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<br><br>The First Land Herald is a publication dedicated to the current events of [[Zoluren]], the "first land". When possible, it may also report on other events throughout [[Kermoria]].<br>
<br><br>[[Publication pretty name is::The First Land Herald]][[Publication name is::FLH| ]] is a publication dedicated to the current events of [[Zoluren]]; "Zohlu Ren" is Gamgweth for First Land. When possible, the Herald may also report on other events throughout [[Kermoria]].&thinsp;<ref>'''Disclaimer''': All articles are written by players and submitted to a [[GM]] before being published in game. Articles are written In Character and represent the PC author's interpretation of events.</ref>

'''Editor in Chief:''' [[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
'''Lead Archivist:''' [[Saragos|Saragos Daerthon]]<br>
'''Editor in Chief:''' [[Navesi]]<br>
'''Assistant Reporter:''' [[Oscearo|Oscearo Stillwater]]<br>
'''Reporters:''' [[Shaylynne]], [[Illiya]]<br>
'''Assistant Reporter:''' [[Ruea]]<br>
'''Archivists:''' [[Diapsid]], [[Whiteburn]]<br>
'''Occasional or Guest Reporters:''' [[Miskton]], [[Mazrian]], [[Saragos]], [[Tirost]]<br>
'''Former Reporters:''' [[Leyhan]], [[Shannera]], [[Marcul]], [[Oscearo]], [[Klines]], [[Simera]], [[Tyrrum]], [[Izimi]] <br>

==Publication In Game==
The Herald now offers newsletters exclusively IN GAME FIRST for at least a day or two, possibly longer depending on when our staff can get the articles posted on the wiki. Thus if you want to be sure to read the news and get it as it happens, head to one of the imp locations in game.

*For updates when an article is published in game, follow [ @Dragonrealms] on Twitter.
*For updates when an article is archived here on elanthipedia, or other news about the Herald, follow [ @FirstLandHerald].

The Herald is proud to be partnered with the imps of Elanthia! Copies of the latest edition can be obtained from news stands manned by imps. Visit and GET NEWS. Currently located at most docks, and a few other places.
The Herald is proud to be partnered with the imps of Elanthia! Copies of the latest edition can be obtained from news stands manned by imps. Visit and {{com|GET}} {{tt|NEWS}} for 50 coppers. Currently located at most docks, and a few other places.

In [[Genie]], the following <code>#goto</code> commands work if you're on a map with a news stand:
*<code>#goto newspaper</code>
*<code>#goto news stand</code>
*<code>#goto First Land Herald</code>
*<code>#goto Herald</code>

{| border="1" class="wikitable sortable"
{| border="1" class="wikitable sortable"
!'''Room Title'''||'''Description'''||'''Genie Zone'''||'''Genie Room'''||'''#goto'''||'''Lich room'''
!'''Room Title'''||'''Description'''||'''Genie Zone'''||'''Genie Room'''||'''Lich Room'''
|[The Crossing, Hodierna Way]||east of bank||1||160||#goto bank, out, e||731
|The Crossing, Hodierna Way||east of bank||1||160||731
|[The Crossing Docks, South End]||Skirr'lo'lasu dock||1||169||#goto dock||937
|The Crossing Docks, South End||Skirr'lo'lasu dock||1||169||937
|[The Crossing, Alfren's Ferry]||ferry dock||1||236||#goto ferry||957
|The Crossing, Alfren's Ferry||ferry dock||1||236||957
|[Riverhaven, Town Square]||town square||30||8||#goto town square||389
|Riverhaven, Town Square||town square||30||8||389
|[Riverhaven, East Pier]||Lybadel and Kree'la dock||30||104||#goto dock||471
|Riverhaven, East Pier||Lybadel and Kree'la dock||30||104||471
|[Langenfirth, Wharf]||barge dock||40||36||#goto wharf||3434
|Langenfirth, Wharf||barge dock||40||36||3434
|[Therenborough, Horseman's Run]||one north of gate||42||3|| ||3162
|Therenborough, Horseman's Run||one north of gate||42||3||3162
|[Shard, Moonstone Street]||just outside bank||67||81||#goto bank, out||2512
|Shard, Moonstone Street||just outside bank||67||81||2512
|[Ratha, Port Walk]||outside Neh dock||90||4|| ||
|Ratha, Port Walk||outside Neh dock||90||4||
|[Uaro Dock, Port of Ratha]||Night Sky dock||90||234||#goto uaro dock||
|Uaro Dock, Port of Ratha||Night Sky dock||90||234||
|[Uasin Dock, Port of Ratha]||Tasia'zaul dock||90||0||#goto uasin dock, go ramp||
|Uasin Dock, Port of Ratha||Tasia'zaul dock||90||262||
|[Mer'Kresh, The Galley Dock]||galley dock||107||113||#goto galley||
|Mer'Kresh, The Galley Dock||galley dock||107||113||
|Fang Cove, Walkway||just outside bank||150||10||
|Outer Hibarnhvidar, Market Road||outside The Singing Raven||116||13||
|Aesry Surlaenis'a, Staho Pivo'hrr'schu'Mus||by the Crystal Wave||99||93||

* Note: There are other NPCs present in the game who sell newssheets, but only imps will sell the newsletter that has the Herald. Other newssheets are very much out of date.
==Latest Issues==


Dear readers, it is with some trepidation that I bring this news to you. You must understand that it is my duty to present to you information that has been vetted to the highest degree, with sources entirely accounted for and a focus on eye witnesses. Facts are foremost. However, I have encountered a situation in which finding such firm facts has proven somewhat elusive, yet it is important enough that I feel it is my duty to bring it to your attention anyway.

A magical white donkey has been spotted by numerous witnesses at taverns and some Order events, mostly accompanying the married couple [[Tasivu]] and [[Inlagie]] on their whirlwind honeymoon tour. I investigated myself at the Half Pint Inn in the [[Crossing]], when I heard of a raucous gathering there. I can confirm that the donkey appeared and magically produced a number of foods and drinks, which it also helped itself to. It also provided several [[Item:Saemaus' kiss rose|Saemaus kiss roses]], of the type used to bond souls together in matrimony, as well as some various trinkets. The air was festive, and it was quite apparent that this creature must be a servant of the great god [[Saemaus]]. However, curiously, it ignored my warnings that a [[Necromancer]] was present, despite the blithering corpse-lover actually singing of his fondness of Necromancy.

Here is where my account grows fuzzy. At first, I felt I must have inadvertently imbibed too deeply; later I would suspect otherwise. At the time, I only knew that there were many merry-makers enjoying a boisterous party into the wee hours.

I caught wind of another party in [[Hibarnhvidar]] a few andaen later and managed to attend that one as well. Once again, my memory of the event is unclear, although I am certain that I attended with every intention and will to remain a sober observer. I can only say that this party went much like the first. Given my firm resolve and that this was the second time I was affected, I must speculate that the mere presence of the donkey brings with it a general thrill to the senses, which may result in memory loss.

Visionist [[Miskton]] was kind enough to provide me with an account of another meeting with the donkey. This time, strangely, it appeared at a lecture on Necromancy in [[Therengia]], presented by the [[Order of the Dragon Shield]]. Miskton too noticed the intoxicating effect of the equine and in fact prepared a [[Psychic Shield]] in an attempt to ward his mind. Otherwise, its actions were much the same: more procurement of food and drink and spontaneous festivities. However, one event stood out. A [[Dwarf|Dwarven]] woman present by the name of [[Urmira]] looked into the distance with a wistful tear, then suddenly dropped dead. [[Empath|Empaths]] present examined her and discovered that her chest cavity had been mysteriously destroyed. She was as confused by the death as anyone, only remarking that she missed her "guildmates" and that the last thing she remembered before dying was a feeling of sadness at not seeing them. She said, "All that time... making toys for others... in isolation... I never saw them again," and, "It came so sudden. I haven't seen them in many years." She was not able to say anything more of note.

Miskton also relayed to me that something strange happened at a different gathering. A woman he identified as [[Berima]] was participating in the party happily, but suddenly experienced a change of demeanor. Miskton told me, "Her eyes rolled back in her head and she grew still, then her voice went low and husky as she said, 'Worms within the dead limbs still lend the tree life.' Her hands trembled, then her eyes snapped open and she went on like nothing had happened."

These oddities certainly lend an air of mystery to the otherwise benign donkey. Still, as befits all pious denizens of our lands, I recommend giving heartily in offerings to Saemaus. As the holy week of [[Glythtide]] approaches, there can be no better time. Forget not His other aspect as well, [[Be'ort]], who will want for offerings to appease Him in a measure with Saemaus.

In holy revelry let us prepare for the coming festival and rejoice in our bonds of love.

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
True Bard, Zoluren's Herald<br>
Editor in Chief of [[the First Land Herald]]


I was contacted today by [[Ysei]] Sanar, a local [[Trader]], who told me that she witnessed what is in my view a profoundly disturbing event. What follows is as she described.

Some andaen ago, a researcher by the name of [[Dehvra]] Valdish, of Valdish Enterprises, paid a visit to the Trader guild. She gave a brief presentation in which she revealed that her principal aim was to "[attempt] a controlled access of the [[Plane of Probability]]" in order to predict market forces. She said she planned to build upon the work one of her employees had begun, though he was most thoroughly unsuccessful and died in his endeavor.

For any who may not know the current position of the Trader guild (though I detailed it thoroughly in a previous article), only three years ago it successfully completed negotiations with the [[Arbiter in Darkness]], a Greater Concept of the Plane of Probability. Thanks to the diplomacy of Lord [[Veahmic]] Turmar, an esteemed elder Trader, the guild was granted access to numerous magical spells of the Lunar variety, though they are quite unlike any known to the [[Moon Mage]] guild. These spells are taught in our Plane by a plural being called the [[Negotiants]], a mosaic of tesserae, spun glass, and refracted light. However, in addition to the agreement to grant such vast power, very clearly written into the contract was that the guild must never touch the Plane of Probability.

Dehvra claimed that she had discovered a loophole: "By working through several shell proxies, I believe I can increase the time delay between access and information utilization, which as I outlined previously, evokes the simultaneity clause of my contract amendment." According to Ysei's understanding, the contract stated that the Arbiter must act within a certain time period, and so if Dehvra could delay enough, it would supposedly not be allowed to stop her from utilizing the Plane of Probability.

Today, Dehvra appeared at the guild again and enacted her experimental venture to access the forbidden Plane. She began by creating several illusory copies of herself of coalesced crystal and starlight — the first demonstration of such ability, I might add — which were only discernible by a slight glistening and their tendency to repeatedly perform actions in a series of loops. These copies began to sketch in the air a radiant series of elaborate and extraordinarily complex equations, including such defined terms as "Mean Frequency of Energized [[Crystal_Dart|Crauyarin]]," "Variation in [[Resumption]] Recall," and "Price of Steel vs. [[Xibar]] Phase." This display seemed to form in cadence with Dehvra's concentration, growing rapidly in areas of little concern and much slower in those where she paused to regard them. As it finished, each copy stepped backward and vanished.

Suddenly, Dehvra stared at her hand, and Ysei was aware of what seemed to be an infinite number of Dehvras, as if she were caught between two mirrors.

Dehvra began to scream.

Each mirror image started to shake and then to change. One was dressed in ragged and filthy robes, another bleeding from the eyes, another cradling a baby, on and on. This cascading series began to vibrate, a high keening sound building. The floor cracked and strained and gusts of searing heat and shocking cold billowed around the room. Staring at Dehvra, Ysei found that she was looking instead at the back of her own head. She could only describe this experience as the embodiment of a contradiction.

With a screech of shattering glass, the Negotiants suddenly unfolded from empty air, extending fractal extremities that bristled with red hot crystal needles. They lashed out at the remaining illusions, shattering them, and Ysei heard their crystalline voices in her mind: "You are in breach of contract, Dehvra Valdish, and your gifts are forfeit."

