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Droughtman's Challenge 444/End loot

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Droughtman's Challenge 444/End loot
Event Droughtman's Challenge 444
Owner Droughtman
# of Rooms 5
Store Type Weapon shops, Armor shops, General shops, Music shops, Magic shops, Crafting shops, Clothing shops, Jewelry shops, Feature shops
This store only accepts Droughtman's indicia



Bold items are new as of this event.

You can READ surfaces to learn details about items when applicable.

Room 1

[Droughtman's Maze, Prize Concourse]
Emblazoned along the eastern wall of the soaring arcade, a massive mural depicts several charioteers locked in fierce and glorious competition. The chatter of contestants browsing the concourse echos softly off the marble tile underfoot.
Obvious exits: north.

On glass geyser
Item Price Done
pattern-welded silversteel falchion with a broadly curved blade - Water flare 200   
glossy diacan marlingspike dangling a toothy silversteel shark charm - Water flare 200   
"The marlingspike and silversteel falchion are imbued with a water weapon flare."
On oak tripod
Item Price Done
polished dragonwood staff with elaborate asini inlay - Fire 38   
felwood recurve longbow resembling a wickedly-fanged maw 38   
spiritwood and indurium military fork covered in spiraling demon gaze agates - Razor flare 38   
"The military fork is imbued with a razor weapon flare and the dragonwood staff is imbued with a fire weapon flare."
On steel mannequin
Item Price Done
stoneskin tweed brigandine greaves exposing layers of firestained plating - Fire 100   
stoneskin tweed brigandine sleeves exposing layers of firestained plating - Fire 100   
stoneskin tweed brigandine lorica exposing layers of firestained plating - Fire 100   
stoneskin tweed brigandine helm exposing layers of firestained plating - Fire 100   
stoneskin tweed brigandine mask exposing layers of firestained plating - Fire 100   
"The brigandine armor pieces are imbued with a fire flare enchantment."
On weapon display
Item Price Done
opalescent spiritwood staff webbed with moonsilver - Quarter Staff, Radiant 200   
thin-bladed silversteel kaskara with a twilight sapphire-inlaid pommel - Two-handed Edged, Electric 200   
bright red indurium scimitar dangling a trio of feathers from its hilt - Medium Edged, Fire 200   
uthamar-edged boomerang carved out of zingana - Medium Blunt \ Light Thrown, Frost 200   
glossy white marble rolling pin with felwood handles - Medium Blunt, Fire 200   
giant dragonwood mallet with a frost-blue icesteel head - Two-handed Blunt, Frost 200   
glossy purple gold sunblade inscribed with obscure symbols - Light Edged, Fire 200   
wickedly-spiked ball and chain forged from violet glaes - Heavy Blunt, Electric 200   
comical shadowbark hobbyhorse topped with a roly-poly panda head - Quarter Staff 200   
graceful uthamar scepter crowned with an enormous frostflare opal - Light Blunt, Frost 200   
glittery pink quarterstaff carved with images of frolicking fae - Quarter Staff, Glitter 200   
"All the weapons on the display are enchanted with flares except for the hobbyhorse!"
On tomiek spider
Item Price Done
sleek ebony anklet of interlocking nightstalker unyns with shadow emerald eyes - heavy blunt morning star 175   
slender ebony eyebrow ring with a shimmering dreamstone sand spider - two-handed blunt maul 175   
nightfire opal spider ring entwined with glistening ebony filaments - short staff nightstick 175   
glossy black ear stud of a miniature blade spider clutching a vengeance ruby - heavy edged battle axe 175   
"The jewelry pieces on the spider turn into exoskeletal WEAPONS and are all fully unlocked and self-repairing. The ear stud is a heavy edged battle axe, the spider ring is a short staff nightstick, the eyebrow ring is a two-handed blunt maul, and the ebony anklet is a heavy blunt morning star."
On steel trunk
Item Price Done
sleek diacan repeating arbalest with a wickedly curved lathe 275   
"The seven bolt repeating arbalest takes eight seconds to load with a bolt in the hand and nine seconds when the bolt is in a container on you."
On weapon counter
Item Price Done
agonite-plated battle crossbow bound in smokewhorl - 7 sec load 200   
dark khor'vela pelletbow tessellated with a murder of eerie black crows - 5 sec load 200   
"The pelletbow takes five seconds to load with a stone in hand. The battle crossbow takes seven seconds to load with a bolt in hand."
On damite shelf
Item Price Done
glimmering helm surmounted by a radiant crown of icesteel - Frost 200   
fiery glaes balaclava surmounted by a radiant crown of sungold - Fire 200   
vardite kite shield painted with two crossed wands over a golden key - Electric 200   
light plate sallet with hollowed bone horns - Fire, verby 200   
