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Bard Guild

Image copyright of Simutronics Corporation

Primary Skillset: Lore
Secondary Skillsets: Magic, Weapon
Tertiary Skillsets: Survival, Armor
Special Abilities: Recall, Playact, Enchantes
Mana Type: Elemental
Barbarian - Bard - Cleric - Commoner - Empath - Moon Mage

Necromancer - Paladin - Ranger - Thief - Trader - Warrior Mage

Masters of Music, and well schooled in a wide range of skills and lore, a Bard drinks in all he or she can of the happenings of the lands and uses it to their advantage. To attempt to define a Bard is to try to put order to the sands on the shore -- they are warriors, performers, wanderers, teachers, scholars... and much much more.

A boon to any adventuring group, their area-affecting magic can be instrumental to its survival and success. Be sure to bring extra libations, for a Bard's job is thirsty work.

About 180 years ago, a darkness fell upon the Guild with their near extermination by the Dragon Priests, silencing their voice and scattering their unity. The spirit of Music was reawakened by the selfless acts of Siryn -- and the voices of those who sang for her. Much has been rebuilt since the Guild doors were reopened, a new spirit and unity grows within that portents to rival and surpass what once was a proud and vibrant past.

General Information

Information courtesy of Dragonrealms Website.

Guild Hall Locations

Considered by some the 'main' Guildhall for Bards, this renovated structure is home to the famed Bard Silvyrfrost. (You can type DIR BARD for directions.)
Rebuilt upon the location of its predecessor, the Riverhaven Guild stands tall with plenty of space for the Guild Leader Ezruh and his companion Simon.
Sequestered in one of the city's many drinking establishments, the Guild Leader Macfrae tends to his cups as well as those Bards that pass by his table.
Located in the Theater District of the third tier of Ratha, the workshop is more of an office for repair work than a true Guildhall.
Located near the Heketha Theatre and the Street of Performers, the Guildhall is cared for by the Bard Leader Selinthesa's watchful eye.
Found in Inner Hibarnhvidar. Also located in the Guildhall is Siryn's study, which is watched over by Guildleader Yaziyi.
The white sentinel is rumored to contain a large Bardic guildhall, unfortunatly access is currently unavailable.

Skillsets and Common Races

A bard's primary skillset is Lore. Magic and Weapon are secondary skillsets, with Survival and Armor as tertiary skills.

Bards break down into the following races:

Elven 50%
Human 18%
Prydaen 13%
Dwarven 9%

Guild Abilities

Vocal Technique

Anyone can sing, but a Bard is fully trained in using his or her voice, lending to it a refined vocal range (Examples: Tenor, Soprano, etc.). This vocal range stands out when SINGing or CHANTing, or with enough skill while leading a CHORUS of fellow Guildmates.

Instrumental Technique

Bards who keep their focus on their instruments can maintain a higher inspirational state, affording them a greater performing skill that can affect all aspects of their music.


An advanced performance ability, PLAYACT allows a Bard to perform with greater effect and clarity for their audience. Using PLAYACT or PLAYACT 's (make sure you use the space when using the possessive) gives a Bard the ability to embellish their performance anywhere with custom movements. Abuse of PLAYACT or use during non-performance can result in it being removed from a Bard. Ask your neighborhood guildleader to see if you qualify to learn this amazing ability.

Playacting Guidelines (from the Bard Guild FAQ folder) [1]:

"The general guidelines for playacting are simple: If it's not something your character could do, were you in a real-life setting, then it's not something you should be playacting. However a great deal of leeway is given when it comes to performances, especially plays, because of the limited nature of our environment. Appending the name of your 'role' to your own name, using flourishes and theatrical techniques (such as producing a dagger from thin air) that a trained performer would be able to do are all perfectly fine.

Less tolerance is given to someone 'fooling around' by transforming themselves into a troll, flying around the room, or doing normally impossible feats for no other reason than to just do them. For this you likely wouldn't receive a warning, but rather a nudge via SEND to keep things on track. We all have a fun-loving nature and need to stretch our wings sometime, but we'll let you know if you're taking it too far.

There is only one true thing we have no tolerance on at all, and that is using PLAYACT to abuse, scam, or otherwise harass someone. Depending upon the severity of what occured, you can lose your ability to playact for any length of time, and/or rack up warnings and time out of the game. There are no second chances on this score, since you are warned by typing PLAYACT by itself that it is meant as a performance tool, nothing more" (-GM Deryka).


