House of the Revenant Fang 433/Shadowy Safehouse

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House of the Revenant Fang 433/Shadowy Safehouse
Event House of the Revenant Fang 433
Owner shadowy requisitions officer
# of Rooms 4
Store Type Weapon shops, Armor shops, General shops, Music shops, Magic shops, Crafting shops, Clothing shops, Jewelry shops, Empath shops, Moon Mage shops
This store only accepts Revenant Fang merits

Shadowy Safehouse (front room)

[Shadowy Safehouse]
Fresh cedar buttressing, plush fur rugs, and decorative oil lamps make a serviceable hideout from what would otherwise be a dank and ordinary cave. Pushed up against the fictile walls, shelves laden with fastidiously organized sundries and armaments are illuminated by the flickering lamplight. You also see a torch-lit escape tunnel, a shadowy requisitions officer, an ebony weapon display with a few things on it, a notched armor stand with a few things on it, a dark wardrobe with a black shadowsilk cloak on it, an enormous ceramic belt with a couple of things on it, a rusted wheelbarrow with a few things on it, a narrow plinth with a canopic jar with a jackal head on it, a rugged bogbirch bookshelf with a rugged morgawr leather almanac with waxed pages on it, a large ink-stained worktable with a few things on it and a miniature glass bayou with a couple of things on it.
Obvious exits: northeast, south, west.

  • Leave via the TUNNEL, moving west returns you to the Jademist Shore
  • To reach the shop without using a summons, ask the shadowy agent about TREASURE at any of the Meeting portals.

Armor and Weapons

On the weapon display
Item Price Done
ka'hurst light throwing axe wrapped in swamp moss 38   
felwood tanbo with morgawr bone inlaid agonite tips 38   
silversteel forester's arbalest with a zingana stock 38   
"The arbalest takes eight seconds to load with a bolt in the hand and nine seconds when the bolt is in a container on you. The throwing axe and tanbo are enchanted with a nature flare."
On the black shelf (which is on a notched armor stand)
Item Price Done
notched morgawr bone sleeves wrapped in generous folds of kau leather 15   
notched morgawr bone gloves tipped with gleaming white fangs 15   
"The bone armor pieces are all enchanted with a frost flare."
On the white shelf (which is on a notched armor stand)
Item Price Done
notched morgawr bone robe with generous folds of kau leather 35   
"The bone armor is enchanted with a frost flare."
On the grey shelf (which is on a notched armor stand)
Item Price Done
notched morgawr bone balaclava crafted to form a hollow-eyed skull 22   
"The bone armor is enchanted with a frost flare."


On the square palette (which is on a large ink-stained worktable)
Item Price Done
fiery red inkpot - Fire Shard - 24 mana 150   !!
pearlescent grey inkpot - Harm Evil 150   !!
blue and green inkpot - Swarm - 10 mana 150   !!
web-painted inkpot - Harawep's Bonds 150   !!
curled inkpot - Innocence - 52 mana 150   !!
The fiery inkpot is Fire Shards, pearlescent grey will give you Harm Evil, blue and green is Swarm, web-painted is Harawep's Bonds, and the curled one is Innocence. How sweet!"
On the triangular palette (which is on a large ink-stained worktable)
Item Price Done
Katamba black inkpot - Shadows - 50 mana 125   !!
On the round palette (which is on a large ink-stained worktable)
Item Price Done
shiny white inkpot - Glythtide's Gift - 52 mana 105   !!


On the dark wardrobe
Item Price Done
black shadowsilk cloak 250   
"The shadowsilk cloak conceals all but your hands."
On the ceramic belt
Item Price Done
marbled sable and amber Longleaf lotusweave bag 125   
crystal green jadeleaf satchel 125   
"The satchel and bag can hold a hundred items when they're automatically looted off of your kills."
On the rusted wheelbarrow
Item Price Done
mottled translocation orb - Eccentric Mage's transport hub 12   
corrupted translocation orb - Corrupted khor'vela beltunumshi portal 12   
small serpent totem - 5 uses of HEALME 12   
"Transportation orbs will take you to new places! Studying them might help you find your way. The totem can provide healing in a pinch!"
On the narrow plinth
Item Price Done
canopic jar with a jackal head - ForgeBinding 125   
"This here jar will do a nifty binding if you've got some things that are well-suited to being bound. Hold two similar items in your hands and show one to the jar to see if they'll bind. There's a testing jar just northeast of here."
On the bogbirch bookshelf
Item Price Done
rugged morgawr leather almanac with waxed pages 1,250   
"The morgawr leather almanac is a random-skill almanac that picks from the SURVIVAL skillset with a 10-minute cooldown."
On the coiled tentacle (which is on a miniature glass bayou)
Item Price Done
miniature tentacled morgawr with prominently stitched seams 1,500   
"The tentacled morgawr will help train skinning and first aid for unlimited uses per day."
On the bogbirch log (which is on a miniature glass bayou)
Item Price Done
small blue-belly crocodile with prominently stitched seams 125   !!
"The blue-belly crocodile will help train skinning and first aid for one hundred and five uses per day."

