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Researchers and adventurers alike recognize two major divisions of the undead: those built around physical remains, and those that are built around spiritual remains.

Spiritual or Non-Corporeal

The spiritual undead are, largely, academic for the purposes of discussing Necromancers. While some Necromancers have demonstrated an ability to conjure or create them, the vast majority of Necromancers are unable or unwilling to replicate the feat. While there is some confusion about what limits this practice, or why the obviously demonstrated technique has not spread, it is a fortunate fact that most necromantic cults lack power over damnation.

Spiritual undead range from Maeldryths to Pale Grey Death Spirits to Snaer Hafwa. They are invulnerable to mundane weaponry, since nothing tangible exists to receive the attack, but Blessed weapons can affect them directly.

Physical or Corporeal

The physical undead have been categorized in various ways over the years, typically by whatever system is in vogue among the Clerics at the time. For the Necromancers' own purposes, they define four states of physical undeath.

The first is the simple raising of a corpse, in whatever condition it was found, and setting it in motion once again with a burst of magic and crude thanatological rites. These are perhaps the "classic" undead as your average imagines them. The soul and mind escape the process, leaving a clumsy puppet of flesh or bone with no volition except what twisted instincts the tortured force of life has granted them.

The second is the laborious construction of a body. The most fearsome of undead monsters are a result of this process, literally cutting and stitching necrotic flesh into a form far different than the "donors" of the material. While often far more specialized and physically capable, these share the same supernatural and spiritual qualities as the first group. They are nothing but unnatural animals.

The third category of undead is rare, but among the most dangerous an adventurer can expect to encounter semi-regularly. While the soul is beyond most Necromancers, sufficiently advanced necromancy can ensnare the mind, preserving the personality and memories of the fallen. These undead retain some degree of the capacities they had in life. A magician raised in this manner still commands the mana streams, while a criminal will retain his devious skills. There are various exceptions to this -- for obvious reasons, undead priests are not useful without a conversion to Maelshyve --, but it holds as a general rule. Sinister Maelshyvean Hierophants are an example.

Though these undead can be described as people in a vague sense, it is impossible to escape that they are simply intelligent monsters. The mind and body lack an anchoring soul, and the monster faces utter destruction at death. While the Necromancer has no overt psychic influence on the personality -- unless he employs other magic to that end -- the undead's creator retains utter and unbreakable power of life and death over his construct. The minds and corpses of enemies are rarely treated this way, for the result is a devious slave.


There are other pages that use the name "Lich." Follow the link for more details.

A lich is a necromancer who has turned his powers inward to become a self-animating, undead being. The most infamous lich is Lyras, who descended into undeath after her death at the hands of Vael. Lichdom is currently beyond the reach of PC Necromancers.

Lichdom should not be confused with merely raising a magician in undeath. The Descent, as it is often called, is a personal process. Only a Necromancer may attain the state, and he may only do it to himself.

The lich retains complete control over his faculties, and blurs the line between man and monster. Liches transcend their creations' risk of casual destruction and oblivion; in fact, liches are often notorious for the difficulty of keeping them dead. More than merely a shadow of life, the lich state often greatly expands the Necromancer's physical and supernatural capacities.

Though the line between man and monster is blurred, it is not wholly gone. The lich state lacks the physical capacities of life, and it heralds the destruction or abandonment of the immortal soul. Necromancers are aware that, in an essential way, the lich state is not "them" -- it is an animated body possessing their personality, but the spiritual center of their being is no longer present. Lichdom is often regarded as a last-ditch state, to preserve something of the self when age or exceptional conflict threatens to not allow the Necromancer to return from death. Only the truly Perverse, who earn the title for the rest of their brethren, see it as nothing but a road to power.

Undead Creature List

Standard Undead:

Min SkillCapBoxesSkinCorporeal
Zombie goblin0035truetruetrue
Pale grey death squirrel (creature)11035falsetruetrue
Fell hog21040falsefalsetrue
Lesser skeleton21228truefalsetrue
Goblin zombie41545truefalsetrue
Tortured soul (1)61645falsefalsefalse
Revenant conscript62550truefalsefalse
Small grendel53550truetruetrue
Faenrae reaver73552truetruetrue
Revenant zombie44559truefalsetrue
Stunted undead gerbil104570falsefalsetrue
Dark fiend116075truefalsefalse
Zombie kobold headhunter1885110truetruetrue
Skeletal kobold headhunter1885110truetruetrue
Zombie kobold savage1885110truetruetrue
Skeletal kobold savage1885110truetruetrue
Drowned one2190150truefalsetrue
Giant blight bat2590170falsetruetrue
Eidolon steed22100125falsetruetrue
Undead gerbil25100145falsefalsetrue
Crypt fiend25100145truefalsefalse
Cadaverous blue-belly crocodile26100160falsetruetrue
Mutant togball26130165falsetruetrue
Dark spirit (1)31130170truefalsefalse
Zombie red leucro35130180falsetruetrue
Zombie boar35130200falsetruetrue
Rotting deadwood dryad36150250truefalsetrue
Decaying blightwater nyad41150250truefalsetrue
Cadaverous yeehar44150300truefalsetrue
Sickly blightwater nyad39160250truefalsetrue
Seordhevor kartais38180230falsetruetrue
Ur hhrki'izh (1)40180230truefalsetrue
Pale grey death spirit40200250truefalsefalse
Dark spirit (2)40200250truefalsefalse
Sinuous ice adder50200300falsetruetrue
Skeletal sailor35210300truefalsetrue
Lanky grey lach48210316truetruetrue
Ur hhrki'izh (2)44225275truefalsetrue
Dark spirit (3)47235300truefalsefalse
Transparent shylvic50240325truefalsefalse
Feral bone mastiff56245310falsetruetrue
Spectral pirate48250325truefalsefalse
Zombie nomad56260410truefalsetrue
Greater shadow hound67270380falsetruetrue
Icy blue ghast68280430falsefalsetrue
Maelshyvean shadow beast79320650truetruetrue
Gargantuan bone golem35325380truefalsetrue
Misshapen germish'din71330520truetruetrue
... further results

Quest, Event and Invasion Undead:

Min SkillCapBoxesSkinCorporeal
Mange-covered rotting Prydaen60100truefalsetrue
Mange-covered rotting Rakash60100truefalsetrue
Noxious flea-ridden beast80140truefalsetrue
Bone amalgam180250falsefalsetrue
Pirate zombie45200350truefalsetrue
Preserved zombified Prydaen240350
Muscular ghoulish slayer250550
Unctuous Prydaen zombie340530truefalsetrue


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