Bards are the tellers of stories and the keepers of knowledge; they know countless stories of legends and folklore, and they remember. This allows them to be adept at learning information about the areas they visit through numerous means -- local gossip, rumor, legends, folklore, superstitions. With the right training, a Bard can tune into the lands and RECALL what was.


Bards use their skill with sound -- through their music skills -- to weave Elemental mana into magic songs called Enchantes.

Definition of an Enchante

(From the Bard FAQ folder) [2]:

"There has been much discussion and debate amongst bards regarding just what an enchante is. Is it like a spell, and composed of patterns and matrices? Or is it composed of music that is given life by magic?

Both of these are true.

A little background on magic: Spells are composed of patterns and matrices.

Pattern spells have a single effect that manifests, though the impact of that single effect is dependant upon the amount of mana that the mage is able to channel into the creation of the pattern itself. Stronger patterns could create more pronounced effects or longer durations of the effects involved.

Matrices are composed a pattern that serves as a template for a cascading sequence of ever more complex patterns, ones that manifest themselves as the mage is able to channel more mana through it. As the initial pattern grows stronger, it will spontaneously grow more complex, causing the effects of the spell itself to vary and grow.

This is, of course, a greatly simplified explanation. Still follow me, though?

Enchantes are examples of elementally-powered magical patterns and matrices created from the music that the bard performs. Music is often said to be mathematical in nature, and so it is. It can form patterns, whether simple or complex in nature, and so long as the bard has the necessary tools and skill, he or she should be able to sustain the pattern.

Due to the inherent nature of music, enchantes will often have the power to eventually form matrices, or cascading patterns, as the music forming the matter for each one becomes increasingly more complex and colorful. Thus, as more skill is gained in the areas of both music and magic, additional effects from enchantes may become apparent to the performer utilizing them.

Enchantes have the potential to reach as far as the voice or song of a performing bard can be heard, or so quietly reiterated that they only affect the singer themself. Very often enchantes themselves merely amplify the music that conveys them, allowing the most powerful and subtle effects: Stirring one's blood to bring them prowess in combat, calming them into a peaceful sleep, or amplifying the skill they already possess by focusing their mind on a specific area of knowledge.

It is on the strength of music that the bard performs, and their control of elemental that they channel through these patterns that the special effects of an enchante are created. However, the effects of enchantes, in and of themselves, need not be musical -- music is merely the medium through which they are brought into being.

Music itself, in the form of skillfully manipulated sound, has a strong hold over the elements. It may be of a frequency to cause sympathetic vibrations in the elements surrounding you. An example would be a deep bass note that rattles tin cans, or a high C note that shatters glass. The entire world around is subject to the vibrations coursing constantly through them, from the simplicity of speech to the glaring ferocity of a horn piercing the air, causing physical pain.

It is because of these things that some enchantes you will see (or hear) may also have spectacular elemental effects that reach throughout the room: The power to summon the fury of a storm, send objects into flame, or bring forth the earth itself to temple and rage. This combined with the subtle nature of enhanced music upon living beings gives bards both strength and power over any area of magic that they wish to become proficient in, and enough variety to aid them in whatever path in life they pursue" (-GM Deryka).

Enchante Listing

Ballads and Romances

Faenella's Grace [FAE]

This enchante will slightly heighten the attention and scholarship abilities of those in the room, causing them to grow more attentive while listening or teaching a class. Those who belong to the class you attend will find that this enchante affects them to a much greater degree. Knowledge of this enchante was closely guarded during the times when Bards dwelt in hiding, for it provided an easy way in which one may train a small group of students in secret in a relatively short amount of time.

Hodierna's Lilt [LILT]

This enchante will allow all members of the area to enter a meditative state, enhancing their abilities to heal their bodies and restore focus to their minds. Legend holds that this enchante has been used in varying forms in cultures across Elanthia for centuries, for everything from aiding healers, to enhancing the abilities of spellcasters in war, to lending strength to the Rakash and Prydaen during their migration across the continent.

Albreda's Balm [BALM]

This enchante blankets the area with soothing calm. Should you weave your enchante with enough charm and skill, it will pacify those listening as long as they remain within range of your song. Unfortunately, it can have no effect upon those creatures or people who are in a mindless fury. Albreda's Balm is one often requested by Empaths, for it allows them free passage through places where they would otherwise be set upon by wild beasts. Requirements: Hodierna's Lilt.

