Post:A whole bunch of information - 04/10/2012 - 16:46

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Re: A whole bunch of information · on 04/10/2012 04:46 PM CDT 2827
>>For barbarians, why can't evasion work for both primary survival and the evasion req?

As mentioned before, there's no real point in allowing barbarians to have evasion as their primary survival, because they ALL have evasion as their primary survival (except for a select weird few).

>>I'm still not happy that Offhand doesn't count for Nth weapon requirements. I know it's not a true weapon and just enables the use of the left hand, but I would consider that a weapon simply because without that skill I can't hit with my offhand.

Eh but without the parry skill you can't use your weapon to defend yourself, etc, etc. I'm sort of open to renaming it to "Offhand Ability" or something to make it less confusing, but I think it's a pretty sane distinction to make.

>>I also can't say I'm a fan of the tactics calc

Noted. MO caps low but as you saw, it's only 1/4 of the equation anyway. The scholarship component is there because it's a lore skill. If you want to think of it differently, you can consider it "Average(Average(MO, Brawling), Scholarship)" if that makes things a little more understandable.

>>Care to be explicit on barbarian magic grandfathering?

As noted before, we're going to go with the originally stated plan unless testing reveals a better approach to take.

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ The Experience System, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.