Bloodgrass Annex

[Shadowy Safehouse, Bloodgrass Annex]
Branching off from the main cavern to the north, this side chamber is festooned with braided bloodgrass garlands. Pushed up against the craggy walls, shelves laden with fastidiously organized sundries and armaments are illuminated by flickering oil lamps. You also see a flimsy rack with several things on it, a golden chest with a couple of things on it, a delicate mistglass vanity with several things on it, a tall jade statue with several things on it, an imbricated glass monument with a few things on it, a flimsy bamboo tray with several things on it, a wide stool with several things on it, a long flat tray with a furniture voucher on it, a resplendent ring case, a bogbirch cloak stand with an enveloping shroud of tangled swamp moss on it, an elegant hutch with several things on it, a teetering pile with a small swamp-green pouch stitched with black morgawr tentacles on it, a plain catak with several things on it and a polished haralun hand with a lusterless blackwater jet ring on it.
Obvious exits: north, south.

Stat Rings and Regen Items

In the ring case
Item Price Done
resplendent alerce ring - Intelligence +3 100   
resplendent audrualm ring - Agility +3 100   
resplendent gloomwood ring - Discipline +3 100   
resplendent iroko ring - Wisdom +3 100   
resplendent haralun ring - Strength +3 100   
resplendent darkstone ring - Stamina +3 100   
resplendent glitvire ring - Charisma +3 100   
resplendent niello ring - Reflex +3 100   
+3 rings.
"They're resplendent. They're rings. What more could you want to know? Oh, they'll make you better at things. Buy them! Try them!"
on the plain catak
Item Price Done
braided jadeleaf anklet splotched with indeterminate stains - passive vitality regen 150   !!
canvas limb bag stamped with obscure symbols - contains a twisted bogbirch limb covered in obscure symbols 150   !!
morgawr leather thighband - concentration 150   !!
scrimshaw morgawr bone armband inlaid with blackwater jet - passive mana regen 150   !!
"It's a Regeneration Station! The armband will help with mana, the jadeleaf anklet helps your health, and the leather thighband is great for those who want to focus a little more. Don't forget to snag a bogbirch limb if you need a little more "Tranquility" in your life."

Feature Mirrors

On the mistglass vanity
Item Price Done
murky mirror reflecting a face with impenetrable eyes - You have impenetrable <color> eyes. 23   
dark mirror reflecting a face with tenebrous eyes - You have tenebrous <color> eyes. 23   
tupelo mirror reflecting a face with iridescent eyes - You have iridescent <color> eyes. 23   
silver mirror reflecting a face with expressive eyes - You have large expressive <color> eyes. 23   
"The mirrors on the vanity give your eyes more character!"
Replaces your current eye shape.
On the jade statue
Item Price Done
hefty tamarisk mirror painted with a dark sage figure 23   
large willow mirror painted with a muddy green figure 23   
wide sycamore mirror painted with a viridescent figure 23   
sizable silverwillow mirror painted with a mossy green figure 23   
"The mirrors on the jade statue are for Gor'Togs."
On the glass monument
Item Price Done
hazy mirror reflecting a S'Kra with ghostly green scales 23   
glistening mirror reflecting a S'Kra with green-black scales 23   
cypress mirror reflecting a S'Kra with a crocodilian face - You have a primitive crocodilian face 23   
"The mirrors on the glass monument are for S'Kra Murs."


On the golden chest
Item Price Done
filigreed authorization - Meritorious 25   
gilded authorization - Black Fang's Bane 25   
Distinguished titles for the prestigious.
on the flimsy rack
Item Price Done
crumpled authorization - Bayou Stalker 1   !!
smudged authorization - Morgawr Bait 1   !!
bloodied authorization - Morgawr Food 1   !!
stained authorization - Jirikana's Weapon 1   !!
muddied authorization - Ashala'taman's Avenger 1   !!
soggy authorization - Ashala'taman's Gardener 1   !!
ink-splotched authorization - Kilgamant's Servitor 1   !!
moss-covered authorization - Ashala'taman's Defender 1   !!
swamp-stained grey parchment - Secret Agent 1   !!
swamp-stained green parchment - Bayou Boss 1   !!
Binds to the character that purchases them.
"These authorizations entitle you to fancy titles! Please pick carefully from the following list: moss-covered is "Ashala'taman's Defender", ink-splotched is "Kilgamant's Servitor", soggy is "Ashala'taman's Gardener", muddied is "Ashala'taman's Avenger", stained is "Jirikana's Weapon", bloodied is "Morgawr Food", smudged is "Morgawr Bait", and crumpled will give you the "Bayou Stalker" title."


