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<br><br>The First Land Herald is a publication dedicated to Zoluren current events. When possible reporters may also report on other events throughout Kermoria.<br>
<br><br>[[Publication pretty name is::The First Land Herald]][[Publication name is::FLH| ]] is a publication dedicated to the current events of [[Zoluren]]; "Zohlu Ren" is Gamgweth for First Land. When possible, the Herald may also report on other events throughout [[Kermoria]].&thinsp;<ref>'''Disclaimer''': All articles are written by players and submitted to a [[GM]] before being published in game. Articles are written In Character and represent the PC author's interpretation of events.</ref>
'''Editor in Chief:''' [[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
'''Reporter and Lead Archivist:''' [[Saragos|Saragos Daerthon]]<br>
'''Reporter:''' [[Klines]] [[Silvermist_family|Silvermist]]<br>
'''Assistant Reporter:''' [[Marcul|Marcul McRee-Rhyian]]<br>

==Latest Issues==
'''Editor in Chief:''' [[Navesi]]<br>
'''Reporter:''' [[Shaylynne]]<br>
'''Assistant Reporters:''' [[Ruea]], [[Illiya]]<br>
'''Archivists:''' [[Diapsid]], [[Whiteburn]]<br>
'''Occasional or Guest Reporters:''' [[Miskton]], [[Mazrian]], [[Saragos]], [[Tirost]]<br>
'''Former Reporters:''' [[Leyhan]], [[Shannera]], [[Marcul]], [[Oscearo]], [[Klines]], [[Simera]], [[Tyrrum]], [[Izimi]] <br>

==Publication In Game==
The Herald now offers newsletters exclusively IN GAME FIRST for at least a day or two, possibly longer depending on when our staff can get the articles posted on the wiki. Thus if you want to be sure to read the news and get it as it happens, head to one of the imp locations in game.

*For updates when an article is published in game, follow [ @Dragonrealms] on Twitter.
The rush of victory surges through our veins once again, as [[Zoluren]] has delivered a death blow to the [[Elpalzi]] stronghold! [[Sorrow's Keep]] was breached and ELPALZI COMMANDER [[ALRET]] IS DEAD, COMPLETELY CONSUMED BY [[MAELSHYVE]]! His assassins lie dead as well, their souls on the [[Starry Road]]! We may finally rest easily knowing that the rebel [[Elpalzi]], who have plagued us since the beginning of 409, are broken, leaderless and without a Keep.
*For updates when an article is archived here on elanthipedia, or other news about the Herald, follow [ @FirstLandHerald].

Lord [[Grigoire]] called everyone to action with few formalities at [[DiSilveron]] manor. Our beloved Prince [[Belirendrick]] led the charge into battle, while many stayed behind with the sage [[Trethom]] in order to enact the necessary entry ritual.
The Herald is proud to be partnered with the imps of Elanthia! Copies of the latest edition can be obtained from news stands manned by imps. Visit and {{com|GET}} {{tt|NEWS}} for 50 coppers. Currently located at most docks, and a few other places.

In [[Genie]], the following <code>#goto</code> commands work if you're on a map with a news stand:
'''The Ritual'''
*<code>#goto newspaper</code>
*<code>#goto news stand</code>
*<code>#goto First Land Herald</code>
*<code>#goto Herald</code>

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As the prince's unit moved up the Northern Trade Route and into Sorrow's Reach, [[Trethom]] led all those willing into the manor, disbursing crystal amulets. As [[Ovorion]] told me, "The Sage invoked the Moonlight; we all rubbed our amulets at his command. When he beseeched the starlight, we tapped at his command." [[Marcul]] added, "The amount of Lunar mana flowing through that place was enormous." [[Ovorion]] went on to explain that he felt a mental intrusion during the ritual, an "awful sensation" that he attributed to [[Elpalzi]] mind-probing. When that happened, those present pushed the amulet to effect a kind of pushing from their minds. At the end, [[Ovorion]] felt a "tugging sensation" and then blacked out briefly, awakening to hear [[Trethom]] declaring the ritual a success. [[Trethom]] was clearly taxed from the event, as shortly after he was led away by guardsmen, leaning heavily on them.
!'''Room Title'''||'''Description'''||'''Genie Zone'''||'''Genie Room'''||'''Lich Room'''
|The Crossing, Hodierna Way||east of bank||1||160||731
|The Crossing Docks, South End||Skirr'lo'lasu dock||1||169||937
|The Crossing, Alfren's Ferry||ferry dock||1||236||957
|Riverhaven, Town Square||town square||30||8||389
|Riverhaven, East Pier||Lybadel and Kree'la dock||30||104||471
|Langenfirth, Wharf||barge dock||40||36||3434
|Therenborough, Horseman's Run||one north of gate||42||3||3162
|Shard, Moonstone Street||just outside bank||67||81||2512
|Ratha, Port Walk||outside Neh dock||90||4||
|Uaro Dock, Port of Ratha||Night Sky dock||90||234||
|Uasin Dock, Port of Ratha||Tasia'zaul dock||90||262||
|Mer'Kresh, The Galley Dock||galley dock||107||113||
|Fang Cove, Walkway||just outside bank||150||10||
|Outer Hibarnhvidar, Market Road||outside The Singing Raven||116||13||
|Aesry Surlaenis'a, Staho Pivo'hrr'schu'Mus||by the Crystal Wave||99||93||

* Note: There are other NPCs present in the game who sell newssheets, but only imps will sell the newsletter that has the Herald. Other newssheets are very much out of date.
'''The Assault'''

When the fighting force arrived at the portal in [[Sorrow's Reach]], Prince [[Belirendrick]] raised a sphere toward the blockade. A silent but palpable wave of energy rushed through the area, washing away the blockade completely and revealing a cavern mouth. At this point the prince urged us to split into separate fighting groups, which we did, led by [[Mazrian]], Sir [[Kenamer]], Councillor [[Aislynn]], Prince [[Belirendrick]], and possibly others I was not able to discern. We entered the Keep in our groups and immediately encountered the enemy. Faced with numerous [[Elpalzi]] in tight quarters, at times it was almost impossible to hide or retreat. The difficulty of the fight was evident as bodies piled up, brave [[Empath]]s and [[Cleric]]s like [[Alephisa]] and [[Bryanny]] huddled just outside to create a field hospital. Healers such as [[Karthor]] and [[Qiyan]] braved the field to relieve battered combatants. Noble [[Paladin]]s such as Sir [[Sebestyen]] and Dame [[Isharon]] acted as a bulwark against the brunt of the attacks, while fighters such as [[Rmel]] and [[Rizitel]] hammered the enemy with blows. There are too many brave friends of [[Zoluren]] to list fully here.
{{#ask:[[Publication name is::FLH]]

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Others I found scouted the Keep individually, such as [[Elec]] and [[Hanryu]]. I found [[Elec]] resting calmly in the Interrogation room, and [[Hanryu]] later shared with me the documents and map he was able to procure from the [[Elpalzi]] stronghold.
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During the fighting we also felt the souls of [[Elpalzi]] assassins [[Tengh]] and [[Zayerg]] walk the [[Starry Road]]. I was unable to obtain statements from any present at their deaths, but we rejoice all the same.
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'''The Prisoner Rescue'''
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While the other group leaders led in fighting the [[Elpalzi]], the group led by Councillor [[Aislynn]], which I saw to be formed of the Councillor, [[Klines]], [[Perune]], [[Heartsfyre]], [[Fariden]], and possibly others, made their way to the prison cells. [[Klines]] told me that [[Iazen]] was waiting for them there, having already readied the other prisoners to move. [[Aislynn]]'s group escorted them all out, defending them as they went, until they reached a point of safety where [[Klines]] could gate them back to [[DiSilveron]] manor. Klines said, "As we all arrived, Lord [[Grigoire]] was there to greet us. Shortly thereafter medics emerged from the Manor and took charge of the prisoners and saw them through the gate." [[Perune]] added that there were only a small handful of prisoners remaining. He claimed that [[Iazen]] reported all other prisoners had perished before the assault.

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'''The Battle with Alret'''

{{cat|Journalism|First Land Herald}}
Finally, the fighting force pushed through the Keep toward [[Alret]]'s war room. There we found a barricaded door, which Lord [[Grigoire]] bid us break down. Many took weapons to the door, shredding it until we were allowed passage. Inside we found [[Alret]] in front of a crumbling sacrificial altar. We struck him down easily in a brutal attack en masse. Twice, however, he rose again. The three killing blows were struck by [[Somniumvisum]], [[Mazrian]], and [[Hammerfist]].

[[Alret]] wore an amulet shaped like eye around his neck, which emitted a sickly green glow, and during the fighting it began to glow even brighter. He grasped it and began calling out to [[Maelshyve]] to destroy his enemies. In his mix of [[Elpalzi]] and Common, I was able to make out promises of fealty from the entire [[Elpalzi]] race, and of bloody offerings to the demon, interspersed with boasts of how his power and prowess could aid her. However, as he fell for the third time, I heard a booming voice: "I seek no servants, I need no worshipers, I am that I am -- behold my children as they lay waste to all!" Soon after, inky black tentacles shot out of the amulet and entwined [[Alret]]'s body in a barbed embrace. Mere seconds later, they wrenched away violently, pulling with them tattered pieces of ethereal matter as they retracted into the artifact. His corpse decayed then with alarming efficiency, leaving no trace of him behind, and we all felt that his soul was consumed by [[Maelshyve]]! However, just then, we were attacked by [[Maelshyvean hierophants]] and cinder beasts, and to my dismay I saw a shadowy, amorphous creature — which we would later come to call a [[maeldryth]] — snatch up the amulet in one of its many inky black tentacles.

'''The Sealing, and the Battle with Demonspawn'''

We fought for a short time until Lord [[Grigoire]] gave the order to fall back so that the Clerical troops could seal in the demonspawn. I noticed after exiting that the portal now crackled with Holy energy, so I can only presume that they finished their job. At this point, Prince [[Belirendrick]] ordered us back to the [[Crossing]], as it was overrun with more of the demon's minions. Of particular note, the [[maeldryth]]s we found there would immobilize and curse our fighters, and the only way we found to dispel them was with the Uncurse spell. Once this was known, our fighters cleared the streets with alacrity, until the city was safe once more.

