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This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2013.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 10/24/2013
A slender S'Kra Mur woman lies supine in a cavernous hall of green basalt. The barest echo of a sibilant melody hangs in the air for a few moments until all is silent. The woman looks small in the vastness of the cavern, her form pale and still. An archaic man approaches, bald and tanned, a nightingale perched upon his shoulder. At his approach, a shrike dives and shrieks, attempting to drive him off, but the nightingale takes flight, distracting the other bird. The man kneels at the woman's side, torches limning his features with ruddy, red light.
Possible Subjects: Peri'el, Phelim, Dergati, Tiv Repeat: False

Date and Time: 10/17/2013
Darkness. Distortion. The world warps and shifts and you find yourself watching your scaled body from a distance you can't quite place. Space and time mean nothing, there is only pain. Pain, and the knowledge that what was begun must not stop. You feel your power slipping, something you never once before felt possible, and yet it is so. A great sadness washes over you and you sink farther into the darkness, left only with the sound of claws upon stone as you snap back to your more mundane senses.
Possible Subjects: Akul'tiz Repeat: False

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
You find yourself gazing towards the heavens through a crystal dome. Naught but inky darkness resides in the sky, though etched into your bones is a certainty that your sight is directed towards the sun red, swollen and unseen.
Possible Subjects: Crystal Hand fortress Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
You find yourself gazing down upon the Observatory of the Southern Crossbow as shadows assault it. A black haired man stands before it clad in deep crimson, his brow creased in concentration.

Tendrils of shadow briefly withdraw when confronted with his magic but they are numerous and he is but one man. You watch in horror as the shadows drag him, and Observatory, into the churning earth.

Possible Subjects: Observatory of the Southern Crossbow, Kssarh Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
You find yourself soaring through the heavens, stars strewn about you like grains of sand, gazing down on the radiant lands of the Dragon. Tremors of ecstasy pass over you as shadows boil from the depths of the earth to crash over the land.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
A field of silvery-blue towers stands before you, their upper levels interconnected by shimmering filaments. Amidst them is a single spire of obsidian, alike but apart.

Without warning or sound, a bolt of red and shadow sears into a silvery-blue tower, disintegrating a large portion and toppling the remaining towers with the shrapnel.

Possible Subjects: Children of Kalestraum Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
You are only able to snatch a fragment of prophecy, a single still of red-veined darkness oozing down a massive stairway flanked by stone dragons.
Possible Subjects: Throne City Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
Prophecy trickles through your mind, manifesting as a masculine voice, "You have so much more power than you know. In ignorance you bludgeon about, oblivious to the consequences. You will learn."
Possible Subjects: Pelag ai Aldam Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
Seven androgynous figures approach you, each illuminated by a pale nimbus of starlight. One speaks, "Knowledge" and crumbles away. The next, "Power" and it too crumbles away. "Freedom", "Unseen", "Unity" as they too pass into darkness.

Only two remain before you and they share a wordless glance. One bows its head slightly and fades away leaving the last, alone, to address you. It stares at you, mute, as the sun brushes the horizon igniting the land in a reddish sunrise.

Bathed in this ruddy hue the figure whispers, "Serenity", and walks away.

Possible Subjects: Moon Mage sects Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
Vortices of brightly colored energy, each a different hue, rapidly twirl a few hand spans beneath your feet. Sprays of burning light are constantly ejected from the spinning energy, sending prismatic arcs flying through the sky. A pillar of swirling light rises up into the flickering sky from the center of the vortices.

A shifting melange of light swirls up to the flickering sky. The colors and textures of the light change from moment to moment, yet the pillar as a whole never wavers or shifts from its spot among the vortices.

...until it does; violently. Crystallized shadows burst from the pillar, scattering its light and dispersing the colors.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
Several tropical birds flutter about your head, plumed in vivid reds, greens and blues. One suddenly bursts into a flaming downward spiral, a doom which quickly spreads to the other birds.
Possible Subjects: Shard Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
Hands and white-robbed bodies press against you, a tide of shattered serenity. You crash through the towering obsidian doors and watch in detached horror as one of the figures trips in their haste, tumbling down the stone stairs in a broken tangle. The tide presses onward, trampling their fallen comrade, carrying you with them.

An earth-rattling boom echoes from behind you causing an involuntary glance over your shoulder. Robed figures continue to pour from the now shattered doors, flames clinging to many of their robes. Above the doors the crystalline hand's foundation gives way under the shock and heat, plummeting into a fleeing monk.

