Leth Deriel

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Province: Zoluren
Currency: Kronar
Population: 75,000
Established: Ancient, Unknown
Alternate Names: Leth
Dominant Race/Guild: Elf
Governing Individual:
Guild Halls: None
Warnings:Beware of wandering moss meys north of the city.


A small elven town south of the ferry from Crossing which houses quite a few shops and makes for a good rest on the way to or from Shard, or Forfedhar.

Government, History, and Background

Government Type

Prominent People

Lindryl was at one time the mayoress of Leth Deriel.


Sithsia, the mad mage defended Leth Deriel and was the ultimately the downfall of Sithsia the last High Priestess of the empire. see Book:hrrwlwd for more information

Lindryl set up refuge camps for refugee's from The Crossing in Leth Deriel during the Gorbesh wars.

Locations About Town


Sana'ati Dyaus tree, Izma Ru'ef University, Ankis Dir Observatory, and Oracle Hollow.

Unique Shops and Services

A non-metal dyer Reena's Rainbow


Alberdeen's Meats and Provisions
Blanca's Basketry and Wickerworks
De'ali's Elven Delights
Dira'ela Lloriena's Beauty Salon
Dove's Delightful Dwellings
Huyelm's Trueflight Bow and Arrow Shop
Leth Vendor Cart
Madame Orris' Perfumerie
Mithin's Bakery
Ongadine's Garb and Gear
Origami Boutique
Reena's Rainbow
Sinjian's Bardic Requisites
Trevellyn's of Leth Deri'el
Wooden Shack
Yerui's Woodcraft

Bars, Inns, and Taverns

Rest of Ages Inn

Prominent Hangouts

Leth Deriel Center

Important Activities


You can recieve Murrula favor orbs by putting the proper offering on the alter in the Leth Deriel Temple (2 northeast from Leth Deriel Center)

Task Givers

There are currently no known task givers in Leth Deriel


Moon Mages of a certain age might find themselves end up near leth.


Blood Nyad
Blood Dryad
Bone Wolf
Grave Worm
Misshapen Germish'din
Moss Mey
Pale Grey Death Spirit
Revenant Zombie
Seordhevor Kartais
Storm Bull





Available Swimming:

  1. Moss Mey's stream
  2. Ilaya Taipa Harbor

Available Climbing:

  1. Undergondola
  2. Near Snowbeasts
  3. Near the Manor