Well fought, [[Zoluren]]. Today we have vanquished our enemy! We look forward to peace talks with those [[Elpalzi]] friendly to us, and to uncovering the location of the foul amulet so it may be destroyed. But for now, rest and relax. It is a time to celebrate our accomplishment!

By my hand,

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]

With the death of [[Geva]], hope that the conflict with the [[Elpalzi]] is finally coming to an end has never been higher. Lord [[Grigoire]] soon plans to make an announcement that many speculate will finally see [[Zoluren]] on the offensive against [[Alret]] and his forces. In advance of Lord [[Grigoire]]’s announcement, operations by the [[Zoluren]] military have begun at [[Sorrow’s Reach]].

Early on the 35th day of the 5th month of Uthmor the Giant, 423 years since Lanival, a significant explosion was heard from the direction of [[Sorrow’s Keep]]. “It was about as loud as the explosions during an invasion. But I think I caught more of an echo of it seeing as I was standing outside the [Moon Mage guild] tower, behind the wall. The flash was pretty bright though,” stated [[Willower]], a member of the Moon Mage guild. “I felt the ground shake and I heard a huge explosion that seemed to come from the direction of [[Sorrow’s Keep]],” stated [[Meantermel]], a member of the Barbarian guild.

Many immediately rushed for the Reach to try to determine what had occurred. Upon arrival at the cavern mouth, they were greeted by a full company of [[Zoluren]] soldiers. A member of the company indicated that, acting upon Lord [[Grigoire]]’s orders, an Explosives detachment set charges and detonated them in order to clear a way to a magical portal within the cavern. The detachment removed the debris and then returned home. “They exploded the rubble that was blocking the cavern mouth, so the wards can be access when the key is ready,” stated Masterson, a member of the company. He went on to say, “Lord [[Denesal]] wanted it done early so it could be assessed for threats.”

The newly exposed portal is hazy and glows with magics that swirl in hues of green, red, blue, and black. While red, blue, and black are associated with the moons that move in the skies above Elanthia, green does not correspond to any known moon. Green does, however, correspond with the demon [[Maelshyve]] which many have speculated is somehow linked to the [[Alret]] and [[Geva]]. It is also the color of the moongates and teleportational magics used by the [[Elpalzi]]. The area around the portal portal is surrounded by scorched stone. It is possible that the scorch marks are from the explosions, however that is uncertain.

The company of [[Zoluren]] soldiers indicated that no entities have attempted to emerge from the portal, despite it being stable. Masterson said, “We’re a Holy unit, trained in conjunction with the temple. We came in after the explosive company left, after the mages who were watching declared the portal stable. We are here to ensure that [nothing comes through the portal].”

It is clear that these soldiers intend to carry out their charge, to prevent access to the portal until the key is ready. Will Lord [[Grigoire]]’s imminent announcement reveal more about the ritual? Will the attack on [[Sorrow’s Keep]] begin at the conclusion of the announcement? All of [[Elanthia]] holds its breath as we wait for whatever the future may bring, to arrive.

[[Klines|Klines Silvermist]]<br>
Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]

Zoluren reels with triumph! The witch is dead! [[GEVA]], Lieutenant of the [[Elpalzi]] has fallen, HER SOUL CONSUMED BY THE DEMON [[MAELSHYVE]]! Rejoice, citizens!

Her downfall began on Truffandu, the 13th day of Uthmor in this year 423. She was heard on the public gwethdesuan network taunting the people of Zoluren. Self-described Weasel Professor [[Nakori]] warned me, "Do not think any thoughts to people about anything! [[Geva]] can hear all the thoughts and she will come snip your hair and make a doll and torture you!" [[Perune]] confirmed that [[Geva]] "used [a doll] on [[Qiyan]] and a number of others. It allowed her to probe their minds, [[Geva]] claimed, and also almost kill them." [[Nakori]] continued, "[[Geva]] snipped my fur and made a doll of me and tried to torture me, but I was strong and she wasn't very good at making it hurt for a long time, so I didn't tell her anything that I didn't know I knew."

[[Geva]] spoke openly of stealing into guilds and plaza shops, doing gods-know-what foul work, mocking our province and its people as she did so. Her timely end came about due to the quick thinking of well-known Zoluren pair, [[Kaelie]] and [[Mazrian]]. According to [[Mazrian]], [[Kaelie]] spotted the [[Elpalzi]] witch at the Crossing Empath guild, and he set up ambush just outside. [[Kaelie]] then enlisted the help of [[Constanze]] to oust [[Geva]] from the guild with Empathic magics. [[Mazrian]] made his move and [[Geva]] went down! Even those of us distant from the event sensed then that her soul was taken, not to the [[Starry Road]] or even the [[Red Spiral]], but into the bowels of that most evil of demons, [[Maelshyve]].

HOWEVER, do not rest, Zoluren. [[Alret]] yet lives, and he commands the [[Elpalzi]] stronghold, which still teems with our enemies. But in heartening news, the Zoluren Council is finally ready to act. SOON WE STORM [[SORROW'S KEEP]]!

One andu ago, [[Perune]] called a Town Hall meeting to share the news brought to him by Lord [[Grigoire]]: Zoluren will march against the [[Elpalzi]]. We have finally discovered a way to breach their stronghold and will take the attack to them. Our most seasoned warriors are asked to join the front lines, breaking into [[Sorrow's Keep]] itself to purge it. All others are asked to join together in an undisclosed location and perform a ritual to aid in the battle in an undisclosed way. To those who would storm the castle, [[Perune]] warned NOT TO TOUCH anything inside, for fear of demonic influence. To those participating in the ritual, be prepared to use your magical attunement, should you have any — though all will be needed. Keep an ear to the gweth in the coming days for further announcements from the Zoluren military.

It is important to note at this point that not all [[Elpalzi]] are against Zoluren. Councilor [[Aislynn]] of the Order of the Apostles spoke to me of her experience with just one such Elpalzi. About 12 andu ago, she and [[Fariden]] encountered an [[Elpalzi]] woman, [[Kenla]], on the Northern Trade Route. [[Kenla]] revealed that many [[Elpalzi]] were forced to fight under threat of death to themselves and their families, confessing that her four daughters were made to fight that day, all of whom were slain by Zoluren fighters. [[Aislynn]] said of it, "The sadness of a mother grieving for the loss of all of her children on the same day is... not something one can mistake." [[Kenla]] went on to tell that [[Geva]] has some means of sensing insurrection or disloyalty and expected her time would not be long. At the end of the conversation, [[Kenla]] was "torn apart by green fire," and her spirit was felt to walk the Starry Road.

[[Aislynn]] further told me that, through the work of Lady [[Lilena]], Zoluren was able to obtain the key to [[Sorrow's Keep]], whose magical wards have for so long kept us from attacking the [[Elpalzi]] directly. One friendly [[Elpalzi]] snuck into Commander [[Alret]]'s war room and stole the key from him, delivering it unto us. And so, thanks to an [[Elpalzi]], we shall finally be able to put an end to this conflict. [[Aislynn]] said that she believed that diplomacy, trust, and the desire to save the [[Elpalzi]] as a race were instrumental in us obtaining the key.

Today we remember the following fallen [[Elpalzi]] as brave friends and heroes to the province of Zoluren: [[Kenla]], [[Esthen]], [[Orles]], [[Parthe]], [[Conlet]], and [[Ertusn]].

Now, Zoluren, prepare yourselves for battle!

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]

For over a decade, the [[Elpalzi]] have launched raids on [[Zoluren]]. These raids have been sporadic and seemingly random in nature. However, over the past two days, the rate at which the [[Elpalzi]] are attacking has increased dramatically.

Since early on the 75th day of the 423rd year since Lanival, the [[Elpalzi]] have been launching constant attacks on The Crossing, Dirge, the Journalai Route, and the Northern Trade Road. While these attacks have varied in size, they stand out due to the consistent tempo. For the past couple of days, hardly an hour has gone by without warning calls being heard through the gwethdesuan network.

Furthermore, a small group of Guilded adventurers encountered a member of [[House Turmar]], Lady [[Lilena]] Turmar, in The Crossing Empath Guild. Lady [[Lilena]] indicated that it was important she return to Dirge to speak with her great uncle and was offered an escort by this reporter, [[Liurilias]], [[Aislynn]], and [[Kaelie]].

Near the start of the journey to Dirge, I volunteered to lead the group to its destination. While moving along the Northern Trade Road, our contingent came upon several [[Elpalzi]] who seemed to be in a state of retreat. Our group was able to handle these stragglers, however, the tide turned as we approached the road into Dirge. A few of us noticed what appeared to be a flash of shadow, which gave us pause. Before being able to assess what we had seen, many green portals began opening with organized groups of [[Elpalzi]] pouring from them.

We were almost immediately radically outnumbered and, with the benefit of surprise on their side, the [[Elpalzi]] managed to mortally wound Kaelie. Aislynn and myself began a tactical withdrawal with Lady Lilena, while Liurilias stayed behind to buy time for us. We withdrew in a harried rush that required me to fight off numerous pursuers as we fled. Finally, we managed to lose our enemies by retreating to the [[Abandoned Clan]] Great Hall near [[Sunfall Hub]].

While we felt safe for the moment, it became apparent that a great danger was lurking in our future. Lady [[Lilena]], a Moon Mage who studied under the [[Monks of the Crystal Hand]], was suddenly overcome by a vision. From my perspective, the vision clearly overwhelmed her mind, and we worried about the lasting effects it might have.
Shortly after the vision ended, Liurilias and Kaelie managed to rejoin us without being followed. Using his considerable experience and training as a Cleric, Liurilias was able to link the spirits of all present: me, Aislynn, Kaelie, Lady Lilena, and himself. As a result of this link, Aislynn, Liurilias, and I were able to share Lady Lilena’s vision. Kaelie did not see it, and we hypothesize the link simply was not strong enough to share with all. The vision itself was truly overwhelming and felt different in its intensity from normal Moon Mage visions, of which I have had many. Throughout the entire vision, I experienced intense pain and mental rending, and I began to feel encompassed by a profoundly unnatural force. Oddly, this force was perceived in the same way I perceive the color green. As the vision continued, the pain remained intense, however I saw brief glimpses of an Elpalzi woman’s face, flickering in front of a dark, winged shape. The feeling of green continued to be prevalent in my mind as well. Finally, the vision flashed away, however just as it did so I distinctly saw a triple-tined claw.

