Post:Zoluren Town Meeting 12/09/2010 - 12/8/2010 - 23:51:41

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Zoluren Town Meeting 12/09/2010 · on 12/8/2010 11:51:41 PM 5157
First off, let me just repeat that the Zoluren Town Meetings are a community event. They are a way for citizens of Zoluren, as well as travelers from other provinces, to gather and learn about recent events and happenings in Kermoria.

We were quite honored that Kaith Alreid Nedenn Verille was able to attend our meeting. Lord Verille is the current leader of Zoluren's House Verille. Their house is responsible for administering Zoluren's premier military academy.

The White Rose is also providing Banded Cobalt Albredine Rings for those who wish to participate in the defense of Zoluren and wish to be able to communicate as a group.

Of note, there have been people pretending to be Roses. If you wish to donate or speak to a Rose, please be sure that they have one of our badges. It looks like this: an exquisitely woven white silk rose with an emerald green stem twined around a platinum seven-pointed star. All Roses wear this badge. There is also a roster available at Order HQ.

We then discussed the events regarding the turn of the new century in principle the invasions and the light show.

Court Bard Ruea from Ilithi shared some announcements with us as well. Two Court positions have opened up: Ambassador and Court Cleric. Interested parties are asked to speak with Leucius.

The other announcement is regarding Asrea. Word has come to the Court that she has been telling people that she is working for the Ilithi Court and reporting to the Ferdahl. Ruea states that this is not true.


