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(Bug) buggy WM list - 12/09/2012 - 00:27
(bug/info) Osrel Meraud testing LONG - 12/15/2012 - 23:16
(bugs) Redeemer's Pride - 11/29/2012 - 22:54
3.0 Magic Skills and our Spells - 11/06/2012 - 16:28
3.0 Spell Absenses - 11/21/2012 - 14:20
3.0 spell list - 3/31/2011 - 5:44:30
A few questions on spell scrolls in 3.0. - 08/28/2012 - 05:53
A revisit to a bad idea.. - 9/25/2010 - 7:44:45
A whole bunch of information - 04/10/2012 - 15:42
A whole bunch of information - 04/10/2012 - 16:46
A whole bunch of information - 04/10/2012 - 17:29
A whole bunch of information - 04/11/2012 - 02:57
A whole bunch of information - 04/11/2012 - 12:08
Agil for TM? - 12/1/2010 - 15:48:09
Align in 3.0 - 11/03/2012 - 14:34
Analogous Patterns 3.0 List - 11/11/2011 - 17:45
Analogous Patterns 3.0 List - 11/11/2011 - 18:02
Analogous Patterns 3.0 List - 11/11/2011 - 22:37
Analogous Patterns 3.0 List - 11/11/2011 - 23:09
Analogous Patterns 3.0 List - 11/11/2011 - 23:27
Analogous Patterns 3.0 List - 11/12/2011 - 00:18
Another Magic 3 Update - 02/26/2012 - 16:05
Another Magic 3 Update - 02/26/2012 - 16:39
Another Magic 3 Update - 02/26/2012 - 22:58
Arcana in 3.0 - 03/10/2012 - 12:10
Armifer - Some M3 Questions - 02/12/2012 - 01:06
Assessment - 11/30/2012 - 03:55
BMR - 02/18/2013 - 13:55
Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 - 5/6/2011 - 16:00:07
Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 - 5/6/2011 - 20:49:53
Blood Staunching Replacement - 11/25/2012 - 20:53
Bug? Charging camb and mana use - 11/26/2012 - 18:06
Cambrinth discharge question - 7/22/2010 - 23:34:48
Can't lose what you never had - 3/25/2010 - 12:33:08
Cyclic Exp - 12/13/2013 - 15:00
DO Change - 12/06/2012 - 15:51
Defending against magic - 11/26/2012 - 15:39
Devices in Magic 3 - 07/20/2011 - 01:30
Devices in Magic 3 - 07/20/2011 - 02:40
Devices in Magic 3 - 07/20/2011 - 10:36
Devices in Magic 3 - 07/20/2011 - 13:18
Duration of Raise Power - 12/06/2012 - 00:22
Few Simple Questions - 04/26/2012 - 17:00
Fissure Stacking - 12/20/2012 - 14:03
Foci - 12/12/2010 - 18:39:33
Foci 3.0 - 11/23/2012 - 07:19
General 3.0 timeline question - 12/25/2011 - 01:21
General 3.0 timeline question - 12/25/2011 - 01:43
General 3.0 timeline question - 12/25/2011 - 11:49
General 3.0 timeline question - 12/25/2011 - 21:01