Possible Subjects: Monks of the Crystal Hand Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/11/2013
A man dressed in pure white robes, belted with a broad red sash, stands on a small platform suspended in darkness. He is of an indeterminate age, his almond skin smooth but deeply wrinkled about his amber eyes.

Raging around him is an inferno of flame and shadow, though neither can breach the serenity of his platform.

Possible Subjects: Tiv Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/09/2013
A horned shell rests in the palm of a monstrous hand. The gnarled fingers slowly crush the shell to dust which mixes with the scarlet blood now oozing from within the clenched fist.
Possible Subjects: Taisgath Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/09/2013
You hear a chill voice float through your mind, "Why do you pursue this? It is not your place. You, more than any of us, should know." "Because it is my place! It is my only place!" responds a second, deeper, voice. "They made me so."
Possible Subjects: Pelag ai Aldam, Arbiter in Darkness Repeat: True

Date and Time: 9/16/2013
You run and run, the wingbeats of your pursuers falling behind, then you abruptly plummet into a pit of dark bluish jelly! As you struggle to unstick yourself, you realize with fright that the 'jelly' is in fact a vast mass of huddled slugs! Inch by inch, you are drawn to their midst below, where all your five senses come under assault by the heinous little bodies.

Even after the vision ends, you have vestiges of a slimy taste in your mouth, your skin clammy.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 9/16/2013
A sonorous, lulling song reverberates through your bones, accompanied by a sense of mountainous pressure. Sibilant melodies from an otherworldly throat meld with pristine notes plucked from a distant khurmary as they rise and fall sweetly. Shimmering, an inscribed stone stela wavers into view:

"Honor be to blessed Peri'el, for Her lullabies quell not only the World Dragon, but lesser horrors of the subterranean depths as well."

Possible Subjects: Peri'el, World Dragon Repeat: True

Date and Time: 9/16/2013
Your vision suddenly fractures like glass, and a distant, blurry image arises. A bubbling fountain hovers amid a wasteland of nothingness, overflowing with a night-black nectar. Lustrous droplets of it trickle into the waiting mouths of chicks in a nest.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 9/16/2013
Leaves rustle in the darkness, and your eyes find a towering bush, backlit by a feeble light. Its woody, purple-black stems are laced with green veining which radiates outward from long, thin thorns.

Barely visible among the plant's large incarnadine blossoms is the lifeless body of a gypsy marauder, skewered on a stake-like thorn.

Leaves rustle again as a newcomer is brought, this one a squealing Human, and impaled next to the gypsy.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 9/16/2013
Your surroundings shift to a cavernous jungle of myriad garish mushrooms aglow with violescent traceries. The bulk of the fungal infestation appears to have clustered upon and around a desolate sana'ati sapling in the center, feasting on its essence. A narrow, circular walkway provides arduous navigation about this eerie garden, but you are unable to find an exit, besieged by mushrooms from all sides.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 9/16/2013
Squatting beside your snoozing son on a cold stone floor, you pat his shoulder fondly. The child soon opens impossibly large, livid pink eyes. Your vision-self is somehow not surprised, but very terrified all the same. Still, you know you must defend him from those who will hate him!
Possible Subjects: Chrysalis Repeat: True

Date and Time: 9/16/2013
Stark white mists spin tightly in front of you, soon resolving into the silhouette of a large, walled house atop a grassy hill. Scores of colorfully banded serpents slither toward its open gate, chased by cartwheeling shadows at the periphery of your vision.

Dread approaches from behind, but you cannot bring yourself to look over your shoulder, and so you simply shut your eyes, disentangling yourself from the scene.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 9/16/2013
You see a strongly built, uniformed man on his knees, his weapon discarded nearby. Soundlessly, he is weeping burning tears of chartreuse that seem to melt his cheeks as they run down. You blink the sad picture away.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 9/16/2013
You find yourself seated at a polished mahogany table among a handful of dark-robed monks. Another monk, hands clasped over her heart, paces around the table while addressing the congregation.

"...The Akul'tiz Prophecy is unfolding before our eyes, brothers and sisters. Who knew the decrepit Nomad's talent was so unerring! Yes, brethren, the northerners have protected it better than any of us could, and now it's too late for them."

The diffident responses of the others fade away along with the glimpse of foresight.

