Embrace of the Vela'Tohr

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Embrace of the Vela'tohr
Abbreviation: EV
Prerequisites: Circle 40 and Circle of Sympathy
Signature: Yes
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Life Magic
Spell Type: ritual / utility
Difficulty: advanced
Prep (min/max): 300 / 800
Skill Range (min/max): 250 / 1000
Valid Spell Target: Special
Duration (min/max): 30 minutes / 90 minutes
Justice: no
Corruption: no
Description: The Embrace of the Vela'Tohr reminds us of the sacrifice and warmth of this sentient flora. The pattern creates an ethereal plant which is capable of healing those that need its aid, and the Empath can in turn heal their created plant. This may prove useful in assisting individuals when the Empath cannot be physically present. The Empath can return at a later point in time, or recasting the spell will recreate the plant nearby, wounds and all. Communal by nature, the plants will seek one another locally and form a thicket. Any caster should be aware, this spell is a ritual spell and will require a ritual focus to successfully cast.
Effect: Wound heal, allows Empath to heal remotely via a conjured vela'tohr plant
Example Messaging: Casting: As you gesture an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before you.

Touch Plant (as an empath):

  • Your plant, dependent on the plant health:
    • You feel a slight warmth that quickly fades, indicating your plant has no need of healing.
    • You reach out to touch your vela'tohr plant and it extends a green branch, soft leaves curling against your flesh with a cool tingle. You feel an empathic connection forming between you and your vela'tohr plant. There is a burst of pain as your <body locations> erupt in agony and blossom with wounds! Your vela'tohr plant looks healthier!
      (round time and teaches Empathy while giving corresponding wounds on your body)
  • Another empath's plant:

Touch Plant (as a patient):

  • (initial): You reach out to touch an ethereal vela'tohr plant and it extends a green branch, soft leaves curling against your flesh with a cool tingle. You feel an empathic connection forming between you and the vela'tohr plant.
  • (healing pulse): Your wounds tingle in cool relief and an ethereal vela'tohr plant in the thicket rustles in apparent pain.
  • (completed): The last of your wounds knit shut, a cool wave of relief washing over you. The plant rustles a bit, and you sense its job is complete as it gently pushes away the shared connection.


Ending: You feel the Embrace of the Vela'Tohr spell fade away.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.


  • Released for Premium preview in 446 (July 2023).
  • Patients can TOUCH a plant/thicket to begin being healed. You must remain in the room and out of combat for the healing to continue.
  • Other empaths can not be healed by the plants/thickets.
  • The plant has a healing limit and will despawn (messaging its creator) once reached.
  • You can recast the spell at any time to move the plant to your current location.
  • The amount of damage the plant has taken on is persistent through recasts and player death.
  • The creator can TAP, TOUCH, PULL, or HUG their plant to heal it, taking on progressively larger/more numerous wounds.
  • The plant will disappear when the empath logs out of the game.
  • You cannot cast this spell with ANY amount of shock. (excluding shock scar)
  • This spell plays off the lore surrounding the Vela'tohr plants found around Elanthia.


  • STUDY: Empathically linked to its creator, the vela'tohr plant is capable of healing, albeit slowly, non-Empaths who avail themselves to its abilities. You recognize this plant as your own, and feel that you could transfer its injuries to yourself via a TAP, TOUCH, PULL, or HUG, the increased contact increasing the amount of wounds transferred. Be careful, the vela'tohr plants are sturdy, and capable of withstanding significant damage!
  • LOOK:
The vela'tohr plant is a large, stalky bush. Its thick stem supports numerous coiled tendrils, which sway gently as if searching for something. Giant dark green leaves yawn open from the base of the stalk, revealing a myriad of brilliant flowers.
The plant <health message>.
  • possible health messages from least to most damage:
  • The plant appears to be in good condition.
  • The plant has some scrapes and discolorations along the leaves and stem.
  • The plant has several torn leaves, and the main stem bears some cuts that are leaking green sap.
  • The plant shivers periodically, torn leaves and broken stems hanging limply as sap drips from its wounds.
  • The plant has pulled into itself under shredded leaves and oozing stems.
  • The plant has coiled itself into a tight ball, the remains of its shredded leaves sticking to sap encrusted stems.
  • All four of the "healing" verbs have the same initial message. They are different on how much the empath heals the plant, with TAP taking a small amount of damage, HUG taking a very large amount of damage and TOUCH & PULL moderate amounts. The messaging is:
You reach out to touch your vela'tohr plant and it extends a green branch, soft leaves curling against your flesh with a cool tingle. You feel an empathic connection forming between you and your vela'tohr plant. There is a burst of pain as your <body parts> erupt in agony and blossom with wounds! Your vela'tohr plant looks healthier!

Duration Notes

  • cast with 180 mana (100 prep, 50 harnessed, 30 cambrinth) which had a last time of 45 roisaen
  • cast with 300 mana (200 prep, 100 harnessed) which had a last time of 48 roisaen
  • cast with 430 mana (300 prep, 100 harnessed, 30 cambrinth) which had a last time of 54 roisaen
  • cast with 550 mana (400 prep, 100 harnessed, 50 cambrinth) which had a last time of 67 roisaen
  • cast with 650 mana (500 prep, 100 harnessed, 50 cambrinth) which had a last time of 76 roisaen
  • cast with 750 mana (600 prep, 100 harnessed, 50 cambrinth) which had a last time of 90 roisaen
  • cast with 800 mana (800 prep) which had a last time of 90 roisaen


Altered Plants

The following Empaths have worked with Endalar to cultivate unique plants (aka, they have custom altered descriptions).

Empath's Name Appearance
Huebald squat ethereal vela'tohr plant with a softly glowing heart and beckoning vines
Phierre wiry vela'tohr plant with a phantasmal raven hopping through its tangled vines

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