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Madame Orris' Perfumerie

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Madame Orris' Perfumerie
Province Zoluren
Justice Unknown
Town Leth Deriel
Map Ranik's Map 61
Owner Madame Orris
# of Rooms 2
Store Type Perfume shops
This store only accepts Kronars

[Madame Orris' Perfumerie, Salon]
Madame Orris, an ancient mage of regal bearing, concocts brash and subtle perfumes with almost mystical effects. Inside her tiny shack, she works olfactory magic with secret mixtures of aromatic substances derived from flowers, herbs and spices, all of which abound in the surrounding woods. The walls and floor are plain, yet there is a richness here that hangs in the very air. You also see a polished wood pedestal with a brightly colored catalog on it and Madame Orris.

Page 1 - Perfume and Oil
Item Price Done
Golden panther perfume 1,000   !!
Sweet innocence perfume 1,000   !!
Silver breeze perfume 1,250   !!
Sylvan spice perfume 1,500   !!
Venom oil 2,500   !!
Page 2 - Cologne and Water
Item Price Done
Elven crown cologne 1,250   
Breath cologne 1,875   !!
Forest song cologne 1,000   !!
Woodsmoke cologne 1,625   !!
Fire cologne 1,875   !!
Kermarian moon water 1,000   !!