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  • Accept command
    ACCEPT (used with GIVE)

    You see: <Name> has accepted your offer and is now holding <item>.
    Target sees: You accept <name>'s offer and are now holding <item>.
    Others see: <Name> accepts <name>'s <item>.

    ACCEPT TIP (used with TIP)
    You see: <Name> accepts your tip and slips it away with a smile.
    Target sees: You accept <name>'s tip and slip it away.
    Others see: <Name> accepts <name>'s tip and slips it away.

    You see: <Name> has accepted your offer and hands you <item> as you hand <him/her> <item/coins>.
    Target sees: You accept <name>'s offer and hand <him/her> <item/coins> as you accept <item>.
    Others see: <Name> accepts <name>'s <item> and hands <name> <item/coins>.

  • Accuse command

    ACCUSE <name> TO CLERK

  • Acknowledge command

  • Action command
    ACTION <act>

    You see: (<Name> <act>)
    Others see: (<Name> <act>)

    ACTION , <act>
    You see: (<Name>, <act>)
    Others see: (<Name>, <act>)

    ACTION 's <act>
    You see: (<Name>'s <act>)
    Others see: (<Name>'s <act>)

  • Adjust command

    You see: You adjust the straps of your shield, lengthening them so that it can be worn across your shoulder.
    Others see: <Name> adjusts the straps of <his/her> shield, lengthening them so that it can be worn across <his/her> shoulder.

    You see: You adjust the straps of your shield, tightening them so that it will fit securely upon your left arm.
    Others see: <Name> adjusts the straps of <his/her> shield, tightening them so that it will fit securely upon <his/her> left arm.

    You see: You adjust your lumpy bundle to make it neat and compact, although too tight to quickly fit in additional skins.
    Others see: <Name> adjusts part of <his/her> lumpy bundle.

    You see: You adjust your lumpy bundle so that you can more easily and more quickly fit in additional skins.
    Others see: <Name> adjusts part of <his/her> lumpy bundle.

    ADJUST <object>
    You see: You adjust your <object> into place.
    Others see: <Name> adjusts <his/her> <object> into place.

  • Adopt Command

  • Advance command

    You see: You begin to advance on <target>.
    Target sees: <Name> begins to advance on you!
    Others see: <Name> begins to advance on <target>.

    ADVANCE <target>
    You see: You begin to advance on <target>.
    Target sees: <Name> begins to advance on you!
    Others see: <Name> begins to advance on <target>.

  • Aft command

  • Agility command

    You see:
    Your base Agility is <number>(<#>).
    It will cost you <#> TDPs to raise your Agility from <#> to <#+1>.
    Agility helps you hit with weapons, improves manual tasks such as skinning or disarming. It contributes to defensive Reflex contests, among other things.
    Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.

  • Agree command




  • Aim command

    AIM <target>
    You see: You begin to target <target>.
    Target sees: <Name> appears to be aiming at you with <his/her> <weapon>.
    Others see: <Name> appears to be aiming at <target> with <his/her> <weapon>.

    AIM <body part> You see: You begin to target <target>.
    Target sees: <Name> appears to be aiming at you with <his/her> <weapon>.
    Others see: <Name> appears to be aiming at <target> with <his/her> <weapon>.

    AIM <target> <body part> You see: You begin to target <target>.
    Target sees: <Name> appears to be aiming at you with <his/her> <weapon>.
    Others see: <Name> appears to be aiming at <target> with <his/her> <weapon>.

  • Alae command

  • Align command


    Moon Mage

    ALIGN <skillset/skill>

    ALIGN MOON <Yavash/Katamba/Xibar>

    ALIGN MOON Grazhir





    You see: You are currently aligned to <Immortal>, the ebb and flow of your spirit in accord with her divinity.
    Your skill in Augmentation <has fogged over/is at a zenith of enlightenment>.
    Your skill in Warding <has fogged over/is at a zenith of enlightenment>.
    Your skill in Debilitation <has fogged over/is at a zenith of enlightenment>.
    Your skill in Targeted Magic <has fogged over/is at a zenith of enlightenment>.
    Your skill in Utility <has fogged over/is at a zenith of enlightenment>.

    ALIGN <immortal>

    Warrior Mage

    ALIGN <elemental>

    Other Guilds
    You see: ALIGN helps Clerics, Moon Mages, Rangers and Warrior Mages to call upon their relevant extraplanar or godly powers. No other guilds currently have a use for the verb.