This final image left all of us deeply unsettled. Our immediate thoughts turned to the one who uses the triple-tined claw as a standard: [[Maelshyve]]. It is widely accepted that the [[Zaulfung Stones]] are in place to repair the tear created by the [[Voidspell]]. Furthermore, it is known that [[Maelshyve]] has attempted to exploit the weakened state of the barrier between planes there, her influence apparent in the corruption of the swamp. Shortly after the shared vision, Lady [[Lilena]] managed to make it home safely via a family artifact. Lady [[Lilena]] said, “Well, if it salves your concerns, you'll know it is Auntie and the guards by the ruby glow." Shortly thereafter a ruby red glow surrounded Lady [[Lilena]] and both she and the glow disappeared moments later.

In addition to this vision, two other visions, which may be related, have been seen by several Moon Mages recently. In the first vision, a crowned figure stood in a room surrounded by rich tapestries and fine furnishings. Nearby, a human used a quill to write steadily, taking notes as the crowned figure spoke. During a lull in the speech, the writer reached toward an intricate insignia at his shoulder and brushed something away from one of its curves while smiling. In the second vision, Moon Mages found themselves in a dimly lit cell, overcome by a feeling of utter hopelessness. The cell door creaked open and light broke through it, but the feeling of hopelessness was so great that we could not move at all our shackled hand. These two visions may refer to the Moon Mage Iazen, who served as scribe for the Zoluren court. [[Iazen]] was taken prisoner by the [[Elpalzi]] years ago and has not been heard from since. The first vision may be a view into his past, while the second could be a glimpse into his present or future.

These vision leads to several questions: Is [[Iazen]] still alive? Does the triple-tined claw vision mean the [[Elpalzi]] are attempting to align with [[Maelshyve]]? Is [[Maelshyve]] using the [[Elpalzi]] as puppets? Does this somehow relate to the Necromancer Guild? As always, we must remain vigilant against the threats at our doorstep!

[[Klines|Klines Silvermist]]<br>
Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]


This evening, a proclamation was presented to the Rathan populace by [[Strembin|Council Herald Strembin Redthorne]], Speaker of the Council of Advisors of [[Ratha]]. The Council Herald began by addressing a large crowd of common folk assembled in Monument Square, just outside the entrance to [[Sshoi-sson Palace]].

“People of Ratha! Be it known that on the twenty-first day of this sixth month of Arhat the Fire Lion, in the year of the Bronze Wyvern, four-hundred and twenty-one years since the victory of Lanival the Redeemer, it was ratified by the Council of Advisors for the city of Ratha and island of [[Reshalia]], to establish a temporary Home Guard of the Commons. To that end, all able-bodied citizens who are not members of any Guild, between the ages of sixteen and thirty, shall raise unto themselves such arms as they may afford, and enlist themselves within said Home Guard until such time as these immediate crises have been shown to abate.”

His words had a noticeable effect on the crowd, and sensing the agitation Strembin directed several Malk’smo constables into motion to silence the murmuring.

“The populace shall stand assured that with the passing of such dangers, said proclamation shall be lifted forthwith.”

His message delivered, the Council Herald waited for the crowd of commoners to disperse then invited the Guilded adventurers in attendance to join him within the palace for further discussion.

After leading the group to the west portico, Strembin first spoke of the recent attacks by [[Drogor]]’s minions and how the city was caught unprepared for them. He said that the invasions had prompted the Council’s decision to establish a list of heroes willing to bear arms in defense of Ratha should the need arise. And while this divine danger may be passing, the Council Herald noted that it was not the only threat Ratha faces.

“We have recent and ongoing reports of particularly vicious pirate attacks plying the sea lanes between Ratha and the mainland, as well as here and [[Surlaenis]]...More than simple pirates, if our reports so far are to be believed, though some of them are rather...hard to substantiate. The general ramblings are of a great flotilla, larger than most have ever seen. Which would seem to be considerable, given the fleets which call Ratha home.

“Several have babbled on about green-skinned pirates, which makes little to no sense. I can hardly believe there is a populace of Togs large enough to construct an entire flotilla.”

Strembin remarked that despite expanded patrols by both [[Redthorne]] and [[Odalva]] vessels, an increasing number of merchant ships are turning up lost or destroyed. Normally this would not be a great cause for concern, he said, but the attacks have been growing bolder and occurring closer to Reshalia shores.

Since the city has received no ransom demands with regard to hostages taken from captured ships, the Council is working under the assumption that the pirates may be in league with slavers. Strembin declared that Ratha has no intention of negotiating with any pirates, however, and that they should be eradicated whenever the opportunity presents itself.

[[Aislynn|Aislynn Ranloa]], Vice Speaker of the [[Order of the Apostles]], inquired if there had been any sightings of [[Aedem]] of late.

“That name hasn't been heard in quite some time, no. Though it does bring me to my next point of concern.

“Some of our informants among the more...dubiously legal crews who call the city home port, have filtered in some information that gives me greater pause. They say, apparently, that a new [[Var'Quel|Baron Var'Quel]] has recently come to power on [[Hara'jaal]]. And unlike his more recent predecessors, it appears this man is a bit less shall we coin the phrase again, ‘Hands-off.’”

The adventurers discussed what this turn of events might mean for [[Qi'Reshalia]]. Council Herald Strembin explained that while the province has enjoyed many decades of non-interference from the barons, there is concern that this new leader may seek to bring back the “old ways.” When asked by [[Leucius|Leucius Delarrazio]] what the old ways were, he responded: “A particularly vicious and well organized sort of piracy that the [[Reshal Sea]] hasn't seen in generations.”

The discussion then returned briefly to the topic of Drogor and reverence to the [[Immortals]] in general. True to form, [[Whiteburn|Sea Priestess Whiteburn]] defended the god of the oceans, stating that He would not command His minions to attack without cause and that He must always be honored and remembered irrespective of [[Harawep]]’s alleged involvement in the most recent invasions.

[[Nazaruss|Nazaruss Stormfall]] suggested that he and some of the other regulars at the [[Forging Society (Ratha)|Rissan Forging Society]] could aid the cause by crafting weapons for the new citizen militia. Strembin replied that although conscripts are usually required to provide their own arms and armor, the Council would not be averse to accepting such donations.

“I knew that we'd find good and generous folk among our Guilded brethren and sistren.”

As dawn was approaching, the Council Herald thanked everyone for their attendance and adjourned the meeting.

[[Simera|Simera Asherah]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]


Sea Priestess [[Whiteburn]] has reported experiencing some new visions.

“The first instance, a burst of marine-hued light suddenly overtook my vision, accompanied with the strong smells of seawater and blood. As my senses began to clear, I heard a single word echo in my mind, ‘atulave.’”

She continued:

“Later, a violent surge of oceanic hues overtook my vision, churning as if in the midst of a storm, and I heard the screeching of hurricane-force winds. As I regained my senses, I felt compelled to search out a strange, reflective stone. I felt certain that its surface distorts all images seen within it, and that it contains many pale filaments across its form, like the threads of a spider's web. The words ‘stura atulave’ echoed over and over in my mind, slowly trailing away as if carried upon an ocean breeze.”

Both of these visions were accompanied by the expunging of bloody seawater. Whiteburn noted that while there were no clues to the stone’s whereabouts, she did have the feeling that it was something she should seek out.

Another adventurer named Gabellia reported via gwethdesuan that she too had seen a vision related to this unknown object. Mottled grey and brown hues suddenly overtook her vision, as if she had been pushed face-first into the pelt of some mangy creature. As her senses began to clear, she heard a single word echo in her mind, ‘atulave.’

Discussions with [[Navesi]] and other adventurers fluent in [[Gorbesh]] revealed the phrase ''stura atulave'' to mean something akin to “sacred face(s) changing” in that language.

Word of these visions traveled quickly, and soon several intrepid individuals were on the hunt for this ''stura atulave''. Doctor [[Dianelle]] recommended that someone scout the Healerie; Navesi also happened upon Voyle Oracelya in the abandoned mine near [[Stone Clan]] as he scoured the area for the ominous object.

Finally, the stone was found in an unexpected way. War Healer [[Kerenelle]] picked up a [[Harawep]] favor orb and was headed to the temple when her pet jumping spider dropped a small stone into her hand. A description follows:

The opaque stone is highly reflective, but distorts images seen upon it like a funhouse mirror - even on places where it is completely smooth. Thin, pale, filament-like markings streak the surface, like the silken threads of a spider's web.

Kerenelle and her husband are of the belief that this is only a piece of the stone. Perhaps others are awaiting our discovery.

[[Simera|Simera Asherah]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]


I recently had a visit from local [[Warrior_Mage|Warrior Mage]] [[Perune|Perune Nocarrain]]. He informed me that [[Lilena|Lady Lilena]] [[Turmar]] had just defended Dirge single-handedly. As he put it, "She had been gwething for assistance to fight off a rebel gang... She said she received no assistance at all." He further told me that, in addition to no response on the gweth, numerous adventurers passed her by as she fought. He says she plans to speak to the Zoluren Council about the incident.

[[Nakori|Nakori Dozypaws]] was also present at the meeting with the lady. She said, "She was alone, I think... oh! The shaman helped a bit... and she was upset that no one else helped."

[[Zoluren]] adventurers, I implore you to wield the powers of your guild in defense of our province. Listen to your gweths, and know your nobility. For a refresher, you might visit the Herald archives and look at Saragos's [[First_Land_Herald_Archives#416-02-32_.E2.80.94_A_Brief_Guide_to_Current_Events_in_Zoluren|Guide to Current Events in Zoluren]]. When our people are in danger, we must respond!

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]


On the evening of 421/5/29, [[Arthe_Dale|Arthe Dale]] found itself bustling with activity. Thespians from multiple provinces worked together to put on a performance of “Behind the Lines”, a play written by Sir Leucius Delarrazio. Under the direction of [[Marssi|Marssi Darssi]], the play was entertaining and provided much needed relief to many of the defenders of the provinces.

