apparently prefer to handle the matter of Andreshlew's illness internally. But the king's say is, naturally, final.

Kolanem explained further the situation on Andreshlew. "Is know a little of what happened. We hear stories [of the mechanical spider]. But we did not realize how far damage went until too late. The sea is sick, and we need your help. King Galpelus will be raising Andreshlew and opening borders to all. King Galpelus asks that you aid in cleaning our waters, and that you enjoy our lands. We is rather, actually, some, are excited for this exchange. While we trade with the Elves along the rivers, there is much we do not know of you, and much we both have to gain."

Kolanem further warned us about the sea and the dangers it may produce. "The seas are sick, and they are very angry. Never safe, always must be cautious, but this is new. The sea is very sick, and we have been fighting very hard. And the sea is coming for you too now. Is come not only asking your help, but also to tell you to prepare. Migrations are in chaos, and they circle further from us. They will be here in a matter of days. Be vigilant. They are angered, and seem to be attracted to the source of sickness, the body of the spider and the gods' weight. Defend your temples. We have had to defend our altars." He also later suggested finding pieces of the broken spider to study.

When asked who or what he meant by "they," Kolanem said, "Creatures. Things of the deep, some of which once alive." It became clear with further questioning that he spoke of the undead. Somehow, it seems, the spider made them "very mad," which caused them to grow and roam further. They can even make it inland, though "not much far." "They walk. Breathe air for short time, not too long, but long enough." He also mentioned that there is a purple glow in the seas around the broken spider, which corresponded exactly to a vision shared by Visionist Miskton during the conversation.

When asked for more information on how to defeat the creatures, Kolanem said, "They are predators. They cooperate. They are also all prey. They are smart, and will defend themselves. Watch them well, and work as team. You will need, and I mean this, you will need to work together. Healers, guards, attackers. Move in and out. Is never seen magic do what some of them can do. But they fall to spear and spell alike."

Expect the rise of the magnificent city soon, and prepare yourselves for invasions of undead.


[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
True Bard, [[Zoluren]]'s Herald<br>
Editor in Chief of the [[First Land Herald]]


The Merelew enjoy cooking. Kolanem and his staff provided a number of types of seafood, such as raw tuna, boiled clams, and seared swordfish, in addition to a hard cheese that was made of whale milk. When asked how one milks a whale, Cotovatre responded, "Take much effort. Make whale happy, so whale cooperate." Kolanem added, "We keep whale herd safe. They trust us and come back." He also said about Merelew cooking, "Merelew have no sweet fruits, no berries. Trade for them. They find their way into our dishes, much improve. But also, original dishes have importance." There was also an alcoholic drink called zuoganaas, which is "kelp wine that has been heated to steam, making stronger. Name translates close to 'burnt water.'"

Underwater lava is a feature of their lives. Not only might it be involved in making their metals and their meals, but Cotovatre said, "Lava is much problem."

The Merelew mages do not receive visions as ours do. Kolanem said, "Our mages of tides and moonlight do not dream like yours do." Of their priests and priestesses, he said, "Ours hear Her always, others sometimes," presumably referring to Aluna. He also said, "Is joke that priests not willing to teach more, priests demand you learn more."

Merelew can stay on land for any amount of time, but over time their scales dry out and become itchy.

Only the Merelew queen and princesses wear their hair to the right. All others wear it to the left. Other jewelry and body decorations have no particular meaning, though they favor painting the hands rather than wearing rings, which can damage their webbing.

Coralite is a type of metal unique to the Merelew.

When the city of Andreshlew is underwater, it is entirely so. They do not keep pockets or areas filled with air.

==Notable Issues==
[[The_First_Land_Herald/Archives#416-02-32_-_A_Brief_Guide_to_Current_Events_in_Zoluren|416-02-32 - A Brief Guide to Current Events in Zoluren]]


'''[[The First Land Herald/Archives|First Land Herald Archives]]'''
{{cat|Journalism|First Land Herald}}
{{cat|Journalism|First Land Herald}}

Latest revision as of 00:55, 15 March 2025


The First Land Herald is a publication dedicated to the current events of Zoluren; "Zohlu Ren" is Gamgweth for First Land. When possible, the Herald may also report on other events throughout Kermoria. [1]

Editor in Chief: Navesi
Reporters: Shaylynne, Illiya
Assistant Reporter: Ruea
Archivists: Diapsid, Whiteburn
Occasional or Guest Reporters: Miskton, Mazrian, Saragos, Tirost
Former Reporters: Leyhan, Shannera, Marcul, Oscearo, Klines, Simera, Tyrrum, Izimi

Publication In Game

The Herald now offers newsletters exclusively IN GAME FIRST for at least a day or two, possibly longer depending on when our staff can get the articles posted on the wiki. Thus if you want to be sure to read the news and get it as it happens, head to one of the imp locations in game.

  • For updates when an article is published in game, follow @Dragonrealms on Twitter.
  • For updates when an article is archived here on elanthipedia, or other news about the Herald, follow @FirstLandHerald.


The Herald is proud to be partnered with the imps of Elanthia! Copies of the latest edition can be obtained from news stands manned by imps. Visit and GET NEWS for 50 coppers. Currently located at most docks, and a few other places.

