Forfedhdar hunting ladder
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Creature Level is an OOC metric, gathered using in-game measurement tools. Unlike rank ranges "creature level" is not anecdotal data, but it does not correspond directly to Player Character Levels or ranks needed to successfully hunt said creature. You can gauge one creature's difficulty against another using these scores. Rank ranges are provided by those players who have been kind enough to document their training experience. (Entries that lack rank data will show up as 2,000-0 ranks.) This data may be outdated, as recent combat changes have tightened the teaching ranges. Your mileage may vary depending on your stats, buffs, mastery skills, armor, and other factors. |
This is a convenient list of creatures that can be hunted in Forfedhdar (excluding ones that are only found during invasions or quests).
All Monsters
Skinning and Locksmithing
Skinnable Monsters With Boxes
Min Skill | Cap | Creature Level | |
Young cave troll | 85 | 170 | 22 |
Lithe blight ogre | 140 | 150 | 33 |
Stumpy blight ogre | 150 | 230 | 39 |
Giant blight ogre | 180 | 250 | 44 |
Cave troll | 240 | 375 | |
Armored shalswar | 300 | 400 | 76 |
Black marble gargoyle | 330 | 540 | 72 |
Black goblin | 500 | 720 | 105 |
Skinnable Monsters
Min Skill | Cap | Creature Level | Boxes | |
Young cave troll | 85 | 170 | 22 | true |
Young firecat | 90 | 140 | false | |
Giant blight bat | 90 | 170 | 25 | false |
Mutant togball | 130 | 165 | false | |
Lithe blight ogre | 140 | 150 | 33 | true |
Stumpy blight ogre | 150 | 230 | 39 | true |
Frostweyr bear | 175 | 225 | 34 | false |
Giant blight ogre | 180 | 250 | 44 | true |
Sinuous ice adder | 200 | 300 | 50 | false |
Blue-green pivuh | 220 | 360 | 54 | false |
Cave troll | 240 | 375 | true | |
Fledgling forest gryphon (1) | 250 | 380 | 50 | false |
Frost angiswaerd | 260 | 340 | false | |
Fledgling forest gryphon (2) | 280 | 400 | 58 | false |
Armored shalswar | 300 | 400 | 76 | true |
Young forest gryphon | 300 | 420 | 60 | false |
Supple firecat | 300 | 430 | false | |
Black marble gargoyle | 330 | 540 | 72 | true |
Damaska boar | 390 | 400 | 80 | false |
Giant snow hawk | 460 | 670 | 111 | false |
Black ape | 490 | 750 | 105 | false |
Black goblin | 500 | 720 | 105 | true |
Enraged tusky | 500 | 750 | false | |
Misty black zephyr | 525 | 760 | false | |
Fuligin umbral moth (2) | 1,100 | 1,500 | 170 | false |
Void black umbral moth (2) | 1,450 | 1,750 | 185 | false |
Shadowfrost moth | 1,450 | 1,750 | 195 | false |
Monsters With Boxes
Min Skill | Cap | Creature Level | Skin | |
Malodorous bucca | 50 | 65 | 12 | false |
Young cave troll | 85 | 170 | 22 | true |
Graverobber (1) | 100 | 125 | false | |
Maiden's tress | 120 | 215 | 31 | false |
Retch fiend | 125 | 175 | 28 | false |
Lithe blight ogre | 140 | 150 | 33 | true |
Stumpy blight ogre | 150 | 230 | 39 | true |
Rotting deadwood dryad | 150 | 250 | 36 | false |
Decaying blightwater nyad | 150 | 250 | false | |
Sickly blightwater nyad | 160 | 250 | 39 | false |
Matron's tress | 175 | 250 | false | |
Giant blight ogre | 180 | 250 | 44 | true |
Cave troll | 240 | 375 | true | |
Armored shalswar | 300 | 400 | 76 | true |
Black marble gargoyle | 330 | 540 | 72 | true |
Dragon Priest purifier | 350 | 490 | 76 | false |
Dragon Priest crone | 375 | 425 | 76 | false |
Mountain giant | 375 | 530 | 72 | false |
Dragon Priest juggernaut | 400 | 500 | 76 | false |
Dragon Priest zealot | 400 | 520 | 76 | false |
Vile plague wraith | 450 | 650 | 89 | false |
Zombie stomper | 460 | 625 | 84 | false |
Zombie mauler | 500 | 670 | 92 | false |
Black goblin | 500 | 720 | 105 | true |
Zombie head-splitter | 600 | 733 | 105 | false |
Ragged wind hag | 700 | 950 | 135 | false |
Dragon Priest assassin | 750 | 1,100 | 150 | false |
Dinnsehencha | 800 | 1,300 | 150 | false |
Dragon Priest intercessor | 950 | 1,300 | 170 | false |
Vicious Dragon Priest intercessor | 1,100 | 1,600 | 171 | false |
Jeol moradu | 1,200 | 1,500 | 175 | false |
Constructs (Empath-Safe)
See Empath hunting ladder for a list of all Empath-huntable monsters.
Min Skill | Cap | Creature Level | Boxes | Skin | Corporeal | |
Black marble gargoyle | 330 | 540 | 72 | true | true | true |
Undead Monsters
Incorporeal monsters require a blessed weapon to hit.
Empaths can hunt the undead without experiencing shock by using the ritual spell of Absolution. See Empath hunting ladder for more details.
Min Skill | Cap | Creature Level | Boxes | Skin | Corporeal | |
Giant blight bat | 90 | 170 | 25 | false | true | true |
Mutant togball | 130 | 165 | false | true | true | |
Decaying blightwater nyad | 150 | 250 | true | false | true | |
Rotting deadwood dryad | 150 | 250 | 36 | true | false | true |
Sickly blightwater nyad | 160 | 250 | 39 | true | false | true |
Sinuous ice adder | 200 | 300 | 50 | false | true | true |
Icy blue ghast | 280 | 430 | false | false | true | |
Vile plague wraith | 450 | 650 | 89 | true | false | true |
Zombie stomper | 460 | 625 | 84 | true | false | true |
Zombie mauler | 500 | 670 | 92 | true | false | true |
Enraged tusky | 500 | 750 | false | true | true | |
Misty black zephyr | 525 | 760 | false | true | false | |
Zombie head-splitter | 600 | 733 | 105 | true | false | true |
Lesser North Wind banshee | 900 | 1,300 | 160 | false | false | false |