Alexsei says, "First of all... Let me preface this by thanking everyone for coming here today. As always, this is an honor to have you all here with us, and I must pass my thanks to each of you on behalf of the Order of the White Rose."
Alexsei says, "My name is Alexsei Krauser, and I am the Vice Speaker of the White Rose. Welcome to this new instance of our regular Zoluren Town Meetings."
Alexsei says, "First of all, for those who are with us for the first time, let me speak a bit about the town meetings themselves - what they are, and what purpose they serve."
Alexsei says, "At their core, the Zoluren Town Meetings are a community event. They are a way for citizens of Zoluren, as well as travelers from other provinces, to gather and learn about recent events and happenings in Kermoria."
Alexsei says, "They are also a forum for citizens to come together and better join forces, discussing plans and methods of actions in case of emergency situations."
Alexsei says, "Thus, while the White Rose holds and organizes these events, they are very much a community effort. If you have something to share and contribute, please do not be shy and let us know."
Alexsei says, "Now, before we head into the meat of the subject for tonight, let me recap a bit on the subject of communication during emergency situations."
Alexsei says, "In previous sessions, the point of secure communications in Zoluren during invasions and emergency situations has been raised."
Alexsei says, "Many different solutions were proposed, one among them being the adoption of a color of albredine rings to be used as a sort of 'Zoluren Emergency Channel'."
Alexsei says, "As per previous Town Meetings, that color has been chosen as Banded Cobalt. Those possessing rings of that color can share sensitive information during emergency situations with other bearers."
Alexsei says, "As such, the White Rose has taken upon itself to offer a Banded Cobalt ring to anyone wishing to bear one in case of emergencies, free of charge."
Alexsei says, "Those wishing to get one of these pre-attuned rings, please whisper to me and I will hand one to you."
Traim says, "Thank you."
Manze asks, "You set Alex?"
Alexsei says, "While I hand the rings over, since I have spoken long enough, Manze will take the floor for a moment."
Manze says, "Ah good.."
Manze says, "I have a bit of an announcement to make regarding something that has come to my attention."
Manze says, "Several people feel generous enough to bestow upon the Order with their generous spirit, however some people have tried to impersonate an Order member for their own ulterior motives.."
Manze says, "If you have any donations to give to the Order and wish to be sure it does reach the Order, all members of this Order will possess one of these.."
Manze says, "'If there is any doubt in your mind, ask to see it, each and every member owns one, and only members own them.."
Ilsi asks, "You wear the emblem of the Empire?"
Manze says, "It's the emblem of our Order.. it's founded on the ideals of the Empire."
Manze says, "So again, to be sure your donations actually reach us, don't be afraid to ask to see the Rose, or you can check for yourself in the Orders Headquarters building, there is a listing of the roster in there."
Manze says, "The Orders HQ building is one east of the bank here, go in the door and up the first flight of stairs, our office is in the golden arch."
Manze says, "Sorry to start off on a sour note, but I felt people should know so that their generousity will go to the right places."
Manze says, "The floor is yours Alex."
Alexsei asks, "Well, with that out of the way, we will let Talliska take over then, as she will cover recent happenings in the province and outside of it. Talliska?"
Talliska says, "Hello all. I am Talliska Wildclaw, Lorekeeper of the White Rose, here to give the first half of our current events update."
Talliska says, "The main topic I have for you today concerns the widespread invasions that occurred at the turn of the century."
Talliska says, "The recent series of invasions hit not long after the elaborate fireworks display that lit up the sky -- which by the way, we'll cover more later."
Talliska says, "Many major cities were struck by invaders that day, in four of the five provinces. I'll summarize what I know of these from personal experience and reports I have read."
Talliska says, "In Zoluren, the Crossing was invaded by an odd mix of creatures, some of them native to nearby hunting areas such as rock trolls, young and scout ogres, thugs and ruffians."
Talliska says, "The more unusual creatures I saw include the elba Darvager, which look like an odd cross between insect and Dwarf, and the gelv cyclops, which is a towering one-eyed giant. How they ended up in Crossing, I'm not quite sure, but they were quickly dispatched."
Talliska says, "We did not encounter that many pirates, though there were a few dangerously accurate crossbowmen loose in the city. They and the cyclops, which seemed to me to be near expert level, were the hardest creatures I saw before I left Crossing."
