Category:Ritual Spells

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A category for spells that are cast as rituals.

Current Ritual Spells

Bolded spells are signature spells.

Name Effect Type Skill Target Contest Prep
Duration Slots Mana
Echoes of Aether (ECHO) +Attunement skill, +Sorcery skill, +Intelligence (stat) ritual augmentation {{{19}}} 150-700 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Soul Ablaze (SOUL) +Augmentation skill, +Debilitation skill, +Charisma (stat) ritual augmentation {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Will of Winter (WILL) +Targeted Magic skill, +Discipline (stat), Changes Bard damage spells to include cold. ritual augmentation {{{19}}} 150-700 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Words of the Wind (WORD) +Bardic Lore skill, +Wisdom (stat), +Mojo regeneration, +enhances Segue ritual augmentation {{{19}}} 50-600 basic-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Aspects of the All-God (ALL) +Augmentation skill, +Debilitation skill, +Sorcery skill, +Targeted Magic skill, +Utility skill, +Warding skill, -Primary Magic skill, -Augmentation skill, -Debilitation skill, -Targeted Magic skill, -Utility skill, -Warding skill, Rapid alignment change. Nonstandard alignments. ritual augmentation, utility {{{19}}} 50-600 basic-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Murrula's Flames (MF) Self-resurrection provided it's cast before death. ritual utility {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Persistence of Mana (POM) +Attunement skill, +Attunement pool regeneration ritual augmentation {{{19}}} 150-700 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Absolution -Empathy skill, -Stamina (stat), allows Empath to attack the undead without shock ritual utility {{{19}}} 150-700 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Circle of Sympathy (COS) Creates a tree that allows Empaths to share attunement ritual utility {{{19}}} 150-700 intermediate-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Embrace of the Vela'tohr (EV) Wound heal, allows Empath to heal remotely via a conjured vela'tohr plant ritual utility {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Perseverance of Peri'el (POP) ablative vitality barrier ritual warding {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-3 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Braun's Conjecture (BC) Makes teleportation spells easier to cast, reduces the difficulty of using ALIGN Transmogrify and Split, reduces the roundtime of Predict State, removes the penalty for targeting specific skills with predictions. ritual utility {{{19}}} 150-700 intermediate-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Destiny Cipher (DC) Increases potency of visions, removes sect preference penalty for divination tools, and increases tool bonding rate. ritual utility {{{19}}} 50-600 basic-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Invocation of the Spheres (IOTS) +Agility (stat), +Charisma (stat), +Discipline (stat), +Intelligence (stat), +Reflex (stat), +Wisdom (stat), Only two from specific stat pairings. ritual augmentation {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Read the Ripples (RTR) Add prophetic insight, bypass astrological observation timers, and bypass telescope checks for selected random constellations. ritual utility {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Book Burning (BB) Impact damage, Fire damage, Summon a wearable torch that may attack targets you cast an offensive spell on. Light source. ritual targeted, utility {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-3 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Seal Cambrinth (SEC) increases capacity by 30%, prevents stored mana from leaking ritual utility {{{19}}} 50-600 basic-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Alamhif's Gift (AG) -death's sting or +soul pool (costs 1 favor) ritual utility {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-1 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Bloodthorns Wound heal, Incoming melee attacks can trigger damage to aggressor plus a true heal on caster. ritual warding {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-3 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Memory of Nature (MON) Maintain your ranger bonus while in non-wilderness areas ritual utility {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Elision (ELI) Prevents opponent attacks at the cost of Starlight Aura. ritual warding {{{19}}} 400-900 esoteric-3 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Aegis of Granite (AEG) +Shield Usage skill, +Stamina (stat), +Strength (stat) ritual augmentation {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}
Mantle of Flame (MOF) +Brawling skill, +Large Blunt skill, +Large Edged skill, +Polearms skill, +Small Blunt skill, +Small Edged skill, +Staves skill, +Twohanded Blunt skill, +Twohanded Edged skill, +Agility (stat), -Stealth skill, Fire damage, brawling only ritual augmentation {{{19}}} 300-800 advanced-2 {{{17}}} {{{18}}}

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