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*Uses Enlightened Geometry mana levels to determine the attunement cost.
*Uses Enlightened Geometry mana levels to determine the attunement cost.
*Creates a ritual circle in your room which provides a self-only buff to two stats when {{com|invoke}}d. The circle is destroyed when invoked.
*{{in|Charisma}}/{{in|Wisdom}}: Durgaulda, Yoakena, Ismenia, Er'qutra
*The planet used determines which stats are buffed.
*{{in|Discipline}}/{{in|Intelligence}}: Estrilda, Penhetia, Morleena, Amlothi
*{{in|Reflex}}/{{in|Agility}}: Verena, Szeldia, Merewalda, Dawgolesh
:*{{in|Charisma}}/{{in|Wisdom}}: Durgaulda, Yoakena, Ismenia, Er'qutra
:*{{in|Discipline}}/{{in|Intelligence}}: Estrilda, Penhetia, Morleena, Amlothi
:*{{in|Reflex}}/{{in|Agility}}: Verena, Szeldia, Merewalda, Dawgolesh
*Invoking a second circle while still under the effects of a previously invoked circle will result in death if the buffs provided are different.
*Invoking a second circle while still under the effects of a previously invoked circle will not result in death if the buffs provided are the same, even if created with different moons.
*{{com|break}} {{tt|cirlce}} will destroy a circle without invoking it, as will leaving the room. Circles will otherwise last indefinitely until either dispelled or invoked. The spell's duration begins at the moment the circle is invoked.
*Only one circle per caster may exist at any given time, although multiple circles from multiple casters can exist in the same room.
*{{com|focus}}ing on a circle will provide information on which planet it represents, which stats it buffs, and who created it.


Revision as of 09:03, 19 September 2014

Mm thumb.jpgMoon Mage Guild

Invocation of the Spheres
Abbreviation: IOTS
Prerequisites: Moongate, completion of a quest
Signature: Yes
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: ritual / augmentation, utility
Difficulty: esoteric
Prep (min/max): 150 / 600
Skill Range (min/max): 250 / 1000
Valid Spell Target: Self, Special
Duration (min/max): Unknown minutes /
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: Previous generations of Moon Mages temporarily augmented their minds and bodies with rituals to call down energy from the moons. While this magic has been lost, rumor has it that it was an echo of a far older ritual that drew upon the power of the planets, where stellar magic and divine symbolism mix in strange ways.

This is a ritual spell, which means that it requires a high amount of mana to use. These mana costs can be alleviated somewhat by invoking the proper ritual focus while preparing the spell. It affects yourself. It requires a minimum of one hundred fifty mana streams, and can expand to a maximum of six hundred mana streams woven into it.

To begin to be able to cast this spell, you will need to reach the rank of a 50th degree adept. By the time you have mastered this spell, you will be ranked as a guru in your abilities as a caster. It requires the Augmentation and Utility skills to cast effectively.

Effect: +{{{buffs}}}, -{{{debuffs}}}, {{{dtype}}}, {{{htype}}}, +Int./+Dis., +Wis./+Cha, or +Ref./+Agi.
Example Messaging: You gesture.

The mental strain of this pattern is considerably eased by your ritual focus.
A red-orange nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The molten light continues speeds up as it descends, until it resolves into a rapidly churning disk a foot off the ground.

Invoking the Circle:
You draw your hand into the molten disk. Fiery energy races up your arm and into your body with a violent rush! Within a moment the circle is consumed.
The burning energy settles into your body after a few spikes of pain. You feel much lighter on your feet.

Death by Invoking Multiple Ritual Circles:
You step inside the ring of hieroglyphs. The glowing figures arc up and inward, swirling around your head. Each element of the ritual circle spins in front of your eyes, incomprehensible yet somehow meaningful.
The circle's energy settles into your mind, making it easier to think analytically.
Ripping pain shoots through your body as the conflicting energies of two invocations discharge uncontrollably!

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.


