Return to the Keep

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This Microtrans event has been run multiple times:

Similar to the House of the Revenant Fang event, this is a TASK driven event. By completing tasks during the 1 hour of access time you have per access, you can earn Ulf'Hara credit, which is the form of currency used in the Supply Wagon. On arrival to the area, you will see the NPC Zukir, who you can ASK ZUKIR FOR TASK, and to whom you will return on the completion of each. It should also be noted that there is a 2nd Zukir within the Supply Wagon, so if you get ported from the event area, but have completed your TASK requirements, you can still complete that task and receive your credits.


To access this area, find the Meeting portal hub in your city. Once there, REDEEM a Ulf'Hara summons and then ASK GUARDSMAN ABOUT ACCESS.
Additionally, The Supply Wagon can be accessed directly using a shimmering temporal distortion, which can be found outside the Crossing east gate at the far eastern side of the Middens, near the Moon Mage guild.

View the map of the ruins.


Quest Gifts

For Entering the Instance

For Helping Zukir

TIP: You can ASK ZUKIR ABOUT HELP to dedicate yourself to the effort, even when you're not there! This will add your name into the possible pool for the wandering NPC's in the area and provide you with the following gift:


The tasks for this event do not change from year to year. An overview of each follows.

Ally Re-supply Task

Zukir asks you to head into the ruins and find the wandering NPC's who might need more supplies. When you find an NPC, STUDY them and the 1st line, if they are eligible for this task, will indicate what they need. The items you can give them come from the dirty canvas sack embroidered with a gladiolus blossom that you get when you ASK ZUKIR FOR SUPPLIES.

Initial ASK

Lord Zukir pauses to catch his breath. "The Traders just delivered some supplies, and they're sorely needed. We have others assembling sacks of food, herbs, potions, cambrinth, weapons and more as fast as they can. Take these into the ruins and assist any of our allies you find in need. Can you do that, Elothean?"
Zukir adds, "You won't have to search for your allies, they'll be on the front lines trying to complete their own missions. STUDY their situation for clues on how to best help."
[You may accept by typing ACCEPT TASK, or decline by typing DECLINE TASK]

On Acceptance

Zukir points at the supplies being assembled. "Grab some supplies and start searching out allies. Some may need everything the sack contains, others may only need part. Return when you've covered the needs of <number> allies."
[ASK ZUKIR FOR SUPPLIES to get a sack, then look for named NPCS in the open; you don't need to search for them. STUDY can help when found! It may be prudent to partially supply multiple allies rather than trying to fully supply a single one!]

You grab a dirty canvas sack embroidered with a gladiolus blossom from the pile. nods and barks, "There, you have it, now get back to work!"
  • STUDY NPC (in this example, Saymos)
Saymos appears to be in need of torches to complete his mission for Zukir.
[You ARE on this task. Check your "dirty canvas sack" for the needed supplies!]
He carries some wounds that an Empath or medic could tend to, if Zukir has tasked them with such.
[You are NOT on this task. You don't need to spend time tending to Saymos's wounds!]

On Completion

<NPC> says, "You should probably go find Zukir. I hear he's looking for an update from you! Don't keep him waiting!"

On Finish

Finishing text needed...

Combination Lock Task

Zukir sends you to the sewer-section of the ruins to secure treasures from combination-locked chests. Once in the sewer, SEARCH until you locate a gleaming chest, then STUDY the chest to learn how to manipulate it. There are 3 dials on each chest (first dial, second dial, third dial) that you will TURN to change the number and PUSH to lock the number in place. Each dial may have multiple possible "correct" numbers, each of which will be seen with a faint click message. If you need to try a different number, you can PULL that dial to enable turning it again. Once you feel you have the successful combination of numbers, PULL LATCH to try and open the chest.

Initial ASK

Lord Zukir leans in and whispers, "Safes and other strongboxes were hidden around the keep, many in plain sight. The Elpalzi are pushing further in, so I'm sending you ahead to the sewers to SEARCH for these treasures before they can get them! Each had a unique combination known only to select guardsmen and royals. They often served as caches for healing potions, magical devices for protection, and of course safe storage for treasures."
He continues, "With the collapse of Ulf'Hara, these are more exposed than ever. Will you recover what you can from these? Any findings are your own to keep; I'd rather see them in your hands than our enemies'. Do you accept?"
[You may accept by typing ACCEPT TASK, or decline by typing DECLINE TASK]

On Acceptance

Zukir nods and says, "Very well. Advance teams have cleared most of the Keep proper, but you should focus your efforts on the sewers. SEARCH for the safes, solve their locks and claim any treasures within to keep them from our enemies. Careful STUDY of the contraptions should provide clues. Report back to me after you've opened <number> of them."

