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Forfedhdar hunting ladder: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "This is a convenient list of creatures that can be hunted in Forfedhdar (excluding ones that are only found during invasions or quests). ==All Monsters== {{#ask:[[Page t...")
No edit summary
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This is a convenient list of creatures that can be hunted in [[Forfedhdar]] (excluding ones that are only found during invasions or quests).
This is a convenient list of creatures that can be hunted in [[Forfedhdar]] (excluding ones that are only found during invasions or quests).

Line 6: Line 8:
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?relative creature level is=Creature<br />Level
|?Creature has boxes=Boxes
|?Creature has boxes=Boxes
|?Creature is skinnable=Skin
|?Creature is skinnable=Skin
Line 20: Line 23:
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?relative creature level is=Creature<br />Level
|sort=MinSkillCap is,MaxSkillCap is
|sort=MinSkillCap is,MaxSkillCap is
Line 30: Line 34:
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?relative creature level is=Creature<br />Level
|?Creature has boxes=Boxes
|?Creature has boxes=Boxes
|sort=MinSkillCap is,MaxSkillCap is
|sort=MinSkillCap is,MaxSkillCap is
Line 41: Line 46:
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?relative creature level is=Creature<br />Level
|?Creature is skinnable=Skin
|?Creature is skinnable=Skin
|sort=MinSkillCap is,MaxSkillCap is
|sort=MinSkillCap is,MaxSkillCap is
Line 54: Line 60:
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?relative creature level is=Creature<br />Level
|?Creature has boxes=Boxes
|?Creature has boxes=Boxes
|?Creature is skinnable=Skin
|?Creature is skinnable=Skin
Line 71: Line 78:
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MinSkillCap is=Min Skill
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?MaxSkillCap is=Cap
|?relative creature level is=Creature<br />Level
|?Creature has boxes=Boxes
|?Creature has boxes=Boxes
|?Creature is skinnable=Skin
|?Creature is skinnable=Skin

Revision as of 21:33, 14 July 2015

Caution.png Creature Level is an OOC metric, gathered using in-game measurement tools. Unlike rank ranges "creature level" is not anecdotal data, but it does not correspond directly to Player Character Levels or ranks needed to successfully hunt said creature. You can gauge one creature's difficulty against another using these scores.

Rank ranges are provided by those players who have been kind enough to document their training experience. (Entries that lack rank data will show up as 2,000-0 ranks.) This data may be outdated, as recent combat changes have tightened the teaching ranges. Your mileage may vary depending on your stats, buffs, mastery skills, armor, and other factors.

This is a convenient list of creatures that can be hunted in Forfedhdar (excluding ones that are only found during invasions or quests).

All Monsters

 Min SkillCapCreature
Malodorous bucca506512truefalse
Albino cave fish50100
Stone-throwing imp557012falsefalse
Young cave troll8517022truetrue
Young firecat90140falsetrue
Giant blight bat9017025falsetrue
Graverobber (1)100125truefalse
Vela'tohr bloodvine12017027falsefalse
Maiden's tress12021531truefalse
Retch fiend12517528truefalse
Mutant togball130165falsetrue
Lithe blight ogre14015033truetrue
Stumpy blight ogre15023039truetrue
Rotting deadwood dryad15025036truefalse
Decaying blightwater nyad150250truefalse
Sickly blightwater nyad16025039truefalse
Frostweyr bear17522534falsetrue
Matron's tress175250truefalse
Giant blight ogre18025044truetrue
Sinuous ice adder20030050falsetrue
Blue-green pivuh22036054falsetrue
Cave troll240375truetrue
Fledgling forest gryphon (1)25038050falsetrue
Frost angiswaerd260340falsetrue
Fledgling forest gryphon (2)28040058falsetrue
Icy blue ghast280430falsefalse
Armored shalswar30040076truetrue
Young forest gryphon30042060falsetrue
Supple firecat300430falsetrue
Black marble gargoyle33054072truetrue
Dragon Priest purifier35049076truefalse
Dragon Priest crone37542576truefalse
Mountain giant37553072truefalse
Damaska boar39040080falsetrue
Dragon Priest juggernaut40050076truefalse
Dragon Priest zealot40052076truefalse
Vile plague wraith45065089truefalse
Zombie stomper46062584truefalse
Giant snow hawk460670111falsetrue
Black ape490750105falsetrue
Zombie mauler50067092truefalse
Black goblin500720105truetrue
Enraged tusky500750falsetrue
Misty black zephyr525760falsetrue
Zombie head-splitter600733105truefalse
Ragged wind hag700950135truefalse
Dragon Priest assassin7501,100150truefalse
Lesser North Wind banshee9001,300160falsefalse
Dragon Priest intercessor9501,300170truefalse
Fuligin umbral moth (2)1,1001,500170falsetrue
Vicious Dragon Priest intercessor1,1001,600171truefalse
Jeol moradu1,2001,500175truefalse
Void black umbral moth (2)1,4501,750185falsetrue
Shadowfrost moth1,4501,750195falsetrue