"The light plate sallet and all chain armor are imbued with a fire flare enchantment, while the rest of the plate armor on the damite shelf are imbued with a frost flare armor enchantment."
On vardite shelf
Item Price Done
fiery glaes chausses with burnished gold poleyns - Fire 100   
firestained ring gloves with scarlet glaes spikes along the knuckles - Fire 100   
ring vambraces reinforced with firestained splints - Fire 100   
scarlet glaes lorica with side seams of firesilk - Fire 100   
heavy windsteel greaves encased in icesteel - Frost 100   
icesteel-rimed gauntlets embedded with winter emeralds - Frost 100   
icesteel vambraces embedded with blades of windsteel  - Frost 100   
icesteel cuirass inlaid with labyrinthine moonsilver - Frost 100   
light plate gauntlets augmented with small gears and wires - Fire 100   
"The light plate gauntlets and all chain armor are imbued with a fire flare enchantment, while the rest of the plate armor on the vardite shelf are imbued with a frost flare armor enchantment."
On haralun shelf
Item Price Done
light full plate heavily augmented with clockwork gears - Fire 275   
"The light plate armor on the haralun shelf is imbued with a fire flare armor enchantment."
On tomiek web
Item Price Done
orange pouch embroidered with an orbweaver spider - contains a deep ebony orbweaver ring with a glossy carapace - Small Shield 165   
black pouch embroidered with a black widow - contains an angular black widow ring formed from shiny ebony segments - Medium Shield 165   
purple pouch embroidered with a tarantula - contains a sleek tarantula ring covered with fine ebony hairs - Large Shield 165   
A note on the web reads: "The rings in the pouches on the web turn into exoskeletal SHIELDS and are all fully unlocked and self-repairing. The orbweaver ring is a small shield, the black widow ring is a medium shield, and the tarantula ring is a large shield. The exoskeletal rings will BOND to the FIRST person who GETs it from their pouch. The exoskeletal shields CANNOT be unbonded, so please bond carefully."
On marble altar
Item Price Done
hefty war hammer covered in thirteen diamond-sectioned spikes - MB, Electric flare 200   
"The war hammer on the altar has an electric weapon flare and can temporarily change a person's appearance to something more godly when waved at with the hammer."
On weapon showcase
Item Price Done
double-edged indurium schiavona with an elegant fire whirl ruby basket-hilt - HE, Razor flare 200   
gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage - HE/HT, Razor flare 200   
polished silversteel throwing axe sculpted with the lines of an anguished visage - ME/LT, Razor flare 200   
"The weapons on the showcase are flared with a razor weapon flare."
On blue peg
Item Price Done
faeweave assassin's armor tinged somber black - Frost 275   
"The cloth armor piece is imbued with a frost flare armor enchantment."
On grey peg
Item Price Done
demonscale assassin's cowl with gold-tinged purple glaes veining - Electric 200   
"The leather armor piece on the rack are imbued with an electric flare enchantment."
On white peg
Item Price Done
faeweave assassin's hood shrouded in somber black layers - Frost 100   
faeweave assassin's mask with shaded lenses - Frost 100   
faeweave assassin's gloves with fitted cuffs - Frost 100   
faeweave assassin's pants with gusseted seams - Frost 100   
"The cloth armor pieces on the rack are imbued with a frost flare armor enchantment."
On red peg
Item Price Done
faeweave assassin's shirt tinged somber black - Frost 150   
"The cloth armor piece is imbued with a frost flare armor enchantment."
On black peg
Item Price Done
demonscale assassin's robe traced in gold-tinged purple glaes symbols - Electric 150   
"The leather armor piece on the rack are imbued with an electric flare enchantment."
On yellow peg
Item Price Done
demonscale assassin's vambraces studded with gold-tinged purple glaes - Electric 100   
demonscale assassin's gloves bound in gold-tinged purple glaes - Electric 100   
"The leather armor pieces on the rack are imbued with an electric flare enchantment."
On violet peg
Item Price Done
demonscale assassin's leathers reinforced with gold-tinged purple glaes - Electric 275   
"The leather armor piece on the rack are imbued with an electric flare enchantment."
On loveglass sculpture
Item Price Done
windsteel-bladed fan tessellated with electrified goldfyre lightning bolts  - Electric 225   
sinuous agonite-bladed fan styled with burning goldfyre flames  - Fire 225   
"The windsteel fan is imbued with an electric enchantment and the agonite fan is imbued with a fire enchantment."
On shield rack
Item Price Done
polished icesteel shield glistening with snowflake-cut frostflare opals  - Frost 50   
"The icesteel shield is imbued with a frost enchantment."