This appears to be one of the caches that Zukir mentioned being scattered about the Keep. There are three separate dials and a latch that can be manipulated. It appears there's a 3-digit combination needed to open the lock. You could probably:
TURN the dials to change the number each points to.
PUSH the dial to lock it in.
PULL the dial to unlock it.
PULL the latch when the dials are locked in to solve, if the combination is right.
LOOK to determine the current dial positions.
SPIN the dials to randomize the number.
You carefully examine a gleaming chest, but see nothing special.

On Completion

  • Your task is complete! You should notify Zukir at once!

On Finish

Lord Zukir says, "Thank you for your service, <person>. I knew we could count on you. It isn't much, but please accept these coins on behalf of Zoluren for your efforts."
Lord Zukir hands you <amount> Kronars.

Healing Task

Zukir asks you to go into the ruins and heal NPC's. You will be looking for one of the many wandering NPC's in the area, which will show up in the room items, not the character list, for each room.

ex: You also see Seriqua, a jar of medicated cloths and Lord Zukir.

If you are an Empath, you can simply TOUCH and then TAKE wounds as you would a fellow adventurer. For everyone else, pick up one of the medicated cloths next to Zukir, and RUB (NPC NAME) to advance the TASK. This may need to be done multiple times in order to complete.

Initial ASK

Lord Zukir points to the side at a rapidly growing group of wounded guardsmen and adventurers alike. "This is proving costly to our ranks. Our Empaths have prepared medicated strips of cloth to help, but there aren't enough hands to apply them. Can you take some into the ruins and help any of our wounded you encounter?"
Zukir adds, "You won't have to search these folks out, they'll be readily visible. STUDY their situation for clues on how to best help."
[You may accept by typing ACCEPT TASK, or decline by typing DECLINE TASK]

On Acceptance

Zukir gestures to the nearby strips of medicated cloth. "Take a handful and seek out any allies you find. If you can tend enough wounds, no matter how trivial, return to me for reassignment. You'll know when you've finished."
Zukir adds, "You might not need those medicated strips of cloth with your healing talents."
[Look for named NPCs in the open; you don't need to search for them. STUDY can help when found! You may need more than one cloth to complete the mission!]
Zukir has called upon you to aid in the efforts to secure the ruins of Ulf'Hara Keep! The continued fighting to reclaim the ground has taken its toll on our allies. Lord Zukir has tasked you with tending to the wounds of those in need. Guardsmen and others can be found throughout the Keep's ruins without a major search effort. Grab a medicated cloth near Zukir and RUB a wounded ally WITH the CLOTH to mend his or her wounds. As an Empath, you can also TOUCH/TAKE wounds! It may require more than one cloth to fully heal an ally. You still need to heal more to satisfy the mission. It will be clear when you've finished.

On Completion

Zukir has called upon you to aid in the efforts to secure the ruins of Ulf'Hara Keep! The continued fighting to reclaim the ground has taken its toll on our allies. Thanks to your efforts, your allies are now in better shape and able to continue the fight to retake Ulf'Hara's treasures! Return to Zukir for reassignment!

On Finish

Lord Zukir says, "Thank you for your service, <person>. I knew we could count on you. It isn't much, but please accept these coins on behalf of Zoluren for your efforts."
Lord Zukir hands you <amount> Kronars.

Hunting Task

An overview of this task is needed...

Initial ASK

Zukir growls. "The louts, Elpalzi and undead are hampering our efforts to secure the grounds. We have teams trying to thin their ranks, but some of them have made off with treasures that hold great sentimental value. Can you recover some of these for us? You'll need to get your hands dirty and KILL the invaders to find them."
[You may accept by typing ACCEPT TASK, or decline by typing DECLINE TASK]

On Acceptance

Zukir nods. "If it's hostile, put it down and search its remains. If you can recover 3 items, return them to me, and I'll see about putting you to work elsewhere."
[Kill any creatures within the ruins and bring back any treasures dropped at death.]

On Completion

Lord Zukir accepts the leather-bound folio and quickly hands it off to a nearby assistant. "Hah! That'll teach those kobold-kissing, turnip-eating miscreants to steal from Zoluren! Well done, <RACE>! Just 2 more so close!"
Lord Zukir accepts the basalt cameo and quickly hands it off to a nearby assistant. "Hah! That'll teach those kobold-kissing, turnip-eating miscreants to steal from Zoluren! Well done, <RACE>! Just 1 more so close!"
Lord Zukir accepts the senci bust and quickly hands it off to a nearby assistant. "Hah! That'll teach those kobold-kissing, turnip-eating miscreants to steal from Zoluren! Well done, <RACE>!" Lord Zukir says, "Thank you for your service, <Name>. I knew we could count on you. It isn't much, but please accept these coins on behalf of Zoluren for your efforts." Lord Zukir hands you <Amount> Kronars.

Missing Person Task

Zukir asks you to seek out hidden NPC's within the ruins and lead them back to his room. Once past the initial tunnel, SEARCH rooms until a random NPC appears to you. While the TASK text tells you to ASK them to FOLLOW, they will already be doing this and you can begin to move back to Zukir's room. You'll want to move slowly and wait until you see the NPC has entered the room following you before moving again. Once in Zukir's room, wait until he notices the NPC and then ASK ZUKIR ABOUT TASK COMPLETE to finish the TASK.

