Forfedhdar hunting ladder
This is a convenient list of creatures that can be hunted in Forfedhdar (excluding ones that are only found during invasions or quests).
All Monsters
| Min Skill | Cap | Boxes | Skin |
Malodorous bucca | 50 | 65 | true | false |
Albino cave fish | 50 | 100 | | |
Stone-throwing imp | 55 | 70 | false | false |
Young cave troll | 85 | 170 | true | true |
Young firecat | 90 | 140 | false | true |
Giant blight bat | 90 | 170 | false | true |
Graverobber (1) | 100 | 125 | true | false |
Vela'tohr bloodvine | 120 | 170 | false | false |
Maiden's tress | 120 | 215 | true | false |
Retch fiend | 125 | 175 | true | false |
Mutant togball | 130 | 165 | false | true |
Lithe blight ogre | 140 | 150 | true | true |
Stumpy blight ogre | 150 | 230 | true | true |
Rotting deadwood dryad | 150 | 250 | true | false |
Decaying blightwater nyad | 150 | 250 | true | false |
Sickly blightwater nyad | 160 | 250 | true | false |
Frostweyr bear | 175 | 225 | false | true |
Matron's tress | 175 | 250 | true | false |
Giant blight ogre | 180 | 250 | true | true |
Sinuous ice adder | 200 | 300 | false | true |
Blue-green pivuh | 220 | 360 | false | true |
Cave troll | 240 | 375 | true | true |
Fledgling forest gryphon (1) | 250 | 380 | false | true |
Frost angiswaerd | 260 | 340 | false | true |
Fledgling forest gryphon (2) | 280 | 400 | false | true |
Icy blue ghast | 280 | 430 | false | false |
Armored shalswar | 300 | 400 | true | true |
Young forest gryphon | 300 | 420 | false | true |
Supple firecat | 300 | 430 | false | true |
Black marble gargoyle | 330 | 540 | true | true |
Dragon Priest purifier | 350 | 490 | true | false |
Dragon Priest crone | 375 | 425 | true | false |
Mountain giant | 375 | 530 | true | false |
Damaska boar | 390 | 400 | false | true |
Dragon Priest juggernaut | 400 | 500 | true | false |
Dragon Priest zealot | 400 | 520 | true | false |
Vile plague wraith | 450 | 650 | true | false |
Zombie stomper | 460 | 625 | true | false |
Giant snow hawk | 460 | 670 | false | true |
Black ape | 490 | 750 | false | true |
Zombie mauler | 500 | 670 | true | false |
Black goblin | 500 | 720 | true | true |
Enraged tusky | 500 | 750 | false | true |
Misty black zephyr | 525 | 760 | false | true |
Zombie head-splitter | 600 | 733 | true | false |
Ragged wind hag | 700 | 950 | true | false |
Dragon Priest assassin | 750 | 1,100 | true | false |
Dinnsehencha | 800 | 1,300 | true | false |
Lesser North Wind banshee | 900 | 1,300 | false | false |
Dragon Priest intercessor | 950 | 1,300 | true | false |
Fuligin umbral moth (2) | 1,100 | 1,500 | false | true |
Vicious Dragon Priest intercessor | 1,100 | 1,600 | true | false |
Jeol moradu | 1,200 | 1,500 | true | false |
Void black umbral moth (2) | 1,450 | 1,750 | false | true |
Shadowfrost moth | 1,450 | 1,750 | false | true |
Skinning and Locksmithing
Skinnable Monsters With Boxes
Skinnable Monsters
Monsters With Boxes
Constructs (Empath-Safe)
See Empath hunting ladder for a list of all Empath-huntable monsters.
Undead Monsters
Incorporeal monsters require a blessed weapon to hit.
Empaths can hunt the undead without experiencing shock by using the ritual spell of Absolution. See Empath hunting ladder for more details.