Room 2

[Droughtman's Maze, Prize Concourse]
Continuing from the southern end of the concourse, a massive mural depicts several charioteers locked in fierce and glorious competition. The chatter of contestants browsing the concourse echos softly off the marble tile underfoot.
Obvious exits: north, south.

On uthamar hook
Item Price Done
gleaming Kertigen halo of starlight-white uthamar 175   
"A Kertigen halo is a tool that can potentially store all of your non-consumable crafting tools. The one sold on the hook will hold up to five tools, but each potency crystal upgrade will add five more tool slots for a maximum of fifty. Infuser stones will give one-hundred-and-eighty days of being able to TURN the halo to a different tool."
On simple altar
Item Price Done
triple-headed icon forged from palladium 75   
"Holy warriors who revere Chadatru will find their holy weapons' power can be replenished with this icon."
On ceramic platter
Item Price Done
coruscant crystal-bone octahedron edged in gold 315   
"The octahedron is a Targeted Magic focus that also works with mechanical mice."
On sungold salver
Item Price Done
sungold sunburst partially eclipsed by Yavash 100   
"The magic in this pin can help with ritual spells for practitioners in any school of magic."
On animite plinth
Item Price Done
silvery grey animite sphere with stormfire topaz inlay 150   
tiny iridescent weevil 150   
"The sphere is a Targeted Magic focus and the weevil will wipe all spell knowledge except for spell scrolls."
On crystal tray
Item Price Done
Elven gold crown displaying a massive green dwalgim - concentration 150   
braided armure anklet dangling spherical-shaped vengeance ruby charms - mana 150   
coiled black taipan covered in imbricated agonite scales - inner fire 150   
iridescent glass orb inlaid with moonsilver holy symbols - spirit 150   
shimmering honeycomb opal pendant strung on a gold chain - vitality 150   
"The crown is said to help with concentration, the anklet is said to help regenerate mana, the taipan can help with inner fire, the orb can help with spirit, and the pendant helps with vitality!"
On stained shelf
Item Price Done
white inkpot - Righteous Wrath 100   
engraved inkpot - Demrris' Resolve 100   
muddy inkpot - Curse of the Wilds 100   
On warped shelf
Item Price Done
black inkpot - Shadows 125   
silvery-blue inkpot - Substratum 125   
spherical inkpot - Aesandry Darlaeth 125   
yellow-banded inkpot - Swarm 125   
ghostly-white inkpot - Chill Spirit 125   
veined inkpot - Blur 125   
swirled inkpot - Fluoresce 125   
sharp-edged inkpot - Shear 125   
On crooked shelf
Item Price Done
polished oak inkpot - Eagle's Cry 175   
icy-blue inkpot - Will of Winter 175   
bright orange inkpot - Ignite 175   
dusky grey inkpot - Iron Constitution 175   
ethereal white inkpot painted with a burning candle - Fists of Faenella 175   
bright silver inkpot - Minor Physical Protection 175   
cylindrical soot-covered inkpot painted with a shriveled hand - Hand of Tenemlor 175   
On tan easel
Item Price Done
frosted glass inkpot - tattoo of a twisted silver-traced stylized flame 5   
blue inkpot - tattoo of trailing silvery-blue sigils 5   
blood-red inkpot - tattoo of a dark figure with sinister red eyes 5   
ominous black inkpot - tattoo of ominous black symbols 5   
silvery-black inkpot - tattoo of silvery-black chains covered in strange symbols 5   
"Empty inkpots for sale! - These inkpots are empty. Use them to REMOVE your current runic tattoo. When reapplied the inkpot will form the listed tattoo."
On gold display
Item Price Done
luminous blue gold shariza flanked by crescent moonsilver moons 875   
"This extraordinarily magical item will raise a user from death under the right conditions. STUDYing the items on the displays will help explain what they do. (OOC: The device uses a favor to invoke and will resurrect you if you die while under its effect. Spell scrolls will not be lost with this type of resurrection. Resurrection will use up a charge, but the devices can be recharged with infuser stones.)"