Skinning and Locksmithing

Skinnable Monsters With Boxes

 Min SkillCapCreature
Young cave troll8517022
Lithe blight ogre14015033
Stumpy blight ogre15023039
Giant blight ogre18025044
Cave troll240375
Armored shalswar30040076
Black marble gargoyle33054072
Black goblin500720105

Skinnable Monsters

 Min SkillCapCreature
Young cave troll8517022true
Young firecat90140false
Giant blight bat9017025false
Mutant togball130165false
Lithe blight ogre14015033true
Stumpy blight ogre15023039true
Frostweyr bear17522534false
Giant blight ogre18025044true
Sinuous ice adder20030050false
Blue-green pivuh22036054false
Cave troll240375true
Fledgling forest gryphon (1)25038050false
Frost angiswaerd260340false
Fledgling forest gryphon (2)28040058false
Armored shalswar30040076true
Young forest gryphon30042060false
Supple firecat300430false
Black marble gargoyle33054072true
Damaska boar39040080false
Giant snow hawk460670111false
Black ape490750105false
Black goblin500720105true
Enraged tusky500750false
Misty black zephyr525760false
Fuligin umbral moth (2)1,1001,500170false
Shadowfrost moth1,4501,750195false
Void black umbral moth (2)1,4501,750185false

Monsters With Boxes

 Min SkillCapCreature
Malodorous bucca506512false
Young cave troll8517022true
Graverobber (1)100125false
Maiden's tress12021531false
Retch fiend12517528false
Lithe blight ogre14015033true
Stumpy blight ogre15023039true
Decaying blightwater nyad150250false
Rotting deadwood dryad15025036false
Sickly blightwater nyad16025039false
Matron's tress175250false
Giant blight ogre18025044true
Cave troll240375true
Armored shalswar30040076true
Black marble gargoyle33054072true
Dragon Priest purifier35049076false
Dragon Priest crone37542576false
Mountain giant37553072false
Dragon Priest juggernaut40050076false
Dragon Priest zealot40052076false
Vile plague wraith45065089false
Zombie stomper46062584false
Zombie mauler50067092false
Black goblin500720105true
Zombie head-splitter600733105false
Ragged wind hag700950135false
Dragon Priest assassin7501,100150false
Dragon Priest intercessor9501,300170false
Vicious Dragon Priest intercessor1,1001,600171false
Jeol moradu1,2001,500175false

Constructs (Empath-Safe)

See Empath hunting ladder for a list of all Empath-huntable monsters.

 Min SkillCapCreature
Black marble gargoyle33054072truetruetrue

Undead Monsters

Incorporeal monsters require a blessed weapon to hit.

Empaths can hunt the undead without experiencing shock by using the ritual spell of Absolution. See Empath hunting ladder for more details.

 Min SkillCapCreature
Giant blight bat9017025falsetruetrue
Mutant togball130165falsetruetrue
Rotting deadwood dryad15025036truefalsetrue
Decaying blightwater nyad150250truefalsetrue
Sickly blightwater nyad16025039truefalsetrue
Sinuous ice adder20030050falsetruetrue
Icy blue ghast280430falsefalsetrue
Vile plague wraith45065089truefalsetrue
Zombie stomper46062584truefalsetrue
Zombie mauler50067092truefalsetrue
Enraged tusky500750falsetruetrue
Misty black zephyr525760falsetruefalse
Zombie head-splitter600733105truefalsetrue
Lesser North Wind banshee9001,300160falsefalsefalse