Initial ASK

Zukir says, "Other teams have preceded you, and not all have made it back out. I task you with finding these lost adventurers and leading them back to me for debriefing, healing and reassignment. You'll need to SEARCH the ruins, high and low, to find them. Can you do that, <race>?"
[You may accept by typing ACCEPT TASK, or decline by typing DECLINE TASK]

On Acceptance

Zukir looks into your eyes and says, "You'll need to SEARCH for the missing; they could be anywhere. Some may be confused or agitated, so tell them I sent you and ASK them to FOLLOW you back to me, slowly."
Zukir continues, "This is a dangerous mission. You'll need to protect your charge, and it will be a slow slog. Lead whoever you find back here."
[After you SEARCH out a lost ally, STUDY their situation for further insight!]

On Completion

<NPC> lets out a sigh and looks back towards the ruins. "Thank you, <name>. I'm feeling better now, moreso because I'm out of there! I'm going to catch my breath, and then I'll speak to Zukir. You should report your status to him now."
<NPC> trudges over towards the supply wagons and takes a seat, fading away into the makeshift camp.

On Finish

Lord Zukir says, "Thank you for your service, <person>. I knew we could count on you. It isn't much, but please accept these coins on behalf of Zoluren for your efforts."
Lord Zukir hands you <amount> Kronars.

Trap Disarm Task

Zukir sends you to the sewer-area of the ruins to SEARCH for hidden locked boxes. When you find one, DISARM and PICK these as you would a creature-dropped box. Return to Zukir to complete the TASK once you have unlocked your requested amount.

Initial ASK

Lord Zukir sighs. "Many guardsmen saw to securing the grounds over the years. Traps were placed in key points in case of invasions. Most of those traps were known to me at one time, but with the recent Elpalzi advances and the common looters looking for royal treasures, many of those traps have been moved, altered, and augmented."
"I'm trusting your skills to handle such threats should you come across any. Are you up to the task of SEARCHing the sewers to remove these threats?"
[You may accept by typing ACCEPT TASK, or decline by typing DECLINE TASK]

On Acceptance

Zukir says, "Glad to hear it, <race>. Get to the sewers as fast as you can and SEARCH out the threats. DISARM, PICK and OPEN any traps you find -- secure the treasures within to keep them from our foes. Take care in your efforts to avoid causing injury to yourself or others around you. I have supplies available if you're in need of a lockpick. Report back to me after you've disabled <number> obstacles."
[You can ASK ZUKIR ABOUT SUPPLIES if you need another lockpick!]

On Completion

  • Your task is complete! You should notify Zukir at once!

On Finish

Lord Zukir says, "Thank you for your service, <person>. I knew we could count on you. It isn't much, but please accept these coins on behalf of Zoluren for your efforts."
Lord Zukir hands you <amount> Kronars.

Treasure Recovery Task

Zukir asks you to search specific areas of the ruins for a hidden treasure and then return that treasure to him.

Initial ASK

Zukir says, "Many treasures have been lost to the explosion. While the louts and other looters of the Middens have no doubt stolen many, I am confident there are countless others still needing to be recovered."
"Other teams have done some searching, but Ulf'Hara was large and much ground still remains unchecked. Will you SEARCH and recover these items, adventurer?"
[You may accept by typing ACCEPT TASK, or decline by typing DECLINE TASK]

On Acceptance

note: The following is one example, but the list of possible rooms are randomized and will vary from TASK to TASK. Zukir stretches out a hand towards a nearby guardsmen and accepts a small bit of parchment which he proceeds to show you. It appears to be a map with certain locations marked:

Ulf'Hara Keep Ruins, Hallway
Ulf'Hara Keep Ruins, Hallway
Ulf'Hara Keep Ruins, Hallway

Lord Zukir says, "These are all areas that could be searched more thoroughly. Please take care and leave no pile of debris unsearched. Obviously you may uncover some items outside of this region, but our intel says these are your best chances."
[SEARCH the ruins to recover the lost treasures! Kneeling leads to faster discoveries!]

On Completion

Just as you're about to give up, you flip over a ruined painting and reveal a delicate tryptich in a frame of bottle green-stained teak!
You quickly snatch it up before a foe can!
  • GIVE ZUKIR (while <item> is in your right hand):
Lord Zukir eagerly accepts <a random item> and quickly hands it off to an assistant who wastes no time in cataloging it and securing it. Zukir says, "Well done, <race>. Zoluren thanks you."
Lord Zukir says, "Thank you for your service, <name>. I knew we could count on you. It isn't much, but please accept these coins on behalf of Zoluren for your efforts."
Lord Zukir hands you <amount> Kronars.

note: this completes the TASK, no need to ask Zukir for final completion.