Actors and actresses in the play included [[Sendithu|Sendithu Shima’ionare-Remlane]], [[Samsaren|Samsaren Remlane-Shima’ionare]], [[Maltris|Maltris Remlane]], [[Morlen|Morlen Ishbel]], and [[Mistanna|Mistanna Redivas]]. Their talents weaved a tale of comedy and intrigue, poking fun at the [[Elpalzi]] and some of its leadership.*

Based on the volume of the applause during curtain call, the story that played out on stage seemed to delight most of the audience. Although, it would seem not all in attendance appreciated the talents of the troupe. Moments after the final curtain call, a voice was heard throughout the [[Yulugri_Wala|Yulugri Wala]]. The voice would turn out to belong to [[Geva|Geva Stavonark]], a Lieutenant with the Elpalzi rebellion. The voice stated, “And playing the lovely Geva...oh. That’s right, I wasn’t deemed worthy enough to be in this yeehar-drivel of a play. Do I not entertain you? Clearly not, no clearly not.”

Apparently, the Lieutenant felt slighted by the content of the play and shortly thereafter a full Elpalzi attack on Arthe Dale and The Crossing commenced. Initially reported outside [[Crossing|The Crossing’s]] [[Empath|Empath Guild]], the Elpalzi forces quickly spread to the [[Ranger|Rangers' Guild]] as well. [[Saphryna|Saphryna Silverwaters]], a member of the Empath guild, stated “I was just outside the Empath guild, preparing to walk inside and passed a group of Elpalzi just outside the doors.” Many audience members, perhaps galvanized by the momentary respite provided by the play, rushed out to aid in the defenses.

Elpalzi [[Elpalzi_instigator|instigators]], [[Elpalzi_bowyer|bowyer]], [[Elpalzi_mage|mages]], [[Elpalzi_deadeye|deadeyes]], [[Elpalzi_rebel|rebels]], [[Elpalzi_dissident|dissidents]], [[Elpalzi_fomenter|fomenters]], [[Elpalzi_toxophilite|toxophilites]], [[Elpalzi_incendiary|incendiaries]], [[Elpalzi_hunter|hunters]], [[Elaplzi_sharpshooter|sharpshooters]] and champions flooded the streets of the both towns, rapidly overwhelming garrison forces. Bolstering the Elpalzi attack was their liberal use of [[naphtha]], throwing it at defenders in an attempt to cause severe burns. After a protracted battle, defenders managed to drive the Elpalzi back.

With Arthe Dale and The Crossing safe from rebel forces once again, questions remain. Despite this large attack, there were no reported sightings or encounters with [[Alret]]. We have had no reported sightings of Alret in many months, nor heard from him on the gweth Could this mean that the Elpalzi are under new leadership? Time will tell. For now, as always, we must remain vigilant in the defense of our homes.

*All portrayals of Elpalzi in “Behind the Lines” were, I assume, purely fictional and are not known to be based on actual events.

[[Klines|Klines Silvermist]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, The First Land Herald


The [[Estate_Holder|Estate Holders]] were treated to a social gathering in [[Fang_Cove|Fang Cove]] with several Estate Holder Councilors. The mostly social event was to introduce several of the members, with [[Tarsben|Councilor Tarsben Irintel]] of [[Qi'Reshalia]] leading the discussion. Also in attendance were Estate Holder [[Orethiir|Councilor Orethiir Dakshilo]] of [[Ilithi]] and Estate Holder [[Gunhard|Councilor Guhnard Hvar'Almi]] of [[Forfedhdar]]. Specifics were not to be found in great detail as the bureaucratic notions of council life are anything but reportable.

The meeting turned a dark corner and with it, a host of assorted mass visions were reported by the attendees. One such vision, experienced personally by this author:

For a moment, my vision dimmed, and I am certain I could hear a faint "Tick. Tick. Tick.". As my vision began to clear, I could see an ominous image of a shadowed street with small, malevolent figures scampering in and out of the light, little as there was. Abruptly, my sight and hearing returned to normal.

Moments later the area filled with animated dolls wielding tiny scythes. The defense mounted quickly, with most Estate Holders escaping the battle unharmed. Those that stayed battled with the foul creations until no more could be hunted. Unfortunately, due to their tenacity, I was only able to gaze with any studious intent at a single one of the life-like but dangerous playthings. I provide a description below.

Although once a child's well-loved toy, the knee-high little doll was covered with ugly rust-colored streaks all over its face and hands, drips of which could be seen on its once-fine clothing. It stalked about, searching out prey, and a simple little smile graced its face, an augmentation that did little to counter the madness in its eyes.

Of some note, a blessed weapon is effective against these creations, as is Protection from Evil. As for their difficulty, I estimate that the smaller, more rough-hewn dolls were the easiest, perhaps similar in ability to a [[Young_forest_gryphon|young gryphon]]. There was a more menacing rough-hewn doll that was more difficult, perhaps akin to a warklin. Finally, the most difficult opponents were those dolls that were finely carved and had brightly glowing eyes. These I estimated to be similar to a storm bull. For more details on the dolls, see our previous article, Murder Dolls Descend on Riverhaven. Unlike a report from this past invasion, I heard no cries for bones.

Again, we see visions, perhaps an attempted warning from the divine. And yet again, we see ravenous synthetic creations streaming across a city, blade wielding and a true terror to behold. Stay safe, dear readers. The future, at least for the moment, lies dark.

[[Marcul|Marcul McRee-Rhyian]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]


Recently, the provinces have suffered a series of unusual and troubling invasions. This was continued on 421/5/30, when [[Therenborough]] found itself under attack by [[Brine_shark|blue brine sharks, bull brine sharks, sharpnose brine sharks, dread great white sharks]], and [[Drogorian_stormrider|Stormriders]]. While Therenborough has been attacked by sharks in the past, this particular attack was unusual as it was not raining. Previous attacks involving [[Drogor|Drogor’s]] creatures have been accompanied by some level of precipitation.

[[Whiteburn|Priestess[Whiteburn]], a [[Cleric]] well known for being devoted to Drogor, stated, “I have never known His Children to attack without rain to accompany them. When His Children attacked [[Ratha]], I felt His presence. However, this time I saw and felt nothing of the Divine.” Whiteburn went on to speculate, “It is my belief that, though the Creatures were surely Divine, the Mighty Lord Drogor might not have bade them attack.”

The question of who or what sent the creatures aside, those that actively defended Therenborough indicated that the sharks and Stormriders were of the type seen previously. [[Etherian]], one of the brave defenders, stated, “There were two Stormriders that I know of. One showed up in the first wave and one near the end. Other than that, I believe it was mostly blue brine and bull brine sharks.” [[Liurilias|Grand Inquisitor Liurilias]] added, “Stormriders are… the hardest [opponents]. They… resist my debilitations and are hardest to actually hit.”. Finally, [[Mistanna]], a [[Moon_Mage|Moon Mage]], added, “They had no weapons. They used their typical lightning attacks that harm everyone in proximity to them. Sometimes they dropped [[Item:Drogor's_Wrath_sapphire|Drogor's Wrath sapphires]].”

One such sapphire was provided for examination. The sapphire looks like the dark cobalt of the ocean on a moonless night, pale striations within the murky gem resembling whitecaps of a storm-wracked sea.

[[Klines|Klines Silvermist]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]

==Recent Issues==

During all of this turmoil with the [[Immortals|Dark Gods]], old foes have taken advantage of our fatigue to strike back at our beleaguered forces.

On 421-5-12 [[Skaen]] raised the alarm that pirates were raiding [[Riverhaven]]. [[Pfanston]] opined that they were “not your run of the mill ones,” and put out a request for aid.

[[Mistanna]] kindly provided transporation for at least one person to assist, and defenders converged on the city as the battle ensued. A motley assembly of sailors, bosuns, longbowmen, mariners, mercenaries, lieutenants, and crossbowmen put up a stiff battle before being defeated. In general, the invaders “looked as if they had been at sea way too long and were someone you probably wouldn't like to meet in a dark alley.”

Despite their defeat, during their retreat Pfanston reported spotting several sailors carrying chests marked with the seal of the Bank of Riverhaven and I myself spotted a golden box bearing the seal of the Mayor of Riverhaven in the arms of a bosun running past me.

The chests went unrecovered, and no confirmed sighting of an escape vessel was made. Questions were raised as to whether these were the [[Shark_Clan|Red Sash Pirates]], but no one reported spotting their distinctive garb.

In the aftermath, several horn blasts resonated in warning from the distance near the Riverhaven East Gate signaling the appearance of attacking rebels. There was a brief skirmish in which the rebels failed to penetrate the town defenses, and the notorious [[Cleric]] of [[Drogor]], [[Whiteburn]] was identified defending His shrine.

No sooner had this thread been dealt with but [[Elpalzi]] descended from the Reach for a quick raid on Kaerna, this time called out by [[Janaetta]] on the gweth. After a brief skirmish they were driven back as well. I arrived to find the last of the stragglers being cleaned up, and this attack did not last long.

The enemies of civilization have not failed to take notice of our preoccupation with matters of Divine significance. Keep your defenses at the ready, for they are watching us as well.

[[Saragos|Saragos Daerthon]]<br>
Reporter and Archivist, [[The First Land Herald]]


Today, [[Soraent|Father Soraent]] sent out a call to invite all interested parties to the High Temple in the Crossing to discuss the recent god-related events. He was particularly interested in those he called Touched, who recently experienced visions and Divine Expungements (see our previous article, [[First_Land_Herald_Archives#421-5-36_-_Vomit_From_the_Gods|Vomit from the Gods]]). He expressed that he wished to perform a ritual and that it would work best if many of the Touched were present.