Naming of Tears [TEAR]

The Naming of Tears will give all those in your group an increased ability to defend themselves in combat. While in times past the use of this enchante was too fatiguing to be effective, causing the deaths of many bards upon the battlefield, in recent times a method was discovered to employ this enchante without endowing such a strain upon the performer. It is our hope that these techniques will allow the enchante to relive the former glory that it enjoyed during the resistance wars so long ago. Requirements: Rage of the Clans.

Damaris' Lullaby [LULL] PLANNED

As the name implies, this enchante is a lullaby that will cause all creatures in the area to grow tired, their limbs heavy and their minds slow. With enough skill behind it, Damaris' Lullaby's lethargic allure can bestow sleep, or cause its victims to drop in a stupor. It is unfortunate that the origins of this enchante have been lost, for it has been often wondered if there is any link with the lethargy that droning teachers seem to create in students. Requirements: Albreda's Balm.

Dreamweaver's Charm [DWC] PLANNED

A powerful enchante, Dreamweaver's Charm allows you to influence those beasts that hear your song, trapped in a net of alluring sound. With enough skill, you can entice such creatures to follow you. Little is known where this song originates, but some rumors hold that it was originally developed to allow farmers to rid their fields of pests, and it grew strong enough that hunters would eventually utilize it to lead fearsome creatures away. Dreamweaver's Charm is easily transposed, but can only be played on wind instruments. Requirements: Albreda's Balm.

Redeemer's Pride [REPR]

So named for the inspiration Lanival the Redeemer evoked in those he led, this enchante will endow confidence upon all those who hear it, increasing their resistance against fear spells. It is rumored that a great terror once awoke and ravaged a mountainous land, and only through the strength that the Pride inspired was the monstrosity driven back into the caverns from whence it came. Requirements: Naming of Tears.


The notes of Sanctuary allow you to disrupt the flow of clairvoyance and sound for as far as your voice may reach, creating an area through which one will find it very difficult, or impossible, to locate those inside of it through magical means. Even creatures, confused by their inability to orient themselves, will be hindered in their attempts to casually wander into the area.

This enchante once received wide use by Bards who sought to hide their locations, or those who protected dignitaries and scholars from harm, but was lost around three decades ago when the last True Bard that knew it fell to the onslaught of Tenebraus. It is only through the fortunes of fate that his journal was recovered and notes recently deciphered enough that we may make use of this enchante once again. Requirements: Nexus.

Concertos and Sonatas


Misdirection is utilized in a manner that is unusual with Bardic magic. Rather than drawing attention due to the music, the notes and sounds played tend to force attention away from the Bard and her group. Those that fall to the influence of this enchante may find that their skills of stealth are enhanced, though agressive creatures will be able to see through this facade and make the enchante harder to perform.

Aura of Tongues [AURA]

Aura of Tongues is a boon to any traveling Bard, particularly those that reach foreign regions where the ability to understand other languages is a necessity. This enchante endows upon you the ability to understand, but not speak, any simple racial language uttered around you. Spoken, chanted, sung, it all becomes clear to you so long as you sustain this enchante, though you yourself will not be able to speak in that language in kind.

This enchante can also be performed at a near whisper, allowing multiple Bards to generate their own Aura of Tongues even while in close proximity. Requirements: Faenella's Grace.

Demrris' Resolve [DMRS]

Easily described as channeling your own resolve, your last surge of steely will and strength when all else seems lost, Demrris' Resolve creates an auditory illusion that slams into those not in your group. This stampede-like sound causes its victims to flinch or fall to the ground in fear of the terrors your magic inspires. What one actually hears depends both on the Bard and those affected by it, but let me tell you one thing -- not one of those possibilities is a happy one. Requirements: Misdirection.


The magical music of Nexus encourages Elemental mana in the area to flow more easily, resulting in an increase in that available for the spells of Bards and Warrior Mages. As a side effect to this, mages of all types may find their spells easier to cast while a Bard maintains the song. Nexus itself once had lyrics long ago, retelling the story of a powerful wizard's experiments, but most of the verses have been lost. Thankfully, the music alone is potent, but one wonders how intense the forgotten words would make it. Requirements: 10th Circle.