On silver display
Item Price Done
slender Eylhaar statuette of pure white glaes 750   
small glossy Enelne figurine of flawless senci 750   
"This extraordinarily magical item will raise a user from death under the right conditions. STUDYing the items on the displays will help explain what they do. (OOC: The device uses a favor to invoke and will resurrect you if you die while under its effect. Spell scrolls will not be lost with this type of resurrection. Resurrection will use up a charge, but the devices can be recharged with infuser stones.)"
On wooden stand
Item Price Done
half-eaten crystalline apple - Turmar Illumination 150   
stylized eighth note sculpted from gleaming uthamar - Resonance 150   
polished muracite eyelash viper twined around a bricklebranch stick - Drums of the Snake 150   
small platinum statue of Kertigen dressed in flamboyant colors - Platinum Hands of Kertigen 150   
cloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures - Ward Break 150   
"Magical casting devices useable by all! The glass paperweight contains "Ward Break", the crystalline apple contains "Turmar Illumination", the eighth note contains "Resonance", the eyelash viper contains "Drums of the Snake", and the platinum statue contains "Platinum Hands of Kertigen"."
On onyx worktable
Item Price Done
camlet-wrapped burin affixed with a stormy tidal bloodstone  - Speed 11/11 77   
small uthamar brazier supported by twisted Sunderstone feet - Speed 11/11 77   
imbuement rod fashioned from a lirisan branch - Speed 11/11 + 99 streams 77   
diamondique large mortar carved with delicate flowers - Speed 11/11 + 50 capacity 77   
"The burin, brazier, and imbuement rod are excellent enchanting tools, while the large mortar has twice the normal holding capacity."
On ring case
Item Price Done
agonite sigilated ring with wavy edges 125   
narrow sigilated ring of pure white glaes 125   
silvery sigilated ring of involute windsteel 125   
uthamar sigilated ring with glinting angles 125   
tursa sigilated ring with shadowy whorls 125   
dark sigilated ring of rippled diacan 125   
"Sigilated rings can only be attuned and used by Warrior Mages. There is one ring for each element type: agonite for fire, glaes for aether, windsteel for air, uthamar for electricity, tursa for earth, and diacan for water."
On two-tiered showcase
Item Price Done
snow-white bitterweave poppet with mismatched button eyes 250   
blade-bone skull inset with demon gaze agate eyes 250   
amorphous purple blob infused with starry silver crystals 250   
dark green lemicule turtle with shimmering cosmic zircon eyes 250   
dark cube inlaid with shards of blackwater jet 250   
"The items on this showcase are a newly discovered magical focus, a Parallel Casting Focus. It can be used to prepare non-offensive, non-ritual spells in parallel with another spell when held. [OOC: Parallel casting foci will function for 180 RL days before needing recharged with an infuser stone."
On starshine basin
Item Price Done
large luminescent starshine bowl etched with stars  - Alchemy bowl, Speed 11/11 40   
On crystalline platform
Item Price Done
palm-sized crystalline tower set with a bejeweled golden key 400   
"The crystalline tower will summon an instant sanctuary tower for forty-five roisaen and comes with one-hundred uses."

Room 3

[Droughtman's Maze, Prize Concourse]
Further continuing from the southern end of the concourse, a massive mural depicts several charioteers locked in fierce and glorious competition along the eastern wall. The chatter of contestants browsing the concourse echoes softly off the marble tile underfoot.
Obvious exits: north, south.