Talliska says, "When Crossing was safe, I headed to Riverhaven with a couple of helpful empaths to answer their call for help. Haven was hit pretty hard, and their invasion lasted at least an anlaen longer than the ones in Crossing, Langenfirth or Therenborough."
Talliska says, "Haven's attackers were all pirates of various professions. Bosuns and the crossbowmen were among the tougher ones. Accompanying them were deckhands, mariners, mercenaries, riggers and sailors."
Talliska says, "According to Falila of the Therengian Cavalry, Lang and Theren were attacked by marauders, fendryads, swamp trolls and peccaries. By the time I got there the invasion had already cleared, and the people on duty at the Keep assured me all was well."
Talliska says, "The Theren Guard and militia sent support to Haven, since their situation was not nearly as dire. With the combined efforts of the Order of the Dragon Shield, allies and volunteers, Haven was cleared of attackers and its dead brought back to their feet."
Talliska asks, "I believe we have at least one person from a Theren militia or Order here, would you have anything to add to, or correct in my statements?"
Persefani says, "I think you have it very well covered."
Jerde says, "We also experienced some assassination attacks against lone individuals."
Jerde says, "No high ranking folk but isolated attacks by cutthroats."
Talliska asks, "Was there any pattern to the individuals targeted, any obvious intent?"
Jerde says, "Reminded me of the assassins in the Outcast War."
Jerde says, "No pattern but they all were where they could be found easily on main roads and in cities."
Talliska asks, "Disturbing indeed. And just to clarify that was in Therenborough? Or in other cities of your province as well?"
Jerde says, "It seemed a message though i couldn't understand the reasoning."
Jerde says, ""therenborough and lanenfirth."
Jerde says, "And the cutthroats were rather chatty i guess you could say."
Talliska asks, "They chatted up their targets? Or talked about it afterward?"
Jerde says, "Their targets."
Talliska asks, "Thanks very much for the input, Guard Council. Is there anything else you'd like to add?"
Jerde says, "Saying it was "Nothing personal" ..."
Talliska says, "Meanwhile, Shard was facing its own troubles against Adan'f warriors, dancers and mages, and then Dragon Priests of various types along with their war animals, the shalswar and pivuh."
Talliska says, "Reports from Celitha of Ilithi, who is with us here today, mentioned some of the tactics used by the attackers."
Talliska says, "For example, they dropped large dark orbs enchanted to explode and cause damage over a large area. Upon explosion the glowed malevolently with a dragon-shaped aura, which expanded into a giant fireball."
Talliska says, "The explosion not only wounds, but can also stun and knock people down caught in the blast, so it's a good idea to get away from them quickly should you ever come across one."
Talliska says, "Another tactic the Dragon Priest sentinels used was disguising themselves as nondescript people of various professions. This was of dubious use since their presence in the city was still unusual enough to draw the attention of Shard's defenders."
Talliska says, "Much like the pirate invasion in Riverhaven, the Adan'f and following Dragon Priest attack in Shard lasted around two anlaen."
Talliska asks, "Now since I offered the same to our Theren guests, does any of our attendees from Ilithi have anything to add?"
Talliska says, "I was not at this invasion personally so I only have what I've read."
Talliska says, "All right then."
Talliska says, "Other than that, I also heard reports that at least two cities in Qi were struck, Ratha and Mer'Kresh. My information about these attacks is very limited, but I've heard they also were attacked by pirates."
Talliska exclaims, "If anyone in attendance today can offer more information, or share your experiences about the year 400 invasions, please do so now. It'd be a great help!"
Traim says, "Desperate pirates if they thought Mer'kresh was a good target."
Talliska says, "I heard that Throne was also hit, I wasn't aware many people even lived there."
Persefani says, "It seems the only place that was not hit was Muspar'i."
Talliska says, "I'd heard nothing from Forfedhdar, either."
Dullnare says, "When Ratha is hit hard the invaders tend to infiltrate the city quickly causing defenses to retreat to the temple of hodierna."
Talliska asks Dullnare, "Were you present at that invasion?"
Talliska asks, "Oh, well for those of you who were, care to give a summary of what attacked, and the proceedings?"
Dullnare says, "My memory is vague on this, but the last time I recall was something I had never seen before or since."
Zyyn says, "It was the pirates."
Talliska asks, "Similar to the Haven pirates, then?"
Zyyn says, "Correct."
Zyyn says, "Same pirates."
Talliska asks Dullnare, "And what is it you saw that was so unusual?"
Dullnare says, "They were much stronger than the Pirates. I do not remember much more, I was in Triage and tried to avoid being seen."