Possible Subjects: Akul'tiz Repeat: True

Date and Time: 9/16/2013
Five slivers of sickly green twitch across your sight. Garishly lacquered fingernails click slowly against a rock wall, each tap gouging sizzling marks upon it. Their unseen owner takes an audible, strong breath and warbles, "Praise! Praise to the Humans!"
Possible Subjects: Humans, Akul'tiz Repeat: True

Date and Time: 7/26/2013
A flash of bright light invades your vision for a brief moment, and when it clears the constellation of the Archer is before you. The stars in turn each illuminate themselves in the shape of the bow wielding woman, before blinking out again in the same bright flash of light that proceeded the vision, leaving you blinking away spots.
Possible Subjects: Lirisa, Archer_(constellation) Repeat: True

Date and Time: 7/26/2013
A halo of bright light permeates your vision for the briefest of moments. When it clears, you find yourself as if flying down through Ilithi where you recognize Catherine's Court. There you see a wavering, but distinct vision of a glass tympanum. The figure in the tympanum, an Elven woman seems to smile at you briefly before the vision disappears again in a flash of pure white light leaving you blinking spots out of your eyes.
Possible Subjects: Ilysia Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/14/2013
Six towers of light spring into being about you. They are aglow with chilly starlight, solid and seemingly eternal. Yet as you watch, fissures, dark as the void, spiderweb through each of them, causing one to explode in a shower of searing fragments.

The remainder resist. For a time. Until the top of another tower implodes, leaving naught but a ragged stump behind.

The remaining four continue to struggle, though the fissures are now a vast network of absolute darkness, until, they too, can stand no more and crumble into motes of dying light.

Possible Subjects: Moon Mage guild Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/11/2013
A figure suddenly appears before you that of a skinny Human with pale skin and short red hair. His hands are awash with blood that slowly pools around his feet as he stands motionless. His eyes slowly focus on you and a slight sneer creeps onto his face.

Something feels wrong about this vision, though you are unable to identify the source of your unease.

Possible Subjects: Pelag ai Aldam Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/11/2013
Darkness fills your mind, pierced only by a flickering torch carried by a middle aged human. A faint wind tugs at the flame, causing shadows to dance across her weathered face and her cropped honey brown hair. She pauses to study the stone walls, which are elaborately painted in faded pastels, as a voice whispers, "Welcome home."
Possible Subjects: Cherulisa Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/10/2013
A middle aged Elothean stands before a horde of faceless foes. Though she tries to fend them off with staff and shadow, one eventually pierces her defenses and at the first touch of the blade she simply turns to shadow and melts away.

The scene changes and you find yourself watching the same woman, apparently unharmed, but also seemingly unaware that a crow perches on each of her shoulders.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/9/2013
Before you is a long banquet table set with a veritable feast. Food from every culture is represented here, each dish a culinary masterpiece, and each tainted by rot. Scampering amongst the food, nibbling at their pleasure, are numerous little shrews.
Possible Subjects: Children of Kalestraum Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/9/2013
You find yourself standing on a barren plain, the land dead and desolate as an oppressive sun looms above. Something brushes your leg and you glance down to find a serpent twining itself between your legs. It appears to be molting, as pale skin covers its body and blinds its eyes. As it rubs against you, a few flecks of skin break off revealing brilliant purple scales beneath.
Possible Subjects: Prophets of G'nar Peth, Blasted Plains Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/9/2013
A beautiful Halfling stands before a familiar sixteen-sided building. She stares at it thoughtfully while a nightingale flits about her head.
Possible Subjects: Observatory of the Southern Crossbow, Gylwyn, Phelim Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/4/2013
Your sight wavers for a moment, then clears enough to see a hooded figure in robes, bent near the ground. He carves something into a rounded stone then walks off into invisibility. An oozing darkness fills the air, settling as something malignant pours forth. As the vision pans outward, you see an image of the islands just before your sight returns to normal.
Possible Subjects: Invasion of shadowy black death spirits and vile plague wraiths on Aesry and Ratha, unknown summoner Repeat: False

Date and Time: 3/11/2013
Your mind's eye is captured by the image of an unnaturally thick fog bank. There is something profoundly unsettling about the fog its sickly humidity, perhaps, or the way dense patches cling and move as though alive. Despite this, you see an old Human man in simple garments stroll through the cloud, paying it no heed.
Possible Subjects: Old Man Repeat: False

Date and Time: 2/19/2013
Color bleeds away from the world, leaving the area grey except for writhing purple magic that dances through the air around you. Several unnerving moments pass before muted colors slowly return to the world.

Reality shudders slightly as a you glimpse a S'Kra Mur standing before a towering obelisk, his eyes locked in a look of intense concentration.

A second vision of the S'Kra Mur assaults your mind. He stands before the obelisk, a hand pressed to its surface, as the shadowy image of a shrew grows beneath the surface.

The visions continue, pulling back to reveal the Obelisk standing on a small island. The shadow of the shrew continues to grow, swallowing the entire island.