  • Uses Enlightened Geometry mana levels to determine the attunement cost.
  • Creates a ritual circle in your room which provides a self-only buff to two stats when INVOKEd. The circle is destroyed when invoked.
  • The planet used determines which stats are buffed.
  • Invoking a second circle while still under the effects of a previously invoked circle will result in death if the buffs provided are different.
  • Invoking a second circle while still under the effects of a previously invoked circle will not result in death if the buffs provided are the same, even if created with different moons.
  • BREAK CIRLCE will destroy a circle without invoking it, as will leaving the room. Circles will otherwise last indefinitely until either dispelled or invoked. The spell's duration begins at the moment the circle is invoked.
  • Only one circle per caster may exist at any given time, although multiple circles from multiple casters can exist in the same room.
  • FOCUSing on a circle will provide information on which planet it represents, which stats it buffs, and who created it.


Stats Planet Circle description CAST messaging INVOKE messaging
Charisma/Wisdom Durgaulda a shimmering circle of shade
LOOK: A circular patch of shade hangs nearby, looking very much like a cloud shadow. In addition to lacking the cloud to go with it, the shade's unnatural character is betrayed through a subtle but constant silver shimmer in its depths.
A murky black nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The dark cloud floats gently downward until it settles into a disk-like shape a foot off the ground.
You step inside the shimmering shade. You close your eyes and concentrate, allowing the shadows to gradually seep into you.
The circle's energy settles into your mind. Upon reflection, the world doesn't seem nearly as complex as it did a moment ago.
Charisma/Wisdom Yoakena a circle of green vapors
LOOK: A circular cloud of vapors hovers about a foot above the ground. While from a distance it looks like green gas held suspended in the air, upon closer observation it... doesn't look right. There is no odor, and the circle, upon inspection, seems more translucent than vaporous.
A faint green nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The nebula floats gently downward until it settles into a disk-like shape a foot off the ground.
You step inside the the circle of green vapors. You close your eyes and concentrate, allowing the vapors to gradually seep into you.
The circle's energy settles into your mind. Upon reflection, the world doesn't seem nearly as complex as it did a moment ago.
Charisma/Wisdom Ismenia a sunlit circle
LOOK: A circular band of yellow light, looking for all the world like a turgid sunbeam, hovers about a foot off the ground. On closer inspection, the circle's resemblance to sunlight falls away: the light is slightly off-colour compared to any variation of the Sun you have seen.
A bright yellow nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The unnatural sunlight floats gently downward until it settles into a disk-like shape a foot off the ground.
You step inside the the disk of turgid sunlight. You close your eyes and concentrate, allowing the sunlight to gradually seep into you.
The circle's energy settles into your mind. Upon reflection, the world doesn't seem nearly as complex as it did a moment ago.
Charisma/Wisdom Er'qutra a circle of grey dust
LOOK: A cloud of grey and black motes is suspended approximately a foot off the ground. The material within the cloud billows around, but an unseen force seems to contain it within a disk-shaped circle. On closer examination, what appeared to be dust and grit is nothing so substantial: the motes of the cloud are tiny spheres of colour, seemingly without mass.
A gritty dusk nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The condensed cloud of dust floats gently downward until it settles into a disk-like shape a foot off the ground.
You step inside the the billowing dust cloud. You close your eyes and concentrate, allowing the dust to gradually seep into you.
The circle's energy settles into your mind. Upon reflection, the world doesn't seem nearly as complex as it did a moment ago.
Discipline/Intelligence Estrilda a green circle of letters
LOOK: An unbroken circle of letters slowly spins in the air a foot off the ground. The letters are written in bright green light, vivid but not hard on the eyes. They resemble the Common alphabet in a sense, but appear to twist and change as you focus on them.
A lush green nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The light condenses into a broad column as it descends. The column collapses upon itself a foot off the ground and fades away, leaving behind a circle of unintelligible symbols.
You step inside the circle of curving letters. The green letters arc up and inward, swirling around your head. Each element of the ritual circle spins in front of your eyes, incomprehensible yet somehow meaningful.
The circle's energy settles into your mind, making it easier to think analytically.
Discipline/Intelligence Penhetia a brown circle of runes
LOOK: Three concentric rings of dirt-brown symbols hang suspended a foot off the ground. The symbols are from no language you recognize, resembling runic script more than anything.
A dusty brown nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The nebula condenses into a broad column as it descends. The column collapses upon itself a foot off the ground and fades away, leaving behind a circle of unintelligible symbols.