The Negotiants exploded into tendrils and razor-wire and began to spin them rapidly around Dehvra, lashing into her and extracting her embedded avtalia crystals. (I'm told that surgically implanting such an [[Avtalia_Array|array]] is a common procedure now.) They etched a cube of starlight around her head, which appeared to immobilize her. Horrifically, they then proceeded to cleanly remove the crown of her skull, tendrils writhing into her exposed brain.

After a few agonizing moments, the tendrils retracted, the skull fragment was replaced and the wound cauterized. The Negotiants began etching a series of starlight diagrams in a perimeter around Dehvra, apparently attempting to contain the contradiction, which appeared to be growing. A mass of shadow and light, space warped and crackled around it, reflections of shattered perspective and prismatic hues of raw starlight and inky darkness rippling against the far walls of the room. Frost dripped from the air around its border, sizzling as it hit the ground, which also rippled from the unseen forces. The room dimensions seemed to shift.

Although the Negotiants continued their work, soon their containment diagrams began to flex and bulge, before finally shattering. Dehvra was gone. From every right angle sprang maddened [[zenzic|zenzics]] and [[starcrasher|starcrashers]]. The area pitched like the deck of a ship in a storm. Most present lost their lives in the ensuing invasion.

In time, the invasion was quelled. At the end of it, Trader [[Jep]] reported that he saw the Negotiants reappear, saying something about "possibilities were accounted for," before returning to their usual location within the [[Crossing]] guildhall.

Master Trader [[Rafano]] also reported seeing some "after-images" of Dehvra. "In the first, her face was bloodied. She was silently screaming, beating her fists against an invisible wall. Then she vanished. In the second, her robes were torn. She was running in a panic. She glanced back over her shoulder, then tripped and fell on the ground. All this was silent… only images… like a spirit."

Aside from noting the staggering arrogance displayed today, I would like to add something I heard three years ago from Lady [[Lilena]], an incident that may be considered related. She spoke of an artifact guarded by her House, a set of books that contained "very particular mathematical formulae," notably advanced probability theory. These books were stolen by researchers interested in "seeing things more clearly." According to Lilena, the breach was "extremely brief, just long enough for the fools to get themselves killed." The Arbiter, you see, responded to their meddling, intercepting them before they could cause too much harm. However, as a side effect, a temporal distortion was created at the site of [[Ulf'Hara Keep]], sealing a portion of time away, "forever to repeat, but safely unable to become one with our time, our fate." This contact was the beginning of the now fateful dialogue between House [[Turmar]] and the Arbiter.

Fascinating that Lady Lilena described such a temporal bubble, for lack of a better term. And now it seems that Dehvra, too, is contained in some way, no longer on our Plane. Perhaps she is trapped in infinite other worlds, doomed to repeat forever as punishment for her transgression. I will pray to [[Harawep]] for her. But in the end, it may have been necessary in order to prevent her breach from consuming our very world.

Traders, you play with dangerous mathematics. I task you to stay within the boundaries of your Contract.

Remain vigilant.

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
True Bard, Zoluren's Herald<br>
Editor in Chief of [[the First Land Herald]]


Lately there has been a rash of undead "persons" sighted in the [[Crossing]], each showing signs of life and intelligence before its true nature was revealed. I am relaying a story as given to me by [[Vaila]], who was present through two important encounters that took place a few andaen ago.

Vaila told me that she arrived at the Crossing [[Empath]] guild, and there was a [[Human]] man present there, who "looked kind of bad and smelled worse." He mentioned that he was a farmer and said that he was looking for his son. Some time after, his son arrived, frantic. At this point the father said that he was in pain, over and over repeating "it hurts" and at one point saying "everything hurts." He screamed and threw back his head, and to Vaila's surprise, his head detached from his body. He died, decaying suddenly thereafter.

His son seemed at first to be in shock. In time, he revealed that the farmer had been dead for weeks. According to the son, the farmer had fallen ill and wasn't showing signs of improving. The son left to tend to some duties for a few days, and when he returned, his father was dead in bed. The son subsequently buried him. Thus the farmer's appearance at the Empath guild would seem to indicate that his body was animated by some foul force, which quite possibly didn't last.

The son said that he would visit the [[Crossing_High_Temple|Temple]], but upon others later following, he was not found there nor reportedly seen by anyone at the Temple.

Thus ends the tale of the first undead "person."

That same day, Vaila traveled to some farmlands in order to search for the farmer's family. During her searching, she had an encounter with the hated [[Necromancer]] [[Talinel]], an unknown [[S'Kra Mur]] man whom Talinel referred to as his "brother," and an [[Elven]] woman. Talinel threatened Vaila, telling her not to "poke her nose into this," and not to mention the S'Kra Mur again. Vaila bravely ignored his threats and returned to the Crossing to spread the tale. Talinel followed and made good on his threat, killing poor Vaila twice, but by the will of the gods she rose again.

Later, Vaila was invited to the Temple to discuss matters with Mother [[Whiteburn]], who naturally takes a great interest in the machinations of Necromancers. While there, the Elven woman she had seen with Talinel arrived, introducing herself as Jensia. However, an empath confirmed that this woman, too, was undead! Yet once again, this "Jensia" was able to hold an intelligent conversation, and even argued about her own state. According to Vaila, she claimed that she was "alive, though not in the same sense that she used to be. She admitted that she could be controlled by Talinel at any time, and that she could feel his presence… And she mentioned having more than one 'master.'" Furthermore, "Jensia" also claimed that when not controlled, she enjoyed walking the hills because they reminded her of home, and that she wanted to continue living, that she could think and feel.

Mother Whiteburn did the right and holy thing and destroyed this undead creature. Vaila recalled that "a black mist exited her body as she died."

However, today I was startled to encounter Vaila on the streets of the Crossing again, with a small crowd including an Elven woman. Vaila informed me that it was "Jensia," risen again! This is the first I have ever seen or heard of an undead being rising again after being dispatched, save for the powerful lieutenants of [[Lyras]] herself.

Thus we can conclude:

- There are creatures, which I shall refer to as [[Risen]], who are undead but appear to all outward senses as living, including in the appearance of skin and hair and all such extremities. They can also conduct intelligent conversation and therefore pass for the Eleven, although they may be discovered by the life senses of an Empath. They may or may not feel pain or truly recall their past experiences.<br>
- These Risen appear to be linked to Necromancers who can command and control them. The Necromancers may or may not relinquish this control at times. It is likely that the linked Necromancers are the ones animating the bodies.<br>
- Despite destruction, the Risen may be reanimated or reconstructed, to appear again at a later time.<br>
- Thus far the Risen do not appear to have the sheer strength of other undead creatures such as zombies and glass constructs. To the contrary, all reports so far indicate they are extremely weak.

Given these facts, we must remain vigilant against these creatures. If spotted, they should certainly be removed from meetings or private spaces, and ideally destroyed in an attempt to return to rest the bodies of the dead. However, I do note that they are thus far nonthreatening, so in some cases it may be permissible to allow them to remain fully constructed, so long as they are not posing an immediate danger or in a position to pass useful information on to their masters. Circumstances permitting, some intrepid researchers might capture one or two in order to discern how to destroy them permanently, or perhaps learn how to break their bond with their profane masters.

As an aside, I must say that I am reminded of the late [[Lady P]] (unknown - 351). For the uneducated, Lady Penelope was well known as an undead creature, though she was unaware of her state. I was fortunate enough to come across a copy of [[Vivviane]] Abdel-Messihh's book, The Deceived (Part II), in which she referred to Lady P as "a lich" but also a "beloved friend of the [[Moon Mage]] guild" who was "a fixture for many centuries." (See also [[Profiles_in_Magic,_Volume_7_(book)|Profiles in Magic, Volume 7]].) I suspect that this "lichdom" was in fact more similar to the Risen state, although it appears that Lady P had full access to her own faculties.

Lady P was the guardian of an artifact that posed a danger to living beings, and so it may be that the guild allowed her to remain animate in order to fulfill that role. She was also quite knowledgeable and taught many notable figures in the guild, including Guildleader [[Mortom]] Saist and Grandmaster [[Taramaine]] Braun, so it was apparent that she was valued for her centuries of accumulated understanding. Eventually, however, another undead "person" called [[Kellior]] plotted against her, posing as a [[Paladin]] and calling for her death. He recruited from the Crossing Paladins to accomplish the task and was subsequently killed by the famed Fateweaver [[Demosel]] (see [[Profiles in Magic, Volume 11]]), who was a close friend of Lady P.

Curious that such a clear product of Necromancy should so recently have been accepted by a sanctioned Guild. Could it be that Lady P's state was somehow of a more tolerable form, such that the gods would not show Their displeasure over the many centuries of her friendship with prominent people? Perhaps not even Necromancy itself? Still, I must make it perfectly clear that the current outbreak of Risen among us are most certainly linked to Necromancers, and due caution should be taken.


[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
True Bard, Zoluren's Herald<br>
Editor in Chief of [[the First Land Herald]]

=== 428-05-29 - THE CIRCLET OF ZOLUREN ===

Today I will tell you the tale of a mysterious artifact, which may or may not be of any import at all, and how it came to be at the center of a great Conflict between the righteous and the Evil.

The artifact in question was drawn to my attention by the Warrior Mage [[Tirost]], who called a general meeting in front of [[Asemath Academy]] some months ago to announce his discovery. He had at a previous point received an encrypted journal once belonging to a [[Prydaen]] called [[Lasika]] Priskorya, which he was able to decipher enough to obtain directions to a secret location she often used. There he found a small silver piece of circlet, set with a clear crystalline gem. Along with it was a note, which read in [[Gamgweth]], "That which to nature is perverse, the Eye of Light may yet reverse." Finally, Tirost described the strange sensation when focusing his magical senses upon the gem: "Rather than a pattern, or familiar type of magical energy, it felt rather like the absence of magical energy."

Tirost then said that he believed the silver piece was a reshaped part of what was originally the circlet worn by Prince [[Vorclaf]] during his confrontation with [[Lyras]]. His reasoning was as follows:

First, that Lasika was well known to have an obsession with the [[Merelew]], as evidenced by what she wrote in her journal. Thus she would have a potential interest in the royal family because of Princess [[Arilana]]'s Merelew lineage. This, coupled with her interest in Necromantic influence and the circlet's possible relation to [[Necromancy]] (see below), may have led her to pursue the circlet and obtain it somehow. Alternatively, she may have simply encountered a lost artifact while digging a tunnel, a pursuit for which she is famous. Tirost also pointed to a passage of Lasika's journal in which she discussed a helmet she had crafted to avoid being spied upon. He believed that she wanted to weld together different 'magical things' in an attempt to make this helmet, and may have been attracted to something like the circlet for that reason.

Second, that the note stored with the circlet piece indicated the potential to affect a [[Necromancer]], even to "reverse" his or her power. It is well known that certain artifacts are used to strip Necromancers of the "profane aegis," the demonic taint that prevents the gods from claiming their souls, and thus allow them to be killed permanently. Prince Vorclaf deposed his uncle [[Sirolarn]] and had him executed for Necromancy; an execution of a Necromancer would be quite difficult without such an artifact. Tirost hypothesized that perhaps Vorclaf's circlet gave him this power.

Finally, it must be noted that the circlet piece was of great interest to Necromancers, which they proved by brutally attacking Tirost at this meeting and absconding with it. I saw the well-known Necromancers [[Nefis]], [[Talinel]], and [[Jhien]] in the ambush, although the piece itself was taken by one I did not recognize. Thus, even if the evidence that it was originally Prince Vorclaf's was slim, it is clear that they believed it to be a threat. I heard Nefis upon the gwethdesuan network saying, "An item of that rumored power should not be in your hands!"

Naturally, this caught our interest. Those of us present on the side of the gods decided to meet again and develop a plan to take back the circlet piece from the Necromancers, and to search for any other pieces that might make the artifact whole. Tirost had spoken to Lasika's wife, [[Almiwey]], and believed it had been split into three in total.

I took to deciphering the journal with a fever, and in the end [[Rafano]], [[Collain]], and I were all able to crack the code. Many thanks go to my crew of [[Olvi]] copiers, who took the algorithm I created and used it to write out the many pages of the book in Common for us. Unfortunately, there was not much of interest within that Tirost had not already managed to decipher. It was mostly the ramblings of a woman most tragically insane.