Once we had all gathered with him in the garden of the Monks' quarters at the Temple, he asked for the Touched to step forward and share their stories. Based on the accounts given there and those given in private to the Herald, we have gathered the following information:

* [[Soraent|Father Soraent]] expelled, at two different points, 1) bloody seawater and 2) a [[Faenella|wren]], [[Albreda|dove]], and a [[Kertigen|raven]].
* [[Syaski]] vomited an [[Dergati|eyeball]].
* [[Kythera]], devoted to [[Meraud]], vomited a mole-like creature, and experienced a vision of monsters attacking innocents.
* [[Badarin]] expelled a [[Ushnish|viper]].
* [[Kloegar]] vomited a [[Huldah|stoat]].
* [[Azante]], devoted to [[Eluned]], vomited saltwater, and experienced a vision of monsters attacking innocents.
* [[Sendithu]], devoted to [[Damaris]], expunged a shrike.
* [[Whiteburn]], Chosen of [[Drogor]], expelled blood and seawater, and experienced a vision of destruction.
* [[Tenike]] vomited a weasel-like creature, perhaps a stoat, and experienced a similar vision to others (presumably the monsters).
* [[Inyasa]] vomited an [[Asketi|adder]].

After sharing information in this way, Father Soraent proposed to begin his ritual, bidding us all to safely remove pets, then to sit down and steel ourselves. He said, "Perhaps with enough of us with the Divine Sight in one place, and the faith of the rest of you, the shadow can be pierced."

Then, Father Soraent closed his eyes and intoned a prayer I could feel more than hear. A strange, almost transcendent sensation swept over me as he continued his chant, his form appearing bolstered by the brilliant golden glow that emanated from it. With a final, solemn phrase, Father Soraent concluded his prayer and opened his eyes once more. The Holy light surrounding him slowly sank back into his body as the sounds echoed around me, leaving him looking quite mundane -- and more than a little tired.

With a start, I became aware that my surroundings had shifted, my senses co-opted by something beyond my ordinary ken! A feeling of Divine presence suffused the area, driving me forward to discern that which was being presented. Many beings, converging and separating themselves again and again with haunting rhythm, stood before me, nearly imperceptible by vision yet still concrete in my perception. As they shone in their brilliantly shifting dark-light-grey representations, nearly overwhelming me by their presence, I begin to hear a voice -- many, yet one. The voice reverberated within me, saying, '''"Your faith weakens deceptions, righting the strands of the web its Mistress has altered. See this for what it truly is. Seek out That which hides in Our Forms."'''

It was shocking to feel truly touched by the Divine. Even after I felt Them leave me, Their voices echoed in the mouths of others present.

The first, a burbling voice coming from [[Whiteburn]], said, '''"The years connect…"'''

Then, a dark, yet comforting voice from [[Dianelle]], '''"The machines begin to breathe…"'''

Then, with a snarl like that of a forest beast from [[Klines]], '''"…and the [[Harawep|Widowmaker]] claims that which was always Hers."'''

Then, a joyous voice from [[Gabellia]], '''"The stone brings all into focus through its many distortions…"'''

And finally, an aged voice, crackling like lightning roared from [[Anlise]], '''"I am come!"'''

We were all left reeling, wondering at the meaning of these messages. Many speculations were made. I will not list them here, though I encourage my readers to discuss with one another. I will say what we know for certain:

* Harawep is known as the Widowmaker, and is depicted as a hag wielding lightning. Her symbol is the Spider and she is known for weaving intricate webs of deception.
* Soon we will be visited by a giant, mechanical spider.

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]

===421-5-36 - VOMIT FROM THE GODS===

Under normal circumstances, when one hears that someone has seen a vision, the only question tends to be, “What did the moon mages see?” However, the circumstances I report now were not normal. Recently, a variety of people from different guilds saw visions of monsters attacking innocent civilians. These visions were accompanied by the afflicted becoming ill, then vomiting animals such as vipers, stoats (weasels), and moles.

[[Kythera]], an [[Elothean]] [[Moon_Mage|Moon Mage]], stated, “I had a horrible vision. It was some type of rainbow hue that came over my eyes. Then I was being assaulted by images of half-seen monsters attacking innocent people. I tried to focus on them, but as soon as I did, they vanished. Then, all of a sudden I had a pain in my stomach. I bent over and vomited a mole-like creature.” Kythera reported that he primarily worships [[Meraud]].

Similar to Kythera’s account, [[Azante]], an [[Elf|Elven]] [[Cleric]] devoted to [[Eluned]], stated, “I recently met with two other Clerics concerning visions we’ve had this morning. Each of us saw monsters attacking innocents and then vomited some aspect of our chosen God. I, saltwater, [[Badarin]] (another Cleric) a viper and [[Kloegar]] (a third Cleric) a stoat. The monsters appeared unclear and when the vision faded, I was left with the feeling that some important information was yet to come.”

Additionally, a [[Gnome]] [[Trader]] named [[Smavandree]] recounted that he saw, “lots of expunging of various animals and other such things from people. One guy even spit out some teeth!” Of some note, Smavandree himself was not afflicted, and he reports that he does not worship the [[Immortals|Kermorian gods]], preferring the Gnomish god [[Krigglin]].

These visions and the sickness accompanying them bear a striking resemblance to the happenings reported recently by the Herald regarding [[Soraent|High Temple Investigator Soraent]]. On 421-5-5, Father Soraent was witnessed to glow with a pale golden light and shortly thereafter a [[Faenella|wren]], [[Albreda|dove]], and [[Kertigen|raven]] flew from his mouth. Father Soraent also spoke of the [[Tallis|High Priestess Tallis’s]] belief that the recent godly attacks are all connected. We remind our readers to reach out to the good Father when he makes himself known again, especially if you have been experiencing visions. He plans to host a gathering at the Temple sometime soon.

What are the Gods trying to tell us? Will more visions be seen in the coming days or weeks? The answer to both at this time seems to be that only the Immortals know. For now, it seems as though They are desperately trying to tell us something. As always, we must remain vigilant against the unknown danger that seems to be approaching our door.

[[Klines|Klines Silvermist]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]


Overnight and through the morning, [[Zoluren]] was again the target of divine wrath. The invaders this time took the form of moths, undeniably the work of the dark God [[Dergati]]. There were no signs of the [[Lesser_North_Wind_banshee|banshees]] and [[Giant_adder|adders]] seen in past attacks, but their terrible icebound curse was replaced with a new experience. The moths were considerably strong, noted by one [[Cleric]], [[Anlise|Anlise LightShadow]], a regular hunter, who was unable to affect the creatures with steel nor magic. Towards the end of the first wave, giant Dergatian spawn appeared near the Northeastern Gate of Crossings, returning in force with numerous moths. Town guards were seen escorting shaking citizens to their homes, as well as rallying to finally push the creatures from the city proper. Rough sketches of these creatures can be found below:

* [[Umbral_moth|Moths]]: The night-dark moth is a dark thing cloaked in flickering, baleful shadow, vaguely insectile in form. Its flesh seems nearly as mercurial as smoke, constantly evolving through irregular, chaotic shapes. The creature's bulbous compound eyes are utterly matte and unreflective, each crowned by an antenna which bears an uncanny resemblance to the soft, questing arm of an infant Human, complete with tiny growths resembling inquisitive, chubby fingers. A slick proboscis protrudes from the moth's mouth, dangling obscenely against its thorax. Most striking are the creature's massive wings, spreading fractally above and around its body like drops of dark ink shifting through water.
* [[Giant_Dergatian_spawn|Dergatian Spawn]]: Rivaling a mammoth in size, the Dergatian spawn resembles a hairless star-nosed mole which has crawled out of some deranged nightmare. Its disturbingly translucent skin, while offering glimpses to the workings of the massive internal organs, appears more than thick and resilient enough to protect the beast. Dirt-caked claws as long as javelins scratch restlessly at the ground, carving up great grooves wherever it goes.

No stranger to invasions and the dangers thereof, I chose to take shelter in the [[Empath|Empaths' guild]]. To my dismay, before I was able to arrive, a moth simply appeared before me. There was no time to avoid the attack. No time to retreat. I found myself within its shadowed embrace. Though I struggled to escape, the moth easily ensnared me, drew me close in perverse mockery of affection. A shadowy, hand-like appendage grasped my head almost tenderly and I felt the moth's slick proboscis plunge past my lips in a vicious kiss. Terror blossomed within, multiplying into vastness. The feeling grew and grew until there was nothing else. Just when I was certain my heart would burst in my chest my fear was simply...taken from me, leaving me hollow and shaken. I found that the creature had completely removed my tongue.

This onslaught lasted throughout the night and through the early morning. Even with my tongue absent I was still able to prepare spells, restricting my duty to corpse retrieval. As I make this report, I am recovering. [[Malkien]], a defender who also shared the moth attack experience, noted the city itself was swarmed from triage to the ferry. He also noted the brilliant response at triage, indicating quick response to missing tongue, and he complimented Clerical blessing opportunities. Empaths, thankfully, were able to restore missing tongues. It should go without note that vigilance will be needed in the future, especially at triage, where victims of such an attack may be unable to acknowledge their need for assistance. [[Navesi|Herald Navesi]] tells me, based on her previous experience with Dergatian attacks, that [[Item:Albredine_crystal_ring|crystal rings]] are useful in communicating when one has no tongue. Furthermore, the moth attack can be resisted by a strong will, and she advises using spells that bolster it, such as [[Redeemer's_Pride|Redeemer’s Pride]].

[[Syaski]], a vessel of Dergati, indicated the Dark Aspects seem to be attempting to remind the citizens of all the lands of the power the Immortals hold. In what was either a Divine experience or something otherwise too strange to contemplate, Syaski vomited out an eyeball during our conversation.

It is also to be noted that well into the morning hours, just before light, there was again the prevailing sense of fate being manipulated. This has been confirmed with another [[Moon_Mage|Moon Mage]], [[Saaqib]]. Sadly, these feelings, intense as they are, have left us with no understanding of who nor how Fate has exactly been manipulated. It can only be hoped that this tinkering is for our benefit. My instinct screams otherwise, but without evidence, one can only speculate.

[[Marcul|Marcul McRee-Rhyian]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]


The [[Forfedhdar]] capital of [[Hibarnhvidar]] was attacked this afternoon by creatures loyal to Asketi the Hag. This invasion was mostly confined to the outer area of the city, around the western gate and on the Market road that connects the gate to the Bank.

