Stables by Service Type

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Stables by Service Type

Stable Name Location Ranik's Map Horse Corral Purchase Cost Stabling Horse Brokering Tack Feed Notes
Boar Clan Stables Boar Clan 121 Yes 500000 dokora Yes No Yes Yes
Hibarnhvidar Stables Hibarnhvidar 116 Yes 500000 dokora Yes No Yes Yes
Osage Path Zaldi Taipa 71a Yes 650000 dokora Yes No No No Look for "Sycamore poles" to find right room
Lasa Morit Livery Theren Keep 42a Yes 500000 lirum Yes Yes Yes Yes
Noble Inn Stables Riverhaven 30 No N/A Yes Yes No No
North Roads Caravansary Northern Trade Road 13a No N/A Yes Yes No No
Old Trail Stable M'Riss 108 Yes 527000 lirum Yes No Yes Yes
Ratha Stables Ratha 92 Yes 499995 lirum Yes No Yes Yes
Rossgallan Stables Rossman's Landing 34b Yes 800000 lirum Yes No Yes Yes
Horse's Haven, Stables (*) Standish's in El Bain's Stop 41 Yes 170000 lirum Yes Yes Yes Yes
Steelclaw Clan Stables North of Shard 66a Yes 500000 dokora Yes No Yes Yes
Taelbert's Inn, Stables Crossing 1 No N/A Yes No Yes Yes
Therenborough Town Stable Therenborough 42 No N/A Yes No No No
Zoluren Royal Mews Stables North of Crossing 6 Yes 450000 kronar Yes Yes Yes Yes

(*) = Estate Holders only