On the bamboo tray
Item Price Done
slimy inkpot 10   !!
deep bogbirch dye tub with twisted purple gold handles 10   
necklace of morgawr fang flutes connected by vardite wire - neck worn 10   !!
shielded gaethzen lantern secured to a braided leather strap 10   !!
"The dye tub holds dye! The inkpot? Well, it'll hold any stray magical tattoos you have lurking on your skin that need a storage spot, and when you wear them again you'll have a tree, unless you have something more permanent. The fang flutes are wearable around your neck and the gaethzen lantern is a wearable magical light source."
On the wide stool
Item Price Done
shadowy crimson token 100   !!
shadowy purple token 100   !!
shadowy silver token 100   !!
triple-looped strand of cambrinth discs dangling a barghest fang toggle 100   !!
wispy-grained bogbirch repair case inlaid with lusterless blackwater jet - siegery set (miniature malachite-scaled morgawr with articulated damite tentacles, miniature Black Fang encampment centered on a square of ebony felt, miniature Black Fang recruit wielding a little steel chain, miniature Black Fang deadeye clutching a silverwillow crossbow, miniature Ilva figurine robed in shadowy dergatine, miniature zombie kobold embedded with a tiny crystal spike) 100   !!
tarnished silver spike 100   DG
gleaming white fang backdropped against a black half-circle 100   
"If you wanted to change your shadowy servant, guardian spirit, hide everything you're wearing, or to play siegery, you could use something on this stool. The discs have almost as much cambrinth as an orb."
On the flat tray
Item Price Done
furniture voucher - Ilithian black bogbirch wardrobe carved with lotus blossoms 75   DG
"The furniture voucher can be exchanged for 'an Ilithian black bogbirch wardrobe carved with lotus blossoms' that holds a hundred items."
On the cloak stand
Item Price Done
enveloping shroud of tangled swamp moss 350   !!
"The enveloping shroud can turn you invisible."
On the elegant hutch
Item Price Done
jadeleaf scroll case with matte green gold end caps - contains 1 scroll with Adaptive Curing 30   !!
pale green lotusweave scroll case with polished gold end caps - contains 1 scroll with Avren Aevareae 30   !!
platinum scroll case with indurium end caps - contains 1 scroll with Whispers of the Muse 30   !!
shadowy shoebox with the faint outline of slippers - contains some nightsilk assassin's slippers 30   !!
goggles sack embroidered with a multitude of squinting eyes - contains some black leather wraparound goggles with button-sized malachite lenses 30   !!
"You'll find Adaptive Curing in the jadeleaf scroll case, Avren Aevareae in the pale green scroll case, and Whispers of the Muse in the platinum scroll case. Hide yourself with the slippers in the shoebox. While you're lurking in the shadows, use the goggles to see in the dark!"
On the teetering pile
Item Price Done
small swamp-green pouch stitched with black morgawr tentacles 5   !!
random incidental?
On the haralun hand
Item Price Done
lusterless blackwater jet ring 50   
"The ring on the hand will make you vanish for a rois."

Jademoss Annex (raffles)

[Shadowy Safehouse, Jademoss Annex]
Tunneled further south from the main cavern, this narrow chamber is edged with blue-green clusters of jademoss. Pushed up against the rocky walls, shelves laden with fastidiously organized sundries and armaments are illuminated by flickering oil lamps. You also see a shady figure, a longbow dispenser with a couple of things on it, a kimono dispenser with a couple of things on it and a katana dispenser with a couple of things on it.
Obvious exits: north.

Raffle Details
At the end of the House of the Revenant Fang event, around 9:00pm EST on 1/26/20, there will be an individual drawing for each dispenser. One ticket will be drawn from the entire pool of tickets purchased from that dispenser. The individual selected will win the grand prize item for that dispenser, and you do not need to be present or logged in at the drawing to be the grand prize winner.

