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Post:The Spidersworn Visit Hollow Eve - 11/05/2017 - 17:26
The Spidersworn Visit Hollow Eve · on 11/05/2017 05:26 PM CST | 5963 |
Date: Hodandu, 8 Shorka 425 (11/5/2017) PCs present (46): Agadir, Agodius, Aislynn, Annandale, Anuind, Aterri, Crobin, Elizzibiana, Embrace, Everics, Fidon, Fillius, Frantz, Grakraw, Grenhart, Hssanh, Ianhanse, Kaelie, Karsite, Kerizon, Khaelyn, Kingdok, Kuklin, Larasyl, Ledia, Malign, Malykai, Maxwelinski, Mazrian, Meantermel, Morlen, Mysari, Narash, Perune, Qiyan, Rezlun, Sarkranis, Sarvatt, Shaeun, Shellyrose, Tarlov, Tikko, Whiteburn, Woten, Yao, and Zehira A group of humans known as the Spidersworn met with Hollow Eve attendees in their shop, Accents for the Arachnophile. Followers of Harawep, these humans have formed a special telepathic bond with wildling spiders. The Spidersworn speak as one and act as servants and translators for Harawep and her creatures. (Currently, the wildling spider venom used in this ritual only works on humans.) There was some initial tension due to the presence of the Necromancer Zehira, whom Perune claimed as a sacrificial offering. The Spidersworn questioned Zehira, and when she admitted to practicing necromancy, a swarm of glowing spiders engulfed her, killing her. The Spidersworn described this envenomation as a gift that purges sickness from those like Zehira. The Spidersworn told us more about their bond and the wildling spiders. Initially, we could not see the wildling spiders, because, "they will not show themselves when there is sickness present." As we later learned, the wildling spiders are sensitive to the sickness that poisons the Web, and being in the presence of those afflicted may sicken the spiders, which is invariably fatal to them. Wildling spiders are a long-lived species (effectively immortal unless sickened or attacked). They feed on streams of mana (and also on mana in the blood of those they deem worthy). The color of the spider depends on the type of mana most recently consumed. Blues and greens are commonly seen in spiders that have fed on life mana, bright whites and golden or yellow hues for holy mana, elemental hues for elemental mana, and whorls of shadows and pale moon and starlight colors for lunar mana. (Arcane mana is likely toxic.) Elder wildling spiders (two to three feet in legspan) are able to weave a material called wildlace. Each piece is woven by a single spider, which chooses the color and patterns. Wildlace cannot be altered or dyed, as that would destroy the wildlace, but pieces of intact wildlace can be recycled for new items. The wildling spiders wanted to know if we liked the wildlace that they had spun. It is possible that elder wildling spiders may make an appearance at Hollow Eve. "It will depend on what the spiders want, and on safety." Eventually, Zehira left, and we were able to meet the wildling spiders and learn more about them. The ones we met were "young" (a few decades old), only the size of a hand. They are too big to live in the droplets with the newly hatched spiderlings but not yet mature enough to weave wildlace, consume mana in blood, or speak in a manner intelligible to those who are not joined with them. The bond that allows the Spidersworn to communicate with the wildling spiders also allows them (and the wildling spiders) to communicate with other all spiders. Aislynn learned that her pet flower spider is happy but cold, and would appreciate a terrarium with leaves or a boot with a plant in it. Sarkranis asked about the spiders that make the living spider cloaks. They are fastidious, sympathetic, friendly creatures who "become attentive to the one who wears their cloak." They are proud of their cloaks. Sarkranis also asked about the sand spiders who spin khiynit for S'Kra, wondering if they were content with that arrangement. The Spidersworn said that they were, and that "they find it beneficial." Adventurers were urged to continue working to seal the rifts, as they pose the biggest threat to the wildling spiders (and us). We were also told that the Avatar of Harawep wants food (she feeds on blood and faith) and to have the Web cleansed, adding "She cares not for how the blood is spilled." LOG Several robed Humans just arrived. Zehira grimaces as the pallid mask upon her face falls away, returning color to her skin. Qiyan blinks. Aislynn nods to several robed Humans. Whiteburn says to Qiyan, "The vermin grow ever more offensive by the roisean. But they, too, are food for others." Shellyrose nods to several robed Humans. Woten gives several robed Humans a studious look. Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Perune glances at several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Hello. You are many." Sarkranis nods politely to several robed Humans. Aislynn smiles. Perune says, "Greetings." Whiteburn bows her head in acknowledgement. Qiyan nods at Whiteburn, obviously agreeing with her views. Shellyrose says, "Hello." Ledia says, "Hello." Karsite says, "Heyo." Whiteburn narrows her eyes and rasps tenebrously to herself. Shellyrose smiles at several robed Humans, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. Grakraw nods to several robed Humans. Aterri nods to several robed Humans. Grakraw gives several robed Humans a studious look. Rezlun gives several robed Humans a studious look. Agodius gives several robed Humans a studious look. Perune asks, "Are you the rumored Harawep followers?" Woten chuckles at Qiyan. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We had heard people speaking of us, so we felt it best to come and speak for ourselves." Aislynn nods to several robed Humans. Qiyan gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Qiyan exclaims, "Prove the rumors!" Sarkranis asks Qiyan, "What are these rumors?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We... what is it that is rumored? Other than we run this shop and that we are Chosen of Harawep?" Qiyan says, "The rumors of Harawep Followers that are so concerted and conjoined in effort they speak in unison." Perune beams! In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Ahh, yes, this. Our manner of speaking does concern some." Perune exclaims, "We have brought you a gift, Chosen of Harawep!" Qiyan nods. Whiteburn grins slowly. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "A gift?" Qiyan nods emphatically. Karsite asks, "Is it a talking stick?" Perune exclaims, "Yes! Your lady has been wroth with the work of sorcerers and their foul deeds! We bring you a sacrifice of one such profane individual!" Perune gestures at Zehira. Sarkranis nods approvingly at Perune. Zehira says, "Yea no." Perune says, "Behold, this foul Necrolord." Zehira says, "Try again." Aislynn chuckles. Zehira rolls her eyes. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You slay it in Her name? We shall witness." Qiyan applauds. Woten peers quizzically at Perune. Malykai observes Perune with fascination. Karsite says, "I think they're on a schedule." Perune says, "We bring it for you, to observe your ritual sacrifices. We are unlearned in your works." Aislynn begins chortling at Perune. Hssanh crisply says in S'Kra, "I do not remember joining this "we." Zehira says, "You didn't bring anything. I came here on my own. I don't think they want you to lie to them." Zehira nods to Perune. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You are a strange creature, who brings a gift unfinished." Rezlun says, "I'd be more curious of what they have to say than all this posturing." Perune says, "We are all unique." Qiyan says, "It is most unfinished huh." Whiteburn asks, "What would be required to prepare this one for sacrifice?" Qiyan nods. Karsite says, "Probably a waiver to start." Qiyan asks, "Posturing?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You, one said as a gift, you are befouling the Web?" Zehira smirks. Aislynn glances at Zehira. Perune exclaims, "Oh, she is most foul!" Zehira says, "I think running that guantlet made Perune lose his mind." Aislynn rolls her eyes. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We speak to the one accused." Sarkranis asks Zehira, "Do you deny what you are, Necromancer?" Qiyan exclaims, "Do you not see her unravelling like the loose ends of the web!" Zehira says, "Well of course not lizard. Everyone knows I"m a necromancer, get with the times." Qiyan says, "If she even is a she." Qiyan exclaims, "See!" Zehira says, "Last my husband checked I was a she." Aislynn gazes upward. In perfect unison, the robed Humans throw up their arms, and swarms of spiders spill forward to cover their skin! Zehira says, "But it's not me that plays with the web of fate..that'd be moonmages." Woten asks, "How is it that seven speak as one? Do you discuss your actions via gweth first?" Woten peers quizzically at several robed Humans. Agodius glances at several robed Humans. Qiyan says, "The spider webs vibrate between them." Whiteburn says to Zehira, "Quite easy to lay the blame on others while you actively seek to ruin the Web and the world we live in, isn't it, grub." Aislynn quietly asks Woten, "Perhaps they were of one mind?" Zehira says, "Moonmages have been playing with that fire, long long before I was around." Perune nods to Aislynn. Anuind asks, "Seven seems a curious number for spider followers. Wouldn't eight be more... I don't know prudent?" Sarkranis says to Zehira, "That doesn't mean you are not party to its poisoning." Karsite asks, "What, like an hour-glass?" Malykai says, "The Moon mage guild has worked tirelessly to remedy the problems currently at hand, you will not lay the blame at our feet." A swarm of glowing spiders engulfs Zehira!
Aislynn nods. Perune gasps! Qiyan gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Perune exclaims, "Oh my!" Woten pats Zehira on the back. Meantermel asks, "Why is everyone in here?" Crobin says, "Oh my." Qiyan exclaims, "Tis been done!" Rezlun says, "Interesting." Qiyan holds her hand out towards Perune for a highfive. Elizzibiana says, "Nice head." Perune and Qiyan highfive each other. Whiteburn reverently says, "Praise be to the Widowmaker. Feast well this night, as naught is sweeter than the blood of sinners." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "She burns the sickness." Qiyan says to Meantermel, "The spidersworn have spoken." Sarkranis reverently exclaims, "What wicked webs we unweave!" Perune kneels down. Whiteburn drops to one knee, bowing her head in deference. Aislynn gazes at several robed Humans. Perune continues praying fervently. Qiyan sniffs the air around her. Qiyan says, "It almost smells better in here." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We speak as one for we are as one." Whiteburn continues praying fervently. Elizzibiana bows to several robed Humans. Aislynn nods to several robed Humans. A blade spider skitters into the room and stares at Zehira's corpse. Carefully, the arachnid wraps the body up completely in spidersilk, then carries the neatly bundled package out of the room. Embrace curtsies to several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We were once singular, but through the wildling spiders we are now one with each other and with all of Her creatures." Woten says, "Hmmm..." Perune asks, "Wilding spiders?" Meantermel says, "Interesting." Embrace praises several robed Humans. Aterri asks, "Were you always seven in number?" Hssanh crisply asks, "Painful?