Once the deciphering had finished, the interested parties met again at Taelbert's Inn. Upon discussing the circlet, we were approached by Andiolf, a servant of [[House Denesal]]. He told us that the circlet worn by Prince Vorclaf into battle was a simple circlet of silver on his helm, and clarified that it was definitely not the crown regalia. "Plain. No gems. Just a simple band fitted around a helm." This would seem to indicate that the piece Tirost found, set as it was with a gem, was unlikely to belong to the prince. However, given the interest of the Necromancers, and noting the possibility that Lasika may have added a gem or that a small gem may not have been noticed, we decided that we must continue our pursuit.

Unfortunately, we were once again visited by a Necromancer. We discovered that a woman who appeared to be an ordinary patron of the tavern was in actuality some sort of undead facsimile of a person, a fact which screeched against the senses of the Empaths present. After [[Perune]] favored us all by dispatching the creature, we were set upon by Talinel, though thankfully we were able to strike him down -- multiple times, in fact -- before he rallied his still-putrid flesh into a quivering arrangement capable of slinking away.

We agreed that we must not meet in public any longer and retreated to a private, warded location. I asked Miss [[Azettie]] Poppy to check Lasika's cave again for further clues, meanwhile Tirost, [[Kaelie]], and [[Oscearo]] set out to search for associates of Lasika by delving into the records of the mental hospital she once stayed at in [[Riverhaven]].

Their research bore fruit, as they discovered a local Olvi woman by the name of Bellula had spent some time at the hospital with Lasika. Tirost gathered more to his team and they found and approached her. Being somewhat of a nervous sort, she first tested them with riddles. After obtaining some kind of satisfaction, she revealed that she held onto a piece of silver for Lasika and seemed relieved to be rid of it. She gave this piece to [[Mazrian]].

Meanwhile, Miss Poppy sleuthed in the cave and managed to discover something Tirost had missed: a bit of encrypted note. Working quickly, she delivered it back to us and I deciphered it post haste. It read, "South of the good goat's milk, in the hole in the tree where [[Rihlo]] and I hid from the barky things." Rihlo was an earlier lover of Lasika, so it seemed certain the note was written by the mentally disordered Prydaen. A companion and I searched every tree we could think of, finally discovering a chest in -- well, perhaps I will leave you to riddle it out for yourself, if you're interested. The point is that we found the third piece.

At this point, Tirost gathered together as many warriors as he could muster to meet about confronting the Necromancers. Our spies had done good work, and we learned that they were holding their piece in order to perform some sort of ritual upon it. Most importantly, we also discovered the time and place, meaning that for once, we could be the ambushers! The group scouted the location and laid careful plans to stay nearby and spy upon the ritual until we could confirm that they had the piece.

Impressively, the plan worked. Fortunately there were few of them, and many of us. We stormed into the cave where they had begun their foul work and quickly slew the lot -- except for one who had the quickness to escape upon our arrival. It saddened me to see them all together, ragged and in pursuit of such dark ends. When will they learn?

Finally, we had all three pieces in our possession, and I must admit, they are of a volume that suggests they might really have been a full circlet previously. Unfortunately, a thorough Bardic examination revealed nothing as to their provenance, nor did I detect anything with my magical senses -- certainly not any sort of "absence" as Tirost mentioned. But who knows what the Necromancers managed to accomplish.

The next step will be to return these pieces to the [[House_Sorvendig|Crown]]. I know the chances are slim, but if they hold any significance at all to His Highness, they will be seen home. It is with some sadness that I send them off, knowing as I do that their power and history remain a mystery, but I do rejoice in that we most likely succeeded in thwarting whatever evil plan was laid by those Necromancers.


[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald, True Bard<br>
Editor in Chief of [[the First Land Herald]]


Many persons in this land are aware of the dangers posed by sorcerous magics, yet it is not every day that one has the opportunity to observe at first hand the most calamitous effects that such powers may have upon those who attempt their practice. Lately, however, the world has been afforded a stunning case study in the perils of [[sorcery]], as well as in the resilience of a young woman who fell prey to the malign workings of this most unnatural of magics.

Some may have heard, being spoken abroad this past winter season, the name of [[Iskra]]; still others may have met her and heard her own voice as she lately spoke out quite strongly in warning against sorcery. For Iskra, a young [[Prydaen]] who had once studied as a [[Warrior Mage]], had cause to know better than most the ill effects of sorcery. In the course of her studies and experimentations, she had had the great misfortune to fall prey to a sorcerous spell of her own devising, which escaped her control and seemed to take on a life of its own, and alas for Miss Iskra, the place at which the spell decided to take up residence in its lively workings was inside the space of her own head.

Iskra, a mere novice in the guild but possessed of any young mage's abundant inquisitiveness towards magic in all its forms, had according to her own account been perusing a text in the [[Crossing]] [[Empath]] Guild detailing various life and healing spells. Not realizing the terrible consequences that might result in doing so, the young elemental magic student attempted in her curiosity to cast one of these spells herself, but, unsurprisingly, found this impossible to do. However, Iskra sadly did not give up the matter at this point, but instead persisted in her efforts. Being particularly an aficionado of lightning magics and having yet learned few Warrior Mage spells beyond the most elementary, Iskra reported that she had attempted to use the magical concepts which she understood from the lightning spell [[Gar Zeng]] to help her cast the empathic spell, with fearsome results. The most horrible lightnings created thereby, compounded of elemental and life magics twisted unnaturally together, rose up like a great storm inside the mind of the poor mage and proceeded at once to wreak havoc there. Such an encounter with a sorcerous spell has never before been recorded.

Losing first her sight, then even the ability to sense elemental mana, the young Prydaen in a steady succession of disasters in time found herself in hospital and cared for by empaths who brought her forth from a state of deepest insensibility, but were next to powerless in the face of her affliction's most awful progress. Iskra gave up all hope of regaining her facility with the elements and took up the mantle of a [[moon mage]] instead, at which point she began bravely to speak up throughout [[Zoluren]] on the dangers posed by sorcery, both to the unwary and to the overly ambitious. But most sadly, Iskra's condition continued still to decline, until her body was left entirely paralyzed, even as the ferocious lightnings continued to rampage vigorously about in her head. It was thought she could live but a short while longer in such a state, and one might have thought her entirely lost.

But happily, all hope was not yet expired for poor Miss Iskra. Though she had lost her magic, her sight, and even at the last the ability to stir so much as a finger, she had not lost her allies. Aid was sought by them from Grand Inquisitor [[Liurilias]], a fellow Prydaen with both knowledge and experience of magical curses, and before too many days more had passed, he was brought to Iskra's side where she lay at the Half Pint Inn, helpless and suffering. A number of other allies were brought there also, to lend their own gifts to the ritual which it was hoped would banish the sorcerous magics from Iskra's head and harmlessly contain them in such a way that they could not cause further mischief. Besides Father Liurilias, [[Perune]], [[Ayrell]], [[Ruea]], [[Annais]], and the author of this account were all assembled to assist in the ritual, and later on were joined by [[Elec]]. Though Father Liurilias had the lead of the ritual, still each person present had their part to play, and their own small bit of assistance to lend.

Father Liurilias began by directing his prayers to the [[Triquetra]], the traditional gods of the Prydaen people, and it was clear to those present that his prayers were listened to, and answered in the most literal sense. He seemed to hear the voices of the gods in his own head, and translated their demands, first into words, and then into action. Iskra herself was wrapped carefully up for warmth, and where she lay stretched at length upon the floor of the Bards' Corner, figurines of the Prydaen gods were placed on either side of her head. Most importantly of all, a vessel was created for the containment of the spell once it would be purged from Iskra's mind, and this took the form of a tiny wooden bead carved by the Cleric in the shape of a cat's head. The Empath Annais was called upon by the Triquetra, through the translation of Father Liurilias, to invest the bead with life and vigor, and this being done, Father Liurilias himself intoned several mystical words in Prydaenese, while tracing symbol upon symbol over the surface of the bead, each in turn flaring and then appearing to sink into the ebony surface without a trace.

In addition to the Triquetran figurines and the vessel to hold and neutralize the sorcerous spell, a small portion of the elements was also required for the proper working of the ritual. This was provided by those other persons who were present that had some connection to the elements, and each of these in turn took in hand an amulet of [[senci]], provided by the Warrior Mage Perune, and invested it with a bit of the essence of Fire, Electricity, Water, and lastly also of Mind or Will. Meantime Ruea created in traceries of holy water upon Iskra's brow, the sign of the Triquetra, and this being done, the amulet was placed there on the sufferer's forehead, in the center of the sign.

Father Liurilias then turned his attention upon Iskra herself, and caused a pure white light to shine forth from his hands and to wrap the afflicted young woman briefly in their brilliance. The Cleric began an incantation in Prydaenese, pressed the wooden bead into Iskra's limp hand, and began to sing a song in praise of the Triquetra and the beauty, comfort, and wisdom with which they have filled this mortal world of ours. He finally concluded with these words: "Blessed [[Eu-Demrris-Tenemlor]], hear the entreaty of your Chosen. Let your will take place to mend this kit broken by untimely happenstance. The vessel is prepared, bless it that it may draw the hurt from her body, mind, and soul. Enliven the token of [[Demrris]]' vitality that it may rejuvenate the flesh of her form and give the life you ever intended she have."

And as Father Liurilias then sat back peacefully, bright light like silvery flames began to flicker and flash between the figurines on either side of Iskra's head, and from thence to the amulet upon her brow, and finally to the cat's-head bead cradled in her palm, where it settled with a pure white brilliance that was nearly blinding. As this came to pass, Iskra's body began first to twitch, then to spasm, and then to contort itself into the most agonizing forms and gyrations, while a hideous purple-brown smoke began to flow from her neck, and a fearsome white froth to pour forth from her mouth and nose. Just when it began to seem that her frail body could take no more, a small ball of light, of the most evil violet hue, burst forth from her neck in a fountain of blood, and proceeded to waver between the two statues, shoving fierce electrical tendrils at either one while emitting the most hideous shrieks, as if of agony and fury. But at the last, with another terrible shriek, a roar of wrath, and a brilliant pulsing and flash of lightning forklets, the malicious spell energies vanished over the carven surface of the ebony bead, as entirely as if they had never been at all.

All of those looking on were naturally quite impressed by this extraordinary display, and no less so to see that with the vanishment of the purple light, so too had the wound in the young Prydaen's neck disappeared, and even the pool of blood that it had so painfully produced. Iskra, left quite exhausted by her ordeal, nonetheless had regained not only an appetite, but all mobility and even the eyesight which she had been without for so long, though very sensitive from disuse. And so after a short time of speaking with her and ascertaining the weakened but promising state of her mental and physical condition, the allies who had come to her aid left her now to that healing and comfort which sleep alone may minister.

In the weeks since this astonishing ritual, Iskra has continued to steadily regain her strength and health, and appears set to make a very nearly full recovery. However it is greatly to be hoped that as the traces of malign sorceries are erased from this young mage's brain, the warnings of this tale linger heavy upon the minds of others, a timely and dire warning of the perils of Sorcery.

[[Oscearo]] Stillwater


Court Mage [[Sherella]], who I now understand represents [[Zoluren]], attended a meeting held by [[Aerathor]] recently, where she commented on both Aerathor's current plans and his recent catastrophic group prediction.

Aerathor's intent was to discuss former guildleader [[Tiv]], claiming that, after failing to discover a path to salvation for the [[Children of Grazhir]] ([[Moon_Mage|Moon Mages]]), he wished to find a way to learn from one of the guild's most venerable leaders. Tiv, unfortunately, was struck with an apparently incurable madness during the destruction of his guildhall in 410. Aerathor's plan was to attempt a healing ritual he had observed in [[Dirge]] in the hopes that it may cure Tiv's insanity.

The Court Mage commented, "We can't begin to comprehend what happened to Tiv. The last I knew he is still under the care of Lady [[Gylwyn]]. I can't think of a better person to safeguard him and to put his well-being and interests above any other consideration... If you think whatever happened in Dirge hadn't already been considered by Gylwyn, well, not much gets past her."

