The First Land Herald/421-06-05

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Article Number: Unknown article number
Dateline: 421-06-05

Today, Father Soraent sent out a call to invite all interested parties to the High Temple in the Crossing to discuss the recent god-related events. He was particularly interested in those he called Touched, who recently experienced visions and Divine Expungements (see our previous article, Vomit from the Gods). He expressed that he wished to perform a ritual and that it would work best if many of the Touched were present.

Once we had all gathered with him in the garden of the Monks' quarters at the Temple, he asked for the Touched to step forward and share their stories. Based on the accounts given there and those given in private to the Herald, we have gathered the following information:

  • Father Soraent expelled, at two different points, 1) bloody seawater and 2) a wren, dove, and a raven.
  • Syaski vomited an eyeball.
  • Kythera, devoted to Meraud, vomited a mole-like creature, and experienced a vision of monsters attacking innocents.
  • Badarin expelled a viper.
  • Kloegar vomited a stoat.
  • Azante, devoted to Eluned, vomited saltwater, and experienced a vision of monsters attacking innocents.
  • Sendithu, devoted to Damaris, expunged a shrike.
  • Whiteburn, Chosen of Drogor, expelled blood and seawater, and experienced a vision of destruction.
  • Tenike vomited a weasel-like creature, perhaps a stoat, and experienced a similar vision to others (presumably the monsters).
  • Inyasa vomited an adder.

After sharing information in this way, Father Soraent proposed to begin his ritual, bidding us all to safely remove pets, then to sit down and steel ourselves. He said, "Perhaps with enough of us with the Divine Sight in one place, and the faith of the rest of you, the shadow can be pierced."

Then, Father Soraent closed his eyes and intoned a prayer I could feel more than hear. A strange, almost transcendent sensation swept over me as he continued his chant, his form appearing bolstered by the brilliant golden glow that emanated from it. With a final, solemn phrase, Father Soraent concluded his prayer and opened his eyes once more. The Holy light surrounding him slowly sank back into his body as the sounds echoed around me, leaving him looking quite mundane -- and more than a little tired.

With a start, I became aware that my surroundings had shifted, my senses co-opted by something beyond my ordinary ken! A feeling of Divine presence suffused the area, driving me forward to discern that which was being presented. Many beings, converging and separating themselves again and again with haunting rhythm, stood before me, nearly imperceptible by vision yet still concrete in my perception. As they shone in their brilliantly shifting dark-light-grey representations, nearly overwhelming me by their presence, I begin to hear a voice -- many, yet one. The voice reverberated within me, saying, "Your faith weakens deceptions, righting the strands of the web its Mistress has altered. See this for what it truly is. Seek out That which hides in Our Forms."

It was shocking to feel truly touched by the Divine. Even after I felt Them leave me, Their voices echoed in the mouths of others present.

The first, a burbling voice coming from Whiteburn, said, "The years connect…"

Then, a dark, yet comforting voice from Dianelle, "The machines begin to breathe…"

Then, with a snarl like that of a forest beast from Klines, "…and the Widowmaker claims that which was always Hers."

Then, a joyous voice from Gabellia, "The stone brings all into focus through its many distortions…"

And finally, an aged voice, crackling like lightning roared from Anlise, "I am come!"

We were all left reeling, wondering at the meaning of these messages. Many speculations were made. I will not list them here, though I encourage my readers to discuss with one another. I will say what we know for certain:

  • Harawep is known as the Widowmaker, and is depicted as a hag wielding lightning. Her symbol is the Spider and she is known for weaving intricate webs of deception.
  • Soon we will be visited by a giant, mechanical spider.

Navesi Daerthon
Editor in Chief, The First Land Herald

Real Date: Unknown Date