On mother-of-pearl shell
Item Price Done
coral Merelew gadget - Eddy can be embiggened up to 50 times (750 items total) 40   
"The Merelew gadget on the shell will increase your eddy item limits by ten and weight limit by 35 stones."
On sungold saucer
Item Price Done
sleeping sungold dragon curled around a huge orb of green and blue starglass 100   
"The sungold dragon on this tray is a spectacular piece indeed. It has 150 charges and can be generally worn."
On silver salver
Item Price Done
large silver starglass trapped in a web of tyrium 75   
fragile platinum tiara elegantly crowned with a violet starglass heart 75   
four-strand braided gold tiara studded with fiery crimson starglass shards 75   
elegantly curved silver tiara strewn with oceanic blue starglass tears 75   
delicate tiara of gleaming copper vines entwined with emerald starglass leaves 75   
"All the pieces on the salver have 125 charges. The large silver starglass is worn on the upper arm, while the tiaras are worn on the head."
On gold plate
Item Price Done
antiqued gold signet ring set with blue starglass 50   
"The antique signet ring on this tray has 75 charges."
On glass tray
Item Price Done
twisted band of purple gold wrapped around a tiny blue and grey swirled starglass 25   
"The starglass band on this tray has 50 charges."
On plovik leaf
Item Price Done
tree-shaped tome with a blue sana'ati sapling painted upon its cover 102   
"This tome will allow empaths to modify the appearance of their Circle of Sympathy trees into a squat sana'ati sapling with a golden key glowing from its trunk."
On writing desk
Item Price Done
heavy leather-bound chronicle embellished with an oversized golden key and arch 90   
"The chronicle comes with seventy-five pages to write in."
On glass dollhouse
Item Price Done
mirrored cube 25   
"The mirrored cube will help you appear like an innocent bystander for five uses. (OOC: It will remove a person's Breaking & Entering cooldown.)"
On music stand
Item Price Done
smoi leather tambourine carrying case fastened with a sungold buckle - contains sungold-rimmed tambourine with luminous moonsilver cymbals 115   
"The generally worn tambourine carrying case will hold any two items and the tambourine is very finely crafted."
On quartz temple
Item Price Done
muddied frozen-bone almsbox with uthamar accents 25   
small portable almsbox of pure white spiritwood 25   
"The portable almsbox will allow a person to donate their coins wherever they happen to be in the world."
On treasure statue
Item Price Done
lootsack instructions 100   
stacking pinwheel instructions 100   
"The pinwheel instructions will make stackable light thrown pinwheels and have seven uses in them! The lootsack instructions have five uses in them! (OOC: The container made will have autoloot functionality.)"
On golden pillar
Item Price Done
vardite skeleton key 1250   
"Open sez me!"
On magma-red pedestal
Item Price Done
magma-red wand capped with a fist-sized steel anvil 500   
"Tired of working on your metal inside? Work on it outside with this!"
On silversteel holder
Item Price Done
smokewhorl tobacco case with a polished brass clasp 125   
braided morah vine fiber rope 125   
"The rope will assist in your climbing practice for an unlimited amount of times and the tobacco case will stack ninety-nine parts of dirt."
On blood-red platform
Item Price Done
wispy faeweave bandage 150   
decorative keyring shaped to resemble an oversized gold key - general worn 150   
"The bandage will help heal a bleeding wound and the keyring will stack up to fifty lockpicks."
On sungold bookshelf
Item Price Done
encyclopedic almanac carefully bound with a shadowleaf cover 5000   
"This special almanac will allow you to TURN to a specific chapter for learning purposes."
On steel hook
Item Price Done
Longleaf lotusweave runestone pocket 100   
"The runestone pocket will stack up to twenty different runestones."

Room 4

[Droughtman's Maze, Prize Concourse]
Extending to the northernmost region of the concourse, a massive mural depicts several charioteers locked in fierce and glorious competition. The chatter of contestants browsing the concourse echoes softly off the marble tile underfoot.
Obvious exits: north, south.