Despite Aerathor's intentions, the crowd was determined to discuss the effects of Aerathor and [[Aaoskar]]'s most recent event, the group [[prediction]], which unleashed a colossal [[starlight harbinger]] into the [[Crossing]] Moon Mage guild, among other extraplanar creatures. [[Mazrian]] told me he asked the Court Mage whether an example would be made, and she responded, "The [[Belirendrick_IV|Prince]] handles matters as he sees fit. In this case at least his mind was set more toward making right with the people of the [[Middens]] who lived through this horror, rather than giving to to a display of stringing anyone up by their toes... The Guild has made a healthy contribution to the coffers for the Middens orphanage and for general repairs and renovations. They have also agreed to dedicate increased resources to the study of wards against planar incursion." She also mentioned that she was present at the Prince's request and that she has been gathering information for His Highness on the event for several weeks. Mazrian explained his concerns to her about the lack of public punishment, and she agreed to relay those concerns to the Prince.

So, we must wait and see whether His Highness plans to act. The Moon Mage Guild certainly seems content to allow its students to act with reckless abandon.


[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald<br>
Editor in Chief of [[the First Land Herald]]


As you may recall from previous issues, the [[Anduwen Watch]] recently called for a raid into the Fortress of [[Maelshyve]], even as the powerful [[demon]] stirred and attempted to break into our [[Plane]]. Maelshyve chose to try to make her incursion by possessing an innocent woman, [[Ciriasa]]. During the raid, the Watch and a contingent of brave warriors defeated Maelshyve by driving her out of this avatar, but, unfortunately, during the process Ciriasa was killed. Her body was kidnapped by [[Osven]] the [[Necromancer]], only to reappear mysteriously a few minutes later. I noticed the corpse was mutilated, the torso destroyed and right eye missing, and though we begged for the gods to offer favor, none was given. Shortly after, the corpse was mysteriously dragged away again by a person invisible. Although we searched high and low, we could not find it.

In recent andaen, the Anduwen Watch again put out a call, this time to hold a Vigil to [[Eluned]]. They hoped that, by making offerings to the goddess of knowledge, She may grant them some hint as to the location of Ciriasa's body. It is the Watch's belief that the innocent woman should, if possible, be found and laid to rest. There also poses a danger that a body so closely linked to the demonic might be of aid to the foul practitioners of Necromancy.

At the appointed time, Mother [[Whiteburn]] gathered a number of participants at the silvery pool along the [[Northern Trade Route]], the entrance to Eluned's Shrine. There she opened in prayer, and we meditated on the nature of Knowledge and the great Ocean Mother. By Divine will, we were all transformed into fish and allowed into the Shrine, whereupon we resumed our natural forms. (As a public service announcement, this transformation is typical and all participants in such events should refrain from eating the other attendees.) With Mother Whiteburn leading the prayers, we each in turn touched the statue of the graceful dolphin, and we began to offer what we had brought to Eluned: carved dolphin effigies, dolphin imagery, and bits and pieces of our own knowledge.

The first to offer such a piece was [[Mazrian]], who spoke of his memory of the women who died in the fortress -- for many were corrupted by the demon's attempt at possession. Amazingly, in response an elegant script formed in a whorl of radiant light above him, making the theological symbol for corruption. The light descended in a spiraling tendril from head to toe, as if searching for something. After a brief time, it dissipated. At the same time, Mother Whiteburn received a vision:

A miserable looking sailor clung to the shattered wreckage of a raft, a lone point in a vast windswept ocean seascape. A group of graceful dolphins playfully leapt through the choppy waves, heading towards the sailor who greeted them hopefully. A triangular fin followed the pod of dolphins from a distance, leaving the barest of ripples as it sliced through the water.

Suddenly, the sky darkened and the waters formed turbulent eddies, and countless figures became visible from the depths, glowing with a blue iridescence as they began to reach upward. The dolphins hesitated, twisting about in fear, and the shark began to circle the raft in menacingly tighter and tighter circles, one dead eye always on the sailor. The glowing blue forms reached ever closer, and the sailor appeared enthralled, reaching into the waters.

Lightning split the sky, startling the pod into action. The dolphins quickly dashed to the sailor, knocking him from the raft and pulling him to safety, away from the forms, away from the shark. The shark turned to follow the pod and sailor as the vision faded.

As others prayed and made their offerings, they too were surrounded briefly by a whorl of light, which quickly dispersed, and many received the same or a similar vision. However, when it was [[Ruea]]'s turn, the light behaved in a different way. As it searched, it began to emit a high-pitched whistling tone. Ruea would tell me later that this was accompanied by both a vision and a searing heat, as well as the goddess denouncing her as unclean. I saw the script flare as the symbol pulsed rhythmically, a voice crying out, "It betrays!" Then the spiraling tendril erupted in a small explosion! Ruea would later also say that she was struck twice with bleeding wounds.

Mazrian suggested she carried something that offended Eluned, so she searched her purse, all the while feeling increasing heat. What she eventually withdrew was one of the vials used during the fortress raid. At near the same time, [[Saragos]] suffered the same fate of the whistling light, though he says he felt no burning or wounds. He immediately raised his vials up one by one and disintegrated them, burning them to ash. Meanwhile, Ruea exited the chamber and felt the urge to discard her vial into the pool above. She did so and it was swallowed by the depths. She then returned peacefully, and at this point the light revisited both Ruea and Saragos and dissipated harmlessly as it had with the others.

They both told me that they experienced a similar vision to Mother Whiteburn's, but with a different ending:

Red and green lightning split the sky, causing the iridescent forms to recoil and the dolphins to startle and flee. The sailor scowled, and, hefting an oar, began to slowly row the raft in the direction of the wind. The forms receded into the depths as the shark continued to follow the sailor from a distance.

We continued to pray for some time after the vials were destroyed, but we received no further visions from Eluned. What the visions mean remains a mystery, though one clearly tied to Eluned and Her role. Why She was displeased at the presence of the vials is another mystery, especially given that they were used to purge the demonic from our world, under the eye of [[Hodierna]]'s own Unicorn.

Keep watching for further updates in case the Watch decides to pursue this matter.

With humility,

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald<br>
Editor in Chief of [[the First Land Herald]]


As you will know if you read my most recent articles, [[Aerathor]] and [[Aaoskar]]'s group of rogue [[Moon Mages]] incurred the wrath of [[Pelag ai Aldam]] after attempting a group [[prediction]] within the [[Astral Plane]]. This reckless action resulted, predictably, in a serious invasion of our plane by a [[starlight harbinger]] of immense power, as well as [[zenzic]]s and the like.

In the wake of this catastrophe, many people were left wondering what the Moon Mage guild's reaction would be to the rogue mages' actions, especially given that the act of group prediction is expressly forbidden by the guild and denounced by none other than Grandmaster [[Taramaine]] Braun. As Sentinel Captain [[Cierzen]] pointed out, the guild must have been aware of their plans, especially given how publicly they were announced, and yet the group was allowed to continue.

Recently, I have learned the guild's response. I was approached by the Moon Mage [[Angel]] of the [[Theren Guard]], who spoke directly to Guildleader [[Kssarh]]. She said, "Master Kssarh referred to [Aerathor] as 'the blasted fool who dropped a massacre on [my] doorstep,'" and that Aerathor needed to "fix this mess, whatever it takes." Further, he said, "I've got enough to deal with already because of all this. Just tell those idiots to make things better, not worse."

With regard to the guildmembers in general, Angel said that Kssarh's response was that "he'd like every student who claims to have a half-filled head on their shoulders to explain in painful detail how they made every effort to dissuade these idiots."

I sought out Kssarh myself to take a statement for the Herald.

''FLH: Do you intend to punish those responsible for the group prediction?''

Kssarh: You know, I might just throw them out a window now that you mention it.

''FLH: Will the guild consider any formal indictment or more serious punishment?''

Kssarh: Are you suggesting that my throwing students from the third story of this Observatory is neither a formal nor serious punishment? Also, why are you still here?

Furthermore, Moon Mage [[Fashan]] told me about a visit made by a Court Mage, whose name he thought was Sherelle, and whom he believed may have been from [[Throne City]]. She visited the [[Crossing]] Moon Mage guild and was asking about the ill-fated expedition, what Aerathor and Aaoskar wanted, and what happened. However, nothing further came of her questioning.

In short, the guild has made no announcement of an inquiry and appears to have no plans to indict those responsible for inviting deadly creatures into the [[Plane of Abiding]] in a ritual that they were warned was fraught with danger. Further, the guild leadership almost certainly knew of the group's plans and did nothing to stop them. These inactions denote a frightening lack of care for the safety of [[Zoluren]] citizens and, indeed, the denizens of the entire Plane of Abiding.

I once again call upon the guild of Moon Mages to take appropriate action to discipline its members and inform the populace of how it intends to safeguard the common people from such planar meddling.

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald<br>
Editor in Chief of [[the First Land Herald]]


Despite many strong objections, rogue mages [[Aerathor]] and [[Aaoskar]] went ahead with their foolhardy plan to perform a group [[prediction]] within the [[Astral Plane]]. According to [[Mistanna]], who was present at the event though not participating, the mages at the [[Taisgath]] gathering began by studying the sky together to better understand the celestial portents. They then proceeded to [[Astral_Plane#Pillars|the Pillar of Convergence]] within the Astral Plane, whereupon the attempt was made to look upon the Web as one, still with the puzzling aim of looking to the past.

During the ritual, Mistanna felt disturbing ripples in the Web of Fate. She heard a voice that she described as "a thrumming buzz with metallic overtones" insert itself into her mind: "Defilers could never resist walking through an open door, and now your insolence compels you further. You dare attempt to break every window in a house that was never yours! Hopeless children can only corrupt all that they encounter. These desperate circles have only ever had one end. This path is already perfectly set, as it is for all things, and it leads rightfully to your much deserved suffering!"

Mistanna then detailed a pale visage with striking red hair, which flashed into her mind before manifesting in excruciating pain. It was as if two crossed daggers were stabbed into the back of her skull, exiting through her eye sockets. (Of some note, [[Pelag ai Aldam]] is said to have red hair.) Simultaneously, a [[starlight harbinger]] hauled its way through air that had become porous, its ten luminous limbs stretching for purchase. Most or all of the mages present were slaughtered by the being and fell out of the Astral Plane.

Mistanna reported that those who participated in the ritual circle said they did not receive any visions.

Unfortunately for those of us in the [[Plane of Abiding]], Court Mage [[Miskton]] was mistaken about the danger being confined to the Astral Plane. The [[Crossing]] [[Moon Mage]] guild was invaded by [[zenzic]]s, [[starcrasher]]s, and the starlight harbinger, which was reportedly a creature of immense power. [[Aashja]] said that the harbinger "blew to shreds... more than ten of us all at once... People that are far beyond capable... just destroyed."

Thankfully, Mother [[Whiteburn]]'s group was poised at the altar to [[Harawep]] in the [[Crossing_High_Temple|Crossing Temple]]. Although at first we were set upon by two foul [[Necromancers]], these were either dispatched or removed by the guards, and we were ultimately able to focus on our prayers in peace. Mother Whiteburn gave a sermon in her usual, bracing style, and we prayed continuously as the rogue mages were preparing and entering the Astral Plane. As time passed, we began to see disturbing ripples pass over the silver cobwebs inlaid into the altar. Just as the webs seemed like they would shatter, a cluster of spiders, representing myriad species, emerged to stabilize the fragile design. A particularly large black widow centered herself upon a web above the bloodwood altar. We took heart from these apparitions and redoubled our efforts.

Some time later, just about at the time the ritual was beginning, we saw a flash of light and shadow forming into a hand, which quickly faded. I am uncertain if this vision was related to Harawep, though I must confess I do not know what else could have caused it. Shortly after, we saw a web form of nearly solid shadows. A silvery disc passed behind the web, gleaming within the shadows like a moon amidst the clouds. A red sphere followed the silvery disc, its path a jagged series of twists and turns. Then a roaring sound vibrated the web, causing it to shiver and shimmer, and the disturbing ripples started anew. We heard a series of muffled shrieks, voices rising and falling in agony, and then the air became still and very cold. We sensed the Moon Mages had begun to die.