Talliska says, "I don't blame you. Those crossbowmen ripped me a new... well, it wasn't pleasant."
Mystiri asks, "Tail?"
Talliska says, "THanks for your input, both of you."
Talliska says, "The only other recent invasion that I know of was another pirate attack in Haven about 8 andaen ago. A watchful crier announced to the townspeople that attackers were at the pier, and announced again when they had been routed."
Zyyn says, "Same pirates."
Talliska says, "It was not a long or difficult invasion. Though it does make me curious whether the criers in Haven are being trained to make announcements like that more regularly."
Dahlestia says, "There were pirates like 2 days ago too."
Saranari says to Fintrial something in Ilithic.
Powerhaus says, "Maybe the pirates got them first."
Talliska asks, "In Crossing?"
Saranari says to Fintrial, "The news is always so depressing these days."
Dahlestia says, "Haven."
Kougen says, "I thought pirates on that dock were somewhat common."
Talliska says, "Ah, then we're talking about the same one."
Saranari says, "In a language you can understand even."
Jerde says, "They are."
Fintrial says, "Yes, but I try to remain positive and happy."
Talliska says, "The unusual thing about tha invasion was just how spot on the criers were announcing it, really."
Fintrial says, "Happy because I'm attractive, and I have lots of friends."
Talliska says, "That's about all I have as far as invasions and threats go."
Jaleshia says, "Well trained criers? Perhaps the Haven officials have been dipping into the coffers to hire better instructors."
Nedenn says, "And now they'll remain happy with friends somewhere else."
Manze says, "Thank you Commander."
Nedenn says to Talliska, "Proceed without interruption now."
Talliska says, "Yes, thank you kindly."
Alexsei whispers to your group, "haha."
Talliska says, "Though, to be honest I was just about done. Unless anyone else has an invasion or threat to the province not yet covered."
Talliska says, "I have heard of some recent necromancer activity in the city, but nothing like what we saw from Ahlureis and Skalarg."
Traim asks, "You mentioned the fireworks in the sky, was there any significance to that to a seer's eyes?"
Traim says, "Afraid I missed it."
Talliska says, "Oh, why don't we go on and let Mysti do her part then."
Manze says, "You'd have to speak to Tiakim, I believe he observed it closely."
Celitha asks, "I am curious whether or not QI or Forfedhar suffered attacks as the other provinces, on the new year?"
Talliska says, "She is going to cover the fireworks and other peacetime events of interest."
Talliska says, "Please, go right ahead."
Powerhaus says, "Ratha did."
Mystiri says, "I am not a seer, however."
Traim dryly says, "Neither am I I'm told."
Mystiri says, "I am Mystiri Lionessa of the Order of the White Rose, and I'm happy to be able to bring you the peacetime events. I am no Mialeigh, who would normally be doing this, but I did steal her notes."
Talliska says, "I'm sorry, I'd missed Celitha's question."
Talliska says to Celitha, "Qi was attacked, but Forfedhdar was not, as far as I know."
Mystiri whispers to your group, "Yeeeeah, I'm fine."
Talliska says, "Okay, now you can go on."
Celitha says to Talliska, "Thank you."
Mystiri says, "Sorry about that."
Mystiri says, "'For peacetime events, we had the lights in the sky at the turning of the New Year just before the invasions that Talliska mentioned. Many of us witnessed them, as did Tiakim, another member of the Order of the White Roses, and he jotted down notes on everything he saw. I will try to briefly summarize."
Mystiri says, "First the sky distorted oddly, and then multitudes of shimmering colors and explosions and sparkling lights spread across from one horizon to the other."
Mystiri says, "That lasted for several roisaen, possibly even an hour. After that the sky went dark again, and then three dark orbs hung in the sky, and transformed into shimmering dragons that did aerial acrobatics and them seemed to fly down menacingly at us. Thankfully they were not real, and they did not turn into fireballs and cause massive wounding."
Mystiri says, "And then there was an image in the sky of a human man, wearing tattered clothing and looking haggard, emerging from the mouth of a cave. He had dark hair, looked emaciated and dazed, and seemed like he had slept for a very long time. He looked to have Elven blood in him."
Mystiri says, "The image faded, and Tiakim felt fear wash over him, as I'm sure many others did as well."
Mystiri says, "Seemingly coming from a long distance."
Mystiri asks, "Did anyone else experience something similar?"
Xixist says, "I saw it."
Powerhaus says, "Something like that.. yeah."
Talliska says, "I didn't get to see it myself, but read Tiakim's recounting."
Mystiri says, "It was really quite spectacular."
Talliska says, "The last image I suppose is to represent Lanival of legend awaking from his long slumber. Or something like that."
Xixist says, "The image of Lanival set in the sky by the Gods."
Leucius says, "I likely saw it and assumed I was daydreaming."
Mystiri says, "The fear at the end did give me pause, though."
