GameMaster: Difference between revisions

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m (Added info on Tsem)
Line 95: Line 95:
|Breeland || Present || aka Product Manager Solomon
|Breeland || Present || aka Product Manager Solomon
|Breenan || Uknown ||
|Breenan || Unknown ||
|Cadaya || Past || History and Books
|Cadaya || Past || History and Books
Line 107: Line 107:
|Chakram || Past ||
|Chakram || Past ||
| Chandra || Past || Organized [[SimuCon|SimuCons]], founded Mentors and played [[Aldamus]] Jadewater, became [[GemStone]] Product Manager Llearyn
| Chandra || Past || Organized [[SimuCon]]s, founded Mentors and played [[Aldamus]] Jadewater, became [[GemStone]] Product Manager Llearyn
|Cheii || Unknown ||
|Cheii || Unknown ||

Revision as of 09:03, 24 October 2007


A GameMaster or GM is a member of the Simutronics staff involved with in-game creation, events, policy enforcement, and more. GameMasters can be separated into two primary categories: Customer Experience and Development. While these categories denote a GM's principal responsibilities, it is common for GM's to contribute in many areas outside their main focus.

Customer Experience GM

A Customer Experience GM handles most customer interaction. This interaction ranges from answering questions about technical issues and basic gameplay, to running merchant events and major invasions or storylines. Some Customer Experience GMs also work with Weddings, monitor the public message boards, perform liaison duties between the players and the Development team, and handle all types of player concerns and feedback.

Wedding GMs

Wedding GMs along with Wedding Coordinators communicate with players who pay for a GM Assisted Wedding.

  • Coordinate wedding time and date
  • Create custom items for the wedding including wedding clothes, food, drink, and party favors
  • Add room messaging during the event
  • Create temporary custom titles
  • Provide party invitations

Guild Liasions

Serve as communicators between the Guild Guru and the players through the forums and through in-game meetings. They often are the driving force behind roleplaying events involving their guild.

Premium GMs

  • Host monthly Premium (aka Estate Holder) meeting
  • Create new benefits for Premium members
  • Alter items through LTB scrolls
  • Create custom titles and personal messaging through LTB system
  • Provide special merchants and alterers

Note: GameMaster Rinae has been the head of the Premium team almost since Premium was first established in July 1997.

Race Champions

These are GameMasters who lead development and direction of a single playable race (Human, Elf, Rakash, etc...)

Develoment GM

A Development Team GM does not generally work directly with customers, choosing to focus mainly on creation and system coding. They are the designers of the game, and participate not only in the implementation asnd development of ideas, but also in the physical creation of them. This can be something as simple as the simple addition of a new verb to something as complicated as a massive change in the core game mechanics.

Guild Gurus

The primary developer in charge of their own guild's direction and development.

Systems GMs

These GameMasters code for various gamewide systems. They generally have their fingers in everything, including magic, combat, experience, survivals, lores, horses, substances, and on and on.

GameMaster Ranks

GameMasters progress through a series of ranks as their experience and responsibilities grow:

  • Assistant GameMaster (AGM)
  • Full GameMaster (FGM)
  • Senior GameMaster (SGM)