If you do not win the grand prize from an individual dispenser, then all of your tickets purchased from that dispenser will instead count toward a memory orb prize which will gain 25% drain per ticket purchased. The orb will always try to use 100% when activated, and it will not be destroyed until the balance is completely used up. The orb will be unaligned at first, and you can TURN it to a specific skill of your choosing before its first use. After you select the skill for the orb it will remain aligned to that skill and cannot be changed again.


1 ticket = 1x 25% drain
2 tickets = 1x 50% drain
3 tickets = 1x 75% drain
4 tickets = 1x 100% drain
5 tickets = 125% max; 1x 100% drain and 1x 25% drain
14 tickets = 350% max; 3x 100% drain, 1x 50% drain
20 tickets = 500% max; 5x 100% drain
100 tickets = 2500% max; 25x 100% drain

The memory orb prize can be retrieved using the CLAIM MEMORYORB, which will be set up and available within 12 hours of the grand prize drawings. All tickets purchased from all dispensers (except for a dispenser you win the grand prize from) will be combined for your single memory orb prize. We will post here again when CLAIM MEMORYORB is available after the event.

You can read the ledger on each dispenser throughout the event to see current ticket totals for that dispenser.

On the longbow dispenser
Item Price Done
origami longbow - prize of a dark lirisan Elothean competition longbow fit with polished sungold endtips 5   !!
"At the end of the House of the Revenant Fang, one ticket will be drawn from the stock of all tickets purchased from this dispenser. The individual selected will win the Grand Prize of an Elothean Competition Longbow. All others will win a memory orb which will gain 25% drain per ticket purchased across all dispensers. The orb can be set to any given skill one time after delivery and then remains set to that skill. You can read the ledger on this dispenser to see current ticket totals."
On the kimono dispenser
Item Price Done
origami kimono - prize of a tempestuous grey battle kimono layered over a windsteel mesh under-robe 5   !!
"At the end of the House of the Revenant Fang, one ticket will be drawn from the stock of all tickets purchased from this dispenser. The individual selected will win the Grand Prize of a Battle Kimono. All others will win a memory orb which will gain 25% drain per ticket purchased across all dispensers. The orb can be set to any given skill one time after delivery and then remains set to that skill. You can read the ledger on this dispenser to see current ticket totals."

On the katana dispenser
Item Price Done
origami katana - prize of an ornate scabbard adorned with the crest of the House of the Marching Lotus containing a diacan katana with an elaborate lotus flower sapphire hilt 5   !!
"At the end of the House of the Revenant Fang, one ticket will be drawn from the stock of all tickets purchased from this dispenser. The individual selected will win the Grand Prize of an Ornate Scabbard and Diacan Katana. All others will win a memory orb which will gain 25% drain per ticket purchased across all dispensers. The orb can be set to any given skill one time after delivery and then remains set to that skill. You can read the ledger on this dispenser to see current ticket totals."

Crystal Task

[Observation Chamber]
The tunnel opens into the cavernous basin of a large sinkhole here, sunlight and fresh air flooding in through the open ceiling above. Rendered in lines of silvery chalk, an intricate geometric glyph dominates the earthen cave floor.
You also see a canopic jar with a jackal head, a shadowy scribe and a shimmering scrying crystal.
Obvious exits: southwest.

  • The canopic jar is a permanent version of the one sold in the shop. Interacting with it will allow you to determine before purchase if the item(s) you wish to forgebind are compatible.
  • read crystal:
The scribe steps between you and the crystal as you approach. "I'm afraid this area is restricted to those who have been summoned," he says.
[This task requires the purchase of a Revenant Fang summons to complete!]

To start, redeem a Furtive Summons in the room and read the crystal. You either push, rub, or tap on the crystal depending how the crystal looks.

Doing this earns 10 merits, but there are no incidentals this way. It lasts about 5-7 actions, with 15-20 second roundtime each.

Note: the actions below may be different for people, but each action is tied to a specific message.

The image is blurry and vague: push crystal

The image is partially obscured by streaks of jittery color: rub crystal

The image is too dim to make out clearly: tap crystal

Transformation Sessions

There will be two specialty transformation sessions offered for House of the Revenant Fang 433.

The "Assassin" sessions will be a time where players can have alterations done live on an item and incorporate the word 'assassin' into the item's TAP and LOOK. Korfi will be charging 250 merits for her service.

  • Monday, Jan 20th: 12pm-3pm ET
  • Thursday, Jan 23rd: 10pm-12am ET

The "Repeating Crossbow" session will be a time where players can transform a crossbow weapon into a repeating one that holds 10 bolts. Not all crossbows may work with this if the crossbow has other special features. Vomna will be charging 1000 merits for her service.

  • Saturday, Jan 25th: 9pm-12am ET