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Category:Cyclic spells

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A category for cyclic spells, those spells which continually drain held mana, cambrinth, or attunement.

To start a cyclic spell, type PREP SPELLNAME #, with the number being the spell power that you want to use. CAST when fully prepared. HARNESS to power the spell unless you have the raw channeling feat. RELEASE SPELLNAME or RELEASE to end the spell.

You may only have one cyclic spell active at a time.
(Bards, via the Segue ability, can transition from one cyclic to another.)

Current Cyclic Spells

Bolded spells are signature spells.

Name Effect Type Skill Target Contest Prep
Duration Slots Mana
Abandoned Heart (ABAN) Fatigue damage, Spirit damage, Area of Effect. cyclic targeted, area of effect Creature, Area 7-37 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 Elemental Magic
Albreda's Balm (ALB) AOE calm. cyclic debilitation, utility, area of effect Creature, Area charm \ willpower 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 1 Elemental Magic
Blessing of the Fae (BOTF) +Attunement pool, +Attunement pool regeneration cyclic augmentation, area of effect Group, Area 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 Elemental Magic
Damaris' Lullaby (DALU) -Agility (stat), -Reflex (stat), -Strength (stat), Sleeps the target you are facing. cyclic debilitation, area of effect Creature, Area, Special charm \ willpower 6-31 10-600 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Eye of Kertigen (EYE) Periodically searches, with an enhanced perception to the search. Caster sees in dark rooms. cyclic utility Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Faenella's Grace (FAE) +Scholarship skill, decreases time between teaching pulses. cyclic augmentation, area of effect Group, Area 2-15 0-400 Indefinite 1 Elemental Magic
Glythtide's Joy (GJ) TM integrity barrier for outgoing spells. cyclic warding, area of effect Area charm \ willpower 5-25 10-600 Indefinite 1 Elemental Magic
Hodierna's Lilt (HODI) Vitality heal, Fatigue heal, Spirit heal cyclic utility Group, Area 5-25 10-600 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Phoenix's Pyre (PYRE) Impact damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, Area effect pulsing damage. Will of Winter changes it from fire/impact to fire/cold. Ignites and increases the duration and damage of naphtha. cyclic targeted, area of effect Creature, Area 7-37 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Sanctuary Prevents clairvoyance, creatures spawning and entering, hiding, and invisibility. cyclic utility, area of effect Area 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Ghost Shroud (GHS) Reduces damage from incoming ranged physical attacks, while reducing the accuracy of targeted attacks. It also hides your features, and changes your appearance in the room. cyclic warding Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 2 Holy Magic
Hydra Hex (HYH) AoE cyclic version of Malediction or Curse of Zachriedek. cyclic debilitation, area of effect Group, Area 6-31 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Holy Magic
Resurrection (REZZ) Brings a dead player back to life. cyclic utility PC 5-50 80-800 Indefinite 1 Holy Magic
Revelation (REV) +Perception skill, Pulses to do a magical search that reveals names and allows you to POINT if you find their source. cyclic augmentation, utility Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 3 Holy Magic
Soul Attrition (SA) Slice damage, Cold damage, Spirit damage, Shield-ignoring single target. cyclic targeted, shield ignoring PC, Creature 6-31 80-800 Indefinite 2 Holy Magic
Aesandry Darlaeth (AD) +Reflex (stat), Balance heal, recovery from immobilization/webbing cyclic augmentation, utility Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 Life Magic
Guardian Spirit (GS) summons combat "pet" cyclic utility Special 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Life Magic
Icutu Zaharenela (IZ) Slice damage, Cold damage, converts TOUCH into an attack cyclic targeted PC, Creature 15-45 400-1,250 Indefinite 2 Life Magic
Regenerate Wound heal, gradually heals wounds/scars cyclic utility Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Life Magic
Moongate (MG) Creates a portal to your moonbeam. cyclic utility Self, Special 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 Lunar Magic
Shadow Web (SHW) AOE webbing battle, cyclic debilitation, area of effect Area magic \ reflexes 6-31 80-800 Indefinite 1 Lunar Magic
Starlight Sphere (SLS) Impact damage, Cold damage, pulsing single target. battle, cyclic targeted Special 6-33 250-1,000 Indefinite 1 Lunar Magic
Steps of Vuan (SOV) group pulsing invisibility cyclic utility, pulse to group Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 Lunar Magic
Call from Within (CFW) Puncture damage, Slice damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, Electrical damage, summons a stealthy spell casting undead bug cyclic utility Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 Arcane Magic
Rite of Contrition (ROC) Reduces visible Divine Outrage. Removes Transcendental Necromancy spells while in effect. cyclic utility Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 Arcane Magic
Rite of Forbearance (ROF) Reduced attunement when casting, freezes attunement regen, spells pierce integrity barriers cyclic debilitation, utility Self 5-5 80-80 Indefinite 1 Arcane Magic
Rite of Grace (ROG) Hides 1-7 Transcendental Necromancy buffs. cyclic utility Self 5-25 80-800 Indefinite 1 Arcane Magic
Universal Solvent (USOL) Puncture damage, Slice damage, Impact damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, Electrical damage, Cyclic AOE. Randomized damage types. cyclic targeted, area of effect Area 7-37 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Arcane Magic
Holy Warrior (HOW) blesses held weapon, sometimes stuns attacker cyclic warding, utility Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Holy Magic
Truffenyi's Rally (TR) Balance heal, dispels negative effects and some positive effects cyclic augmentation, utility, area of effect, pulse to group Group, Area 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Holy Magic
Awaken Forest (AF) Spawn that fights alongside Ranger. High threat index (agro tank) with natural "plate" armor. Normal spawn will only fight living, when Plague Spawn (cast in city or with PLS) will only fight corp. undead. cyclic utility Special 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Life Magic
Bear Strength (BES) +Stamina (stat), +Strength (stat), pulsing status protection cyclic augmentation, utility Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 Life Magic
Cheetah Swiftness (CS) +Agility (stat), +Balance, Balance heal, auto-stand battle, cyclic augmentation Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Life Magic
Arbiter's Stylus (ARS) Slice damage, Cold damage cyclic targeted PC, Creature 6-31 80-800 Indefinite 1 Lunar Magic
Mask of the Moons (MOM) Spells cast at you will sometimes go awry cyclic warding Self 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Lunar Magic
Aether Cloak (AC) TM barrier and reflect. cyclic warding Self 4-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Electrostatic Eddy (EE) Nerve damage, AoE, Chance to pull from hiding. cyclic debilitation, area of effect Area magic \ fortitude 6-31 80-800 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Fire Rain (FR) Impact damage, Fire damage, AoE multistrike. cyclic targeted, multistrike, area of effect Area 7-37 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Rimefang (spell) (RIM) Slice damage, Cold damage, Pulsing damage to melee range. cyclic targeted, pulse damage Self 6-31 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 Elemental Magic
Ring of Spears (ROS) Puncture damage, Impact damage, Pulsing AoE multistrike melee damage. Triggered damage at pole/melee engagement change. cyclic targeted, multistrike, area of effect Self 7-37 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 Elemental Magic