[[Olave]] said she felt a strain, like "pulling on the Web, only it's pulling back."

It was then that we heard of the incursion onto our own plane. Several of the skilled warriors with us went to do what they could against the formidable beings, but enough of us stayed to continue on.

We heard a haggard, haunting voice echoing in the chamber, "The decision is not yet made what you should do: Live or Die." We prayed that Harawep might tell us what we should do in order to live. She followed by saying to us, "The penitent give themselves to spare the many." Those of us present agreed wholeheartedly to offer up our lives in exchange for saving those under attack in the Crossing. And as we prayed, the black widow spider exploded, immolating us all.

We endured this burning, which gave a pain with the intensity of a white-hot sun. I am proud to say that most of us were able to remain upright, accepting it rather than following our instinct to extinguish the flames. Several times more would this suffering be visited upon us. Finally, after what seemed a small eternity, the flames died down for the last time. We heard reports on the gweth that the harbinger was gone, and later Aaoskar would say that he witnessed a spider-like entity swoop down and take the harbinger away. I rejoice that Harawep heard our prayers and spared our Plane the ravages of those titanic beings.

I am left now wondering why this disaster was allowed to occur, what foolishness could have possessed these mages to think that they might succeed where only calamity had fallen in the past. And why did the guild do nothing to stop them? Sentinel Captain [[Cierzen]], a Moon Mage, commented after the event, "[Grandmaster [[Taramaine]]] thought it was worth them learning the lesson first hand instead of being shut down... he would have undoubtedly seen it all along."

[[Mazrian]] asked the captain who would be held accountable for events, and his response was, "For what? The sensations the populace never felt or the harbinger that never made it past our gates?... Who saw any of this?" To the captain I would say that this accounting stands as testimony to these events. I call upon the guild of Moon Mages to hold an inquiry and punish those responsible.

Praise to Harawep, praise the spider,<br>
who holds the threads of Fate inside Her,<br>
and through Her shimmering, lucent Web<br>
our souls are held in rise and ebb.<br>

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald<br>
Editor in Chief of [[the First Land Herald]]


Dear readers, I write to you today to warn you of an imminent threat. Moon Mages [[Aerathor]] and [[Aaoskar]] have of late been hosting meetings at [[the Crossing]] Observatory in order to discuss their plans for a group prediction. I attended the most recent of these meetings in an attempt to learn more of these plans, and I will share what little I managed to obtain.

First, they will attempt a group prediction from within the [[Astral Plane]], the realm that borders both our [[Plane of Abiding]] and the [[Plane of Probability]]. Their aim is to learn of the origins of the mysterious obelisks used by [[Moon Mages]] to connect to the Plane of Probability, by looking "into the past" at the creation of these obelisks -- a rather puzzling aim given that Moon Mages have historically only ever possessed the ability to see into the future. Unfortunately, I was unable to learn more of their plans, because Aaoskar chose to strike me down during my questioning. Aerathor commented, "Moon mages are not nice... Why should we be? I almost did it myself."

To provide some historical context, group [[prediction]]s have been attempted in the past. All have resulted in catastrophe. Take, for example, the attempt made circa 362, when Moon Mages were struggling with the [[Mirror Wraith Prophecy]]. A circle of Moon Mages gathered in an attempt to wed their prophetic visions, hoping to divine greater knowledge. However, the only thing they accomplished was opening a rift to the Plane of Probability, out of which came a [[Gaunt_shadow_master|Shadow Master]]. This beast slaughtered the mages present and required an army to finally dispatch it. The [[Moon Mage Council]] subsequently forbade future attempts at group predictions, proclaiming that they violate the sanctity of the guild.

Nonetheless, at least one more attempt was made. At the [[Moon_Mage_Conclaves#Moon_Mage_Conclave_of_412|Moon Mage Conclave of 412]], a mage known as [[Traim]] called for a group prediction, despite the strident objections made by his friend [[Malzard]]. Traim claimed that adding "mixed mana patterns" might allow a successful result, but once again disaster struck. Although at first the mages received visions, soon after they were visited by none other than [[Pelag ai Aldam]], servant of Fate. His voice was heard, and a rift opened to release an [[Shadowy_umbral_colossus|umbral colossus]] into the gathering. Although the mages attempted to fight back, each blow struck against the colossus split it somehow, creating a [[tenebraeling]], until innumerable shadow creatures swarmed the area and slew many of those present. It took great effort to destroy the creatures and make the area safe again.

Guildmaster Prime [[Taramaine]] Braun himself wrote in his [[Celestial_Compact_(book)|book on the Celestial Compact]], "All attempts at group predictions [ended] in gateways large enough to allow beasts from the Plane of Probability to escape into our own. We seal this line of study."

I further spoke with Court Mage [[Miskton]] of [[Ilithi]] to learn more about the potential dangers of Aerathor and Aaoskar's plans. He first confirmed that all recorded such experiments have "gone poorly." He further said, "It might be possible to do it in a way that limits danger for those outside the immediate participants, but it would still be risky... [Limiting the danger] would largely center around... having a great deal of firepower ready and aimed at the group performing the prediction." Aerathor and Aaoskar made no mention of preparing such firepower, I should note, although again I was unable to obtain the full details from them. I might also mention that by holding the event within the Astral Plane, only Moon Mages may attend, seriously limiting the warriors available.

When I probed Miskton about the location of the ritual in the Astral Plane, he said, "In that instance, it would likely be safe for those of us in [the Plane of Abiding]. Casualties would likely be limited to any mages unfortunate enough to be in the Astral Plane at the same time... [but] as soon as Pelag ai Aldam noticed what was going on, I have to imagine he would immediately attempt to destroy the participants." In sum, we may be safe if we do not enter the Astral Plane ourselves, but those inside will be in imminent danger by a being of incredible power. Pelag ai Aldam, as described by Miskton, is "a being... [who] hates anyone with prophetic abilities. He seems to be tied to the Web of Fate in some way, and touching fate seems to enrage him." It is well known that Pelag has the ability to kill anyone unfortunate enough to encounter him.

Furthermore, Miskton warned that, "In the event that the participants can survive long enough, it's possible [holding the ritual in the Astral Plane] might make for an even stronger connection to the Plane of Probability... It could perhaps range from unusually clear visions, to forming enough of a planar breach that the participants end up falling into the Plane of Probability." Mages who might participate should strongly consider this possibility, as it could mean being lost forever in a foreign plane, one dominated by creatures like the Shadow Master.

Ultimately, according to the Court Mage, the danger is very real to those who would participate in this event. It is also forbidden by the Moon Mage guild and might result in official sanctions. I would urge anyone thinking of taking part to reconsider.

Additionally, I must take a moment to address the fact that Aerathor and Aaoskar's aim is "looking into the past." Miskton confirmed that Moon Mages to date have never been able to see into the past; this ability has remained solely the provenance of [[Bards]]. As a Bard myself, I can attest that our focus on the past is central to our guild and results in true, embodied experiences in which we can observe historical events as if standing present at them. Such evocation has its own, milder dangers associated with it, but it is completely unconnected to the Web of Fate or the Plane of Probability. I would urge any amateur historians with an interest in visions of the past to connect to the Bard guild, as we may be able to truly and safely help with such matters.

Finally, I must remind us all of the message of [[Harawep]], so recently pressed upon us as dangerous rifts opened in our Plane in 425. She wanted to burn the Plane entirely, to begin again rather than risk Her Web, so said her many priestesses. It was only through great effort that we managed to seal these rifts and prevent Her wrath. These Moon Mages risk not only the ire of Pelag, but Harawep. I call on everyone involved to withdraw support from this endeavor and instead join in prayer to Harawep, so that She may show us mercy and protect the Web without destroying our only home. Mother [[Whiteburn]] has agreed to host a gathering at the High Temple's altar to Harawep at the time of the ritual. Join her in preserving our Plane and our lives.


[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald<br>
Editor in Chief of [[the First Land Herald]]


Against slim odds, a large group of intrepid adventurers recently raided the [[RanikMap31d|Fortress]] of [[Maelshyve]], intent upon attacking the [[demon|Demon]] herself in her own lair. I am proud to report here their near complete success. The Demon's presence was weakened, her avatar prevented entirely from manifesting in our [[Plane_of_Abiding|Plane]]! [[hodierna|Hodierna's]] own [[Unicorn]] was a constant companion during our battle, and when the fighting was finished, we felt upon us the blessing of the Immortal Herself as we prayed to consecrate that Unholy place. The only mystery that remains is the location of the corpse of [[Ciriasa]], the unfortunate woman whose body was nearly overtaken by the Demon.

To begin, I must first confess, dear reader, my sheer inadequacy in telling this tale. I expect I will only be able to barely scratch the surface. There were too many parts, too many roles played, for a single Bard such as myself to know them all, even with my own extensive observation and interviewing practices. Thus I hope you will read with understanding, and feel yourself free to publish your own additional details or request addenda.

In the beginning, a small, Zoluren-based group called the [[Anduwen Watch]] made the decision to perform the raid. Their name comes from the [[Elanthian_time|anlas of Anduwen]], the first anlas of the new day and also a dark, midnight anlas. Their stated desire is to fight for the breath of civilization across Elanthia, to herald the new day even among the darkest of times. They chose this raid in order to strike back against a festering Demon presence which has long situated itself in the [[Zaulfung]] swamp: Maelshyve, the green-eyed beast, symbolized by the triple-tined claw.

For the uninitiated, Demons are not simple nor small monsters, nor even mortal enough to be called something like "monsters". They do not live and breathe as we do, but instead are more akin to gods, their presence and power expansive, although [[Planes|extraplanar]]. We are only protected from them by their difficulty in manifesting in our Plane of Abiding, though their lust for all things Divinely created means that they will forever scrabble against our figurative door. Maelshyve's corruption of the Zaulfung, though a terrible blight to us, is but the tip of her little finger.

During the planning phase, the Watch became aware that the Demon was stirring. For how long this had been occurring, no one can be certain. It came to them that she would soon attempt to materialize herself into one of many human women, their bodies gruesomely transformed into the Demon's image. The group intended to utilize vials of liquid inimical to Maelshyve, which would expel her from her potential vessels.

When the day of the raid came, the Watch was joined at the [[Riverhaven_Temple|Riverhaven Temple]] by a horde of capable adventurers, with the official support of the [[Order_of_the_Black_Fox|Order of the Black Fox]]. Several individuals from the [[Order_of_the_Theren_Guard|Theren_guard|Theren Guard]] and [[Order_of_the_Tavern_Troupe|Tavern Troupe]] were also spotted. The [[Order_of_the_Dragon_Shield|Order of the Dragon Shield]] pronounced to me afterward that they were against the raid and asked to be quoted: "We protect [[Therengia|Theren]], particularly [[Riverhaven|Haven]] and the surrounding, and of course anything else the [[Gyfford|Baron]] directs. We DEFEND, we don't seek out additional trouble for the area, there is enough with [[Viggu]] as is." However, as part of their aim of protecting Therengia, they sent a force to guard the [[Zaulfung_Stones|Standing Stones]] and Riverhaven during the event.

[[Whiteburn|Mother Whiteburn]] exclaimed to us all, "This is a night of power. A night of glory. Today, I espied a red buzzard flying over the swamps of the Zaulfung. The early morning sun haloed the holy bird in a corona of blood." She then led the group in a battle prayer to Hodierna before we would begin the work of the raid.

Those supporting the raid split into three groups: a forward team, a main force, and a prayer group intending to remain at the Riverhaven Temple to provide spiritual support.

The forward team was sent into the Fortress well in advance in order to stymy the plans of any cultists. This team consisted of [[Mazrian]], [[Qiyan]], [[Saragos]], and [[Seldaren]], who traversed ahead to the main chokepoint within the Fortress: the rope bridge. There they worked tirelessly to prevent entry of known Necromancers. Saragos reported that the team engaged several such Necromancers and was able to successfully destroy them without incurring losses. Team members also threw themselves upon the unstable rope in order to knock down any interlopers who made it to the bridge, risking their own lives and falling in the process. [[Maltris]] arrived and was particularly adept at such acrobatics, eagerly leaping toward the enemy. Qiyan also reported that an occasional great wind would pick up and blow people clear across the area.