GameMasters Past and Present

GameMaster Past/Present Positions/Contributions
Abasha Present Events
Acanthor Present Dev GM
Acoya Past
Adera Present Traders, Events
Alnilam Unknown Cleric Guru
Aloeus Unknown
Alvy Unknown
Ambellina Unknown
Anji Unknown Spotlight On Staff Customer Service, Rakash Champion, Clerics
Antavian Past aka GM Silvaran in GemStone and Simu-Gary, Long-term onsite Feedback GM. Announced retirement 10/12/2007.
Archimede Present Premium and Platinum Team
Arethius Unknown
Ariawen Present Head of GameHost Program
Armifer Present
Arnimas Unknown Trader Guru
Asmara Unknown
Audacia Present CE Shifts
Aurdun Present Gor'Tog Co-Champion
Auriane Unknown Spotlight On Staff
Avrienne Unknown
Baerdolas Present
Bartlebee Present Spotlight On Staff GameMaster for 10+ years, Language Guru
Belcor Past First ever Barbarian Guru? Attended SimuCon II
Breeland Present aka Product Manager Solomon
Breenan Unknown
Cadaya Past History and Books
Caymus Present Moon Mages, currently On-Site
Ceiswyn Unknown
Ceosanna Present
Chakram Past
Chandra Past Organized SimuCons, founded Mentors and played Aldamus Jadewater, became GemStone Product Manager Llearyn
Cheii Unknown
Chisoni Unknown Development (Thief and Prydaen)
Cllaud Present
Cwiss Past Lockpicking rewrite (aka Daecir)
Daecir Past Lockpicking rewrite (aka Cwiss)
Daethar Present Ranger Guild Assistant Developer (3/2006-Present)
Damissak Past Development (combat, experience, khri). Famously released after "cheating" with GM abilities in The Fallen.
Danalae Unknown Spotlight On Staff
Dartenian Present
Demr Unknown
Demtrise Unknown
Deryka Unknown
Devorah Unknown Became GM after SimuCon 2 in 1997
Draithis Unknown
Dremara Unknown Wedding Team
Edahla Unknown
Eisu Unknown
Equity Unknown Spotlight On Staff Trader Guru, Economy
Eleara Present Spotlight On Staff GameHost Team
Faylean Unknown
Fial Past Alchemy, Substances Rewrite
Forne Unknown
Gaeloric Unknown Onsite staff
Galiot Unknown
Ghisel Unknown
Godrich Past Spotlight On Staff Trader Guru
Gonk Past First Thief Guru (Passages, Contacts, Mark), Attended SimuCon II
Granthal Past CE, GameHost Team
Halo Past
Helena Present Spotlight On Staff CE, hiring, training
Hodyrn Past
Hoome Unknown
Iayn Past Barbarian Liasion
Ilanya Present Traders
Iocanthe Present
Jaedren Unknown
Jent Past Prolific Ranger Guru
Jeremael Past Spotlight On Staff Horses, Ships, almost all other systems. Passed away in 2005.
Jobu Unknown
Jovah Unknown Development (Thieves)
Jzara Unknown
Kaikyu Past Trader Guru
Kerda Unknown
Khaydra Past Wedding Team (1999-2000)
Kheldun Unknown
Khentimentiu Unknown
Kirean Unknown
Kotkel Past Attended Simucon II
Koyta Past Spotlight On Staff Quest Designer (Corik's and Ghost Ship)
Lanahle Unknown
Lasca Past
Laurilana Unknown
Lelah Past Became GM after SimuCon II
Liadran Unknown
Lirrak Unknown
Loki Past GM at start of DR
Loriene Present Spotlight On Staff
Maece Present Paladins, Mentor Guru
Maelona Unknown One time head of all GMs, just below Solomon.
Marvelin Past GM at start of DR
Meakah Present Spotlight On Staff Wedding Team, Premium Team, Clerics
Meriel Past Spotlight On Staff GM at start of DR, M'riss/Mer'Kresh Guru
Merrill Unknown
Mimmic Unknown
Moredine Unknown
Mroce Unknown
Naiph Present Official Orders
Natala Past
Nehros Unknown Paladins
Nhia Present Elothean Champion, Weddings Team
Niamah Past Customer Service
Nionon Unknown
Nova Present AKA Elonka, Co-founder of Simutronics
Obseden Present Spotlight On Staff, Dev, Empaths, SimuCon personal trash buckets
Olarra Present
Oolan Present Dev, Magic
Paklin Present Spotlight On Staff Ranger Liasion
Porlock Present Muspar'i owner (2006-present)
Pranckor Unknown
Quarel Present Policy
Raenek Unknown
Raphael Past Paladins
Rargh Unknown
Reexa Present Empath
Reimon Unknown
Reisten Unknown
Rhazah Present Barbarian Development
Riel Present Spotlight On Staff Head of Customer Service GMs
Rigby Past Moon Mages, Magic, Throne City, Throne City Museum, Necromancers
Rinae Present Spotlight On Staff Head of Premium Team (1997-present)
Risek Past Thief Guru (ca 2005-2006)
Roderigo Present Paladins, Gor'Tog Co-Champion
Rottcloar Present Spotlight On Staff Dev, Familiars, Gore Weapons
Rowan Present GM at start of DR, became onsite staff
Royce Past 2nd Thief Guru following Gonk. New Khri (Senses, Sane, Speed, Skulk, Spar, Sight), Ambush Stun, Ambush Slash, Voice Throws, New Traps (cyanide, laughing gas, frog, lightning, concussion, mime, shadowling, poison bolts, shrapnel, bouncer, curse, disease), Grandmaster Lockpicks and initial/name carving, Gem Stealing, Slip coins/items, 1-second sneak...
Saedan Unknown
Saija Unknown
Samcras Unknown Feedback
Sanguious Unknown
Sarevael Unknown
Sashera Unknown
Scynn Unknown
Seldyr Unknown
Sengi Unknown
Serenay Unknown
Seviya Unknown
Shakahan Present Thief Liasion (ca 1999-present), Prydaen Champion
Shalnhh Present GM at start of DR, S'kra and S'kra language, became onsite staff.
Skiori Past
Skralthaen Unknown
Skurrzak Past Attended SimuCon II, Played infamous GemStone character Lord Bleeds.
Smitty Past
Smyrn Unknown
Solomon Present DragonRealms Product Manager
Soye Unknown
Spinnoza Unknown
Ssra Present Prolific Dev GM, Combat, Thieves, Experience, Khri, Lore Split, Survival Skills, Dual Wield, Spells
Sygne Unknown
Taejun Unknown
Taiga Unknown
Taka Unknown
Talian Past Guild Requirements
Talmiran Unknown
Tarragon Past Rangers, Attended SimuCon II
Tessima Unknown
Tillkommande Unknown
Tinsie Past Weddings Team. Passed away July, 2002.
Tourne Unknown
Towint Present Dev, Empaths
Treveri Past Ranger Guru, Built Theren Keep breech tunnel area, played famous GemStone mapmaker Zepath.
Tribanin Unknown Moon Mages, Lore Split
Tsem Past Events
Tvini Unknown Spotlight On Staff
Urion Past GameMaster at start of DragonRealms. Attended SimuCon II
Vaeldriil Present Bard Liasion, Elothean Champion
Valdrik Past Warrior Mage Guru
Vartis Past
Vaschon Past CE GM, many events
Vendarin Past Thief Guru (ca 2003), Khri Spot, Anamir's inquisition against Thieves Guild event
Verac Unknown
Veyl Past Dev, Combat, Survival Skills
Viani Unknown
Westryl Unknown
Wizel Unknown
Wythor Present Warrior Mages
Xadrian Present
Xahonu Unknown
Xardos Unknown
Ydrask Unknown
Yndra Unknown
Ysari Unknown
Yygis Unknown
Zabari Unknown
Zadraes Present Premium Team
Zaebos Unknown
Zeyurn Present Dev, Systems (survival, steal, and justice)
Zoha Past First Product Manager of DragonRealms then became Product Manager of Hero's Journey
Zrothgal Unknown