On golden plinth
Item Price Done
infuser stone 15   
potency crystal 15   
On agonite brazier
Item Price Done
golden chakrel key suspended from an agonite chain - Similar to teardrinker, 1 tick faster meditation activation than standard "perfect" chakrel. 77   
"The chakrel key on the brazier is a piece of infused chakrel."
On satinwood desk
Item Price Done
steel mirror reflecting a triangular-shaped face - a triangular-shaped face 25   
jade mirror featuring a wrinkled face - a vast network of crisscrossing wrinkles across the face - Cannot be used by S'Kra Mur 25   
clouded mirror featuring a sagging face - a grotesque series of fatty skin flaps sagging from the face - Cannot be used by S'Kra Mur 25   
tarnished silver mirror painted with a round face covered in droopy fatty rolls - a layer of fatty rolls drooping from the underside of the face 25   
small iron mirror painted with a stern face - a stern face 25   
small porcelain mirror painted with an aristocratic face - an aristocratic face 25   
small asini mirror painted with a hatchet-shaped face - a hatchet-shaped face 25   
small tursa mirror painted with a bestial face - a beastial face 25   
silverbark-handled mirror reflecting a person's face shape - a sculpted diamond-shaped face 25   
beech-handled mirror reflecting a person's face shape - a high cheekboned kite-shaped face 25   
"Mirrors on the desk will change your face shape! Please choose carefully!"
On silk-covered mannequin
Item Price Done
cloud-white faesilk sundress embroidered with scattered colorful flowers against a lattice background 100   
ebon faesilk gown with bouquets of colorful flowers embroidered down the sides 100   
In gold-swirled vase
Item Price Done
sunset orange Celestial rose 2   
indigo Daybreak rose 2   
violet Dream rose 2   
pure white Innocence rose 2   
carmine Passion rose 2   
golden Sunburst rose 2   
In scarlet-swirled bowl
Item Price Done
void black Chaos rose 2   
mauve Insanity rose 2   
heretic black Perdition rose 2   
blood red Scorn rose 2   
lavender Secret rose 2   
crimson Shame rose 2   
On dented platter
Item Price Done
lumpy leather arm pouch with distressed seams 5   
"A man and woman, both in dark cloaks, delivered these and said we could sell them, cheap. We take no responsibility for whatever might be in them. -- Management."
On ugly stand
Item Price Done
ugly stick 250   
"You're kidding, right?"
On diamondwood vanity
Item Price Done
thin mirror edged in thin strips of ivory - gaunt figure/build 25   
skeletal white mirror - skeletally thin figure/build 25   
spindly mirror etched with obscure symbols - spindly figure/build 25   
bamboo mirror reflecting a person's build - well-defined figure/build 25   
onyx-framed mirror reflecting a person's height - one who towers among others for a/an [Race] 25   
copper-framed mirror reflecting a person's height - middling height for a/an [Race] 25   
"Mirrors on the vanity will change your height and figure! Please choose carefully!"
On shoe rack
Item Price Done
gold-wrapped shoebox 25   
"I found an old set of boxes full of boots in a storehouse. I'm told these boxes have the possibility of some never before seen types of wings, colors, and skins."
On glass counter
Item Price Done
rainbow mirror encased within a braided frame - rainbow ombre hair is [HairLength] 25   
crystalline mirror encased within a braided frame - crystalline hair is [HairLength] 25   
small alder mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by peony pink hair - peony pink hair is [HairLength] 25   
small moabi mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by marigold yellow hair - marigold yellow hair is [HairLength] 25   
small osage mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by raven hair - raven hair is [HairLength] 25   
small cocobolo mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by dark chocolate hair - dark chocolate hair is [HairLength] 25   
felwood-handled mirror painted with a dirty-haired blank face - [HairColor] hair is [HairLength] and dirty 25   
avodire-handled mirror painted with a glossy-haired blank face - [HairColor] hair is [HairLength] and glossy 25   
ramin-handled mirror painted with a frizzy-haired blank face - [HairColor] hair is [HairLength] and frizzy 25   
ilomba-handled mirror painted with a silky-haired blank face - [HairColor] hair is [HairLength] and silky 25   
sapphire mirror featuring locks of calf length hair - [HairColor] hair is calf length 25   