Aether Wolves [AEWO]

The use of Aether Wolves will cause eerie, unearthly howls to be heard by those who are outside of your group -- so realistic as to seem like actual giant wolves approaching in slavering fury! Those who succumb to this auditory illusion will freeze, fall down, or flee from the area, depending upon your skill and the strength of the enchante. Some may be so convinced of the threat and emotionally scarred, that they end up with nerve damage! Such misdirection is nothing new to the Bards, and this enchante is a prime example of how they can be used effectively to influence those around you. Requirements: Demrris' Resolve.

Naga's Blessing [NAGA]

Nagas are unusual creatures, ones that bear natural attunements to the mana around them and the ability to coax it to their will. It is through the use of this enchante that you tap into the peripheral auras of the Lesser Nagas, increasing the capacity and restorative qualities of your own ability to harness mana, and allowing you to share these benefits with those others who are in range of your song. Through careful application of this enchante, you may find that you catch an occasional glimpse of a Lesser Naga as you perform, but those wily creatures will duck out of sight almost as soon as they are seen. Requirements: Nexus.

Call of the Siren [SIRE] PLANNED

The Call of the Siren is an enchante that is true embodiment of the name it bears. Using it will create an enticing tapestry of sensations and sounds that lures creatures indigenous to the area to you, should any be present. Unfortunately, creatures summoned in such a manner will likely be hostile, and will need to be dealt with in some manner before you become the next item on their menu. The foolish use of this enchante has caused many an adventurer their life, so take heed where and when you decide to use it. Requirements: Dreamweaver's Charm.

Glythtide's Joy [JOY] PREVIEW

Glythtide's Joy is a curious enchante, one whose origins have been long lost to the annals of time. However, due to its properties in protecting you and your group from targetted magic, it is strongly suspected to involve the rather unique properties of the Lesser Nagas. Those creatures, which live beyond the realm of sight and sound, bear the ability to warp the flow of mana around themselves in response to their will -- and this is strikingly similar to the function of Glythtide's Joy. Requirements: Naga's Blessing.

Beckon the Naga [BECK] PLANNED

Through the use of this enchante you attempt to summon the physical presence of a Lesser Naga, charming it so that it will defend you against all foes and fight under your control. Nagas themselves are creatures that dwell outside of the normal realm of existence, but when they manifest themselves they become glittering serpents composed purely of sound and magic. Though of the Lesser variety, do not underestimate the power that the naga can wield -- its attacks are ones of pure sound and not easily blocked by either physical or magical means. Requirements: Call of the Siren.

Eye of Kertigen [EYE]

The Eyes of Kertigen shall watch over you and your coin as you use this enchante, which heightens your skills of perception by a marked degree. Should you gain enough proficiency with the Eye, you may achieve the ability to sense the presence those who are hidden and invisible, and even knock those who are not in your group out of their concealment. It is rare the Bard that has seen this last, however, for it requires great skill and can be quite taxing to maintain. Requirements: Sanctuary, Misdirection.

Nocturnes and Requiems

Eillie's Cry [CRY]

Eillie's Cry may only be sung, but may be performed while alive or dead. If you're alive when you finish the song, the magic remains dormant upon you for a great while. Should you be killed while this magic is resonating upon you, all Bards close to you will be aware of your death and location. Singing this while dead, however, will instantly alert all Bards in the same manner.

Any Bard who hears someone else's Cry may perform Eillie's Cry themselves to indicate that the downed soul was heard.

Chorus of Madmen [MADM] PLANNED

Some claim that with insanity comes insight, though the Chorus of Madmen enchante plays on the very lack of clear thought that madness brings. Those in earshot of this enchante will find it harder to maintain scholastic pursuits or cast spells, and will generally find it harder to concentrate. The discordant verses and unusual arrangement of Chorus of the Madmen also tend to disorient and unbalance. Requirements: Faenella's Grace.

Abandoned Heart [ABAN]

This enchante is one marked by depression, pain, and finally reluctant surrender to the inevitablity of death:

And all we could ever do, From love to lust, In the end is wasting time, 'til death welcomes us.