The initial wave of attackers was composed of several species of [[Giant_adder|adder]]. The serpents were easily felled by the first adventurers who arrived in defense of the city. Shortly thereafter, some stealthy [[Asketian_harbinger|Asketian harbingers]] joined the fray. Although these shadowy adversaries were somewhat stronger than the adders, they too proved to be no real match for the combat prowess of the warriors assembled near the gate.

The true test came with the third and final wave — [[Ragged_wind_hag|ragged wind hags]], [[Bony_wind_wretch|bony wind wretches]], and [[Lesser_North_Wind_banshee|lesser North Wind banshees]]. While the hags and wretches were noticeably more powerful than the previous enemies, the true danger lay in the banshees and their frightening ability to thrust an incorporeal hand into the chest of an unlucky defender and taint the heart with an icy curse, as was seen in the invasions of [[Crossing]] and [[Shard]] a short time ago. In addition, Seer Eyuve reported that each round of torturous wailing unleashed by the banshees reduced the spirit of everyone in the area by a substantial amount.

It was confirmed by this reporter that the curse can, in some cases, fade away on its own given enough time, though it has the potential to cause serious damage to the chest areas of some victims. If [[Cleric|Clerical]] assistance in removing the curse is unavailable, seeking a healing touch is therefore highly recommended. But healers be warned: there are reports of the curse transferring from person to person via an [[Empath_healing#Linking|Empathic link]].

Wind wretches were also observed utilizing an interesting combat maneuver. After hurling his axe and lodging it in the arm of one of the foul creatures, [[Saragos|Saragos Daerthon]] witnessed the following:

Flinching slightly, a bony wind wretch pulled out a curved haralun axe inlaid with twisting silversteel lines that was lodged in him. He hurled it at Tenike with a bone-rattling, maddened shriek!<br><br>Guided by a sudden current of frigid wind, the haralun axe lodged savagely into Tenike's left hand!

Quite the formidable foe! Luckily, [[Dianelle|Doctor Dianelle al'Bannin]] was quick to set up a triage center in the Bank to help wounded fighters return to the battle as fast as possible.

While this marks the third time in almost as many weeks that one of [[Kermoria|Kermoria’]]s major cities was assaulted by the minions of [[Asketi]], perhaps an attack on Hibarnhvidar is the easiest to fathom. As [[Isharon|Isharon Anloraes]] remarked during the battle, “It is little surprise that Asketi's handiwork would be seen here, not far from her mount.”

Still, one cannot help but feel a measure of trepidation regarding the notable increase in unprovoked attacks of late.

[[Simera|Simera Asherah]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]


Just now [[Wind_hound|wind hounds]], [[Faenrae_reaver|faenrae reavers]], and [[Faenrae_stalker|faenrae stalkers]] attacked the [[Crossing|Crossing's]] Northeast gate area. I arrived in time to witness the wind hounds myself, and [[Janaetta]] reported the presence of the faenrae.

[[Hammerfist]] mentioned an additional oddity. He said that the stalkers were, "all around one minute and gone the next. They left." He does not believe it any kind of invisibility effect but rather that they simply retreated.

This invasion connects with the earlier invasion of the fae, which we noted consisted of creatures of [[Idon]] ([[Spriggan|spriggans]] and [[Small_boggle|boggles]]) and [[Huldah]] (the faenrae), in addition to [[Banshee|banshees]] of unknown origin. The current invasion, however, did not include the Idon-created or banshees and was our first sighting of the wind hound. Wind hounds are however known to consort with the faenrae.

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]


On the 34th day of Shorka the Cobra, 421 years after Lanival’s victory, the dark god [[Drogor]] unleashed his wrath on the inhabitants of [[Ratha]], a bustling seaport and economic center of [[Qi'Reshalia]] province. The assault consisted of [[Cloud_eel|cloud eels]], [[Brine_shark|brine sharks]], and [[Drogorian_Stormrider|electrified Drogorian stormriders]] (roughly in that order of difficulty) and lasted for approximately two anlaen before finally subsiding.

Local resident [[Yanbelev|Yanbelev Woodbury]] provided this eye-witness description of one of the sharks:

Looking exactly like a shark comprised of dark, brackish water, this strange construct seems to float effortlessly through the air, darting to and fro with thrusts of its angular tail. Vicious ivory teeth line its maw, and soulless cobalt eyes constantly scan the area for prey.

Yanbelev also noted that the sharks possessed the unsettling ability to move through the ground and into buildings. "Took an [[Empath|empath]] to the alchemy society buildin, she were tryina escape 'em. Thought we'd have a safe haven there. I turned to look outside, an one slipped in, an got her perished.” He went on to state that, in desperate need of a safe place to set up triage, the defenders moved the wounded and dead to [[Eluned|Eluned’s Temple]] on the city’s third tier, perhaps hoping the neutrality of that aspect would somehow ward off the minions of the angry ocean god. There were no reports of enemies invading the temple, although the invasion was generally confined to the lower tiers.

According to Yanbelev, the eels were versed in the use of Elemental spells such as [[Thunderclap]] and [[Geyser]], while the stormriders blanketed entire areas with [[Electrostatic_Eddy|Electrostatic Eddies]]. Although details are still sketchy, there have as yet been no confirmed reports of a single stormrider being defeated.

Repelling the invasion was made more difficult by the scarcity of fighters skilled enough to handle the tougher opponents. [[Tenike|Tenike Sylofr]], one of the adventurers who came to the aid of the island, remarked that while some of the lesser foes were dispatched with relative ease, the great white brine shark that took up residence in the bank on the first tier proved to be quite the challenge even for the combined might of himself, [[Klurn]], and [[Jondong]].

But not all of the adventurers within the city were distraught by the attack—at least one, in fact, seemed to revel in the chaos. Well known for her devotion to the dark aspects, the [[Cleric]] [[Whiteburn]] reported that she was cleaning the altar of Drogor on Kssintlee Way in preparation for some sort of sacrifice as the event unfolded. What effect this had on the invasion is unclear, though it is hard to imagine that Drogor did not take notice of His disciple’s efforts. Happening to pass by at the time, [[Kintalia|Kintalia Bloodspire-Silvermist]] very nearly became an unwilling participant in the proceedings but managed to escape with her life after the ceremony was interrupted by the arrival of a Drogorian stormrider.

Whiteburn said that while on Ratha she was also blinded by a flash of marine-hued light after which she experienced a “strange sensation of being pulled in many directions all at once.” This begs the question: was the invasion of Ratha an isolated event born from the ire of a god who, according to legend, has great disdain for the island of Reshalia? Or is this part of something bigger, connected in some unseen way to the recent attacks on [[Shard]], [[Hibarnhvidar]], and the [[Crossing]]? Only time will tell.

[[Simera|Simera Asherah]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]


Most cities and towns within the provinces are no stranger to invasions of various evil creatures. On the 6th day of the 4th month and 421 years since the Victory of Lanival, [[Riverhaven]] found itself the target of a rather unusual type of invasion, one not seen in many years. Those brave fighters who responded to calls for assistance from Riverhaven found themselves facing Murder Dolls.

While accounts of what the Murder Dolls look like vary dramatically, they appear to be small dolls wielding tiny daggers and toothpicks. [[Klurn]], one of the brave defenders of Riverhaven, recalled, “They were made of clay, like pottery.” [[Hnot]], another defender, stated, “Some of the dolls were wicker, some were balsa. Some had glowing eyes. Some were well crafted and these were the most dangerous! The less well crafted, the easier the dolls were.” These dolls appear similar to those crafted by [[Hobglup]], the Dwarven tinker-turned-Necromancer who [[Hollow_Eve_Festival_396||unleashed such abominations in 396]]. However, there are differences. The dolls in 396 specifically targeted the limbs of defenders, while the dolls in the Riverhaven attack were more erratic, attacking seemingly without attempting to target specific body parts. Hobglup perished in 396 after attempting to claim the Greater Fist, and thus the origin of the current dolls is unknown.

Perhaps more troubling is what the dolls were saying as they attacked. Klurn stated, “They continually repeated ‘Bones, Bones, Bones’.” Of note, Hobglup was suspected of creating his dolls to harvest body parts, which may have been used to create the great bone amalgams that began attacking shortly after his arrival. Such creatures presumably require a lot of bones.

Furthermore, it appears the dolls possess no soul. [[Padhg]], a reputable and skilled Cleric, stated, “I arrived late to the invasion; my participation was only to discover the Murder Dolls seemed to have no soul.” He went on to explain, “As a Cleric, we are trained to interact with the spirit of others. Be it through bearing down upon them with the weight of the Immortals or through forcing their soul out of the body the same way we put it back in during a resurrection. The dolls seemed to be animated and had no spirit I could manipulate.”

After a valiant defense of the city the Murder Dolls were turned back. It is not known where they came from and also unknown if they will return. Vigilance will be key in the coming weeks and months!

[[Klines|Klines Silvermist]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]


Today I was visited by [[Soraent|High Temple Investigator Soraent]], an advisor whose job it is to commune with the [[Immortals|gods]] and ascertain the meanings of Their portents. It became clear to me during our conversation just how close a connection he has with the gods, and he bore a message to the people about the recent godly invasions.

The Investigator first contacted [[Klines|Assistant Reporter Klines]] to request passage on his ship from [[Ratha]] to the [[Crossing]]. Klines tells me that, during this journey, Father Soraent experienced strong visions with very physical effects. When praying to [[Drogor]], his mouth opened and released a shower of bloody seawater!

When they arrived in the Crossing, Klines summoned me to meet with them. Father Soraent told me that he has been visiting the sites of the recent invasions in an attempt to commune with the Immortals there. However, he is experiencing a most unusual occurrence: Every time he communes in such a way, there is a "block" or a "shadow", "something almost seen… just out of [his] perception." He further said, "Regardless of the Immortal that I commune with, regardless of the response, it is always not quite full. It is as if something is preventing me from getting the entire message." He says that in all his years, he has never experienced this phenomenon before, and that it occurs only when he attempts to commune specifically about the recent attacks.

According to the priest, [[Tallis|High Priestess Tallis]] of the [[Crossing_High_Temple|Temple]] believes this change in visions means the attacks are connected in some way. Father Soraent calls for the faithful to come together and meet with him in order to make a stronger connection to the Divine. He plans to call this meeting within the next few days, at the High Temple itself.