"Mirrors on the counter will change your hair length, hair color, and hair texture! Please choose carefully!"
On filigree display
Item Price Done
verdant moonsilver compact luminously swirled with lirisan leaf chasing 150   
fragile gais diadem crowned by a glittering sapphire starburst 150   
gold-limned sketchbook bound in luxuriously supple diamond-hide 150   
"The sketchbook allows a person to store their cosmetic tattoos, the feature compact allows a person to store their features, and the tiara allows a person to understand all languages."
On eye sculpture
Item Price Done
oval black mirror painted with merciless eyes - merciless [EyeColor] eyes 25   
triangular blue mirror painted with cold eyes - cold [EyeColor] eyes 25   
round grey mirror painted with tormented eyes - tormented [EyeColor] eyes 25   
quatrefoil violet mirror painted with dreamy eyes - dreamy [EyeColor] eyes 25   
pale mirror painted with faded eyes - faded [EyeColor] eyes 25   
dark mirror painted with wicked eyes - wicked [EyeColor] eyes 25   
glittery mirror painted with starry eyes - starry [EyeColor] eyes 25   
"The mirrors on the eye sculpture will change your eye character! Please choose carefully!"
On vardite pedestal
Item Price Done
wide iron ring grasping a demon gaze agate - orbited by an array of unblinking sanguine eyes 100   
iridescent dragonfly encased in zoetia - swarmed in iridescent green dragonflies 100   
stalactite-shaped iron trinket set with a dewdrop diopside - showered in a gleaming rain of crystalline droplets 100   
iridescent rainbow rose carved out of voilyne - enveloped in a cloud of iridescent glitter 100   
golden butterfly with aurora opal wings - engulfed in a kaleidoscope of butterflies 100   
stoneskin tweed vest with leather side straps - encased by an earthen shroud veined with exotic ores 100   
etched frozen-bone medallion strung on a silver chain - camouflaged in a swirling fog of frigid arctic currents 100   
ephemeral goldfyre brooch graced with a spectacular aurora opal - figure is gracefully highlighted in a soft aurora of silvery-violet light 100   
wide ironrot band displaying a cracked godsmarked turquoise - who is shrouded in a swirling dark green and purple miasma 100   
"There is strong magic on the items on this pedestal. If someone rubs the item while wearing it, others will see strange and interesting things surrounding you. OOC: Post Strings."
On gemstone showcase
Item Price Done
fire whirl ruby with a brilliant gold spiraling inclusion 25   
fine Sunderstone with golden ripples clutching bands of rust and blue-grey 25   
pale iceblink peridot permeated by reflective crystal veins 25   
tidal bloodstone displaying blue-tinged sanguine flecks 25   
luminous dreamstone swirled with veins of twilight hues 25   
demon gaze agate with a hauntingly piercing sanguine inclusion 25   
polished cosmic zircon encompassing a vivid globular inclusion 25   
"The gemstones on the showcase are loose gemstones that are pretty and can be used in various socketed gemstone jewelry. Fair warning, when used in socketed jewelry, only the brief appearance will be shown. These gems cannot be recovered from a tied gem pouch, so please be careful to PUT these in a safe place and not STOW them into a tied pouch."
On glitvire dresser
Item Price Done
ivory oval mirror reflecting the quirks of a person's hair - with stark white streaks at the temple 25   
frameless square mirror reflecting the quirks of a person's hair - with both sides shaved at the temple 25   
rhomboid haon mirror reflecting the quirks of a person's hair - with a zig-zagging part line 25   
gold tetrahedal mirror reflecting the quirks of a person's hair - showcasing metallic gold dye on the tips of the hair 25   
oval green mirror painted with glitter-highlighted hair - with glittery highlights 25   
oval cyan mirror painted with ombre-highlighted hair  - with ombre highlights 25   
small purple mirror painted with an image of long hair layers - with long layers 25   
small hyacinth mirror painted with an image of feathered hair layers - with feathered layers 25   
round vermilion mirror painted with an image of blunt bangs - with blunt bangs 25   
round scarlet mirror painted with an image of side-swept bangs - with side-swept bangs 25   
"Mirrors on the dresser will change your hair quirk! Please choose carefully!"
On returns tray
Item Price Done