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "No, nor are we now. Seven are present in body here." Aislynn nods. Fearless Zehira came through a web-covered doorway. Perune stands up. Fearless Zehira sashays north. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Painful? The joining? No." Fearless Zehira just arrived. Whiteburn stands up. Qiyan asks, "Seven seperate thoughts but sharing the same desire?" Whiteburn sneers disdainfully and flicks the tip of her tail downward. Qiyan asks, "Teh same purpose?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "It returns." Aislynn sighs. Aislynn quietly says, "It is fond of spiders." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Is the foulness gone from you now?" Qiyan says, "It... it always returns." Zehira says, "Sure it's gone." Zehira nods. Meantermel says, "I am too but not to the point I want to be killed for it." Sarkranis says to Aislynn, "I hope they don't hold that against the rest of us." Aislynn chuckles. Aislynn nods at Sarkranis, obviously agreeing with her views. Malign leans on Qiyan. Qiyan grins at Malign. Whiteburn says, "Only the Red Spiral itself would scour away the filth encrusting this corpse grub's soul." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We do not trust your words, but She says we shall watch you. See." Aislynn nods. An almost visible connection between Qiyan and Malign seems to thrum through the air. Qiyan exhales slowly as corresponding wounds bloom on her flesh. Malign offers Qiyan a faceted forest's heart garnet. Qiyan declines Malign's offer. Malign offers Qiyan a faceted forest's heart garnet. Aterri asks, "Are there many of you?" Qiyan says to Malign, "Stay and be armored... it could get ugly now." Qiyan works carefully at tending her wounded chest. Malign nods to Qiyan. Qiyan works carefully at tending her wounded abdomen. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "At times the venom will purge the sickness from those like you. Perhaps this will be your fate." Zehira gazes at Aislynn. Aislynn quietly says, "We can pray." Aislynn glances at Zehira. Qiyan exclaims, "I knew poison was the answer!" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Or perhaps She will burn you more. We shall see." Aislynn nods to several robed Humans. Perune says to Zehira, "Perhaps you should pray with the Chosens, and seek redemption." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We were asked if it were painful. We take this as an inquiry to the joining?" Zehira says, "Perhaps, no one knows exactly what the future holds and I did help Her priestesses much, so perhaps She will recognize that." Hssanh crisply says, "...yes...was wondered." Aislynn nods. A playful-looking black and white kitten wearing a ruby red collar sneaks up behind several robed Humans and whaps at it with its paw! Meantermel asks, "What do you get for joining?" Qiyan says, "Pain is something we all must endure." Aislynn quietly says to Meantermel, "Seven very close friends." Aislynn beams at Meantermel! Aislynn chortles softly at some secret joke. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We felt no pain, no. We were blessed with the venom of the wildling spiders, and with it, we were Chosen." Aislynn clicks her claws together. Meantermel asks, "Sign me up?" Aislynn grins at Meantermel. Meantermel says, "Hey i love spiders, anyone knows that." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You would feel pain, and you would not join." Sarkranis says, "What is a wildling spider? That is a new species to me." A playful-looking black and white kitten wearing a ruby red collar sneaks up behind several robed Humans and whaps at it with its paw! Meantermel says, "'i'm a barbarian, my life is about pain." Zehira says, "I felt the pain, I can vouch for that." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Your form is not able to accept the gift." Aislynn quietly asks, "Are only humans able to join?" Grakraw says to Meantermel, "Question is do you like your own identify more than spiders." Embrace nods to Aislynn. Embrace kindly says, "I was wondering the same Aislynn." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Humans, yes. The venmon does not act the same with others." Sarkranis asks, "What sort of form is required?" Aislynn nods. Everics begins to lecture Qiyan on the proper use of the Slings skill. Qiyan ponders. Sarkranis curls her tail toward the ground, her shoulders drooping. Aislynn makes a chirring noise in Sarkranis's direction. Meantermel says, "Well dern, first time ever i wish i wasn't born a prydaen." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "It causes skin discoloration, pain." Zehira says, "Well if that was venom you put in my head...there was pain." Aislynn quietly says to Sarkranis, "Perhaps, with time, as an empath... Well." Aislynn pats Sarkranis on the back. Perune ponders. Aterri asks, "Does it increase the length of your life?" Aterri asks, "Or lives?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "No, you were not gifted with the venom of the wildlings. Those were very different spiders." Rezlun asks, "Towards what end do you, the joined, work?" Crobin hugs Aislynn, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile. Zehira says, "Well they still hurt." Zehira nods. Perune chuckles. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "As was intended, yes. The venom you received is that of purging." Qiyan says, "So the wildling spiders only? The ones that make this lace I heard about." Aislynn nods to Sarkranis. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The wildling spiders are those that She created for this purpose and others, yes." A playful-looking black and white kitten wearing a ruby red collar sneaks up behind several robed Humans and whaps at it with its paw! Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Aislynn quietly says, "Someone's kitten is going to get eaten." Aislynn casually observes the area. Rezlun asks, "What other purposes?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They feed on mana. In the air, usually, but also in blood, if they think you worthy." Perune ponders. Woten asks, "And to what end do you serve the spider? What is your purpose?" Whiteburn fixes several robed Humans with a calculating stare, her tail growing quite still. Aislynn quietly says, "What interesting creatures." Perune says, "That's.. intriguing." Qiyan says, "So y'all share mana in unison." Aislynn gazes at several robed Humans. Aislynn nods to Perune. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Our purpose? We serve. We translate. We speak for Her creatures." Embrace nods to several robed Humans. Zehira just touched a series of sandstone spiders. A playful-looking black and white kitten wearing a ruby red collar marches off on tiny paws, tail held proudly in the air. Woten asks, "And what do they say?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We also continue our lives outside of this." Qiyan asks, "In unison or seperate?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Many things. Do you have one you wish to speak with?" Whiteburn asks, "If you will pardon this question, Chosen of Harawep, are these wildling spiders many-colored in form?" Qiyan asks, "Like conjoined septuplets?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We can be separate, but we generally do not wish it. There are others of us who are not here presently, as we mentioned." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Yes, the wildling spiders are very colorful. Usually representing the last mana on which they fed." Perune asks, "Do you.. have one of these spiders we could see?" Narash frowns at Perune. Aislynn gazes at several robed Humans. Aislynn clicks her claws together. Aislynn begins chortling at Kaelie. Sarkranis basks in the glory of the spiders. Whiteburn says to Perune, "I believe we have seen them." Perune grins. Perune says, "So be it." Aislynn gazes at Whiteburn. Qiyan glances at Whiteburn. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We do not *have* them. They are with us, though, yes, but they will not show themselves when there is sickness present." Aislynn quietly asks Whiteburn, "Where? What did they look like?" Aislynn sighs. Aislynn glances at Zehira. Perune nods to several robed Humans. Qiyan winks at Malign. Aislynn quietly asks Zehira, "I could draw you a picture later...?" (Aislynn gives a weak smile.) Zehira looks over at Aislynn and yawns. Malign grins at Qiyan. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We do not permit it, as a means of protecting them from potential damage." Aislynn quietly asks Zehira, "I mean... Please?" Qiyan asks, "Do you unison with the wildling spiders too?" Aislynn frowns at Zehira. Perune says, "Wise, and understood." Sarkranis says, "As is the nature of sickness, it presents at the most inopportune times." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We speak to them, yes." Agadir stops listening to Aislynn. Anuind says, "A hive mind that extends between not only the chosen but these spiders as well. A daunting 'gift' I expect." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We share their mind, as they share ours, as do all of Her creatures." Woten asks, "Do you speak with the giant spider itself?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We do, yes." Woten says, "Fascinating." Aislynn whispers something to Zehira. Hssanh crisply says, "And captain? absent seeming.." Perune nods to Hssanh. Zehira rolls her eyes. Fillius asks, "What does the giant spider like to talk about?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Kurmin. He is well. We do not share a mind with him, but the Avatar speaks with him." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "He is... busy." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "He combats the sickness elsewhere." Whiteburn says, "Understandable, I should think." Aislynn quietly says, "Do you think his current form capable of accepting the venom? Just out of curiousity." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "No, he is not Human." Yao crisply asks, "Still gnome though?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "He is not Gnome entirely, either. He is Kurmin." Aislynn nods. Rezlun asks, "What other changes would one expect if they accepted the venom?" Aislynn chuckles. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "There is nothing else. We speak, we translate, we are one." Qiyan shakes her head at Perune. Hssanh crisply says, "Is he gnloo." Aislynn gazes at Zehira. Hssanh crisply asks, "Is he lost?" Sarkranis says to Aislynn in S'Kra, "It is useless to reason with it." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Kurmin? Lost, no." Qiyan asks, "You mean you translate for teh Capt'n?" Aislynn is a female S'Kra Mur. She appears to be wizened. Woten says, "Does the spider need anything from us? Now that's... alive, I've always wondered if it wanted anything in return for hosting the festival." Aislynn quietly says to Zehira, "Petty is one word for it." Aislynn looks at Zehira and sighs. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We could translate for him, we suppose, but no, we meant for Her creatures." Agodius asks, "So, if one wished to join you, what's the process?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Those born of Her favored form." Whiteburn's tail undulates passively just above the ground. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The spiders choose. That is the process." Qiyan asks, "And what is their message?" Kaelie quietly says, "As long as they don't "choose" me." Aterri says to Kaelie, "Human is prefered." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You do not have a form that can be chosen, so no." Perune asks, "As the Chosen, has the Avatar communicated any thoughts to you about our progress in sealing the rifts?" Sarkranis says to Kaelie, "That would be a great honor, though maybe one accompanied by a disquieting loss of individuality, as with ascension." Aislynn quietly says to Sarkranis, "I wonder greatly at how someone already skilled in empathy would.. react. Or what they would bring to the joining." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The Avatar. She wants many things. This was asked of us, yes? She mostly wants food, and for the Web to be cleansed." Sarkranis says, "What sort of food? There is some rotten meat here." Sarkranis flicks the tip of her tail toward the ground sharply. Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Perune chuckles. Qiyan asks, "Food being mana?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "She feeds on blood and faith." Aislynn clicks her claws together. Yao crisply says, "...small, bits of blood or great doses/." Perune asks, "Would you like to lead us in prayer, then?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Yes." Whiteburn nods at Perune, obviously agreeing with his views. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Regarding the blood. No on the prayers. They mean nothing unless they are your own." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Our faith she knows. Yours you must show for yourselves." Perune nods to several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "As for the rifts, yes, the sickness, the poison, there is progress." Qiyan exclaims, "So there is hope!" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "More work, yes, but progress has occurred." Perune nods to several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "One spoke of the lace. Have you seen it?" Aislynn looks at several robed Humans and shakes her head. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Come." Several robed Humans just went north. Embrace kindly says, "I would love to see that." Web Healer Aislynn patters north. Fickle Wind Qiyan wanders north. Inquisitor Whiteburn struts north. Gauntlet Has-Been Perune just arrived. Whiteburn raises her head slightly, uttering a brief, inquiring trill. Malign joins Qiyan's group. Fearless Zehira just arrived. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Some is here." Aislynn just touched a sleek nightstalker silk gown embellished with sanguine wildlace. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Each piece is a gift from the wildling spiders. Made whole from their spinning." Aislynn quietly says, "Goodness." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The color, the design, all their doing." Embrace kindly says, "Lovely." Embrace nods to Aislynn. Yao crisply says, "Either takes a lot of spiders or one, large spider." Aislynn quietly says, "They've better taste than some of Sommeli's work. Errr. I mean....." Aislynn blushes a splotchy, mottled color. Whiteburn reverently says, "Beautiful, the work of the webmakers." Rezlun says, "What directs the spiders to spin? Or do they simply do it on their own." Perune asks, "This is a strange question, but the properties of this lace, considering it is produced by spiders that feed on mana... does the lace offer you any magical benefits?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "It cannot be changed by others. It will simply fall apart if it is tried, but you could take the lace as it is and put it on another garment." Mysari asks, "Did I miss the spiders?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "It offers you closeness to them." Embrace kindly says, "Ah." Perune nods to several robed Humans. Embrace kindly asks, "Embellishment?" Aislynn quietly asks, "How does it take dyes? At all?" Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Aislynn quietly says, "After being spun, I mean." Qiyan asks, "Are wildlings poisonous?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "It does not. The color remains, the pattern remains." Aislynn nods. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Attempts to change this will destroy wildlace." Aislynn nods. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The wildling spiders create what they wish to create, as their gift to us all." Aislynn smiles. Aislynn sighs. Aislynn gazes at Zehira. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "To attempt to change the gift is to destroy it in your own hubris." Aterri asks, "Where do the crystalline droplets come from?" Aislynn quietly says to Zehira, "You are damaging my calm." Anuind asks, "And you sell them to what end, pray?" Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Yao crisply says, "Spider knows best." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The spiders create them. They are the same structures that they use for eggs." Qiyan asks, "So if one were to wear the wildlace would the wildlings scent them as friendly?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Though the pieces here are not bearing young." Aterri nods to several robed Humans. Aterri says, "I appreciate that." Woten asks, "And why is that?" Evandu, 9 Shorka 425 (11/5/2017) Zehira says, "Because they are babies and that would be mean." Zehira grunts at Woten. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Precisely. And a way to ensure many would die." Zehira says, "I would never hurt any of my spiders or my spider things." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We protect the wildling spiders." Zehira nods to Woten. Fillius asks, "Many spiders or many people?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The young, of course." Sarkranis asks, "Where do wildling spiders live normally?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They are rare creatures, but they enjoy places of high mana concentration." Whiteburn's tail undulates passively just above the ground. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Most remain with us, as it takes them very long to mature." Aislynn quietly says, "Don't we all..." Qiyan asks, "But any mana, yes?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The individual spider might have a preference for a mana type, but this would be like you preferring, say, cheese, a great deal." Aislynn grins at several robed Humans. Qiyan works carefully at tending her wounded chest. Qiyan works carefully at tending her wounded abdomen. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The gestation time for the eggs of wildling spiders is roughly 100 years, but specimens have been recorded to have remained in the egg state for over several thousand years." Perune blinks. Aislynn's jaw drops. Aislynn quietly says, "That... is incredible." Perune says, "Truly rare creatures then." Qiyan asks, "And how mature must one be to ooze webbing of such refinement?" Narash asks, "And how long do the adults typically live?" Whiteburn says, "Fascinating..." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The egg will not hatch until it feels it is the correct time to do so." Malykai asks, "And what is their life span?" Sarkranis asks, "How long does the wildling spider live once it emerges from the egg sac?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Wildling spiders live until they are killed." Kingdok asks, "Can you show us one these fancy fangled spiders?" Agodius says, "Wow." Whiteburn says to Kingdok, "The blessed spiders will not deign to show themselves in the precense of filth." Whiteburn turns away from Zehira and angles her tail toward the ground, then deliberately flicks it disdainfully at her. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We do not allow them out in the presence of the sickness, least one become ill." Aislynn quietly asks, "I don't suppose some of you would be willing to come back otherwhen, or go now to somewhere else? The sickness is still limited, in that it can only be in one place at once. Perhaps some of us might be able to see the blessed spiders that way?" Aislynn gazes at several robed Humans. Qiyan sighs. Sarkranis nods at Aislynn, in complete agreement with her views. Woten asks, "Not to change the topic, but you spoke of the spider wanting blood. How can we best fulfil this request?" The tip of Narash's tail makes lazy circles in the air. Qiyan asks, "What if we were to have the trash taken out?" Mysari nods to Aislynn. Kingdok says, "Who here is dirty? I wanna see them spiders." Mysari says, "I'll step out then. Good luck to you." Qiyan asks, "Might they be willing to risk it then?" Perune says to Woten, "The arena maybe." Perune chuckles. Sarkranis says, "Or if the Great Spider itself expelled the filth." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The Avatar? She cares not for how the blood is spilled." Woten asks, "So... it's more of a sacrificial thing, and not a literal buckets of blood for the spider to eat thing?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The Widowmaker told us to stay our hands and watch the infected one now that it has been given the purging venom, and so that we shall do. What the rest of you do is entirely your decision." Aislynn folds her arms across her chest. Whiteburn glances at Qiyan. Qiyan grins. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "It would not disturb us if the sickness were removed, but for now, we watch." Woten asks, "It seems to me that if the widowmaker requested that her chosen stay their hands, who are we to then intercede and override that order?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Beings of your own will, of course." Whiteburn says to Woten, "The Widowmaker also wants for food." Perune grins. Narash asks, "Does this.. venom have ill effects on those not of the chosen form?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "As to the wildling spiders, when the eggs hatch, the young are very small and only venture out of the crystalline droplets for short periods of time. Yao crisply says, "Ah, but they did say one's own blood, I think." Sarkranis asks, "Do they molt like other spiders?" Aterri asks, "Do they choose their on designs? Or do you direct them in what to make?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Maturity for the spiders is very, very slow, and only the eldest wildling spiders produce wildlace." Aislynn slowly empties her lungs. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Molt? No. They are more fluid than that." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We believe it is due to the mana they consume." Whiteburn says, "Do the adults protect their children within the egg? For a creature to survive in such a vulnerable state for years.." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We are Spidersworn, we protect." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "So yes, they do, in a fashion. They choose." Aterri nods to several robed Humans. Anuind says to Aterri, "I expect they direct the chosen in what they want to make, if I understand the parlance." Whiteburn says, "Of course. Blessed are the Spidersworn, for such goodly deeds." Aterri says to Anuind, "It's very fasinating." Gauntlet Has-Been Perune goes south. Sarkranis asks, "How long does it normally take for a wildling spiderling to reach maturity?" Woten glances at Whiteburn. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "It depends on the mana." Aterri asks, "Do you also live an extended life to protect them?" Kaelie asks, "Is there a way for us to raise the mana for them to thrive?" Aterri asks, "Since they are also long lived?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Each of us will die, but *we* continue." Whiteburn nods. Zehira grins at Woten, her dimples flashing into view. Whiteburn says, "As it should be." Kerizon waves to Aislynn. Aislynn waves to Kerizon. Aislynn makes a chirring noise in Kerizon's direction. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "One asked of size before." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "A fully mature, lace-spinning wildling spider is approximately 2-3 feet in length, including leg span, and will vary in color dependent on the predominate mana type on which it has recently fed." Gauntlet Has-Been Perune just arrived. Perune joins Qiyan's group. Qiyan asks, "And habitat... other than juicy mana?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The young are very small. They continue to fit within the droplets for much time." Whiteburn stands near Perune. Qiyan asks, "Are they ground burrowing or trees?" Aislynn gets a heavy chronicle with elaborate gold tooling on the cover from inside her writing box. Hssanh crisply says, "Loo." Sarkranis asks, "When I see life mana, it is blue. Are spiders that feed on life mana blue? What about other types of mana?" Qiyan asks, "Caves maybe?" Aislynn begins chortling at Hssanh. Whiteburn politely asks, "Pardon my interruption, Chosen. Would you be willing to remove the wards prohibiting magic and enforcing peace within your shop's confines?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Neither, both, and more. They care not for else but the mana when it comes to where they prefer to be. We keep them in a cave-like environment, though. With many different places for them to be." Narash's tail cautiously lifts into a kind of "U" shape. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Each wildling spider enjoys different things, and we do not wish them to be bored." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "There is a request to violence?" Malykai says, "Can we adopt them? I have some excess mana I'd let them feed on and I'm sure I could keep them from getting bored too." Qiyan says, "Are they strewn throughout the lands then..." Zehira nods to Woten. Qiyan glances at Woten. Zehira slowly opens her bag, as she watches those around her. Zehira gets an etched silver vial strung from intricate chain mesh from inside her thigh bag. Zehira pushes the release catch on her silver vial, releasing some dirt into her hand. Whiteburn says, "We should like to provide both entertainment for the blessed Children, as well as a blood offering that may be pleasing to the Widowmaker, may She ever be praised." Zehira quickly closes her bag. Zehira moves some dirt to her right hand. Zehira gets a tiny glass orb from inside an atramentous marblesilk satchel. Kerizon asks, "Blood offering?" Yao crisply asks, "Hrm. that sounds a little...vague?" Aterri asks, "What do you protect them from? Is there a great danger to them?" Woten chuckles at Qiyan. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We do not intend on endagering the spiders." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The sickness appears to be arming itself." Qiyan says, "Yes it does." Zehira says, "No I always have dirt. I need it to hunt." Perune chuckles. Qiyan says, "Not here ya don't." Zehira says, "No worries. I"m quite unarmed." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "In your hands you hold danger of which we are aware." Zehira says, "I am holding dirt." Qiyan asks, "Why?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Yes, same." Zehira asks, "I"m going hunting soon?" Zehira asks, "So I need it?" Qiyan says, "Then go." Zehira shrugs. Aislynn sighs. Zehira says, "I will when I feel like it." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Unfortunate." Aterri says, "This is why we can't see nifty things." Perune says, "Foul works in the midst of the Chosen." Perune shakes his head. Zehira says, "You all try and deal with things with your snark and your insults, that doesn't work. Honey and vinegar and all." Qiyan says, "Then you do not need to be arming yerself now if you intend to stay." Aislynn quietly says, "Obstreperous." Aislynn quietly says, "Word of the day." Aislynn nods. Zehira nods to Kerizon. Sarkranis says, "See that the dose of venom was insufficient, that not only does not repent but threatens this gathering with a glass orb." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Your restraint is noticed, ill one." Kaelie says to Mazrian, "Haven't missed anything. Questions, answers, all cryptic." Zehira says, "That's silly....that's for the ranger guild." Perune gasps! Zehira says, "You really are behind on things." Woten asks, "Blood for the spider, eh?" Perune exclaims, "She threatens to wipe out a guild with demonic monsters!" Zehira says, "Exactly." Zehira nods to Woten. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "But your intent to further spread illness elsewhere is evident." Aislynn sighs. Qiyan nods to several robed Humans. Zehira says, "Not a guild, just a few people here and there." Whiteburn snorts, loudly. Kingdok says, "I came here for trinkets not bloodshed." Zehira says, "Me too." Zehira nods to Kingdok. Kerizon says, "I concur." Qiyan says, "The quantity does not matter if the intent and methods are the same." Sarkranis says, "I came here hoping to see these living miracles of Harawep." Aislynn quietly says, "Sadly, some boils require lancing." Aislynn shrugs. Perune beams at Mazrian! Zehira says, "If they only knew how to deal with me, but again the snark and insults are all they can come up with. It makes me giggle inside." Whiteburn nods emphatically. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We will provide you with more purging venom, but then we must ask for you to leave while it attempts to cleanse you." Zehira says, "I don't need your venom." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We cannpt have suck sickness around the wildlings." Perune says to Zehira, "Its for your own good." Kerizon asks, "Cant we all just get along?" Qiyan says, "That is how you are being dealt with." Perune nods in agreement. Qiyan exclaims, "Its spreading!" Kerizon says, "Seems people want to be violent just a bit quick like." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Oh but you do, sick one. We wish to save you from yourself." Zehira says, "No..apparently not. Apparently even though I have a way to be here...I'm not allowed the same as everyone else." Mazrian whispers something to Perune. Zehira says, "So...have at it." Zehira suddenly slips into the shadows and disappears. Aislynn rolls her eyes. Whiteburn glances about in disdain and snarls a bitter prayer. Qiyan asks Kerizon, "You would rather accept such wretchedness in our midst?" Kingdok asks, "In my line of work if you want something you should barter for it. Maybe try striking a deal with Zehira?" Aislynn quietly says, "Finally." Perune whispers something to Mazrian. Kerizon says, "I dont see that the lass has done anything." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Unfortunate." Qiyan blinks at Kingdok. Narash's tail undulates passively just above the ground. Kerizon says, "So i dont understand yer question very well as it pertains." Kerizon peers quizzically at Qiyan. Mazrian quietly says, "Ah, it's very typical." Mazrian nods to several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We might have saved her should she have taken the venom again." Aterri says, "Interesting." Aislynn quietly says, "She would have to want to be saved." Aislynn sighs. Narash says, "Oh. That kind of cleansing." Elizzibiana says, "Not bloody likely." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "No, they do not." Aislynn quietly asks, "Oh?" Aislynn raises an eyebrow. Sarkranis says, "Some choose not to save themselves." Kerizon says, "Ive been away on travels fer awhile." Kerizon says, "But last time i checked, it wasnt a thing to just kill people for existing, as it were." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The purging venom can work even on those who are very ill." Aislynn quietly asks, "Now I'm even more interested. Can this venom purge the illness from them, whether they want it or not?" Aislynn clicks her claws together. Woten says, "Just ask Khurek about involuntary redemption." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Of course." Aislynn nods. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The more severe the illness, the more likely the ill one will not survive ultimately, but it is worth trying, is it not?" Qiyan exclaims, "Let us hope it works!" Elizzibiana nods to several robed Humans. Sarkranis exclaims, "If it does not survive, there is always the Red Spiral!" Aislynn quietly says, "Then I can only pray that there are many, many more humans worthy and willing of joining you." Woten asks, "Are you comfortable showing the Wildling spiders now?" Aterri asks, "Other than this sickness, is there other things you protect the wildlings from? Do they have an enemy?" Kingdok says, "Where can I get some of this healing venom? Good to have some if your in a pinch." Whiteburn says, "Certainly worth trying. If the infected should die and rid Elanthia of its pestilence, then that is well." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Purging. Purging venom. It is a gift from Her creatures to us." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We allow them to live upon us, we protect them, they purge the sick." Aislynn nods to several robed Humans. Narash asks, "Live upon you?" Mazrian quietly says to Perune, "Sounds unpleasant but also incredible." Narash squints at several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Yes." Kingdok asks, "If I get a jar can you spit in it for me?" Aislynn frowns at Kingdok. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "No." Kingdok says, "For the healing properties." Qiyan says to Kingdok, "Do not be so disrespectful." Woten asks, "And yet... in this very shop there are relics of the web's taint. Didn't I see loimic weapons in the other room?" Kaelie quietly says to Mazrian, "They do weave some wonderful things. I may have to rethink my attitude about ... spiders." Woten says, "Or is that an inert form of the taint that is of no danger." Perune asks, "May we witness the spiders now that the illness is gone?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The loimic is cleansed." Qiyan says, "By the priestesses." Aislynn nods. Kingdok says, "Sorry business man and not in tune with sacred." Woten says, "Interesting." Whiteburn says, "Tamsine's fires may cleanse the loimic." Perune nods to Qiyan. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "That they do." In perfect unison, the robed Humans scan the area. Mazrian quietly asks Kaelie, "Mmm. I'm still skeptical. Remember the one Cat pulled out of your shoe?" Qiyan works carefully at tending her wounded chest. Qiyan works carefully at tending her wounded abdomen. Kaelie says to Mazrian, "That was different. I don't know how. But it just was." Sarkranis says, "Now that the sickness is gone, might we be able to get a glimpse of the wildling spiders? I am terribly fond of all kinds of spiders, big and small." Qiyan grins at Sarkranis. Mazrian quietly asks Kaelie, "Did you give her the spider, by the way?