Finally, he warned us that he feels "close", with visions coming to him even without his rituals. He believes this means others may experience such visions, perhaps even those not of the clergy. He asks such people to speak to him so that he may show them how to reach out fully. The Herald urges you all, denizens of [[Kermoria]], to do as he asks. As well, if such a vision takes you, the Herald wants to report on it! Contact myself or one of the staff.

At the end of our meeting, I witnessed a most unusual Divine event. Father Soraent suddenly began to glow with pale golden light. His mouth flew open, and from it flew a [[Faenella|wren]], a [[Albreda|dove]], and a [[Kertigen|raven]]! They quickly disappeared in a shower of multihued light. He also moved his arm, as if wiping something away. This experience was clearly very taxing for him, as he collapsed at the end of it.

Our gods are reaching out to us. It is time to listen.

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]


The [[Asketi|Asketian]] attack previously reported by the Herald has now been duplicated in [[Ilithi]], centralized in the capital city of [[Shard]]. Once again [[Giant_Adder|adders]] and [[Ragged_Wind_Hag|hags]] led the charge, supported from the shadows by [[Asketian_harbinger|harbingers]]. [[Lesser_North_Wind_Banshee|Banshees]] were seen in force near the end of the battle, bringing with them their deadly Icebound Heart curse. Thankfully good awareness of the curse kept its effects to a minimum, with most deaths occurring due to the banshees’ brutal spirit attack.

Triage took place in the city’s Triage Building, one block south of the east gate. Fortunately, defense of the city was rallied quickly, thanks to a warning from the [[Moon_Mage|Moon Mages’ Guild]]. Their shared vision is detailed below:

The world suddenly faded to shadow around the mage. A tiny mote of sickly green light emerged from the darkness, hovering eerily in a self-repeating, circular pattern. The mage’s perspective rapidly expanded, as if being shot into the air, and the image of a four-pointed crystal star surrounded by a ring of water was visible below, circumscribed by the ominous green nova. The light exploded into four snaking lines that streaked toward each tip of the star. A piercing wail echoed in the mage’s mind as vision returned to the here and now.

Discussion of the event still leads defenders to believe dark aspects of the divine are in some way displeased. At this time, the Herald is actively seeking interviews with Clerics who specialize in the darker side of divinity. If you or someone you know fits such a description, please get in touch with any Herald reporter for a brief interview: [[Navesi]] or [[Saragos|Saragos Daerthon]], [[Klines|Klines Silvermist]], [[Marcul|Marcul McRee-Rhyian]], or [[Simera|Simera Asherah]].

Perhaps most troublesome about these events is the preceding feeling that fate is being manipulated in some fashion. During both battles, I experienced a pervading sense of actions being taken directly against Fate. Could this feeling be a warning? A blessing? Might this feeling be a light aspect looking to aid the defenders? Or are we still beset with an impenetrable darkness, borne of a darker aspects disappointment? Unfortunately, we have only speculation to guide us at the moment.

[[Marcul|Marcul McRee-Rhyian]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]<br><br>

This afternoon the [[Crossing]] experienced a chilling onslaught from a host of assorted [[Asketi|Asketian]] creatures. These beings beset the city from all sides and included wind hags, adders, wretches, banshees, and harbingers.

''Crude pencil sketches of the aforementioned invasion force detail their specific physical makeup.''
* [[Ragged_Wind_Hag|Hags]]/[[Bony_wind_wretch|Wretches]]: Clad in the holy vestments, ancient in appearance, frail and emaciated. Crystal beads clatter with every moment from a silver chain at the belt.
* [[Giant_Adder|Adders]]: Snakes nearly fifteen feet in length and the width of a fully grown human.
* [[Asketian_harbinger|Harbingers]]: Stealth combatants armed with bone-tipped arrows, incredibly agile, covered in black tattoos. Gleaming amber eyes. Will attack from range.
* [[Lesser_North_Wind_Banshee|Banshees]]: Spectres of the North Wind, disheveled ice-white hair, fading form. Require a [[Bless|Blessed]] weapon or Holy magic to harm. Two deadly attacks: a piercing wail that drains the spirit and a touch to the heart that delivers the Icebound Heart curse.

* ''Note that these creatures ranged in difficulty but those other than the adders were considered quite difficult. [[Navesi|Herald Navesi]] reported that they were often more difficult than [[Armored_warklin|warklins]], likely in the range of [[Storm_bull|storm bulls]] or higher.''

Brave adventures set to the task of city-wide defense, many falling to a strange form of icy curse. The Herald witnessed this curse appearing as the result of an attack by the North Wind banshee. She reaches one spectral hand into the chest of her victim and squeezes the heart. Those stricken with the curse exhibit signs of fear, fatigue, pain, and cold. Their eyes frequently dart about, they may have a weary expression, frosty blue mist may expel from their nostrils, and their eyes or chest may glow blue. Witnesses [[Skaen]] and [[Xionara]] reported that the attack was physical in nature, causing harm to the heart until death, upon which time an icy statue would appear next to the body. [[Sophrona]] also told tales of [[Empath|Empaths]] contracting the curse from healing patients, and [[Mistanna]] reported contracting it from touching one of the statues, though she also stated that she was able to move bodies without harm, regardless of the statue creation. [[Cleric]] [[Azante]] reported that [[Resurrection]] of those who died of the curse did not present any issue, and afterward they were no longer cursed.

As far as the Herald can tell, there is no way to prevent the curse. [[Protection_from_Evil|Protection from Evil]] did not protect Herald Navesi from contracting the curse, and no witnesses came forward claiming to have resisted it once touched. The only known method to cure it at this time is the [[Uncurse]] spell.

Furthermore, this curse should not be mistaken for the second deadly attack of the Banshee: her wail. This wail tears at the spirit and may cause significant damage. Take special care here, as those dying a spirit death have great difficulty with the resurrection process and are forced to depart. [[Soul Shield]] can provide some reprieve from this dangerous scream, as can retreat to the safety of triage, where gentle music may soothe the soul.

To say the response to the invasion was chaotic would be a touch of understatement. While the attack did finally subside, a few notable lessons could be gleaned from the experience. Most notably, it remains important for healers and warriors alike to keep an active awareness of their health. More than once, Empaths sadly fell victim to the curse after having transferred it from a patient. At this time, it is advised that adventures take stock of their favor counts and seek guidance of the divine when finding that count lacking. [[Bard|Bards]] are requested in triage for their spirit-healing [[Hodierna's_Lilt|Hodierna's Lilt]] and their gentle minuets. Clerics may find it wise to offer Blessing, Soul Shield, and Uncurse services near to main triage. During this invasion, triage was located in the Empath Guild courtyard, and the Herald recommends a Clerical station be situated in the infirmary nearby. Keep watch, dear readers. I leave you with the words of a dying wretch, "Fear...the Night of Glory."

[[Marcul|Marcul McRee-Rhyian]]<br>
Assistant Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]<br><br>


For the first time since the defeat eleven years hence of the [[Xitoccanemun |First of the Akul'tiz, Xitoccanemun]], [[Umbral_moth|Umbral moths]] have darkened the skies rather than remaining hidden from the light within the bowels of the earth.

These creatures originally darkened our lands following the opening of the [[Chrysalis]], and were known to serve the goddess [[Dergati]] in her plot to blot out the light of the sun, wake the [[World_Dragon|World Dragon]], and indeed even kill the goddess [[Peri'el]]. It was only through the combined efforts of people everywhere using music to bring sunlight to Peri’el that she was healed. A final brave confrontation in the [[Wicked Burrow Mine]] saw the First defeated and these plans fully thwarted.

The first of these recent attacks was in the fair city of [[Shard]], where both the umbral moths and the humanoid [[Akul'tiz]] were spotted. In a separate incident, the moths alone were sighted in [[Hibarnhvidar]]. In both cases, the forces were defeated and dispersed by the cities’ defenders.

In this second encounter, several Moon Mages reported seeing visions. According to one source:
My vision blurred for a moment and the light of Xibar was diminished by countless fluttering wings. A gust of wind dispersed them and left my skin feeling frostbitten. A voice as bitter as the cold whispered, "Soon, Khal Gwaerd."

What can these incursions mean? Might Dergati be stirring again once more to wreak havoc upon the lands? Keep your eyes open and pray that we are spared Her wrath.

* ''Please see the Herald’s archives for previous coverage of these events.

[[Saragos|Saragos Daerthon]],<br>
Reporter, [[The First Land Herald]]<br><br>


Today the northeast section of the Crossing was overrun by creatures of the Fae. Boggles, spriggans, banshees, and faenrae reavers and assassins were all present and wrought havoc upon the Ranger's guild, the Warrior Mage's guild, and many of the streets in between the two. Citizens [[Pfanston]] and [[Dulan]] claimed at the start, they heard a wind, followed by a chiming sound, like the laughter of children.

''At the center of the page are detailed sketches of the creatures mentioned, light penstrokes revealing the monstrous creations in meticulous detail. Beneath each is a caption.''

[[Boggle]] — Body composed of sticks and stones, with a round, bulbous head. Known for malicious mischief. Created by [[Idon]].<br>
[[Spriggan]] — Also called changelings. About the size of an Olvi with black eyes, gnarled limbs, and bark-like skin. Known for highly malicious mischief, affinity for manipulating wind. Created by Idon.<br>
[[Banshee]] — A spectral female, torn and tattered, bearing sharp claws. She will moan and cry, calling out in chaos and despair as she attempts to eat her victims' very life and spirit. Requires a Blessed weapon or Holy magic to harm.<br>
[[Faenrae_reaver|Faenrae reaver]] — This 5-foot tall creature has glowing green eyes, tangled black hair, and withered grey flesh, with sharp fangs and claws. It floats a few inches above the ground. Created by [[Huldah]].<br>
[[Faenrae_Assassin|Faenrae assassin]] — As the reaver, but moving with more swiftness and calculation. Stealthy. Created by Huldah.

Warrior Mage and Inspector [[Munchausen]] claims that, during the chaos, he spotted a Heron and Wren, "tumbling... conflicting, but not necessarily fighting... at odds somehow."