You step inside the concentric rings of blocky symbols. The brown images arc up and inward, swirling around your head. Each element of the ritual circle spins in front of your eyes, incomprehensible yet somehow meaningful.
The circle's energy settles into your mind, making it easier to think analytically.
Discipline/Intelligence Morleena an orange circle of hieroglyphs
LOOK: A ring of hieroglyphs slowly spins in the air a foot off the ground. Composed out of a steady orange light, the hieroglyphs are clear to see but in no way bright. The hieroglyphs resemble images of labor and animals, but correspond to no language you recognize.
A warm orange nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The light condenses into a broad column as it descends. The column collapses upon itself a foot off the ground and fades away, leaving behind a circle of unintelligible symbols.
You step inside the ring of hieroglyphs. The glowing figures arc up and inward, swirling around your head. Each element of the ritual circle spins in front of your eyes, incomprehensible yet somehow meaningful.
The circle's energy settles into your mind, making it easier to think analytically.
Discipline/Intelligence Amlothi a yellow-green circle of numbers
LOOK: Three concentric rings of numbers and mathematical symbols spin in the air a foot off the ground. Each ring of figures is composed of flickering yellow-green light and the middle ring spins counter to the direction of the outer two. The numbers and signs are familiar enough, but are somehow impossible to keep track of, perhaps even changing when your eyes are off them.
A yellow-green nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The light condenses into a broad column as it descends. The column collapses upon itself a foot off the ground and fades away, leaving behind a circle of unintelligible symbols.
You step inside the concentric circles of numbers. The flickering equations arc up and inward, swirling around your head. Each element of the ritual circle spins in front of your eyes, incomprehensible yet somehow meaningful.
The circle's energy settles into your mind, making it easier to think analytically.
Reflex/Agility Verena a fiery circle
LOOK: A rapidly spinning disk of fiery light floats about a foot off the ground. The light is a bright red-orange which hurts to directly look at, but the flow of the disk resembles more a liquid mass. A high-pitched keening emanates from the disk as it spins and bits of mass are occasionally thrown off and dissipate into the air.
A red-orange nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The molten light speeds up as it descends, until it resolves into a rapidly churning disk a foot off the ground.
You draw your hand into the molten disk. Fiery energy races up your arm and into your body with a violent rush! Within a moment the circle is consumed.
The burning energy settles into your body after a few spikes of pain. You feel much lighter on your feet.
Reflex/Agility Szeldia an unstable monochromatic circle
LOOK: A disk made of equal amounts vivid white light and unnatural shadow spins a foot off the ground. In addition to its rapid spin, the two masses within the disk flow back and forth against each other, causing the disk to dip and wobble perilously. A high-pitched keening emanates from the disk as it spins.
A black and white nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The nebula speeds up as it descends, until it resolves into a rapidly churning disk a foot off the ground.
You draw your hand into the unstable disk. Light and shadows race up your arm and into your body with a violent rush! Within a moment the circle is consumed.
The burning energy settles into your body after a few spikes of pain. You feel much lighter on your feet.
Reflex/Agility Merewalda a churning blue circle
LOOK: A deep blue disk violently spins about a foot off the ground. By some bizarre perceptual twist, the disk maintains a dark blue colour while somehow producing so much luminescence that it hurts to stare at directly. A high-pitched keening emanates from the disk as it spins and bits of mass are occasionally thrown off, to dissipate in the air.
A deep blue nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The harsh light speeds up as it descends, until it resolves into a rapidly churning disk a foot off the ground.
You draw your hand into the strangely bright disk. A fluid torrent of energy races up your arm and into your body with a violent rush! Within a moment the circle is consumed.
The burning energy settles into your body after a few spikes of pain. You feel much lighter on your feet.
Reflex/Agility Dawgolesh a blinding white circle
LOOK: It is impossible to get a good look at the disk, due to the unrelenting presence of blinding white light. You detect hints of movement underneath the glare and hear a constant sizzling tone, but you can feel neither air movement or heat.
A stark white nebula forms high in the sky. Currents spin within the nebula as it condenses and descends toward you.
The searing light speeds up as it descends, until it resolves into a rapidly churning disk a foot off the ground.
You draw your hand into the blinding mass of light. The light races up your arm and into your body with a violent rush! Within a moment the circle is consumed.
The burning energy settles into your body after a few spikes of pain. You feel much lighter on your feet.

Known Invocation Integration Levels

  • Haphazardly
  • Badly
  • Poorly
  • Decently
  • Skillfully
  • Masterfully
  • Perfectly


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