The main force, of which I was a member, gathered under the leadership of [[Perune]], then moongated to the Fortress's entrance within the Zaulfung. There we were greeted by none other than a unicorn, surrounded by motes of Divine light, which could be none other than a servant of the great Mother Hodierna, Protector of Life. Although bolstered by this appearance, our group quickly encountered its first obstacle: the slow entry into the Fortress itself. Fighters could enter only at a trickle of two at a time, every minute or so. The patience shown by those present was nothing less than astonishing as the group slowly reformed inside. Some pressed forward while others remained to be led.

My own role was to sound the horn and provide [[Sanctuary]] as we traversed the murky caverns below. Thanks to such dampening magics, we made it to the charred caves without much incident. However, there we encountered the first more serious minions of Maelshyve: shylvics, blood wraiths, and lesser vessels, which appeared amidst the cinder beasts that usually prowl there. The lesser vessels in particular were disturbing, their Humanity clearly encroached upon by unhealthy patches of scales. It was there that I first saw the brilliance of the unicorn's horn bringing Holy retribution to our foes — yes, the creature actually fought at our side! Ethereal shield was enough to protect us from the explosive flames of the dying cinder beasts, and the unicorn and warriors made short work of the other enemies.

As if these attacks were not enough, we also tasted the first of many Incursions of the Demon into our own persons. Not only did many of us report hearing her voice whispering to us, but beginning at that point, we felt her true weight upon us as invisible talons crushed our heads, cracking skulls. Such attacks would continue periodically throughout the raid, and so from that point forward, the [[Empath|Empaths]] would be taxed by taking so many similar wounds. I said a silent prayer of thanks to Hodierna for remembering to bring a full remedy kit. Furthermore, the vessels emitted dusky blue fumes which could penetrate into party members. I now believe these fumes caused [[Outrage#Divine_Outrage|necromantic corruption]], which was occasionally abated by the love of our favored gods.

Once we reached the bridge, although it was a point of safety, we were again slowed severely by the need to cross one at a time. During this time, much loud discussion was had in my mind over whom to send next. Empaths were called back and forth as our heads continued to be crushed. In particular, I recognized [[Aislynn]], [[Kaelie]], [[Karthor]], Qiyan, [[Szrael]], and [[Zymi]] providing enormous support in triage in general. I switched to Hodierna's Lilt — particularly appropriate given our ally — in the hopes of sustaining everyone while they worked. At times things felt desperate as we were repeatedly assaulted by the invisible talons.

Eventually I made it across and discovered that we had managed to set up a banner and field hospital near the obelisk, south of the Halls. However, I learned via gweth that the forward group had pressed north into the Inner Sanctum, past the Hall of Malice, where the true threat lay. I was tasked with setting up a new, forward field hospital in the Sanctum. For that I knew I needed a skilled [[Paladin]], so I took [[Samsaren|Sir Samsaren]] and we headed north. This area is fraught with deadly puzzles and traps, a rushing river, and teleportation circles that require time to activate, but we managed to make it to the heart of the Demon's lair.

There we encountered Ciriasa. Unlike the lesser vessels we had seen before, who were merely patched with scales, Ciriasa was clearly in the full throes of metamorphosis. She was covered in thick, midnight-blue scales from head to toe and bore daggerlike talons on her fingertips and menacing fangs dripping with venom. Plated wings allowed her to take flight, and she often attacked by flicking them outward, sending ichor-coated barbs into her opponent.

When she saw Sir Samsaren, she roared out, "FINALLY! SOME SPORT!"

We were forced to engage, the warrior holding her back while I tried to maneuver us into a position to banner. I saw her attack him again and again, barbs building in the cracks of his armor, claws rending through his breastplate. At one point she swooped down from above, landing on him with terrible force and pinning him to the ground as she tore him apart. To my amazement, he managed to whisper the final words of the Banner of Truce spell just before he fell unconscious, dying in my arms. The area was safe!

I traversed back south through the traps and led the rear group to the new safe area, where the triage party immediately got to work on the wounded and fallen. Throughout our fighting, I spotted the unicorn moving to support different warriors, attacking Maelshyvean foes and Necromancers alike, and Seldaren reported it even once stopped to resurrect him directly.

The final battle unfolded before me. An enormous number of warriors engaged Ciriasa or participated in triage at our field hospital. Among those I was able to identify were [[Agadir]], [[Atanamir]], [[Aurayn]], [[Binu]], [[Charlize]], [[Collain]], [[Elec]], [[Etherian]], [[Everics]], [[Hanryu]], [[Isharon|Dame Isharon]], [[Khaelyn|Mother Khaelyn]], [[Liurilias|Father Liurilias]], Maltris, [[Maxwelinski]], Mazrian, [[Miskton]], Perune, [[Ruea]], Sir Samsaren, Saragos, [[Sebestyen|Sir Sebestyen]], Seldaren, [[Sereze|Father Sereze]], [[Sturm|Sir Sturm]], [[Talmoon]], [[Tirost]], [[Toreakas]], and Mother Whiteburn, along with the stalwart Empaths I mentioned above. The best throwers were given vials to target the prime vessel. I also witnessed a dark-skinned Elothean and a hooded Prydaen, both Necromancers, fighting against her, each with his own concoction. It appears that even among the Necromancers, there are those who would battle demons.

Sir Samsaren said that fighting Ciriasa was like facing a “very powerful Barbarian” in terms of the barriers she possessed. The projectiles often missed their mark, spilling across the floor, or were knocked away by her wings. However, when they did connect, the spray of liquid caused her to reel back in shock, black energy erupting from the droplets and causing a massive concussive blast that blew everyone backwards. The battle was harried and brutal, as hierophants and blood wraiths swarmed, and three or four foul Necromancers brought forth deadly glass constructs at the same time. Despite these trials, our warriors prevailed.

Finally, Sir Samsaren held Ciriasa’s gaze with unwavering strength, then bowed his head and called forth the resounding magic only a Paladin can muster. She was stunned, and in that moment of weakness, Seldaren made the final connection, his mastery clear as the vial struck perfectly her frozen form. She collapsed to her knees then, reality itself warping violently in the area as waves of distortion rippled outward from her. The green glow in her eyes dimmed, and she shouted in a desperate plea, "Help me, warriors, please, while her grasp is weakened!" Then the fierce glow returned, although she appeared severely weakened, and she cried out, "What's this? Master, do not abandon me, I will destroy these fools here and now!" But it was too late for her. We heard an unnatural hissing as she fell over in a heap, convulsing. The scent of filth reached my nostrils as her scales and wings began to dissolve, melting off her form in a sickly blue ichor. When it was done, she was left in Human form.

''Included here is a detailed painting showing an energetic battle scene. Just off center looms the feminine monstrosity Ciriasa, bat-like wings captured mid-flight in a turbulent extension, with one scaled arm outstretched and a single, wicked talon pointing across the field toward a determined Human Paladin, his shield upraised and bearing numerous barbs sunk into its frame. The Paladin is poised with axe preparing to strike, its head flaring white-hot, the man's lined face stark in the contrasting light. A swirl of action is portrayed around the two figures, unbalanced poses and restless composition lending a sense of feverish urgency to the fight. Alight in one corner is a blonde Elothean man surrounded by a maelstrom of fire and ice, his figure leaping to the side as one arm is outstretched in release, a tiny glowing vial soaring toward Ciriasa.''

According to Mazrian, in the heat of battle, with the surge of bloodlust all around and the press of warriors, some were not able to comprehend the transformation and pushed toward the now Human Ciriasa with attacks, wounding the woman. Mazrian dragged her away to be healed, but she bled out before the work could be done. There were some tense moments of discussion over the body, but then [[Osven]], a man I earlier identified as a Necromancer, dragged away the corpse.

Frustrated at the loss of the corpse and unable to find her, eventually we decided to move on to our final task: consecrating the corrupted altar. This place was once dedicated to [[Urrem'tier]], but Maelshyve defiled His holy altar and made it her own. Mother Whiteburn led us in prayer once more, calling upon those present to raise their voices to Urrem'tier, which we did in force. Although we heard naught of Him, the Divine Unicorn spoke to us thusly:

"The fate of she who was the demon's prime vessel lies with Urrem'tier now. Seek her if you wish, save her if you can. The gods are pleased with your deeds this day, and I, the servant of Hodierna, ask no more of you."

Its form then dissolved into mist before my eyes, showers of sparks raining down upon the area, leaving a glittering gold dust behind. A sense of peace settled upon us, and I felt distinctly as if Hodierna had blessed our place.

Suddenly, the corpse of Ciriasa appeared before us, as if out of nowhere. I noticed that where before it was healed, it was now mutilated, missing parts from the abdomen and back, and the right eye was gone entirely. We learned as well that she was bereft of favor with the gods, and so we beseeched the Immortals to raise her again, many of us offering up our own favor so that it could be so. Alas, our prayers were not answered, and the corpse was suddenly dragged off again. Although our Rangers and Moon Mages searched for Ciriasa, Osven, and other Necromancers to whom they might have retreated, they could find no trace of them. Exhausted, we decided to retire, accepting that at least we were victorious over the Demon.

[[Oscearo]] reported to me that those who remained at the Temple during the fight were [[Annais]], [[Janora]], [[Rafano]], [[Rze]], and herself. Janora was insightful enough to send her familiar in to follow the fighting and gave regular reports. Oscearo called out Rafano in particular for his devotion to the prayers, which he gave steadfastly "in the face of much horror and distraction." At one point, a unicorn visited them. She said, "It suddenly revealed itself to us in the room with the altar, and stood there bathed with moonlight as if from the inside out. It did not speak, only bolstered our resolve with its presence, and let us know we were heard." Just before the end of the ritual in the Fortress, it then spoke into their minds, wishing blessings everlasting upon them, before it dissolved into motes of brilliant, heavenly light.

The Standing Stones remained largely free of conflict, though the Order of the Dragon Shield reported that one Necromancer did attempt an attack there. They drove him off and killed him. Riverhaven was peaceful during the event.

Overall, I am stunned by the success that was wrought on that day. If the Demon had manifested fully, we would have been faced with a cataclysmic event that could well have cost untold lives. Recall that even [[Vorclaf|Prince Vorclaf]], infused with the power of [[Meraud]], was defeated by [[Lyras]] as [[Hunger|the Hunger]] manifested within her. Despite the difficulties of the entrance and bridge, the traps and enclosed places, the desperate need to Banner in unaccommodating areas, and the sheer, raw strength of Ciriasa herself, we rallied and removed the demonic presence from her. Every person who participated has contributed to the peace we may now enjoy once again.

My only moments of unquiet come when I consider Ciriasa, once prime vessel, removed and lost to us, fate unknown. Mother Whiteburn also confessed to me her unease that Urrem'tier's voice was not heard at the altar, and we wonder if it is truly consecrated. Even still, the work that we did that day was done well, and I personally commend all who took part.

In peace and solidarity,

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald,<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]


The demon Maelshyve has for too long lain uncontested in her fortress beneath the Zaulfung! So says the Anduwen Watch, a Zoluren-based group dedicated to the preservation of civilization and the Plane of Abiding. This group of intrepid adventurers plans a RAID upon the demon's very home and heart, an event to which they invite all able-bodied guilded individuals.

The main aims of the raid will be:

* To KILL as many supporters of the demon as is possible, particularly her hierophants. However, shadow beasts, cinder beasts, and basilisks may also be encountered in her most dangerous Lair. To defeat hierophants, it is recommended one be able to match a storm bull in combat at the least. For the others, I recommend skill at defeating warklins. Note that these are rough estimates only.
* To CONSECRATE the altar Maelshyve has defiled by her tainted Will. This altar once belonged to the great god Urrem'tier, and the Watch hopes to beseech Him to intervene and resume His ownership of this once-holy place. It is advised to bring offerings and words pleasing to Urrem'tier, god of Death.