From its melancholy introduction to the final lyrics, Abandoned Heart saps the very will to live from those who hear it. Wounds have been known to open and bleed faster, normally stoic and steadfast individuals become less disciplined and break down, and enduring animals and mounts quickly fatigue and become weak in the presence of a Bard singing this enchante. Many have foul words for those Bards who insist on performing Abandoned Heart. Requirements: Eillie's Cry, Hodierna's Lilt.

Piper's Vengeance [PIPE] PLANNED

While Piper's Vengeance will force anyone hearing it instantly to their feet, its purpose is far more malicious. The song is difficult to resist, and its victims sway and spin in uncontrolled waltzes and shaking slow dances, unable to maintain attacks or other activities. Though this can fatigue the victims beyond reason, they will be unable to stop as they lose their concentration and, if the Bard is skilled, their vitality to this endless dance.

It would take a supreme act of will on the dancer's part, but one might be able to dance from the area, out of the range of Piper's Vengeance, and slowly recover. Requirements: Abandoned Heart.

Unnerving Symphony [UNNS] PLANNED

Far more subtle than the detrimental effects of other questionable enchantes, Unnerving Symphony weakens the charisma and wisdom of all listeners not in the Bard's group. In conjunction with spells or other enchantes that attack the will of their victims, this magical song can quickly turn the tide of battle. Requirements: Abandoned Heart.

Failure of the Forge [FAIL] PLANNED

A bizarre and discordant enchante, Failure of the Forge's sonic assault attacks the structure of armors and shields in the area, lowering their strength and resistance capabilities. It requires a tremendous amount of skill, but truly talented Bards can have a devastating effect on their opponent's armor. Some speculate that this enchante also makes it easier to imbue spells and enchantments into affected armor. Requirements: Chorus of Madmen, Resonance.

Allegros and Capriccios

Rage of the Clans [RAGE]

This enchante will rouse all listeners to fight with heightened ferocity in combat. Because of this, in times past it was the most often used enchante when a Bard went to war. Unfortunately, the wide-reaching effects of the singer's voice often enhanced the combative abilities of both friend and foe, and the use of this enchante caused more carnage than anything else. After one especially bloody battle it was renamed to 'Rage of the Clans' ... and it has borne that name so long now that none remember what its original name once was.

Caress of the Sun [CARE]

When calling upon Caress of the Sun, you will notice an Elemental effect that flows around you and all members of your group, warming and drying clothing and instruments. Further moisture will fail to accumulate so long as you are able to perform. Though a deceptively simply enchante, Caress of the Sun can serve admirably through even fierce storms and waves. Requirements: 15th Circle.

Muse's Inspiration [MUSE] PLANNED

Sparking the creative energy of the mind with its magical tones, Muse's Inspiration grants you greater skill with artistic endeavours, specifically affecting your mechanical abilities and the lore which you bear the most proficiency. With more music and magical skill, the powers of this enchante can extend to the members of your group as well. It is said that the use of Muse's Inspiration is what allows the Dwarves of Hibarnhvidar such unequaled prowess with their artistry in stone, but whether any truth exists to these tales is yet to be seen. Requirements: Faenella's Grace.

Desert's Maelstrom [DEMA]

Taming the magic of the Desert's Maelstrom enchante will allow you to weave a shield of sound around you and members of your group. Though the effects of this enchante are predominately carried by the force of sound, the sand and dust kicked up only add to its effects. Because of this, those in the area will find it difficult to employ ranged attacks, whether magical or otherwise, due to the hampered visibility. Those inside the protective embrace of the Desert's Maelstrom will find the music aids their evasive movements and balance.

This is an enchante brought to us by our desert-dwelling kindred who have often employed it in the capture of wild yeehar. Requirements: Caress of the Sun.

Merelew's Legacy [MERE]

This enchante is one of the few we currently possess which serves dual purposes. When played inside a lake or pool, it will resonate and push the water away so that one may breathe or sing even when completely submerged. When used in the air, it will have a snuffing effect upon burning objects, making it extremely difficult for fire to be lit or fire magics to have maximum effect. This enchante was given to our guild by the same couple to originally develop the Phoenix's Pyre ...likely as a manner in which they could quickly quench the wild fires started afterwards. Requirements: Caress of the Sun.

Phoenix's Pyre [PYRE]

The Phoenix's Pyre is aptly named, for it will cause the air around you to heat and spark in a manner akin to the winds borne by a grassfire. As it sweeps through the area, all naphtha that has been spilled or splashed will spontaneously ignite, then spurned further to flare higher than would normally be possible! Warrior Mages will also find their fire spells easier to cast when Phoenix's Pyre is being performed.

