Category:Empath spells: Difference between revisions

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A category for [[guild assocation is::Empath]] spells.
A category for [[guild assocation is::Empath]] spells.
==Spell Tree==
==Spell Tree==
{{:Empath/Spell Tree}}
rect 0 675 250 725[[Heal Wounds|Heal Wounds (Utility)]]
rect 300 675 550 725 [[Heal Scars|Heal Scars (Utility)]]
rect 600 75 850 125 [[Vitality Healing|Vitality Healing (Utility)]]
rect 600 325 850 375 [[Blood Staunching|Blood Staunching (Utility)]]
rect 600 525 850 575 [[Mental Focus|Mental Focus (Augmentation)]]
rect 600 825 850 875 [[Iron Constitution|Iron Constitution (Warding)]]
rect 600 1125 850 1175 [[Refresh|Refresh (Augmentation)]]
rect 900 75 1150 125 [[Heal|Heal (Utility)]]
rect 900 275 1150 325 [[Flush Poisons|Flush Poisons (Utility)]]
rect 900 375 1150 425 [[Cure Disease|Cure Disease (Utility)]]
rect 900 575 1150 625 [[Compel|Compel (Debilitation)]]
rect 900 675 1150 725 [[Awaken|Awaken (Utility)]]
rect 900 775 1150 825 [[Tranquility|Tranquility (Augmentation, Warding)]]
rect 900 925 1150 975 [[Innocence|Innocence (Utility)]]
rect 900 1025 1150 1075 [[Gift of Life|Gift of Life (Augmentation)]]
rect 900 1175 1150 1225 [[Lethargy|Lethargy (Debilitation)]]
rect 1200 25 1450 75 [[Regenerate|Regenerate (Utility)]]
rect 1200 125 1450 175 [[Fountain of Creation|Fountain of Creation (Utility)]]
rect 1200 225 1450 275 [[Adaptive Curing|Adaptive Curing (Utility)]]
rect 1200 325 1450 375 [[Absolution|Absolution (Utility)]]
rect 1200 425 1450 475 [[Heart Link|Heart Link (Utility)]]
rect 1200 525 1450 575 [[Circle of Sympathy|Circle of Sympathy (Utility)]]
rect 1200 625 1450 675 [[Nissa's Binding|Nissa's Binding (Debilitation)]]
rect 1200 775 1450 825 [[Perseverance of Peri'el|Perseverance of Peri'el (Warding)]]
rect 1200 1075 1450 1125 [[Vigor|Vigor (Augmentation)]]
rect 1200 1175 1450 1225 [[Paralysis|Paralysis (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1500 825 1750 875 [[Aggressive Stance|Aggressive Stance (Augmentation)]]
rect 1500 925 1750 975 [[Guardian Spirit|Guardian Spirit (Utility)]]
rect 1500 1075 1750 1125 [[Raise Power|Raise Power (Utility)]]
rect 1500 1175 1750 1225 [[Icutu Zaharenela|Icutu Zaharenela (Targeted)]]
rect 1800 825 2050 875 [[Aesandry Darlaeth|Aesandry Darlaeth (Augmentation, Utility)]]

==Summary of Spell Information==
==Summary of Spell Information==
{{#ask:[[guild association is::Empath]][[page type is::spell]][[Spellbook is::!Analogous Patterns]]
{{#ask:[[guild association is::Empath]][[page type is::spell]][[Spellbook is::!Analogous Patterns]]
|?Pretty name is
|?Pretty name is
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|?maximum duration is
|?maximum duration is
|?slot cost is
|?slot cost is
|?magic type is
|?Ability difficulty is
|?Spellbook is

Latest revision as of 16:00, 21 December 2024

A category for Empath spells.

Spell Tree

Heal WoundsHeal ScarsBlood StaunchingHealFountain of CreationRegenerateCure DiseaseFlush PoisonsHeart LinkAbsolutionAdaptive CuringMental FocusAwakenAggressive StanceIron ConstitutionInnocenceEmbrace of the Vela'tohrCalculated RageAesandry DarlaethPerseverance of Peri'elGuardian SpiritCompelRefreshParalysisLethargyGift of LifeVigorRaise PowerIcutu ZaharenelaNissa's BindingCircle of SympathyTranquilityVitality HealingEmpath Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png
About this image

Summary of Spell Information

Bolded spells are signature spells.