  • Ambush command
    AMBUSH <target>

  • Analyze command
    ANALYZE <weapon/armor/crafted item>

    ANALYZE (<engaged enemy>)

    ANALYZE <type>

  • Answer command
    ANSWER <npc>

    ANSWER <guild liaison>

    ANSWER <survey>

  • Applaud command

    You see: You applaud.
    Others see: <Name> applauds.

    APPLAUD <self>
    You see: You strut around, preening and patting yourself on the back. Not shy, are we?
    Others see: <Name> struts around, tooting <his/her> own horn. Call an Empath, <he/she>'s going to hurt something trying to pat <himself/herself> on the back like that!

    APPLAUD <item>
    You see: You turn <item> in the light, admiring it.
    Others see: <Name> turns <item> in the light, looking at it admiringly.

    APPLAUD <creature>
    You see: You applaud <creature>, cheering it on!
    Others see: <Name> applauds <creature>, cheering it on!

    APPLAUD <Person>
    You see: You gaze into <Name>'s eyes and applaud <him/her> heartily.
    Target sees: <Name> looks at you and applauds!
    Others see: <Name> looks at <Person> and applauds!

    You see: You applaud enthusiastically and flip a <coin> Kronar in <Person>'s direction. <He/She> snatches it nimbly from the air!
    Target sees: <Name> applauds enthusiastically and flips a <coin> Kronar in your direction. You snatch it nimbly from the air!
    Others see: <Name> applauds enthusiastically and flips a <coin Kronar in <Person>'s direction. <He/She> snatches it nimbly from the air!

    APPLAUD <Person> <food> WARNING! Food item will destroyed
    You see: Taking careful aim, you huck the <food> in <Name>'s direction. Oooo, near miss!
    Target sees: Squinting at you, <Name> takes careful aim and throws <food> at you. Duck!
    Others see: <Name> squints at <Person>, then throws <food> in <his/her> direction. Oooo, near miss!

    APPLAUD <Person> <drink>
    You see: Raising your <drink> to <Person>, you give <him/her> a toast. Cheers!
    Target sees: Raising <his/her> <drink> to you, <Name> gives you a toast. Cheers!
    Others see: Raising <his/her> <drink> to <Person>, <Name> gives <him/her> a toast.

    APPLAUD <Person> <certain flowers>
    You see: You throw your <flower> with a deft flick of the wrist, sending it to land neatly at <Person>'s feet.
    Target sees: <Name> gently tosses <his/her> <flower> with a deft flick of <his/her> wrist, sending it to land neatly at your feet. Bravo!
    Others see: <Name> gently tosses <his/her> <flower> with a deft flick of <his/her> wrist, sending it to land neatly at <Person>'s feet.

  • Apply command
    APPLY <healing herb> (<body part>)

    APPLY <healing herb> ON <person> (<body part>)

  • Appraise command
    APPRAISE <item>

    Others see: <Name> begins to carefully examine an <object>.

    APPRAISE <weapon> / <armor>
    Others see: <Name> begins to carefully examine an <object>.

    APPRAISE <player>
    You see: (The targets worn inventory.)
    Target sees: <Name> is looking at you very closely.

    APPRAISE <creature> You are certain that the <creature> is <health>.
    You are certain that the <creature> has an incredible spirit that is healthy.
    You are certain that the <creature> is slightly fatigued.
    The <creature> has a serious wound.
    You are certain that it is rather weaker than you are.
    You are certain that it is somewhat less agile than you are.
    You are certain that it is significantly less disciplined than you are.
    You are certain that it is rather less quick to react than you are.
    You are certain that it is quite a bit less conditioned than you are.
    Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a <shield> and a <parry stick>, you are certain that the <creature> is a relatively easy opponent (-7).
    Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with your fists, you are certain that the <creature> is a creature completely beneath your notice (-10).

    APPRAISE <direction> (In Swimming Areas)

    APPRAISE <climbable object>


    APPRAISE <object> QUICK


  • Approach command

  • Arrange command
    ARRANGE <creature>

    ARRANGE <Person> HAIR <style number>
    See below for specifics.

  • Ask command
    ASK <self> ABOUT <anything>

    You see: Questioning yourself? That's scary!
    Others see: <Player> stops briefly and it looks as if <he/she> is holding a serious debate in <his/her> mind. Then goes about <his/her> way as if nothing happened.

  • Assemble command

  • Assess command

  • Assist command

  • Atmosphere command

  • Attack command

  • Auction command

  • Autosneak command

  • Avoid command

  • Awaken command

  • Babble command

    You see: You babble unintelligibly for a while.
    Others see: <Person> babbles incoherently.