Jaleshia says, "Certainly seems that way. Though the fear is an odd attachment."
Talliska says to Leucius, "I heard you were accosted by a paper duck, though."
Mystiri says, "I.."
Leucius says, "Talk about fear."
Eladrin says, "Oo."
Jaleshia says, "Ducks are vicious. Even if they are cute."
Leucius says, "It was intent anyway."
Mystiri says, "Now, on a more cheerful note, for upcoming events, in Zoluren we have the next town meeting in eleven days. The Tavern Troupe is showcasing its talents in three days. There will also be a Memorial for Veralika in six days. And a Ranger's Guild meeting in nine. The Iron Circle will be hosting a hunting trip to the islands in four days."
Mystiri says, "I'm reeeally glad Mialeigh had such good handwriting."
Mystiri says, "In Therengia, there is ODS Strike Force maneuvers tomorrow and then again in eight days. A Theren Calvary Joust and Theren Theatre series in ten."
Talliska says, "She sure does."
Manze says, "Better than my scribbling at least.."
Mystiri says, "I will not ever be speaking for Manze, for the record."
Mystiri says, "Ilithi has a host of events coming up, including a joust in four days and a ridiculous rhymes contest in seven days."
Alexsei says to Mystiri, "It forces the development of improvisation skills."
Mystiri says, "I'm decent at that."
Mystiri says, "Some mentor events beyond the teaching nights up are Langen's feast in three days at the Town Hall in Langenfirth, a storytelling session in four at Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas in Leth, and Murder at the Mansion at the Great Tower in Shard."
Talliska says, "I've heard you are."
Mystiri says, "Says the woman who nicknamed me Chuck.."
Manze whispers to your group, "umm not true"
Talliska exclaims, "I just had something stuck in my throat!"
Mystiri says, "Annnnnd that's all I had."
Eilifure says to Talliska, "She seems to like the name. She mentions it constantly."
Talliska says to Eilifure, "I know, I'm a bit worried about her."
Talliska says, "All right, thanks very much Mysti. Now, Ruea has an announcement she would like to give tonight."
Ruea says, "Thank you, dear."
Ruea says, "Just a few quick things."
Ruea says, "There have been some recent changes in our Court and two positions have become available. I am currently filling in as Ambassador, and we are seeking a replacement, as well as a new Court Cleric."
Ruea says, "Any interested parties are encouraged to speak to our Court Advisor, Leucius."
Leucius asks, "Whoever told you to say that?"
Ruea says, "The other issue concerns an empath with whom you may be familiar, named Asrea."
Powerhaus asks, "She the one that bonded with Lyras before her demise?"
Ruea says, "She assisted in the war against Lyras and served as the vessel for the magic that finally defeated her."
Eladrin asks, "Isnt she the necromancer?"
Ruea says, "She's an empat."
Manze says, "She's an empath."
Ruea says, "Empath."
Ruea says, "However, she is currently associating with Necromancer."
Ruea says, "She has been in Theren making the claim that she is working for the Ilithic Court, and reporting to our Ferdahl."
Manze says, "So the reports go.."
Jerde says, "Been seen quite a bit in Therengia of late as well."
Ruea says, "I am here to assure you that this is entirely false."
Manze asks, "Which part? about being on the Court?"
Ruea says, "She is in no way associated with her Grace, or any other member of our Court or Militia."
Jerde says, "Noted."
Jaleshia quietly says, "Pretty bold lie..."
Ruea says, "She claims to be writing letters directly to the Ferdahl. However, many people write letters, that does not mean they are being received or read."
Talliska asks, "We truly appreciate the warning. Do we know which necromancer or necromancers Asrea is associating with?"
Ruea says, "We plan to deal with this issue further, but wished to keep our brothers to the North informed of the goings on."
Ruea says, "Yes."
Ruea says, "Ricci, I believe was the name."
Ruea says, "Thank you for hearing me. On a lighter note, I do hope to see you all for the song contest Ridiculous Rhymes, there will be trophies and a cash prize."
Ruea asks, "Were there any questions?"
Talliska says, "Thank you for keeping us well informed, and I wish the Ilithi Court the best in dealing with this matter quickly."
Leucius says, "Oh it will be quick."
Manze says, "Yes, no one should have to deal with that slander."
Alexsei says to Ruea, "Thank you kindly for the information and reports, Ruea - that is greatly appreciated."
Talliska says, "I did not have any other questions though, no."
Leucius says, "With that in mind, I need step out. Good day everyone."
Talliska says, "Thank you for coming."
Manze says, "Be well Leucius."
Leucius says, "Wonderfull efforts as ever White Rose."
Ruea says, "I'm afraid Kougen and I must be going as well."
Alexsei says, "Well then... If no one else has reports, comments or questions to present, I believe that will mark the end of this particular Town Meeting."

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ Zoluren Events (14), by IRBORED on the forums.