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The First Land Herald/450-05-34

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Article Number: 116
Dateline: 450-05-34

Once again, the Immortals called out to certain individuals with visions, leading them to the areas that needed aid.

There were reports of shadowy signs from Damaris and his panther, the matronly guidance of Hodierna and her unicorn, a stalwart sighting of Truffenyi and his ox, the oceanic presence of Eluned and her dolphin, the blinding benevolence of Berengaria and her bovine companion, the presence of Kertigen accompanied by a scent of earthy minerals along with his raven, a terrifying tortuous appearance from Alduath with his vulture, and last but not least Hav'roth spoke in the form of a cobra, leaving the viewer feeling parched.

Each saw vines and stone, and though distracted by thoughts of Knife Clan, felt compelled towards helping either Wolf or Tiger Clan. The messages were the same. "Tell them, and hurry." While those with divine advice sought to notify others and bring them to their assigned Clans, Asildu mocked and taunted over the gwethdesuan, purporting no one has listened to him, and asked why should he listen to us. He showed up at Knife Clan, heavily warded, threatened and dissonant, angry and not appearing to hear any concerns about Miraena. He sorely criticized how he was previously attacked and outnumbered.

He passionately exclaimed, "And for what? Because I refused to hand you my life's work on a silver platter? Because you didn't like my answers to your questions? Because they weren't coming from your precious Immortals? Yet now... because of your foolishness - your arrogance - you are willing to throw this world away so you can continue to nurture your addiction to sorcery. So you can continue to ignore what is right in front of your eyes!" then threatened, "Their patience runs thin. They didn't have to warn you. They didn't need to give you all the chances they've given you to change your ways. To be honest, I'm amazed they've given you so many opportunities when they could just as easily have wiped you all from existence. But you're skating on thin ice now. They grow tired of your insolence." Asildu said, "It's time," he paused, and listened intently to something as his lips slowly curled into a smile. "Since you all seem to like unfair odds in battle... we'll see how you like it when the odds are stacked against you."

Asildu raised his arms in dramatic fashion, the motion generated a powerful thrum of energy that caused the earth around him to quake. As the tremors intensified, the ground eventually broke with the emergence of several whip-like vines that reached toward the sky, their sinuous tendrils writhed and twisted to encase Asildu within. They held him for a pulse, paused in their movement for only a moment before they slowly started to recede, leaving no trace of Asildu - or the vines - behind. Suddenly, a company of drakes slammed into the ground, blew fire across the area, roared in fury, and began to attack! A Heraldic company marched into view, their ranks in perfect formation. A Heraldic Captain shouted, "Attack formation!" The company quickly formed into an attack position, and a group of the enemy broke off from the main company! A responding Zoluren Company of pikemen and archers arrived to help while the drakes attacked the Knife Clan. The voices of both company's commanders echoed over one another as the golden light atop the enclosure flared, then dimmed. The Immortals appeared focused elsewhere while this battle ensued.

Madigan called for the units to move to Wolf and Tiger Clan to assist as the drakes continued to consume fighters in futile flames. A retreat south ensued at his command. The Zoluren company raised their shields in defense and the heraldic company, ill-organized due to their losses, repositioned into a reinforced unit.

In Tiger Clan, a beam of golden light focused upon the encasement, burned the air and streamed with holy fury! It was sensed it is our duty to help guide the light so that Their strike landed true! The holy light began to dim precariously, and trailed shadows and sparks! It momentarily lost coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets! Adventurers focused on the light, to manipulate and concentrate it directly on the encasement.

The light shone brightly with our assistance, and emitted a high pitched whine as it expanded! Unaka was present, observing, making sure we were doing the right things. A scorpion scurried into the area and seemed to look around. It grasped something we could not see with its claws, and pulled a moment, before vanishing into a haze of golden light!

Something stirred in the shadows nearby, and a pair of cat eyes stared down, sizing us up. A blade was drawn in a dry rasp that seemed to echo, and a chill ran down our spines. The holy light wavered a moment, and then surged with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity! A splash of sea spray caught us by surprise, though the sensation was invigorating. Our palms were briefly covered in a warm golden glow, which slowly faded. A kindly woman with pale skin and black hair appeared before us and smiled softly. We felt drawn forward, but she shook her head and held one hand up, palm forward. In a blink, she vanished. We heard a dog barking excitedly, on to turn towards it and catch a glimpse of a streak of black fur as it trotted away. A firm grasp was felt on our shoulders, a comforting warmth encouraged all onward! A gentle voice played across the area, "My child, you are performing wonders, and We are nearly ready. You are almost there."

The light flicked back and forth, burning the encasement! We heard a chorus far above, a battlecry screamed in defiance! The beam pulsed wildly, and the encasement shuddered with the force! The beam faltered for a moment, sputtering as it searched across the encasement for a new section! The beam snapped onto a thick vine, and several pulses of surging energy roared down the beam! A rallying cry echoed across the area, "Continue my child, continue! They are losing their grasp!" Suddenly, we saw Them, striding forward, heads held high.

Time slowed and the air took on a golden light. We witnessed a proud S'Kra Mur man clad in shifting sands and flowing stars with a menacing cobra wrapped around his shoulders, a serene woman in shimmering robes that radiated like the first rays of morning riding atop a muscular cow, a beautiful woman with a sickle in one hand and the other placed on the shoulder of a magnificent unicorn, a tall man wrapped in a black cloak that seemed to blur into a pool of shadows whose passing was marked by the rumbling of a panther, a craftsman clad in tools with a raven perched upon his shoulder as he scrutinized everything, a kindly man garbed in simple well-worn work gloves and muddy boots with one hand placed on the shoulder of a massive ox, a slender woman wrapped in green robes trailing a salty mist with eyes wide as the sky and deep as the ocean, and a bound and ghostly figure wrapped in barbed chain that twitched along awkwardly with a tall and patient vulture perched atop his bloody head. As one, they blurred and erupted with golden light, vanishing.

The light targeting the encasement flared with brilliance, a deafening roar drowned out all other noise as it raked back and forth across the encasement! Vines and leaves exploded into ash, stone glowed red hot and shattered, and the encasement began to tear apart! With a final surge, a wild pulse of holy energy slammed into the remainder of the encasement wall, and shattered it entirely!

The encasement slowed, the vines browned and faded to ash, the malleable stone crumbled to fine sand. The golden light expanded in a radiant explosive shockwave, swept the encasement away and knocked us all back without warning, as a great surge of wind tore through the area! Everyone was buffeted quite some distance away.

Wolf Clan was met with a similar situation, focusing their attention on the beams to concentrate them on the encasement. They were met with the additional challenge of swarming drakes that occasionally set people on fire, which caused them to drop and roll to extinguish flames and slowed some of the work being done. Miraena had also arrived, unsure of herself and her previous commitment to the Heralds. She asked how she could help and though not practiced in the ways of magic did everything she could to assist. Afterwards, she was escorted by Vaerek back to Gaethrend's, hoping to attend again if we needed her.

Until next time,

Shaylynne Kendialahle
Reporter of the First Land Herald

Real Date: Unknown Date
Wild Magic