Like several other enchantes, this one was originally discovered by studying the methodology of our kindred Guilds and putting them to our own use. In this case, it was through careful collaboration that a Bard and Warrior Mage couple were able to devise this enchante, allowing his skill with naphtha and fire to incinerate their foes while her strong, vibrant voice sustained the fire's effects long after they would have normally dimmed. Requirements: Desert's Maelstrom.


This enchante is a curious one. It creates a powerful, sympathetic resonance in any melee weapon you hold, driving in a rhythm similar to your own heartbeat, allowing you greater skill and power with the weapon's use. However, you should only use this enchante when holding a weapon that you bear great proficiency in, or the weapon may instead twist its way from your hands each time you attempt to pick it up. Like many enchantes, the origins of Resonance are long lost, though it is believed that the tales of 'singing swords' are in fact the results of this enchante. Requirements: Naming of Tears, Level 20.

Drums of the Snake [DRUM]

Renowned for its usefulness, Drums of the Snake will attune all listeners to the tribal rhythms of nature, greatly increasing their own ability in the survival skills which you bear the most knowledge. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have much impact on those skills that pertain to stealth or evasion due to the fact that the bard's own music will often draw attention rather than direct it away. This enchante is not to be underestimated, however, due to its potency. Requirements: Misdirection, Merelew's Legacy.


Harmony will resonate in the mind like a favorite song, enhancing your efforts physically, mentally, and lending grace to your actions. With it, you will find that you have a greater use of your primary weapon and defensive skills, as will all those in range of your song. The use of this enchante is not easy to master, and it may take quite some proficiency with your own abilities at sustaining the pattern of your song before you see marked results. Requirements: Resonance.

Breath of Storms [BOS] PLANNED

This enchante works a bit differently than those others that have been developed over time, though it is no surprise that the Bard who discovered it had been inspired by circus performers and then... er... over-extended... a stay at a local tavern. After singing Breath of Storms, Bards who imbibe strong liquors will be able to spew wet belches of lightning at their opponents.

Unfortunately (or is it fortunately?), you will need to take a swig of your favorite sauce every time you wish to do this, likely leaving you inebriated -- which itself can have some extremely detrimental side-effects upon your abilities in combat. Requirements: Desert's Maelstrom, Merelew's Legacy, 30th Circle.

Bardic Mana Levels

  • You hear a soft, elusive rhythm (vague mana)
  • You hear a gentle rhythm (hazy mana)
  • You hear a a piping rhythm with the faint stirrings of melody (dimly flickering mana)
  • You hear a spriteful melody (flickering mana)
  • You hear a light-hearted, shimmering melody (shimmering mana)
  • You hear a soothing melody (slowly pulsating mana)
  • You hear a deep, pulsating beat (pulsating mana)
  • You hear an intense, pulsating beat (quickly pulsating mana)
  • You hear harmonic strains (faintly glowing power)
  • You hear strong, deep chords (glowing power)
  • You hear complex melodies (powerfully glowing power)
  • You hear a cacophany of strident music (softly shining power)
  • You hear the blare of a full wind ensemble (shining power)
  • You hear the myriad voices of woodwinds (luminous power)
  • You hear brilliant stringed instruments (brilliant power)
  • You hear a quick burst of stacatto brass (flaring power)
  • You hear a faint clash of sound (burning power)
  • You hear a symphony of sonorous tones (brightly burning power)
  • You hear a flashy sequence of chords (blazing power)
  • You hear a deafening cacophany of sound (blinding power)


Over the years Bards have developed several special techniques with whistling, from just being more expressive to being able to distract enemies with a piercing whistle. Rumor has it some Bards have also learned to effectively communicate via whistling.

Bardic Screams

Many a story has been told of Bards who have mastered the control of their voice to a degree where it can be used as a weapon in battle. While many of these legendary techniques have been lost, there persist to this day stories of Bards vanquishing their foes with a defiant scream.


Over the course of their career, Bards learn many techniques to aid them in performance. Among them are the ability to convincingly bluff their audience, or slip in some dazzling sleight of hand tricks. Bards have also been known to learn the art of ventriloquism, throwing their voice onto props, and, if stories are to be believed, even other people.

Miscellaneous Information