Pfanston also claimed that, at the conclusion of the invasion, he felt "the air become calmer, though not as calm as it should be, and yet he still felt the stare of thousands of tiny eyes on him." [[Saragos]] added, "The wind whistled one last time, a sharp, keening sound. As if sadness from its very soul had escaped."*

The Herald asked local [[Drogor|Drogorian]] Priestess [[Whiteburn]] for her interpretation of the events, in particular the creatures summoned and the Holy Birds sighted. She theorized, "Lord Idon - perhaps in some sort of collaborative effort with Lord Huldah - sought to weave chaos amongst mortals. Perhaps for Their own amusement, perhaps for some other reason. They are the more... capricious of the Dark Gods when it comes to wanton destruction and death." Further, she said, "When death comes to mortals, it is wise not to discount Huldah's influence. He detests the creatures of [[Truffenyi]] and revels in chaos."

With regard to the birds: "...if they were fighting or quarrelling, then it is likely to be a sign that [[Faenella]] perhaps acted in some way to soften the blow against the children of Elanthia."

[[Vahrek]] added a second theory. He said, "Faenella and Idon [may have been] squabbling over whether or not to get involved in Huldah's song'n dance." In response, Priestess Whiteburn agreed it might be a good theory.

The Herald further asked the Priestess what the populace might do if indeed another Immortal (or two) are displeased. "Turn your eyes to the Heavens and keep your senses alert for other signs or portents. Pray to the Dark Ones that we may be spared Their anger." She also agreed that those inclined might pray to Faenella Herself for guidance and protection.

Take to your prayers once again, Zoluren.

* ''The First Land Herald does not attempt interpret the more poetic quotations of its witnesses.''

[[Navesi|Navesi Daerthon]]<br>
Editor in Chief, [[The First Land Herald]]

==Notable Issues==
[[First_Land_Herald_Archives#416-02-32_.E2.80.94_A_Brief_Guide_to_Current_Events_in_Zoluren|416-02-32 - A Brief Guide to Current Events in Zoluren]]

[[First_Land_Herald_Archives#410-07-28_.E2.80.94_The_First_Defeated.2C_Sky_Clears_.E2.80.94_Spider_Festival_Arrives|410-07-28 — The First Defeated, Sky Clears — Spider Festival Arrives]]<br>
[[First_Land_Herald_Archives#410-07-17_.E2.80.94_A_Light_of_Hope_is_Found_.E2.80.94_Music_to_Bring_Sunlight_to_Peri.27el|410-07-17 — A Light of Hope is Found — Music to Bring Sunlight to Peri'el]]<br>
[[First_Land_Herald_Archives#410-07-09_.E2.80.94_Sister_Tasrhhsu_Sacrificed.2C_Recovering_.E2.80.94_Fists_Continue_to_Erupt_.E2.80.94_Vigil_for_Peri.27el_Brings_Visions|410-07-09 — Sister Tasrhhsu Sacrificed, Recovering — Fists Continue to Erupt — Vigil for Peri'el Brings Visions]]<br>
[[First_Land_Herald_Archives#410-06-37_.E2.80.94_Both_Fists_Erupt_.E2.80.94_Sister_Tasrhhsu_Says_Peri.27el_Not_Dead|410-06-37 — Both Fists Erupt — Sister Tasrhhsu Says Peri'el Not Dead]]<br>
[[First_Land_Herald_Archives#410-06-29_.E2.80.94_The_First_Claims_Peri.27el_Slain|410-06-29 — The First Claims Peri'el Slain]]<br>
[[First_Land_Herald_Archives#410-06-09_.E2.80.94_Dergatian_Chrysalis_Awakens_.E2.80.94_The_.27First.27_Attacks_Crossing_and_Ru.27atin_Sister|410-06-09 — Dergatian Chrysalis Awakens — The 'First' Attacks Crossing and Ru'atin Sister]]<br>


'''[[First_Land_Herald_Archives|First Land Herald Archives]]'''

Latest revision as of 18:29, 2 June 2024


The First Land Herald is a publication dedicated to the current events of Zoluren; "Zohlu Ren" is Gamgweth for First Land. When possible, the Herald may also report on other events throughout Kermoria. [1]

Editor in Chief: Navesi
Reporter: Shaylynne
Assistant Reporters: Ruea, Illiya
Archivists: Diapsid, Whiteburn
Occasional or Guest Reporters: Miskton, Mazrian, Saragos, Tirost
Former Reporters: Leyhan, Shannera, Marcul, Oscearo, Klines, Simera, Tyrrum, Izimi

Publication In Game

The Herald now offers newsletters exclusively IN GAME FIRST for at least a day or two, possibly longer depending on when our staff can get the articles posted on the wiki. Thus if you want to be sure to read the news and get it as it happens, head to one of the imp locations in game.

  • For updates when an article is published in game, follow @Dragonrealms on Twitter.
  • For updates when an article is archived here on elanthipedia, or other news about the Herald, follow @FirstLandHerald.


The Herald is proud to be partnered with the imps of Elanthia! Copies of the latest edition can be obtained from news stands manned by imps. Visit and GET NEWS for 50 coppers. Currently located at most docks, and a few other places.

In Genie, the following #goto commands work if you're on a map with a news stand:

  • #goto newspaper
  • #goto news stand
  • #goto First Land Herald
  • #goto Herald
Room Title Description Genie Zone Genie Room Lich Room
The Crossing, Hodierna Way east of bank 1 160 731
The Crossing Docks, South End Skirr'lo'lasu dock 1 169 937
The Crossing, Alfren's Ferry ferry dock 1 236 957
Riverhaven, Town Square town square 30 8 389
Riverhaven, East Pier Lybadel and Kree'la dock 30 104 471
Langenfirth, Wharf barge dock 40 36 3434
Therenborough, Horseman's Run one north of gate 42 3 3162
Shard, Moonstone Street just outside bank 67 81 2512
Ratha, Port Walk outside Neh dock 90 4
Uaro Dock, Port of Ratha Night Sky dock 90 234
Uasin Dock, Port of Ratha Tasia'zaul dock 90 262
Mer'Kresh, The Galley Dock galley dock 107 113
Fang Cove, Walkway just outside bank 150 10
Outer Hibarnhvidar, Market Road outside The Singing Raven 116 13
Aesry Surlaenis'a, Staho Pivo'hrr'schu'Mus by the Crystal Wave 99 93
  • Note: There are other NPCs present in the game who sell newssheets, but only imps will sell the newsletter that has the Herald. Other newssheets are very much out of date.


Article PageHeadlineDateAuthor(s)Article number
The First Land Herald/450-05-10A Recap: Mana Thieves, Holy Visions, Forsaken Irises Irises And A Mixed Mana Party!450-05-10Shaylynne114
The First Land Herald/450-05-02Bardic Visions Uncover Grazhir's Past450-05-02Illiya113
The First Land Herald/450-04-37Beseeching For Clarity And Another Vision Of Elanthia450-04-37Illiya112
The First Land Herald/450-04-34The Blighted Experiment And A Glimpse Into The Abyss450-04-34Illiya111
The First Land Herald/450-04-30The Siege of Knife Clan450-04-30Shaylynne110
The First Land Herald/450-04-25Tempers Flare During Pure Mana Experiment450-04-25Illiya109
The First Land Herald/450-04-18A Gathering Of Grief And Hope: Enelne's Message450-04-18Illiya108
The First Land Herald/450-04-10Wild Magic Theory for 'Togs450-04-10Shaylynne107
The First Land Herald/450-04-06Meeting Of The Messengers & A Message From The Heralds450-04-06Shaylynne106
The First Land Herald/450-04-02The Faithful Gather - Tamsine and Meraud Respond450-04-02Shaylynne105
The First Land Herald/450-03-37The Gardener's Tale450-03-37Illiya104
The First Land Herald/450-03-22Unveiling The Mystery Of The Plague Wraiths450-03-22Illiya103
The First Land Herald/450-03-16The Herald's Wrath And The Fall Of The Clans450-03-16Illiya102
The First Land Herald/450-02-28The Second Beseech: A Glimpse Of Primal Elanthia450-02-28Illiya101
The First Land Herald/450-02-18Miraena and the Blue Iris Ball450-02-18Shaylynne100
The First Land Herald/450-02-07Beseeching Elanthia To Find The Missing Adventurers450-02-07Illiya99
The First Land Herald/450-02-04Talking With Elementals: Revelations From Human Warrior Mage Valenal450-02-04Illiya98
The First Land Herald/450-01-38Unaka Attends Overhealers Anonymous and Holy Magic Discussions450-01-38Shaylynne97
The First Land Herald/450-01-32Liraxes' Device Identifies Prime Sorcery Location450-01-32Illiya96
The First Land Herald/450-01-26Asildu Attends Approach At Diplomacy With The Heralds450-01-26Shaylynne95
The First Land Herald/450-01-20A Wild Seaside Mammoth Ride Graced By Unaka's Presence450-01-20Shaylynne94
The First Land Herald/450-01-17Wild Magic Recap: Mystery Visitors, Cataclysmic Rumors, Messages From Beyond450-01-17Illiya93
The First Land Herald/449-10-33Disaster Strikes, Navesi And Others Abducted449-10-33Illiya92
The First Land Herald/449-10-29Seeking Khoheke: Costume or Commodore?449-10-29Shaylynne91
The First Land Herald/449-10-24Wild Magic Predictions Reveal Dark Future449-10-24Illiya90
The First Land Herald/449-10-23Planar Observatory Expedition Reveals 'Liraxes' Clue449-10-23Illiya89
The First Land Herald/449-09-15Wild Magic Shifts As Immortals Take Notice449-09-15Shaylynne
The First Land Herald/449-07-18Grey Dragons Seek Kather Wisdom On Magic Unrest449-07-18Illiya87
The First Land Herald/449-05-30Magic Stops, Causes Widespread Disruption449-05-30Illiya86
The First Land Herald/449-02-30O-Pi-Sekh Chants Erupt as Chepiso Escapes Hounds of Rutilor449-02-30Illiya85
... further results


  1. Disclaimer: All articles are written by players and submitted to a GM before being published in game. Articles are written In Character and represent the PC author's interpretation of events.

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