NOTE that the Watch wishes to provide aid to ALL those who dare to brave the demon's fury, regardless of ability. They especially welcome those with healing or resurrecting abilities, and those with a special connection to Urrem'tier. A guide will be present to usher noncombatants to the altar's location and peace-making abilities will be in use to attempt safe prayer, however no guarantees can be made. The Lair is mazelike and full of dark horrors, so plan accordingly.

Meet the Watch at the Riverhaven Temple on the appropriate day and time. [OOC: March 31st, 9pm EST.] Come prepared for death, and let us hope Death is prepared for us.

In solidarity,

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald,<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]


Yesterday large retinues from each of the five provinces converged on DiSilveron Manor in the Crossing. An anonymous source from within one of the retinues reported to me that leaders from all provinces were in attendance, including Prince Belirendrick of Zoluren, Ferdahl Aemmin of Ilithi, Baron Gyfford of Therengia, Councilor Ilanthesh of Qi'Reshalia, and King Tongrid of Forfedhdar.

The source claimed that the meeting's topic was Necromancy and how best to deal with it. According to the source, Baron Gyfford takes a hardline stance, claiming Necromancers are "evil" and "they deserve no mercy." Prince Belirendrick agrees that they are evil but stated that "jailing them for five roisaen" was not an effective solution. He also brought up concerns over false accusations. Ferdahl Aemmin was said to eloquently argue that "killing them doesn't work" and could in fact lead them down a darker path. She believes they deserve a chance at redemption.

King Tongrid and Councilor Ilanthesh, according to the source, were not as vocal about their specific stances. The king acknowledged that Necromancy is one of many evils that he deals with, and the councilor only said that each individual island is responsible for its own denizens. All were said to be in agreement that Necromancy is "terrible."

At one point, I heard yelling come from within the manor, though what was said was not discernible.

At another point, couriers dressed in the colors of each province were dispatched on horseback.

Finally, my source revealed that sorcery was also a topic up for discussion. According to the source, Baron Gyfford called it "blasphemous" while Prince Belirendrick said it was bad but noted the lack of organization behind it. The prince is concerned that shopkeepers are currently alarmed and may sometimes believe Necromancy is being practiced when in reality it is not.

Discussions may continue for several days. More will be reported on this topic if further information is discovered.

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald,<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]


I apologize that, given my recent vacation, I was unable to report on this news earlier. Guildleader Cialen, leader of the Shard Trader guild, has confirmed that Lord Veahmic Turmar, and the Trader guild in general, are communicating with the extraplanar entity known to us as the Arbiter in Darkness.

My source within the Trader guild told me that Researcher Tozu of the Moon Mage guild was spotted at Brickwell Tower in Shard, where the Trader guild is located. He exited a rather heated meeting with Cialen, though no words between them were gleaned through the door. The leader requested an escort to Dirge, where he would meet with the Turmar family, and during the journey he revealed the guild's new discussions with the unusual being.

The Arbiter in Darkness, for the reader who does not know, is entirely different from a creature from our own Plane of Abiding. The Arbiter is what is known as a Greater Concept from the Plane of Probability; it is the embodiment of starlight. As Cialen put it, "…[asking what is the Arbiter] would be akin to asking what is a feeling. What is a thought. What is a concept." Visionist Miskton described it as powerful, along the lines of one of the Immortals, and said that "people who tried to deal with it… were given what they asked for… which was generally not what they wanted." For those interested in further study, I recommend you seek the story titled only "Arbiter in Darkness."

As a side note, the Plane of Probability is the same one from whence came the recent starcrashers, zenzics, and the like. My Trader contact informed me that these creatures, too, were willing to negotiate with members of the Trader guild, providing a short term of "service" in exchange for metals of any type. Service in this case appeared to consist of following the Trader and attacking all others nearby, regardless of allegiance.

Cialen noted that individually the Trader guild leaders would generally dominate a given deal. He added, "But for this one [with the Arbiter], it's been determined that collective experience is in order. Not to mention considerable outside research." The terms of the deal have not yet been reached, and negotiations may continue for some time. Cialen was not forthcoming about what each side is expected to gain or lose, but he did say, "These may be some of the most profound negotiations in our guild's history."

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald,<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]


Today Mother Whiteburn, Chosen of Drogor, a prominent priestess of the Cleric Guild, called for the consecration of the stable rift discovered near Rossman's Landing. She gathered both members of the clergy and the public to aid her in entreating the Thirteen for aid in ending the anomaly, whose presence promises the continued corruption of our dear Plane of Abiding.

At the appointed time we met at the rift. I am told that before I arrived, the group was beset by a small array of zombies, led by a Necromancer that those present identified as one Talinel -- may the gods smite him down forever. The one that I witnessed when I arrived was a zombie shark, somehow compelled through foul forces to attack brutally even when on land. I also spotted at least one other known Necromancer flitting through the area. Mother Whiteburn told me that one of them recited a prayer to Hav'roth in the S'Kra Mur language, only instead invoked the name "Antrayelsis". Whether this represents open demon worship will be up to scholars; we shall only know once we discover to whom this name refers.

Around this same time, the rift acted upon the area, releasing a fetid mist which immediately diseased all those present. Thankfully, Web Healer Sarkranis, Zoluren's Shadow Aislynn, and Rairken were able to handle the crisis with precision and alacrity, purging everyone of the illness.

Mother Whiteburn began the moment the last zombie fell, commanding the clergy to hold hands in a ring, and the rest present to kneel and press their hands unto the dirt. She explained to me afterward that this was to create a conduit for divine energy to enter the area and cleanse it. Holy trident raised high, she began chanting, beseeching the gods to purge the corruption and end the rift. Everyone began to pray, calling out to personal gods and the pantheon alike. Father Liurilias joined in with Mother Whiteburn's chanting. The air became palpable, and I could feel the gods' presence in my bones, as if held in the thrall of Their greatness.

As the praying continued, I saw a cluster of large spiders in all manner of hues appear and enter the rift. One witness, Malykai, made the unfortunate choice to follow them, returning as a body, though his soul suffered no undue harm as he was resurrected.

Improbable angles began to jut out from the rift before contracting again. The Elemental, Lunar, and Holy magics being released into the area became visible to all as entwined streams of fiery, cold white, and golden light poured themselves into the shimmering rift! The energies assaulted the planar distortion, crackling violently. The rift started to break apart, then, quite suddenly, it completely collapsed! The ritual was a success!
Mother Whiteburn, pleased but obviously drained, still implored us to continue to close the other, unstable rifts breaking through into our Plane. Our work is not quite done yet, though we have experienced victory today. We give thanks to our Immortals and to our talented clergy.

Praise the Thirteen,<br>
[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald,<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]


Today Visionist Miskton hosted one of his infamous Visions meetings at the Great Tower of Shard. We convened to discuss in particular those visions lately relating to the planar incursions we have suffered. However, this would be no ordinary meeting.

First, we were met by an unfamiliar face flashing briefly in the sky (depicted below), indicating that we were being watched via a Shadewatch Mirror. Miskton was concerned and requested that I ward the area from clairvoyance, which I did with a reasonably powerful manifestation of the Sanctuary spell. However, my success was short lived, as a blinding purple explosion of shadows appeared momentarily, revealing once again the interloper's face.
A basic sketch reveals a vague male face, enough detail present for an approximate identification. Below the face is written: Tressoth?

Considering we had little means of stopping the individual from observing as he chose, we decided to continue the meeting. Shortly thereafter, Researcher Tozu of the Moon Mage guild arrived. He suggested our observer might be none other than Tressoth, one of the Children of Kalestraum, a cabal of rogue Moon Mages known for both their magical terrorism and their research into forbidden Teleologic sorcery. He claims Tressoth has been following his movements, although given Tressoth's earlier arrival, he may have had an interest in the meeting for its own right.

We discussed a number of visions, most with clear ties to current events. Crystalline latticeworks descending from the sky, waves of frigid heat washing from tears in reality. For details I encourage readers to seek out Miskton. We all agreed that they only emphasize the need to heed the High Temple's word and work to heal or purify the rifts, and eliminate the creatures.

Fortunately, Researcher Tozu was able to speak further on these planar events. He began by talking about the stable rift leading to the area of planar distortion: "The issue is that we see it here... I mean it's not a portal to some other plane. It's literally a part of the Plane of Abiding being changed... [It is] the merging of two disparate Planes. It wouldn't just be a meld or one takes over the other. Entirely new laws of nature or physical manifestations could be created... This kind of incursion and merging, it can result in something entirely foreign to either Plane involved... Which means bad things for all the things that currently exist on either." When asked about the dangers of exposure, he said, "We need to be worried about mass exposure, because if this keeps growing..." and at this point he trailed off and declined to finish.

Furthermore, Tozu was able to enlighten us on the nature of the interplanar beings' interaction with sorcery. He said, "I've confirmed some of the high sorcery spells can break the protection [the planar beings] have in their maddened state." He added that this included Teleologic sorcery, "among others." However, the researcher cautioned, "Not that anyone should be deploying the [sorcery] tactic." He also confirmed that Uncurse is the safest way to end the maddened state, and that Psychic Shield provides protection against the limb-severing spell of the zenzics (though not the rogue gates of the harbingers). When I asked him if he would make a statement on the use of sorcery and its relation to the corruption of the Web, he responded, "I think anyone with sense can see it's part of the problem here."

He spoke a little too on anathema, the substance retrieved from the rifts. He said, "The anathema demonstrates curious structural properties, both physically and magically, when subjected to proper scrutiny." I myself have confirmed through magical focus the sense of sorcerous corruption latent within the material. Tozu went on, "It is the essence of the rifts, and represents the literal boundaries of the planar void weakening as physical laws are violated first. After that come the psychic energies, among other things. Many guilds have experience visions and psychic assaults as these energies begin to flow across the void."

About the loimic, he said, "Compared to the anathema, the evidence of corruption here is weaker, but still present. As expected, these physical manifestations are the most resilient but nonetheless ultimately susceptible."
Visionist Miskton mentioned that there was an odd occurrence with a moongate at the start of the meeting. As he put it, a wave of semi-solid shadow burst forth from the gate, an effect similar to that seen near the rift by Rossman's Landing. Tozu replied, "It's not unexpected that the properties of mana could begin to be disturbed."

Finally, Tozu revealed that Traders appear capable of dealing with the interplanar beings once they are forced out of their maddened state. He said, "They can make a sort of deal with the creatures in exchange for some metal. It actually settles them briefly." However, he admitted his knowledge in this area was lacking and could not speak on it further.

Once again, I emphasize the words of the priestesses of our High Temple. We must deal with these rifts, or risk Harawep's wrath. Speak to your local priestesses about how you can help.

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald,<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]


Today, what appears to be a stable, possibly permanent, planar rift was discovered near Rossman's Landing, in the Mistwood Forest where three paths come together by a hawthorn tree. The rift leads to what is clearly a planar distortion, quite possibly some sort of physical manifestation of the Plane of Probability. It is populated by some of the most deadly of the interplanar beings I wrote of in my last article: huge zenzics and starcrashers. All attempts to break apart the rift, as we are able to do with the others, failed utterly.

A detailed drawing shows the rift yawning open, lightning streaks of light and shadow deeply inked across the edges.

Shortly after the rift appeared, I witnessed several strange effects near the opening, on our side in the Plane of Abiding. Webbing appeared from nowhere and covered those of us in the area. Brutal cold suddenly buffeted us. We were also at different times stunned and taken to our knees. The rift itself dripped liquid fire, burning the grass beneath it. Crystalline bubbles floated out from within it, rising to the sky above. Finally, the surface of the rift buckled and warped before snapping back into place, looking somehow more solid than before.

I was only able to brave the interior for a short time, but within it my eyes were filled with the wonders of an alien world. Strands of manifest darkness and light roped around each other, pulsing like the heartbeat of a great web in the sky. Light and shadow grew like moss upon boulders. I saw songbirds singing droplets of liquid crystal. Yet, among all this strange beauty, there was also corruption: pitted ground, noxious gas, and sickly green and red veins connecting twin masses of shadows. Unfortunately, due to the danger present I was not able to take the time to connect to the area and search for visions of the past.
If you should choose to brave this distorted world, exercise great caution. These creatures are deadly in the extreme. I remind us all to continue our work to remove the other rifts, purify the tainted material, or purge the interlopers, as desired by our goddesses. Our link to this foreign plane is growing stronger.