Possible Subjects: Hhstin, Taisgath, Children of Kalestraum Repeat: ?

Date and Time: 2/2/2013
The world beneath your feet pitches and you blink hard as black spots blur your view. As vertigo threatens to overwhelm you, the darkness grows, obscuring your vision until everything goes completely black. After many long moments the shadows shift until you can make out a sheer cliff towering before you in the night. Guttering torchlight partially illuminates a pair of shadowy figures pushing a heavily laden haywagon through a large door, currently blasted open. On either side of the opening, tall sentinels loom silently, scorched black by some fearsome power. With a jolt your vision snaps back to normal once again, leaving you momentarily dizzy.
Possible Subjects: Elpalzi, Stone Clan Repeat: ?

Date and Time: 2/1/2013
The world around you blurs as a searing flame suddenly spans across your visual horizon. A small army of women that appear to be on fire rush towards you with incredible speed. Just when they're about to collide with you, the image shifts and you see a brief image of a scaled hand reaching towards a fire maiden before the vision suddenly ends.
Possible Subjects: Shard, Wipka, Adan'f, Fire Maiden invasion Repeat: ?

Date and Time: 01/18/2013
The smell of ash and brimstone filled my nostrils, the acrid reek disorienting me.

Acres of ruined farmlands stretch out on either side of the road that I stood on. Dead and buried, they lie under ragged sheets of once-molten rock that is now chill and barren. To the north, a massive, smoking crater snapped into existence, then just as abruptly disappearred. The crater continued to stutter in and out of reality, each appearance a hammer-blow to my mind. The vision slowly bled away, along with the acrid reek.

Possible Subjects: Hand of Meraud Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/16/2013
A baleful howl tears through your mind as it ripples through probability.

Shadows scurry through your mind, reminiscent of small woodland creatures miscast from the Immortal's mold.

Possible Subjects: Hand of Meraud, invasion of various animals Repeat: ?

Date and Time: 1/15/2013
Darkness fills your mind. Ever so slowly a speck of light forms before you though it rapidly grows until it encompasses your entire vision. Flames leap and dart across the molten surface of your mind forcing you to withdraw to the comfort of the darkness. As you flee, an infinite expanse of stars unfurls before you, struggling against the darkness. Your mind continues to drift outwards until you find yourself standing alone holding the icosahedron of darkness and light.
Possible Subjects: Hand of Meraud Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/16/2013
You are staggered by an intense blast of light. Your vision swiftly returns, however, the afterimage of a Gnome is indelibly etched into your retinas.
Possible Subjects: Hand of Meraud Repeat: ?

Date and Time: 1/15/2013
An insane cackle flutters through the air as shadowy bats briefly swirl about you.

The susurrus of shadows infiltrates your thoughts. Though you do not know the words you sense that they are afraid.

Possible Subjects: Hand of Meraud Repeat: ?

Date and Time: 01/13/2013
A young man stood before a counter, an array of tools lined up in a careful row: a hammer, a scythe, an awl, a pestle and a sword. An older fellow stood by the young man's side, his face lined and careworn. The young man's hand hovered above the counter for a few moments, then came to rest on the hilt of the sword.

The older man shook his head. "The sword? You disappoint me." He continued, "A sword has only one purpose, my son."

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/11/2013
A wave of dizziness crashes over you as your mind is gripped by a vision.

A figure stands in a lush library, cloaked from head to heel in midnight black, its face hidden in the depths of a deep cowl. A wolf paces restlessly to and fro, searching for an exit. The figure lowers its hand with a soothing sound, but the wolf bares its teeth in a savage snarl, dancing away from the comforting touch.

The vision subsides, but your stomach continues to roil with nausea.

Possible Subjects: Hand of Meraud Repeat: ?

Date and Time: 1/11/2013
A wave of heat caresses your face as your mind is gripped by a vision.

A massive shadow looms against a rough sandstone wall, the figure that cast it shrouded in darkness. The hooded and cloaked being reaches out, its hand small and delicate, straining toward a ball of flickering fire.

Light blossoms abruptly. The figure staggers into full view, wreathed in light and flame. The being is small and forlorn now, beating futilely at its burning vestments. No sound reaches you as the figure convulses in agony. The reek of burning hair and flesh is thick upon the air.

The light grows brighter and brighter, erasing the scene in a blaze of brilliance with a wave of force that rattles your teeth in your skull and sends your senses reeling.

You feel the beginnings of a headache behind your eyes as the vision releases its grip.

Possible Subjects: Hand of Meraud Repeat: ?