In Genie, the following #goto commands work if you're on a map with a news stand:

  • #goto newspaper
  • #goto news stand
  • #goto First Land Herald
  • #goto Herald
Room Title Description Genie Zone Genie Room Lich Room
The Crossing, Hodierna Way east of bank 1 160 731
The Crossing Docks, South End Skirr'lo'lasu dock 1 169 937
The Crossing, Alfren's Ferry ferry dock 1 236 957
Riverhaven, Town Square town square 30 8 389
Riverhaven, East Pier Lybadel and Kree'la dock 30 104 471
Langenfirth, Wharf barge dock 40 36 3434
Therenborough, Horseman's Run one north of gate 42 3 3162
Shard, Moonstone Street just outside bank 67 81 2512
Ratha, Port Walk outside Neh dock 90 4
Uaro Dock, Port of Ratha Night Sky dock 90 234
Uasin Dock, Port of Ratha Tasia'zaul dock 90 262
Mer'Kresh, The Galley Dock galley dock 107 113
Fang Cove, Walkway just outside bank 150 10
Outer Hibarnhvidar, Market Road outside The Singing Raven 116 13
Aesry Surlaenis'a, Staho Pivo'hrr'schu'Mus by the Crystal Wave 99 93
  • Note: There are other NPCs present in the game who sell newssheets, but only imps will sell the newsletter that has the Herald. Other newssheets are very much out of date.


Article PageHeadlineDateAuthor(s)Article number
The First Land Herald/450-09-05The Return Of The Stars450-09-05Illiya119
The First Land Herald/450-06-22Hunting For The Truth450-06-22Shaylynne118
The First Land Herald/450-06-10The Immortals Act450-06-10Shaylynne117
The First Land Herald/450-05-34The Immortals Stretch450-05-34Shaylynne116
The First Land Herald/450-05-18The Immortals Stir: The Liberation Of Dirge450-05-18Illiya115
The First Land Herald/450-05-10A Recap: Mana Thieves, Holy Visions, Forsaken Irises Irises And A Mixed Mana Party!450-05-10Shaylynne114
The First Land Herald/450-05-02Bardic Visions Uncover Grazhir's Past450-05-02Illiya113
The First Land Herald/450-04-37Beseeching For Clarity And Another Vision Of Elanthia450-04-37Illiya112
The First Land Herald/450-04-34The Blighted Experiment And A Glimpse Into The Abyss450-04-34Illiya111
The First Land Herald/450-04-30The Siege of Knife Clan450-04-30Shaylynne110
The First Land Herald/450-04-25Tempers Flare During Pure Mana Experiment450-04-25Illiya109
The First Land Herald/450-04-18A Gathering Of Grief And Hope: Enelne's Message450-04-18Illiya108
The First Land Herald/450-04-10Wild Magic Theory for 'Togs450-04-10Shaylynne107
The First Land Herald/450-04-06Meeting Of The Messengers & A Message From The Heralds450-04-06Shaylynne106
The First Land Herald/450-04-02The Faithful Gather - Tamsine and Meraud Respond450-04-02Shaylynne105
The First Land Herald/450-03-37The Gardener's Tale450-03-37Illiya104
The First Land Herald/450-03-22Unveiling The Mystery Of The Plague Wraiths450-03-22Illiya103
The First Land Herald/450-03-16The Herald's Wrath And The Fall Of The Clans450-03-16Illiya102
The First Land Herald/450-02-28The Second Beseech: A Glimpse Of Primal Elanthia450-02-28Illiya101
The First Land Herald/450-02-18Miraena and the Blue Iris Ball450-02-18Shaylynne100
The First Land Herald/450-02-07Beseeching Elanthia To Find The Missing Adventurers450-02-07Illiya99
The First Land Herald/450-02-04Talking With Elementals: Revelations From Human Warrior Mage Valenal450-02-04Illiya98
The First Land Herald/450-01-38Unaka Attends Overhealers Anonymous and Holy Magic Discussions450-01-38Shaylynne97
The First Land Herald/450-01-32Liraxes' Device Identifies Prime Sorcery Location450-01-32Illiya96
The First Land Herald/450-01-26Asildu Attends Approach At Diplomacy With The Heralds450-01-26Shaylynne95
The First Land Herald/450-01-20A Wild Seaside Mammoth Ride Graced By Unaka's Presence450-01-20Shaylynne94
The First Land Herald/450-01-17Wild Magic Recap: Mystery Visitors, Cataclysmic Rumors, Messages From Beyond450-01-17Illiya93
The First Land Herald/449-10-33Disaster Strikes, Navesi And Others Abducted449-10-33Illiya92
The First Land Herald/449-10-29Seeking Khoheke: Costume or Commodore?449-10-29Shaylynne91
The First Land Herald/449-10-24Wild Magic Predictions Reveal Dark Future449-10-24Illiya90
... further results


  • Headquarters for the publication can be found in Crossing, through an arch one room east from Taelbert's Inn. Picked in the courtyard is a yellow rose.


  1. Disclaimer: All articles are written by players and submitted to a GM before being published in game. Articles are written In Character and represent the PC author's interpretation of events.

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