Category:Empath Spells

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Spell Tree

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Summary of Spell Information

The list of signature spells (in bold) is from GM Melete (5/13/2014).

Bolded spells are signature spells.

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Name Effect Type Skill Target Contest Prep
Duration Slots Mana
Absolution -Empathy skill, -Stamina (stat), allows Empath to attack the undead without shock ritual {{{19}}} \ 150 700-intermediate 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Adaptive Curing (ADC) allows preemptive casting of Flush Poisons and Cure Disease; allows Heal to remain active even with no wounds metamagic {{{19}}} 1-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Aesandry Darlaeth (AD) +Reflex (stat), Balance heal, recovery from immobilization/webbing cyclic {{{19}}} \ 5 25-advanced 3-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Aggressive Stance (AGS) +Brawling skill, +Evasion skill standard {{{19}}} \ 5 100-basic 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Awaken (spell) (AWAKEN) -stuns/unconsciousness battle {{{19}}} \ 15 100-intermediate 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Blood Staunching (BS) prevents blood loss standard {{{19}}} \ 5 100-basic 1-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Calculated Rage (CR) -Defensive Factor, Puncture damage, Impact damage, Pre-cast TM. Gives uses of RAGE command to make attacks. battle {{{19}}} \ 30 100-advanced 3-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Circle of Sympathy (COS) Creates a tree that allows Empaths to share attunement ritual {{{19}}} \ 150 700-intermediate 1-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Compel forces target to leave room battle charm {{{19}}} willpower \ 5 33-intermediate 1-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Cure Disease (CD) Disease heal standard {{{19}}} \ 15 100-intermediate 1-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Embrace of the Vela'tohr (EV) Wound heal, allows Empath to heal remotely via a conjured vela'tohr plant ritual {{{19}}} \ 300 800-advanced 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Flush Poisons (FP) Poison heal standard {{{19}}} \ 15 100-intermediate 1-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Fountain of Creation (FOC) Wound heal, heals all wounds/scars standard {{{19}}} \ 30 100-advanced 3-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Gift of Life (GOL) +Empathy skill, +Stamina (stat) standard {{{19}}} \ 5 100-basic 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Guardian Spirit (GS) summons combat "pet" cyclic {{{19}}} \ 5 25-advanced 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Heal Wound heal, periodically heals your worst wounds standard {{{19}}} \ 15 100-intermediate 3-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Heal Scars (HS) Wound heal, heals scars standard {{{19}}} \ 1 100-intro 1-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Heal Wounds (HW) Wound heal standard {{{19}}} \ 1 100-intro 1-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Heart Link (HL) Vitality damage, Vitality heal, Equalizes the vitality of two linked players, Slows bleeding, poison, disease. standard {{{19}}} \ 15 100-intermediate 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Icutu Zaharenela (IZ) Slice damage, Cold damage, converts TOUCH into an attack cyclic {{{19}}} \ 15 45-esoteric 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Innocence forces target to disengage; prevents facing/advancing standard charm {{{19}}} willpower \ 5 100-basic 1-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Iron Constitution (IC) -damage (from serious hits) standard {{{19}}} \ 5 100-basic 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Lethargy -Agility (stat), -Reflex (stat), Fatigue damage battle magic {{{19}}} fortitude \ 1 33-basic 3-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Mental Focus (MEF) +Intelligence (stat), +Concentration regeneration standard {{{19}}} \ 5 100-basic 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Nissa's Binding (NB) puts targets to sleep, AoE battle area of effect, mind {{{19}}} fortitude \ 10 66-intermediate 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Paralysis immobilizes and knocks down (single target) battle {{{19}}} \ 2 50-basic 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Perseverance of Peri'el (POP) ablative vitality barrier ritual {{{19}}} \ 300 800-advanced 3-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Raise Power (RP) +Mana level, Fatigue damage, self damage, life mana only standard area of effect {{{19}}} \ 15 100-intermediate 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Refresh +Fatigue, Fatigue heal standard {{{19}}} \ 1 100-intro 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Regenerate Wound heal, gradually heals wounds/scars cyclic {{{19}}} \ 5 25-advanced 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Tranquility +Discipline (stat), +defense against vs. fortitude attacks standard {{{19}}} \ 15 100-intermediate 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Vigor +Agility (stat), +Strength (stat) standard {{{19}}} \ 15 100-intermediate 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Vitality Healing (VH) Vitality heal standard {{{19}}} \ 5 100-basic 2-{{{14}}} {{{17}}} {{{18}}}

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