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We are checking for safety." Woten stops listening to Aislynn. Perune nods to several robed Humans. Sarkranis says, "I would gladly sacrifice my own blood to protect them." Mazrian says, "The lace is beautiful." Qiyan gnaws on her lip. Perune whispers something to Mazrian. Whiteburn asks, "If I may help to further cleanse this place of any remaining infection left by the sick one?" Qiyan asks, "How can we help?" Mazrian whispers something to Perune. Whiteburn gets a stick of fragrant incense from inside an ebony silk devotional pouch. Qiyan nods to Whiteburn. Embrace curtsies to several robed Humans. Whiteburn gets a diminutive tin magma viper from inside her locksmith's toolbelt. Perune whispers something to Mazrian. Whiteburn points her tin viper at a stick of fragrant incense and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the incense quickly catch fire. Whiteburn gets some holy water from inside an ornate chalice carved from stormy-grey quartz trimmed with silver. Whiteburn sprinkles some holy water on herself. Whiteburn puts her water in a rugged pilgrim's satchel crafted from oiled leather with polished silver buckles. Whiteburn waves some fragrant incense over herself. A wisp of smoke settles around Whiteburn, surrounding her with the scent of smoke. Whiteburn bows her head in acknowledgement. Perune whispers something to Mazrian. Mazrian whispers something to Perune. Whiteburn's fragrant incense glows faintly as it burns down. Narash asks you in S'Kra, "Haven't they more or less dismissed our people as unworthy? The wrong... form?" Kaelie says to Mazrian, "I did indeed." Perune looks at Mazrian and shrugs. Whiteburn says, "Harawep... Meraud... look upon these blessed ones with kindness..." Whiteburn takes a deep breath and then raises her hands, murmuring prayers under her breath. A strong white light fills her, exploding outward and blinding you momentarily. When the light fades Whiteburn is standing with head slightly bowed, looking exhausted but happy. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Thank you." Perune whispers something to Mazrian. Kaelie smiles at Whiteburn. A light haze of smoke wafts off Whiteburn's fragrant incense. Perune beams at Whiteburn! Sarkranis says to Narash in S'Kra, "Not unworthy, just incompatible with the venom that allows the joining." Sarkranis says to Narash in S'Kra, "The devotees of Harawep come in all races. Even Gnomish captains who are not of Kermoria." Aislynn quietly says in S'Kra, "Perhaps there is hope, as an empath, that one could become compatible. Perhaps. There can always be hope, then." Whiteburn says in S'Kra, "If one has faith, there is hope." Mazrian whispers something to Perune. Aislynn nods to Whiteburn. Narash's eyes darken with thought, and his tail grows very still. Qiyan sniffs the air around her. Qiyan exclaims, "So clean and safe smelling!" Aislynn grins at Qiyan. A small wildling spider crawls out from the sleeve of each of the robed Humans and settles in an outstretched hand. Aislynn sniffs at Qiyan. Whiteburn's fragrant incense glows faintly as it burns down. Qiyan gasps! Whiteburn makes a dry clucking noise in the back of her throat. Kaelie exclaims, "Oh!" Sarkranis gives a bright, high-pitched trill from the back of her throat. Kaelie exclaims, "Babies!" Sarkranis's tail rolls up and down in a smooth undulation. Mazrian quietly asks Kaelie, "They're sort of cute?" Perune whispers something to Mazrian. Aislynn gasps! Kaelie exclaims, "They are!" Sarkranis exclaims, "Greetings, spiders!" The spiders pulsate with a multitude of colors, each unique in their hues. Perune says, "Amazing." Aislynn quietly says, "They're beautiful...." Kuklin says, "Oh, well that's interesting." Perune nods at Kuklin, obviously agreeing with his views. Elizzibiana's eyes darken with thought, and her tail grows very still. Whiteburn says in S'Kra, "Ah! What wondrous children." Kaelie says to Mazrian, "They are cute, and beautiful all at once. And yes. I said that about spiders." Aislynn quietly says, "I do wish we could draw mana here, so we could help feed them. Even just a little." Sarkranis says, "They are the most beautiful spiders I have ever seen, and that's saying something." Aislynn nods at Sarkranis, obviously agreeing with her views. Qiyan nods to Aislynn. Whiteburn nods at Aislynn, obviously agreeing with her views. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "These are several decades old now. Too big for the droplets, but not yet elder enough to spin wildlace." Aislynn quietly says, "So much that they've seen...." Yao crisply says, "Yes, imagine those ones are difficult to hide." Sarkranis says, "Just to see them is reward in and of itself." Perune smiles at Khaelyn. Khaelyn waves to Perune. Elizzibiana says, "Thank you for allowing us to see them." Agodius says, "They are amazing." Khaelyn stands near Qiyan. Qiyan beams at Khaelyn! Whiteburn's fragrant incense goes out and crumbles away. Qiyan hugs Khaelyn, who wraps her arms around Qiyan with a warm smile. Sarkranis asks, "How old are the ang'hhrantin, the weavers?" Mazrian asks, "How large will they grow?" Qiyan says to Khaelyn, "Did you look! They are dazzling." Aterri says, "Maybe if Zehira had seen these, as she loves spiders. It might have changed her way of thinking.. along with a dose of poison." Aislynn quietly asks, "Several decades, they said..?" The hand-sized spiders all raise their forelegs at once, and you hear a strange, soft voice in your head, though you cannot understand what it is saying. Kuklin nods to Aislynn. Aislynn quietly asks, "These ones are several decades?" Aislynn nods. Perune blinks. Whiteburn drops to one knee, bowing her head in deference. Aislynn makes a chirring noise in the back of her throat. Khaelyn says, "Oh my." Perune asks, "They.. tried to talk to us?" Aislynn kneels down. Qiyan exclaims, "They move in unison too!" Aislynn smiles. Narash's tail cautiously lifts into a kind of "U" shape. Aislynn prays fervently. Kerizon says, "Telepathic spiders." Sarkranis says to Aislynn, "I was curious how old they are when they begin to weave." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Ahh they are greeting you all." Aislynn makes a chirring noise at several robed Humans. Perune says, "Ohh. Hello Wildlings." Kuklin says, "Hellooo little spiders." Qiyan exclaims, "Howdee!" Sarkranis's tail rolls up and down in a smooth undulation. Qiyan says to Perune, "We shoulda said that together." Narash says, "Telepathic, magic devouring, immortal spiders." Perune snaps his fingers. Perune says to Qiyan, "Good point." Aislynn quietly says to Narash, "You forgot glowing." Narash nods to Aislynn. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They wish for us to tell you that they are sorry they are not yet strong enough to make words you might understand, as it is very hard for them even as they are older." Narash says to Aislynn, "Of course." Kerizon says, "Ah." Aislynn smiles. Kerizon says, "Thats ... interesting." Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Perune says, "Not their fault. We are amazed at their ability." Qiyan says, "Please let them know I would allow one to climb right in my ear to talk to me." Yao crisply says, "Hrm. sign language it is then." Sarkranis says, "The general tone was at least understood." Aislynn quietly says, "I am sorry that we aren't wise enough to understand the words you to make." Maxwelinski says, "Tell them I'm sorry I killed those spiders under the Keep in Theren, I didn't know they were so smart." Whiteburn reverently says, "There is naught to apologize for, blessed Children. Simply grow up safe and well, that you may be pleasing to your Mother." Perune chuckles at Qiyan. Qiyan says to Maxwelinski, "They are hardly the same kind." Sarkranis says to Qiyan, "Perhaps not, but all spiders are sacred to Harawep." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They say that most spiders would eat you whole if they could, so they understand your need for defense." The tip of Whiteburn's tail makes lazy circles in the air. Qiyan laughs! Aislynn quietly says to Sarkranis, "Arandrowse will be sad he missed this." Aislynn chortles softly at some secret joke. Maxwelinski says, "I mean not even just most spiders, I'm pretty delish." Kaelie says to Mazrian, "See I told you." Perune chuckles at Maxwelinski. Aislynn snorts at Maxwelinski. Whiteburn lightly says, "May we be palatable in time, poho'naarti." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They, however, have no need to kill for food." Narash asks, "Do these spiders, and the chosen by extension, all share memories, as well?" Aislynn grins at Whiteburn. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The young are not even able to eat the mana from blood." Sarkranis asks, "Just from the air then?" Khaelyn whispers something to Qiyan. Qiyan says, "Do the dazzling spiders have like a soft spot...that makes them web more.... like scratching a dog behind the ears makes them kick their leg." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "And with the older ones who can, it is a sign of respect that they take from you in such a way. Not intent to harm." Aislynn quietly says, "Empathic spiders! Kind of." Aislynn beams at Sarkranis! Aislynn ducks her head. Woten says, "Do these spiders have any interest in choosing new... hosts? I'm sure we could find at least one or two humans willing to aid them." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Yes, the young can only feed from free mana streams." Khaelyn says to Woten, "Not it." Qiyan asks, "Free mana?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We do not have any of the elders with us." Kuklin says to Qiyan, "It's probably in poor taste to compare sentient, telepathic, spider collectives who can spin beautiful wildlace and live hundreds of years, to...dogs." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They young do not yet choose." Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Woten says, "Of course, no offense intended to the spiders present." Aterri says, "Well as the elders are two to three feet in size. Not sure they would be easy to carry about." Whiteburn says, "Would that we could, I daresay those gathered here would be more than willing to provide a banquet for these children." Aislynn nods to Whiteburn. Woten glances at Whiteburn. Kerizon glances at Whiteburn. Annandale asks, "What?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans pull back their sleeves to reveal a host of different types of spiders crawling upon their flesh. Maxwelinski says, "You could carry them in little carriers Aterri." Whiteburn makes a chirring noise in the back of her throat. Kerizon asks, "Dinner said what?" Woten smiles at several robed Humans. Maxwelinski says, "Little spider clutches." Kuklin says, "Interesting." Qiyan exclaims, "How many can you carry!" Aislynn quietly says, "We can draw mana in the cupcake shop.... I think..." Aterri says, "Three feet is not little." Yao crisply says, "That..must tickle." Aterri says, "And.. spiders." Qiyan asks, "Do they ever bicker and brawl... in yer shirtsleeves?" Sarkranis exclaims, "Oh, it reminds me of a mother wolf spider carrying her many young!" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We became accostomed." Qiyan whispers something to Khaelyn. Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Aislynn quietly says, "Oh, piffle. I've seen some of you with five or seven crawling things all over you. You don't cringe at that." Whiteburn gazes contentedly at Sarkranis and rolls the tip of her tail along the ground. Sarkranis snorts at Aislynn. Aterri says, "They may be beautiful to look upon but I am just fine over here." Larasyl hugs Qiyan, getting a smile in return. Larasyl hugs Aislynn, who wraps her arms around Larasyl with a warm smile. Perune nods at Aislynn, obviously agreeing with her views. Aislynn grins. Aislynn hugs Larasyl, getting a smile in return. Qiyan beams at Larasyl! Maxwelinski says, "I had a leech feed on me once, it wasn't super painful or anything." Whiteburn stands up. Larasyl exclaims to Qiyan, "Twice in a day!" Maxwelinski says, "Just kinda plucked it off." Qiyan says to Maxwelinski, "Tat is healing." Maxwelinski nods to Qiyan. Sarkranis exclaims, "Goodbye for now, spiderlings!" Woten says to Khaelyn, "It was mentioned earlier that only humans have the ability to become spidersworn, although whether that affects how the spiders feel about you is unknown." Agodius says, "Well, if you decide you're ever looking for more members of your ranks, I hope you'll consider me, Spidersworn." Narash says, "That's gonna be with me when I'm trying to sleep." Aislynn ponders. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The spiders choose." Perune says to Agodius, "You have guts, sir." Perune nods to Agodius. Aislynn quietly says, "Spidersworn, would you be willing to accept an empathic touch? I am very curious about what it feels like to connect in that way with your union." Aislynn gazes at several robed Humans. Woten nods to several robed Humans. Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Sarkranis asks, "Are the criteria the spiders use known, other than being human?" Agodius says, "I hope you'll relay my request." Aterri says, "As I said earlier I do think Zehira would have enjoyed looking upon these creatures of wonder. Maybe that and the poison would cleanse her a bit." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We would prefer to not do this, as you may touch the spiders upon us." Whiteburn wistfully says, "Those amongst us who are born of a form that may become a vessel of the Gods, who would be chosen, but who shrink from the blessing... it saddens my soul to its very core." Aislynn nods. Yao crisply says, "Probably things like. no eating garlic, spicy food." Narash grins at Whiteburn. Sarkranis smiles at Whiteburn. Aislynn quietly says, "That is understood. I do not wish to cause risk." Aislynn takes a seat. Woten says, "There has been no shrinking from any blessings that I've seen." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The spiders know your heart. They can feel it. It is how they choose." Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Maxwelinski says, "Oh my." Rezlun says, "Accepting the gift would seem to be spitting in the face of the one I follow." Aislynn sighs. Whiteburn says, "To do the will of the Gods is a great virtue that any should consider an honor. To protect and care for the Web and for Harawep's Children is surely more important than any unfounded fear one might have of arachnids." Woten says, "It is their will then, as it should be for a clearly sentient being." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "When it is time for them, when more of us are needed, they feel for those who are ready."" Sarkranis nods approvingly at Whiteburn. Aislynn quietly says to Sarkranis, "Would that we could be worthy of tending young, even if we could never join fully." Aislynn kneels down and begins to pray. Sarkranis nods at Aislynn, in complete agreement with her views. Larasyl nods to Aislynn. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They do not know why their venom does not join others." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They tried, many times." Qiyan asks, "But it has been tried?" Qiyan says, "I see." Narash asks, "What is the result of those many attempts?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They do not dislike other races, it simply does not work." Aislynn quietly says, "Perhaps, if it is Harawep's will, it might become possible some day. If there is enough need." Aislynn nods to several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "A rash, a headache. Pain." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Nothing else." Narash says, "Hmm." Aislynn ponders. The air around Perune shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses. Qiyan says, "That is nothin fer a skilled empath." Aislynn quietly asks, "That's all?" Aislynn ponders. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "That is all." Sarkranis curls her tail toward the ground, her shoulders drooping. Qiyan asks, "Are there any sideaffects to the wildlings?" Whiteburn trills softly at Sarkranis. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Sadness." Aislynn quietly asks, "It's the blood that's the problem, neh?" Aislynn ponders. Perune asks, "The wildlace they produce is quite fascinating. Do any of the Spidersworn plan on bringing the Elder spiders about while the Avatar is here?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They do not know." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We might. It will depend on what the spiders want, and on safety." Perune says, "Of course. We don't want them to become ill." Perune asks, "Speaking of, has this happened before?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Yes." Whiteburn cocks her head. Perune asks, "What occurs to the poor wildling?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They die." Perune frowns. Aislynn frets. Perune nods. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "There is no venom that will purge them once they become ill." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "No prayer, no tending." Perune nods to several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They cannot continue." Whiteburn says, "Ah... a great and terrible sadness, for such pure children as they." Aislynn nods at Whiteburn, obviously agreeing with her views. Perune says, "Very important to keep them protected then. I understand your duty a bit now." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "So we protect. They are very smart, but... they cannot always tell if mana in an area is safe until it is too late." Grenhart gives several robed Humans a studious look. Sarkranis says to Whiteburn, "Yet perhaps they bejewel the heavens." Woten asks, "What makes mana unsafe?" Aislynn nods. Whiteburn gazes contentedly at Sarkranis and rolls the tip of her tail along the ground. Woten says, "Or is it the area that is not safe, rather than the mana." Qiyan says to Woten, "Filth." Grenhart hugs Aislynn, who wraps her arms around Grenhart with a warm smile. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Taint, poison. The sickness." Larasyl asks, "The sickness?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Same as what harms the Web itself." A pained expression crosses Aislynn's face. Whiteburn says to Larasyl, "That which afflicts the web. The sickness caused by Necromancy and Sorcery." Sarkranis says to Larasyl, "Necromancy and other corruptive sorceries." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Most cannot feel it, but the wildlings are very sensitive." Woten says, "Interesting. I guess I can see how the planar degradation could impact the quality of the mana, although I haven't percieved anything. Makes sense the spiders can though." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Once it has entered them, they will perish." Qiyan asks, "Are you as well Spidersworn? Are you sensitive to it?" Aislynn slumps dejectedly, curling her tail downward. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Not in that way, no." Larasyl asks, "Can we make areas better? Cleanse them of the taint?" Perune beams at Larasyl! In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Work upon the rifts for now. They are the largest threat." Whiteburn nods. Kaelie asks, "So by us closing the rifts we help the wee spiders?" Perune asks Larasyl, "You are bleeding, did you need help with that?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "From there, there are blighted places, people with the illness within them..." Larasyl nods to Perune. Qiyan glances at Perune. Larasyl says to Perune, "Yes please." Perune glances at Qiyan. Aislynn quietly asks, "You said, before, that the individuals still exist within the union that is the Chosen. Can I speak with any one of them? Just one, just for a moment?" Perune gestures at Larasyl. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You wish for one of us to talk by ourself?" Whiteburn firmly says, "The blight will be excised." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Or you wish for one of us to walk away from the others?" Aislynn quietly says, "Yes. I am curious about your union, and wish to know that the individual is still... In there." Qiyan works carefully at tending her wounded chest. Qiyan works carefully at tending her wounded abdomen. Aislynn quietly says, "Just one to talk by yourself." Larasyl says, "Would it hurt you to be separated? We don't want you to hurt." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Ahh. You do not believe our words on this because we might be lying as a whole. We see." Qiyan hiccups. Perune grins. Aislynn quietly says, "Perhaps you would decieve, or perhaps your perception is skewed." Aislynn quietly says, "The perception of the whole is very different than what a single individual could know as truth." Woten whispers something to Whiteburn. Larasyl glances at Aislynn. A Human man amongst the Spidersworn says, "Not lying, not skewed. We just -- I just. It's like leaving your family and cutting off a limb at the same time." Mazrian says, "The perspective of one might put the thoughts of the whole in an interesting new light." Aislynn winces. Aislynn nods. Aislynn quietly asks, "And you are limited to knowing just.. What you see?" Aislynn quietly asks, "Or are you still a part of the union?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We become used to being as one when we move and talk. It's disconcerting to force yourself to be fully alone." Aislynn nods. Tikko asks, "Is the anathema from rifts dangerous to carry around?" Qiyan ponders. Sarkranis says to Tikko, "It makes me feel wrong until I turn it in to the priestess." Aislynn gets a heavy chronicle with elaborate gold tooling on the cover from inside her writing box. A Human woman amongst the Spidersworn says, "Do you mean are we cut off if we act alone, no. Never." Aislynn unlatches and opens her heavy chronicle. Aislynn nods. Perune says to Aislynn, "Good questions." Perune nods in agreement. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We are always joined." Aislynn nods. Sarkranis gets a chitinous tomiek field manual entitled "Spiders of Elanthia" from inside her camlet pack. Sarkranis carefully opens a chitinous tomiek field manual entitled "Spiders of Elanthia". Aislynn quietly says, "That is amazing." Qiyan says, "Do you each experience and sense the same things, or are they discussed and compared and agreed to." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "That is difficult to explain because both and neither are correct." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "When we are near each other, it is closer to experiencing things the same." Sarkranis asks Annandale, "Isn't a cute purse?" Annandale says, "It is." Annandale says, "Looks just like the one that was on them." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "When we are far apart, it is more that we simply know what the others have experienced. Or thought. Or feel." The tip of Whiteburn's tail makes lazy circles in the air. Larasyl asks, "Does it hurt you to separate?" Qiyan says, "And is always accepted as they feel it or think it." Perune whispers something to Aislynn. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Not physically, no. But it is less pleasant than being together." Aislynn grins at Perune. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The spiders want to know if you like their lace." Aislynn quietly says, "We really, really do...." Whiteburn says, "Quite so." Perune nods to several robed Humans. Aterri says, "Very artistic." Khaelyn says, "Pretty indeed." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They guessed at what people might think was physically pleasing." Perune says, "I find the entire process and product to be quite intriguing." Whiteburn says, "They've much talent for such small architects." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We make the garments themselves, after the lace has been created." Agodius says, "Very nice." Kuklin says, "Oh, that's interesting." Qiyan says, "Oh you are tailors too." Sarkranis says, "The sanguine lace is my favorite, but it is all beautiful." Yao crisply says, "Of course. Though, I am partial to greatcoats or the like. In truth, not sure what the greatest attributes of the material itself might be." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We try to make things that match well with what the spiders spun." Aislynn quietly asks, "I have one more question, if any feel like answering... Do all who are Chosen choose to be selected? What I mean is... If there were to be one that the spiders thought were worthy who did not choose to join... What would happen?" Sarkranis says to Yao, "I think it makes a nice overlay or accenting." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "That cannot happen." Aislynn nods. Whiteburn says, "Ah, excellent." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The spiders would know." Aislynn quietly says, "Good. The spiders see if someone wants to and is ready to be joined." Aislynn nods. Aislynn closes her heavy chronicle, hooking back the latch. Aislynn smiles. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Correct." Qiyan asks, "Have any of the chosen ever left after choosing?" Aislynn quietly says, "A beautiful union." Qiyan says, "Like say.... retired." Aislynn sighs wistf. Aislynn coughs. Perune snickers at Qiyan. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "In death." Aislynn sighs wistfully. Qiyan winces. Qiyan says, "Till death do you part." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "There is no desire to part." Sarkranis writes something on a page in her field manual. Agodius nods to several robed Humans. Maxwelinski says, "The heart wants what the heart wants, even if it's a spider." Qiyan says, "It is refreshing to witness such committment." Whiteburn says, "If one would willingly take back their pledge to the Goddess, then their faith was untrue from the start." Aislynn nods at Whiteburn, obviously agreeing with her views. Anuind asks, "So the chosen craft everything, even the weaponry and armors?" Sarkranis smiles and draws a sketch of a wildling spider on a blank page, adding some notes about their diet, size, and habits. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Correct, and the spiders would know. Even if they were sincere in the moment, the spiders would know that is was not to last." Whiteburn says, "Quite impressive armor, I should add. You do well." Aislynn nods. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Thank you. Some of us were craftspeople before we were Chosen." Aislynn hands the sales clerk some coins. The sales clerk hands Aislynn a lifelike goliath birdeater spider hanging from lengths of suede. Aislynn ponders. Larasyl says, "The spiders are truly artists, I wish they considered elves as companions." Perune says, "It sounds like the spiders have a connection to the Web, like their Mother." Qiyan asks, "Tell me, how long is the trainin... to move in such perfect unison?" Larasyl nods to Perune. Aislynn hands the sales clerk some coins. The sales clerk hands Aislynn a lifelike wildling spider hanging from colorful silken cords. Aislynn nods. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They have no displeasure at any race." Sarkranis gently closes a chitinous tomiek field manual entitled "Spiders of Elanthia". Aislynn begins to carefully examine a lifelike wildling spider hanging from colorful silken cords. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They just cannot join with other forms. This has saddened them at times." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We try to bring them near those they might enjoy, though, and facilitate conversation when safe to do this." Perune nods to several robed Humans. Aislynn quietly says, "Maybe they could join with an empath Qiyan grins at Aislynn. Kerizon nods to Aislynn. Larasyl rubs Aislynn in a friendly manner. Qiyan says to Aislynn, "I like the thought process though." Aislynn chuckles. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They find others interesting." Aislynn quietly says, "But not if it creates a connection back to the wildling in question, and the empath isn't actually pure..." Aislynn shakes her head at Qiyan. Aislynn grins at Qiyan. Qiyan gnaws on her lip. Kaelie says, "Speaking for myself, I find them interesting too." Aislynn nods to Kaelie. Whiteburn nods to Kaelie. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They are happy to hear this." Larasyl says, "I mean, rangers kind of do the whole cleansing nature thing already. If we could find a way to cleanse mana, or make the venom somehow safer for a non-human Chosen..." Sarkranis says, "We S'Kra have a long tradition of honoring great weavers, the ones we call ang'hhrantin." Aislynn quietly asks, "I wish I hadn't tucked my spider friend away for winter... Do they communicate well with other arachnids?" Aislynn nods to Larasyl. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They do, yes, same as we do." Aislynn sighs. Aislynn fidgets nervously. Aislynn quietly says, "I could go get her... I want to know that she is happy..." Aislynn frets. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Ahh, you do? They find this very interesting." Whiteburn's tail undulates passively just above the ground. Maxwelinski asks, "Do they believe that one day the spider will finally be able to live at peace with the fly?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You means this as a metaphor, correct?" Aislynn fidgets nervously. Aislynn quietly says, "I'll be right back." Maxwelinski says, "Yes a metaphor." Aislynn leaps to her feet! Web Healer Aislynn patters south. a chitinous tomiek field manual entitled "Spiders of Elanthia" (closed) a scarlet combat manual entitled "Frailties of the Flesh" a small wood-framed notebook entitled "THEORIES" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The spiders do not speak in such terms often. We will attempt to explain it. Just a moment." Perune casually observes the area. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They believe that the spider and the fly are already at peace, because each has its place." Maxwelinski says, "Ah good answer." Whiteburn bows her head in acknowledgement. Maxwelinski exclaims, "Wise spiders!" Whiteburn says, "Indeed." Qiyan says, "And what about the widling's soft spot... the spot that makes them web more... like when ya rub a dog behind its ears and they start kicking." Mazrian dryly asks, "One in the web and the other as a delightful carcas full of liquid?" Grenhart says, "Predator and prey." Maxwelinski nods to Qiyan. Grenhart nods to several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They don't have anything of that nature, and are vaguely disgusted by the notion." Qiyan hiccups. Mazrian says to Maxwelinski, "I wonder if the fly would have the same response." Sarkranis says, "I wish I had one of those living spidersilk cloaks to show the wildling spiders." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Ahh yes, we know of those. They are very interesting." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We've spoken to those spiders before." Sarkranis asks, "What do they say?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They are very fastidious creatures." Kuklin nods to several robed Humans. Kuklin says, "I like my cloak spiders, they seem nice. If less talkative than the wildlings." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You simply do not hear them, that is all." Sarkranis says, "I want to hear them though." Kuklin says, "Well, talkative to me." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They do not hear you either. They cannot." Aterri curtsies to several robed Humans. Woten says, "This spider-telepathy you have, does it ever let you hear hints or thoughts from other types of hive minds? Thinking mostly about the Vykathi here, although we don't know much about how they communicate." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They feel you though, in a way. Not like the wildlings do, but they do become attentive to the one who wears their cloak." Sarkranis says, "They seem to know some of what the wearer wants, like when to make pockets." Aterri says, "Was very intersting to meet you. Thank you for welcoming all the questions." Aterri nods to several robed Humans. Perune ponders. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Yes, they learn your movements. They are very proud of their cloaks." Sarkranis exclaims, "As they should be!" Whiteburn says, "They've every right to be." Sarkranis says, "I am going to get one later this andu." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "No, no. We can only hear ourselves and Her creatures." Woten says, "Yes, that makes sense." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The cloak spiders are sympathetic creatures. Less sensitive than the wildlings are, but very friendly." Sarkranis asks, "The sand spiders who spin khiynit for S'Kra, have the wildlings (or you) ever spoken with them?" Narash utters a soft, rumbling trill. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We speak to all spiders, yes." Sarkranis asks, "Are they content in that arrangement?" Anuind says, "And the less friendly? Unyn's and blade spiders, they don't strike me as sympatheric or proud, just aggressive." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They are, yes. They find it beneficial." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They are very practical ones." Whiteburn asks Anuind, "You cannot hear their thoughts, so how can you make such judgments?" Anuind says to Whiteburn, "I assure you, they always make the first move." Whiteburn says, "All of Harawep's children are worthy." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Territorial spiders do exist, yes, but no, you made the move first." Sarkranis says, "Oh, good. I would not want to buy khiynit if it was taken unwillingly." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You just did not realize that you had." Whiteburn nods at Sarkranis, obviously agreeing with her views. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You are food to some, remember." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "And in many ways, it was you who walked into their web." Khaelyn says, "And it would seem they never forget." Qiyan gnaws on her lip. Sarkranis says, "I try to get away without hurting the ones who want to eat me." Qiyan works carefully at tending her wounded chest. Qiyan works carefully at tending her wounded abdomen. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "It is not wrong to defend yourself, nor to yourself eat." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Many spiders will eat other spiders, after all." (Sarkranis tries not to think about delicious fried sand spider hearts.) Maxwelinski says, "Pretty sure I've seen unyn served up too." Anuind says to Maxwelinski, "Quite tasty with blackberry jam infact." Qiyan asks, "Do the females eat the males... like some others in nature do?" Maxwelinski says, "At the end of the day we're all eating each other." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Certainly so. And even those who attend to Harawep's shrine here in the Avatar will give candied spiders as rewards." Narash says to Qiyan, "I think that's true of all species." Whiteburn lightly says, "Praise Trothfang." Narash utters a soft, inquiring trill, curling his tail into a kind of "U" shape. Tikko says, "I miss the giant web that used to sproing me on the road to Leth." Sarkranis says to Narash, "Not all." Narash flicks his tongue mischievously at Sarkranis, turning the tip of his tail in a small circle. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We wonder if the woman was slain looking for her spider friend." Sarkranis asks, "Do the male wildling spiders live as long as the females?" Maxwelinski says, "I think those spiders disappeared due to environmental destruction in the Forest of Night, Tikko. All the people logging and cutting trees." Web Healer Aislynn just arrived. Aislynn carefully removes a milk-white flower spider patterned with silvery white markings from her shoulder. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "All wildling spiders live until they are killed." Grenhart says, "New." Grenhart says, "New'newp." Grenhart points at Aislynn. Aislynn pants. Sarkranis asks, "They never die of old age, only disease?" Aislynn squints at Grenhart. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Ahh, you did not get slain." The tip of Whiteburn's tail makes lazy circles in the air. Tikko asks, "Ears burning?" Shaeun eloquently says, "The web is still there... Just harder to see." Grenhart says, "They were worried about you." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The sickness, or being attacked in some fashion, yes." Grenhart hugs Aislynn, who wraps her arms around Grenhart with a warm smile. Aislynn quietly exclaims, "I did not get slain!" Aislynn beams! Sarkranis says, "That's amazing." Aislynn quietly says, "And I brought my little friend." Larasyl adds to Aislynn's praises. Whiteburn makes a chirring noise in the back of her throat. Qiyan squints. In perfect unison, the robed Humans move toward the flower spider, their heads slightly bowed. (Aislynn stretches a milk-white flower spider patterned with silvery white markings out towards the humans, being careful not to make contact.) Grenhart edges away from Aislynn. (Whiteburn steps back respectfully.) Grenhart peers quizzically at several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans raise their heads again and say, "Ahh, yes. Happy." Aislynn beams! In perfect unison, the robed Humans raise their heads again and say, "Though a bit cold. Perhaps a nice boot to stay in when away from you." Aislynn hugs her flower spider. It wriggles its palps happily. Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Oooo... A boooot!" Aislynn nods. Kaelie says, "Just don't forget it's in there." Aislynn chortles softly at some secret joke. Qiyan says, "Well good...." Qiyan says to Aislynn, "You seem to be a good spiderkeeper." Aislynn quietly says, "I tend to wear sandals anyways. That way no one gets startled awake with toes." Qiyan grins at Aislynn. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Or a small pile of leaves. A nice terrarrium." A pained expression crosses Aislynn's face. Perune asks, "A question on the lace.. the color of it depends on the mana the spiders last fed on, yes? Is there a way to determine what types they have been eating?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Perhaps a plant in a boot." Tikko says, "I keep a lion in my slippers." Aislynn quietly says, "That shall be a thing." Aislynn nods to several robed Humans. Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Thank you!" Aislynn kisses her flower spider. It wriggles its palps happily. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You are welcome." Whiteburn's tail undulates passively just above the ground. Aislynn holds up her hand, and a milk-white flower spider patterned with silvery white markings scuttles onto her shoulder. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The color of the lace depends on what the spider wishes." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "The color of spider depends on the mana they have fed upon." Qiyan asks, "Ohh is it like mood affected?" Whiteburn's eyes darken with thought, and her tail grows very still. Narash says, "Thank you for the... eye-opening meeting. I must be off. Be safe." Narash's tail undulates passively just above the ground. Perune says, "Ah, I was confused. Thank you for clarifying." Sarkranis asks, "For the spiders, which colors go with which mana types?" Perune nods to Sarkranis. Kuklin asks, "So...they're moodspiders?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "It does differ somewhat with each spider, but you will see blues and greens for Life mana." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Bright whites and golden or yellow hues for Holy mana." Khaelyn says, "How neat." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Elemental hues for Elemental mana, though also sometimes a very particular blue." Aislynn quietly says, "Are they sensitive to the various flavors of eleme.. Oooo." Aislynn nods. Perune nods to several robed Humans. Sarkranis asks, "What about lunar mana?" In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Lunar mana is expressed with whorls of shadows and pale moon and starlight colors." Aislynn quietly says, "Beautiful." Khaelyn nods to Aislynn. Kuklin asks, "I do ask if the different elements...I guess taste...differently? Feel different?" Aislynn grins at Kuklin. Sarkranis asks, "Those rainbow-colored spiders some Moon Mages saw in their visions, were those wildling spiders?" Khaelyn joins Qiyan's group. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "They tend to eat the mana raw and unrefined, so it is all elements for them, but yes, if teased out, each element would taste differently." Qiyan grins at Khaelyn. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We are not Moon Mages. We do not know what they saw." Aislynn ponders. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We... it has been long now that we have been away from the rest." Perune nods to several robed Humans. Whiteburn nods. Sarkranis nods to several robed Humans. Aislynn nods to several robed Humans. Perune says, "Thank you for instructing us on the wildlings." Whiteburn says, "Thank you for spending so much time teaching us of your ways, and of these magnificent children." Aislynn quietly says, "Thank you for being so patient until the sickness left." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Are there any questions we have not answered?" Qiyan clears her throat. Elizzibiana says, "Thank you for all that you have shown us today." Elizzibiana bows to several robed Humans. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "You are very welcome." Aislynn pets her flower spider. It wriggles its palps happily. Qiyan says, "Yes it was quite enlightening." Sarkranis says, "Thank you for teaching us and introducing the spiders to us." Aislynn nods to Qiyan. Qiyan says, "Thank you Spidersworns." Agadir says, "Thank you for the visit, and for the weapons. Fine work on those." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Thank you for wishing to hear." Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Now I need to look at the wares. It goes to the best cause!" Aislynn grins. Aislynn winks. Whiteburn reverently says, "Blessed be the webmakers and the spidersworn, and praise be to the Widowmaker. May the Web prosper in purity." Whiteburn narrows her eyes and rasps tenebrously to herself. Kuklin says, "This was very interesting, thank you." In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "Perhaps you can look after the sick one? See if the purging venom has assisted in removing the illness." Aislynn praises Whiteburn. Qiyan nods at Whiteburn, obviously agreeing with her views. Qiyan scoffs. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "There is at time a delay, even when the dose is enough." Aislynn quietly says, "I will try. She probably won't like it, but she usually doesn't try to kill me on sight." Aislynn shrugs. Whiteburn says, "We shall see. Perhaps more purging venom shall be required. Along with a great fire." Perune says, "We'll leave that up to Aislynn." A pained expression crosses Aislynn's face. Aislynn quietly says to Perune, "Thanks." Perune says, "Just don't be surprised if she drops that orb at the Warrior Mage guild." Qiyan says, "I've no doubt she will let us know soon enough." Anuind says, "I expect if the venom hasn't helped Priestess Whiteburn would be more than happy to purge the illness with her trident." Aislynn nods. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We do not think the sick one understood our desire to remove her illness. That is unfortunate." Aislynn chuckles. Elizzibiana says, "Good thing I dont hang out at the tower then." Sarkranis says, "It doesn't understand much." Whiteburn says to Anuind, "Drogor is wanting for food as well." Aislynn quietly says, "It is an unfortunate perspective they have on the world." Agadir says, "Aye, I expect trouble at the ranger's or warrior mage's guilds tonight. So it goes." Anuind nods to Whiteburn. Aislynn makes a grunting noise. Kuklin bows to several robed Humans. Perune asks Agadir, "I see you have one of the scythes. How is it?" Whiteburn says, "Regardless, the sickness shall be excised. The Web shall be made whole. We will work to this end as we can." Aislynn nods at Whiteburn, obviously agreeing with her views. In perfect unison, the robed Humans say, "We will. Always." Agadir says, "Very fine as a weapon, but very heavy as well." Perune nods to Agadir. In perfect unison, the robed Humans smile, wave, and gracefully walk away into the back of the shop. | |
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Hollow Eve Festival, by ISHARON on the forums. |