    BABBLE <self>
    You see: You babble to yourself, and strangely enough, you understand every word of it!
    Others see: <Person> babbles to <him/her>self for a while.

    BABBLE <player>
    You see: You babble something incoherent at <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> babbles something incoherent at you.
    Others see: <Person> babbles something incoherent at <Person>.

    BABBLE <item>
    You see: You babble at <a/an/some> <item>.
    Others see: <Person> babbles incoherently at <a/an/some> <item>.

  • Backstab command

  • Bail command

  • Balance command

  • Bank command

  • Bark command

    You see: You make a barking noise.
    Others see: <Player> makes a barking noise.

  • Barrage command

  • Barter command

  • Bash command

  • Bask command

    You see: You tilt your head back in an attempt to imitate the languid movement of a S'Kra Mur, but your mouth accidentally falls open, rather ruining the effect.
    Others see: <Person> tilts his head back in an attempt to imitate the languid movement of a S'Kra Mur, but <his/her> mouth accidentally falls open, rather ruining the effect.
    S'kra Mur
    You see: You tilt your head back and close your eyes, basking luxuriously.
    Others see: <Person>'s eyes slowly slide shut as <he/she> tilts <his/her> head back and basks.

    BASK <self> (S'kra Mur only)
    You see: You stretch your neck and lift your head, standing regally in an invitation for all to bask in your glory.
    Others see: <Person> stretches <his/her> neck and adopts a regal stance, tail swaying gracefully, inviting all to bask in <his/her> glory. What a maroon.

    BASK <item in hand>
    You see: You greedily admire the <item>.
    Others see: <Person> greedily admires <his/her> <item>.
    S'kra Mur
    You see: You lift the <item> high and bask in its glory.
    Others see: <Person> lifts <his/her> <item> high in the air and gazes at it with worshipful eyes.

    BASK <item in environment>
    You see: You gaze worshipfully at the <item>.
    Others see: <Person> gazes worshipfully at the <item>.
    S'kra Mur
    You see: You bask in the glory of the <item>.
    Others see: <Person> basks in the glory of the branch.

    BASK <player>
    You see: You try to bask in <Person>'s presence, but just wind up fawning on <him/her>.
    Target sees: <Person> fawns on you with a simpering gaze.
    Others see: <Person> fawns sickeningly over <Person2>.
    S'kra Mur
    You see: You lift your tail slightly, bending just a bit at the waist to bow and bask fondly in <Player>'s presence.
    Target sees: <Person> lifts <his/her> tail and bows gracefully, making a great show of basking in your presence.
    Others see: <Person> lifts <his/her> tail and bows gracefully, making a great show of basking in <Person2>'s presence.

  • Bawl command

    You see: You break down and bawl your eyes out, tears flying everywhere.
    Others see: <Player> breaks down and bawls <his/her> eyes out, tears flooding out and dripping on the ground.

    BAWL <player>
    You see: You lean on <Player>'s shoulder and bawl your eyes out.
    Target sees: <Player> leans on your shoulder and bawls <his/her> eyes out.
    Others see: <Player> leans on <Player2>'s shoulder and bawls <his/her> eyes out.

  • Bbs command

  • Beam command

    You see: You beam!
    Others see: <Player> beams!

    BEAM <self>
    You see: Pleased with yourself, eh?
    Others see: <Player> looks extremely pleased with himself.

    BEAM <player>
    You see: You beam at <Player>!
    Target sees: <Player> beams at you! What a warm feeling!
    Others see: <Player> beams at <Player>!

  • Beckon command

    You see: You beckon everyone to gather around.
    Others see: <Player> beckons everyone to gather around.

    BECKON <self>
    You see: You wiggle your finger in front of your face. Fascinating!
    Others see: <Player> wiggles <his/her> finger in front of <his/her> face in apparent fascination.

    BECKON <player>
    You see: You crook your finger, motioning for <Player> to come closer.
    Target sees: <Player> crooks his finger, motioning for you to come closer.
    Others see: <Player> crooks his finger, motioning <Player> to come closer.

  • Befriend command

  • Belch command

    You see: You belch loudly.
    Others see: <Player> lets loose with a loud belch and rubs <his/her> belly!

    BELCH (Barbarian)
    You see:
    Others see: Barbarian opens (his/her) mouth wide as a thunderous belch rolls up from the pit of (his/her) stomach.

  • Berserk command

  • Beseech command

  • Bet command