Name Effect Type Skill Contest Prep
Duration Slots Difficulty Spellbook
Absolution -Empathy skill, -Stamina (stat), allows Empath to attack the undead without shock ritual utility 150-700 80-800 30-90 2 intermediate Body Purification
Adaptive Curing (ADC) allows preemptive casting of Flush Poisons and Cure Disease; allows Heal to remain active even with no wounds metamagic 1 Body Purification
Aesandry Darlaeth (AD) +Reflex (stat), Balance heal, recovery from immobilization/webbing cyclic augmentation, utility 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 advanced Protection
Aggressive Stance (AGS) +Brawling skill, +Evasion skill standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Protection
Awaken (spell) (AWAKEN) -stuns/unconsciousness battle utility 15-100 80-800 2-10 2 intermediate Mental Preparation
Blood Staunching (BS) prevents blood loss standard utility 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 basic Body Purification
Calculated Rage (CR) -Defensive Factor, Puncture damage, Impact damage, Pre-cast TM. Gives uses of RAGE command to make attacks. battle targeted 30-100 250-1,000 1-10 3 advanced Mental Preparation
Circle of Sympathy (COS) Creates a tree that allows Empaths to share attunement ritual utility 150-700 80-800 30-90 1 intermediate Mental Preparation
Compel forces target to leave room battle debilitation charm \ willpower 5-33 80-800 Instant 1 intermediate Protection
Cure Disease (CD) Disease heal standard utility 15-100 80-800 10-40 1 intermediate Body Purification
Embrace of the Vela'tohr (EV) Wound heal, allows Empath to heal remotely via a conjured vela'tohr plant ritual utility 300-800 250-1,000 30-90 2 advanced Mental Preparation
Flush Poisons (FP) Poison heal standard utility 15-100 80-800 15-40 1 intermediate Body Purification
Fountain of Creation (FOC) Wound heal, heals all wounds/scars standard utility 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 3 advanced Healing
Gift of Life (GOL) +Empathy skill, +Stamina (stat) standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Life Force Manipulation
Guardian Spirit (GS) summons combat "pet" cyclic utility 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 advanced Protection
Heal Wound heal, periodically heals your worst wounds standard utility 15-100 80-800 10-40 3 intermediate Healing
Heal Scars (HS) Wound heal, heals scars standard utility 1-100 0-400 Instant 1 intro Healing
Heal Wounds (HW) Wound heal standard utility 1-100 0-400 Instant 1 intro Healing
Heart Link (HL) Vitality damage, Vitality heal, Equalizes the vitality of two linked players, Slows bleeding, poison, disease. standard utility 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 intermediate Body Purification
Icutu Zaharenela (IZ) Slice damage, Cold damage, converts TOUCH into an attack cyclic targeted 15-45 400-1,250 Indefinite 2 esoteric Life Force Manipulation
Innocence forces target to disengage; prevents facing/advancing standard utility charm \ willpower 5-100 10-600 2-10 1 basic Protection
Iron Constitution (IC) -damage (from serious hits) standard warding 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Protection
Lethargy -Agility (stat), -Reflex (stat), Fatigue damage battle debilitation magic \ fortitude 1-33 10-600 Instant 3 basic Life Force Manipulation
Mental Focus (MEF) +Intelligence (stat), +Concentration regeneration standard augmentation 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 basic Mental Preparation
Nissa's Binding (NB) puts targets to sleep, AoE battle debilitation, area of effect mind \ fortitude 10-66 80-800 Instant 2 intermediate Mental Preparation
Paralysis immobilizes and knocks down (single target) battle targeted 2-50 10-600 Instant 2 basic Life Force Manipulation
Perseverance of Peri'el (POP) ablative vitality barrier ritual warding 300-800 250-1,000 30-90 3 advanced Protection
Raise Power (RP) +Mana level, Fatigue damage, self damage, life mana only standard utility, area of effect 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 intermediate Life Force Manipulation
Refresh +Fatigue, Fatigue heal standard augmentation 1-100 0-400 10-40 2 intro Life Force Manipulation
Regenerate Wound heal, gradually heals wounds/scars cyclic utility 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 advanced Healing
Tranquility +Discipline (stat), +defense against vs. fortitude attacks standard augmentation, warding 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 intermediate Mental Preparation
Vigor +Agility (stat), +Strength (stat) standard augmentation 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 intermediate Life Force Manipulation
Vitality Healing (VH) Vitality heal standard utility 5-100 10-600 Instant 2 basic Healing

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