miniature e'erdream tree replete in faceted forest heart garnet vines - A miniature e'erdream tree replete in faceted forest heart garnet vines is consumed within a strangling mass of vines as it vanishes from Lyneya's right hand. 100   
delicately cut rainbow sapphire heart  - A translucent sphere of glittery iridescent light envelops a delicately cut rainbow sapphire heart, disappearing it from Lyneya's right hand in a sparkling wake of ephemeral rainbow tendrils. 100   
tiny raven carved from duskbloom sapphire  - A shadowy figure streaks through the area, silently retrieving a tiny raven carved from duskbloom sapphire from Lyneya's right hand and leaving behind only a handful of fluttering raven feathers that disappear upon a breeze. 100   
hefty felwood tome marred by dark pitting mingled with shards of silversteel  - A hefty felwood tome marred by dark pitting mingled with shards of silversteel sizzles and pops before fading from Lyneya's right hand. 100   
glowing truegold key with a sprite-bone bow  - A shadowy keyhole appears near Lyneya's right hand, and a glowing truegold key with a sprite-bone bow is pulled in! 100   
dusty scholar's tome depicting a lone tower beneath a field of stars  - With a gurgle, a pool of water quickly coalesces around a dusty scholar's tome depicting a lone tower beneath a field of stars and fades from Lyneya's right hand just as quickly. 100   
frosty icethorn chalice segmented by faceted purple gold inlays  - Your icethorn chalice fades from Lyneya's right hand as an illusory blizzard envelops the chalice. 100   
weighty fractalline-covered tome embedded with an array of night sky citrine stones  - Fractal-like crystals explode from a weighty fractalline-covered tome embedded with an array of night sky citrine stones and rapidly spiral out until the tome is fully cocooned. It vanishes from Lyneya's right hand! 100   
"The items on the tray customize the INVOKE on bonded items that can be invoked! Please STUDY the items for more detail!"
On mahogany bookstand
Item Price Done
spectral-white treatise painted with a set of golden scales  - a ghostly spectral-white banner emblazoned with a glowing set of golden scales 100   
stark black treatise painted with droplets of blood  - a stark black banner slowly dripping drops of phantasmal blood 100   
rainbow-hued treatise painted with glittery unicorns and pink hearts  - a cheerful rainbow banner of glittery unicorns and glowing pink hearts 100   
"The different treatises will customize the appearance of the Banner of Truce spell. Please STUDY them for more detail."
On glass case
Item Price Done
glossy ultramarine mirror painted with an image of bobbed hair  - cut into a bob 25   
glossy pink mirror painted with an image of pixie-cut hair  - pixie-cut 25   
sapphire mirror featuring locks of calf-length hair  - calf-length 25   
ruby mirror featuring locks of hip-length hair  - hip-length 25   
"The mirrors on the glass case will change the length of your hair. Please LOOK at the mirror of your choice to see more detail."
On velvet bench
Item Price Done
osage mirror painted with orange eyes 25   
ebonwood mirror painted with obsidian eyes 25   
dogwood mirror painted with pink eyes 25   
larch mirror painted with cobalt eyes 25   
round mirror decorated with grass-green eyes 25   
square mirror decorated with midnight-blue eyes 25   
round mirror decorated with pitch-black eyes 25   
"The mirrors on the velvet bench will change the color of your eyes. Please LOOK at the mirror of your choice to see more detail."
On golden crest
Item Price Done
golden mirror depicting a S'Kra Mur with a sleek head crest  - sleek crest shot with golden veins 25   
icesteel mirror depicting a S'Kra Mur with an icy blue head crest  - glacial-blue crest with translucent webbing 25   
"The mirrors on the sculpted golden crest will change the appearance of a S'Kra Mur's crest. Please LOOK at the mirror of your choice to see more detail."

Room 5

[Droughtman's Maze, Prize Rotunda]
The concourse terminates into an enormous round room encircled by sculpted marble pillars of polished white marble. Covering the domed ceiling of the rotunda, a massive mural depicts a vividly painted labyrinth composed of golden keys.
Obvious exits: south.


See Droughtman's Challenge 444/Raffle for rules, prizes, and winners.

Incidental Trade-Ins

The Scruffy-looking Dwarf will exchange incidental loot you find during your event run for random other incidental items.