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald,<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]

Beginning about 5 andaen ago, several beings from the Plane of Probability made numerous, violent appearances within Kermoria, appearing at different times in Riverhaven, Shard, and the Crossing. Just last andu, they created havoc in the Crossing as they wandered through, snipping limbs from citizens and summoning monoliths of crystal to hurl at those they encountered.

'''The Creatures'''

Several sketches show the appearance of the various creatures. The zenzic resembles a tufted caterpillar, innumerable glass filaments rippling across it, with a note indicating that they can appear in a variety of sizes, from tiny to huge. The zenzizenzic appears identical except that it is two zenzics occupying the same space. The starcrasher and starlight harbinger are drawn as a cross between a starfish and a ten-legged spider, the jumble of limbs positioned to display its unusual movement. A note explains that the starcrasher is translucent and opalescent, while the starlight harbinger shines with blinding white light.

The creatures known as the zenzic and the zenzizenzic are considered lesser incarnations of mathematics, while the starcrashers and starlight harbingers are lesser incarnations of physics. For those not educated in the matters of Lunar magic and the Plane of Probability, this means that these creatures are a physical manifestation of some of the unknowable rules that govern that plane. Natural inhabitants are typically beings made of shadow, light, or, as in this case, pure concept.

'''The Attacks'''

Practically speaking, their nature as denizens of the Plane of Probability makes these creatures unpredictable. In fact, initial attempts to wound them were totally unsuccessful, as they would blink away from the aimed location of the strike. Spell patterns targeted at the creatures were stripped of their meaning by localized anomalies around the beings.

Thus, at first, the beings had free reign of their respective cities. The zen-types cast a spell that suggests the intersection of improbabilities, scissoring off whatever limbs happen to be caught within them. The star-types created storms of objects whirling around them via telekinetic force, and they hurled chunks of ice-cold crystal at defenders. Most brutal of all, the starlight harbingers would occasionally summon sky-high rogue moongates, which would invariably tear apart anyone in the near vicinity. Run immediately if you see such a being calling forth a gate.

Fortunately, defenders soon discovered a method to weaken the creatures, stripping them of their ability to avoid attacks: A Cleric must Uncurse them. Mother Whiteburn, Chosen of Drogor, said that she could feel Harawep's influence within a curse upon them, and this allowed her to break it. Rumors of sorcerous spells affecting the creatures are unconfirmed. I did glimpse an apparent moon mage cast upon one of the creatures, at which point it strangely turned and followed him. I was unable to detain him for comment. He was a green-scaled S'Kra Mur dressed in a dapper suit and bowtie, if a reader should spot such a person.


Renowned Visionist Miskton, Court Mage of Ilithi, was kind enough to share several visions with me that he feels pertain to the current events. They are too numerous to list here, and thus I encourage readers to confer with him at his next Visions meeting, whereupon they will be discussed in detail.

Father Padhg also told me he experienced a strange vision, one not shared by any others that I spoke to. Just before the first attack, as he was resting after combat, he suddenly felt as if he were drowning and could not breathe. His vision went dark, and he dreamed of shadows, which swam through the dark water in front of him. Later, he awakened to find himself face to face with a dolphin and one of the shadows, and, as he put it, "Eluned chased the shadow away."

'''Father Soraent's Advice'''

To our great fortune, we in Zoluren were lately visited by Father Soraent, an investigator of the High Temple known for his ability to commune quite physically with the gods. At the start of his visit, he experienced such communion as a stream of spiders, doves, and tabby cats poured forth from his mouth. He spoke to us: "Sorcery, Necromancy, perversions of Fate, disruptions of the Web, all of this adds up. In haste, in greed, in lust for power, in ignorance, in hubris, the non-pious poison Her Work." He means, of course, that Harawep's Web of Fate is corrupted, poisoned, allowing these extraplanar beings into our own Plane of Abiding.

He went on to explain that the Immortals are of three minds as to how to combat this corruption, of which the creatures are a symptom. Tamsine wishes to purify the corrupted pieces so that threads can be spun anew. Albreda thinks to dismantle the rifts through which these creatures seem to come. Harawep feels that we must burn out the poison and all touched by it. She grows impatient and will slaughter all life on this plane before she allows the Web to die. At the end of Father Soraent's speech, he was overcome by the voices of the goddesses themselves, each urgently plying Her own solution.

Father Soraent implores all to seek out the priestesses of Tamsine, Albreda, and Harawep, who have been sent out by the High Temple. Some are located within our very own Crossing Town Green, though I have been assured they are in other cities as well. The priestesses have tasks for us that will aid in their particular attempts to deal with the corruption of the Web. I join him in urging all to participate. Further, I would like to reiterate Father Soraent's belief that Sorcery and Necromancy are causes of this terrible plague. Choose wisely the spells that you use. Remember, within our hands rests the fate of Fate itself.

With humility,

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Zoluren's Herald,<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]

==Notable Issues==
[[First_Land_Herald_Archives#416-02-32_-_A_Brief_Guide_to_Current_Events_in_Zoluren|416-02-32 - A Brief Guide to Current Events in Zoluren]]


'''[[First_Land_Herald_Archives|First Land Herald Archives]]'''
{{#ask:[[Publication name is::FLH]]
| border="1" class="sortable"
|?Publication article headline is=Headline
|?game date is=Date
|?Publication article author is=Author(s)
|?Article number is=Article number
|sort=game date is
|format=table|link=all|headers=show|mainlabel=Article Page|searchlabel=... further results|class=sortable wikitable smwtable|sep=<br>}}
{{cat|Journalism|First Land Herald}}

Latest revision as of 01:03, 4 January 2025


The First Land Herald is a publication dedicated to the current events of Zoluren; "Zohlu Ren" is Gamgweth for First Land. When possible, the Herald may also report on other events throughout Kermoria. [1]

Editor in Chief: Navesi
Reporters: Shaylynne, Illiya
Assistant Reporter: Ruea
Archivists: Diapsid, Whiteburn
Occasional or Guest Reporters: Miskton, Mazrian, Saragos, Tirost
Former Reporters: Leyhan, Shannera, Marcul, Oscearo, Klines, Simera, Tyrrum, Izimi

Publication In Game

The Herald now offers newsletters exclusively IN GAME FIRST for at least a day or two, possibly longer depending on when our staff can get the articles posted on the wiki. Thus if you want to be sure to read the news and get it as it happens, head to one of the imp locations in game.

  • For updates when an article is published in game, follow @Dragonrealms on Twitter.
  • For updates when an article is archived here on elanthipedia, or other news about the Herald, follow @FirstLandHerald.


The Herald is proud to be partnered with the imps of Elanthia! Copies of the latest edition can be obtained from news stands manned by imps. Visit and GET NEWS for 50 coppers. Currently located at most docks, and a few other places.

In Genie, the following #goto commands work if you're on a map with a news stand:

  • #goto newspaper
  • #goto news stand
  • #goto First Land Herald
  • #goto Herald
Room Title Description Genie Zone Genie Room Lich Room
The Crossing, Hodierna Way east of bank 1 160 731
The Crossing Docks, South End Skirr'lo'lasu dock 1 169 937
The Crossing, Alfren's Ferry ferry dock 1 236 957
Riverhaven, Town Square town square 30 8 389
Riverhaven, East Pier Lybadel and Kree'la dock 30 104 471
Langenfirth, Wharf barge dock 40 36 3434
Therenborough, Horseman's Run one north of gate 42 3 3162
Shard, Moonstone Street just outside bank 67 81 2512
Ratha, Port Walk outside Neh dock 90 4
Uaro Dock, Port of Ratha Night Sky dock 90 234
Uasin Dock, Port of Ratha Tasia'zaul dock 90 262
Mer'Kresh, The Galley Dock galley dock 107 113
Fang Cove, Walkway just outside bank 150 10
Outer Hibarnhvidar, Market Road outside The Singing Raven 116 13
Aesry Surlaenis'a, Staho Pivo'hrr'schu'Mus by the Crystal Wave 99 93
  • Note: There are other NPCs present in the game who sell newssheets, but only imps will sell the newsletter that has the Herald. Other newssheets are very much out of date.


Article PageHeadlineDateAuthor(s)Article number
The First Land Herald/450-05-10A Recap: Mana Thieves, Holy Visions, Forsaken Irises Irises And A Mixed Mana Party!450-05-10Shaylynne114
The First Land Herald/450-05-02Bardic Visions Uncover Grazhir's Past450-05-02Illiya113
The First Land Herald/450-04-37Beseeching For Clarity And Another Vision Of Elanthia450-04-37Illiya112
The First Land Herald/450-04-34The Blighted Experiment And A Glimpse Into The Abyss450-04-34Illiya111
The First Land Herald/450-04-30The Siege of Knife Clan450-04-30Shaylynne110
The First Land Herald/450-04-25Tempers Flare During Pure Mana Experiment450-04-25Illiya109
The First Land Herald/450-04-18A Gathering Of Grief And Hope: Enelne's Message450-04-18Illiya108
The First Land Herald/450-04-10Wild Magic Theory for 'Togs450-04-10Shaylynne107
The First Land Herald/450-04-06Meeting Of The Messengers & A Message From The Heralds450-04-06Shaylynne106
The First Land Herald/450-04-02The Faithful Gather - Tamsine and Meraud Respond450-04-02Shaylynne105
The First Land Herald/450-03-37The Gardener's Tale450-03-37Illiya104
The First Land Herald/450-03-22Unveiling The Mystery Of The Plague Wraiths450-03-22Illiya103
The First Land Herald/450-03-16The Herald's Wrath And The Fall Of The Clans450-03-16Illiya102
The First Land Herald/450-02-28The Second Beseech: A Glimpse Of Primal Elanthia450-02-28Illiya101
The First Land Herald/450-02-18Miraena and the Blue Iris Ball450-02-18Shaylynne100
The First Land Herald/450-02-07Beseeching Elanthia To Find The Missing Adventurers450-02-07Illiya99
The First Land Herald/450-02-04Talking With Elementals: Revelations From Human Warrior Mage Valenal450-02-04Illiya98
The First Land Herald/450-01-38Unaka Attends Overhealers Anonymous and Holy Magic Discussions450-01-38Shaylynne97
The First Land Herald/450-01-32Liraxes' Device Identifies Prime Sorcery Location450-01-32Illiya96
The First Land Herald/450-01-26Asildu Attends Approach At Diplomacy With The Heralds450-01-26Shaylynne95
The First Land Herald/450-01-20A Wild Seaside Mammoth Ride Graced By Unaka's Presence450-01-20Shaylynne94
The First Land Herald/450-01-17Wild Magic Recap: Mystery Visitors, Cataclysmic Rumors, Messages From Beyond450-01-17Illiya93
The First Land Herald/449-10-33Disaster Strikes, Navesi And Others Abducted449-10-33Illiya92
The First Land Herald/449-10-29Seeking Khoheke: Costume or Commodore?449-10-29Shaylynne91
The First Land Herald/449-10-24Wild Magic Predictions Reveal Dark Future449-10-24Illiya90
The First Land Herald/449-10-23Planar Observatory Expedition Reveals 'Liraxes' Clue449-10-23Illiya89
The First Land Herald/449-09-15Wild Magic Shifts As Immortals Take Notice449-09-15Shaylynne
The First Land Herald/449-07-18Grey Dragons Seek Kather Wisdom On Magic Unrest449-07-18Illiya87
The First Land Herald/449-05-30Magic Stops, Causes Widespread Disruption449-05-30Illiya86
The First Land Herald/449-02-30O-Pi-Sekh Chants Erupt as Chepiso Escapes Hounds of Rutilor449-02-30Illiya85
... further results


  1. Disclaimer: All articles are written by players and submitted to a GM before being published in game. Articles are written In Character and represent the PC author's interpretation of events.

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